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Disfuncion Erectil

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Gabriele Fragasso, Heart Failure Clinic, Ospedale Erectile dysfunction in heart failure
San Raffaele via Olgettina 60, Milano 20132 Italy.
E-mail: gabriele.fragasso@hsr.it patients: a critical reappraisal
Keywords: L. Alberti,* C. Torlasco,* L. Lauretta,* M. Loffi,* F. Maranta,* A. Salonia,†
beta-blockers, erectile dysfunction, heart failure, A. Margonato,* F. Montorsi† and G. Fragasso*
medical therapy
*Heart Failure Clinic, Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano, Italy and †Urology Department, Ospedale San
Raffaele, Milano, Italy
Received: 31-Jul-2012
Revised: 15-Nov-2012
Accepted: 19-Nov-2012

doi: 10.1111/j.2047-2927.2012.00048.x

Heart failure (HF) is a complex clinical syndrome with a constantly increasing incidence and prevalence in western countries. Total
absence of sexual activity is registered in 30% of HF patients. Moreover, HF-induced reduction in exercise tolerance, side effects of
HF medications and the coexistence of shared risk factors between HF and sexual dysfunction may further aggravate the sexual
health of HF patients. The purpose of this review is to examine the pathophysiological mechanisms behind the association of erectile
dysfunction (ED) and HF, the potential therapeutic approaches and the eventual indications for sexual activity in HF patients. Med-
line and Cochrane Library search was performed from January 1970 through October 2012 to retrieve relevant papers outlining the
association between ED and HF. Many evidences have outlined a tight association between ED and HF pathophysiological stand-
point. Shared risk factors, common pathogenic traits and epidemiologic association represent some of the links between these condi-
tions. Erectile dysfunction has been recognized as an earlier predictor of cardiovascular events; moreover, HF itself may cause and/
or worsen ED because of its particular feature and co-morbidities. Furthermore, some cardiovascular drugs may contribute to
impaired erectile function. In stable patients with stable HF, sexual activity is generally not contraindicated but it should be encour-
aged, as a form of moderate-intensity physical exertion. An effective treatment of ED in HF patients should be founded on the correc-
tion of reversible risk factors, on the choice of cardiovascular drugs with the lowest effect upon patient’s erectile function, and on the
use of phosphodiesterase-5-inhibitors. Physicians should be aware of the close relation between HF and ED and of the related clini-
cal and therapeutic implications, in order to improve patients quality of life and clinical outcome.

INTRODUCTION Among the different aspects contributing to the definition of

Heart failure (HF) is a complex clinical syndrome that may QoL, sexual activity has certainly a place of paramount impor-
result from any structural or functional cardiac disorder impair- tance. Many studies (Schwarz et al., 2006, 2008; Hebert et al.,
ing the ability of the heart to fill with or eject blood. Incidence 2008, 2009) have demonstrated the strong impact of HF on sex-
and prevalence of HF are constantly increasing, due to improved ual health, depending both on psychological and physical fac-
management of coronary disease and increased life length tors. Patients concern about the potential risk inherent to sexual
expectancy. In western countries, HF prevalence ranges between activity leads to total absence of sexual activity in 30% of HF
1 and 2%, and it is expected to double in the next 30 years (Rosa- patients (Bocchi et al., 2002). Moreover, HF-induced reduction
mond et al., 2008). The Framingham study demonstrated a in exercise tolerance, side effects of HF medications and the
direct correlation between age and incidence of HF, along with a coexistence of shared risk factors (Drory et al., 1998, 2000; Feld-
greater prevalence in men than in women (Cowie et al., 1999). man et al., 2000) between HF and sexual dysfunction may fur-
Heart failure is secondary to ischaemic heart disease and idio- ther aggravate the sexual health of HF patients. In fact, ED and
pathic dilated cardiomyopathy in 60% and in 20% of patients, HF share several risk factors and pathogenetic mechanisms
respectively. Valvular defects, hypertension and other causes (Jackson et al., 2010).
account for the remaining cases. Typical HF manifestations We sought to review the pathophysiological mechanisms
include peripheral venous congestion, reduction in exercise tol- behind the association of ED and HF, the potential therapeutic
erance and dyspnoea, which systematically lead to quality of life approaches and the eventual indications and contraindications
(QoL) impairment. for sexual activity in HF patients. Literature search was

