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User - Manual - Intermediaries - V 1.1 PDF

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... 1

Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................. 3
List of Abbreviations..................................................................................................................... 5
Portal Functionalities.................................................................................................................... 6
1 Header section (Pre-Login) ................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Home ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 Products ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.3 Quick Services.................................................................................................................. 9
1.3.1 Check Payment Status ................................................................................................ 10
1.3.2 Locator .........................................................................................................................11
1.3.3 Quick Payment ........................................................................................................... 12
1.3.4 Quick Renewal ........................................................................................................... 14
1.3.5 Quote Search............................................................................................................... 19
1.4 About us ......................................................................................................................... 20
1.5 Help ................................................................................................................................ 21
1.6 Search ............................................................................................................................. 21
1.7 Buy Online ..................................................................................................................... 22
1.8 Quick renewal/payment.................................................................................................. 22
1.9 Call me ........................................................................................................................... 22
1.10 Contact Email ID/Toll Free Number/Chat/Font size change ......................................... 23
1.11 Log in ............................................................................................................................. 25
1.11.1 Forgot User Name ................................................................................................... 26
1.11.2 Forgot Password ...................................................................................................... 26
1.11.3 Profile Update ......................................................................................................... 27
1.11.4 To change the password .......................................................................................... 28
1.11.5 Log out Option ........................................................................................................ 29
2 Quick Quote section (Pre-Login)........................................................................................ 29
3 LOB section (Pre-Login) ..................................................................................................... 30
4 Footer section (Pre-Login/Post- Log in) ............................................................................ 31
4.1 Additional Links ............................................................................................................. 31
4.2 Locate office/Garage/Hospitals ...................................................................................... 32
4.3 Site Map ......................................................................................................................... 32
4.4 Feedback......................................................................................................................... 32
4.5 Mobile Apps ................................................................................................................... 32
4.6 Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy .................................................. 33
5 Dashboard (Post-Login) ...................................................................................................... 33
5.1 My Dash Board .............................................................................................................. 33
5.2 Products .......................................................................................................................... 34
5.3 To Buy a Product ............................................................................................................ 42
5.4 Quick Services................................................................................................................ 43
5.4.1 Locator ........................................................................................................................ 43
5.4.2 Manage Policies .......................................................................................................... 43
5.4.3 Manage Quotes ........................................................................................................... 43
5.4.4 Quick Payment ........................................................................................................... 43
5.4.5 Quick Renewal ........................................................................................................... 44
5.4.6 Travel Policy Extension .............................................................................................. 44
5.5 Search Policy/Quote ....................................................................................................... 46
5.6 Manage Quotes ............................................................................................................... 47
5.7 Renewals ........................................................................................................................ 49
5.8 Manage Policy ................................................................................................................ 56
5.9 Make Payment ................................................................................................................ 57
5.10 View Reports .................................................................................................................. 65
5.11 My APD Balance ............................................................................................................ 68
5.12 Template Library ............................................................................................................ 69
5.13 Recent Activities ............................................................................................................ 71
5.14 Notifications ................................................................................................................... 73
5.15 Live Chat ........................................................................................................................ 74
5.16 Call Me ........................................................................................................................... 75
5.17 Download Form.............................................................................................................. 75
5.18 Favourite product ........................................................................................................... 76

