WorldView 1A
WorldView 1A
WorldView 1A
Simon Greenall
Series Editor, British English edition
Worldvierv Sludent Book rA
Pace 2 lldl I¡.k
Holhns$rc¡ttr /co¡bis. f¡¡81¡tl Michal Heronj 3
Pcrietcoúisi 4 Telegraph colou¡ Llbraryis rl bcrl Duclosi
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Scope and Sequence
Gretlnqs ¿nd l€vetakings; Fi6t Listenlng: People greeting each oher and saying goodbye
uutt I Here's my card. s{ond Lis¡enlng: A sho¡l conveGalion between two businesspeople
Sett¡ng up a office obj€cl¡j nunrbeB 20-99 Lisieni¡g:A phone conversalion be¡/veen ¿ customer ¿nd
/1, uutr 4
home office a sn esp€¡son ¿t an olice srpply s¡orc
wiú Tn
/l unr r Travel¡ng
Ilrings you lake on v¿otio'r; Reading: On Va.ntian
Lee, an
/// uutf 12
Lisleni¡g:A coN€6ation between a customer and a
clerk i¡ a mme¡! c othing sk)re
//1,, uN$ fl lob exchange Reading: Changing./obs: Ihe ca¡€€r coffrft¿na, a w€bslle
l€aturinq two people who ch¿ng€ jobs
sentence rMm saying he//o and; Write p€ople s names corr€rtly
introd ucing you Éelf
lndefnite anicles: a, ¿n
Plurah; be simpl€ pres€nt: F¿lling inronalion for wá- Askinq for and giving Wil€ inlomaiion on order fonn
quesrions ¿nd sratem€nls
Weak fo¡ms: 4 a4 rome, any Talking about v¿cations Dessibe your lravel plant
lncluding ihinqs ¡o pack and
DemonsÍative adjectivesl Alkjng for infomafon [4ake a shopping list of clolhes you
need, including ilems colort and sizes
Count and non count nouns; vowel sounds: /o/ in not and Talklnq aboul úe WÍE an email about foods you
like and how much you eal
Quantifiers: mud, manf
l;.tl'/,. rit rlil,,ri1ii;N:ii!t:.ttitti)it:. t: I
w Look at photos A-C. What are the people doing? What are they say¡ng?
ffi (-¿ tist"n <omplete the (onversation between Grace Lee and
Miguel Santos.
Grace Lee.
B: Miguel Sartos.
B: you, too.
my business card. _ üe Valdez Group.
B: (:lood bye.
O Listen. Not¡ce the rhythm of the sentences. The important words are
¡onger and stronger.
my cs¡'r.f hi¿--rÉ's my {ard.
Fitsi'?I l'rr: with h:erlz.
r,neet you f5Ne¿¡ied to ,'nee'e you,
¡{i.i-- to r¡eet yoLr, túl}
lüter see you later.
Hello. / Hil
Excuse me, wh¿t'5 your name again?
Pleased to meet you. / Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too,
Here's my card. l'm with...
Thanks. / Thank you.
Goodbye. / Byel / See you. / So longl
@ O rirt"n
,epeat the letters of the atphabet.
Company: 9ystena
ffi UtJil l;. t^U" turns spe¡l¡ng your f¡rst and ¡ast names.
Wdte your partner's name.
(i¡,t; ;;.2,t Z't Zr¡ f't :,t'tl
I t;,,t 1, 1,
oe pteserlt: Stnqular
Complete the sentences w¡th the corred form of the verb be. Us€ contract¡ons
when possible.
i:) /:, il1'.1 . Match the o<. pat¡ons with the photos.
I a¡ a¡chitect
-L an artist an assistant
I abusinessrvomcn a ca.hier a docror_
an englneel_ a flight attendant _ a gaphic designer
3 r¡ustc¡an ateacher a waiter _
@ O lirt"n
che(k your answers. Then listen and repeat.
@ O L¡sten to th€ numbers and repeat.
@ f) rirt"n
*rite the telephone and extension numbers you hear.
1. 2. 3.
4. 6.
@ O Urt"n unU .onnect the name tags that mat(h the three ¡ntroductions
you hear.
Hello,l'm Hello,l'm Hello, l'm
Sonia 5m¡th chr¡stopher Boswell l¡ro Nakamura
..aaqt 4
Look at the examples aga¡n. Complete the chart with the full forms
of the verb óe.
Look at the examples aga¡n. Complete the rules for ¡rdefin¡te a¡ticles ¡n the chart.
@ Complete the séntences w¡th a or an and the correct form of the verb be.
Use (ontractions when possible,
4. A:loh¡...?
B:Yes,I- JohnJohannsen. Andyou_. .. ?
@ O urt"n
your answers.
lJ,¡,t:t,i,tt,Wn r:1,,¿i,r¿n //.i,/L.tnt¡at; .,., t .
CD ñ t¡sten. Noti(e the pronun(¡at¡on of the contract¡ons and the way words
She's a teacher.
They're engineers,
@ ñ Lirt n
and repeat.
Selcra Williams
Tennis player
Think of two fr¡ends. wr¡te a short description of them. use the simple
present of the verb óe.
Read the qu¡z and c¡rcle the correct cho¡(es.
@ O rirt"n
your answers.
i lazz ¡sn't Austra ¿n. ls L K. Row ing BrtishT Yes, she is.
:, ludo and kendo aren't Chinese Are Na le Bery and Ben Affleck Ausf¿ ian? No, they aren't.
l,:l:' !:t:4, :,::1, , ,/:l
Rewr¡te the sentences to make them true.
W O Lieten. Norice how the voi(e goes up at the end of th€se yellvo
Are you canadian? Are they Brazi ian?
ls he French? ls she Korean?
A: Is paelLa ltalbn?
B: No, ¡t isn1. It's Spanísh.
Co¡'tveas¡rtoN ro ao
4/,,1i:i,11x;¡, na1 i:,,t|:,tt:,ti,t,
20 30 40 50 60 70
twenty thirty forty filty s¡xty sevenl
:9!Y lryY l
it/./il:i, wtite the item nurñber from the off¡(e suppl¡es catalog
next to the .orrect word-
a desk # a dictionary #_
a fax machine # a filé cabinet #
e folder # a notepad #
¿ printer # a 5tapler #
ffi () titt"n .na ,h€(k your answers. Then listen and repeat.
Si¡gular Plural
a briefcáse I briefoaaea
a desk
a dictionary
a staple¡
a fax
'."''l O L¡sten. Ruth has a tem
home office. she ¡s calling
an office supply store.
Check the photos. Which
¡tems do Ruth and the
salesperson talk about?
/i),t ;tt z:r,,,r r,, ¡ I r
S strdy th" of the verb óe in Wrr- questions.
' What is your name? / What's your name?
'Where is the fax machine? / Where's the fax m¿chine?
r How much ¡s the stapler?
What are the sh pp nq ch¿rges?
are the batteries?
How much are the fo ders?
[e, presenüi
sinqutar ] your address? 70 Bell Street.
the cell phone? ln r¡y bag.
a new desk? $19.