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L. Alberti et al. ANDROLOGY
performed to retrieve relevant papers outlining the association when compared with prevalence of ED in the general popula-
between ED and HF. Medline and Cochrane library was tion: the Second Princeton Consensus Conference actually esti-
searched from January 1970 through October 2012, using the fol- mated an ED prevalence of 50% in 60 year old men (Kostis et al.,
lowing keywords: ‘heart failure’, ‘cardiovascular diseases’, ‘erec- 2005). In the same study, evaluating 101 HF patients, multivari-
tile dysfunction’, ‘sexual dysfunction’, ‘endothelial dysfunction’. ate regression has established a link between diabetes mellitus,
The reference lists of the identified publications were reviewed anaemia and ED among HF patients. No association between
for additional references. ED and left ventricular ejection fraction, natriuretic peptide lev-
els or chronic renal failure has been proven.
Erectile dysfunction and heart failure
A significant association between ED and cardiovascular dis- Erectile dysfunction and heart failure risk factors
eases (CVD) has been confirmed in many studies, meta-analysis, Erectile dysfunction and Heart failure are tightly associated
reviews and consensus conferences (Kostis et al., 2005; Rastogi to the same risk factors (Table 1) (Laumann et al., 1999; Fung
et al., 2005; Jackson et al., 2010). In this context, published data et al., 2004). These include both not modifiable conditions,
evidence an increased prevalence of ED, and sexual dysfunction such as ageing (Bacon et al., 2003) and modifiable conditions,
as a whole, in cardiovascular patients, and, vice versa, an such as obesity, altered lipid profile, hypertension and diabe-
increased prevalence of CVD in patients with ED (Guo et al., tes mellitus (Grover et al., 2006). Recreational habits, for
2010); overall, men with ED share numerous comorbid condi- instance cigarette smoking, yield a strong unfavourable impact
tions with those subjects with cardiovascular disorders (Lau- on both conditions, as evidenced by the FAMHES trial (Wu
mann et al., 1999). Rosen et al. (2004), for instance, showed a et al., 2011). This study evaluated 2 686 men, aged 20–79, with
significantly higher prevalence of hypertension, angina, high a 1-year follow-up. Data adjusted for age, alcohol drinking,
cholesterol, diabetes and depression in men with ED as com- physical activity, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia and
pared with men with normal erectile function. This association obesity, showed a significantly increased risk of ED in smokers
correlates with an increased prevalence of ED in cardiovascular (namely, more than 20 cigarettes die) than in non-smokers
patients. Indeed, patients experiencing acute coronary syn- (odds ratio = 1.23; 95% CI: 1.03–1.49; p = 0.02). Consistently
dromes or undergoing cardiac revascularization often report a with these findings, improving cardiac risk factors profile in
decrease in their sexual activity due to impaired erectile function mid-life may decrease the risk of ED as well as CVD in old
and decreased libido (Lai et al., 2011). Psychological factors also age (Fung et al., 2004).
play a significant role, since patients may be afraid of triggering Endothelial dysfunction has been suggested as the potential
new cardiovascular events during sexual activity. At present, ED common pathophysiological mechanism underlying ED, CVDs,
has even been proposed as an early predictor of coronary artery diabetes and metabolic syndrome (Vlachopoulos et al., 2008). At
disease (CAD) (Thompson et al., 2005; Riedner et al., 2011); in present, there is a general agreement on the fundamental role of
this context, a number of data evidence how ED could anticipate endothelial dysfunction in the development and progression of
CAD manifestation up to 3 years in advance (Montorsi et al., cardiovascular and metabolic diseases (Davignon & Ganz, 2004),
2006; Hodges et al., 2007). Among the different CVD manifesta- and the role of endothelium in penile erectile function has also
tions, a particular correlation between HF and ED has been also been extensively discussed (Solomon et al., 2003; Costa & Virag,
highlighted. Overall, a growing body of evidence shows that 2009; Averbeck et al., 2012).
patients with cardiovascular risk factors complaining of ED
should also undergo a comprehensive cardiological evaluation. Erection physiology: the case for endothelial dysfunction
Montorsi et al. found that cardiovascular symptoms were pre- The acquisition and maintenance of penile erection is primar-
ceded by ED in almost 70% of patients, preceding angina and ily a vascular phenomenon, triggered by neural signals and facil-
cardiovascular events of 2–3 and of 3–5 years, respectively (Mon- itated by the presence of appropriate hormonal and
torsi et al., 2003). Schouten et al. (2008) evaluated 7945 men psychological conditions. Nitric oxide (NO) plays a fundamental
aged 50–70. They showed that ED is prospectively associated role in maximizing arterial blood flow and penile engorgement
with CVD, with a hazard ratio [HR] of 1.6 (95% CI: 1.2–2.3) for by acting as a local neurotransmitter, facilitating the relaxation
reduced erectile rigidity and 2.6 (95% confidence interval (CI): of intracavernosal trabeculae (Gratzke et al., 2010). High levels
1.3–5.2) for severely reduced erectile rigidity. Baumha €kel & of intrapenile NO are necessary for normal erectile function.
Bo€ hm (2007) showed that left ventricular dysfunction is an inde- Nitric oxide is synthesized in the endothelial cells from citrulline
pendent risk factor for ED, unrelated to severity of HF symptoms and oxygen by the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enzyme. In
(p = 0.001). In addition, ED manifestation preceded cardiovas- patients with endothelial dysfunction, this process becomes
cular events by 3 years. The ONTARGET/TRANSCEND trial inefficient (Wu et al., 2011). In fact, endothelium is an active bio-
demonstrated that ED could be a potent independent predictor logical tissue, which constantly secretes metabolic factors. Any
of all-cause death (HR 1.84, 95% CI: HR 1.21–2.81, p = 0.005) injuring condition, like atherosclerosis or metabolic unbalances,
and of the composite end point of cardiovascular death, myocar- leads to a reduction in endothelial function (Piatti et al., 2000,
dial infarction, stroke and HF in men with cardiovascular dis- 2003a,b), which is characterized by an impaired synthesis and
eases (HR 1.42, 95% CI: 1.04–1.94, p = 0.029) (Bo € hm et al., 2010). an increased NO degradation, and to an increased permeability
A recent cohort study by Apostolo et al. has shown a strong cor- of the endothelium to plasma constituents. Clearly, endothelial
relation between ED and HF. Indeed, investigators found an ED dysfunction reduces penile erection, because of the physiopath-
prevalence of 69.3% in patient with HF. Moreover, in the sub- ological mechanisms discussed above (Costa & Virag, 2009) and
group of patients with ischaemic HF, ED prevalence raised up to on this ground, many authors have recently focused on the need
81.1% (Apostolo et al., 2009). These data appear even stronger to consider endothelial function assessment as a fundamental

178 Andrology, 2013, 1, 177–191 © 2013 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology
Table 1 Common risk factors, markers and associate conditions for cardiovascular disease and erectile dysfunction

Risk factors Pathophysiology References

Age Impaired endothelial NO bioavailability Laumann et al. (1999), Walsh (2009), Hannan et al.
Impaired microvascular function (age-associated changes in microvessel (2010)
function are uncertain but may involve alterations in NO,
prostanoid, endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor and endothelin-1 pathways)
Associated CAD risk factors
Hypertension Left ventricular hypertrophy Burchardt et al. (2000), Giuliano et al. (2004),
Heart failure Hannan et al. (2011)
Myocardial ischaemia
Endothelial dysfunction
Aneurysm formation
Dyslipidaemia Impaired endothelial function Fung et al. (2004), Solomon et al. (2006), Jackson et al.
Atheromatous lesion formation (2010), Huang et al. (2010), Raman et al. (2011)
Diabetes Impaired endothelial function Pyorala et al. (1998), Piatti et al. (2000), Desouza et al.
mellitus type Atherogenesis (2002), Potenza et al. (2009), Batty et al. (2010)
II Abnormalities in apoprotein and lipoprotein particle distribution
Glycosylation and advanced glycation end-products (AGE) in plasma and
arterial wall
‘Glycoxidation’ and oxidation
Procoagulant state
Insulin-resistance and hyperinsulinemia
Hormone-, growth-factor- and cytokine-enhanced smooth muscle cell
proliferation and foam cell formation
Peripheral neuropathy
Smoking Impaired endothelial function Bocchi et al. (2002), Rosen et al. (2004)
Arterial stiffness
Overweight Imbalance between endothelium-derived vasoactive factors favoring Bocchi et al. (2002), Piatti et al. (2003a,b),
vasoconstriction Corona et al. (2010a,b), Toque et al. (2011),
Endothelial inflammation Barton et al. (2012)
Sedentary Loss in central arterial compliance Derby et al. (2000), Hamburg et al. (2007),
lifestyle Metabolic dysfunction (increased plasma triglyceride levels, decreased levels of high- Jackson et al. (2010), Nualnim et al. (2011)
density lipoprotein -HDL- cholesterol, and decreased insulin sensitivity; reduction of
lipoprotein lipase –LPL- activity)
Impaired reactive hyperaemia (ameasure of peripheral vascular function)
Influence of mood
Depression Reduced adherence to medical prescription (medications and life style modifications) Bandini et al. (2010), Serrano et al. (2011)
Greater platelet activation and aggregation
Endothelial dysfunction
Impaired autonomic dysfunction (lower heart rate variability)
Alcohol Alcoholic cardiomyopathy Klatsky et al. (1977), Diamond (1989),
Hypertension Jackson et al. (2006a,b), Kam et al. (2010)
Changes in heart rate variability (HRV) (acute consumption) HRV is defined as
fluctuations in inter-beat interval length which reflect the heart’s response to extra-
cardiac factors that affect heart rateHRV allows simultaneous assessment of both
sympathetic and parasympathetic activity and the interplay between them
Inhibition of hypothalamo-pituitary-testes axis
Impaired serum testosterone level
Decline of smooth muscle, choline acetyltransferase and NO synthase in the penis