Table of Figures
FIGURE 1: USER LOGIN ............................................................................................................................................6
FIGURE 2: HOME  HEADER SECTION ................................................................................................................6
FIGURE 3: HOME  PRODUCT ...............................................................................................................................7
FIGURE 5: KNOW YOUR PREMIUM 2 ....................................................................................................................9
FIGURE 6: QUICK SERVICES .................................................................................................................................10
FIGURE 7: CHECK PAYMENT STATUS ................................................................................................................10
FIGURE 8: LOCATOR ...............................................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 9: LOCATOR SEARCH RESULT ..............................................................................................................11
FIGURE 10: QUICK PAYMENT 1 ............................................................................................................................12
FIGURE 11: QUICK PAYMENT 2 ............................................................................................................................13
FIGURE 12: QUICK PAYMENT 3 ............................................................................................................................14
FIGURE 13: QUICK RENEWAL 1 ............................................................................................................................15
FIGURE 14: QUICK RENEWAL 2 ............................................................................................................................16
FIGURE 15: QUICK RENEWAL 3 ............................................................................................................................16
FIGURE 16: QUICK RENEWAL 4 ............................................................................................................................17
FIGURE 17: PAYMENT CONFIRMATION –RENEWAL.......................................................................................18
FIGURE 18: DOCUMENTS AFTER RENEWAL .....................................................................................................19
FIGURE 19: QUOTE SEARCH .................................................................................................................................20
FIGURE 20: ABOUT US ............................................................................................................................................21
FIGURE 21: HELP .....................................................................................................................................................21
FIGURE 22: GENERAL SEARCH ............................................................................................................................22
FIGURE 23: CALL ME ..............................................................................................................................................23
FIGURE 24: OTHER FUNCTIONALITIES ..............................................................................................................23
FIGURE 25: CHAT FUNCTIONALITY ....................................................................................................................24
FIGURE 26: USER REGISTRATION........................................................................................................................25
FIGURE 27: LOGIN ...................................................................................................................................................25
FIGURE 28: DASH BOARD ......................................................................................................................................26
FIGURE 29: FORGOT PASSWORD 1 ......................................................................................................................26
FIGURE 30: FORGOT PASSWORD 2 ......................................................................................................................27
FIGURE 31: PROFILE UPDATE ...............................................................................................................................27
FIGURE 32: PROFILE UPDATE2 .............................................................................................................................28
FIGURE 33: PASSWORD CHANGE ........................................................................................................................29
FIGURE 34: LOB SECTION ......................................................................................................................................30
FIGURE 35: PRODUCT INFO IN LOB SECTION ...................................................................................................30
FIGURE 36: FOOTER SECTION ..............................................................................................................................31
FIGURE 37: FEEDBACK ...........................................................................................................................................32
FIGURE 38: MY DASHBOARD ...............................................................................................................................34
FIGURE 39: PRODUCT SELECTION ......................................................................................................................35
FIGURE 40: PRODUCT INFO AND BUY ONLINE ................................................................................................35
FIGURE 41: PROPOSAL FORM 1 ............................................................................................................................36
FIGURE 42: CREATING NEW CUSTOMER ...........................................................................................................37
FIGURE 43: EXISTING CUSTOMER SEARCH ......................................................................................................38
FIGURE 44: EXISTING CUSTOMER SELECTION2 ..............................................................................................38
FIGURE 45: PROPOSAL FORM 2 ............................................................................................................................39
FIGURE 46: PREMIUM BREAKUP DETAILS SCREEN ........................................................................................40

FIGURE 47: SAVE TEMPLATE ...............................................................................................................................41
FIGURE 48: PROPOSAL FORM APPROVAL .........................................................................................................42
FIGURE 49: TO BUY A PRODUCT..........................................................................................................................43
FIGURE 50: QUICK SERVICES ...............................................................................................................................43
FIGURE 51: TRAVEL POLICY EXTENSION 1 ......................................................................................................44
FIGURE 52: TRAVEL POLICY EXTENSION 2 ......................................................................................................45
FIGURE 53: PAYMENT CONFIRMATION .............................................................................................................46
FIGURE 54: SEARCH QUOTE/POLICY ON MY DASHBOARD ..........................................................................47
FIGURE 55: SEARCH PROPOSAL/QUOTE ............................................................................................................47
FIGURE 56: AVAILABLE FUNCTIONALITY AFTER SEARCH PROPOSAL ....................................................49
FIGURE 57: RENEWAL - RENEWAL QUOTE/OLD POLICY NO. SEARCH CRITERIA ...................................50
FIGURE 58: RENEW ACTION .................................................................................................................................50
FIGURE 59: CALCULATE PREMIUM DURING RENEWAL................................................................................51
FIGURE 60: VIEW BREAKUP ..................................................................................................................................52
FIGURE 61: RENEW POLICY 4 ...............................................................................................................................53
FIGURE 62: APPROVE AND PAY DURING RENEWAL ......................................................................................54
FIGURE 63: SUCCESSFUL PAYMENT DURING RENEWAL ..............................................................................55
FIGURE 64: DOCUMENTS IN RENEWAL .............................................................................................................56
FIGURE 65: MANAGE POLICY ...............................................................................................................................57
FIGURE 66: PAYMENT ............................................................................................................................................58
FIGURE 67: COLLECT PREMIUM ..........................................................................................................................59
FIGURE 68: COLLECT PREMIUM 2 .......................................................................................................................60
FIGURE 69: COLLECT PREMIUM 3 .......................................................................................................................61
FIGURE 70: COLLECT PREMIUM 4 .......................................................................................................................62
FIGURE 71: PAYMENT CONFIRMATION .............................................................................................................64
FIGURE 72: POLICY DOCUMENTS........................................................................................................................65
FIGURE 73: PREMIUM REGISTER REPORT .........................................................................................................66
FIGURE 74: PREMIUM REGISTER REPORT 2 ......................................................................................................67
FIGURE 75: PAY IN SLIP REPORT .........................................................................................................................68
FIGURE 76: APD BALANCE ....................................................................................................................................69
FIGURE 77: SAVE TEMPLATE OPTION DURING PROPOSAL FORM CAPTURE ...........................................70
FIGURE 78: NAMING THE TEMPLATE BEFORE SAVING ................................................................................71
FIGURE 79: TEMPLATE LIBRARY ........................................................................................................................71
FIGURE 80: RECENT ACTIVITIES .........................................................................................................................72
FIGURE 81: AFTER CLICKING ON ACTION ON RECENT ACTIVITIES ..........................................................73
FIGURE 82: NOTIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................73
FIGURE 83: LIVE CHAT OPTION ON DASH BOARD ..........................................................................................74
FIGURE 84: LIVE CHAT ...........................................................................................................................................74
FIGURE 85: CALL ME ..............................................................................................................................................75
FIGURE 86: DOWNLOAD FORMS ..........................................................................................................................75
FIGURE 87: SET FAVOURITE .................................................................................................................................76
FIGURE 88: DISPLAY OF FAVORITES ON DASHBOARD .................................................................................76

