Working Together: Best Practicesces Towards Inclusive Education of Pangasinan Division Ii, Philippines Tambogon, Ricardo S. Tabuga, Marites M
Working Together: Best Practicesces Towards Inclusive Education of Pangasinan Division Ii, Philippines Tambogon, Ricardo S. Tabuga, Marites M
Working Together: Best Practicesces Towards Inclusive Education of Pangasinan Division Ii, Philippines Tambogon, Ricardo S. Tabuga, Marites M
mandates that State to “encourage non-formal, develop their skills, (ii) take appropriate steps to
informal and indigenous learning systems, as well as make such education accessible to all disabled
self-learning, independent and out-of-school study persons, and (iii) take into consideration the special
programs, and to provide adult citizens, the disabled requirements of disabled persons in the formulation
and out-of-school youths with training on civics, of education policies and programs. It also mandates
vocational efficiency and other skills.” the State to encourage learning institutions to take
into account the special needs of disabled persons
The Philippines adopted the policy on with respect to the use of school facilities, class
inclusion education after the World Conference on schedules, physical education requirements and
Special Needs Education held in Salamanca, other pertinent considerations.
Spain in June 1994. This conference gave rise to The adoption of inclusion education, in effect,
the Salamanca Statement and Framework of Action provided a synthesizing force for past and current
on Special Needs Education that subscribes to the efforts as well as a common platform for new
fundamental principle that “all children should initiatives directed at children with disability and
learn together, wherever possible, regardless of any those requiring special education. Moreover, in
difficulties or differences they may have.” The response to the Dakar Framework of Action inked
integration and mainstreaming of children with during the World Education Forum in April 2000 in
special needs into the regular school system in the Dakar, Senegal, and adapted by various countries
country actually commenced in the 1970s. A including the Philippines, the National Action Plan
mainstreaming model for children with disabilities for Education for All (EFA) was approved on
was implemented in one of the schools in Manila in February 16, 2006 by the National Economic
1974. Prior to 1994, the Philippine government had Development Authority issued as resolution No. 2,
already undertaken a number of legislative, policy series of 2006. The central goal of the Philippine
and program initiatives related to special needs EFA 2015 is ensuring that all Filipinos acquire basic
education. These include, among others, adoption of competencies that will enable them to be
the Philippine Plan of Action for the Asian and functionally literate. As a matter of policy, the
Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons: 1993-2002, the Philippines through the Department of Education
preparation of a Handbook on Policies and has enunciated a number of implementing orders
Guidelines on Special Education in 1987, and the thereby expanding access to education.
Child and Youth Welfare Code (PD 603) which is a) Department Order No. 126, s. 1990, which
replete with specific provisions intended for the calls for the national implementation of the
welfare of exceptional children, As cited in Article 3, Parent Learning Support System (PLSS).
Rights of the Child, the emotionally disturbed or b) Department Order No. 1, s. 1997 entitled
socially maladjusted child shall be treated with Organization of a Regional SPED Unit and
sympathy and understanding, and shall be entitled to Designation of a Regional Supervisor In-charge
treatment and competent care; and the physically or of Special Education which enjoins the Regional
mentally handicapped child shall be given the Directors to designate a full-time Regional
education and care required by his particular Supervisor In-charge of Special Education and to
condition. Equally important is Article 74, which organize a SPED unit. The SPED Unit includes
provides for the creation of special classes. The representatives from the elementary education,
Article reads: Where needs warrant, there shall be at secondary education and alternative learning
least one special class in every province, and if system. The SPED Unit is tasked with assisting
possible, special schools for the physically the regional director in the formulation and
handicapped, the mentally retarded, the emotionally implementation of policies, programs and
disturbed and the specially gifted. The private sector projects on special education.