B: It's Palmer.
2. first name
B: It's I na.
3. email address
4. a box ofstaples
B: $3.00.
B: On the desk.
6. shipping chárges
@ f) rira"n. Notice how the voice goes up on the stressed (imponant) word
and down at the end of these Wh- questions and answers.
@ ñ Lirt"n
ffi U.rli'l:i. student A, look at page 136. student B, stay on th¡5 pag e.
You're a salesperson at Profesrional off¡ce suppl¡es. Student A calls you to place an ordet
Ask questions. Wr¡te the informat¡on on the form.
ffi Swftch rcles. Student B, look at page 136. Sludent A, stay on th¡s page.
il r,:tl'tt¿ l'/. /l;1 ttatt¡í,t¡(;1,¡:tut::t7;tN,,t;7
i,jx1i'¡'7 it"t¡ ¡;r,x¡x,t"l,'¡iit,t11 r¡,1 ¡¡y;i41.
,t:;i i7.'i l ' i1 .7. Choose one of the photos or think of other intenati onal
| 1 1..)
actiüTies, sports, foods, and ceiebrities. Don't saywhat you a¡e üinking.
Your pañners must use y¿slNo questions to guess,
'ú-?ti'l;,ora:nl,r:r7¿ .:::
ñ the song. wh¡ch pa¡r of fa€es matches the story ¡n the song?
Hello GoodbYe
You say say
You say
--,y€L,I and I say
Oh. no.
You s¿y dndlsdy
- -
- -,- -
Hello, hello.
I don't know why you say goodbye.
I say hello,
I don't know why you say goodbye,
I say hello.
I say
You say and t say- ,j
oh, no-
Yoü say I say
-and -
@ Look at the photos. Check (/) the five th¡ngs ¡n the box that you see.
". r,1r Wr¡te the words from Exerc¡se I underthe (orrect verbs, you will
use some words more than onÉ timé.
só tp
¿ ?"raarYa "1
{.} f) rirt"n
.heck your answers.
n!,¿.!,.) z.rV r:n,,,:t,¿
S- f) rirt"n to ttr"
interviews. What does
each speaker l¡ke? Write
the letter of the photo.
ffi O tirt n
nFxt to ea.h^g"in
Are the tentences true or false? Wr¡te r or F
John and Sue are _ (wé) ftiends. _ favorite restaurant is the Il4¡¿t
s. 6. (rhey)
Rock Café. _ 7. (rohn) favorite moüe is f¡?¿ ¿ ord of the Rings. _ special
B. ít)
effects are excellent. _ favorite books are Cry to Heauen arrd Dracula-
e. (sue)
@ ñ Lirt"n
!i) 77 t:" t:t h,i,r'arrt, t':1ii;:/.,r1;;i: tit i: :
l:llit|:1fl1: 'lr7l.i ::,t'l:/tll, write three more th¡ngs ¡n the first column. Then fill
in the information about your favor¡te th¡ngs ¡n the second column.
IV ahow
6lll:1Ll!1:i l:r'l :1, rake turns asking one another about favorite th¡ngs.
Take noies ¡n the (hart.
lnteresting places
,,ltLt::li :',it'.; Adjectives to describe places in a city
I.i, ¿/t) trt,:.) There ¡slThere are
'::,r.i:.i1.;).:) fa\king about places you know
ffi r'itlit t. Use the words in the box to complete the senten(es.
Mat h ea.h adjective w¡th its FontobeNls Road
by S i¡on Bea¡, Londc¡
t. cheap ,L a. unfriendll,
2. crcwded b. bad I love Portobello Road. lt's one of London's
main tourist altractions.There aren't any big
3. big _ c. empty depa¡tment stores, but there is an
4. friendly d. expensive ¡nteresting market on Fridays and
Saturdays.You can buy everything from
5. interesting _ e. teÍible fruit and vegetables to cheap clothes, CDs,
6. good f. boring books, and antiques.
Soho, ¡n New Yotk City, is interesting. What about food?There are some wonderful
There are erpensfue shops arul good restáurants, and theyle usually crowded on
ihe weekend. I love ihe MarketTavern.They
testaufafits . . ,
have excelleni music on Fridays and
Saturdays, and there are lots offriendly
: t:: ;:t,,l,i,;t¡ttt t,
ffi l'tLill'a Des<ibe the photd of Portobello Road. Use the adlect¡ves in Exerciee 2.
ffi Read about Portobello Road. Ar€ the sentences true or false? Wdte
each one.
tor F next to
* O t¡sten to Mar¡a tellPaulabout
Harvard square. che(k (/) the
th¡ngs they talk about.
a subway station
the university -
beautiful buildings
officebuildings -
old churches
new stotes _-
interesting restaurants
delicious d nks -
the Tea Roor¡ -
afruit ma¡ket -
a street musician
coffee bals -
liit r¡ filtnff,, U1t l¡ r;2,,t;r,,q,,¡¡,t;1,7,L:7,,.i,¡,;1.1¡, ;.,
@ StuCy tt w¡th there ,.5 and there are.
" "*".ples
There is/There! ¿n nte¡esting m¿rket on the weekend.
There are some wondeíu rest¿ur¿nts.
. There isn't a mov e the¿ter
There aren't any big r¡useums
@ Describe this pictu.e. Wr¡te f¡ve sentences. Use there ,yisnt a nd there aÍelaren,t.
ll,t:t;t n tl,r¿r,:,jtt i:t7:.2t:lu:,
////;/4/¡/.t/,!!.:1!¿.itti:,,i': .
@ O rirt"n
and repeat.
l) 77,t:'r
i:t',l.t v,r u;t, ///,1,iy')t/!!irh t., tt : .
l'tt|l1./i, Taketúña.Find out the ñame of the city and your partner's favor¡te
part of the city. Then ask your quest¡ons. Take notes.
4!!her93!\4!!tq9,st ryS]lfg
ls lheYe a Ag4l ru,,ustc cLrú?.
what dD Llke r|ost abo¿t (th¿). . . ?
Convzasenou to eo
0ffice, . . or living room?
office or living room
\itr,../tb1.tlr:,r''/ Furn¡ture in an
{;?rllviri/ Prepositions of location
:ii,4rl;r,q Tellinq someone where things are in a Ioom
'elrtn:;" wr¡te the numbers of the p¡ctur$ next to the correct words.
Tt,¡,¡¡nl,t,l,l,¡.¡¡,"1t;il /rit:l.l.Z,//,1 ;;1,t1,)t ti i :. | | :
f) Listen to the words. Not¡ce the number of syllabl€s and the stress.
Wr¡te each word in the corred group.
¡hair armchaiv
@ O rirt"n
.he(k your answers. Then l¡5tén aga¡n and repeat.
Put the desk in front of the w ¡dow The caLendar s above the sofa.
l'd lke the computer on the desk, please. Theres a stereo in the cabinet.
Put the plant next to the sofa. The w¿stebasket is unde¡ the desk
Put the armch¿ir oppos¡te the desk.
Look at the exampler aga¡n. Where ¡5 the ball? Wr¡te the corrett prepog¡tion for
ea<h picture.
