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4 authors, including:
Tinne De Laet
KU Leuven
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All content following this page was uploaded by Tinne De Laet on 12 August 2014.
Summary. Sensor models directly influence the efficiency and robustness of the
estimation processes used in robot and object localization. Therefore this paper
focusses on a probabilistic range finder sensor model for dynamic environments.
The dynamic nature results from the presence of unmodeled and possibly moving
objects and people.
The goal of this paper is twofold. First of al we present experiments to validate
the Rigorously Bayesian Beam Model (RBBM), a new model we proposed in a
previous paper. Second, we propose a sample-based full scan model to improve the
state of the art models. In contrast to these Gaussian-based state of the art full scan
models, the proposed model is able to handle the multi-modality of the range finder
data, which is shown here to occur even in simple static environments.
1 Introduction
Intelligent robots require sensors to perceive their environment. To translate
sensor measurements into intelligent behavior, the measurements have to be
interpreted in the context of a physical sensor model. The design of a sensor
model is a trade-off between accuracy (hence, increased intelligence) on the
one hand, and simplicity and robustness on the other hand. While simplicity
and robustness are improved by only using physically interpretable parame-
ters, accuracy requires that: (i) the mathematical sensor model approximates
the physical sensor well, and (ii) conditional probabilities on a well-chosen sub-
set of the model parameters represent the stochastic nature of the involved
In a probabilistic approach, inaccuracies are embedded in the stochastic
nature of the model, particularly in the conditional probability density rep-
resenting the measurement process. This way, good results and intelligent
behavior are achieved using a limited modeling effort. Nevertheless, it is of
vital importance that all types of inaccuracies affecting the measurements are
2 Tinne De Laet, Joris De Schutter and Herman Bruyninckx
2 Related Work
The range finder sensor models available from literature are traditionally di-
vided in three main groups: feature-based approaches, beam-based models and
correlation-based methods. Feature-based approaches extract a set of features
from the range scan and match them to features contained in an environ-
mental model. Beam-based models, also known as ray cast models, consider
each distance measurement along a beam as a separate range measurement.
These models represent the one-dimensional distribution of the distance mea-
surement by a parametric function, which depends on the expected range
measurement in the respective beam directions. In addition, these models are
closely linked to the geometry and the physics involved in the measurement
process. They often result in overly peaked likelihood functions due to the
underlying assumption of independent beams. The last group of range finder
sensor models, correlation-based methods, build local maps from consecutive
scans and correlate them with a global map. The simple and efficient likeli-
hood field models or end point model [2] are related to these correlation-based
methods. A nice summary of the advantages and drawbacks of the different
range finder sensor models is given in [3].
To simplify notation, the explicit mention of the random variable in the proba-
bilities is omitted whenever possible, and replaced by the common abbreviation
P (x) instead of writing P (X = x).
Adaptive Full Scan Model for Range Finders 3
This section gives first a brief description of the RBBM and the differences
with respect to the state of the art models. Next, additional experiments are
presented that show that the RBBM has the same representational power as
the state of the art models.
3.1 Description
P (z | x, m) = π1 Phit (z | x, m) + π2 Poccl (z | x, m) +
π3 Prand (z | x, m) + π4 Pmax (z | x, m) , (1)
Adaptive Full Scan Model for Range Finders 5
π1 = (1 − p′ ) (1 − π3 − π4 ), (2)
π2 = p (1 − π3 − π4 ), (3)
Phit (z | x, m) = N (z; z ⋆, σm ) , (4)
1⋆ 1−p′
z [1−( z ⋆ −z 2 if 0 ≤ z ≤ z ⋆
Poccl (z | x, m) = z⋆
p′ )] , (5)
0 otherwise.
if 0 ≤ z ≤ zmax ,
Prand (z | x, m) = zmax , and (6)
0 otherwise.
1 if z = zmax ,
Pmax (z | x, m) = I (zmax ) = , (7)
0 otherwise.
with z ⋆ is the distance the range sensor would ideally measure, i.e. the distance
to the closest object in the map.
The RBBM, Eq. (1-7), depends on four independent model parameters:
Θ = [σm , p′ , π3 , π4 ] , (8)
while zmax is a known sensor characteristic. This set of parameters has a clear
physical interpretation; σm is the standard deviation of the zero mean Gaus-
sian measurement noise governing Phit (z | x, m); p′ is the probability that the
map is occluded; π3 and π4 are the probabilities that the range finder re-
turns an unexplainable measurement (unknown cause) and a maximum read-
ing (sensor failure), respectively. We presented a maximum-likelihood (ML)
estimation and a variational Bayesian (VB) estimation algorithm both based
on the expectation-maximization approach to learn the RBBM model param-
eters [1].
With respect to the state of the art beam model of Thrun et al. [9], the
RBBM has: (i) a different functional form for the probability of range mea-
surements caused by unmodeled objects, (ii) an intuitive explanation for the
discontinuity encountered in the cited paper, and (iii) a reduction in the num-
ber of model parameters. The presented ML and VB estimation algorithms
directly benefit from the reduced number of model parameters.