List of Abbreviations

Abbreviation/ Acronym Description

NIA New India Assurance Company Ltd.
URL Universal Resource Locator


Following are the prerequisites for performing the tasks presented in this manual:
Technical Basic understanding of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI).
Browser Google Chrome40+, Internet Explorer 10+, Firefox 30+ for best performance
Monitor 1366*768
System Optimum performance in Windows 7
Bandwidth 2 mbps

Portal Functionalities
To log on to New India Assurance Intermediary Portal, User needs to type the relevant URL to
land on the “Home” page as shown below.

Figure 1: User Login

User will find different sections as follows .These sections will allow the user to perform
different activities. (Please refer to the below sections for details)

1 Header section (Pre-Login)

Figure 2: Home  Header Section

1.1 Home
User can revert back from any other section to the “Home/Login” screen by clicking on this

1.2 Products
All the applicable products will be listed in this section. User can go into a particular product by
clicking on the respective product hyperlink (e.g. common vehicle under “MOTOR LOB”).

Figure 3: Home  Product

User will be able to see the product brochure of the products. Users can’t be able to buy the
product online before log in.
In order to know the premium and get a Quote, user can provide the minimal information and
can generate a Quote. In case of Overseas Mediclaim products, “Know Your Premium”
functionality will not be available here.

Figure 4: Home Product Product Information Know Your Premium
After clicking on the “Know Your Premium” button, User can view the premium calculated
based on the input given.

Figure 5: Know Your Premium 2
Afterwards, User needs to select any of the available plans and do the following actions:
Recalculate Premium: On choosing this option, User will be redirected back to change the
Receive SMS/Email: On choosing this option, User will get a quote number through SMS and
Buy Online: Not Available

1.3 Quick Services

Followings are the functionalities available to the user under the “Quick Services” section.

Figure 6: Quick Services

1.3.1 Check Payment Status

User needs to provide the valid “Quote No” and “Order ID” and click on “Submit” button to
view the payment status. To change the input, User needs to click on the “Reset” button.

Figure 7: Check Payment Status

On successful search, User will be able to view the “Quote Number”, “Transaction Date”,
“Payment Status”, “Policy No.” and “Policy Status” in tabular form.

1.3.2 Locator
User can search and locate the Branch office of NIA, Network hospitals, Garages by providing
the “PIN Codes” or “City Names” or “Name of the branch or address”. User needs to click on
the “Find” button to get the search result on the map.

Figure 8: Locator

Figure 9: Locator Search Result

1.3.3 Quick Payment

This functionality will be available both in pre-logged in and post-logged in. In order to pay for
a quote, User needs to capture both “Customer ID” and “Quote Number”.User can convert an
approved quote to active policy, by paying premium online. User needs to capture the “Customer
ID” and the “Quote number (fresh or renewed)” and click on the Proceed button to be redirected
to the “Collection” screen for the payment.
Note: Please refer to the Product matrix for the eligible products for “Quick Renewal”.

