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Deep Neural Networks for Data-Driven Turbulence Models

Preprint · June 2018


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3 authors, including:

Andrea D. Beck David Flad

Universität Stuttgart Universität Stuttgart


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Deep Neural Networks for Data-Driven

Turbulence Models
Andrea D. Beck1 †‡, David G. Flad1 and Claus-Dieter Munz1
Numerics Research Group, Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics, Universität
Stuttgart, Germany

(Received xx; revised xx; accepted xx)

In this work, we present a novel data-based approach to turbulence modelling for Large
Eddy Simulation (LES) by artificial neural networks. We define the exact closure terms
including the discretization operators and generate training data from direct numerical
simulations of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence. We design and train artificial
neural networks based on local convolution filters to predict the underlying unknown
non-linear mapping from the coarse grid quantities to the closure terms without a
priori assumptions. All investigated networks are able to generalize from the data and
learn approximations with a cross correlation of up to 47% and even 73% for the inner
elements, leading to the conclusion that the current training success is data-bound. We
further show that selecting both the coarse grid primitive variables as well as the coarse
grid LES operator as input features significantly improves training results. Finally, we
construct a stable and accurate LES model from the learned closure terms. Therefore, we
translate the model predictions into a data-adaptive, pointwise eddy viscosity closure and
show that the resulting LES scheme performs well compared to current state of the art
approaches. This work represents the starting point for further research into data-driven,
universal turbulence models.

Key words:

1. Introduction
Machine learning algorithms and in particular deep neural networks (DNN) thrive in
situations where a structural relation between input and output is presumably present
but unknown, when sufficiently many training samples exist and the computing power to
train and deploy these algorithms is available. The confluence of these three conditions
in the last half decade has given rise to an extraordinary interest in these algorithms
and their applications, e.g. from mastering the game of Go (Silver et al. 2016), to object
detection and steering in self-driving cars (Bojarski et al. 2016) to natural language
processing (Bengio et al. 2003). At the centre of each of these applications lies the search
for a non-linear model that approximates the underlying functional relationship without
a priori assumptions or analytical considerations. Based on the reported successes in a
number of fields, this “learning from data” approach could provide a powerful method
for model development in fluid mechanics, wherever the governing equations derived
from first principles need to be augmented by some form of closure term which typically
† A. Beck and D. Flad share first authorship
‡ Email address for correspondence: beck@iag.uni-stuttgart.de
2 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz
incorporates information from different physical effects or scales (Kutz 2017).
In this work, we develop a data-based closure for the subgrid (SG) terms arising in Large
Eddy Simulation (LES). Without a priori assumptions, the exact SG terms are ”learned”
through supervised learning by DNN from Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and LES
data of homogeneous isotropic turbulence. The resulting closures thus are not models in
the classical explicit sense, where the effect of unresolved physics on the grid-represented
flow field is expressed by an a priori assumed functional relationship, but in the machine
learning sense as they constitute a data-based approximation of an unknown, but existing
functional relationship. While this data-based reconstruction of the DNS flow field results
in an approximation of the perfect subgrid closure, by design this approach cancels the
influence of the coarse grid numerical operator applied to the discretized field (i.e. the
LES operator) and is thus not directly suitable for practical applications. This is clearly
the case considering the approach for perfect LES with implicit filtering as used in this
work and derived in Nadiga & Livescu (2007). We argue that this is indeed also the case
for explicitly filtered LES when using the exact closure. Thus, to render our models useful
in practical, but imperfect LES, we therefore suggest a first data-informed explicit closure
model based on a fit to the perfect model learned via DNN methods. We demonstrate that
the resulting model is suitable for LES and provides a stable and accurate closure. The
learned perfect closure term and the derived closure can thus be seen as a starting point
towards general data-based SG models and intelligent model learning in fluid dynamics.

1.1. State of the Art

Due to the rapid progress in artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms, architectures
and applications, defining a general state of the art in this field is not trivial. With the
restriction to supervised learning, the task of an ANN is to approximate an unknown,
possibly highly complex functional relationship between the input and output data.
In its simplest form (the Multilayer Perceptron, MLP), these function approximators
consist of consecutive layers of weighted linear combinations of their inputs, followed
by a non-linear activation function. The number of these stacked layers distinguishes
shallow from deep learning. Regardless of the number of layers, the associated internal
weights of the network are adjusted through training on known data sufficiently varied to
allow generalization. In each training step, the current network prediction is compared
against the available data by an appropriate error norm (the cost function), and the
resulting parameter gradients are computed to update the weights towards a better
fit. It is worth noting that while theoretical considerations show that MLP with one
hidden layer can approximate any continuous function (Barron 1993; Cybenko 1989;
Funahashi 1989), mathematically validated results for more complex networks and other
network architectures are still missing. However, due to the practical successes of DNN
as trainable universal function approximators, the application of ANN based supervised
learning approaches to a large number of different scientific areas currently outpaces their
theoretical understanding.
A concise overview of deep learning is given in the review articles by LeCun et al.
(2015) and Schmidhuber (2015). Building on the first theoretical works in the middle
of the previous century (McCulloch & Pitts 1943; Rosenblatt 1958; Minsky & Papert
1969), the current interest in DNN was sparked by improvements in learning across
multiple layers (Rumelhart et al. 1986), sparse network architectures for hierarchical
representation learning (Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN) (LeCun et al. 1990), deep
layer normalization (Ioffe & Szegedy 2015) and robust extension to hundreds of layers
based on a split of the linear and non-linear part of the model representation (Residual
Neural Networks, RNN) (He et al. 2016).
Guidelines for authors 3
In terms of machine learning methods and DNN in turbulence modelling, the number
of contributions is considerably smaller. Successful application to learning the Reynolds
stress tensor for the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations have been
presented in Ling et al. (2016) and Tracey et al. (2015). Noting the relationship of linear
neural networks to proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), Milano & Koumoutsakos
(2002) reconstructed the wall-near flow field of a channel flow from DNS data and
compared the results to a POD analysis. An early application of neural networks to LES
modelling has been published by Sarghini et al. (2003), where a more computationally
efficient DNN representation of Bardina’s scale similarity model was learned from data.
Gamahara and Hattori presented a shallow neural network capable of learning the SG
stress tensor for a channel flow from data using training and test data from the same
single dataset. In a recent publication by Maulik & San (2017), a successful approximate
data-driven deconvolution of the LES solution without a priori knowledge of the filter
shape via neural networks was shown.
Our approach presented here differs from these contributions in a number of important
aspects: We learn the closure terms directly from data (without explicitly computing the
deconvolved field) and we take full advantage of CNN architectures which can extract
structural information from multidimensional volumetric data. We show how to construct
a practical model from the reconstructed data and apply it in actual LES. During the
learning process, we take meticulous care to separate the training, validation and hidden
testing data to show the generalization capabilities of the model.
The outline and strategy of this work is as follows. We first show how to construct the
exact closure terms for LES, given a coarse grid numerical operator and a filter definition
for the coarse scale solution. We then demonstrate that by using ANNs, an approximate
reconstruction of these closure terms is possible and evaluate the needed input parameters
present on the coarse grid. We further discuss that as the closure terms are not recovered
exactly by the ANN, they cannot be used directly for LES. Although their correlation to
the exact terms is high and they are indeed dissipative, over time discretization errors
accumulate, leading to instabilities. Finally, we show how to construct an eddy-viscosity
type model based on the predicted closure terms. This novel, data-based model leads to
very good results compared to current state of the art LES.

2. Problem Definition: Finding the ”Perfect” LES model

In this section, we discuss the concept of the ”perfect” LES model and its associated
LES equation. The perfect closure serves as the target quantity for the learning process
and allows to establish a baseline for model quality assessment. In addition, the data
generation process for the subsequent deep neural network training is described.

