Block 1
Block 1
Block 1
Item :
Q. ld : 2476
•\='Mark ~
Lob Voluos
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An African-American boy Is In the newborn nursery with a bulge on his abdomen that was
identified Immediately after birth and Is most pronounced during crying. The patient was
born to an 18-year-old woman who did not receive prenatal care or take prenatal
vitamins. Vitals are normal. Examination shows a soft swelling at the umbilical region
that is 1 em in diameter and covered by skin. It is easily reducible through the umbilical
ring. Which of the following Is the most likely diagnosis and best course of action for this
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Item :
Q. ld ; 3064
•\='Mark ~
Lob Voluos
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A healthy 35-year-old man comes to the emergency department with severe abdominal
pain for the last 4 hours. The pain started in the periumbilical area but has now shifted to
the right lower quadrant. He also complains of nausea and 2 episodes of vomiting. He
has no history of other medical problems and takes no medications. The patient's
temperature Is 38.9 C (102 F), blood pressure is 125/80 mm Hg, pulse is 100/mln, and
respirations are 20/min. Abdominal examination shows tenderness in the right lower
quadrant that does not worsen with Inspiration. Palpation of the left lower quadrant
produces pain In the right lower quadrant. Urinalysis is normal. Laboratory results are
as follows:
Which of the following Is the most appropriate next step in management of this patient?
l SUbmit I
I I~~
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0. ld : 3171
~'?Mark ~
Lab Values
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A 55-year-old woman comes to the office with a one-week history of pain in multiple
joints. She has achy pain and stiffness in both wrists and multiple metacarpophalangeal
and proximal interphalangeal joints in both hands. The patient's symptoms are worst in
the morning and partially improve over 10-15.minutes of normal activity. There is no
associated fever, chills, rash, or weight loss. She works in a day care center and does
not use tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs. Vital signs are normal. On examination, there is
mild swelling with no redness or tenderness of the involved joints. Laboratory studies
show normal blood counts and serum chemistries. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is 12
mm/hr. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
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0. ld : 4653
~'?Mark ~
Lab Values
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Item: ca ?Mark ~ [> !f ~ ~ , ~
0. ld : 2796 Prev1ous Ne>tt Lab Values Notes Calculator Reverse Color Text Zoom
A 32-year-old man with type 1 diabetes mellitus comes to the emergency department with
a 2-day history of nausea and abdominal pain. The patient has chronic intermittent
diarrhea and lower back pain for which he takes acetaminophen. He does not use
tobacco or illicit drugs. He lives alone and drinks alcohol occasionally. The patient's
temperature is 37.6 C (99.7 F), blood pressure is 122/86 mm Hg, pulse is 88/min, and
respirations are 25/min. Laboratory results are as follows:
Serum chemistry
Potassium 5.0 mEq/L
Chloride 90 mEq/L
Bicarbonate 14 mEq/L
Blood urea
19 mg/dL
Creatinine 1.1 mg/dl
Feedback Su~nd EnQock
Hematocrit 32%
Leukocyte count 8,000/
Blood type
Anti-Rh antibody
Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management of this patient?
Su bmit
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Q. ld : 4278
•\='Mark ~
Lob Voluos
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A 50-year-old man Is admitted to the hospital with worsening jaundice, anorexia, general
malaise, and right upper quadrant abdominal pain over the past 3 days. The patient's
other medical problems Include major depression with an attempted suicide 30 years
ago. His temperature is 38.3 C (101 F). blood pressure is 130/86 mm Hg, pulse Is
86/min. and respirations are 16/min. Cardiopulmonary examination is unremarkable.
Scleral icterus and tender hepatomegaly are present Laboratory results are as follows:
Serum chemistry
Urea nitrogen 20 mg/dl
Creatinine 1.2 mg/dL
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Serum chemistry
Urea nitrogen 20 mg/dl
Creatinine 1.2 mg/dl
Coagulation studies
INR 1.2 (0.8-1.1 )
Which of the following would be the most helpful in establishing a diagnosis in this
0 A. Family history
8 B. Medication history
0 C. Right upper quadrant ultrasound
0 D. Serum acetaminophen level
0 E. Substance abuse history
0 F. Travel history to a developing country
ning : 57: o6
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0. ld : 2648
~?Mark <]
Lab Values
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A 5-year-old boy is brought to the office by his parents for evaluation of "clumsiness."