@ W
@W W @
1 nexl la )
@ , ,' .'. say a ienten(e. Look at the picture. say the sentence aga¡n w¡th the
correct preposrtron.
(rfp r:t t;:ttrt.iz'r,,47 (////t1/,,,i1,.ttti;t :t, ::. : :
rakelurns descr¡b¡ng your office or l¡v¡ng room, Describe the th¡ngs ¡n your
room. Use prepos¡t¡ons to talk about their locat¡ons. Your partner will draw the
furn¡ture and objects on the floor plan ¡n your book.
Show the floor plán to your partner when you're fin¡shed. 15 everyth¡ng ¡n the right
'U',/'l)'t.ivir'/'i)'///////i/.tt1,:tit:t: ¡i.t.'i;t.)t.
Draw a floor plan of an olfice or liv¡ng room you know and write a descr¡pt¡on
of ¡t. Use the prepos¡t¡ons of location from th¡s un¡t.
'i.::.:':.i:t|t/j/7 Holiday celebrations
¡i|t).ttt/ti;tt Simple present: affirmative statements
! t:t..t i)1..) r!t, f alking alrout holidays
Look at the photos of some ¡mportant celebrations. Guess. ln what countr¡es are
these celebrat¡ons? When do they take pla(e? See page 141 for answers.
'/it rtnúí'¡,2,¡¿
Novet r'Lber ea
7 #
-::::, "*"r
KLtt h¿^ . A Lót of otar reLatrves .,t
a, <i x. a,.rack L4
^i^qw besi.*, us a,,. ;^, t a";
^:^" ,":"ck ana tlen,^g w,atne..L^ tre ".;;;","
,t^l:,?.,:,:?:;::',;";;.):)1"7"Á#fiíilllf Í:,,""
a Lv./ a
a h av ¿ o of
f¿¿ a yu o o *.,i. i) 1"í "'IiJ"::,I:.^
.ADthcr a^d
I fa. ga
1.t, seÍa a "'X
a _ott< .
ti),1: t:,¿,1,t:,t f n t:ln' tt .1¡
¿ tU
For third person s nqular sublects, such as he, 5he, or i¡, add to the verb
But add to dq go, and verbs that end ln -ch, -5 -5h, x for third person slngu ar
s!blects. -
NOTE: Look ¿t the w¿y the verb /r¿ve chang€s:
I h¿ve breakfast at 10 00
He h¿5 bre¿kl¿n at l0:00
" "
l) ii,:'iii,'):, ii t):iii,.'l:,,, i' ),; )l',,,1,;l ; r.l l
llr¡ Ur¿,,,1ru,t;.!t ;.2'/t;ír,:tn
////,y'1)!:///i/iiih'., r |,
O L¡sten. Not¡ce th€ three different pronunciat¡on5 of the
th¡rd-person s¡ngular -sl-es ending.
ffp f) usten ano .heck your answers. Then l¡sten again and repeat.
illltüllil /l
fl.1l) 'lltt lt Th¡nk of a hol¡day that your fami¡y celebrates each year.
Wr¡t€ the th¡ngs that you and your family do.
Describe the th¡ngs that you and your family do. Don't tell your
l?/tlll:i. fake tutns.
panner the name of your hol¡day! Your partner w¡¡l guess whi<h celebrat¡on ¡t ¡s.
M! sister cü1d I geL up early and make breakfast for my mothet we also cook dinner in
the etreníng. My Dud buys my mother J'lourerc.
/y'/iiii,ttl:ti//i,)ii)::'!: i. : :
@ Write a letter to a fr¡end about a special day or a hol¡day you (elebrate every
- year. Use the s¡mple present and some of the vocabulary from this un¡t.
CoNvERs,.rtoN To co
W ,jjr,,.,tt,,,r:t,17lj /.
StudentA, say your 1ávodte thing to do, oryoüI favorirc kind of
restaurant, or youl favorite food. Student B, rcport Student As information. Then say
your favorite ihing to do, your lavo te kind of restaur¿nt, or your lavorite food. Then
Students C and D continue.,:i t.:)/t: .lJ. Take turns. Think of a ciry, a tor n, or a neighborhood (a¡ ¿rea in
a town o¡ city) . Say three things about it- Your partners will guess the place.
Itt busy
really big friendly
super intereling
á little cheap
t.,,:'i,,: .l i.:t.:t.ttit,.:.;)t . . . ¡t.,. ii1.1i1:i;1¡ :1:.¡t;,',,,;ri'i
ttty''! ( ) L:. i n rp rn,l, ,u'\' . o^[: h"ni, Ul'
-* r n'. Ll)oo.eo-o ., r in r'r, ' r' c \a\"r \F P r¡ e
¡bour i.-1o." ,,. ".r' p e \,i r,ar ,e ir, r,pr'.' 1'Hrl,\u c.\\ro.ll,p
"fastest listener" ?
' \ou.\'rl ,J cn.,, r':..lle-.\\,ir.. r
rr. ne.o.\h,,,iLl¡ .,nd.tpir¡,, r'b lo_. \\'',, -L,l
one on a srnail piccc of paper. Irold thc papers in halfand
mi\ them alltogether. Exchange papcrs $rith another group.
t./':i'..11l: t1 l.t j:
lr. Take turns. Pickaloldedpaper.\'ou will
ha\.e 30 seconcis. Gire information the holidal', but
don'¡ saythe nane. llno orre can gLress, rctllln the paperto
the pile. Correct answers receive I poirlt. Kccp scole.
The collectors
t,ltt.:iiit/1t", t/ Objects people collect; numbers 100-1,000,000
I.ittt",t",r,4t Simple ptesent: yesl/Vo quest¡ons, short answers, and
negative statements
'::,l:tii ittl¿; t.:) lalk¡ng about possessions
a book a clock
-qÍ a doll_ a photo album
@ Read the article about the collectors, Then comp¡ete the senten<es
cor¡ect ¡nformation.
w¡th the
,¡:tfAU:,t',,q,V,¡,.2a¿li,rAfu. r///////;/t),/;ti,.//1////.ij!i.:ñ.ti.:
O l) f¡rt"n to t¡ese words. Notice the stressed (strong) syllable ¡n each word.
m¡llion animal
@ O usten again, Th¡s t¡me, not¡ce the sound of the vowel ¡n the weak
:'r. l:t
He/5he/li doesn't
(does not)
, 4',il1)"',1
iir:l'lllll: '/l)l.i :'lt1:. t!,11. F¡ll out the quest¡onna¡re. What do you collect?
How many do you have? You can use about (for exampl€, about t00) or
over (for example. over 50).
CoNvERsaT,ov To
The modern world
t,ttl:1:',1:titl ¿t
Words related to communications
::- ,.: Smplepresent: L4lh_ questions
'irt1.r1.ti//t lalklng about ways of communicating
you rr¿ Do you _- friends
I Do the lnternet? 5
b)by emall?