3.2 Experiment
In the learning experiment, the experimental data reported by Thrun et al. [9]
is used. The data consists of two series of measurements obtained with a
mobile robot traveling through a typical office environment. From the set of
measurements, 10000 measurements that are centered around two different
expected ranges, are selected. The two obtained sets with different expected
ranges are shown in Fig. 1.
The goal of this section is threefold: (i) to learn the model parameters
(8) of the RBBM (1) from experimental data, (ii) to compare the results of
6 Tinne De Laet, Joris De Schutter and Herman Bruyninckx
1.2 0.8
0.6 0.4
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
z[m] z[m]
Fig. 1. Data for second learning experiment reported in [9]. These data consist
of two series of measurements obtained with a mobile robot traveling through a
typical office environment. From the set of measurements 10000 measurements that
are centered around two different expected ranges are selected.
the ML-EM and VB-EM estimator, and (iii) to compare the results of the
proposed estimators with the learning approach of Thrun’s model [9].
To see how well the learned model explains the experiment, the learned
continuous pdf P (z | x, m, Θ) of Eq. (1) has to be compared with the discrete
pdf of the experimental data (histogram) H (z). To this end, the learned pdf
is first discretized using the same bins {zf }f =1:F as the experimental pdf.
To quantize the difference between the learned and the experimental pdf two
‘distance’ measures are used: the discrete KL-divergence:
X H (zf )
d1 ≈ KL (H||P ) ≈ H (zl ) log , (9)
P (zf | x, m, Θ)
f =1
Table 2. Discrete KL-divergence and square root Hellinger distance for the second
learning experiment between the training set and the results of the ML-EM and
VB-EM estimators for the RBBM and the ML-EM estimator for Thrun’s model [9]
8 Tinne De Laet, Joris De Schutter and Herman Bruyninckx
P (z | x, m) P (z | x, m)
1.2 0.8
1.0 VB-EM RBBM ML-EM Thrun’s model
ML-EM Thrun’s model 0.6 Histogram Training set
Histogram Training set
0.6 0.4
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 z[m] 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 z[m]
(a) Short range (b) Long range
Fig. 2. Comparison of the results of the ML-EM and VB-EM estimators for the
RBBM and the results of a maximum likelihood estimator for Thrun’s model [9] for
the data of Fig. 1.
the uncertainty of the estimate [11]. Fox et al. [14] propose to dynamically
adapt the number of samples by means of KLD sampling. For very peaked
likelihoods however, this might result in a huge number of samples. A possible
solution is to ensure that a critical mass of samples is located at the impor-
tant parts of the state space by sampling from the observation model [3, 12].
Sampling from the observation model however, is often only possible in an ap-
proximate and inaccurate way. Pfaff et al. [11] introduced an adaptive beam
model for dynamic environments, which explicitly takes location uncertainty
due to the sample-based representation into account. They compute the ad-
ditional uncertainty due to the sample-based representation, using techniques
from density estimation. When evaluating the likelihood function at a sample,
they consider a certain region around the sample, depending on the sample
density at that location. Then, depending on the area covered by the sample,
the variance of the Gaussian, σm , governing the beam model in Eq. (1), is
calculated for each sample. As a result, the beam model automatically adapts
to the local density of samples. Such a location dependent model results in
a smooth likelihood function during global localization and a more peaked
function during position tracking without changing the number of samples.
By considering a region around samples, the individual beams become
statistically dependent [3, 12]. The degree of dependency depends on the ge-
ometry of the environment and on the size and location of the considered
region. Beam models, such as the RBBM, implicitly assume however that the
beams are independent, that is:
P (z | θ, x, m) = P (zb | θb , x, m) , (11)
where z = {zb }b=1:B and θ = {θb }b=1:B are the vectors containing the mea-
sured ranges and the angles of the different beams respectively; zb is the
range measured at the beam with angle θb ; B is the total number of beams
and P (zb | θb , x, m) is for instance the RBBM (Eq. (1)). By neglecting the de-
pendency between beams, the resulting likelihoods P (z | θ, x, m) are overly
peaked. Models taking into account the dependencies between beams con-
sider the full range scan and are therefore called full scan models further on.
The previously proposed full scan models [3, 12] both assume that the beams
of a range scan are jointly Gaussian distributed. The off-diagonal elements
of the covariance matrix associated with the Gaussian distribution represent
the dependency. To learn the model parameters, both methods draw samples
from the region around a sample and perform ray-casting using these sam-
ples. Plagemann et al. [3] train a Gaussian process which models the full scan,
while Pfaff et al. [12] directly provide a maximum likelihood estimate for the
mean and covariance of the Gaussian.
Section 4.1 shows that the dependency between beams may introduce
multi-modality, even for simple static environments. The multi-variate Gaus-
sian models [3,12] cannot handle this multi-modality. Therefore, a new sample-
10 Tinne De Laet, Joris De Schutter and Herman Bruyninckx
based method for obtaining an adaptive full scan model from a beam model,
able to handle multi-modality, is proposed. Section 4.2 extends the adap-
tive full scan model for dynamic environments by taking into account non-
Gaussian model uncertainty.