Markers Pathophysiology References

Testosterone deficiency Induces metabolic syndrome Stellato et al. (2000), Laaksonen et al. (2005),
Veno-occlusive dysfunction Corona et al. (2010a,b)
Markers of endothelial dysfunction Impaired endothelial function and inflammation Libby et al. (1995), Reape & Groot (1999),
Ferri et al. (1999), Bocchio et al. (2004),
Hansson et al. (2006), Zouaoui Boudjeltia et al. (2007)

Associated Pathophysiology References


Metabolic Abdominal obesity: adiponectin has both vascular and metabolic actions, Bocchi et al. (2002), Esposito et al. (2005),
syndrome and may contribute importantly to the connection between metabolism Kupelian et al. (2006), Vlachopoulos et al. (2007),
and vascular dysfunction Suetomi et al. (2008), Pohjantahti-Maaroos &
Hyperlipidemia (see above) Palomaki (2011)
Glucose intolerance (see above)
Hypertension(see above)
Insulin restistance is associated with impaired endothelium-dependent
vasodilation and, specifically, with impaired insulin-stimulated


© 2013 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology Andrology, 2013, 1, 177–191 179
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Table 1 (continued)

Associated Pathophysiology References


Chronic Atherosclerotic disease initiation and progression Osman et al. (2006), Urbonaviciene et al. (2012)
Inflammation Atherothrombosis
Prediction of future clinical events: Acute coronary syndrome, following revascularization
Obstructive sleep Oxidative stress-induced endothelial dysfunction Somers et al. (1995), Atkeson et al. (2009), Lavie
apnoea (OSA) OSA causes pulmonary vasoconstriction, bradycardia, and decreased cardiac output, with (2009), Budweiser et al. (2009), Szymanski et al.
regional cerebral and myocardial vasodilation to preserve oxygen delivery to these critical (2011)
Cardiac contractility and diastolic relaxation may be directly impaired by cyclic
hypoxaemia in OSA
Sympathetic activation
Insulin resistanceHypertension
Severe OSA itself may contribute directly to LV diastolic dysfunction

step in evaluating ED (Tamler & Bar-Chama, 2008). The macro- clinical implications of the pathophysiological components of
scopic effects of endothelial dysfunction could be evidenced by the metabolic syndrome on erectile and cardiac function have
decreased arterial dilation in response to different stimuli, such been previously discussed across the manuscript.
as adenosine or acetylcholine infusion or shear stress. In
particular, in normal vessels shear stress induces the so called Causes of erectile dysfunction in heart failure patients
‘flow-mediated vasodilation’ (FMD), which can be measured by Many factors contribute to the onset and progression of ED,
echo Doppler imaging of the brachial artery before and after an and most of them are predominant in HF patients. Moreover,
ischaemic stimuli. The ischaemia-induced vasodilation is an those factors are strongly connected, so usually they co-exist
index of vasomotor function and permits to estimate endothelial and potentiate each other. Causes of ED in HF patients include
function. endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerosis, exercise tolerance
reduction, cardiac drugs, psychogenic factors and HF related
Role of endothelial dysfunction in heart failure hypogonadism.
Heart failure is a complex syndrome associated to several met- • Endothelial dysfunction. This pathological condition is
abolic imbalances (e.g. increased production of oxygen free radi- strongly associated with HF and may reduce NO production
cals, increased rest energy expenditure, altered glucose and vascular dilation, which are fundamental steps through-
tolerance). Additionally, peripheral blood supply reduction con- out the penile erection process (Piatti et al., 2000; Costa &
tributes to worsen all pathological conditions mentioned above Virag, 2009).
and vice versa, leading to a vicious circle of HF progression and • Atherosclerosis, which emerges as one of the main cause of
impairment of the patient general conditions. Reduction in NO HF by determining myocardial ischaemia and necrosis, but it
availability due to impaired endothelial NOS activity and subse- may also induce penis blood flow impairment (Hodges et al.,
quent impairment in vascular dilation causes a decrease in 2007).
blood flow and oxygen supply, favouring free oxygen radical pro- • Exercise tolerance impairment. Depending on the severity of
duction. This inflammatory substrate favours myocardial fibrosis heart function, HF patients experience various degrees of
and progressive loss of contractile function, leading to left ven- reduction in exercise tolerance, ranging from limitation on
tricular remodelling and dilation (Torre-Amione et al., 1996). physical exertion to limitation on basic activities of daily liv-
Endothelial dysfunction is also linked with atherosclerosis devel- ing. Therefore, although the physical effort related to sexual
opment and progression, facilitating cholesterol deposition in activity is relatively modest (Thorson, 2003), some HF
the intimal wall. The endothelial lesion is not confined to coro- patients, especially those in NYHA class III–IV, cannot afford
nary vessels, but it generally involves the whole organism. In it. Energy expenditure of sexual intercourse will be discussed
fact, in presence of impaired endothelial function, inflammation across the manuscript, along with the correlation between HF
blood markers, such as TNF-alfa, interleukin-1, -6 and -18, are stage and prevalence and severity of ED.
consistently raised. These markers are released from endothe- • Cardiac pharmacological treatment: due to their intrinsic
lium, circulating monocytes and platelets but also from lungs, multiple vascular, metabolic and neuro-humoral effects,
liver and the failing heart itself (Yndestad et al., 2006). The many cardiovascular drugs are known to exert a negative
response to medical treatment may depend on different effects effect upon erectile function (Grimm et al., 1997; Karavitakis
on the inflammatory state (Alfieri et al., 2008; Fragasso et al., et al., 2011). Different and specific effects of CV drugs will be
2013). further discussed.
Metabolic syndrome is defined as the contemporary presence • Anabolic deficiency: metabolic imbalance is a typical feature
of raised triglycerides, reduced HDL cholesterol, raised blood of HF patients and leads to increase catabolism and cardiac
pressure and raised fasting plasma glucose. Metabolic syn- cachexia. Anabolic hormones, including insulin-like growth
drome, as shown by Rosen et al. (2004), is highly prevalent in factor-1 (IGF-1), dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S)
patients with ED and in patients with HF. As for other vascular and total testosterone (TT), enhance exercise tolerance in
conditions, endothelial dysfunction is one of the pathophysio- healthy men. Reduction of those hormones leads to reduction
logical mainstays of metabolic syndrome (Piatti et al., 2000). The in exercise capacity. Many studies demonstrate the increased

