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Notes On Affix

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A. Prefiks (awalan)
[attached to the beginning of a word]

1. Me-
[function : verb in active sentence]

me- : l, m, n, r, w, x, y, z
mem- : b, f, p, v
men- : c, d, j, t
meny- :s
meng- : vowel, g, h, k, q, x
menge- : satu suku kata (one syllable that doesn’t neccessarily hold any meaning by
me- : k, p, t, s
* ‘K, p, t, s’ special rules:
a. If the original word is followed by vowel, then they are dissolved as follows;
K —> ng
P —> m
T —> n
S —> ny

b. If the original word is followed by consonants, then you use the ‘ng, m, n, ny’ but
keep the ‘k, p, t, s’ behind them;

c. If the original word is followed by consonants but you want to turn the original
word into a noun using the prefix pe-, then ‘k, p, t, s’ dissolve following the
rule in point ‘a’;

d. The ‘dissolution rule’ does not apply to certain words because they are used like
that generally;
- kaji (review) —> mengkaji
- punya (own) —> mempunyai
- syair (poetry) —> penyair

2. Ber-
[function : verb in active sentence]

a. Meaning : doing it with each other

b. Meaning : showing location
c. Meaning : emits something
d. Meaning : using/wearing something

* Special rules:
- If the original word starts with ‘r’ or if the original word first letter is followed
by ‘er’, then prefix ‘ber-’ becomes ‘be-’. So, you should not double the ‘r’;

- For the word ajar (teach), prefix ‘ber-’ becomes ‘bel-’;

3. Per-
[function : noun]
The rules are the same as ‘ber-’

a. Meaning : to divide or to split something

b. Meaning : who produces
c. Meaning : making something more …

4. Ter-
[function : verb in passive sentence]
The rules are the same as ‘ber-’

a. Meaning : suddenly happened

b. Meaning : accidentally happened
c. Meaning : already been done
d. Meaning : most …
e. Meaning : in a continuous state
f. Meaning : possible to be …
5. Se-
[function : showing quantity or adverb]

a. Meaning : one/a
b. Meaning : the entire
c. Meaning : after

6. Pe-
[function : noun]
The rules are the same as ‘me-’

a. Meaning : tools
b. Meaning : character
c. Meaning : occupation
d. Meaning : doing something (similar to occupation, only the activity is not
necessarily considered as an occupation)
e. Meaning : causing something

6. Di-
[function : verb in passive sentence]

* Rules:
- Written as one word if combined with the original word;
- Written separately into two words if it is to show location—as in ‘DI, ke, dari’.

B. Infiks (sisipan)
[in the middle; usually attached in between the first and second letter of a word]
-er-, -el-, -em- dan -in-.

a. Meaning : showing large amount or variation of something

b. Meaning : frequency intensity
c. Meaning : have the same meaning as the original word (generally used that way)
d. Meaning : have a more specific meaning than its original word
C. Sufiks (akhiran)
[attached to the end of a word]

1. -kan
[function : verb]

a. Meaning : make something becomes

b. Meaning : doing something for others

2. -i
[function : noun]

a. Meaning : adding/giving
b. Meaning : repeatedly
c. Meaning : make something becomes

3. -an
[function : noun]

a. Meaning : around (certain amount)

b. Meaning : plentiful/a bunch of
c. Meaning : tools
d. Meaning : consequence/result

2. -nya
[function : adverb]

a. Meaning : conclusion
b. Meaning : matter
c. Meaning : to emphasize
d. Meaning : third person pronoun

D. Konfliks (awalan dan akhiran)

[attached to the beginning, the middle and the end of a word]
* Rules:
- If there are two words and you only need to add prefix, then do not combine them into one word;
- If there are two words and you need to add both prefix and suffix, then combine them into one

1. Ke—an
[function : abstract noun]

a. Meaning : state/situation/condition
b. Meaning : intensity/overly…
c. Meaning : quite…/rather…

2. Pe(n)—an

a. Meaning : other forms of the original word (mostly noun)

b. Meaning : process/action
c. Meaning : output
d. Meaning : tools
e. Meaning : location/place

3. Per-an
a. Meaning : location/place/area
b. Meaning : output
c. Meaning : matter
d. Meaning : variation of something

4. Se-nya
*usually used in conjunction with repeated word
a. Meaning : adverb
b. Meaning : superlative

E. Imbuhan asing (usually derived from English)

[attached to the end of a word]
1. -is
[function : adjective, noun]
a. Meaning : characteristic
b. Meaning : belief/view (understanding) [e.g. ideology]
c. Meaning : doer

2. -isme
[function : noun]
a. Meaning : teachings/doctrine
b. Meaning : genre/ism
c. Meaning : concept (ideology)

3. -isasi
[function : noun]

4. -i, -wi, -iah

[function : adjective]

5. -man, -wan, -wati

[function : noun]

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