2.1. The compressible Navier-Stokes equations

The temporal and spatial evolution of a viscous, compressible fluid is governed by
the Navier-Stokes equations, which describe the conservation of mass, momentum and
energy. In conservative form this set of partial differential equations for a Newtonian fluid
4 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz
is given by
∂ρ ∂ (ρuj )
+ = 0,
∂t ∂xj
∂ (ρui ) ∂ (ρui uj + pδij ) ∂σij
+ = , (2.1)
∂t ∂xj ∂xj
∂ (ρe) ∂ [(ρe + p) uj ] ∂qj ∂ (σij ui )
+ =− + .
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj
Here, the Einstein summation convention applies, δij denotes the Kronecker delta func-
tion and i, j = 1, 2, 3. The conservative variables of mass, momentum and energy are
U = [ρ, ρu1 , ρu2 , ρu3 , ρe], where ρ denotes the density, ui the i-th component of the
velocity vector and the total energy ρe per unit volume reads as
ρe = ρ( ui ui + cv T ). (2.2)
With the assumption of an ideal gas, the equations are closed in the usual way. In compact
form, Equation (2.1) can be recast as
+ ∇ · F c (U ) = ∇ · F v (U, ∇U ), (2.3)
where F c denotes the matrix containing the three Euler flux vectors from the left hand
side of Equation (2.1) and F v the matrix containing the viscous contributions from the
right hand side.

2.2. Perfect LES equations and models

In order to make the discussion more concise, Eq. 2.3 can be recast as
+ R(F (U )) = 0, (2.4)

where R denotes the divergence operator and ∂t the derivate w.r.t time. We define
an exact coarse scale solution U by introducing a low-pass filter (). The fine scale
contribution follows from U − U . This filtering operation yields the corresponding coarse
grid equation

+ R(F (U )) = 0, operator filtered form or (2.5a)
+ R(F (U )) = 0, flux filtered form. (2.5b)
The two choices for the coarse grid equation are equivalent in the DNS sense, i.e.
as long as the error introduced by the discretization of the divergence operator R is
negligible (which is assumed for DNS), the filtering and the divergence commute. We
will in the following focus on the operator-filtered form (Eqn. 2.5a), and highlight the
reasons for why this form is more suitable for the perfect LES approach.
Note that Eqn. 2.5a already is the LES formulation of the problem, i.e. a constitutive
equation for the coarse grid solution U . Given the perfect LES model for this equation,
i.e. the exact temporal evolution of the spatial operator on the coarse grid R(F (U )),
Eqn. 2.5a would revert to an ordinary differential equation in time for U . We therefore
define a perfect LES by the following two conditions: i) the solution to the corresponding
equation must be U , and ii) all terms must be computed on a coarse grid. To arrive at
Guidelines for authors 5
a usable LES formulation that includes the coarse grid operator applied to the filtered
solution field, we append Eqn. 2.5a by the appropriate temporal and spatial closures:
The term R(Fe (U )), in Re represents the discretized spatial operator, i.e. the discrete
representation of the divergence and the flux F is computed from the filtered solution
U ; and the temporal closure term ∂U ∂U
∂t − ∂t , arriving at

∂U e (U )) − R(F (U )) + ∂U ∂U
+ R(F
e (U )) = R(F − . (2.6)
∂t | {z } | {z ∂t }
spatial closure
temporal closure

Under the common assumptions that the timestep of a practical LES is small, that the
time discretization is sufficiently accurate and that the filter commutes with the time
derivative, we neglect the temporal closure term in the following and focus on the spatial
closure only, arriving at the constitutive equation for a perfect LES:
∂U e (U )) − R(F (U )) .
+ R(F
e (U )) = R(F (2.7)
∂t | {z }
perfect closure model

This is the exact LES formulation. Indeed, as long as the RHS of this equation remains
exact, the solution to Eqn. 2.7 remains U , regardless of the specific discretization operator
Re and the filter (). It also highlights the subtle fact that a SG model always needs to fulfil
a double purpose: to provide a suitable closure for the unknown subgrid terms R(F (U ))
and to account for the discretization operator applied to the grid-resolved terms. For the
ideal closure this means that the latter terms cancel exactly, thereby essentially negating
the discretization effects.
Note that if we had chosen the flux-filtered version of Eqn. 2.5, for an LES, a discretization
of the divergence operator onto the coarse grid R e would have been introduced. Unless
for special cases, this discretization does not commute with the filtering, and thus
cannot lead to the perfect LES formulation sought here. Indeed, the closure term often
given for the momentum equations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, e.g.
τ11 = −uu, can thus in general not recover U . The exception to this statement is a grid
converged explicitly filtered LES, in which the discretization itself becomes irrelevant
when the filtered equation is solved for the grid spacing h → 0 and thus filtering and
discrete divergence commute. Alternatively, specifically designed discretization operators
which have the commutation property could be used. However, both approaches are
very involved for the perfect LES and - more importantly to our discussion - not a
meaningful basis for our attempt to generate DNN learned closure models for practical
LES applications. Due to these reasons, we prefer the operator filtered form for our
investigations, hence, the closure terms include the discrete operator in order to reproduce
the filtered state U .
Returning to Eqn. 2.7, note that all the terms occurring must exist only on the coarse
scales, i.e. no DNS grid is required and the equation can be solved on the LES grid.
However, since the RHS depends on the unfiltered solution U , application of this approach
is limited to specifically designed test cases where prior DNS information is available at
every LES time step and temporal integration errors are assumed to be negligible (Nadiga
& Livescu 2007; De Stefano & Vasilyev 2004). In practical LES, Eqn. 2.7 is therefore
replaced by
∂ Û
+ R(F
e (Û )) = M
f(Û , Ck ) , (2.8)
∂t | {z }
imperfect closure model
6 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz
where a modelling term M (typically dependent on parameters Ck ) is introduced.
This approach generally leads to a solution Û 6= U , since the model M is not exact
and its discretization errors may remain unclosed as well. Obviously, Eqn. 2.8 has
the decisive advantage of being numerically solvable without DNS information. From
a model development standpoint however, Eqn. 2.7 provides the exact closure terms
e (U )) − R(F (U )), which we use a training data for to construct a data-based, discrete
model term M f.

2.3. Perfect LES computations

In order to generate the data required to compute the perfect closure terms for Eqn. 2.7,
we have conducted a DNS of a decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence (DHIT) test
case. The incompressible velocity field is constructed as proposed by Rogallo (1981), with
an initial spectrum of the kinetic energy given by Chasnov (1995) as
 s "  2 #
1 2 −1 k 1 k
E(k, t = 0) = as u0 kp exp − s . (2.9)
2 kp 2 kp

We have chosen s = 4, u0 2 = 5 and kp = 4 and computed the corresponding pressure

field from the initial incompressible velocities. The computational domain is a cube of
size [0, 2π]3 with periodic boundary conditions on all faces. The Reynolds number based
on the Taylor micro-scale for the onset of exponential energy decay is about 180. Both
the DNS and LES computations were conducted with a Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral
Element (DGSEM) discretization of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations described
in Hindenlang et al. (2012) and applied to DNS and LES for a number of cases (Beck
et al. 2014, 2016; Flad et al. 2016; Gassner & Beck 2013). The Mach number based
on the maximum initial velocity magnitude is set to 0.1 via the mean pressure. Fig. 2
(left) shows the temporal evolution of the energy spectrum of the DNS from the initial
condition to 2.0 T ∗ , where the reference time scale T ∗ is defined by unity velocity and
length scale, w.r.t the onset of exponential energy decay T ∗ equals about 0.5 large eddy
turnover times defined by T eddy = v/Lint .
The computational grid for the DNS consists of 643 equispaced, cubical elements, in
each of which the solution is approximated by tensor product polynomial basis of degree
N = 7, leading to 5123 total degrees of freedom. The solution vector U as well as the time

derivative R(F (U )) = ∂U∂t are stored at ∆t = 4e−5 T time intervals. This corresponds
to a CFL number ≈ 0.2 for the LES computation with a 3rd order Adams-Bashforth
time integrator, which we choose to ensure physical consistency of the closure terms.
Following the discussion in Sec. 2.2, we now aim to construct the perfect closure model
from this data in a two-step process: We first need to define the DNS-to-LES operator,
and then choose the specific discretization options to define the LES operator itself.