shall be given all the necessary inducement and c) Department Order No. 26, s. 1997 entitled
encouragement. Institutionalization of SPED Programs in all
Other important laws in support of inclusion Schools which institutionalizes the provision of
education are the Education Act of 1982 and the equal educational opportunities to children with
Magna Carta for Disabled Persons of 1992 disabilities through special needs education. The
(Republic Act 7277) as mentioned above. The institutionalization is aimed at the following
Education Act provides for a multi-sectoral thrust in children with special needs: the gifted/talented,
the implementation of inclusion education by the mentally retarded, the visually impaired, the
mandating the schools to provide for the hearing impaired, the orthopedically
establishment of appropriate bodies that would handicapped, the learning disabled, the speech
discuss issues and promote their interest. The Magna defectives, children with behavior problems,
Carta for Disabled Persons on the other hand, autistic children, and children with health
likewise provides that the State shall (i) ensure that problems. Educational opportunities are to be
disabled persons are provided with adequate access provided through the formal system and though
to quality education and ample opportunities to other alternative delivery services in education.
The Order also requires all divisions to organize “no children left behind”, it strongly advocates and
at least one SPED center and SPED programs in implements inclusive education in all schools.
each area. Furthermore, it provides training at the Pangasinan Division II has a total of 2,882
regional, division and district levels, and enrolments of children with special needs in public
incentives for supervisors, administrators and schools. 2,310 belong to gifted and talented class
teachers involved in SPED programs. This while 572 are children with disabilities. With this
issuance started the adoption of inclusive fast growing number of learners and schools offering
education as a policy. program for the children with special needs, the
d) Department Order No. 14, s. 1993 entitled following schools are recognized special education
Regional Special Education Council which centers that offers education and services for all
authorizes the regional directors to organize a exceptionalities:
Regional Special Education Council (RSEC). i. Binalonan North Central School SPED
RSEC is tasked with the following: To formulate Center.
and coordinate the implementation of policies, ii. Bautista Central School SPED Center
plans and programs in special education in the iii. Narciso R. Ramos Elementary School SPED
region; To organize regional SPED training team Center
which shall conduct in-service training at the iv. Manaoag Central School SPED Center
regional and sub-regional levels; and To v. Mangaldan Integrated School SPED Center
establish linkages with GOs and NGOs for either vi. Juan C. Laya Elementary School SPED
financial or human resources support. Center
e) Enhancing Special Education Centers vii. Nantangalan Elementary School SPED
To improve the special education program, the Center
school-within-a-school concept was introduced viii. San Fabian Integrated School SPED Center
in 1974. In a school that is strategically located ix. Villasis Central School SPED Center
within the community a Special Education x. West Central School SPED Center
Center is organized. This Center, manned by xi. Tomana Elementary School SPED Center
trained special education teachers for different
types of disabilities and administered by the Likewise, non-special education center
principal of the regular school, offered an array schools are also admitting and educating children
of educational services appropriate to the needs with special needs. All elementary and secondary
and capabilities of children with mental schools offer inclusive education as part of the
retardation and other disabilities. The services division’s program.
included special classes, resource room plans, Special Education Program in Pangasinan
partial or full integration, and mainstreaming. Division II: The ultimate goal of special education
The rationale for the organization of the centers shall be the integration or mainstreaming of learners
was to maximize the utilization of expert human with special needs into the regular school system
resources and consolidation of support for the and eventually in the community (Policies and
program, to facilitate supervision and Guidelines for Special Education, 1997). However,
administrative functions, and to provide research Pangasinan Division II also acknowledges the fact
opportunities. that the provision of least restrictive environment for
Salient Features of Inclusive Education in children with special needs is hinged on the degree
Pangasinan Division II: of severity of each learner. Educational services for
i. Inclusion means implementing and maintaining children with special needs (CSNs) in the
warm and accepting classroom communities that Philippines come in several forms. These include:
embraces diversity and honor differences. i. Resource room plan. Under this scheme, the
ii. Inclusion means implementing a multi-level, child is enrolled in the regular school program
multi-modality curriculum. but goes to a resource room to use the
iii. Inclusion means preparing and supporting specialized equipment either in a tutorial
teachers to teach interactively. situation or in a small group. The resource room
iv. Inclusion means providing ongoing support for teacher functions both as an instructor and as a
teachers in the classroom and breaking down consultant. The usual procedure is for the trained
barriers of professional isolations. resource room teacher to serve the area of
v. Inclusion means involving parents in the exceptionality. However, occasionally, in small
planning process in meaningful ways. communities, necessity may dictate that the
resource room teacher serves children with a
Recognized Special Education Centers in variety of learning disabilities.