2 Do you _- books
Do you .--to music
a) by malt? 6
"t banking
Do you -.--Your Do you Your news
7 a)from --
Do you ,-- hotels or fliShts
I Do you ---- information
/////////iihtr,.::i ::t t :
't :
33 43 66 80 98
@ Look at the examples again. c¡rcle the correct word to complete each rule.
For L4lh- quesiions ln the sirnple present wlth he, she, a¡d l¿ lse do / does.
For Wh questions ln the simp e present w th, you, we, and they, use do / doeJ.
After do or doet use the inlin¡tive / base form of the verb.
'/il r; t4t¡,;¡,¿
4x x1,,¿,t1,t;ii ¡,,'
ii,7tr:nLtinr:tr u',,'.:, ' ',.
do you do research?
lt,:! ti:ili fake turns.lñterv¡ewothet Wr¡te your notes on your interv¡ew form.
Then descr¡be your partn€r to the cla5s. lJse the informat¡on below
Ana María uses the Internet to d.o almost everything! She buys books on the Intetnet,
and she uses email to contact her friends. She Likes to do thíngs lery quickly
1 l1i,¡1,¡,7 rt;
::¡ ¡t :,;. ;,.
CoNvERsartov To
tittt,i:1r"/ Things you take on vacation; types
of transportation
l,), tr'ltari:a A, an, some, any
:1tt:,!,t ii'.t|", n f alking about vacations
l::Llli.::i wfite the letter of each object nexttothe correct a bathL||g set\:
word on the l¡91.
@ ot".t 1/¡ ttt" types of transportation you see,
D bicycle E boat
fl motorcycle E plane
D train E trolley
@ frr.l,t:;. Look at the photo of Tim Lee, a writer for travel gúidebooks. Pred¡ct:
What six üings from the list on page 48 does Tim always take wiü him on vacation?
\ /hat t\,vo üings does he not take?
@ f) Usten. ttotice the weak pronun(ia tion of a, an, soñe, and any.
lalwáys pack a camera, I never take a CD player
An alarm clock is impoñant. I don,t take an umbrella.
I pack sor¡e books. Itake sorne sweaters,
I don't pack any guidebooks. Do you take a¡y travelers checks?
@ O rirt"n
and repeat.
fi 77 ?1 i:,t Ntt;ir,t't:¡:
/4¡ t'/: :) ::: :i :: : :
Olll:1i.|?ii t.:tlt .1. choose one of the photos. De<¡de how to travel to th¡s plac€, what
to pack, and how to travel once you are there. Tak€ notes about your dec¡s¡ons.
Tim Lee is going to a new place to wr¡te his next gu¡debook, and you?e go¡ng
with h¡m! choose the dest¡nat¡on and make the plans.
write a paragraph aboutr
. the things that you wanl to pack.
. how you want to travel fromyourhome to youl destination.
. how you want to travel when you are üerc,
lJae a, an, some, any, and Some of the vocabulary from th¡s un¡t. use these sentence
aiartersi I want to . . .,/ I'm going to . . .
CoNvERsartoN To Go
.t ta'&,:
I usuálly lrarel trt .;it'/ and lake ttrli/t
'y'1ttarttt¿t,.i Clothes and sizes
4ttirairll:/ úemons]rative adjectives: fh6, that, these, those
1:,1t.',¿r.t!11, Asking fot information in a store
@ Look at the p¡ctures. Match the pictures to the correct words ¡n the box.
boots coat tL
shorts sk¡rt
M€n's sizes
jackett 34 36 4244 /,(::. .ti1
I.:¡t1;17..,t.i.11,';.1.1. 1i 4¡ ..'.
@ O rirt"n
and repeat.
(,'i,'t r; t,tit,t;.'t l,|t
i:t :¡:,¡'¿'t't't a,
@ Study tne examples w¡th the demoñstrative adjective5 t ,¿t tha¿ these, and thoje.
This sk rt G nice.
That skirt in the window is very popular
Do you have these p¿nts n bl¿ck?
Those pants near the dooT aTe on sa e.
Look at the examples again. Use rear or not rea¡ to complete each rule in the (hart.
@ l) rirten
.heck your answers.
!i,'p t;:t
A:',lt t:t'r:/,
///iiiiitt., i:t,.','
lmaq¡ne you need some new dothés (for example, for a new iob, for
a party, or for a trip). write a list of th¡ngs you want to get. lnclude
the ¡tems, colors, and s¡zes you need.
,$ ii
Co¡rvens¡¡ro¡v ¡o co ú-{/-i / r\ flru
Ai tj?,./t t, t\4t,l.t :íltzt'2 g+
B: Do yoú have
and iTtxittl?
?,l7in sweatet iR 1,x'/q1t, /rt';/ i¿t'71,
l.t \! .....
¡,i't:¡irl "ti|) tti: :lt't,t,,t,liUf tZ 'U t¡:i,11
@ O ri"t.o to tt
model conversation.
Think oI a place to go on vacation. Imagine üat you 8o there €very year. W¡ite down
three things you always take with you and one thjng that you never take.
ti'Ll:)i.12:i ti:
4., Take lurns. Tell your group the vacation place. The gmüp müst
guess the things you always take and the thing you neve¡ take.
/1, !2:'¡x,¿r¡ ¡,nVxt¡r,xq,
A',t:t ul, 1,T',/
I. A:\ /hereare you going on vacation
this year?
B:Wele going to the mountains to
be alone. We waot to get away
from the hú6r"lin? crtwi,6 .
2. A: This prcject is
I don't think I can finish on time.
B: Keep trying. I know you can do itl
3. A: I donl mind üe bad weather.
I love the air after it ¡ains
B: Me. too. It smells so
4. A:U¡hat a dayl I worked ftom I A.M. until t0 ¡.M.
B:Youlook . Can I get you something to eat and drint?
5. A: Please, sit here. There's
B: Thantyou.
ffi O firten to ttre song. Put the p¡dures ¡n the correct order to tell the man,s story.
@ O t*en to ttre song aga¡n. F¡ll ¡ntheblanks.
Up on the Roof
Wh€n this old Onthe roof s the only ptace I
starts geiting me down
And people are just too much Where you just haveto wish
@ O rirt"n
your answers. Then I¡sten and repeat.
l,/,111:t;. whi.h foods in Exerc¡se 1 are sweet and wh¡ch are not sweet?
Write them ¡n the correct column-
rrrrl ?.i/:i. Do you know what the following word and phrase mean: chocoholic and
to have a sweet tooth?
!í,'Vl O titt nrctn. interview and check (/) the words from Exerc¡se l thatyou hear.
',i.,1tt112NiL:1. I
i,lil:;;:i Do you think sweet foods are healthy or unhealthy for you? Read the art¡cle
and compar€ your answers,
A rc r,,1, cr.rzr ¡bour su eets? your health. They say to ear a r.ariet-v 4
G of foods: lo¡s of fmits a¡d vegetebl€s,
f\ Hou m.rn1 co.kies d' r.u
1 l.¡r ,n ., ,1.,r ? and snraller portions of bread, meat, .t
chocolatel How mLrch soda do you and dair¡ Then have a cookie or two
drink? A lot of people love sr¡'eets. In for dcssert.
lacr, a lot of peoplc eat and drink rtxr Are nvo cookies enough to satisfy
b. youl swcet tooth? Il not, üy thesc *
menv swee¡ rhings. And th¿tt not
good. It can lead to health problems. suggestiorls: cat some fruit instead of
b If you ear a lot of cookics, ice ¡ lor ¡,f chocol¡te or ice crearn. d¡i¡l< fr
c¡cam. or cal¡e be c¿¡efu]. Doctors some iuice instcad of soda, or eat a
say that too many sweets are bed for feu. n,¡ts inste¡¡l of some ca¡dv.