Figure 10: Quick Payment 1

User needs to confirm after reviewing the summary by clicking on the “Confirm” button. User
can cancel the process by clicking on the “Cancel” button and revert back to “Login” Screen.

Figure 11: Quick Payment 2
After confirmation, User needs to click on the “Pay Now” button to proceed to “Collection”
screen. User will be redirected the “Collection” screen.

Figure 12: Quick Payment 3

Please refer 5.9 Make Payment to follow steps related to “Premium Collection”.

1.3.4 Quick Renewal

This functionality will be available both in pre-logged in and post-logged in. In order to renew a
policy, User needs to capture both “Customer ID” and “Policy No. / Quote Number” .User can
get a policy renewed online, by paying premium. User needs to capture the “Customer ID” and
the “Renewed Quote Number (Received through SMS) or the old “Policy Number” and click on
the “Proceed” button to continue with the renewal process.
Note: Please refer to the Product matrix for the eligible products for Quick Renewal.

Figure 13: Quick Renewal 1

After clicking on the “Proceed” button as shown above, User will be redirected to capture the
various policy parameters (e.g. in case of Health Policies, policy details such as “Personal
Details”, “TPA information”, “Policy Details” needs to be captured). In order to proceed further,
User needs to click on the “Continue Renewal” button as shown below to proceed.

Figure 14: Quick Renewal 2
On clicking the “Continue Renewal” button, user needs to verify the summary of the policy and
can confirm to proceed further for the payment. User can edit the renewed quote if he/she wants
to do so by clicking on the “Edit Quote” button. It will redirect back to the “Policy Details”
screen where user can change and continue again. User can cancel the renewal process also by
clicking on the “Cancel” button.

Figure 15: Quick Renewal 3

In order to complete the renewal process, after confirmation user needs to agree with the terms
and condition and then clicks on the “Pay Now” button to go to the “Collection” screen.(Please

refer 5.9 Make Payment to proceed with payment.)

Figure 16: Quick Renewal 4

After the completion of the payment, a policy number will get generated along with confirmation
of the payment. User can view the policy details by clicking on the link “Click here to View the
Policy Details” at the left bottom corner of the “Payment Confirmation” screen.

Figure 17: Payment Confirmation –Renewal
User can view the documents by clicking on the documents hyperlinks.

Figure 18: Documents after Renewal

1.3.5 Quote Search

In order to search a quote, User needs to provide the “Quote Number” or else “Mobile no” &
“Email ID” and click on “Submit” button. In order to recapture the details, User needs to click on
the “Reset” button first and then capture the details.

Figure 19: Quote Search
On successful search, User can view the “Quote Number”, “Product”, and “Mobile No”,
“Email ID”.

1.4 About us

This link will be available in the pre log in and post log in as well. On clicking this hyperlink,
user will be redirected to NIA overview screen where user can check the brief details about NIA
and its operations etc.

Figure 20: About Us

1.5 Help
This link will be available in the pre log in and post log in as well. User can view the details of
the various file format compatibility and accessibility of the portal.

Figure 21: Help

1.6 Search
User can search any Key word in the content of the portal.

Figure 22: General Search

1.7 Buy Online

Not Available

1.8 Quick renewal/payment

Please refer 1.3.4 Quick Renewal section for details.

1.9 Call me
User can request NIA person to call him for assistance. After clicking the “Call Me “ option
in the top right corner, User needs to capture “Name”, “Email ID”, “Mobile number” and
“Preferred time to call” and “Description” and click on the “Submit” button. In order to go back
to the “Login” screen, user needs to click on the “Cancel” button.

Figure 23: Call Me

1.10 Contact Email ID/Toll Free Number/Chat/Font size change

Figure 24: Other Functionalities

These functionalities will be available both for pre logged in and post logged in stage. The
“Contact Email ID” link is a static information which will be displayed to user of the website
both pre and post login.
The “Toll Free Number” view is a static information which will be displayed to user of the
website both pre and post login.
User can decrease or increase the font size of the portal screen by clicking on the “A--, A++
“options respectively.
User can use the Chat functionality to start a live chat with the technical support or Customer
service person. User needs to select the options such as “Technical Support” or “Customer
Service”, then provide the “Customer Name” and “Message” and click on the “Start Chat”

Figure 25: Chat Functionality

1.11 Log in
In order to Register in the portal, User needs to capture basic personal details such as “First
Name”, “Last Name”,”Date of Birth”, “Gender”,”Email ID”,”Mobile No.”.Then User needs to
tick the check box of “Terms & conditions” and Click on the “Register” Button.

