The document assigns mentors (faculty members) to undergraduate CSE students for the Spring 2019 semester. It lists the mentors' names, contact details, and the ranges of student IDs assigned to each mentor. There are 37 mentors listed along with their room numbers, phone numbers, emails, and the student ID ranges they are responsible for advising.
The document assigns mentors (faculty members) to undergraduate CSE students for the Spring 2019 semester. It lists the mentors' names, contact details, and the ranges of student IDs assigned to each mentor. There are 37 mentors listed along with their room numbers, phone numbers, emails, and the student ID ranges they are responsible for advising.
The document assigns mentors (faculty members) to undergraduate CSE students for the Spring 2019 semester. It lists the mentors' names, contact details, and the ranges of student IDs assigned to each mentor. There are 37 mentors listed along with their room numbers, phone numbers, emails, and the student ID ranges they are responsible for advising.
The document assigns mentors (faculty members) to undergraduate CSE students for the Spring 2019 semester. It lists the mentors' names, contact details, and the ranges of student IDs assigned to each mentor. There are 37 mentors listed along with their room numbers, phone numbers, emails, and the student ID ranges they are responsible for advising.
The document provides a list of mentors/advisors for Computer Science undergraduate students at United International University and assigns each student a specific mentor based on their student ID number.
The document provides a list of faculty members who serve as mentors/advisors for Computer Science undergraduate students at United International University.
Students are assigned mentors/advisors based on their student ID number range. Each mentor is responsible for advising a certain set of students as defined by their ID numbers.
Date: February 20, 2019
United International University
Department of Computer Science & Engineering Attention!!! CSE Undergraduate Students Dept. of CSE is assigned to the Mentors/Advisors (Faculty members) for Spring 2019 as mentioned below; students are advised to contact & regular visit the mentors: SL. Mentor’s (Faculty member) Name Student’s ID from to Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Kashem Mia Dean -School of Science & Engineering ----------------------------------------- 1. Room- 412 (4th Floor) Mobile No- 880 1819 259910 E-mail- Prof. Dr. Hasan Sarwar (HS) Professor Student’s ID from 011171001 to 011171050 2. Room- 533 A (5th Floor) Mobile No- 01715-050453, 01676-532254 E-mail- Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nurul Huda (MNH) Professor & Director - MSCSE Program Student’s ID from 011171051 to 011171100 3. Room- 416 (4th Floor) Mobile No- 01673-476433 E-mail- Prof. Dr. Khondaker Abdullah Al Mamun (KM) Professor & Director - AIMS Lab Student’s ID from 011171101 to 011171150 4. Room- 533 D (5th Floor) Mobile No- 01776-534220 E-mail- Prof. Dr. Salekul Islam (SaIm) Student’s ID from 011171151 to 011171200 Professor & Head of the Dept. 5. Room- 412 (A) (4th Floor) Mobile No- 01820-182777 E-mail- Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Muzahidul Islam (AKMMI) Student’s ID from 011143041 to Rest of 143 batch Professor 6. Room- 333(D)(3rd Floor) Mobile No- +8801630337170 E-mail- Dr. Dewan Md. Farid (DMF) Associate Professor 7. Room- 433 (F) (4th Floor) Student’s ID from 011171201 to 011171250 Mobile No- 01715833499 E-mail- Dr. Swakkhar Shatabda (SS) Associate Professor & Undergraduate Program Coordinator Student’s ID from 011171251 to Rest of 171 Batch 8. Room- 412 (B) (4th Floor) Mobile No- 01552327508, 01776-195310 E-mail- Mentors List 191 Page 1 SL. Mentor’s (Faculty member) Name Student’s ID from to Dr. Md. Saddam Hossain Mukta (SHM) Student’s ID from 011181001 to 011181050 Assistant Professor 9. Room- 418 (4th Floor) Mobile No- 01712095216 E-mail- Mr. Suman Ahmmed (SA) Asst. Professor & Director – CESR Batch 121, 122, 123, 132 and 133 10. Room- 631 (6th Floor) Student’s ID from 011161101 to 011161150 Mobile No- 01765 049901 E-mail- Mr. Mohammad Mamun Elahi (ME) Student’s ID from 011152101 to Rest of 152 batch Asst. Professor 11. Room- 537(3) (5th Floor) Mobile No- 01914-001570, 01817-537872 E-mail- Ms. Rubaiya Rahtin Khan (RRK) Asst. Professor Student’s ID from 011141001 to 011141050 12. Room- 418 (4th Floor) Student’s ID from 011151101 to 011151150 Mobile No- 01720425583 E-mail- Mr. Md. Benzir