The patient's fine and gross motor development have been normal at prior visits, but he
now frequently runs into doorways or corners of furniture while walking around the
house. He has also begun drinking large amounts of water and urinating "all the time."
Temperature is 37 C (98.6 F), blood pressure is 95/65 mm Hg, and pulse is 130/min.
Physical examination shows dry mucous membranes and loss of bitemporal visual fields.
Laboratory results are as follows:
Serum studies
Sodium 145 mEq/L
Potassium 3.9 mEq/L
Bicarbonate 20 mEq/L
Blood urea nitrogen 18 mg/dL
Creatinine 0.9 mgtdL
Blood glucose 88 mg/dL
Specific gravity 1.001
Glucose negative
CT scan of the brain (exhibit) reveals an abnormality (red arrow). Which of the following
is the most likely diagnosis?
0 A. Craniopharyngioma
0 B. Empty sella syndrome
0 C. Medulloblastoma
0 D. Pituitary adenoma
0 E. Rathke cleft cyst
0 F. Retinoblastoma
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0. ld : 3059
~'?Mark ~
Lab Values
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A 45-year-old woman comes to the office due to progressive weakness for the past
several months. The patient has had difficulty lifting her foster children and getting in
and out of her car. She also reports difficulty swallowing and has had several episodes
of choking while drinking water. She has no medical problems, but there is a history of
breast cancer in her mother. The patient does not use tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs.
Vital signs are within normal limits, and she has normal sensation and deep tendon
reflexes. Strength is 4/5 in the deltoid and quadriceps muscle groups, and there is no
limitation in range of motion. Physical examination is otherwise unremarkable.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is 50 mm/hr, and serum creatine kinase is elevated. TSH
is normal. Which of the following is the best initial treatment for this patient?
0 A. Amitriptyline
0 B. Beta interferon
0 C. Cyclobenzaprine
0 D. Prednisone
0 E. Pyridostigmine
0 F. Radiation therapy
0 G. Riluzole
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Item: ~?Mark <? C> 6f ~ ~ , ~
Q. ld : 3598 Prev1ous Next Lab Values Notes Calculator Reverse Color Text Zoom
A 27-year-old woman comes to the office due to a 2-month history of dark hair growth on ch.eeks, chin, and upper lip. Her last menstrual period was 12 weeks ago, but she
did not seek medical care because a home pregnancy test was negative. The patient is
gravida 0 para 0; her menstrual cycles began at age 11 and have previously been
regular. She has no associated weight changes, visual disturbances, skin striae,
headaches, or proximal muscle weakness. She takes no medications, including
over-the-counter medications. Family history is unremarkabl.e. Physical examination
shows a BMI of 24 kg/m•. Her skin is oily with acne on the forehead and cheeks. Dark
terminal hairs are noted on the upper lip, cheeks, chin, chest, and lower abdomen.
Examination of the genitals shows clitoromegaly. Abdominal examination is normal.
Pelvic ultrasound reveals a normal uterus and ovaries. CT scan of the abdomen reveals
a left adrenal mass. Which of the following patterns of plasma hormone levels is likely to
be present in this patient?
Dehydroepiandrosterone Luteinizing
sulfate hormone
0. ld : 3387
~'?Mark ~
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A 36-year-old woman who is a known patient comes to the office for a routine annual
examination. Toward the end of the visit, she glumly mentions that she intends to file for
divorce from her husband. For the past few years, he has been irritable, less interested
in his work, and obsessed with making huge sums of money in Las Vegas. This behavior
has increased even more since his mother's death 2 months ago. The patient says,
"Sometimes my husband stays up all night to gamble online and then misses work the
next day. He was recently fired from his job as an insurance agent after he was caught
forging signatures to finance some gambling trips to Las Vegas." The patient confronted
him about his behavior, but he became more angry and irritable and insisted that his trips
are the only thing that makes him feel really good. Now he admits that he finds it hard to
control himself and is in debt to several creditors. Although he has lost a considerable
amount of money, he is convinced that he could win it all back if he could just borrow
enough from friends. Which of the following is her husband's most likely diagnosis?