Pangasinan Division II: ii. Itinerant teacher plan. Under this plan, an
Pangasinan Division II is an active government itinerant or traveling teacher serves one or more
educational institution in the implementation of regular schools depending on how many pupils
special education program. As part of its mission on need special help. The teacher gives direct and
consultative services to children and in addition ii. Intellectual Disability Week. This weeklong
observes diagnoses, makes referrals and activity provides opportunities for people with
evaluates performance. intellectual disability to showcase their innate
iii. Special class plan (Self-contained and primed talents and skills in the mainstream society. The
for mainstreaming). This plan is aimed at highlight of this event is featuring people with
children with more severe problems which make intellectual disabilities and their success stories
it difficult for them to learn in a regular through advocacy and campaign in radio and
classroom setting. At times, they may be with television shows. Also, the division conducts the
their normal peers, but are usually not in an annual “Camp Pag-ibig (Love Camp)”. In this
academic situation. event, all children with disabilities were gathered
iv. Special education center. This adopts the together in one venue in school to have two-day
“school-within-a-school” concept. The Center is camp. Regular pupils serve as audience,
administered by a principal and operated assistants and encouragers to the pupils with
according to the rules and regulations that govern disabilities. The two-day camp activities are:
a regular school. The Center functions as a a) Card Making Contests for children with
Resource Center to support children with special autism assisted by regular pupils;
needs in regular schools, assists in the conduct of b) Recycled Bottle Designs for children with
school-based INSET, produces appropriate hearing impairment;
teaching materials, and conducts continuous c) Braille Reading Contest for children with
assessment of CSNs. visual impairment;
v. Community-based delivery system. CBDS is d) Poster-Making Contests for children with
for children with special needs who reside in CP/ID assisted by regular pupils;
distant communities and cannot avail themselves e) Cook Fest Contest for Transition Program
of existing special education programs. They are Students with regular pupils;
reached by teachers, para-teachers or volunteers f) Mr. and Ms. Camp Pag-ibig for children
who were trained to teach the basic 3Rs and self- with Down syndrome.
help activities to prepare them for useful and iii. Deaf Awareness Week. This observance aims to
independent living. enhance significant public awareness on the
prevention, early detection, intervention,
CONTENT rehabilitation and education of people with
Pangasinan Division II’s schools have been active part hearing impairment. The following activities are
of inclusive education. Most schools join the monthly undertaken:
activities and celebrations through school-based a) Sports competition with regular and deaf
activities that promote awareness and strengthen pupils
inclusive education. Presently, the following are the b) Career Guidance for the Deaf
different activities and best practices that this division c) Personality Development for the Deaf
has been implementing for the last three years. d) Parents’ symposia on early detection,
intervention and education of the deaf.
A. Working Together: Learners Level iv. White Cane Safety Day. This activity aims to
Monthly Activities that promotes inclusive education stimulate public awareness on the rights and
and special education awareness: welfare of people who are blind and with low
i. Autism Awareness Week. This activity aims to vision, promote recognition and acceptance of
generate awareness, acceptance and the white cane as a symbol of mobility and safety
understanding, inclusion and employment of for people who are blind, strengthen and protect
people with autism in the society and promote the physical, moral and social well-being of
action by public and private sectors towards people who are blind and low vision, and serve
enabling people with autism to live with dignity, as vehicle of information on the continuing
enjoy equal rights and access to education, development of programs being implemented
services and facilities enjoyed by the typical through partnerships between public and private
people for them to function independently and sectors to realize the rights and fundamental
contribute productively to the society. The freedom of people who are blind and with low
following are the sub-activities conducted: vision. The following activities are conducted:
a) Art Workshop conducted in every school; a) Inviting ophthalmologists or optometrists to
b) Health and Wellness Awareness for all conduct free eye examination and screening
parents of school children; to all children suspected of visual
c) Consultation with possible employers of impairment;
people with autism; and b) Showcasing of talents of blinds and low
d) Disaster preparedness and response activities vision learners and success stories of people
for people with autism. with visual impairment to parents and
school children.