Read the articte aga¡n. lJnderl¡ne the word that makes each sentence true.
I. Alot ofpeople lovc sweefs / butter.
2. Too manv cookies / vegetables are bad for your health.
3. lt's OK to eat one or two cookies / cakes for dessert.
,1. It's good to eat sor¡re fri¡it / chocolate instead ofice cream.
t' a:¡n'm',,;¡:tr 4¡
4x x;,v,1,'1.i rt21¡;¡'1; 1.,,
@ stuuy tne examples w¡th the quant¡f¡e rs mtch, many, and a lot of.
Do yoLl e¿t mu(h butter? No, not much Idon't eat many sweets.
I don't put much butter on ¡ny bread. Our femiy eats a lot of potato chips.
How many cookles do yoLr eat? Not many. We also eat a lot of fruit.
Look at the examples aga¡n. complete the rules w¡th ¡nucfr, m any, ot a lot of.
llf r¿,tl,ol,l:,t,t:,itn¡,;,i,t:tt't 4;i!,1,:t:t| ., : :
ffi | ) tisten. floti(e the vowel sounds of AIl in not and /\/ ¡n rut.
not nut one nut not a lot
much much butter Do you eat much butter? No, not much.
a lot a lot of nuts I eat a lot of nuts.
love love butter How rnuch butter do you eat? A lot. I love butterl
ffi O tirt n
ti 1: i: i:) l l: ./ t), li l r: /¿ i i.
Complete the first column
w¡th the names of other
foods and beverag€s.
fake lwns. lntetview
each other Use mucrt, many,
ot and a fot of ;n your
questions and answers.
Take notes.
Dr. Food has a webs¡te about favorite foods. what do you l¡ke to eat? wr¡te an ema¡l
to Dr. Food about the foods you like and tell how much you €at.
ffi underli¡e the correct verb to romplete ea(h sentence. want to make a change.
/t"jt¿ Gary Hampton, a hotel manager, and viv¡ane L¡sboa, a driver, are
'''_ ex(hanq¡nq jobs. Pred¡ct the answers. Then read the text and check your
'4h Read lhe lext again and complete the sentences with y (Viv¡ane), G (Gary),
' or I (both).
L .án\pe¡i...F\erdllan8u,rgi.'.
2. can drive atruck.
3. can't readnaps,
4. -_ cant sing.
5. can'tspeaklapanese.
l,¡/ou/He/S he,M/e/Th ey
l,¡Yo u/He/She^//e/Th ey
Yes, I
No, I
? t t:tz:,tt lnzr;,i i:t't;,2t::t't1l 4tllr;:titi't:::, - : :.: :
{} O a'r,"n. Not¡ce the weak and strong pronunc¡ations of car. Not¡ce the strong
pronunctatton ol (¿n t.
lcan drive a truck, lcan't sing.
can you read a map? Yes, I can. / No, lcan't.
Sp f) risten
and repeat.
@ O rirt"n
underl¡ne the word you hear.
Think about your job sk¡lls. Wr¡te about the skills you have and the skills you don't
have now, but want to l€arn. Use can and can't and some of the vocabulary in this unit.
CoNvensarto¡,t ¡o ao
ti"t "1
t:tw rti'a'tl,¡;t'tt. i,',¿ íri,,!,
W# t: :: \ruJenr A.r'ort\cn,,,,irnpror'p
your eaiiDghabits. Student ts, you are a
nu¡ritionist. Ask queslions to find out
¡bour stL,de,I A! earirg h¿hit\. 1 Lpn
make some recommer1datirrns,
Recommendationsl Recommendations:
i-¿t tr:)re i.l,'t,
't,'1'¡¡t7./taal//1. jl'¿¡lilnrity,r;,lr;'t¡,1,:,,,tr;tt;t'
ffi l.:t.,rt,:ili,,WolK uround the room and ask questions. Find someone \,vho .
'',,)n2'/, 'r
, 'h.zt,,¿r,r¿2u,'4t:
'/ 1.Jl:h!L ü/1, 7:.%r,:!t/(:l,r:'t tr,/ ;r| ,4, /
,li',"ur,!t 'l::,'¿:1.tdrvt:/;ti
r:¡,¡. t: t. ilt, lo r1,t:u.N. f,
Choose three names. Say and spell each one. You need to order office suppl¡es. Call Professional
Off¡ce Supplies. Order fiv€ ¡tems. LJse the item
A: lenníJbr Conklin. I-e-n-n-í'f e r C o n k l-i-n numbers.
Nil'¡xtlt¡. fi , ri1x7,.r¿v,r;ll,st;1 ()
l;iThuvl /,tt
Famo¡rs People
Peé is Brazili¿n.
Tlger Woods js Ar¡erican.
t t,t.;:) l::.1,,. t), i:, i. t t t.|t i t ri' i:, i:),
Role-play a conversation between a salesperson Look at the picture of the Cormack family. Take
and a customer. You are the !álesp€rson. Follow turns asking quesüons to f¡nd f¡ve d¡fferences
the arrows to help create your conversation. between your p¡(tu¡e and Student B's p¡cture.
Take notes,
Try to help the customer f¡nd and buy what he/she
is look¡ng for. Use the items and pr¡ces on th¡s page.
You can offer items in diff€rent colors and s¡zes.
A: Is the san utalching TW
B: No, he ísn't. He's ...
\:(hn I help )0u?
B:Yes- Da wu have this suit ínbrount?
. i!!l!9.:!91,,'
Try t on?
.. l
w, .:.r:1,:.4
$25.00 w ñ1 Iw Stwder*Y's
lLot\LYe. '
$75.00 $39.00
t:.M!, ..
'j !l:.r"
w s299.00
, .:,4:,
. ..
)/t/,) ;r, .. i,ltit'tl'1,'1, iil,:,,,.t:,:t:, ::: i,t'
'ixtirt't,i4nti ltl it),ttl1t::i1i l:.
You are the waiter/waitress. Students B and C w¡ll Take turns asking and answering questions to
choose what they want from the menu. Take their complete Marc Anthony's bioqraphy.
B: I\rhere
did he grow úp?
A: Can I take your order? A: He grea up in New York City.
B: Yes, IA líke a cheese and tomato sandúich.
C: I'll haue a ham santlwích. Can I haue a house
salad uíth that, please?