(i) DNS-to-LES operator:

We define the LES grid by coarsening the DNS grid by a factor of 8 per direction, i.e. as
an 83 element grid. The DNS solution is interpolated onto a sufficiently fine quadrature
grid in each LES element. The low pass filtered solution U and the filtered time derivative
term R(F (U )) at each time interval ∆t are then computed by an L2 -projection onto the
polynomial space P5 in each element of the LES grid.

(ii) LES operator:

The remaining term R(Fe (U )) is then constructed by applying the LES operator to the
filtered solution. Our approach is independent of the specific choice of this operator,
Guidelines for authors 7
i.e. of the discretization details, and can thus be applied to any discretization. We have
conducted our investigations with the following discretization choices: We choose as
a spatial operator a kinetic-energy-preserving DGSEM formulation of degree N = 5
with a skew-symmetric like splitting of the fluxes (on Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto (LGL)
nodes) (Flad & Gassner 2017), a low dissipation version of Roe’s approximate Riemann
solver (Oßwald et al. 2016) for the inviscid fluxes and Bassi&Rebay method 1 for the
viscous fluxes (Bassi & Rebay 1997). The computation grid has been defined in step (i).

This completes the construction of the perfect closure model (see Eqn. 2.7), which is
also stored at the corresponding time intervals.

Remark I: All these data preparation steps are done as a pre-processing to the LES
computations. Since the full DNS solution needs to be stored at a large number of time
steps, these operations are very expensive in terms of computational and storage costs.
For example, storing the information necessary to compute the DNS-to-LES operation
(U and R(F (U ))) at ∆t = 4e−5 T ∗ for 0.2 T ∗ requires approx. 55 TByte storage space.
Remark II: In defining the perfect closure model, we have made two choices: The selection
of the DNS-to-LES operator and the choice of the LES operator itself. While the first
choice defines the coarse solution U , the second one is - in a perfect LES approach only -
completely arbitrary, as it cancels out by design. We have confirmed these observations
by numerical experiments by selecting various filter shapes and discretizations options
within the DGSEM framework.
Remark III: We have analyzed the contribution of the model term and its components
to the kinetic energy balance by computing the volume integral over the dot product
of the momentum equations from Eqn. 2.7 and the velocity vector. We found that the
e (U )) − R(F (U )) and its DNS component are dissipative
full perfect closure term R(F
as expected. The LES operator in the model term is slightly antidissipative due to our
choice of a dissipative baseline scheme.

With the perfect closure model in place, we can now compute the actual LES. In order
to achieve a consistent discretization for the perfect LES solution, the discretization must
match the operator as described in the preprocessing step above. The stored closure terms
are read from disk and introduced as a source term to the discretization at each timestep.

Fig. 1 shows the u-velocity on a slice through the turbulent field. The upper left
pane shows the DNS solution, the upper middle pane the filtered solution on the LES
grid after the application of the DNS-to-LES operator. In the upper right hand pane,
the resulting computed perfect LES field obtained by solving Eqn. 2.7 is shown. The
marginal differences can be attributed to numerical round-off and temporal integration
errors. For comparison, in the lower row the corresponding results for a no-model LES
(where the discretization error of the LES operator serves as an implicit closure model)
and two LES with Smagorinsky closure are shown (Smagorinsky 1963). Note that this
LES method using the described scheme along with a Smagorinsky model was shown to
be the state of the art for LES with DG schemes in Flad & Gassner (2017). While the
position and magnitude of the large scale structures remain relatively stable, their extent
and shape is clearly affected by the imperfect model. For the small scales, this effect is
more pronounced, as spurious artefacts occur. This investigation highlights the facts that
only the perfect LES approach can recover U , while imperfect closure models lead to a
solution Û 6= U .
In Fig. 2, the energy spectra and the temporal evolution of the kinetic energy for the
8 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz

Figure 1. Iso-contours of u-velocity, shown in the x-z slice at y = 3.0 and t = 1.6. upper
left: DNS; middle: filtered DNS; right: perfect LES; lower left: no model LES; middle: LES,
Cs = 0.05; right: LES, Cs = 0.17. The corresponding grid cells are also shown.



DNS filtered
LES, perfect model
0.04 0.65 LES, no model
LES, Cs=0.05
LES, Cs=0.17


DNS Filtered
LES, perfect model
LES, no model
LES, Cs=0.05
LES, Cs=0.17


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.55 1.6

k t

Figure 2. Left: Spectra of kinetic energy at t = 1.6 T ∗ , cut-off frequencies for 3 and 4 points
per wavelength are also shown; Right: Temporal evolution of kinetic energy.

different LES approaches are compared to the filtered DNS result. As expected from
Fig. 1, the perfect model LES is in excellent agreement with the filtered data, while
the no-model LES (using otherwise the same discretization as described above) lacks
sufficient dissipation, which results in a high frequency built-up. Adding a Smagorinsky
model to this discretization increases the overall dissipation, but leads to the typical
tilted spectral distribution, where low wave number are too energy-rich, while those near
the cut-off are damped too strongly.
Guidelines for authors 9

1.8 A

1.4 Run 10
Run 11
Run 14
1 Run 15




1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 10 20 30 40 50 60

t k

Figure 3. Left: Temporal evolution of kinetic energy for 4 selected DHIT runs; Right: Temporal
evolution of the kinetic energy spectrum of run 11 from t = 0 to T = 2.0 T ∗ ; A: initial spectrum,
B: start of data collection T = 1.0 T ∗ , C: end of data collection T = 2.0T ∗ , dashed line: k− 3

To summarize, the discussion herein and the numerical experiments conducted have
established the equations for a perfect LES computation (without the need for a sec-
ond explicit filtering to essentially remove the discretization operator effects) and have
demonstrated how to compute the perfect LES solution with the help of a pre-computed
perfect model. With this method in place, we now employ the established framework to
generate training data to find a DNN approximation to the unknown term R(F (U )) in
this perfect closure.