0 A. Adjustment disorder
0 B. Antisocial personality disorder
0 C. Bereavement
0 D. Bipolar disorder
0 E. Gambling disorder
0 F. Major depressive disorder
0 G. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
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0. ld : 3886
~'?Mark ~
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A new test is devised to detect HIV. It has a sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 85%
compared to the gold standard. The test is used in 2 populations: a population in Africa
with a 20% prevalence of HIV, and a population in Asia with a 1% prevalence of HIV.
Which of the following is the most accurate statement concerning the new test?
o A The negative predictive value of the test is lower in the Asian population
o B. The positive predictive value of the test is higher in the African population
o C. The sensitivity of the test is higher in the African population
o D. The specificity of the test is higher in the Asian population
o E. The test is not valid in the African population
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A 32-year-old man comes to the office due to exc.essive sleepiness for the past several
months. He says, "I am very worried that I will lose my job. I feel like napping all the time
and once fell asleep while talking with a customer. The other day, I nearly had an
accident when I fell asleep while driving." The patient is also concerned that he
occasionally hears voices while falling asleep and finds himself "temporarily frozen" and
unable to move on awakening. He has a history of hypertension controlled with
hydrochlorothiazide. His family history is noncontributory. The patient does not smoke
cigarettes or drink alcohol but does smoke marijuana a few times a month. Physical
examination is remarkable for obesity and no other abnormalities. Which of the following
is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?
o A. Clonazepam
0 B. Continuous positive airway pressure
o C. Melatonin
o D. Modafinil
o E. Pramipexole
o F. Quetiapine
Item : li\='Mark <] [> jl ~· L":flll , ~
Q. ld : 1:l111 Prev1ous Next lab Vttlues Note1 Calculator Reverse Color Text Zoom
Item 1 of2
A 26-year-old woman comes to the clinic for a routine examination. The patient has been
doing well and has no concerns. She is a gymnast and her main activity is the balance
beam; last year, she sustained a vulvar contusion during a competition, but otherwise
she has been healthy. The patient is sexually active and uses an intrauterine device for
contraception. She occasionally drinks alcohol but does not smoke cigarettes or use
illicit drugs. Examination shows a mobile, soft, well-circumscribed mass the size of an
egg at the 4 o'clock position on the left vulva. Which of the following is the most likely
diagnosis for this patient?
[ Submit j
A. "I'm sorry, but I am not very familiar with acupuncture and am reluctant to
0 combine the two therapies."
0 B. "I hope you are aware that acupuncture has its limitations."
o C. "If you want to try acupuncture, I cannot continue serving as your physician."
o D. "Why do you want to try acupuncture?"
o E. "How can an educated woman like you suggest something like this?"
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0. ld : 2993
~'?Mark ~
Lab Values
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A 73-year-old man comes to the office due to 3 days of fever, facial pain over his right
cheek, and bloody nasal discharge. Last night he was able to see without difficulty, but
this morning, he developed double vision. He has had no recent trauma to the face or
dental procedures. The patient has a 30-year history of type 2 diabetes mellitus
complicated by nephropathy and retinopathy. His medical history also includes
hypertension and hyperlipidemia. He is widowed and lives alone. He does not use
tobacco or alcohol. Temperature is 39 C (102.2 F), blood pressure is 130/76 mm Hg,
and pulse is 102/min. The patient appears ill. Chemosis and mild proptosis of the right
eye are present. There is tenderness over the right maxillary sinus. Nasal examination
shows right nasal congestion and necrosis of the right nasal turbinate. Necrosis of the
hard palate is present. Cardiopulmonary examination is normal. The patient has no skin
rash. CT scan reveals opacification and bony erosion of the right maxillary sinus.