180 Andrology, 2013, 1, 177–191 © 2013 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology
prevalence of anabolic deficiency in HF. Jankowska et al. patients treated) (Ko et al., 2002). The key of the problem lies in
evaluated 208 HF patients and found TT and DHEA-S levels the different effects exerted by different BB, depending on their
inversely related to NYHA class, regardless of HF aetiology (all pharmacologic and ancillary properties profile. First and second
p < 0.01) (Jankowska et al., 2009). Moreover, anabolic defi- generation BB (e.g. propranolol and atenolol) are well-known to
ciency is independently associated with increased mortality reduce sexual function. The link between early generation BB
and hospitalization in men with HF (Wehr et al., 2011). Obvi- and ED could be found in some central nervous system effects
ously, very important clinical manifestations of anabolic defi- (for those hydrophilic molecules passing the hematoencephalic
ciency and hypogonadism are ED and reduced libido. These membrane) and in worsening endothelial function, eventually
data suggest that anabolic deficiency may exert a twofold neg- contributing to arteriolar vasoconstriction. Additionally, first
ative effect on sexual function, reducing exercise tolerance generations BB have been consistently shown to adversely affect
and decreasing penile function and libido. lipid metabolism (Eliasson et al., 1981). In contrast, third gener-
• Psychogenic factors are very relevant in both conditions. HF ation BB have been shown to be devoid of detrimental effects on
patients often suffer from depression, a condition known to erectile function and metabolic parameters. In this context,
decrease libido and impair erectile function. Major depression many studies have focused on nebivolol, a third generation
is associated to a decrease in pleasure, concentration, sex selective b1-blocker, lacking of intrinsic sympathomimetic activ-
drive, sleep and appetite. Gottlieb et al. (2004) demonstrated ity, which has a unique haemodynamic profile. Indeed nebivolol
a linear correlation between the extent of depression and the is the only BB able to modulate endothelial NO system (Dessy
severity of functional limitation in 155 HF patients. Depres- et al., 2005), by increasing the availability of endothelial NO.
sion, associated to concern about cardiac health may induce This effect results in coronary and systemic vasodilation and,
performance anxiety, which increases sympathetic tone and thereby, in peripheral resistance reduction and counteraction of
arteriolar constriction, finally decreasing penis blood flow. endothelial dysfunction. This effect of restoring endothelial
function has recently been tested on penile function, outlining
Cardiac drugs and erectile dysfunction that treatment with nebivolol may significantly potentiate erec-
Many cardiac drugs may be implicated in the development of tile response both in diabetic and non-diabetic rats, regardless
ED. A major role has been suggested for thiazide diuretics, beta of its effects on blood pressure. It also improved response to sil-
blockers and lipid-lowering drugs. denafil in diabetic rats, completely reversing ED after sildenafil
administration (Angulo et al., 2010). In a study evaluating 48
Thiazide diuretics hypertensive patients nebivolol, as compared with metoprolol,
Thiazide diuretics are commonly used to unload HF patients, played a significantly greater beneficial effect on erectile func-
in association with loop diuretics, especially when the latter do tion. Nebivolol administration also correlated with an increase
not achieve the desired diuretic effect. These drugs are also often in orgasmic function, sexual desire and intercourse satisfaction,
prescribed among hypertensive patients, especially after the JNC while none of these effects was observed with metoprolol (Brixi-
VII, which indicated them as the first line therapy for uncompli- us et al., 2007). Furthermore, Doumas et al. evaluated 44 hyper-
cated hypertension (Chobanian et al., 2003). However, they have tensive men treated with atenolol, metoprolol or bisoprolol. 29
been associated to ED in a number of studies. In the Treatment (65.9%) of these patients suffered from baseline ED. After at least
of Mild Hypertension Study (TOMHS) (Grimm et al., 1997) a 6-months BB treatment, all patients were switched to nebivolol.
higher incidence of ED has been reported at 2 years in patients After 3 months, 20 out of 29 (69%) patients reported a significant
treated with chlorthalidone compared with the placebo group. improvement in erectile function and in 11 out of these 20, erec-
These results probably depend on the vascular and metabolic tile function was even normalized (Doumas et al., 2006). Blood
abnormalities caused by these drugs, including endothelial dys- pressure control was as satisfactory as with other BB in all
function and increased vascular oxidative stress (Zhou et al., patients. These data confirm the optimal profile of nebivolol in
2008), hyperlipidemia (Lithell, 1991), insulin resistance (Ferrari the context of ED. Moreover, results of the SENIORS study
et al., 1991), new onset diabetes mellitus (Eriksson et al., 2008; showed efficacy and safety of nebivolol in the setting of chronic
Gupta et al., 2008), and stimulation of the sympathetic (Grassi HF in patients older than 70 (Flather et al., 2005), and nebivolol
et al., 2003) and renin–angiotensin–aldosterone (RAAS) systems is currently registered in most European countries (but not in
Burnier & Brunner (1992). In the ALLHAT study a higher inci- the USA) for HF therapy. On this basis nebivolol can be consid-
dence of type 2 diabetes was observed in the thiazide-treated ered as an efficient option in patients older than 70 that experi-
group compared with the other treatment groups (Whelton enced ED. However, since no data from randomized controlled
et al., 2005). trials have pointed out the safety and efficacy of nebivolol in the
settings of HF in patients younger than 70, further studies are
Beta blockers needed to better focus this issue.
Beta blockers (BB) are a mainstay of HF therapy, with a thera-
peutic efficacy which does not only rely on heart rate reduction Lipid-lowering drugs
alone (Fragasso et al., 2008). Conversely, their role in contribut- Considering that HF is mostly a consequence of ischaemic
ing to ED is still controversial. Indeed, BB have been suspected heart disease, lipid lowering drugs, in particular statins, emerge
to be an important cause of ED (Croog et al., 1986), depending as a mandatory therapy in most patients with HF. Hyperlipid-
on their adverse metabolic effects and on increased peripheral emia is also considered a significant risk factor for ED, being the
vascular resistance and arteriolar tone, but a systematic review only active risk factor in up to 42% of patients (Dog ru et al.,
of randomized, controlled trials found only a small increase in 2008). Saltzman et al. (2004) demonstrated that atorvastatin
risk of sexual dysfunction with beta blocker therapy (5 per 1 000 alone could lead to an improvement in erectile function in men

