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Water Research: Study of Energetic Valorification of Activated Sludge From Wastewater Treatment Plants

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Water Research 126 (2017)

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Water Research
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Study of energetic valorification of activated sludge from wastewater

treatment plants
Banciu Cristiana*, Silva Burcaa, B.R.H. Mişcaa
Departament of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Babes-Bolyai University, RO-400028 Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Article history:
Received 20 May 2017
The sludge from sewage treatment will remain a permanent waste problem requiring an
Received in revised form adequate solution. Sludge processing technologies comprise all the technical processes for
6 September 2017 stabilizing and solving the final problem of waste from sewage treatment. There are several
Accepted 10 September 2017
processes used for energy recovery of sludge, which is also the incineration with heat recovery,
Available online 13 September 2017
also used for this study. In this paper had been tried to design a sludge recovery facility in
Keywords: sewage treatment plants and sizing an industrial oven for the sludge incineration process. For
Sludge this to be done it was needed to determine some the characteristics of the activated sludge such
as humidity, quantity of ash, volatile matter and heat of combustion. With all these
Energy Recovery characteristics of activated sludge it was developed a mathematical model in order to determine
Sewage treatment plant if the process is feasible or not based on the energy balance.

1. Introduction The sludge from the treatment process will remain a permanent waste problem
that requires a suitable solution. In the future, we can expect that sludge
The water industry is a particularly important branch of a country's management and research into innovative treatment methods will focus on three
economy. Without water it is impossible to conceive life, production of any important issues: recovering and reusing valuable mud products, finding a
kind, as well as maintaining a health climate of the population, flora and fauna. complete solution to the problem of sludge and toxic substances and, last but
Wastewater treatment technologies are particularly complex. It invites to not least, acceptable costs (Rulkens, 2008).Sludge processing technologies
unitary processes of chemical, physical and biological nature. It is a necessity comprise all the technical processes for stabilizing and solving the final problem
to make a perfect correlation between the different parameters that occur and of waste from sewage treatment.
which determine the process of purification. Today, new processes, modern, Sludge is a polyphase mixture composed of a base fluid, water, and various
energy efficient and operational solutions have emerged that lead to increased constituents, of a mineral or organic nature, dispersed in the aqueous medium.
performance in wastewater treatment. They can be applied in the refurbishment The sludge may have various compositions and concentrations depending on
and rehabilitation of wastewater treatment plants with low implementation costs the origin, primary, secondary or tertiary decanter and depending on the degree
because they often do not require very large investments.. of dehydration, extracted from the decanter, concentrator, or dehydration. Thus,
Municipal waste water treatment can be considered an uninterrupted activity the term sludge is a very broad concept which designates various aqueous
in the future. From an organizational, technical and economic point of view, it solutions with heterogeneous composition in which are suspended matter,
is impossible to prevent or greatly reduce the amount of municipal waste water. dissolved, colloidal particles of mineral or organic nature, having a gelatinous
Also, the presence of toxic pollutants in these waters can not be avoided appearance at higher concentrations and black and brown color. As a general
because much of this comes from a far too many sources. This also means that characterization, six types of chemical substances are found in the sludge
the quality of sewage sludge and the amount of sewage sludge, estimated at composition: non-toxic organic substances (about 60% in dry matter), a large
about 50 g dry matter per person per day, will not change significantly in the part of which is of biological nature, various nitrogen and phosphorus
future. compounds, organic and inorganic toxic pollutants such as: a) heavy metals such
as Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni, Cd, Hg and As (concentrations vary between 1-1000 ppm)
and b) biphenyl polychlorinates (PCBs) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbs,
* Corresponding author. dioxins, pesticides, linear alkyl sulfonates, nonylphenols,
E-mail addresses: cristian.banciu21@gmail.com
flame retardant polybrominated compounds, pathogens and other pollutants of 2. Methods and materials
microbiological nature, inorganic compounds such as silicates, alumina and
calcium and magnesium compounds and water in a concentration even greater 2.1. Determination of active sludge humidity
than 95% (McCann, 2001; Spinosa, 2001; Rulkens, 2004; Camacho et al, 2002;
Dohányos et al, 2000; Müller et al, 2004). It was analyzed the humidity of the sludge from all 4 samples. The method
The methods of energy recovery of sludge are classified into nine categories: consists in drying the sample subject to determination under the specified
anaerobic digestion of sludge from sludge plants, obtaining biofuels from temperature conditions to a constant mass. Calculate the mass loss, which was
sludge, direct obtaining of electric current in microbial cells, incineration of expressed in %. In the laboratory, humidity was determined by drying the
sludge with heat recovery, co-incineration of sludge in power plants on carbon samples in the oven at 105 ° C for an hour. The drying-cooling operations
base, sludge gasification and pyrolysis, the use of sludge as a source of energy were repeated in steps of 15 and 30 minutes until a constant mass was reached.
and materials for the production of construction materials, supercritical
oxidation of wet sludge and its hydrothermal treatment. 2.2. Determination of the amount of ash from the dry active sludge
Anaerobic digestion of sludge from sewage treatment plants use of a set of
microorganisms cultures to degrade organic compounds from sludge and Ash is the solid residue remaining after calcination of dry sludge at 815 ±
metabolize them into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide known as 25 ° C to constant mass. The method consists in burning a weighed sample of
biogas. The biogas obtained is used as a fuel for the production of electricity. sludge and keeping the resulting residue at 815 ± 25 ° C to constant mass. The
This variant has several advantages such as: higher biogas production, higher ratio between the mass of the residue obtained after calcination and the weight
degree of pathogen destruction, and a lower degree of organic solids left behind of the weighted sample, expressed as a percentage, is the ash content. In a
(Neis et al, 2000; Weemaes et al, 2000). previously calcined crucible weigh 1-2 grams of sludge, which will be
The production of biofuels from sludge involves the fermentation of biomass analyzed. The sample crucible is placed in the oven, which has been preheated
by specific microorganisms in order to obtain biofuels: methanol, ethanol, to room temperature. The furnace temperature gradually increases to 815 ±
butanol or acetone (Claassen et al, 1999). 25 ° C, the temperature to be reached in at least 60 minutes so as to avoid
Directly obtaining electricity in microbial cells - microbial electric cells are sudden release of moisture and volatile materials which could induce sludge
used to obtain direct electrical power from wastewater containing or ash particles.
biodegradable organic compounds. A microbial electric cell consists of two After the oven temperature has reached 815 ± 25 ° C, the crucibles are kept
chambers: one anode and one cathode one, separated by a cation exchange in the oven for another 60-90 minutes. At the end of the calcination, the
membrane (Ting et al, 2004). The performance of this type of system depends samples are removed from the oven and allowed to air for 5 minutes to cool,
on a number of parameters: pH, temperature, type of electrode, type of and then placed in the desiccator. After the samples have cooled, they are
substrate, type of microorganisms, internal cell resistance, etc (Rabaey et weighed. During this time, the oven is kept at 815 ± 25 ° C and the samples
al,2005). are placed in rounds of 15 minutes until the mass does not vary by more than
Incineration of sludge with heat recovery involves the complete oxidation of 0,001g. If the mass of the remaining ash crucible starts to increase, then the
organic compounds from sludge at high temperatures, including toxic ones. In lowest mass is taken into account for calculating the ash content.
order for the sludge to be incinerated, it must not have moisture, dehydration
can be done either mechanically or by drying. The amount of heat depends on 2.3. Determination of volatile materials from dry active sludge
the efficiency of the incineration and the quantity of humidity of the sludge
(Dentel et al, 2004; Braguglia et al, 2003; Guibelin, 2004; Simonsen, 2003). Volatile materials contained in sludge refer to the total amount of products
Gasification and sludge pyrolysis - Both methods have several advantages: released by heating under well-established conditions, from which humidity
the gases obtained can be used more efficiently in the generation of electricity, and non-combustible gases (CO2) are reduced. Determination of volatile
can produce gaseous chemicals, and there is no need to treat large amounts of matter in the sludge consists in heating a known amount of sludge in the
effluent gases. Instead, due to the presence of pollutant and toxic organic absence of air for a determined time. Mass loss of sludge is the sum of
compounds in the effluent gas, their treatment is more complicated than in the moisture and volatile matter. First, the uncovered crucibles, together with the
case of incineration. lids, are placed on the heat-resistant wire support and calcined in the oven at
The components in the sludge, both organic compounds and inorganic 850 ± 20 ° C until they reach a constant mass.
compounds can be considered as valuable materials. There are several At the same time, weigh 1g, and paste it with the hand press. This must
possibilities of using these compounds simultaneously in a beneficial way. One be done to avoid entrapment of sludge particles at the sudden release of
way to capitalize on both types of organic and inorganic compounds is to use volatile matter and moisture. Pour the sample into a crucible which has been
sludge in production of Portland cement (Okuno et al, 2004). brought to a constant mass and weighed to the analytical balance, then placed
Supercritical oxidation of wet sludge - This process takes place at temperatures in the oven at a temperature of 850 ± 20 °
and pressures above the supercritical point of water (374.2 ° C and 218.12 atm). The sample crucible is held for exactly 7 minutes from the closing of the
The supercritical water has special properties, namely it has the superior ability oven door. After this time, the samples will be removed from the oven and
to dissolve oxygen and organic compounds, yet having a solubility small for allowed to cool to air for 5 minutes and then placed in a desiccator for constant
mineral compounds, such as sodium chloride. The use of oxygen in the process, temperature cooling, to be weighed.
high pressure pipes and high pressure reactors, and the existence of corrosion
problems, if chlorine is present, influence the choice and construction of such 2.4. Elemental analysis of dry active sludge
technology (Svanström et al, 2004).
Hydrothermal treatment (or thermal hydrolysis) is a process in which sludge is In the practice of organic chemistry, the elemental qualitative analysis is very
heated as an aqueous phase at temperatures of 120-400 ° C. The hydrothermal rarely used. It is and normal, given the current and modern techniques of
treatment process is based on sludge disintegration and the production of identifying organic compounds by mass spectrometry, analytical
dissolved products. The potential of hydrothermal treatment to recover energy chromatography, molecular diagrams. But there are situations where, thanks
from sludge depends on the performance of the process. Volatile fatty acids and to a simple lab test, we can check whether the substance contains halogen or
other biodegradable volatile organic compounds can be used as an energy source nitrogen, so we can determine whether or not a chemical transformation took
in the process of denitrification of wastewaters but also in the anaerobic digestion place. The constituent elements of organic substances can not be identified by
process (Rulkens, 2008). use specific reagents for each element, but transformation is required organic
substances into readily inorganic substances. This is done by degradation of
organic substances.
2.5. Determination of caloric power of dry active sludge 3.5 Chemical elemental analysis