Hemoglobin A1c is 11%. Which of the following is the most likely causative organism?
0 A. Actinomyces
0 B. Clostridium septicum
0 C. Oral anaerobic bacteria
0 D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
0 E. Rhizopus species
0 F. Staphylococcus aureus
0 G. Streptococcus pneumoniae
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a. ld : 4314
~'?Mark ~
lab Values
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A 33-year-old woman comes to the office due to blistering on the backs of her hands.
She has had occasional blisters in the past, but numerous lesions appeared last week
after she spent some time outdoors gardening. The lesions are not painful but are
associated with mild itching. The patient says her skin is also fragile and trivial trauma
has caused superficial erosions that heal with scarring. She occasionally drinks alcohol
but does not use tobacco. The patient used injection drugs in the past but stopped after
being diagnosed with hepatitis C infection 8 years ago. She has not yet received
treatment for hepatitis, and her only medication is a daily oral contraceptive. Vital signs
are within normal limits. Physical examination shows several vesicles and erosions on
the dorsum of both hands. Some of the lesions are healing with crusts and scars. Which
of the following is the most likely underlying cause of this patient's skin lesions?
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0. ld : 4829
~ ?Mark <]
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A 5-month-old full-term boy is brought to the physician for fever. He was doing well until
this morning, when he felt warm to his mother. He has had a "runny nose" and
intermittent coughing but otherwise has been breastfeeding well. His 3-year-old brother
had an upper respiratory tract infection last week. The infant takes vitamin D, and his
vaccinations are up to date. His temperature is 38. 9 C (1 02 F), blood pressure is 90/60
mm Hg, pulse is 120/min, and respirations are 32/min. Pulse oximetry shows an oxygen
saturation of 96%. Examination shows crusted rhinorrhea at the nares. The patient's
chest radiograph is shown below.
0 A Hilar lymphadenopathy
0 B. Right atrium
0 C. Right middle-lobe infiltrate
0 D. Right upper-lobe atelectasis
0 E. Right upper-lobe infiltrate
0 F. Thymus
Feedback Su~nd EnQ ock
:) A. Candldal vaginitis
0 B. Chlamydia trachomatis Infection
o C. Maternal hormone withdrawal
0 D. Rhabdomyosarcoma
o E. Traumatic Injury
0 F. Vaginal foreign body
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0. ld : 3254
~'?Mark ~
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Cerebrospinal fluid fungal stain shows encapsulated yeast. Which of the following is the.
most appropriate next step in management of this patient?
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0. ld : 2854
~'?Mark ~
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An 85-year-old man presents with a rash over his forehead, tip of nose and left eye. He
also complains of pain and decreased vision. He has had fever, malaise, and a burning
sensation around his left eye for the past 5 days. His blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg,
pulse is 92/min, respirations are 14/min, and temperature is 38. 1o C (101o F). Physical
examination reveals a vesicular rash on the periorbital region and lid margins. The left
eye is red, with chemosis of the conjunctiva. Dendriform ulcers are seen on the cornea.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
S ubmit
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0. ld : 2842
!!! '?Mark ~
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0 A Angiofibroma
o B. Inverted papilloma
o C. Nasal polyp
0 D. Perforated nasal septum
0 E. Pyogenic granuloma
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A 58-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with severe headache and
agitation. She describes her pain as right-sided and retro-orbital, and also reports
blurred vision, constipation, and vomiting. Her medical history is significant for
Parkinson's disease, hypothyroidism, hypertension and chronic hepatitis C. Work-up
reveals that her current condition is medication-induced. Which of the following agents is
most likely responsible?
o A Levodopa
o B. Selegiline
o C. Bromocriptine
o D. Trihexyphenidyl
o E. Propranolol
o F. Levothyroxine
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0. ld : 3579
~?Mark <]
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A 25-year-old man presents to the emergency room with shortness of breath and cough
productive of blood-tinged sputum for the past few days. He denies associated fever,
arthralgias or weight loss. He has never had these symptoms before, and is extremely
concerned. He has no history of recent travel or sick contacts. He smokes half a pack of
cigarettes daily, and has had two sexual partners in the past six months. On physical
examination, his temperature is 37.2° C (98.9° F), blood pressure is 120/70 mm Hg, pulse
is 102/min, and respirations are 22/min. Lung auscultation reveals patchy bilateral
rales. Chest x-ray demonstrates bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. His serum creatinine is
2.6 mg/dL and urinalysis shows dysmorphic red cells. Which of the following is the most
likely cause of his current condition?