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with hypercholesterolaemia as the only risk factor for ED. This Functional impairment in HF is mainly characterized by fati-
study does not clarify if the improvement in erectile function gue, dyspnoea and development of peripheral oedema. Since
was directly related to reduction in cholesterol levels and/or to symptoms severity is directly correlated with heart function
the pleiotropic, non-lipidic effects of statins. Studies in rats and impairment, the most widely used clinical classification of HF is
diabetic mice show that atorvastatin or rosuvastatin can amelio- the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification, which
rate endothelial function in corpora cavernosa and also amelio- defines four functional classes (Table 2).
rate sildenafil responsiveness (Miner & Billups, 2008). Results in A direct correlation between HF severity and ED has been also
humans are still controversial. A placebo-controlled randomized demonstrated. Apostolo et al. showed a direct correlation
trial in 12 men who were non-responders to sildenafil suggested between NYHA HF classification and prevalence and severity of
that atorvastatin improved sexual function and the response to ED, assessed by the International Index of Erectile Function
sildenafil (Herrmann et al., 2006). A larger trial in 131 men also (IIEF): the rate of patients with normal or mildly impaired erec-
showed that atorvastin can ameliorate responsiveness to silde- tile function decreased from 70 to 50%, 10% and to almost 0% in
nafil, especially in those patients who have moderate to severe NYHA I, NYHA II, and NYHA IV, respectively (Apostolo et al.,
ED. None of these patients regained normal, unassisted erectile 2009). On the other side, the prevalence of moderate to severe
function (Dadkhah et al., 2010). ED increased from 25% in NYHA to 90% in NYHA IV patients.
On the other hand, other studies have shown the occurrence According to these data, cardiopulmonary testing was performed
of ED with statins and fibrate therapy (Bruckert et al., 1996; de in all study patients and showed a reverse correlation between
Graaf et al., 2004). ED associated with simvastatin usage has also ED severity and peak oxygen consumption (VO2) (the maximal
been reported by the French Pharmacovigilance System Data- oxygen uptake during exercise, with a normal value of  20 mL/
base (Do et al., 2009). In addition, Solomon et al. (2006) reported min/kg). Peak VO2 is known to have a strong linear correlation
that statin therapy in patients at high-risk for CVD may lead to with both cardiac output and muscular blood flow (Reddy et al.,
further deterioration of ED. Therefore, the risk of ED induced by 1988) and it is a predictor of cardiovascular events. Peak VO2 is
statins should also be considered in some cases. reduced in HF, with an inverse relation with NYHA class, averag-
In conclusion, statins effects on ED are potentially positive but ing around 10 mL/min/kg in the most severe cases. Assuming
still not fully understood. Further investigations are needed to that sexual activity requires, during the orgasmic phase, a VO2
determine if statin administration by itself could ameliorate between 10 and 14 mL/min/kg, investigators found that in 10/
erectile function and phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors 29 patients with peakVO2 between 10 and 14 mL/min/kg there
(PDE5Is) responsiveness in treated patients, as well. was a normal or slightly reduced sexual performance, while none
of the individuals with peakVO2 <10 mL/min/kg reported a nor-
SEXUAL ACTIVITY IN HEART FAILURE mal sexual function (Apostolo et al., 2009). Interestingly enough,
Cardiac patients are often concerned about potential trigger- regardless of the presence of HF, level of sexual function appears
ing of myocardial events during sexual intercourse and, as a con- to have a significant link with the 6 min walking test (6MWT)
sequence, they might have sex less frequently or they may (Jaarsma et al., 1996). In the 6MWT the patient is asked to walk
abstain at all. Additionally, their physicians often do not have for six minutes at the maximum speed on a pre-measured dis-
adequate knowledge of the issue and sometimes they do suggest tance, usually a hospital corridor. Global distance is then mea-
to reduce sexual activity, by default. Actually, moderate physical sured and provides an estimate of exercise capacity. Peripheral
exercise is not contraindicated in stable HF, but it is indeed rec- oxygen saturation is also measured and at the end of the test a
ommended. In fact, the reduction in exercise tolerance experi- questionnaire is administered to evaluate physical exertion
enced by many HF patients leads to a progressive reduction in capacity.
daily activities. Restriction of activity promotes physical decon- In this context, many studies in HF patients have demon-
ditioning, which may adversely affect clinical status and contrib- strated the safety and efficacy of physical exercise on symptoms
ute to the exercise intolerance of patients with HF, creating a reduction and QoL improvement. There is general agreement on
vicious circle of deconditioning and exercise intolerance. In the beneficial effects exerted by aerobic exercise training in HF
addition, low left ventricular ejection fraction typical of HF plays patients, as outlined by ACC/AHA guidelines (Jessup et al.,
a key role in the reduction of exercise capacity and, as a conse- 2009). In fact, regular physical exercise increases peak VO2 (Be-
quence, of sexual activity in patients with HF. lardinelli et al., 1996), improves muscle energetic metabolism
and gas exchange, reduces fatigue, reduces sympathetic tone
and increases vagal tone at rest, thereby restoring autonomic
cardiovascular control towards normal (Roveda et al., 2003).
Table 2 New York Heart Association functional classification of heart failure
Moreover, physical exercise reduces neurohumoral activity, low-
NYHA Severity based on symptoms and physical activity ering resting levels of aldosterone, vasopressin and natriuretic
peptide, reduces inflammatory cytokines and improves endothe-
NYHA I No limitation of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not lial function (Braith et al., 1999; Adamopoulos et al., 2002). Aero-
cause undue fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnoea bic exercise also improves hemodynamic, since it lowers
NYAH II Slight limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but ordinary peripheral vascular resistance (Hambrecht et al., 2000a,b) and
physical activity results in fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnoea
NYAH III Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but less
improves left ventricle ejection fraction (Haykowsky et al., 2007).
than ordinary activity results in fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnoea Consistently with those evidences, exercise training has been
NYAH IV Unable to carry on any physical activity without discomfort. shown to reduce hospitalization and improve survival in HF
Symptoms at rest. If any physical activity is undertaken, discomfort is
patients. The HF-ACTION (The Heart Failure: A Controlled Trial
Investigating Outcomes of Exercise Training) trial was designed