2.4. Generation of Training Data

The training data for the DNN is generated from 20 distinct DNS runs of the DHIT
test case (see Sec. 2.3), with randomized realizations of the initial velocity and pressure
fields for a fixed initial energy spectrum. The data is split into training and validation sets
(18 / 1 runs), while another run is kept ”hidden” from all DNN training as a test set. We
sample each run at intervals of 0.1 T ∗ between T = 1.0 T ∗ and T = 2.0 T ∗ in the range
of self-similar decay of the spectrum. Fig. 3 (left) depicts the evolution of kinetic energy
for four randomly selected DHIT runs. The logarithmic decay is well approximated by
t−2.2 , which is close to value of 5/2 for low Re reported by Batchelor & Townsend (1948);
the associated energy spectra for a single run are shown on the right hand side of Fig. 3.
We found the selected sampling interval to be a good compromise in the sense that a
smaller interval would result in more training data (generally desirable for DNN training)
with higher inter-sample correlation (which can result in slower learning) and a higher
sampling interval which would drive the computing costs through increasing the number
of required DNS runs.
At each time sample of the DNS run, we store the DNS solution U and the time
derivative ∂U ∂t on the DNS grid, and generate their filtered counterparts by applying
the DNS-to-LES operator in a post-processing step as described in Sec. 2.3. Note that
while the full perfect closure term also contains the LES operator applied to the filtered
solution R(F
e (U )), this term is known and thus need not be learned. Instead, we found
that using this term as an input feature of the NN significantly improved learning.
10 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz
The set of approximation targets or labels for the ANN is thus given by:
n o
Ŷ = ŷ ∈ R 3 ×p × p × p | ŷ = R(F (U ))nijk , with n = 1, ..., 3; i, j, k = 0, ..., p − 1
#Ŷtraining/validation/test = nruns × nsamples × nelems , with
nruns = 18 for training and nruns = 1 for validation and testing,
nsamples = 11, nelems = 83 .
Note that we have chosen the same LES discretization as above based on a Discon-
tinuous Galerkin scheme with an inner-element tensor product basis, i.e. the number of
interpolation points within each element per direction is given by p = N + 1, resulting in
216 points per element. The specific position in this tensor product structure is denoted
by the index triplet ijk, and the entry in the vector of momentum fluxes by n, e.g. n = 2
corresponds to y−momentum equation in the compressible Navier-Stokes formulation,
leading to Mŷ = 3 tensors of size p × p × p per sample. According to Garnier et al. (2009),
for this weakly compressible DHIT flow case, the ratio of the closure terms to the coarse
grid fluxes is one to two orders of magnitude larger for the momentum fluxes than for the
density and energy fluxes. We confirmed this observation with our data, and therefore
decided to close the momentum terms only as is common practice for these situations.
By our choice for the data layout, each label retains its three-dimensional structure,
i.e. a single target is the complete term R(F (U ))n for a whole element of the LES grid.
We will exploit this structure and the dimensional information in the DNN design by
focusing on CNN and RNN architectures.
The corresponding input features for the ANN are given by:
X̂ = x̂ ∈ R 6 × p × p × p | x̂ = (uijk , v ijk , wijk , R(F
e (U 1 ))ijk , R((F
e (U 2 ))ijk , R(F
e (U 3 ))ijk ),
with i, j, k = 0, ..., p − 1
#X̂training/validation/test = nruns × nsamples × nelems , with
nruns = 18 for training and nruns = 1 for validation and testing,
nsamples = 11, nelems = 83 .
We use the coarse scale velocities (u, v, w) and LES operators applied to the coarse grid
e (U )) as inputs into the network, resulting in Mx̂ = 6 tensors of size p × p × p per
field R(F
sample. These choices are motivated by the idea of an approximate deconvolution: one
for the solution, the second one for the operator itself. We compute the cross correlation
coefficient CC towards the labels R(F (U )) as
cov(a, b) (ai − a)(bi − b)
CC(a, b) = = pP i qP (2.12)
var(a)var(b) (a − a)2 (b − b) 2
i i i i

to gauge whether the chosen input labels have a non-vanishing correlation to the labels,
i.e. if it possible for a DNN to find a generalized mapping. From the coefficients listed in
Tbl. 1 computed over all available training data pairs, we can conclude that in particular
the LES operators are reasonable input features for the DNN. During our training
process, we found that reducing the input features to the either the velocities or the LES
operators only impeded training success significantly, and we thus have chosen both sets
as inputs features.
Guidelines for authors 11

a, b CC(a, b)

u, R(F (U ))1 -0.0120

v, R(F (U ))2 -0.0127
w, R(F (U ))3 -0.0126

e (U 1 )), R(F (U ))1

R(F 0.1894
e (U 2 )), R(F (U ))2
R(F 0.1793
e (U 3 )), R(F (U ))3
R(F 0.1787
Table 1. Cross correlation coefficients of input features and output labels

With these definitions in place, the task of the DNN is then to find a mapping M by
training on the available, designated training data:
M : R6 × p × p × p → R3 × p × p × p , given 18 × nsamples × nelems training pairs (x̂, ŷ)
Details about the DNN architecture, training and validation will be discussed in the next

3. Artificial Neural Networks

In its most general form, an artificial neural network is a multivariate compound
function, which contains a number of free parameters called weights (which include
the bias terms as well). This function is comprised of successive linear and non-linear
operations, which map the input vector X through a number of intermediate steps to
the output vector Y . The intermediate results are stored in entities called neurons, which
are arranged in layers. Neurons in any given layer are not interconnected, but are densely
or sparsely connected to the adjacent layers. Each neuron in a layer l computes a linear
combination Z l of its inputs (which are the outputs or activations Al−1 of the previous
layer) and a bias vector bl−1 as
Z l = W l−1 Al−1 + bl−1 , (3.1)
where W l−1 is the weight matrix linking layers l and l−1. A non-linear activation function
g is then applied component wise to the vector Z, leading to the activation of layer l:
Al = g(Z l ) (3.2)
The operations associated with a single neuron are shown in Fig. 4 (left). The depth of
the network, i.e. the number of hidden layers (all layers excluding the input and output
layer) and the number of neurons per layer are important parameters that determine the
capabilities and training requirements of the network. The structure of the network, i.e.
the way neurons are connected and information is passed along, is often referred to as
the network graph. An example of such a graph for a fully connected network (also called
Multilayer Perceptron, MLP (Haykin 2004; Rosenblatt 1958)) is shown in Fig. 4 (right).
Regardless of architecture, in order to train a network, i.e, to refine the weights and
biases, the output Y for a given X̂ is computed in a forward pass, i.e. by applying
Eqn. 3.1 and Eqn. 3.2 along the network graph. The error between the prediction Y
and the true output Ŷ is measured by a cost function C(Ŷ , Y ). C is usually chosen
as a convex function of Ŷ , Y ; however, it is not necessarily convex w.r.t the weights of
12 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz

Figure 4. Left: A single artificial neuron, consisting of a linear mapping of the inputs X to z(X)
with the weights ωi and bias b following by a non-linear activation Y (X) = a(X) = g(z(X)).
Right: A multilayer perceptron with 2 hidden layers H1 and H2 , input vector X and output
vector Y . The arrows indicate information flow in a forward pass and represent the trainable

the network, which means that an optimum does not necessarily exist and that the non-
convex optimization problem becomes more costly. Typically, for ANNs, this optimization
is conducted in two steps (Rumelhart et al. 1986; Werbos 1990):
(i) The backpropagation or backward pass through the network, which computes the
partial derivatives of the cost function w.r.t. to all weights in the network via the chain
rule, i.e. ∂C(Ŷ∂W
,Y (W ))
(ii) The optimization step updates the weights according to the gradient descent
method, where the specific form of the gradients used depends on the chosen optimization
method. The size of each parameter increment depends on the specified learning rate.
Computing the weight updates is achieved by the mini-batch gradient descent
method (Ioffe & Szegedy 2015), in which the full training set is split into smaller mini
batches on which the training is conducted. This approach is the most widely used in
ANN training and provides a compromise between memory efficiency and computational
cost. During training, progress is monitored via the cost function of the training set. A
separate validation set, drawn randomly from the training data but not taking part in
the training process itself, it used to check the generalization success of the network and
to detect overfitting.
In the following section, we will describe the specific network architecture employed
in this project (Sec. 3.1) and give details on its implementation and hyperparameters
(Sec. 3.2).