Feedback Su~nd EnQock
0. ld : 4317
~'?Mark ~
Lab Values
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A 7-year-old girl is brought to the emergency department due to a cat bite on her right
arm. She was bitten while picking up a neighbor's cat by its tail. Afterward, her mother
immediately cleaned the wound with hydrogen peroxide. The patient's vaccinations are
up to date, and her most recent tetanus vaccine was 3 years ago. Her temperature is
36.9 C (98.4 F), blood pressure is 108/70 mm Hg, pulse is 107/min, and respirations are
21/min. Physical examination shows a deep puncture wound on the anterolateral aspect
of her right forearm. There is no visible debris in the wound and no active bleeding.
Neurovascular function is intact. Her wound is copiously irrigated with saline and
cleaned with povidone-iodine. Which of the following is the best next step in
S ubmit
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Item: ca ?Mark ~ [> !f ~ ~ , ~
0. ld : 2242 Prev1ous Ne>tt Lab Values Notes Calculator Reverse Color Text Zoom
A 27-year-old man comes to the physician because of a 1-day history of fever and joint
pains. He is being treated with cephalexin for a skin infection. His urine has turned
darker. His temperature is 38.SO C (101 .3• F), blood pressure is 125/70 mm Hg, pulse is
90/min, and respirations are 15/min. Examination shows a skin rash; examination
otherwise shows no abnormalities. Urinalysis shows: 8 RBCs/HPF, 12 WBCs/HPF with
white cell casts, eosinophiluria, and a mild degree of proteinuria. Laboratory studies
show a BUN of 40 mg/dl and serum creatinine of 2.2 mg/dl. Which of the following is the
most appropriate next step in management?
o A Discontinue cephalexin
o B. Start ampicillin and gentamicin
o C. Start oral ciprofloxacin
o D. Start intravenous steroids
o E. Start oral steroids
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A 17-year-old white female comes to the office for the evaluation of fatigue which has
been present for the past 4 months. Her past medical history is insignificant. She denies
the use of any drugs. Her pulse is 74/min, blood pressure is 110/70 mm Hg, and
temperature is 36.7° C (98.0° F). Physical examination shows scars on the dorsum of
her hands and dental erosions. Laboratory studies show:
0 A Chronic diarrhea
0 B. Diuretic abuse
0 C. Surreptitious vomiting
0 D. Primary hyperaldosteronism
0 E. Bartter's syndrome
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Q. ld; 3194
•\='Mark ~
Lob Voluos
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A 2-year-old child Is brought to the office due to vomiting. He is recovering from an upper
respiratory Infection, which was treated by his mother with over-the-counter aspirin. On
examination he Is Irritable, lethargic, agitated and uncooperative. His height, weight and
head circumference are at the 50th percentile. The pupils are equal and have a sluggish
reaction to light. The sclera Is non-icteric. The neck is supple and without adenopathy.
The abdomen Is flat, with normal bowel sounds. The lab findings are as follows:
Serum bilirubin Normal
Serum AST and
Serum ammonia Increased
Prothrombin time Prolonged
ACT scan of the brain shows cerebral edema. CSF analysis is normal. except for
increased pressure. What Is the most likely diagnosis?
0 A. Aseptic meningitis
0 B. Reye syndrome
0 c. Carnltlne deficiency
0 D. Sepsis
0 E. Viral encephalitis
I Submit
I I~~
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0. ld : 2762
~'?Mark ~
Lab Values
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A 48-year-old woman comes to the physician because of a small swelling on her neck.
She has worked outdoors her entire life. This swelling has been present for the past 6
months and is slowly enlarging. On examination, there is a small nodular lesion with
central ulceration that is firm, nontender, pearly, and indurated.