182 Andrology, 2013, 1, 177–191 © 2013 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology
to evaluate the efficacy and safety of exercise training in HF (p = 0.005). Pourmand et al. (2004) studied 118 former smokers
patients. A cohort of 2331 NYHA class II to IV patients was ran- and 163 active smokers, demonstrating that quitting the smoking
domly assigned to conventional therapy or conventional therapy habit could prevent ED progression and, in 25% of cases, lead to
plus aerobic exercise, with the specific end points to assess all an improvement in ED. Chew et al. (2009) found that former
cause mortality and hospitalizations. After adjusting for HF aeti- smokers and ever smokers have significantly higher odds of ED
ology, the results did not show significant differences, but the as compared with those who never smoked. The mechanism
analysis demonstrated a relevant decrease in primary end points behind this association probably depends on the cigarette smok-
with the exercise training programme, after stratification for ing-dependent increased prevalence of arterial constriction, with
baseline major prognostic factors (Flynn et al., 2009). reduction in oxygen supply and increased free oxygen radical
Sexual intercourse could be considered a modest exertion, production. Cigarette smoking can also induce impairment of
since it averages 2–3 metabolic equivalents (METs) in the pre- endothelial function and reduced NO bioavailability (Tostes
orgasm phase and 3–4 METs during orgasm. The MET is a unit et al., 2008). Patterns of ED in former smokers suggest that there
of resting oxygen uptake, equivalent to 3.5 mL O2 uptake/kg/ may be a latent interval between active smoking and symptom-
min. As an example, 2 METs is the energy expenditure for walk- atic ED, involving a process initially triggered by smoking: in fact,
ing at 3 km/h on ground level; walking at 5 Km/h correspond to odds of ED in former smokers were significantly higher 6–
3 METs. Compared with higher-intensity physical exertion, such 10 years following cessation of smoking than <6 or >10 years
as cycling at 16 Km/h (6–7 METs) or running on the treadmill (Chew et al., 2009). Another study in 40 smokers with ED under-
(13 METs), the exertion of sexual activity is relatively modest going penile colour Duplex ultrasound at baseline and after 24–
(Thorson, 2003). Furthermore, studies performed in the ‘real-life’ 36 h after smoking cessation demonstrated a significant improve-
setting showed a peak heart rate of 117 beats per minute (bpm) ment in end-diastolic velocity and a trend towards an increase in
during sexual intercourse, which was lower than the heart rate peak systolic velocity trough the penile artery (Sighinolfi et al.,
during normal daily activities (mean 129 bpm) (Hellerstein & 2007), confirming the short term detrimental effects of smoking.
Friedman, 1970). The clinical implication of these observations Many studies in rats have demonstrated how regular exercise
is that sexual intercourse is associated with a modest increase in training could improve ED, either associated to co-morbidities
myocardial oxygen demand with a peak lasting only a brief per- (e.g. diabetes mellitus) or not. Investigators attribute these
iod of time. results to an improvement in vascular response and to the re-
Clearly, physical exertion is not indicated in every HF patient. establishment of a better balance between NO production and
The Second Princeton Consensus Conference has developed rec- NO inactivation. Specifically, a trial has shown an increase in the
ommendations for the management of sexual dysfunction in HF expression of penile endothelial (eNOS) and neuronal NOS
patients (Kostis et al., 2005). These guidelines suggest a prior (nNOS) in old and young trained rats, compared with old and
stratification in low-risk (NYHA I), intermediate risk (NYHA II) young non-trained rats (Ozbek et al., 2010). A small prospective
and high risk (NYHA III–IV) patients. Low-risk patients have no study on 22 hypertensive men showed an improvement in erec-
limitation on their sexual activity and do not need further inves- tile function after 8 weeks of daily exercise training compared
tigations. High-risk patients should be assessed for their cardiac with a sedentary population (Lamina et al., 2009). As previously
condition before having sexual activity because also mild exer- discussed, lowering blood lipid levels usually yields a positive
cise might decompensate their cardiac status. Intermediate risk effect on ED in both the general population and in HF patients.
patients should be further stratified by exercise testing, echocar- Even if lipid lowering drugs (HGM-CoA reductase inhibitor and
diography and 6MWT in high- or low- risk. fibrate) have been associated to ED (Bruckert et al., 1996; de
Assuming that sexual intercourse is not contraindicated in Graaf et al., 2004), two recent studies demonstrated that statin
patients with stable HF, there is still the problem of the highest administration improves response to sildenafil in hypercholeste-
prevalence of sexual dysfunction in chronic heart failure (CHF) rolaemic men with ED who were not initially responsive to silde-
patients to deal with. The management of ED in HF patients nafil (Dadkhah et al., 2010) and that atorvastatin administration
should pass across three steps (i) the correction of all modifiable may ameliorate response to sildenafil in experimental diabetes
risk factors, (ii) the choice of HF drugs with the best sexual pro- (Morelli et al., 2009). Therefore, where indicated, statins can be
file, and (iii) the use of PDE5is. safely administered in patients with ED. Finally, Khoo et al.
(2010) have recently demonstrated an improvement in sexual
Correction of risk factors function associated to a 10% reduction in body weight, both in
Even though some factors like age or family history could not diabetic and non-diabetic obese patients. In fact, a significant
be modified, an important component of the treatment of sexual association between weight loss and increase in insulin sensitiv-
dysfunction is the correction of reversible causes, leading to res- ity and plasma testosterone levels have been established.
toration of endothelial function. Hypertension is a well-described risk factor for ED. The preva-
There is general agreement on the statement that the severity lence of ED is significantly greater among men with hypertension
of ED significantly correlates with the level of exposure to smok- than in the general population. In the Massachusetts Male Ageing
ing. Cigarette smoking has been correlated to ED independently Study, the age-adjusted prevalence of complete ED was 15% in
from the increase in cardiovascular risk (Chew et al., 2009). patients with treated hypertension and was associated with the
Mannino et al. (1994) examined 4 462 US Army Vietnam-era vet- duration and severity of hypertension (Feldman et al., 1994).
erans aged 31–49 years: of those, 1162 never smoked, while 1 292
were former smokers and 2008 current smokers. Reported preva- Pharmacological treatment of heart failure in patients with ED
lence of ED was 3.7% among current smokers, 2.0% among for- Many cardiovascular drugs, such as BBs, angiotensin convert-
mer smokers, and 2.2% among those men who never smoked ing enzyme (ACE) inihibitors/angiotensin receptors blockers