,t ;i 1{ilr'r:iiii.i.
llis early li{e
ll. MarcAnthonywas born in 1969. His parenis
werefrom Puerto Rico, but he grew up in
New York City. When he wa, a child, he loved
Ilis career
N¡arc Anthony had hG fkst Spanish hit in the
year_. His popularity staned to grow
He sanq a sonq w'th ie¡nifer Lopez in 199a.
The nextyearwas a big yearfor M¿rc
Anthony.ln 1999, hewo¡ a GrammyAward,
he made a movie, and he made hk_.
''l,li /,i)
, l;;v,.4t/t,.i)tit:i/, ,tzuT I i,N'il;r i;, 1,, li;. 1¡l'U,i:ot¡: lj
lil.t.t lt::tt1ti /'. lLtr:tu)¿,:,¡1|¡ li
6¡ve Student B d¡rect¡ons to the places he/she choose three names. say and spell eaó one.
asks for
B: Sydney Doalíng. S y-d-n-e-y D-o-u-l-i-n g
B: I/Vhere is thefrness center?
A: Take the eleuator to the . . .
Ask Student B for d¡rect¡ons to these places and Sydney Dowli¡g Samuel Rodr guez
lab€l each place oñ your hotelfloor plan. Rebecca Ortman Benjar¡in Le Febre
. café Marcos Sailes
Martha Sanchez
. swimming pool
. room 204 Hsa Matsunaga
. restaurant Ae lin Yoon M n Wanq
Flamenco is Spanish.
Ta chiis Chinese.
Food and Drink
Sauerkraut is German.
Coqnac and champagne are French.
Are your flool plans the same now?
Famous People
Teams take turns. Team 1 goes first. Student C will ask what a Santo5 fam¡ly member is dojng. Student
A, f¡nd the person in the picture on th¡s page and pantom¡me what he or she is doing. Student C w¡ll
guess using the present conünuous tense. Student A, you (an only give two pantom¡me clues.
Teams take turns. Team 1 goes first. took at the menu. Student A, g¡ve your order to Student C. Wr¡te a (/)
next to the ¡tems you order. Ask Student C to repeat your order. Check to see how many ¡tems he/she
remember5. Subtract a po¡nt for each item he/she forgets. Keep score.
til.rZUítl,n '1, V¡jy,t.¿::tf q'it,4.1, /t n,fu:tí /,. /), l/:r.¿tl',¡,t;.1ili"'tl' 2
'ii't.,Lrú/,:tnti. 2, /,t.:tt f,n ¿'tf l¡¡:t'/
You are a game show host. Name an ¡tem on this Thanksgiv¡ng Day
list. The players willtry to guess the pr¡(e. The lnthe U.S.: ln Novenber, on the fourthThursday.
person who guesses the closest w¡thout go¡ng over Families gather fo¡ a traditional meal of turkey,
wins the item! potatoes, graw, and pie.
In Canada: In Octobe¡, on t¡e second Monday.
briefcase $65.00
cell phone $50.00 carnaval
desk $79.00 ln Brazil, rlsually in February (sonetimes in March).
dictionary $ 6.75 'Ihe most famous celebration takes place in Rio de
fax machine $99.00 is always just befbre the Catholic holy
file cabinet $49.00 period ofLent, which begins on Ash wednesday
printer $89.00 and ends with Easter.
stapler $ 7.99
New Year's Day (Shogatsu)
In japan, on ]anuary 1, 2, and 3. People eat speci¿l
food called os¿¿hi ¡yori. The food is packed in a
I t, tlAl/l:t''ll ';1,, t|'4.?"(//,t/,!ii'/.1 I special box and is very colorful (see page 36).
9'turlri:,na,:. /i,
People also visit temples and pray for safetv, he¿lth,
and Éiood fo¡tune.
lndef¡nite artic'es a, an
. Use awith singular nouns thai beginwith a
be present singular
. Theve¡b b¿has different forms for the subject
consonant sound,
pronouns in the present,
you you
he/she/ t they
. Sorne verbs can be conf¿Cled two ways.
. Use contractions in conversation and inforrnal you/welthey atent = you/we/they're not
he/she/¡t isn't = he/she/¡t's not
. Do not use contract ons in aff rmaiive short
Long Form Contract¡on A: ls he Brit¡sh?
B Yes, he ¡s.
yoLrafe you're x Yes, he's.
he ts he's
it is t's
we are we're
they are they're
t1,!,'txi?,. /1, Possess¡ve 's
. Use possessive 's with singular nouns,
Plurals; be present: W',- quest¡ons Tltis is Sarah's Íauor¡te song.
Pluralnouns Basketball ís Darid's fauotíte spotl.
. Add -s to make most nouns plural. B¡azíl's t)e1etables are excelle t.
a urallet ) luo wallets My dog's Iauorite food ís chícken.
Tbl1li I
a ¿ell phone )
fout destr.s
three cell phones Hi\ l
. Add -¿s to nouns that end in -clr, -slt, -s, or -¡. Pñm\ ) ^
farol Lte mü\tt ts sat\a
awatch ) ¡¡ue Luatches H¿t I
) t,oo dishes . IJse an apostrophe (') alone \,ilh regular plural nouns.
a gldss ) three gLússes The boy! fauotite sport h saccet.
> two Jhxes The Corrs' musíc is excelLent.
. Fornouns that end in consonalt + -/, change/to i
and add -es. Note: Use possessive 3with irrequ ar p ur¿l nouns.
a dictíonary + tluo díctíonaúes The ch¡ldren's favarite movie /5 fov Story
'V r|t
'1,!tz't't'1.. llr,tit,t;
Prepos¡t¡ons of lo(at¡on Simple present feslrvo quesüons, short aniwers,
. Use prepositions o[]ocation inext to, above, under, and negative statements
opposite, in front of, in, on) to saywherc things are.
There's ú computer on the desk. YeilNo quest¡ons
Is there a b6ll un ler the tabLe?
Do /you/we/they
The stereo ís n't ín [ront of the wínÍIoLu. co ect souven rs?
Does he/she/it
túnit¡, lt)
Short answers
Simple present: aff ¡rmat¡ve statements Aff¡rmat¡ve Negative
. Use the simple present to ¡alk about routines and
/yo u/we/they /yo u/we/ihey dont.
habits. Yes, No,
does. he/she/t doesn't
/YouA /e/They play Negative rtatements
bal on Sund¿ys.
He/5he/ t plays /YouA /e/Th-"y don't
have ¿ .o n co le.iion
He/She/ t
. Third pcrson (he/she/it):
Add -s to mosiverbs in the third person singular.
Note: The b¿se form of the veÍb never
He plays football eu¿ryday. changes in a qLrest on or negative stater¡ent
Add --¿s to do and go, andverbs ending in -cr, -sl¿,
Does he collect th¡ngs?
-s, and X Daes he collects th¡ngs?
da + does wa,sh ) u)ashes
He daesn't collect things
She does her homeurork.
X He doesn't collects things.
He uashes the ¿líshes.
Forverbs ending in consolant + -/, changc/to ¿
Note: The verb haye s ¡rregu ar in the s mple
present. /you/we/they
lbase form of
h¿ve J h¿s the ve¡bl
Ihave lunch at 1:0A he/she/it
She has breakfast at 8:AA How
ask about tlme.