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Item ~?Mark <? [> ai ~ ~ , GJIIA)
0. ld : 21 6 4 PreVIous Next Lab Values Notes Calculator Reverse Color Text Zoom
o A Add spironolactone
o B. Add metolazone
0 C. Measure serum electrolytes
0 D. Discontinue atorvastatin
0 E. Discontinue metoprolol
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0. ld : 9634
~'?Mark ~
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An 80-year-old woman with multiple medical problems is admitted to the hospital for
evaluation of syncope. Her heart rate is found to be 3.6/min. She was admitted to
another hospital rec·ently, then discharged to an acute rehabilitation facility, and then sent
to a nursing home. Review of her history shows that the patient is taking high-dose
diltiazem, metoprolol, and atenolol. Which of the following medication reconciliation
interventions is most likely to result in a decrease in adverse drug events and health care
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Item ~?Mark <? [> ai ~ ~ , GJIIA)
0. ld: 11961 PreVIous Next Lab Values Notes Calculator Reverse Color Text Zoom
A 3-day-old girl is being evaluated for fussiness, poor feeding, and decreased urine
output that began this morning. She was born to a 31-year-old woman by an
uncomplicated home vaginal delivery. During the first 2 days of life, the infant had
latched and fed well and made an adequate number of wet diapers. However, she is
now afebrile but tachypneic, tachycardic, and mildly hypertensive. Oxygen saturation in
the right hand is 96% and oxygen saturation in the right foot is 85% on room air.
Capillary refill is equal in both lower extremities and duration is about 4 seconds. A
systolic murmur is heard at the left paravertebral interscapular area. A flat bluish-grey
discoloration with well-demarcated, irregular borders is seen overlying the sacrum.
Laboratory results are as follows:
Sodium 137 mEq/L
Potassium 4. 1 mEq/L
Chloride 100 mEq/L
Bicarbonate 16 mEq/L
18 mg/dL (normal: 9-1 6
Lactic acid
Which of the following is the most likely underlying pathophysiology of this patient's
uncomplicated home vaginal delivery. During the first 2 days of life, the infant had
latched and fed well and made an adequate number of wet diapers. However, she is
now afebrile but tachypneic, tachycardic, and mildly hypertensive. Oxygen saturation in
the right hand is 96% and oxygen saturation in the right foot is 85% on room air.
Capillary refill is equal in both lower extremities and duration is about 4 seconds. A
systolic murmur is heard at the left paravertebral interscapular area. A flat bluish-grey
discoloration with well-demarcated, irregular borders is seen overlying the sacrum.
Laboratory results are as follows:
Sodium 137 mEq/L
Potassium 4.1 mEq/L
Chloride 100 mEq/L
Bicarbonate 16 mEq/L
18 mg/dL (normal: 9-16
Lactic acid
Which of the following is the most likely underlying pathophysiology of this patient's
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Item: ~?Mark <] [>- 6i ~~ ~ , @JA)
0. ld : 4899 Previous Next Lab Values Notes Calculator Reverse Color Text Zoom
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A 45-year-old woman, gravida 1 para 1, comes to the office due to bleeding between
periods and heavy menses for the past 6 months. Her menstrual cycles were Irregular,
occurring every 26-37 days, and In the past few weeks the bleeding has become nearly
continuous. Her medical problems Include hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus. and
hyperlipidemia. The patient had a tubal ligation 5 years ago after a vaginal delivery. She
has no family history of cancer. Blood pressure is 144/86 mm Hg. BMI is 40 kg/m'.
Bimanual examination Is limited by the patient's body habitus but shows no
abnormalities. Endometrial biopsy shows complex endometrial hyperplasia. Which of the
following is the most likely mechanism of this patient's biopsy result?