Figure 26: User Registration

On successful registration, Portal will send “Username” and Temporary “Password” through
SMS as well as “Email ID”. User needs to click on the Log in URL mentioned in the email
which will redirect the User to the “Login” Screen of the Portal.
In order to login to the portal, User needs to enter the “User Name” and “Password” (those have
already been provided) and click on the “Login” button.

Figure 27: Login

On the first time Login, user will be prompted to change the password .In order to change the
Password, please follow 1.11.4 To change the password .

On successful Authentication, user will navigate to the “Dashboard” page as shown below

Figure 28: Dash Board

1.11.1 Forgot User Name

This functionality will not be available.

1.11.2 Forgot Password

Before Login, this functionality will be available to the user. After clicking on the “Login”
option on the “Login” screen, User needs to click on the "Forgot Password – Click Here” option
on the pop-up window as shown below.

Figure 29: Forgot Password 1

Figure 30: Forgot Password 2

When user clicks “Forgot Password” option, system prompts user to capture the “User Name”.
On Submission, then System will send the OTP to his registered mobile number and E-mail id.
System validates the input data (User Name and OTP) and if details are found to be correct then
system sends the temporary “Password” to the registered e-mail id of the user.

1.11.3 Profile Update

After the login, users can update their profile by clicking on the downward arrow button on the
right hand top of the header bar as shown in the figure and selecting the “Profile Update” option.

Figure 31: Profile Update

On selecting the “Profile Update” option, users will be able to see the “Profile Update” screen
.In the “Profile Update” screen, user will have the option to change the “Mobile no.” and “Email
ID”. Once the details are updated, user can click on the “Update” button to save the changes.

Figure 32: Profile Update2

1.11.4 To change the password

After login, User can change the password by clicking on the downward arrow on the right hand
top of the header bar and selecting the “Change Password” option.
In the “Change Password” screen, user needs to enter the old password and new password in the
respective fields and click on the “Submit” button. User can undo the activity before submitting
by clicking on the “Cancel” button.
On doing so, the password will be reset to the new password entered by the user and user will be
redirected to the “Dashboard”. User will have to use the new password for subsequent logins to
the Portal.

Figure 33: Password change

1.11.5 Log out Option

In order to sign off from the portal, User needs to choose the “logout” option and can
successfully be redirected to the Home screen.

2 Quick Quote section (Pre-Login)

Not Applicable.

3 LOB section (Pre-Login)
User can be able to directly view the product brochure of the applicable products and can also
buy a product online.

Figure 34: LOB Section

In order to see the product brochure, user needs to select the product and choose on the required
option as shown below.

Figure 35: Product Info in LOB section

“Buy Online” functionality will not be available in case of Pre-Login stage.

4 Footer section (Pre-Login/Post- Log in)

Figure 36: Footer Section

4.1 Additional Links

On click of the link for the new portal, user will be redirected to the given newindia.co.in URL
as stated against each item.

Item Name Redirection URL

ICAI Members Portal http://icai.newindia.co.in/

ICSI Portal Login http://icsi.newindia.co.in/Account/frmCSCustomerLogin.aspx

BPCL Portal Login http://bpcl.newindia.co.in/

Citibank Customers http://newindia.co.in/citibank/index.aspx

ICMAI Portal Login http://icmai.newindia.co.in/

Media http://newindia.co.in/Content.aspx?pageid=128

About Us http://newindia.co.in/Content.aspx?pageid=118

IRDA http://www.irda.gov.in/Defaulthome.aspx?page=H1

NIA Pune http://www.niapune.com/

Training http://newindia.co.in/Content.aspx?pageid=131

Help http://newindia.co.in/help.aspx

Accessibility Statement http://newindia.co.in/accessibility-statement.aspx

4.2 Locate office/Garage/Hospitals
User can search and locate the Branch office of NIA, Network hospitals, Garages by providing
the PIN codes or city names or Name of the branch or address. User needs to click on the Find
button to get the search result on the map. (Please refer 1.3.2 Locator)

4.3 Site Map

On click of any of the items in the site map page, user should be redirected to the respective
Example – If user clicks on Two Wheeler option, then system should take the user to two
wheeler brochure screen.