3.1. Convolutional and Residual Networks

The term Convolutional Neural Networks describes a specific ANN architecture
type that was originally developed for computer vision tasks (Krizhevsky et al. 2012;
LeCun et al. 1990). It has often proven superior to MLP architectures whenever a
structural relationship among the input data of a single example is of importance to
the functional relationship to be approximated by the network (Peyrard et al. 2015;
Ben Driss et al. 2017). In order to account for this expected or perceived relationship,
Guidelines for authors 13
the input data samples to a CNN are no longer interpreted as 1D vectors, but retain
their original (multidimensional) structure. In addition to the exploitation of geometrical
relationships, CNNs have shown to be particularly successful when the input data can
be decomposed into some form of hierarchical basis representation (LeCun et al. 1995;
Wallach et al. 2015). This notion is supported by the equivalence of a proper orthogonal
decomposition (POD) with a linear neural network (Milano & Koumoutsakos 2002) and
is often labelled automatic feature extraction. A typical field of application of CNNs
which exploits these two properties is image recognition and object detection. Here,
both the geometrical relationship of objects in a given 2D scene as well as their structure
itself (complex objects being composed of simpler basis objects such as edges, faces etc.)
can be useful to a CNN representation. Both of these features are likely to prove useful
in the approximation of closure terms for turbulence.

3.1.1. Convolutional Neural Networks

In an MLP, the connection between the neurons of two adjacent layers is by design
dense, i.e. the size of the matrix W l−1 in Eq. 3.1 is nl−1 × nl , where nl denotes the
number of neurons in a layer l. Thus, the region of dependence or the receptive field of a
neuron in layer l is defined by all the neurons in layer l − 1. In CNN architectures, this
receptive field is restricted to the local multidimensional neighborhood of a given neuron
and the associated local weight matrix (or tensor) is called the filter kernel. This kernel
consists of trainable, but shared weights, i.e. each kernel is learned through the training
process but is identical for each respective neuron. For a given neuron denoted by the
tuple (i, j, k) describing its position in a 3D activation tensor Alijk , its value is computed

∆i /2 ∆j /2 ∆k /2

X X X 
l l−1 l−1
Zijk = Wmno Ai+m j+n k+o + bl−1
mno ,

m=−∆i /2 n=−∆j /2 o=−∆k /2
convll−1 (3.3)

Alijk l 
= g(Zijk ),

where ∆i , ∆j , ∆k are the sizes of the kernel in the given direction i.e. the extension
of the local receptive field and Wmno denotes the entries of the filter kernel. Note that
Eq. 3.3 can be formalized as a discrete convolution operation (with added bias term)
of the input tensor Al−1 with the filter W l−1 , with a subsequent application of point-
wise non-linearity. The choice of the kernel sizes and the treatment of the boundary
regions are open hyper parameters of CNNs. Thus, by design, CNNs are closely related
to MLPs, but observe the dimensionality of the original data and replace the global
matrix multiplication with a local, multi-dimensional convolution filter.
For a given filter kernel Wmnol−1,g
, the activations Al,g
ijk computed from Eq. 3.3 are often
termed the feature map associated with the respective kernel. In each layer of a CNN, an
arbitrary number of filters can be applied, i.e. the number of feature maps (each being
determined by one of the filters) increases accordingly. The stacked feature maps Al,g
form the activation of the layer Al . Note that by adding CNN layers to the network,
the overall receptive field of a single neuron in the deeper layers usually increases, as its
domain of dependence indirectly includes larger and larger inputs fields. In addition,
in deeper layers a combination of feature maps from the previous layers leads to a
hierarchical representation of the input data, which can then be used to generate an
efficient representation of the input data (so-called autoencoding) (Vincent et al. 2010)
14 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz

Figure 5. A single convolutional layer for a 2D input activation Al−1ij , a filter kernel size of
3 × 3 and feature maps Al,g , where g denotes an instance of the filter kernel W l−1,g , g = 1, ..., f
. The ⊗ operator describes the discrete convolution, the addition of the pointwise bias term and
the non-linear activation function have been omitted for clarity.

or to approximate the target function more efficiently (Lee et al. 2009). Fig. 5 gives a
schematic impression of the operations in a single convolutional layer for 2D data.
While related in their design to MLP architectures, CNNs ameliorate a number of
shortcomings of the former. Due to the local connectivity of CNNs, the number of
trainable weights is significantly reduced, which makes model training more efficient
and robust and allows the construction of deeper networks. For a given feature map,
the filter kernels are constant among all neurons, i.e. the same filter function is applied
to whole the input field. This so-called weight sharing makes CNNs shift-invariant and
enables the extraction of hierarchical features.
As for MLPs, a large number of design choices and hyperparameters exist for
CNNs, which require careful algorithm design and experimentation. Nonetheless,
for multidimensional data, CNNs are the current state of the art and have replaced MLP

3.1.2. Residual Neural Networks

Recent research results show that the most efficient way of increasing network accuracy
is to design ever deeper neural networks (Szegedy et al. 2015; Simonyan & Zisserman
2014). However, training these algorithms becomes increasingly difficult for a number
of reasons. When training CNNs with 20 or more hidden layers, He et al. (2016)
noted a rapid degradation of prediction accuracy with network depth not caused by
overfitting. The authors prevented this degradation by introducing linear skip connections
to traditional CNN designs, which circumvent stacks of non-linear convolutional layers.
Such a typical single residual block is shown in Fig. 6, where a shortcut connection is
added to a stack of three consecutive convolutional layers (as defined in Eq. 3.3). For
each of these residual blocks, the underlying sought mapping G(x) is conceptually split
into the sum of a linear and a non-linear part G(x) = F (x) + h(x). The main idea
behind this approach is to allow a fast passage of a linear mapping h(x) through the
Guidelines for authors 15

Figure 6. A single residual block. The underlying mapping is conceptually split into two parts,
G(Al−3 ) = F (Al−3 ) + h(Al−3 ), where h is a linear function of its input and F a stack of non-
linear convolutional layers. According to He et al. (2016), choosing both f and h as the identity
is optimal.

network, so that the convolutional blocks have to approximate non-linear fluctuations

F (x) (the ”residual”) only. Additionally, the direct mapping of input to the output
makes learning identity mappings much more robust. An existing CNN architecture can
thus be converted into a Residual Neural Network (RNN) by adding shortcuts across
layers to generate a chain of residual blocks.
Using a so-called preactivation design, in which both the skip connection mapping h(x)
and the output mapping f (x) are chosen as the identity, He et al. (2016) were able to
train RNNs with over 1000 layers.

3.2. Network Architecture and Hyperparameters

Due to the advantages over MLP architectures described above, we focus in this
work on RNN architectures. Since the main goal of this work is not to give a detailed
comparison of network types for the learning of the LES closure, but to develop and
discuss data-based models and to provide a general framework for them, we restrict the
network design to CNN-type networks. For reference, we also reproduced the network
proposed by Gamahara & Hattori (2017), in which the authors trained a point-to-point
MLP with a single hidden layer of 100 neurons. We found that the achievable cross-
correlation with this architecture was only less than half of the results found with our
RNN approach. Possible reasons for this lie in the point-to-point fitting of the MLP
compared to the cell-to-cell approach employed in this work and in the general superiority
of CNN networks to represent structural data. Based on these findings, we report the
results for the MLP for comparison in the following discussions, but did not investigate
MLP networks further.
The network architecture used for the remainder of this work is depicted in Fig. 7,
where we have omitted the fourth dimension (across the Mx̂ features and Mŷ labels
at each point in physical space). Each convolution operation listed in Fig. 7 thus also
implements a weighted summation along this dimension. The network design is a RNN
with the residual blocks consisting of two stacks of convolutional layers and an identity
skip connector. The isotropic filter size is chosen as 3, and the number of feature maps
nf 1 and nf 2 are variables. The number of residual blocks or depth of the RNN d is also
a hyperparameter. Following the residual blocks, compression of the stack to the output
shape is conducted in three steps by pointwise weighted summation across all feature
16 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz

Figure 7. The RNN architecture used for learning the LES closure terms. The number of
residual blocks denotes by the dashed box is variable. For the input and output tensors, the
fourth dimensions (of sizes Mx̂ and Mŷ , respectively) denoting the specific feature are omitted,
and both are shown for a mini batch size of 1 for the sake of clarity. The isotropic kernel size k
is and the number of feature maps nf is shown for each 3D convolution operation, BN denotes
the batch normalization and the non-linear activation layers are labelled ReLu.

maps. The networks investigated in this work are summarized in Tbl. 2. Additional
hyperparameters that complete the network design are:
• Activation function: The optimal choice of the activation function is still ongoing.
The Rectified Linear unit (ReLu) is the current state of the art (Nair & Hinton 2010)
and avoids saturation problems of previously favoured asymptotic functions. It is used
exclusively in this work. We briefly investigated optimized variants (Ramachandran et al.
2018), but found no consistent improvement in network accuracy for our cases.
• Batch normalization: The input features to all layers in the residual block, i.e. the
activations from the previous layers, are normalized for each training batch. This method
has been shown to increase learning speed and robustness by reducing the sensitivity
of the optimization process to changing input distributions deep within the network
(internal covariate shift, (Ioffe & Szegedy 2015)).
• Cost function: We choose the standard squared error costfunction for regression
problems. For single sample, i.e. for a pair (y ∈ Y, ŷ ∈ Ŷ ), where ŷ is the ground truth
label and y the network prediction, it is given as

Cŷn = (ŷ n − y n )2 wLGL , (3.4)

where the square and the operators denote point-wise operations. The weight matrix
wLGL ∈ R p × p × p contains the three-dimensional tensor product of Legendre-Gauss-
Lobatto quadrature weights of degree p and is a re-application of the mass matrix of
the DGSEM scheme used as the LES operator. In effect, this rescales the elements of
each sample and avoids the bias introduced by the sampling in physical space due to
the non-uniform position of the LGL nodes. The overall cost C is then determined by
summation of all elements of Cŷn , n = 1, 2, 3 and over all samples in a given batch.
• Optimization procedure: The minimization of the cost function is conducted using
the mini-batch stochastic gradient descent method with the optimizing algorithm Adam
presented in Kingma & Ba (2014) and exponential decay learning rate adaptation. The
size of a mini-batch was chosen to be ≈ 250. Before each training epoch, the distribution
of samples to the mini-batches was randomized.
• Data augmentation: To increase the available training samples, we triple the number
Guidelines for authors 17

Network d nf 1 nf 2

RNN0 0 16 32
RNN1 1 16 32
RNN4 4 16 32
RNN8 8 16 32

MLP100 1 100
Table 2. Networks details. For the RNNs, d denotes the number of residual blocks, nf 1,2 the
number of features maps of the convolutional layers. The MLP according to Gamahara & Hattori
(2017) contains 1 hidden layer with 100 neurons.

1.2 RNN2
1.1 MLP 100

Cost C




0 20000 40000 60000


Figure 8. Cost function C for different network depths d as a function of iteration number. The
results for the MLP network according to Gamahara & Hattori (2017) are shown for reference.
The validation costs are shown as solid lines, the training costs as dashed lines. Right: Zoomed-in
view of the validation costs.

of samples by a cyclic shifting, such that

(1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
x̂ijk → (x̂ijk , x̂ijk , x̂ijk ), with x̂ijk from Eqn 2.11 and x̂ijk , x̂ijk as
(2) e (U 2 ))ijk , R((F
x̂ijk = (v ijk , wijk , uijk , R(F e (U 3 ))ijk , R(F
e (U 1 ))ijk ), (3.5)
(3) e (U 3 ))ijk , R((F
x̂ijk = (wijk , uijk , v ijk , R(F e (U 1 ))ijk , R(F
e (U 2 ))ijk ).

The corresponding labels are appended consistently.

• Implementation: The full framework is implemented in Tensorflow 1.7 (Abadi et al.
2015) on python 3 and run on an Nvidia K40c Tesla GPU as well as an Nvidia P100 at the
Laki cluster of HLRS . Before starting the training on the DHIT data, the correct design
and implementation of the networks was validated by training on a known analytical
function, e.g. ŷ = x̂2 .

4. Results
4.1. ANN Training Results
In this section, we report the results of training the network architectures defined in
Sec. 3.2 on the data described in Sec. 2.4. We report on a small number of network
18 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz

Network a, b CC(a, b) CC inner (a, b) CC surf (a, b)

RNN0 R(F (U ))1 , R(F (U ))1 0.347676 0.712184 0.149090
R(F (U ))2 , R(F (U ))2 0.319793 0.663664 0.134267
R(F (U ))3 , R(F (U ))3 0.326906 0.669931 0.101801

RNN1 R(F (U ))1 , R(F (U ))1 0.414848 0.744746 0.164221
R(F (U ))2 , R(F (U ))2 0.397299 0.704188 0.263977
R(F (U ))3 , R(F (U ))3 0.392828 0.707352 0.131613

RNN2 R(F (U ))1 , R(F (U ))1 0.443292 0.756434 0.205861
R(F (U ))2 , R(F (U ))2 0.422572 0.718873 0.320142
R(F (U ))3 , R(F (U ))3 0.421324 0.720736 0.185260

RNN4 R(F (U ))1 , R(F (U ))1 0.470610 0.766688 0.253925
R(F (U ))2 , R(F (U ))2 0.450476 0.729371 0.337032
R(F (U ))3 , R(F (U ))3 0.449879 0.730491 0.269407

RNN8 R(F (U ))1 , R(F (U ))1 0.477211 0.763708 0.290509
R(F (U ))2 , R(F (U ))2 0.458047 0.728010 0.346132
R(F (U ))3 , R(F (U ))3 0.460305 0.732248 0.307202

MLP100 R(F (U ))1 , R(F (U ))1 0.254276 0.657802 0.117419
R(F (U ))2 , R(F (U ))2 0.230262 0.605015 0.091826
R(F (U ))3 , R(F (U ))3 0.231645 0.612368 0.065401
Table 3. Network training results. The cross correlation CC is given for a full sample as well as
for the inner elements of the three-dimensional tensor as well as for the outer or surface elements

and hyperparameter constellations only, as the focus of this work is not finding the
optimal network. For reference, we also report the results for MLP network as proposed
by Gamahara & Hattori (2017).
All networks were initialized with uniformly distributed random weights and were trained
over approx. 60, 000 mini-batch iterations, which corresponds to 50 full training epochs.
After each full epoch, the ANN was evaluated on the validation and training sets to
judge the generalization capabilities of the learned model. Fig. 8 shows the evolution of
the validation and training costs with iteration number. All networks under consideration
are able to learn from the data, i.e. their approximation of the target quantities improves
from the initial random state. In addition, both the validation and training costs continue
to drop or flatten out without showing an increase with higher iteration number. The only
exception can be observed in the right hand pane of Fig. 8 for the RNN8 architecture,
where a positive slope of the validation costs can be observed after approx. 40, 000
iterations. Combined with the fact that it is observed for the largest network under
consideration, this behaviour is a likely a sign of overfitting occurring during training.
In terms of network architecture, the achievable losses decrease with the number of
Guidelines for authors 19