Ahmed (MBAd) Asst. Professor Student’s ID from 011152051 to 011152100 13. Room- 418 (1) (4th Floor) Mobile No- 01983-792928, 01788-786424 E-mail- Mr. Abu Shafin Mohammad Mahdee Jameel (ASMMJ) Student’s ID from 011152001 to 011152050 Asst. Professor 14. Room- 418 (4) (4th Floor) Mobile No- 01551-813587 E-mail- Mr. Mohd Moniruzzaman(MoMn) Asst. Professor Student’s ID from 011161151 to 011161200 15. Room- 418 (2) (4th Floor) Mobile No- 01748080757 E-mail- Mr. Nasif Muslim (NMu) Lecturer Student’s ID from 011153051 to Rest of 153 batch 16. Room- 419 (2) (4th Floor) Mobile No- 01793-154064, 01726-596409 E-mail- Student’s ID from 011142051 to Rest of 142 Batch Mr. Khairul Mottakin (KhM) Lecturer Student’s ID from 011162051 to Rest of 162 Batch 17. Room- 419 (4) (4th Floor) Mobile No- 01670-110216 E-mail-
Mentors List 191 Page 2
SL. Mentor’s (Faculty member) Name Student’s ID from to
Ms. Khushnur Binte Jahangir (KBJ)
Lecturer Student’s ID from 011143001 to 011143040 18. Room- 419 (7) (4th Floor) Mobile No- 01688-185250 E-mail- Mr. Minhajul Bashir (Lecturer) Lecturer Student’s ID from 011191001 to 011191075 19. Room- 319 (3rd Floor) Mobile No- 01912-736131 E-mail: Mr. Md. Adnanul Islam (MdAdI) Lecturer Student’s ID from 011162001 to 011162050 20. Room- 637 (6th Floor) Mobile No- 01673464969 E-mail- Mr. Taufiq Islam Protick (TIP) Lecturer Student’s ID from 011163081 to Rest of 163 batch 21. Room- 636 (6th Floor) Mobile No- 01683250785 E-mail- Mr. Sumit Tarafder (STr) Lecturer Student’s ID from 011172001 to 011172050 22. Room- 637 (6th Floor) Mobile No- 01715772264 E-mail- Mr. Md. Sakibur Rahman Sajal (MSRS) Lecturer Student’s ID from 011172101 to 011172150 23. Room- 636 (6th Floor) Mobile No- 01706045083 E-mail- Ms. Mousumi Akter (Makt) Student’s ID from 011131001 to 011131050 Lecturer 24. Room- 637 (6th Floor) Student’s ID from 011183001 to 011183050 Mobile No- 01515654593 E-mail- Mr. Mazharul Islam (MIam) Student’s ID from 011173001 to 011173050 Lecturer 25. Room- 319 (7) (3rd Floor) Mobile No-01704934903 Mr. Mohammad Imam Hossain (MIHn) Student’s ID from 011151151 to Rest of 151 Batch Lecturer 26. Room- 637 (6th Floor) Mobile No- 01922181860 E-mail- Ms. Quazi Farah Nawar (QFN) Student’s ID from 011141051- Rest of 141 Batch Lecturer 27. Room- 636 (6th Floor) Mobile No-01521101590
Mentors List 191 Page 3
SL. Mentor’s (Faculty member) Name Student’s ID from to Mr. Zakaria Mehrab (ZM) Student’s ID from 011163001 to 011163040 Lecturer 28. Room- 319 (6) (3rd Floor) Student’s ID from 011181051 to 011181100 Mobile No-01873710064 Sheikh Adilina (SkhA) Lecturer Student’s ID from 011142001 to 011142050 29. Room- 419 Student’s ID from 011161201 to 011161250 Contact:01676366947 E-mail: Nahid Hossain (NHn) Lecturer Student’s ID from 011131051 to Rest of 131 Batch 30. Room- 419 Student’s ID from 011183051 to Rest of 183 Batch Contact: 01670424605 E-mail: Ms. Ashratuz Zavin Asha (AZA) Student’s ID from 011172051 to 011172100 Room- 636 (6th Floor) 31. Mobile No- 8801684911591 Student’s ID from 011163041 to 011163080 Email: Ms. Sumaiya Tabassum Nimi (STN) Student’s ID from 011181101 to Rest of 181 Batch Room- 636 (6th Floor) 32. Mobile No- 8801687839043 E-mail- Mr. Sajid Ahmed (SaAhd) Student’s ID from 011151001 to 011151100 Room- 637 (6th Floor) 33. Mobile No- 8801624117337 E-mail- Mr. Md. Adnan Arefeen (MdAA) Student’s ID from 011161001 to 011161100 Room- 536 34. Mobile No- 8801687761237 E-mail- Ms. Nure Tasnina (NTa) Student’s ID from 011153001 to 011153050 Room- 637 (6th Floor) 35. Mobile No- 8801686303113 Student’s ID from 011172151 to Rest of 172 Batch E-mail- Mr. Shoib Ahmed Shourov (SAhSh) Student’s ID from 011161251 to Rest of 161 Batch Room- 637 (6th Floor) 36. Mobile No- 8801675490353 Student’s ID from 011173051 to Rest of 173 Batch E-mail- Fahim Shahriar (FmSh) Student’s ID from 011182001 to 011182075 Room- 0419 37. Mobile No- 01755728972 E-mail- Fahim Anzum (FmAm) Room- 636 (6th Floor) Mobile No- 01684911589 Student’s ID from 011182076 to Rest of 182 Batch 38. E-mail-
Mentors List 191 Page 4
SL. Mentor’s (Faculty member) Name Student’s ID from to Mr. Chowdhury Rafeed Rahman (CRR) Student’s ID from 011191076 to 011191150 Lecturer 39. Room- 319 (3rd Floor) Mobile No-01914001522 E-mail- Ms. Fariha Tabassum Islam (FTI) Lecturer Student’s ID from 011191151 to 011191225 Room- 319 (3rd Floor) 40. Mobile No-01534907008, 01759463059 E-mail-
Mr. S.M Shovan (SMSn) Student’s ID from 011191226 to Rest of 191 Batch Lecturer 41. Room- 319 (3rd Floor) Mobile No-01843756745 E-mail-