4.4 Feedback
User needs to clicks on the Feedback option available in the home page footer section to give
any valuable feedback. User needs to enter all the mandatory details in the “Feedback” screen
and clicks on “Submit” button. System will validate the inputs and if all the details are correctly
entered then it show “Thank you for your feedback, we shall get back to you shortly”

Figure 37: Feedback

4.5 Mobile Apps

Users can download the mobile apps. After providing the mobile number, the mobile number is
validated and user needs to click on “Receive Link”, the downloadable link will be forwarded to
the user mobile number. On clicking on the link, User will be directed to the respective App
store to download the app.

4.6 Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

When user clicks any of the option, system will navigate the user to the respective screen and
display the respective information/messages.

5 Dashboard (Post-Login)
The following functionality will be available post log in of the User. In order to log in the portal,
please refer section 1.11 Log in

5.1 My Dash Board

User can revert back from any other section to the “Dashboard” screen by clicking on this

Figure 38: My Dashboard

5.2 Products
The process flow for all the products which are available in the portal is similar to
the below mentioned process but with difference in the attributes. Please refer to the
Product documents for more details of the business rules.

When the user clicks on “Products” on the menu bar, list of products offered by NIA will be
displayed. When the user clicks on any of the product (hyperlinks), he/she will be navigated to
the corresponding “Product Brochure” page. “Product Brochure” page will contain product
information. User can issue a policy by navigating to the “Proposal Form” by clicking on “Buy
Online” button present in the “Product Brochure” page.

Figure 39: Product Selection

Figure 40: Product Info and Buy Online

On clicking the “Buy Online” button, User will be redirected to “Proposal Form”. User can use
an existing Policy holder or create a new customer by selecting the options “Existing Customer”
or “New Customer” respectively.

Figure 41: Proposal Form 1

In order to create the new customer, user needs to capture the “Policy holder information” and
click on the “Create” button as shown below.

Figure 42: Creating New Customer
User can also search for an existing customer by capturing any of the Policy holder information
like “Policy Holder Code”, “First Name”, “Last Name”, “Email ID”, ”Mobile No. “and click on
“Search” button. On click on the “Search” button, Portal will show the all Policy holders
pertaining to the search criteria. User needs to click on the “Policy Holder Code” link to select
the Policy Holder as shown in Figure 44: Existing Customer Selection2.

Figure 43: Existing Customer Search

Figure 44: Existing Customer Selection2

On successful creation/selection of the customer, Portal will show the brief customer details on
the screen .User can proceed to capture all other details. Then user needs to click on the “Save &
Calculate Premium” button to save the details as shown in below.

Figure 45: Proposal Form 2
After saving the details, User can view the premium break up on clicking the “View Breakup”
button. Premium break up will be shown in a pop up message as shown below. In order to revert
back to the “Proposal Form” screen, User needs to click on the “Close” button on the pop up.

Figure 46: Premium Breakup Details Screen
User can save the proposal as template for future reference by clicking on the “Save as a
Template” option on the “Proposal Form”. User will be prompted to name the template. Once
user saves the template, the saved template can be viewed in the “Template Library” on the

Figure 47: Save Template
In order to approve and proceed to payment, User needs to click on the “Approve & Pay” button
available on the bottom of “Proposal Form”. User needs to confirm the action, and then only
user will be redirected to the “Payment “screen to choose appropriate payment options.

Figure 48: Proposal Form Approval

For further steps, Please refer 5.9 Make Payment.

5.3 To Buy a Product

User can choose any of the applicable products. On click of any of the products on the upper
breadcrumb on “Dashboard”, user will land on the corresponding “Proposal Form”. (Refer
Figure 49: To Buy a Product)

Figure 49: To Buy a Product
To proceed further, please refer the steps mentioned in section 5.2 Products.

5.4 Quick Services

When the user lands on the “Dashboard” page, he can use the “Quick Services” option to
manage quotes and policies and to find out nearest NIA offices, network hospitals and garages

Figure 50: Quick Services

5.4.1 Locator
After selecting the option, Please refer 1.3.2 Locator

5.4.2 Manage Policies

After selecting the option, Please refer 5.8 Manage Policy

5.4.3 Manage Quotes

After selecting the option, Please refer 5.5 Manage Quotes

5.4.4 Quick Payment

After selecting the option, Please refer 1.3.3 Quick Payment.