Figure 9. Input features, labels and predictions for a pair (x̂, ŷ)test from the hidden test run.
Shown are iso-contours in the x-y slice at x = 3.0 and t = 1.5 T ∗ . First row: Label R(F (U ))1
from the test sample, predictions R(F (U ))1 of networks RNN4 (≈ 47% CC) and RNN0
(≈ 34% CC). Second and third row: Corresponding input features: coarse scale velocities U i and
e (U i )). The contour levels for each row are shown on the left.
LES operators R(F

residual blocks in the RNNs, i.e with the depth of the network. This observation is in
agreement with the findings for other general learning tasks as discussed in the previous
sections: Deep architectures have favourable generalization properties. In addition, the
asymptotic behaviour of the cost functions and the onset of overfitting for the deepest
RNN strongly suggest that a further reduction of the cost function through training is
not inherently limited by the chosen methodology, but by the available data only.
In order to further assess the accuracy of the learned models, Tbl. 3 lists the cross-
correlation between the predicted and ground truth labels for the test data set. As
discussed in Sec. 2.4, each training sample consists of three-dimensional tensors of shape
p×p×p (written in index notation as {y} = [0 : p−1, 0 : p−1, 0 : p−1]). In addition to the
overall cross-correlation, we can thus define an inner and surface cross-correlation, which
are computed from the inner and outer subsets as {y} = [1 : p − 2, 1 : p − 2, 1 : p − 2]
surf inner
and {y} = {y} \ {y} of each sample. In Tbl. 3, we report these two additional
metrics alongside the overall cross-correlation CC. As deduced from the cost functions, the
20 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz
data in Tbl. 3 supports two important findings: Firstly, the networks are able to learn from
the data by not just reproducing a linear mapping of the inputs, but by generating a (non-
linear) combination of the features. Thereby, the resulting cross-correlation is significantly
higher than that of the input features, see Tbl. 1. Secondly, deeper RNNs learn more
successfully, i.e. produce a higher correlation of their predictions to the actual labels.
As discussed above, the achievable gains in cross-correlation saturate asymptotically for
d > 4 due to overfitting and the limited amount of training data. A third observation
observed from Tbl. 3 concerns the different approximation accuracies for the inner and
surface points of the training samples. For the inner points, CCs of over 0.7 can be learned
from the data, while the surface correlation is significantly weaker. This is likely due to
the non-isotropy of the data and the filter kernel at the element boundaries, which could
be remedied by additional training on new data sets.
Fig. 9 gives a visual impression of the learning results and the data involved. For a sample
from the test set, the true label R(F (U ))1 is shown in the upper left pane. The input
features, the coarse grid velocities U i and the LES operators R(Fe (U i )), are depicted in
the second and third rows, with the contour levels adjusted to reveal their structures. Note
that as according to the analysis reported in Tbl. 1, a weak positive correlation between
R(F (U ))1 and R(Fe (U 1 )) exists, which is noticeable visually. The velocities U i appear
uncorrelated to R(F (U ))1 , a notion also supported by Tbl. 1. Returning to the first row
of Fig. 9, the middle and right pane show the predicted closure term R(F (U ))1
for the RNN4 (CC ≈ 0.47) and RNN0 (CC ≈ 0.34) architectures. Both predictions are
capable of capturing the general scales of R(F (U ))1 , with the deeper network being in
better agreement than the shallow one.

4.2. Sensitivity to Input Features

After having established that the ANNs under consideration can generate an
approximate mapping from input to targets, we now examine which of the coarse
grid input features contribute to the learning success. Tbl. 4 summarizes the available
features and their correlation coefficients to the labels. As already discussed in Sec. 2.4,
the strongest correlations occur between the LES operators and their associated DNS
terms, with the off-diagonal terms being uncorrelated. The same general trend can be
observed for the velocities but on a much weaker level. Note that all other correlations
are essentially zero; and that pressure p and conserved energy e show nearly identical
correlations due to the low Mach number flow.

In order to analyse the respective choice of features onto the training, we have repeated
the training of the RNN4 network for the input sets listed in Tbl. 5, where set 1
corresponds to the original input features as discussed Sec. 2.4 and 4.1. Sets 2 and 3
consider the velocities and the LES operators only, respectively, and yield considerably
lower training accuracy than set 1. From the data in Tbl. 4, the correlation between the
LES and DNS terms suggest that omitting the operator terms (set 2) reduces the learning
success. In addition, from theoretical considerations, the LES term is an approximation
of the low-pass filtered DNS term, so removing it from the input features hinders the
learning of the mapping. In set 3, the input velocities are omitted. Although Tbl. 4 shows
that only a very weak correlation exists between the velocities and the targets, the results
in Tbl. 5 demonstrate that the ANNs can create a considerably better generalization if
these terms are included. This might be an indicator that the network creates some form
of deconvolution of the velocities akin to the work by Maulik & San (2017), but this
requires further research. In set 4, we have included all the available coarse scale quantities
Guidelines for authors 21

b CC(R(F (U ))1 , b) CC(R(F (U ))2 , b) CC(R(F (U ))3 , b)

ρ -8.44e-06 1.10e-03 3.1e-04

u = u1 -1.20e-02 1.81e-04 -1.41e-04
v = u2 -6.57e-04 -1.27e-02 -9.52e-05
w = u3 -3.99e-04 1.17e-03 -1.27e-02
p -2.60e-04 -1.51e-04 2.47e-04
e -2.61e-04 -1.51e-04 2.47e-04

e (U 1 ))
R(F 0.1894 -2.87e-04 -5.24e-04
e (U 2 ))
R(F -1.14e-03 0.1793 9.73e-05
e (U 3 ))
R(F -7.83e-04 9.29e-04 0.1787
Table 4. Correlation coefficients between targets R(F (U )) and available coarse grid features.

Set Features CC 1 CC 2 CC 3

1 e (U i )), i = 1, 2, 3
ui , R(F 0.4706 0.4505 0.4499
2 ui , i = 1, 2, 3 0.3665 0.3825 0.3840
3 e (U i )), i = 1, 2, 3
R(F 0.3358 0.3066 0.3031
4 e (U i )), i = 1, 2, 3
ρ, p, e, ui , R(F 0.4764 0.4609 0.4580

5 e (U 1 ))
u1 , R(F 0.3913
Table 5. Feature sets and resulting test correlations. CC i with i = 1, 2, 3 denotes the cross
correlation between the targets and network outputs CC(R(F (U )i ), R(F (U ))i ). Set 1
corresponds to the original feature choice from Sec. 2.4 and 4.1; Set 5 corresponds to the RNN4
architecture, but with features and labels for the u−momentum component only.

as features. We found no improvement in the cross-correlation, the slight deviations from

set 1 are not systematic and subject to the stochastic learning process.
While the previous networks were trained to find a mapping for all three DNS closure
terms simultaneously, for set 5, the RNN4 architecture was trained to approximate
the u−momentum component R(F (U ))1 only from the corresponding features in a
component-wise fashion. Although by using the same architecture, the number of weights
per output tripled, overfitting was not observed. The resulting test losses and cross-
correlations were noticeably weaker than for the simultaneous design, suggesting that
the off-directional coarse grid components are relevant to the mapping.
In summary, in Sec. 4.1 and 4.2 have demonstrated that ANNs can learn a meaningful
approximation of the DNS closure terms from coarse grid data, and that the quality
of the approximation is limited mainly by the amount of available training data. We
found that the network mapping is sensitive to the choice of input features, for the low
Mach number case considered here, only those associated with the momentum equations
have a significant influence. Both the velocity components and the coarse grid operator
contribute significantly to the learning, and a simultaneous approximation of all three
components yields better correlations.
22 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz

DNS Filtered DNS Filtered

0.9 Smagorinsky Cs=0.17 Smagorinsky Cs=0.17
RNN2 RNN2 CFL=0.05
0.88 RNN4 0.87262 RNN2 CFL=0.005





1.2 1.22 1.24 1.26 1.20000 1.20002 1.20004

Time Time

Figure 10. LES with direct ANN closure according to Eqn. 2.7. Left: Comparison of long-
term behaviour of different RNN models. Right: Short-term model behaviour for varying CFL
numbers. The result for an explicit closure with a Smagorinsky model with Cs = 0.17 as in
Eqn. 2.8 are shown as a reference.

