Female Sterilization
Female Sterilization
Female Sterilization
To compare the technique of PNS and DPLS and to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
We performed 1800 mini lap tubectomies and 1800 DPLS and compared the events during the operation, post-operative events
and complications.
Most of the women were between 22 and 25 years and opted for sterilization with two children in both the groups. More
incidence of haemorrhage, injury to bladder in two cases of PNS and intestinal injury in one case of PNS is seen. More congenital
anomalies were observed in DPLS cases (Co-incidental finding). More post-operative pain requiring analgesics for a longer period
and surgical site infection was seen in PNS. Omental prolapse was seen in one case of DPLS. Incisional hernia was seen in two cases
of PNS.
PNS–Postnatal Sterilization, DPLS–Double Puncture Laparoscopic Sterilization, Interval sterilization, Minilap Tubectomy.
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Mahalakshmi G, Dixit S. Comparative study of two methods of female sterilization–PNS
(minilap tubectomy) and DPLS (double puncture laparoscopic sterilization). J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2016;5(42):2611-2613,
DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2016/610
J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 5/ Issue 42/ May 26, 2016 Page 2611
Jemds.com Original Article
In both the groups, maximum no. of surgeries were done in Intraoperative Findings PNS DPLS
the age group of 22–25 years. Haemorrhage 12 2
Injury to Mesosalpinx 15 3
Age PNS Percentage DPLS Percentage Injury to Viscera
Bladder 2 NIL
22 – 25 1355 75.2 1156 64.2 1 NIL
26 – 30 326 18.1 412 22.8 5 – 10
Duration of Surgery 15 – 25 mins
31 – 35 98 5.4 213 11.8 mins
>35 21 1.1 19 1.0 Ovarian Ovarian
cysts – 8 cysts – 15
Total 1800 100 1800 100 Incidental Pathology Noted
Hydrosal- Chronic-
Table 1: Table showing Age-Wise Distribution pinx – 4 ectopic – 6
Congenital Anomalies 5 19
Table 3: Intra-Operative Findings and Complications
Type of Pathology
Duration of Post-Operative
4 – 5 days 1 – 2 days
Pain Requiring Analgesics
Surgical Site Infection 34 9
Omental Prolapse - 3
Duration of Hospital Stay 48 – 72 hrs. 4 – 6 hrs.
Incisional Hernia (Late) 2 -
Table 4: Post-Operative Complications
Maximum clients preferred only two children Follow-up: No post sterilization pregnancies reported from
these study groups.
J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 5/ Issue 42/ May 26, 2016 Page 2612
Jemds.com Original Article
leads to post-operative infection as well as contributes to post- expertise, which has a long learning curve. Only gynaecologists
operative pain. The above mentioned study from Bangladesh or surgeons with MS degree, trained in laparoscopy should do
reports pain in the lower abdomen 28.8% and fever in 8.8%. it and such facility is available mostly in urban areas.
Duration of hospital stay is longer in our study for PNS cases. According to Berek and Novak’s Gynaecology Fourteenth
In comparison, laparoscopic tubal ligation technique Edition, Page No. 292, pregnancy rates for tubal ring: 1.7 per
(DPLS) is a quicker method and hospital stay is shorter, less 1000 women (4).1
than a day. It is an instrumental tubal ligation and therefore Other complications exclusive for DPLS is omental
handling of tissues is minimal to none. Duration of surgery is prolapse, though it is very minor in nature and can easily be
less. Essential information from Gupte Hospital states that managed. PID leading to tubal oedema and adhesions is a
clients undergoing laparoscopic sterilization can be contraindication for DPLS. Visceral injuries while inserting the
discharged within 24 hours, causes minimal postop pain and needle or scope, air embolism, pneumothorax may be
faster recovery and resumption to normal activity.(3) The need theoretical complications.
for attendants is less in laparoscopy as the stay is very short, a
day care surgery. CONCLUSION
Regarding failure of laparoscopic sterilization, reports ten In conclusion, the present study clearly shows DPLS is more
year life table cumulative probability of pregnancy per 1000 advantageous over PNS (Minilap Tubectomy) and is
procedures, as 17.7 in Falope ring application by laparoscopy, recommended for all non-pregnant tubal ligations (Interval).
that is 1.77%.(4) A study from rural Haryana reports 11.6% Author’s personal opinion with permission of the editorial
failure for laparoscopic tubal ligation, a higher incidence.(5) In team is that even post-natal cases within 72 hours, where the
the present study, no failures were reported in both PNS and uterus has involuted up to 12-14 weeks, laparoscopic
DPLS groups. Failure can result in a woman having had a coitus sterilization can be done with all its advantages and
when viable sperms can be seen in uterine cavity and tubes preventing few minilap disadvantages in a tertiary care centre
and if the client is in pre-menstrual phase with a resultant with good surgical expertise.
pregnancy depicted as failure falsely. Hence, clients should be
instructed to avoid coitus or use contraception till the date of REFERENCES
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J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 5/ Issue 42/ May 26, 2016 Page 2613