Item : li\='Mark <] [> jl ~· L":flll , ~
Q. ld : 14!U~4 Prev1ous Next Lab Vttlues Note1 Calculator Reverse Color Text Zoom
A 23-year-old woman, gravida 1 para 1, comes to the office due to right lower quadrant
pain for 2 months. The pain Is unrelieved by acetaminophen and worsens with physical
activity. Menses are regular and occur every 28 days for 5 days. The patient has a
history of gonorrhea cervicitis during adolescence. Two years ago, she was treated with
methotrexate for an ectopic pregnancy. Her paternal grandmother died of ovarian cancer
at age 67. Pelvic ultrasonography shows a 4-cm ovarian mass. During laparoscoplc
cystectomy, the cyst Is inadvertently ruptured and dense yellow fluid Is noted, along with
hair and a solid, calcified, Irregularly shaped object. Which of the following Is the most
likely diagnosis?
Submit ]
0. ld : 3684
~'?Mark ~
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A 6-day-old boy is brought to the office for a routine visit after discharge from the
hospital. He is exclusively breastfed and is gaining weight appropriately. He was born at
40 weeks gestation to a primigravida who had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery.
Physical examination at rest shows bilateral medial deviation of the forefoot. Ankle
movements appear normal, and passive and active movement of the. foot results in lateral
deviation of the forefoot. The remainder of the physical examination is normal. Which of
the following is the best next step in management of this patient?
o A. Foot radiographs
0 B. Karyotype analysis
o C. Reassurance
o D. Serial manipulation and casting
0 E. Ultrasound of hips
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Item: ~?Mark <] [>- 6j ~~ ~ , @JA)
0. ld : 3658 Previous Next Lab Values Notes Calculator Reverse Color Text Zoom
o A Craniopharyngioma
o B. Ependymoma
o C. Glioblastoma
o D. Medulloblastoma
0 E. Neuroblastoma
o F. Pilocytic astrocytoma
0. ld : 3596
~?Mark <]
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A 45-year-old woman comes to the emergency department with left leg pain and swelling
that has worsened over the last 2 days. The patient has no fevers, chills, dyspnea, or
chest pain and has had no trauma to the left leg. Her medical history includes
rheumatoid arthritis and gastroesophageal reflux disease, for which she takes low-dose
methotrexate, folic acid, and omeprazole. The patient has smoked a pack of cigarettes
daily for 10 years and does not consume alcohol. Temperature is 37 C (98.6 F), blood
pressure is 140/80 mm Hg, pulse is 70/min, and respirations are 14/min. BMI is 30
kg/m2 • The left leg is swollen (>4 em) compared to the right and is warm and tender on
palpation. Pitting edema is present. Her legs are shown in the image below.
palpation. Pitting edema is present. Her legs are shown in the image below.
Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management of this patient?
0 A Aspirin
0 B. Blood cultures followed
Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management of this patient?
0 A. Aspirin
0 B. Blood cultures followed by antibiotics
0 C. Chest CT angiogram
0 D. Compression ultrasonograpl'!y
0 E. D-dimer test
0 F. Empiric anticoagulation
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A 31-year-old woman comes to the outpatient clinic due to excessive anxiety associated
with her work. She has been in her current position as a nurse manager for 5 years and
enjoyed her job until the past year. Her symptoms had begun after she filed a complaint
against a colleague for not following departmental policy protocol. Since the incident, the
patient has felt that all of her coworkers have been treating her differently and seem to be
very critica.l of her. Although she is included in all work-related social events and
meetings and is being considered for a promotion, she feels that she is disliked by
everyone and has concluded, "They must think I'm doing a terrible job." This is causing
her a great deal of stress and makes her feel very anxious during her entire shift. The
patient does not want to go to work and has used a week of sick time to avoid the
situation. The patient says, "I have always been overly sensitive; my family tells me that
all the time. But now I am worried that I will be fired for repeated absences." During the
interview, the patient appears anxious and tends to automatically jump to negative
interpretations of events. She and the physician decide on a course of
nonpharmacologic treatment. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for
this patient?
0 A. Biofeedback
0 B. Cognitive behavioral therapy
o C. Dialectical behavior therapy
0 D. Interpersonal psychotherapy
0 E. Motivational interviewing
0 F. Psychodynamic psychotherapy
0 G. Supportive psychotherapy
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