In the next section, we will investigate the possibilities of constructing a stable LES
model from the learned data.

4.3. Model Construction and Large Eddy Simulation

Before considering the construction of models based on the learned terms, we have
verified that the predicted output terms are dissipative as expected (see Remark III in
Sec. 2.2) by computing their contribution to the energy equation and the relative error
w.r.t the labels as
Ω mb
R(U ) − R(U ) · U dΩ
∂e = R , (4.1)
Ω mb
R(U ) · U dΩ
where the integral is computed over all cells Ω mb contained in a mini-batch. We found
that for all networks considered here, ∂e > 0 and of order O(10−1 ), i.e. the closure terms
predicted by the networks are dissipative when acting on the solution U and close to the
true contributions. Despite this important property, it is unrealistic to assume that the
learned terms can provide an accurate and stable closure in the sense of Eqn. 2.7. As
demonstrated in Sec. 2.3, the perfect LES can be computed using exact closure terms
e (U ) − (R(F (U ))exact . However, in this perfect closure approach, the LES operator
is completely cancelled out and stability and accuracy are provided solely by the exact
DNS closure term. Since our predictions (R(F (U ))) are approximate, this approach
without a stable coarse grid inviscid operator cannot be expected to provide long-term
Fig. 10 (left) confirms this notion by showing the long-term behaviour of this direct
closure approach. While the ANN-based models are initially dissipative, they lack long-
term stability as high frequency errors accumulate. The short-term behaviour of the
models is depicted in the right pane of Fig. 10. Reducing the CFL number and thereby
the LES timestep increases the number of ANN model evaluations and a leads to a better
short-term agreement with the filtered LES. However, later on stability issues ensued even
for very small timesteps, supporting the findings that while the short-term behaviour of
the models is indeed dissipative as long as the solution is close to U , a direct closure in
the sense of Eqn. 2.7 is not practical.
Guidelines for authors 23

0.7 10-1



DNS Filtered DNS Filtered, t=1.9

Eddyvisc. muANN Eddyvisc. muANN
0.4 Eddyvisc. muOP DNS Filtered t=1.2-1.8
Eddyvisc. muANN, Limit Eddyvisc. muANN, Limit
Smagorinsky Cs=0.17 Smagorinsky Cs=0.17
No Model LES 10 No Model LES
1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time Wavenumber k

Figure 11. Comparison of different LES closures for DHIT. Left: Evolution of kinetic energy.
Solid lines with symbols denote µAN N -type closures, dashed lines with symbols µOP -type LES
runs. A Smagorinsky model results for Cs = 0.17 and the no model results are also shown. Right:
Spectra of kinetic energy at t = 1.9 (unless stated otherwise).

Thus, in order to demonstrate a possible and simple approach to constructing a stable

model for LES from the learned data, we have rewritten the closure terms in an eddy-
viscosity formulation, such that
e (U i )) − R(F (U i )) ≈ µAN N R(F
R(F e visc (U i , ∇U i )), with
e (U i )) − R(F (U i ))
µAN N = L = L(µiAN N ),
e visc (U i , ∇U i ))
R(F (4.2)
e (U i ))
µOP = L = L(µiOP ) i = 1, 2, 3,
e visc (U i , ∇U i ))
In this formulation, the eddy viscosity µAN N is pointwise constant for i = 1, 2, 3.
It is computed from a linear least squares approximation with zero bias L() of the
componentwise viscosities µiAN N at every timestep and every grid point. For later
comparison we also introduce the eddy viscosity based on the operator only, µOP .
Fig. 11 (left) shows the kinetic energy evolution of different LES approaches to the filtered
DNS solution. The solid curves with symbols denote eddy viscosity approaches based on
µAN N , while the dashed curve with symbols denote an approach based on µOP . Focusing
on the two curves labelled µOP and µAN N , we note that both approaches yield a stable
scheme, but more importantly that the introduction of the DNS term approximated
by the ANN results in a significant addition of dissipation - thus, incorporating the
ANN prediction into the eddy viscosity results in a better closure model. However, from
the spectra in Fig. 11 (right), the resulting model introduces noticeable backscatter.
Following the state of the art in eddy-viscosity modelling, we limit µAN N ∈ [−µ0 , 20µ0 ],
where µ0 denotes the physical viscosity. This approach is denoted by µAN NLimit in
Fig. 11. Both the kinetic energy evolution and the spectra reveal that this closure model
yields a close agreement to the filtered DNS data and compares favourably to a current
state of the art for LES with DG schemes.

In this section, we have demonstrated that a direct closure of Eqn. 2.7 with the
ANN-based model terms is not feasible due to the approximate nature of the closure
and operator cancelling. Instead, we have shown how to employ the learned model to
24 A. D. Beck, D. G. Flad and C.-D. Munz
construct a data-informed, adaptive eddy-viscosity type closure, which results in a stable
and accurate scheme. We note that this is a simple approach to constructing a closure
model, and that more elaborate modelling ideas based on ANN predictions of coarse grid
terms or fine grid reconstructions should be explored in the future.

5. Conclusion and Outlook

In this work, a new data-based paradigm for turbulence modelling for LES has been
investigated. As a canonical model problem, we have chosen decaying homogeneous
isotropic turbulence of medium Reynolds number (Reλ ≈ 180). Contrary to all similar
approaches known to the authors, the full closure terms R̃(F (U )) − R(F (U )) including
all effects introduced by the underlying numerical method used for the large eddy
simulation have been considered in this work. By doing so, we have been able to show
that an exact large eddy simulation is feasible as long as the exact closure terms are
used from a previously conducted direct numerical simulation. In contrast to other
closures relying on the filtered continuous flux function, at any given time, the filtered
solution is maintained throughout the computation. Based on this approach, we have
constructed coarse grid training data to feed to an artificial neural network for learning an
approximation of the exact closure. As a training target, we chose the filtered numerical
operator obtained by direct numerical simulation (resolving all relevant scales) R(F (U )).
We found that convolutional neural networks, specifically a variant called residual neural
networks, are able to predict the closure terms depending on coarse scale input features
only with good accuracy. Interestingly, the first part of the closure term depending
on coarse scale quantities only, was identified as an important input feature for the
learning success of the artificial neural network. The cross correlation of the output
to the ground truth obtained by the best network was about CC ≈ 45% and we have
shown that the performance of the prediction is likely limited by the available amount
of data used for training, rather than network architectures. Notably, the quality of the
prediction increases to CC ≈ 73% not considering the outer most points of the three
dimensional input to the network. Increasing the network stencil can thus also be seen
as a likely way to further improve performance. As the learned terms are approximate,
the discussed closure is not directly applicable to practical simulations, as the coarse
scale spatial numerical operator of the underlying method would be cancelled exactly.
However, we have been able to show that the found closure term can be translated
into a data informed eddy viscosity by a least square fit. Thereby, the neural network
can provide a point-wise eddy viscosity for the given data. When limited to a range of
[−µ0 , 20µ0 ], good results compared to other LES approaches have been obtained.
In future work, the ability of artificial neural networks to distinguish between different
flow types such as wall bounded or free flows, different Reynolds and Mach numbers
should be investigated. This distinction usually poses problems to conventional
turbulence models. In addition, more elaborate modelling methods based on neural
network predictions of coarse grid terms or fine grid reconstructions should be explored.
Since our learning framework is independent of the specific discretization operator,
incorporating existing DNS databases into the training process is also a possibility we
aim to investigate.
In conclusion, we see these encouraging results as a starting point in designing a new
class of potentially universal turbulence models.

The authors would like to acknowledge the support by the SimTech Cluster of Excel-
lence through project 5-21 and the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart.
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