' Use ¡rt?¿n to 'r,i r¡i!¿ "l ii
when do most people usually ú¡ tiue?
Count and non-count noans; How muchlHow manta
\[hen rloes she get to u)ork?
.llse Quantifiers: much, many, a lot of
to ask about locations,
. Some nouns are countable.We can count them, and
Where do LL'e keep the extftt supplies?
they have plural lbrms.
wherc does she pat the füies?
,ne nut tao nuts
'Use ¡rt¡l io ask about a aeason. . Other nouns ale not countable-We can't count them,
Ithy rlo you conJirm your reseruotíons?
and they do not have plural forms.
wlry does the company ask Jbr a nwnber?
. Use ho¡l to ask about aprocess.
neat X two meats
kel:chup X threeketchups
How do lou usually pay by cash or credit card? . Use m¿¡¡v with count nouns in questions and
How does your boss comtnunicate?
There dren't many cookíes.
'..¡.L,il. /N/!,
Does she eat many patato chips?
Hoú man! cmckers are on the plate?
. Use r¿¡¿crr with non counl nouns in questions and
. Use ¿r or dr. to talk about one thing (singular).
I take a book anÍ1 an umbrclla.
we don't haue much milk.
. Use so¡ne to talk about more than one thing (plural)
Do you dri* much juíce?
l\,hen the number is not iñportant.
Hoú much soda ís on the t6ble?
IVe always take some baaks.
, Use d¿y with questions and plural negatives.
. U\( d /ol o/w;lh .oun, ¿nd nor .our.10 rr ..r
atTirmative senlences.
Doyou húle d! crcdit cLlkls?
There's alot offaad.
Jack ¡loesit tuke an! books oñ üacat¡on.
There are a lot of apples.
'\lsethis, that, these, and f¡¡ose to indicate specific subject +calrt + base form of the verb
¡eople or ihings. He can't dr¡ve a truck.
can + subl,"ct + base forr¡ of the verb
close Not close Question can yau arqan¡ze informatian?
: ngul¿r ths that Yes+subject+ca,
Short Yes, lcan.
1is shirt ís too plain.
tl it uith that jacket auer therc.
. u ¡:¡nt to bLq these shoes, Note: Canlcar't do not change in the third-
person s ngular.
Those hools in tlrc carner are níce, too.
He can Ape.
X He cans t\/pe
r, ¡it'lXUlt,¡:'t :t U +r¡''r,ry;
tJm|t tr ten twenty
Hello. eleven thifly
Hi. twelve forty
thirteen fifty
Bye. fourteen sixty
Goodbye. fifteen seventy
See you. sixteen eighty
So long. seventeen ninety
Thanlyou. eighieen
Thanks. nineteen [!nit 5
baseball game
Excuse me, what'syour name again? tlnit 3 book
Here's my (business) card. market
I'm. . . Argentina/fugentinian magazine
I'm so[y, could you ¡epeat that? movie
I'mwith... museum
Canada/ Canadian
It's nice meetingyou. newspaper
Mynameis... restaurallt
Fra¡ce / French
Nice to meet you, store
Germany/ German
Nice to meet you, too. TV show
Pleased to meetyou.
tl¡tit 6
Umit 2 Korea/Korean
architect Italy/Italian
artist lreland/Irish
assistant Mexico/Mexican
businessman/businesswoman Spain/Spanish
cashier Thailand/Thai
doctor Turkey/Turkish empty
engineer the United Kingdom/Bitish expensive
flight attend¿nt the United States /Amedcan friendly
graphic designer
musician Unit & interesting
battery small
briefcase terrible
box ofpaper clips unftiendly
cellphone wondeIful
üree dictionary
four fa\ machine
frve file cabinet
six folder
eight printer
MnfrtV Wmltlfi suit
armchait book a hotel
bookcase buybooks
cabinet contact friends
extra large
c¿lendar do your banking
extra small
chair getyournews
computer lisien to music
desk use the Intemet
plant 6Jmüt lX llutit"'83
printer alarm clock
sofa bathing süit bread
stereo beachtowel hr11er
table books to read cake
telephone camera candy
wastebasket CDs cheese
credit card chocolate
\jwüt& film coffee
cook lunch guidebook cookies
dance to salsa music hikingboots crackers
drinkjuice map fruit
eat ice cream phrasebook ice cream
get up at 8:00 portable CD player nuts
give a present sunglasses porato chjps
go for a walk sweatets soda
play a game traveler's checks
visit a friend umbrella Llnüt"Ae¡
wash the dishes ¿lesign a \,¡ebsite
bicycle drive a car
43nát 9 boat manage a hotel
book bus read a story
clock car repair a car
doll motorcycle sing a song
photo album plane speal a language
picture subway type a letter
plate tLxi write a report
postcard train
Poster trolley
stuffed animal
toy tlxrát12
T-shirt boots
video coat
one hundred pants
one thousand shirt
ten thousand shoes
one hundred thoüsand shorts
one million skirt
Acknov¡ledgments Motoliniai Raquel Márqüez Colin, Universidad St.
lohn's; Francisco Castillo, Carlos René Malacara
Iheauthors andserjes edito¡ lvish to ack¡owledg€ Ramos, CELE - UNAM/Mascdones; Belcnr Saint
\4Jfl.n. Preparatoria lStC: Mi
ith gr¿titu dc thc reüewers, consultants, ",.,¿J¿lul! \gui{¡
and pilo ters for thei¡ thoughttul co¡tribütions to the Hcrnández, Comunidad EducativaMontessori; Isel
dcvclopr¡ent of Wo,JdYi¿¡r. Vargas Ruelas, Patrici¿ Contreras, Centm Universitario
BnAZIL: SAo Paulo: Sérgio Gabrjel, FMU/Culru¡a Oparinr Gabriela Juárez Hernándcz, Arturo Vergara
Inglesa,lundiafi lleloÍsa rlel€na Medeims R¿mos, Esteban Juan, English Fa6t Certe¡; Iesús Armando
ñddy md Teeni Zaina Nunes,luárcia Mathias Pi¡to, \4¿'r r. , \JLB¡do Prepdaror¡a t€on lolsro¡: B"
in gehta Gouhrea Quevecto, Pontifícia UDiversidade Ieira Marlinez, Centro EscoldAnahuaci Cuadalupe
( ardll.a;qo,. L.quin ia\ou.J. IMU-l-tAM:I 1.,, Buenrof¡o, Colegio Parteno$ Rosendo Ri\¡cra
ú rlo Cl\,..1. \"u,- vdnc\d.lFl(),ll Ab\ociaqáo Sánch cz, Col€gio Angto Español' M¡Jía Rosario
\lumni¡ M¡ri" \,ron,Fr¡ ud8liarLli Lenrro Briránlcor He¡n:irdez Reyes, Escuela Preparatoria Monte Albán;
Chis Ritchic, Detlara Schisler, Sandra Natalini, le¡nanda C¡uzado, Instituto TecDológico del Suri Jturet
sevenidiomasi Ioacl.r Oliveira, FMU; Marja thereza Harris l\,1., Colegio A¡glo Español; Rosalba Pércz
Ca¡relhas Gentil, Colégio MackeMie; Ca¡l{)s Renato, CentloLingüísticoEmpresarial. Ecatepec:
Lopes, Uni Sút a;Yara M. Bannwart Rago, Uialra Patricia Ord¡z Gdcía. Comunidad Dducativa
lssociaeáo Escola c¡aduada de sao Paulo; Iacqueljne Montessorii Leticia RicartP, Colesio Hol dés;Samuel
Zilbcn¡¡n, Instituto King's Cross, Vera Lúcia Cúdor) Hená¡dez B. Institufo Cultural Renacimiento.