vi. Division Search for Outstanding SPED instruction and follow-ups. Assessments are
Teachers. This project aims to recognize conducted after every learning session.
excellent teachers of children with special needs. iii. Home-based Education for Special Learners.
vii. Division Search for Outstanding SPED iv. Community-Based Livelihood Training
Schools/Centers. Program. School and local government unit in
viii. Benchmarking of SPED Schools. School barangay level tie up for the livelihood training
administrators and teachers from regular schools program. Out of the school youths, adults and
benchmark special education centers and persons with disabilities join together in this
inclusive schools to learn about their best program. They are taught different livelihood
practices and how to fully implement inclusive skills in order for them to live independently and
education in their respective schools. productively.
v. Private-Partnership Sponsorship Program for
C. Working Together: Parents Level Special Learners. Private sectors and
i. Parents-Pupils Collaborative Hydrotherapy. individuals provide scholarship and sponsorship
This is a school and community-based activity for special learners especially those who are
which provides a great collaboration between indigent. Allowances, transportation and school
teacher and parents in providing hydrotherapy of fees are provided as a full support for the
the children with disabilities with the help of learners’ education.
therapy professionals. vi. Local Government Unit Funding for Special
ii. Integrated Family Day. Parents-Teachers Education. Special Education Fund is provided
Association of the whole school conducts yearly both barangay and municipal level. This SEF is
Integrated Family Day. The whole school used to purchase instructional and manipulative
celebrates the importance of working together materials, teachers and pupils’ attendance to
both in typical and special education classes. different activities and classroom improvements.
This also establishes a good rapport and vii. Information Dissemination Campaign on
camaraderie between parents, students and Inclusive Education. This is conducted yearly in
teachers. all barangays of every school. Barangay officials
iii. School-based Orientation of Inclusive Education are pro-active and supportive in schools’
for all Stakeholders and Parents. INSETs are inclusive education campaign. Also, they inform
conducted monthly in every school. Every every household about this program.
INSET, inclusive education is tackled and viii. Deployment of PWDs in the Community
discussed to provide fundamental skills and Works. Community businesses and local
knowledge to all teachers in school. government units provide opportunities by
iv. Involvement of all parents in all school-based employing PWDs in their business
activities. In every school activity, all parents are establishments. The school also provides follow-
involved through the Parents-Teachers ups and continues traning of skills and work
Association. Parents are very supportive in all ethics and conducts.
school programs, activities and endeavours. This ix. Orientation on the Rights and Privileges of
creates a positive atmosphere, unity and oneness PWDs. In cooperation with the Department of
of parents, teachers and pupils. Social Welfare and Development, LGU and
NGOs, training and orientation on the rights and
D. Working Together: Stakeholders And privileges of PWDs are discussed and
Community Level implemented. One of these is the provision of
i. Invitation of Super Malls in Movie Watching PWD card in which PWDs are able to afford
Related to Inclusive Education. This activity is discounts in basic commodities like food,
conducted monthly by a giant and well-known medicines and transportation. Also, they are
super mall in Pangasinan. Movies being shown given discounts in hospitals, clinics, and some
are related to children with exceptionality and leisure places.
their great stories with life lessons. All parents of x. Training on Disaster Risk Reduction
the CSNs in Pangasinan Division II with their Management. One of the important components
children gather and watch together. This inspires of LGU programs in cooperation with schools is
and encourages parents to continually support the conduct of training on disaster risk reduction
their children in every aspect of their lives. management. PWDs are all included and given
ii. Distance Education for Special Education attention so that they are knowledgeable on the
Learners. Learners with special needs who are how’s in before, during and after of every
far from the school are given distance education disaster.
program. SPED Teachers go homebound
instruction for these learners. Also, modules are
given to parents and pupils for the homebound