© 2013 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology Andrology, 2013, 1, 177–191 183
L. Alberti et al. ANDROLOGY
(ARBs), aldosterone antagonists and statins, have been shown to diuretics should be avoided in HF patients with sexual
exert a significant impact upon the prognosis in HF patients dysfunction.
(Jessup et al., 2009). This clearly means that withdrawing any of
them may be difficult. However, as discussed above, different Pharmacological treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients
drugs of the same class can exert slightly different effects on with HF
metabolic and vascular function. When using drugs potentially It has been estimated that over 300 millions of people world-
responsible for ED, like BB, clinicians should carefully choose wide will use sildenafil or other phosphodiesterases inhibitors
the best molecule to administer for any single patient. As previ- (PDE5i) by 2025 (Ayta et al., 1999), most of them having cardio-
ously outlined, newly developed BB, such as nebivolol, should vascular co-morbidities. PDE5is have been demonstrated to be
be preferred. safe in men with CVD. Risk profile is similar in patients with and
Other commonly adopted HF drugs, such as ACE-inhibitors without CAD and sildenafil has been shown to be safe even in
and ARBs, yield positive effects on vascular function and, usually, patients with multi-antihypertensive drug regimens regardless
they do not exert negative effects on ED. The Trial on Reversing of the classes, although some precautions should be taken in
ENdothelial Dysfunction (TREND) demonstrated that quinalapril order to minimize drugs-interaction risks (Jackson et al., 2006a,
improves endothelial function in normotensive patients without b). The main contraindication to PDE5is is the contemporary
CAD, severe hyperlipidemia or evidence of HF (Mancini et al., use of nitrates that can lead to severe hypotension as a conse-
1996). Investigators attributed these results to the reduction in quence of excessive cGMP accumulation and vasodilation. For
the vasospastic effect and free radical generation by angiotensin this reason guidelines recommend a 24-h time interval between
II and to enhancement of endothelial NO production. Moreover, the administration of any NO donor and sildenafil (and vice
in a pilot study enalapril showed a positive effect on cavernosal versa) (Cheitlin et al., 1999); for tadalafil and vardenafil interval
perfusion and erectile function in middle aged patients with should be equal to 48 h. Sildenafil should also be used with cau-
atherosclerotic ED (mean age 60  6.8 years) (Speel et al., 2005). tion and started at the lowest dose in patients taking a-blockers
In a cross-over study, Fogari et al. (2001) treated 160 hyperten- to avoid symptomatic hypotension. Similar care should also be
sive men without prior sexual dysfunction with carvedilol or val- taken for mixed a/b-blockers, such as carvedilol and labetalol.
sartan; patients were divided in two groups and assumed placebo Phophodiesterase type 5 and its isoforms 1, 3 and 4 are
for 4 weeks, then carvedilol 50 mg/die or valsartan 80 mg/die for expressed in the pulmonary arterial vasculature and they are
16 weeks and then, after additional 4 weeks placebo step, involved in the regulatory system of pulmonary arterial resis-
switched to the other drug for 16 weeks. The results of this latter tance (Rabe et al., 1993). In details PDE5 seems to be overex-
trial showed a worsening in erectile function during the carvedi- pressed in pulmonary hypertensive lung, making PDE5
lol phase, which was not confirmed during the valsartan period. inhibition an ideal pharmacological target for pulmonary vascu-
The results were confirmed by the switch off and showed a full lar disease (Rhodes et al., 2009). In fact, there are several studies
recovery of erectile function during valsartan assumption. demonstrating safety and efficacy of sildenafil, alone or in com-
Moreover, a study evaluating 3 502 hypertensive patients treated bination with iloprost and endothelin receptors antagonists, in
with valsartan 80–160 mg/die showed an improvement in erec- the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary hypertension. Adminis-
tile function, orgasmic function and overall satisfaction both in tration of sildenafil in patients with symptomatic pulmonary
the whole group and in the subgroup of patients previously arterial hypertension improves exercise capacity, WHO func-
treated with a different antihypertensive drug (Dusing, 2003). tional class, and hemodynamics (Wilkens et al., 2001; Gali e
Regarding the use of aldosterone blocking agents, a negative et al., 2005). Orally administered sildenafil (commercially
effect of spironolactone on erectile function has been demon- termed as Revatio®) is approved for primary pulmonary arterial
strated (Loriaux et al. 1976), probably due to the affinity of spir- hypertension at the dosage of 20 mg three times a day.
onolactone for progesteron receptors. Other drugs of the same Secondary pulmonary hypertension is a common finding in
class, e.g. eplerenone, which has higher specificity for aldoste- patients with congestive HF and it is present in up to 78% of
rone receptors, have been demonstrated to exert no negative patients. These patients have reduced exercise tolerance and
effect on sexual function. The Eplerenone Post-Acute Myocardial poor prognosis compared with patient without pulmonary
Infarction Heart Failure Efficacy and Survival Study (EPHESUS) hypertension (Ghio et al., 2001). Pulmonary artery pressure
(Pitt et al., 2003), was a randomized controlled study evaluating (PAP) and right ventricular function are important prognostic
6 642 HF patients, which showed an equivalence of eplerenone factors for patients with left ventricle systolic dysfunction. The
to placebo with respect to the incidence of gynaecomastia and effects of PDE5is on pulmonary hemodynamics of HF patients
ED. Therefore, when aldosterone antagonism is needed, the new suggest an activity similar to that reported for idiopathic PAH. In
agent eplerenone should be preferred. patients with left ventricular dysfunction and secondary PAH,
Diuretics are very frequently used in HF treatment, although 50 mg of sildenafil did not affect systemic blood pressure but
their effect on prognosis is not clear (Jessup et al., 2009). As dis- improved cardiac output by balanced pulmonary and systemic
cussed above, diuretics, especially thiazides, may impair erectile vasodilation (Lepore et al., 2005). Sildenafil has also been shown
function, probably by worsening metabolic balance (alteration to improve stress capacity and quality of life in patients with HF
in glucose homeostasis, increasing in LDL and total cholesterol, and pulmonary hypertension (Lewis et al., 2007). These effects
hypeuricemia) (Ferrari et al., 1991; Lithell, 1991; Eriksson et al., appear operative even in more advanced HF patients. In this
2008; Gupta et al., 2008; Zhou et al., 2008). Further studies are context, Freitas et al. (2009) analysed the acute effects of 100 mg
needed to evaluate the effect of other classes of diuretics, such sublingual sildenafil in patients with HF and pulmonary hyper-
as loop diuretics, on erectile function. However, while studies on tension awaiting a heart transplantation. They observed that sil-
other diuretic agents are lacking, the administration of thiazide denafil is an effective and safe alternative as a vasodilator during