5.4.5 Quick Renewal
After selecting the option, Please refer 1.3.4 Quick Renewal

5.4.6 Travel Policy Extension

User can be able to extend an OMP policy further by using this functionality. User needs to
capture the “Policy Number” as mentioned below:

Figure 51: Travel Policy Extension 1

User needs to click on the “Search Policy for Extension” button to view the Policy details. User
needs to capture the extension date as future date along with the mandatory fields and then
calculate the premium.

Figure 52: Travel Policy Extension 2
After calculating the premium, User needs to confirm and proceed for payment as mentioned in
5.9 Make Payment. On successful collection of the amount, User will get a confirmation. To
view the policy and documents, user needs to click on the hyperlink ‘Click here to view the
Policy Details’.

Figure 53: Payment confirmation

5.5 Search Policy/Quote

User can search for the quote/policy details using their “Quote/Policy numbers”. User needs to
set the type of “Search By” as “Quote No” or “Policy No”.

Figure 54: Search Quote/Policy on My Dashboard
On successful search, User will be redirected to “Manage Quotes” screen if “Search By” has
been set as “Quote No” or else User will be redirected to “Manage Policy” screen if “Search By”
has been set as “Policy No”.

5.6 Manage Quotes

User can search for the quote/policy details using their Quote/Policy numbers. User needs to
select the “Manage Quote” option from its “Dashboard”. (Refer Figure 55: Search

Figure 55: Search Proposal/quote

The search result will be displayed depending on the search criteria chosen. Possible Actions
for the Quote/Policy number along with an option to Clone is shown in the result. Legends for
each of the icons under “Actions” are mentioned below as “Collect Premium”, “Edit” and
“Clone”. The following actions take place when you click on the icons. (Refer Figure 56:
Available functionality after search proposal)

 Collect Premium:-User is redirected to the collection page where he can make payments
for approved Quotations. For further steps, Please refer 5.9 Make payment section.
 Edit: - User is redirected to the corresponding Proposal Form where he can make
changes. To proceed further, please refer the steps mentioned from proposal form capture
in section 5.2 Products
 Clone:-User can clone a policy, where he gets a Proposal Form with certain pre- filled
details. To proceed further, please refer the steps mentioned from proposal form capture
in section 5.2 Products

Figure 56: Available functionality after search proposal

5.7 Renewals
Using this functionality, user can renew an existing policy. User needs to search the old policy
number or renewed quote number which needs to be renewed. User can also search by using
“Product”, “Expiry date” range. User also can capture the product directly or select any favourite
product to be reflected directly to the search criteria.

Figure 57: Renewal - Renewal Quote/Old Policy No. Search Criteria
When the search results are displayed, 'Renew' action will be available and upon click of which
proposal form for renewal of that policy will be loaded with some pre-filled data. Only certain
fields based on the product setup, will be editable during renewal.

Figure 58: Renew Action

User needs to capture the parameters and click on the “Save & Calculate Premium” button to
calculate the premium as shown below.

Figure 59: Calculate Premium during Renewal
User can view the Premium break up by clicking on the “View Breakup” button. In order to
revert back to Premium Calculator screen, User needs to click on the “Close” button.

Figure 60: View Breakup
Then User needs to click on “Continue” button to proceed to approve the renewed quote and
make the payment.

Figure 61: Renew Policy 4
Then User needs to click on the “Save” button and then click on “Approve & pay” to approve the

Figure 62: Approve and pay during renewal

After confirming the approval of Quote, User needs to collect the premium .Please follow the
steps for payment mentioned in 5.9 Make Payment. On successful payment, User will get a
“Payment Confirmation” screen as shown below.

Figure 63: Successful Payment during Renewal
User can click on the “Policy Details” and view the “Policy Summary” and can download the

Figure 64: documents in renewal

5.8 Manage Policy

User can manage his policies by searching for the particular policy using the “Product”, “From
Date”, ”End Date”, “Status” or “Policy Number”. When the “Policy Number” is entered, all
other fields are disabled. After searching the results are displayed with actions “View” option
enables the user to see the policy details post issuance. Using clone, user can clone a policy,
where he gets a “Proposal Form” with certain pre-filled details. (Refer Figure 65: Manage Policy)

Figure 65: Manage Policy

5.9 Make Payment

User can make payments for any approved Quotation. One can search using “Product”, “From
Date”, “To Date”, “Status” or “Quote number”. When the “Quote Number” is entered, all other
fields are disabled. After searching the results are displayed and “Collect Premium” icon is
displayed below Actions tab. “Collect Premium” action redirects the user to the collection page
where he can make payments.