Be¡k, Talkative ldioms Center; Ana PaulaHoepers, Tlalpan: A¡a María Cortés, Cento Educativo José g
Instituto Winnerst Ca¡los C.S. d€ Celis, DanielMa¡1i¡s Cacho. San Luis Potosi: Sigi Oria Hernández, Nlaía de
\cto, CEL-LEP| Maria Carmen Castellani, Uniao B¡ ri.r .o. J ln\tiluto Hibpano lnSlésr
tu roI irr. Rov, Z. Irorituro Porosino: Clori , a ¡ rpL,/o.
Cr¡ltural Brdil Estados Unidos: Kátia Mafins Il de
\loraes Leme, Colégio Pueri Domus; LucicncMartins Seminario Mayor Arquidioc€sdo de Sdr Luis Potosl,
Farias, Alianqa Brasil Estados Unidos' NeideAparecida su.¡ Dr p o Nor ol.,. tilvia \o .ad" u r, qu r'.
'il\".Cultur¡ hr8le\a, \úr¡" \l, r,o 5anto\: N ,r'a UDiv€rsidad Politécnica de San Luis Potosfi Rosa
Lúcia Bastos, Instfuto Foü Seasods. COLOMBIA: Arrendondo Flores. Insiituto Potosino/UniErsidad
Bogote Se¡gio MonguÍ, Ralael Díaz Morales, Champagnat, María Cristina CarnÍ]lo, MaJÍa Cdmen
Universidad de la Sallq Yecid Ortega Pácz, Yoja¡na García Leos, Depdtmento Universitario de Inglés,
Ruiz C., Universidad Javeriana' Merry Garcia l,letzger, UASLPi Maria Gloria Cardia Castrc, UDiversidad
Universidad Minuto de Diosr Maria Carerina Ba¡bosa, Tecnologica \l Pl Bp tha L,u¡dalupe Lr,?¡ lrF\ i'o.
r oningléi: \c|." \4d Ine/ c.. Aqc\on a\ A.adcm i.r\; Centro de ldiomas, UASLP Guadalajara: Nancv
lduardo Martinez, Stella Lozano Vegn, Unive¡sidad Pat¡icia Gómez Ley, Escuela Técnica PaLndes;
SantoTomás d€ AquinoiKenneth Mclntt re, ABC Cabriela Nlichel vázquez, Colegio Cervantes costa
English Institutc. JA"AN: Tokyo: PcterBellars, Obirin Ric4 rurraham Barbosa Martín ez, Col€gio Enrique de
Universityr Michael Kenning, Talushoku Uni\€rsity; Osso: !,J i, i.J P "-, r' i. 'lJ n 1".,qú.n l r.n"
\lartnr Meldrum, Takushoku University; Carol Ann
Ramos, Centro Educativo Tlaquepaque lIIt Lucía
\loritz, New InternatioDal School; Mary SmdkaDrp, lLc 1c !¡ \rnlc5 D¿rl n¡ Ler a 'tc' fcrr-ndez.
\4u\abhi Salair I tdI I hornp.o 1. Yach¡]o ch¡ba- Audrey Lizaola López, Colesio Eüique de Osso, Rocío
keD/Am€ric Ldguag€ Institute; CarolVaughn, de Miguel, Colegio La Pazi Jim N¡{on, Colegio
Kmto Kokusai Hlgh School. Osaka: L¿¡ce BuÍows, ( ct1mrc\ Losra Rj.a: lild¡ ne grdo Prr8a. Lolegjo
Osaka Prefecaure Settsu High Schooli tsonDie D \,lonaco: rl-¿. Lli,, RuLlr'Br.e/. Lng[sh Ke]. Leon:
Carpenter Mukogawa loshi Daig¿ku/ Hllmd LaL¡ra Monies de la Serna, Colegio Británico A-C.;
Daigalq Josh claser, Richard Roy, Hr¡man ,,\ntoinette Ma¡ie Hcrnández. "The Place 4U2 Learn'
lnte¡national University/Osaka logakuin Junior Iaguage School; Delia Zavala Torres, Verónica
Collegq Gregg KeDnerly, OsakaYMCA; Ted Ostis, \4ed. llú Urbin-. tPCA \ú: \4. l¡ I r gcni" I Lr:" .
Otemon Unive$ityi Ctuis rrage, trCC Language Mena, Ana Paulina Suárez Cervantes, Universidad la
Institutq I-con Pinskv, Kmsei Gakuin Uni@rsity; Sallq Hcrl¡rda Rodríguez Hcrnándcz, Instituto
Chris Rr¡dde¡llau, Kinl<i Uriversityi iohn Smith, MDdo Verde, María Rosario To¡res Neri, Instituto
O\al,¿ lnrernárionrl Univehir). \airama: \4arip lassa. Aguascalientes Ma¡ía Dolo¡es jiménez cháv€z,
Cosgrove, Smgadai University. Kol¡e: DonDa ECA Unirersidad Auiónoma de Aguascalientesi
lujinoto, Kobe University ofcommerce. KOREA \4-Ia \g,r Ip Ller 'úJe/. Pa,\ Prrryc.lo 5rarti
Seod: Adriennc Edmrds Daughcrty, NInr Hee Ka.g, le¡nando Xavier Coúrey O., UAA- ItrA "Keep On';
imes Ki¡lmeye¡, Paula Reyrolds, Warren Weappa, l-elisia CuadalupeGarcía Ruiz, Un €nidad
llatthewWilliams, YBM ELS Shinchon; Brian CooK Tenológica' Marg¿rita Zapiain B, Martha,*ala de la
lackScott, RussellTandy, H seou¡gCollege. Co¡cordia, Fernando Xavie¡ Gomez O.endai.,
ME-{CO: Mexi.o City: Alberlo Hern, Instiiuto Anglo Un¡verbidad Aulónoma de Aguascalienre': ' , '.
Americano de ldiomas' EugeDia Carbonel, AgLdffe He¡nárdez, Escuela de la Ctüdad de
Unive¡sidad Intermericma; Cccilia Rcy Gutión cz, Aguascalientest ttector AÍuro Mo¡€no Di¿,
M¡ía del Ros¿rio lk.álada R' iz. lrnlvenid¿d
r tlniversidarl Bonarena
WOddMgW l r."u"ntAudiocD ohiscDcont¡ins¿rthem¿rerr¿rrorstudentBooks14¡nd18.)