184 Andrology, 2013, 1, 177–191 © 2013 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology
the PAH reversibility test in patients with heart failure and await- by stimulation of vagal C fibres. In experimental studies, capsai-
ing a heart transplant. cin administration has been shown to evoke the release of calci-
On this basis, usefulness of PDE5 inhibition in HF has grown tonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) (White et al., 1993), a
rapidly. Further evidence has come from the demonstration of a principal transmitter in sensory nerves (Kawasaki et al., 1988),
variety of actions in addition to the effects on pulmonary hemo- which also acts as one of the most potent endogenous vasodila-
dynamics. Many in vitro and animal studies have provided the tors yet discovered (Brain et al., 1985). Several endogenous
interesting demonstration that chronic PDE5-inhibition is effec- agents and conditions activate cardiac C-fibre afferents, with
tive in the control of important cellular and molecular pathways subsequent local release of CGRP (Hua & Yaksh, 1993). During
involved in the morphological and functional changes leading to myocardial ischaemia, C-fibre afferents not only convey the sen-
maladaptive left ventricular remodelling and HF. It appears that sation of pain, but there is also a local efferent release of CGRP
sildenafil may exert a direct antyhypertrophic effect on myocytes in the heart (Kallner, 1998). After being released, CGRP causes
(Takimoto et al., 2005). Furthermore, sildenafil yields a protec- coronary vasodilatation and attenuates the development of
tive influence on myocytes apoptosis (Das et al., 2005) can myocyte death (Franco-Cereceda & Liska, 2000), probably
reduce ischaemia-reperfusion damage (Salloum et al., 2008). through a preconditionig mechanism (Li & Peng, 2002). In ani-
Guazzi et al. (2011) have demonstrated than 50 mg of sildenafil mal studies, capsaicin-induced increase in coronary flow and
three times a day can sinergically act with ACE-inhibitors and heart rate (Oroszi et al., 1999) and hypotensive effects (Chen
BBs, modulating diastolic function and remodelling of left et al., 1996) have been shown to be dependent on interplay
chambers. Webster et al. (2004) observed that sildenafil can between CGRP and NO. The results of a preliminary study (Frag-
improve QoL, ED and associated depression in patient with asso et al., 2004) have indicated that transdermal administration
chronic stable HF. These evidences of safety and efficacy of sil- of capsaicin can improve the ischaemic threshold in a signifi-
denafil in patient with HF and ED are encouraging but they need cant proportion of patients with CAD. This improvement is
to be confirmed by large randomized controlled trials (Cooper likely depending on an increased availability of NO, as evi-
et al., 2012). denced by the observed augmentation of NO levels at 6 h from
capsaicin patches application. CGRP levels did not change in
Potential additional treatments for HF and ED patients showing improved exercise during capsaicin treatment.
Other substances could be effective in treating HF and ED. Rate-pressure product (RPP) was similar between placebo and
Considering endothelial dysfunction as a primary pathogenetic capsaicin, since the latter determined a decrease of blood pres-
factor in both conditions as comprehensively discussed in this sure balanced by an increase in heart rate, indicating a potential
review, all drugs able to improve this important regulator of vas- beneficial effect also in patients with HF. On this basis, capsai-
cular function could, at least theoretically, be beneficial. Among cine could also play a role in ED. The erectile response to intra-
the others, oral arginine administration could play a role. L-Argi- urethral infusion of capsaicin has suggested the activation of a
nine has been shown to successfully restore endothelium- reflex arc between urethra and corpora cavernosa (Lazzeri et al.,
dependent vascular responses in the coronary (Drexler et al., 1994). Further studies are necessary to clarify if this arc is inte-
1991) and peripheral (Creager et al., 1992) arteries of hypercho- grated at central nervous system level or it is locally triggered,
lesterolaemic patients, in patients with microvascular angina and if it may have pathophysiologic implications. In summary,
pectoris (Egashira et al., 1996; Piatti et al., 2003a,b), congestive whether the popular belief that chilli peppers containing capsai-
heart failure (Koifman et al., 1995; Rector et al., 1996), critical cine could improve erectile function in humans needs focused
limb ischaemia (Bode-Bo € ger et al., 1996) and CAD associated to studies.
reduced monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells (Adams et al., Finally, despite cardiac transplantation and implantation of
1997). Furthermore, recent findings revealed that arginine-rich left ventricular assistance devices has improved survival and
medical food, coupled with therapy, improves vascular function, overall QoL in patients with terminal heart failure, their effects
exercise capacity and QoL in patients with stable angina (Max- on sexual activity is not clearly defined, depending probably by
well et al., 2002). Additionally, L-arginine administration has the individual emotional response to such invasive therapies
been shown to reverse the hemodynamic and rheological (Basile et al., 2001; Marcuccilli et al., 2011). Nevertheless, in
changes caused by acute hyperglycaemia (Giugliano et al., these patients physical activity is usually encouraged and, as a
1997). According to this evidence, L-arginine supplementation consequence, sexual activity is not contraindicated.
could also improve endothelial-dependent vasodilatation in
patients with microvascular dysfunction, where endothelial dys- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
function has been shown to play a major role (Drexler et al., Heart failure and erectile dysfunction are two clinical condi-
1991). A study has also evidenced beneficial effects of medium tions characterized by a constantly increasing prevalence and by
long-term oral administration of L-arginine on blood pressure a deep impact on patients QoL. Likewise, growing evidences
control and endothelial function in patients with hypertension have outlined a tight association between the two conditions,
and microvascular angina (Palloshi et al., 2004). Anecdotical evi- from the pathophysiological standpoint. Shared risk factors,
dence suggests that arginine could be an effective adjunctive common pathogenic traits and epidemiologic association repre-
treatment also in HF patients (Hambrecht et al., 2000a,b). By sent some of the links between these conditions. Erectile dys-
inference, oral arginine could be successfully employed in ED, function has been recognized as an earlier predictor of
alone or in combination with 5PDEi, even if clinical evidence of cardiovascular events and cardiovascular death; moreover, HF
this is still poor (Gentile et al., 2009). itself may cause and/or worsen ED because of its particular fea-
Capsaicin, a natural product of capsicum species (chili pepper ture and co-morbidities, ranging from impaired exercise toler-
– capsicum frutescens), induces reflex coronary vasodilatation ance to psychogenic factors and neurohumoral, metabolic and

© 2013 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology Andrology, 2013, 1, 177–191 185
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