Plagemann et al. [3] and Pfaff et al. [12] estimate the full scan model,
P (z | x, m)2 , based on a local environment U (x) of the exact estimate x:
P (z | x, m) ≈ P (x̃ | x) Phit (z | x̃, m) dx̃, (12)
where δx̃(l) denotes the delta-Dirac mass located in x̃(l) , and the samples are
distributed according to P (x̃ | x):
x̃(l) ∼ P (x̃ | x) . (14)
Using this sample-based approximation of P (x̃ | x) the likelihood of Eq. (12)
can be approximated as:
P (z | x, m) ≈ Phit z | x̃(l) , m . (15)
To simplify the notation θ and θ are omitted from P (z | θ, x, m) and
P (zb | θb , x, m), respectively.
Adaptive Full Scan Model for Range Finders 11
Fig. 3. Panorama taken from the Sick LMS 200 range finder mounted on the Kuka
361 industrial robot. The environment consists of a rectangular room with an object
(a Kuka KR 15/2 robot) in the middle. We show that even for this simple static
environment, the presented sample-based full scan model outperforms the Gaussian-
based state of the art models.
The adaptive beam model proposed in [11] is suited for use in dynamic en-
vironments since it uses the four component mixture beam model [9, 10]. To
date however, the available adaptive full scan likelihood models of [3,12] have
not been adapted for dynamic environments. The assumption that the beams
are jointly Gaussian distributed, unable to capture the non-Gaussian uncer-
tainty due to environment dynamics, prevents the straightforward extension
for dynamic environments. In contrast, the sample-based approximation of
the full scan likelihood, as proposed in Section 4.1, can be extended to in-
clude environment dynamics. To this end, replace Phit (z | x, m) in Eq. (12)
and Eq. (15) by the full mixture of Eq. (1).
Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b) compare the marginals for the selected beams (Fig. 4(a))
obtained from the adaptive full scan model for dynamic environments using
the proposed sample-based approximation and the Gaussian approximation
proposed by [12]. Fig. 5(c) shows a probability map of the adaptive full scan
model suited for dynamic environments for the example environment of Fig. 3.
The probability map shows that the marginalization over the environment
U (x) of a sample in Eq. (12) not only introduces dependency between beams
but also introduces multi-modality.
5 Conclusion
4 Experimental data (1500 samples)
Sample-based approximation
3.5 Gaussian approximation [12]
P (z | x, m)
0.5 Some measurements
Samples of U (x)
Example beams
0 0
−2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
x[m] z[m]
∆Pc (z | x, m)
P (z | x, m)
1.5 4
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
z[m] beam
(c) Marginal likelihood for right beam (d) Difference between experimental cu-
mulative marginal and Gaussian and
sample-based approximations
Fig. 4. Figure (a) indicates the model of the simple evnrionment of Fig. 3, consisting
of a room with an object in the middle, with black lines. The range finder is located
at (0.15m, 0.75m). Samples from U (x) (resulting from a local uncertainty on the x-
and y−position of 0.01m and a rotational uncertainty of 5◦ ) are shown with black
dots, and some simulated measurements are shown in grey. Figure (b) and Figure(c)
show the marginal likelihood P (zb | x, m) for a the two selected beams together with
the histogram of the experimentally recorded range finder data, the Gaussian-based
approximation (L = 150) of [12] and the sample-based approximation (L = 150).
In contrast to the Gaussian-based state of the art full scan model, the proposed
sample-based approximation is able to handle the multi-modality of the range finder
data. Figure (d) shows the difference for all beams between the experimentally
obtained cumulative marginal (L = 1500) and the Gaussian-based and sample-based
approximation. The mean difference with the experimental data for the sample-
based approximation is 2.8 times smaller than the difference for the Gaussian-based
approximation, even for the simple static environment of Fig. 3 and the small U (x).
14 Tinne De Laet, Joris De Schutter and Herman Bruyninckx
0.9 0.8
Large sample approximation Large sample approximation
Gaussian approximation [12] Gaussian approximation [12]
0.8 Sample-based approximation 0.7
Sample-based approximation
P (z | x, m)
P (z | x, m)
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
z[m] z[m]
(a) Marginal likelihood for left beam (b) Marginal likelihood for right beam
Fig. 5. Figure (a) and Figure(b) show the marginal likelihood P (zb | x, m) for
a the two selected beams 4(a) together with the Gaussian-based approximation
(L = 150) of [12] and the sample-based approximation (L = 150) extended for the
use in dynamic environments. In contrast to the Gaussian-based state of the art full
scan model, the proposed sample-based approximation is able to handle the multi-
modality of the range finder data. Figure (c) shows the probability map for a large
number of beams.
All authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by K.U.Leuven’s
Concerted Research Action GOA/05/10 and the Research Council K.U.Leuven,
CoE EF/05/006 Optimization in Engineering (OPTEC). Tinne De Laet is a
Doctoral Fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research–Flanders (F.W.O.) in Bel-
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16 Tinne De Laet, Joris De Schutter and Herman Bruyninckx