Manual: For The
Manual: For The
Manual: For The
for the
Ulla Myhr
Introduction 3
Examiner Qualifications 4
Testing Environment 4
Equipment 4
Test Materials 5
Clothing 5
Testing Preliminaries 5
Testing Procedure 6
References 7
Score Sheet 11
Sitting Assessment Scale is developed for use in both clinical and research settings.
During the development of this scale videofilming has been used in combination with
photography in the research setting. Photographs were taken when the child reached the arm(s)
forward to perform a task, when the child performed the task, and when the child reerected.
From photographs the position of the upperbody relative to a vertical line through the fulcrum
(marking point at the greater trochanter) was determined. The positions of the feet relative to a
vertical line through the axis at the knee joint were determined likewise. 1,3
Therefore, prior to filming and photographing white adhesive paper markers were affixed as
anatomical landmarks placed as follows: 1) in front of the ear; 2) at the centre of the palpable
part of the humeral head; 3) on the lateral humeral epicondyle; 4) on the ulnar styloid process;
5) on the greater trochanter (if concealed by the hip belt, the marking point has to be transferred
to the corresponding point at the belt); 6) on the convexity of the lateral epicondyle of the
femur; 7) on the lateral malleolus. These landmarks may be of additional value for the analysis
by SAS.
1. Examiner Qualifications
Sitting Assessment Scale was developed and tested for reliability by physiotherapists.
However, other professionals may benefit from using the scale.
Users should familiarize themselves with the Sitting Assessment Scale, the Specific
Administration Guidelines and Score Sheet, prior to assessing children to ensure accuracy and
consistency. Prior to the use of the scale it is recommended that at last two children with CP
should be tested as a practice exercise.
2. Testing Environment
The environment should encourage the child to demonstrate the best possible effort for each
item attempted. The room should be large enough to comfortably accommodate the required
equipment, child, assistant (video recorder and time keeper) and evaluator. It should be warm
enough for the child to be comfortable. The child should feel at ease during the testing and if
appropriate should be accompanied by a parent or a caregiver. However, the caregiver should
not help the child with any items. The evaluator should ensure that the testing conditions are as
consistent as possible in order to minimize changes in scoring resulting from variation in the
environment. Any modifications to the environment should be noted on the Testing Conditions
Sheet under "Comment/Notes" to be certain that these are duplicated during retesting.
The following are needed in the experimental situation:
• a videocamera
• a flat table placed in front of the child. The table should be wide enough for the child
to be able to support elbows and deep enough that a toy be placed at
1½ arm lengths. The table height should be just below the forearms when the elbows
are bent 90°. The surface should not be slippery and can be covered with anti-slip
material. It is of importance that there is nothing on the side of the table obstructing the
child's feet from view
• a chair on the opposite side of the table, for the evaluator to sit on
• a measuring tape
• a stopwatch
• adhesive paper markers (as markers for movement axes and for marking of 1 and
1½ "arm lengths" distance at the table)
• Testing Conditions Sheet
• a Score Sheet and a pen
Test Materials
The standardized tasks the child performs include reaching, grasping, lifting and releasing
objects. The materials required for the tasks include:
- a toy, that makes a sound when touching it
- a container
- a screw-lid jar
- 6 dice
- small toys (to grasp and place in the container) e.g. a small car or doll, or other toy of
interest which the child will be able to grasp.
If any of this material is not available choose material that is as close as possible to the
specifications. Note any substitutions in equipment on the Testing Conditions Sheet under
"Comments/ Notes". Replicate the substitutions on subsequent testing.
3. Clothing
The child should be clothed in underwear or shorts, with a sleeveless shirt. We recommend that
the child first be tested without shoes or orthoses, then if desirable retested with them on at the
same occasion using the same guidelines. Note on the Testing Conditions Sheet which orthoses
were used and in which order they were used.
4. Testing Preliminaries
1. The videocamera should be leveled, aligned at a right angle to record posture and
movement in the sagittal plane, and height adjusted to the level of the testing table. The
focal length of the lens should be adjusted to allow maximum image of the whole child
on the video monitor, and to maximize measurement precision.
2. Mark the midpoint under the videocamera with a cross on the floor.
3. Remove if possible pillow or pelvic supports fixed onto the armrest at the cameraside,
obstructing the child's pelvis from view.
4. Place tape markers on the humeral head and at the ulnar styloid process.
5. Measure the child's arm length - the distance between the marked points - and note the
length measured on Testing Conditions Sheet. This is "an armlength."
6. Calculate 1½ times "arm lengths" and note it on Testing Conditions Sheet.
7. Place the child sitting in the chair, in front of the table.
8. The midpoint under the child's chair should be marked with a cross on the floor.
9. The distance between the crosses at the camera and the child should be decided,
measured and noted on Testing Conditions Sheet.
10. Mark on the table measurements one and 1,5 arm lengths from a point anterior to the
trunk midline at the level of the table.
Testing Procedure:
The evaluator sits in front of the child across the table, videofilming starts and continues
during 5 minutes in each tested position.
It is recommended that the tasks are tested in the order given. It is acceptable to change the
order if it appears more conducive to the child. It is imperative that the time be allotted between
the six tasks so that progression is appropriate for the child, the testing situation should be as
unstressful as possible for the child. A maximum of 1 minute for motivating the child and
completing each item is recommended.
1. Myhr, U., von Wendt, L. (1991) Improvement of functional sitting position for
children with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology,
33, 246-56.
2. Myhr, U., von Wendt, L., Sandberg, KW. (1993) Assessment of Sitting in Children
with Cerebral Palsy from Videofilm: A Reliability Study. Physical & Occupational
Therapy in Pediatrics, 12(4), 21-35.