Figure 66: Payment

Figure 67: Collect Premium
User needs to select appropriate “Collection Mode” from the left panel. User can pay the amount
partially by selecting multiple “Collection Mode”. After choosing the “Collection Mode”, User
needs to capture the payment details and click on the “Add” button to add the payment. In order
to remove the collection modes, User can also use the ‘X’ symbol after the collection amount
displayed in the upper section of the premium collection progress. However in case of “APD”
and “Net banking”, User can only make full payment.

Figure 68: Collect Premium 2

Figure 69: Collect Premium 3

Figure 70: Collect Premium 4
After the complete payment only, “Collect Premium” button will be visible and User can click to

On clicking on the “Collect Premium” button, User will be redirected to “Payment
Confirmation” page as below:

Figure 71: Payment confirmation

User can avail a Personal Accident Insurance by clicking on the “Personal Accident Insurance”
link as shown above. On clicking User will be redirected to the proposal form that needs to be
captured by the User. Please refer the steps mentioned in section 5.2 Products to proceed.
If the user wants to view his policy details he can click on the link “Click here to view Policy
Details” provided. User can also see the list of documents generated against that policy. If it is
not available, the “Refresh” symbol after the “List of Documents” level needs to be clicked.

Figure 72: Policy Documents

5.10 View Reports

User can view different reports like the following:

 Premium Register Report.
 Pay in Slip
 APD balance report

User needs to select the type of report and then provide the required search criteria such as
“From Date”, “To Date”, “Product” and “Status” before clicking on “Generate” button. User
can download the report in pdf and csv format and can print by choosing the appropriate option
as shown in figure Figure 75: Pay In Slip Report

Figure 73: Premium Register Report

Figure 74: Premium Register Report 2

Figure 75: Pay In Slip Report

5.11 My APD Balance

User can view the current APD balance as of the current date on the “Dashboard”.

Figure 76: APD Balance

5.12 Template Library

User can save a particular Proposal Form details for further reference by using the "Save as
Template" option. This option will be made available only when Premium computation is done
at least once. User can click on the saved template and change the loaded data on the saved
template of the proposal form. The saved templates will be shown in the “Template Library” on
the “Dashboard” of the user. Number of templates a user can save, is limited to 5. (Refer Figure
77: Save Template option during Proposal Form Capture, Figure 78: Naming the Template before ,
Figure 79: Template library)

Figure 77: Save Template option during Proposal Form Capture

Figure 78: Naming the Template before saving

Figure 79: Template library

5.13 Recent Activities

User can check Recent Activity to know about the latest transactions. The transactions are
mainly draft, approved, pending payment transactions and not active/cancelled policies. The

result list is also provided with the actions such as "Collect Premium" and "Edit" depending on
the status of the Quotation.

Figure 80: Recent Activities

User can edit or collect premium or both after going to the proposal form and proceed with
normal process of Policy issuance.

Figure 81: After clicking on action on recent activities

5.14 Notifications
The notifications published by NIA will be shown to the user in the “Dashboard” page. Only
static messages are displayed

Figure 82: Notifications

5.15 Live Chat
Live Chat feature allows the user to start interacting with NIA person or NIA support team for
any queries on the NIA products or renewal policy related queries. User will be provided with a
Chat ID, generated during chat which could be used for future reference.
Note: Live Chat option will not be available from 6pm to 9am, during which the user can send
offline messages to NIA support team.

Figure 83: Live chat option on dash board

Figure 84: Live chat

5.16 Call Me
User can request NIA person to call him for assistance. On click of the Call Me option in the
top right corner, Name, Email id, Mobile number and preferred time to call and description
should be filled.

Figure 85: Call Me

5.17 Download Form

User can view and download the forms using this option available on the user “Dashboard”
screen. During policy issuance process the downloadable contents shall be displayed for all the
products and on clicking the link the document gets downloaded. The forms available for
download will vary according to the product chosen and the context.

Figure 86: Download forms

5.18 Favourite product
On the “Dashboard” page, there is an option to personalize products in their profile. This feature
is available to all Users. Based on user preference, a particular product can be set as “Favourite”.
User will also have the option to de-select the favourite items earlier selected and select a new
one. Number of favourite products is limited to 5. Please refer the below images.

Figure 87: Set Favourite

Figure 88: Display of favorites on Dashboard

User can remove the product from Favourite list by clicking on the cross symbol against the
respective product.


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