Subtotal Thyroidectomy For Giant Goiters Under Local Anesthesia: Experience With 15 Nigerians
Subtotal Thyroidectomy For Giant Goiters Under Local Anesthesia: Experience With 15 Nigerians
Subtotal Thyroidectomy For Giant Goiters Under Local Anesthesia: Experience With 15 Nigerians
SCIENCEDOMAIN international
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author BAE performed the surgery,
author BAO designed the study, wrote the protocol and the first draft of the manuscript. Authors WTY
and CA managed the literature searches. Authors PDA and VIU proofread the final draft of the
manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/BJMMR/2017/25568
(1) E. Umit Bagriacik, Department of Immunology, Gazi University, Turkey.
(1) Alexander E. Berezin, Medical University of Zaporozhye, Ukraine.
(2) Pietro Giorgio Calò, University of Cagliari, Italy.
(3) Jose Francisco de Sales Chagas, Medical School Catholic University Campinas, Brazil.
Complete Peer review History:
Received 9 March 2016
Original Research Article Accepted 24 September 2016
Published 7th February 2017
Thyroid surgery is performed by majority of surgeons using general anaesthesia with endotracheal
intubation. In resource poor countries, the paucity of equipment and Anaesthetists limits such
procedure needing endotracheal intubation. We describe our experiences with 15 Nigerians who
presented with giant goitres and were operated using local anaesthesia. We concluded that
subtotal thyroidectomy under local anaesthesia is safe and cost effective. It should be encouraged
in resource poor countries and save the patients from living with the stigmata of goitres when they
were not able to pay their ways to centres that use general anaesthesia with endotracheal
intubation for such procedure.
Eke et al.; BJMMR, 19(8): 1-5, 2017; Article no.BJMMR.25568
anesthesia between March 2005 and February, The weight of the removed gland ranged from
2016 were included in the study. 500 gm to 1,200 gm. The procedure of subtotal
thyroidectomy was well tolerated by all the
The duration of symptoms was between 2 years patients. The duration of the procedure lasted
and 20 years with a mean of 11.8 years. They between 120 and 180 minutes. None of the
were all females aged between 33 to 60 years patient had blood transfusion after the procedure
with a mean age of 44.8 years. Table 1 shows and all patients had postoperative analgesia and
the clinical details of the patients. No ketamine infusion for the first 24 hours post- op.The mean
was given. post- operative hospital stay was 3 days and
patients were followed up, up to 4 to 10 years
with no relapse. There was no mortality and
surgical pathology revealed colloid goiters for the
entire specimens.
Eke et al.; BJMMR, 19(8): 1-5, 2017; Article no.BJMMR.25568
not less than 10 gm/kilo body weight and usually a thyroid mass because they are not versed in
with a history of not less than 10 years duration. local anesthesia usage for such a procedure.
The mean weight for the entire subtotal
thyroidectomy specimens in this work was CONSENT
820gram with average duration of symptoms of
11.8 years. Olurin [7] posited again that the We have consent from all patients.
patients are predominantly peasant women
about 41-50 years living in rural endemic areas. ETHICAL APPROVAL
Our patients’ age ranged between 30 to 60 years
and patients were predominantly peasant women It is not applicable.
living in rural areas.
Thyroid surgery is performed using general
anesthesia with endotracheal intubation by the Authors have declared that no competing
majority of surgeons in current practice [5]. In interests exist.
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© 2017 Eke et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Peer-review history:
The peer review history for this paper can be accessed here: