Advanced Techniques PPT 2003
Advanced Techniques PPT 2003
Advanced Techniques PPT 2003
Advanced Techniques
I. Statistical Chart
• Creating a chart slide
• Editing data
• Selecting a chart type
• Types of charts
• Animating the chart for slideshow
• Using the data from Microsoft Excel
Sample Datasheet
YError Bars
1. Create chart in Excel
2. Include Y Error Bars or not
(Format Data Series > Y
Error Bars)
3. Copy chart and paste into a
PowerPoint slide
5. Double click on this chart in
6. Edit the chart; you can add
the Y Error Bars (select bar >
right click a bar > Format Data
Series > Y Error Bars), change
colors and animate this
pasted chart.
Chart Options
Types of charts
• Bar Charts – compare measurements at intervals; bars run hortizontally
• Column Charts – compare measurements at intervals and provide snap shot views of data; bars
run vertically
• Line Charts – show changes in data or trends over time; lines emphasize change
• Pie Charts – show the breakdown of a total; data in a single series
• XY (Scatter) Charts – degree of correspondence between two series of numbers; used for
scientific data
• Area Charts – ; show the amount of changes in a set of values during an interval of time;
emphasize amount of change
• Doughnut Charts – show breakdowns of totals and let you depict several series of data in
successive rings around a doughnut hole
• Radar Charts – compare change in values of several series; each value is plotted on axes that
radiate from the center of the chart. Series of values are connected by a line that runs from axis to
axis and circles the center of the chart
• Surface Charts – depict the best and worse combinations of numbers. Colors or patterns
designate areas with the same value
• Bubble Charts – like an xy (Scatter) chart with the addition of different-sized bubbles at the data
points to indicate the value of a third number
• Stock Charts – show the values of stocks or other financial investments; they can also depict
scientific data
• Cylinder, Cone and Pyramid Charts – just like 3-D column or 3-D bar charts, except they use
more interesting and dramatic shapes to display values
Using Data from Microsoft Excel
1. Transfer your Excel data to PowerPoint
• Create a new Chart slide
• Open the datasheet
• Click the cell located in the upper-left corner
• Select: Edit>Import File
• Navigate to the Excel file where the data
resides and double click
• Select the sheet from the workbook
• Click OK to import
II. Diagram or Organization Chart
1. From the Task Pane select Slide Layout and scroll
to bottom to select the Title and Diagram or
Organization Chart and then Insert New Slide
6. Adding Boxes
a. Use the Organization Chart toolbar
b. Select a shape on the chart
c. From the Insert Shape pull down menu select an appropriate level (subordinate,
coworker, assistant) and click to add a new box
7. Moving Boxes
a. Boxes can be moved by clicking on them and then dragging to a new location
10. Organization Chart > Layout –
use to select a style of layout
a. Standard
b. Both Hanging
c. Left Hanging
d. Right Hanging
e. AutoLayout
Use to change box color
Right click a box > turn Use AutoFormat off
Select Format AutoShape – and there are a
variety of options
Renee Gauche
National Director
Washington D.C.
Renee Gauche
National Director Sylvia Southpaw
Washington DC
Greta Links Lenora Smith
Sylvia Southpaw Director Director
Assistant California New York
III. Table
1. From the Task Pane select Slide Layout; scroll to the
bottom and select Title and Table slide
6. Modify the table; you can easily modify table structure by adding, deleting, moving and copying
cells, columns and rows
Use the various commands from the table pull-down
menu to insert columns and rows; or delete
To change the table size, use the resize handles. The corner
handles resize proportionally. The internal handles affect the
height or width of the table.
IV. Drawing with AutoShapes
1. From the Task Pane, select the Title Only slide
(it’s the top slide on the right)
Drawing Toolbar
• Explore the various shapes.
• Drag the adjust handle to adjust size and shape.
• An AutoShape can be filled and outlined, just like
any other object you draw. You can also move,
resize, copy and paste, rotate and duplicate.
• Action Buttons (see page 9)
Switching Shapes
• Click the shape you want to replace
• From Draw > Change AutoShape > click on a new shape
Shadow Style
• Use the Shadow tool to give an object a shadow
• Use the Shadow Settings tool to nudge the shadow in desired direction or change color.
3-D Style
• Use the 3-D tool to give an object a three dimensional look Exercise: Create a drawing from the
• Use the 3-D Settings tool to make changes to the effect given information. Or feel free to draw
something of interest to you.
Action Buttons
Action Buttons are a special AutoShape that can be used to hyperlink to different places. Places can
include another slide in the presentation, to another slide show, to a file on your computer or to a website.
Action Buttons can be selected from Slide Show > Action Buttons or from the Draw toolbar >
AutoShapes > Action Buttons.
When displaying the slide in Slide Show, just click on the Action Button to go directly to the hyperlinked
NOTE: Using the Action Button to link to other files on your computer results in a specific path to that
file. In other words, if you move the PowerPoint file or the linked files to another folder, another computer,
to a memory stick, CDRW, etc. the path will be lost. You will need to redo the hyperlink. Right click on the
Action Button and Edit Hyperlink and redo the Hyperlink to.
V. Clip Art
1. From the Task Pane select a slide style of your choosing
2. From the Task Pane select Clip Art
3. Search for clip art by a subject or topic
4. From the Search in pull down menu select collection:
a. My Collections
b. Office Collections
c. Web Collections
5. From the Results should be pull down menu Select media file types
a. Clip Art
b. Photographs
c. Movies
d. Sound
Resize Picture
• To resize the picture proportionally use the corner handles. Click, hold and pull out to enlarge.
Click, hold and push in to reduce size.
• To distort the picture use the internal handles. Click, hold and pull out to enlarge and distort
vertically or horizontally; push in to reduce size and distort vertically or horizontally.
• Use the Reset Picture icon to restore the picture to its original state.
Recolor Picture
• Use the Recolor Picture icon to recolor picture.
• From the Recolor Picture window, use the pull down m
menu to select and apply a different color.
Ungroup Picture
• Place the cursor over the picture
• Right click
• Select Grouping > Ungroup
• Answer Yes to the question
• Click off the picture
• Then click on the various pieces
of the Clip art to move,
resize, recolor, etc.
VI. Applying Custom Animation
Applied to Slide Master
• Provides a uniform build for all slides
• Fast and simple way to effect all slides
Add Effect
• Entrance > Appear
o Effect Options
Effect: Sound, dim, animate
Text Animation: paragraph
• Emphasis
• Exit
• Motion Path
XI. Inserting text from MSWord into PPT
You can insert text from another program into a PowerPoint presentation. The text can be in MSWord
format (.doc), Rich Text Format or RTF (.rtf), or plain text (.txt). You can also insert a Web document in
HTML format into a presentation.
1. Movies, Sound and CDs
PowerPoint inserts sounds and movies as objects, which can be changed and edited.
Insert Movies
PowerPoint provides several ways to insert video into your PowerPoint slideshow. The use of video
requires more memory. Short clips work best for viewing within a PowerPoint slide. PowerPoint primarily
supports .avi (Video for Windows) files. The .mov (QuickTime for Windows) file can be used when the
computer is configured properly to recognize the file. (PowerPoint does not play DVDs.)
1. Insert > Movies and Sounds > Movie from File
2. Navigate to the movie, select it and then click OK button.
3. You will be given the choice How do you want the movie to start in the slide show?
a. Automatically
b. When Clicked (in Slide Show click on movie to play)
4. The movie image can be resized and moved for placement on
the slide
5. Right click on the movie and select Edit Movie Object to affect
Play and Display options in the Movie Options window
a. Play options
i. Loop until stopped
ii. Rewind movie when done playing
b. Display options
i. Hide while not playing
ii. Zoon to full screen
The video file must travel with the .ppt file within the same folder for the video to function properly. Copy
the folder that stores the .ppt file and all linked videos used in the presentation. PowerPoint may ask you to
update the links in the .ppt file when the folder is copied. You will need to update the links for the videos to
Insert Sound
1. Insert > Movies and Sounds > Sound from File
2. Navigate to the sound, select it and then click OK button.
3. You will be given the choice How do you want the sound to start in the slide show?
a. Automatically
b. When Clicked (in Slide Show click on movie to play)
Note: Video and sound will play on the Web with PowerPoint Viewer.
Use Microphone to record voice
1. Insert > Movies and Sounds > Record Sound
2. The Record Sound window asks you to Name the sound
3. Press circle to record and speak into your microphone
4. Press square to stop recording
5. Click OK
6. The sound will be associated with the slide it was created on
OR you can cut and paste the sound to another slide.
1. Slide Show > Record Narration
2. Quality: (n/a)
3. Disk use: (n/a)
4. Free disk space: (n/a)
5. Max record time: (n/a)
6. Link narration in:. check box to link or not
• You can re-record the narration by staring over again from the beginning.
• Sound can be deleted from individual slides – click the sound icon and press delete.
Resize Pictures
The ability to import multiple images in a batch and set default picture import size is a feature that is not
offered in MS PowerPoint.
Shyam Pillai, has developed a wizard to perform this function. The Image Import Wizard is available for
$35 at the following website: You can give it a "test drive" before purchasing
to see if it will do what is needed. Installing is easy and there is a nice tutorial that steps you through the
importing process.
Publishing Presentation to the Web
To convert a PowerPoint presentation to a web page for posting on a website do the following:
1. File > Save a Web Page >
2. Select the Publish button
3. Select appropriate choices from the Publish as Web Page window
a. Click the Browse button to save the file where you want it
4. Click Publish
5. The resulting mht file can be up loaded to a server and then linked on a Web page. This file type
can only be read in a Internet Explorer browser.
Summary Slide
A summary slide is a list of the titles, formatted as bullet points, from selected slides in your presentation.
The summary slide can be used as an agenda slide.
1. Select the slides you want to use from the Slide Sorter
2. Click the Summary Slide button on the Slide Sorter toolbar
3. The Summary Slide is inserted at the beginning of the list of slide
4. Change the slide title from Summary Slide to something more appropriate