3. Myhr, U., von Wendt, L., Norrlin, S., Radell, U. (1995). Five-year follow-up of
functional sitting position in children with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine &
Child Neurology, 37, 587-96.
Testing Conditions
Child's name:
Date of birth:
Evaluator's Name:
Sitting position A:
Type of chair:
Seat inclination:
Backrest inclination:
Sitting position B:
Type of chair:
Seat inclination:
Backrest inclination:
1 "arm length" =
1½ "arm lengths" _
1. View the videotapes once without noting any score, but follow the specific descriptors
for each of the items of Sitting Assessment Scale, and acquaint yourself with the
2. Use the Sitting Assessment Scale and assess one variable at a time in the position(s)
tested. If SAS is used for assessment of two or more sitting positions, it is
recommended to assess one variable at a time in all positions tested - i.e. head control
first in all positions, then trunk control in each position, etc. using the included
specific scoring criteria.
3. If these criteria do not correlate with the observations made, score using the "none",
"poor," "fair", "good" items.
4. Note on the Score Sheet any modifications or adaptations that differ from the
standardization's included here.
Precautions should be taken to ensure that the scores assigned reflect the child's true
functional level as accurately as possible.
Trunk control
1. None: lacks control of trunk or needs back support
2. Poor: holds trunk erect only when supported by forearms or hands
3. Fair: holds trunk erect supported by one forearm or hand, some
degree of lateral flexion can occur
4. Good: holds trunk erect with and without forearm or hand support,
with pelvis supported or unsupported
Foot control
l. None: unable to hold feet against underlying surface without
2. Poor: holds feet against underlying surface for ≤ 2 minutes*
3. Fair: good control of one foot - poorer of the other
4. Good: holds feet against underlying surface for entire period
Arm function
1. None: unable to control arms by will
2. Poor: uses arms for support, but easily loses control; stretches arms
towards objects, but in uncontrolled movements
3. Fair: uses one arm for support and stretches other towards objects
4. Good: uses one or both arms for support, stretches arms towards
objects intentionally or uses arms for functional movements
Hand function
1. None: unable to grasp objects, knocks object with one hand
2. Poor: grasps and holds objects, but very uncontrolled movements
3. Fair: good function in one hand, poorer in the other
4. Good: good function in both hands or able to consciously grasp,
hold and release objects.
Child's name:
Evaluator's name:
Date for Assessment:
Sitting Position
Item A B C
Head control
Trunk control
Foot control
Arm function
Hand function
• a videocamera
• a flat table placed in front of the child. The table should be wide enough for the child
to be able to support elbows and deep enough that a toy be placed at 1,5 "arm
lengths". The table height should be just below the forearms when the elbows are
bent 90°. The surface should not be slippery and can be covered with anti-slip
material. It is of importance that there is nothing on the side of the table obstructing
the child's feet from view.
• a chair on the opposite side of the table, for the evaluator to sit on
• a measuring tape
• a stopwatch
• adhesive paper markers (as markers for movement axes and for marking of 1 and 1,5
"arm lengths" distance at the table)
• Testing Conditions Sheet, a Score Sheet and a pen
• the General Administration Guidelines
Test Materials
Testing Preliminaries
1. The videocamera should be leveled, aligned at a right angle to record posture and
movement in the sagittal plane, and height adjusted to the level of the testing table. The
focal length of the lens should be adjusted to allow maximum image of the
whole child on the video monitor, and to maximize measurement precision.
2. Mark the midpoint under the videocamera with a cross on the floor.
3. Remove if possible pillow or pelvic supports fixed onto the armrest at the cameraside,
obstructing the child's pelvis from view.
4. Place tape markers on the humeral head and at the ulnar styloid process.
5. Measure the child's "arm length " - the distance between the marked points - and note
the length measured on Testing Conditions Sheet. This is "an armlength."
6. Calculate 1 ½ times "arm lengths" and note it on Testing Conditions Sheet.
7. Place the child sitting in the chair, in front of the table.
8. The midpoint under the child's chair should be marked with a cross on the floor.
9. The distance between the crosses at the camera and the child should be decided,
measured and noted on Testing Conditions Sheet.
10. Mark on the table measurements one and 1,5 "arm lengths" from a point anterior to the
trunk midline at the level of the table.
Testing Procedure:
Videofilming starts and continues during 5 minutes in each tested position. The evaluator
sitting in front of the child across the table asks the child to:
1) look to one side at a time, to look at something in the room or a thing held in the air by
the evaluator
2) lean forward, touch a toy, which makes a sound, placed at the marking point at the
table for 1,5 "arm lengths" distance; then asks the child to re-erects
3) reach forward, grasp 2-3 toys, one at a time, at an "arm length", and release the toy
into a container placed conveniently on the table
4) remove and replace the lid of a screw-lid jar, placed anterior to the child's midline at
any location that accommodates the child's attempts to grasp the jar
5) place 6 dice in the jar, one at a time, using one hand
6) lift the jar with the use of both hands.
If time remains (of the 5-minutes), ask the child to repeat some of the above tasks or perform
additional appropriate tasks. If, on the other hand, it is too difficult for the child to perform
some of the tasks above when the toys are placed at the table, the evaluator can hold the toy
(tasks 2 and 3) in front of the child in the air, conveniently within reach for the child, and ask
the child to try to reach the different toys, one at a time, and perform the tasks as stipulated
above. Note any modifications on Testing Conditions Sheet.
Complete the page of Testing Conditions and replicate the substitutions on subsequent testing.
Retest in the alternative positions using the same guidelines and tasks for the children to
© Ulla Myhr, 1993, Boden University College of of Health Sciences, S-961 36 Boden, Sweden