In order to determine the calorific value, a calorimetric bomb is used in The results of elemental analysis of dry sludge taken from the Dej waste
which a known amount of sludge is burned in an oxygen atmosphere. The heat water treatment plant show a high C content (30.03%) which indicates that the
released by the combustion is given to the calorimetric system comprising a dry active sludge has relatively high calorific power. The presence of nitrogen
known amount of water, and whose temperature increase is recorded. in the proportion of 3.5% in dry activated sludge requires a stage of
The calorimetric flask was filled with 2550 g of distilled water and start the combustion gas removal (catalytic method, adsorption).
agitation system. The sludge pill was weighed on an analytical balance and
was introduced In the calorimetric bomb. After this the bomb was filled with Sample C(%) H(%) N(%) S(%)
oxygen at the pressure of 25 atm. The calorimetric bomb was introduced in 1 2.550.357 4.225.102 3.636.409 0
the calorimetric flask and the sludge pill was lit. From that point the 2 2.998.284 5.238.693 5.176.348 0
temperature of the water from the inside on the calorimetric flask was 3 3.680.182 5.764.912 2.609.039 0
measured from minute to minute till a constant measure was obtained. Table 5 –Chemical elemental analysis of activated sludge

3. Results and discussion In order to see if the activated sludge incineration process is feasible, it was
necessary to determine some characteristics of the active sludge on which the
3.1. Humidity determination of sludge mathematical calculation of the incineration process was made. Characteristics
that can help us to figure out how it would the process of incineration,
Moisture analysis was done to see what percentage of the sludge is water. depending on the humidity of the sludge, the content of volatile materials, the
Based on this, the provenance of the sludge can also be determined. According ash content, elemental analysis on the basis of which we were able to
to the results in Table 1, it has been demonstrated that the soil can have a determine certain elements of the sludge composition, and the calorific power
humidity of over 95% with which the mathematical simulation of the incineration process could be
Item Mass of Mass of Mass of Total Mass Humidity(%) In order to determine if the incineration process is feasible of not some
vial vial sample(g) mass after 1 presumptions were made based on the characteristics of the sludge. For the
with without (g) hour(g) mathematical modeling of the process based on the C and H content of the
cover(g) cover(g)
sludge a thermal balance was made. Knowing the percentages in which the
1 45,488 28,539 2,017 47,505 45,864 81
2 50,736 29,008 2,112 52,848 50,822 96 two elements are found in samples determined by elemental analysis (30,03%
3 38,185 26,448 1,567 39,752 38,287 93 C and 5,04% H), determine the amount of heat emitted by the combustion: in
4 41,151 31,115 2,04 43,191 41,170 99 the case of C, it is about a heat quantity of 49249.2 MJ, while in the case of H,
Table 1 - Experimental determination of sludge humidity we are talking about a heat quantity of 35733.6 MJ. The oxygen demand
(stoichiometric) is then calculated, resulting in an amount of 6020 kg O2.
3.2. The amount of ash Considering a 5% excess of the combustion air, the total combustion air
volume equal to 22101,5 m 3. The amount of water vapor is also important.
Determining the amount of ash is an analysis necessary to determine the Knowing that the sludge will go into the furnace at a humidity of 25% will
mineral content of the dry sludge, knowing that the lower the ash content the determine the total amount of water contained in the 5 tons of sludge as having
lower the calorific value. the value of 1250 kg of water. Based on this the thermal balance was calculated
as follows.
Item Mass of Mass of Total Mass after Ash
blank the mass(g) calcination(g) content(%)
crucible(g) sample(g)
1 17,809 1,772 19,581 18,676 18,676
2 13,850 1,201 15,005 14,22 14,224
3 13,850 1351 15,201 16,01 14,314
Table 2 –Experimental determination of the amount of ash from the sludge

3.3. Combustion heat determination

Based on the results obtained, an combustion heat value of the sludge of

8574.12 kcal / kg can be calculated, a value comparable to a good quality coal.

Item E (g) (cal/˚C) A (g) q(cal.) r(˚C) Qs(kcal/kg) Normally, losses are considered to be 5% of the amount of heat that has
Standard 11018.6 13568.6 2550 36.28 0.15 6325 elapsed. In this case, the losses can be neglected because the excess of air with
2 11018.6 13568.6 2550 36.28 0.45 7060.3 O2 will permanently generate additional heat by combustion. It is worth
3 11018.6 13568.6 2550 36.28 0.66 11227.3 mentioning that a low humidity of the sample will increase the economic
4 11018.6 13568.6 2550 36.28 0.58 9684.2 efficiency of the process due to the caloric capacity of the water. Before the
Table 3 –Experimental determination of combustion heat of activated sludge thermal balance was calculated the necessary amount of air that will be used f
for vaporization of the water in the sample, it was done the calculation for
3.4. Determination of volatile matter simple drying in a single step. Was calculated the amount of water to be
vaporized if the sludge enters with 85% humidity in the dryer and we assume
Item Mass of Mass of Total Mass after Volatile it exits with 25% humidity.
blank the mass(g) calcination(g) matter The total quantity of water to be vaporized is 15,000 kg. The heat demand
crucible(g) sample(g) for water evaporation is 3396 · 107 kJ/kg. It was considered that the air is
1 16,978 1,016 17,994 17,91 7,45 inserted at atmospheric pressure so it was needed to take in consideration the
2 16,978 0,832 17,171 17,717 26,5 latent heat for the phase change that is r = 2264 · 103 kJ/kg. In order to
3 16,978 1,032 18,011 17,954 10,24
determine the amount of air required for water evaporation, we have to choose
Table 4 - Experimental determination of volatile matter from sludge
an air humidity coefficient at 20˚C from the Ramzin diagram. The total amount
of air was determined to be 600000 kg.
4. Conclusions References

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