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Quarter 3 Exam

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Sierra Bullones, Bohol

3rd Quarter Examinations – Practical Researcher I

Name: Grade & Section: Date: Score:

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of your choice that best corresponds to question being asked.
1. Lina wanted to make a write-ups regarding the effects of c. Setting of the Problem
students’ drop out to the school performance. What will be the d. State the Problem
most appropriate step that she must considered first before
coming up with the write up? 10. Before coming with a title, Alfred considered first that his
a. Consult an advice research must be based on valid procedures and principles.
b. Make a title On what characteristics of research does he observed most?
c. Look for related materials a. Process Oriented
d. State the Problem b. Logical
c. Methodical
2. Words with stars are known to be what? d. Critical
a. Amazing
b. Further analysis 11. This research process gives more emphasis on the gathering
c. Important of responses from the respondent
d. Related a. Survey
b. Collect Data
3. Literal comprehension of sentence is being observed in this c. Select specific research data
type of reading. d. Questionnaire
a. Elementary
b. Secondary 12. The major task of the researcher and is the general statement
c. Analytic of the problem to discharge and should also be the basis of
d. Comparative the enumerated statements of the specific problems.
a. General Research Output
4. It is the process of compiling, classifying, and evaluating what b. General Problem
other researchers have written on a certain topic. c. General Researcher’s Objective
a. Related Literature d. General Research Objective
b. Review Literature
c. Literature 13. A step in reviewing literature wherein a researcher can use
d. Review of Related Literature his own words in writing the important and relevant ideas.
a. Annotating
5. It is a problem, phenomenon, or the transformation; the b. Systematic
outcome of the variables. c. Actual Reading
a. Dependent Variable d. Note-Taking
b. Variable
c. Output 14. The heart of thesis.
d. Result a. Setting of the Problem
b. Location of the Problem
6. Mona was not able to submit the introduction of her study c. Statement of the Problem
because she is still on the stage of making describing on the d. State the Problem
problem of the study and its existence.
a. Setting of the Problem 15. It refers to any characteristics that can have different values
b. Literature Foundation or traits that may vary across research participants. They are
c. Background of the Study measured, controlled, and manipulated by the researcher.
d. Rationale a. Rationale
b. Variable
7. It refers to the result of a clearer understanding theoretical or c. Attribute
conceptual framework comprised of symbols and figures. d. Problem
a. IPO Model
b. Conceptual Framework 16. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
c. Paradigm of the Study a. Problem Formulation
d. Output b. Literature Research
c. Data Evaluation
8. Which is not included in the group? d. Analysis and Interpretation
a. Output
b. Input
17. It is derived from the combination of theories or parts of
c. Variables
theories. This framework guides the researcher in
d. Process
synthesizing the different theories used in formulating a new
9. Describes the distinctive characteristics of the geographical
location of the place where the study is to be conducted.
a. Conceptual Framework
a. Introduction
b. Conceptual Diagram
b. Location of the Problem
c. Paradigm of the Study
d. IPO Model _____3. A researcher should objectively look at the basis on
which the work is founded.
18. This is the commonly used paradigm. It is used when the _____4. The researcher should be feasible.
research seeks to discuss a factor or a major variable that _____5. A research should be supported with pieces of
causes a problem, phenomenon, or transformation in the evidence and with details for every variable used in
a. Conceptual Framework the study.
b. Conceptual Diagram _____6. The choice of variables should be explained by the
c. Paradigm of the Study researcher.
d. IPO Model _____7. Macrosystem consists of the detailed contents of
each chapter.
19. Rhea belong to a class of elite. Her general average grade _____8. One of the goals of research is to produce results-
falls on highest level of academic merit. She was being based practice.
chosen as one of the respondent in a study that gathers data
_____9. Research entails an investigation of new facts
on academic performance. What type of variable that will be
the probably assigned Academic Performance? leading to the discovery of new ideas, methods, or
a. With Highest Honors improvements.
b. Continues _____10. Research aims to advance the personal and
c. Categorical professional qualifications of a practitioner.
d. Mutually Exclusives IV. Enumeration
 1-2 – 2 types of research methods
20. Mark finds it hard to understand the word “parameters” while  3-4 – Limitations of research during the conduct of research
reading a certain article. What he needs to be done with such
word?  5-7 – 3 kinds of variables
a. Never mind the word.  8-10 – 3 style of research writing.
b. Post it on FB wall and ask for help.
c. Write it down on a piece of paper. 1._____________________________
d. Mark it with a question mark
II. Identification. Write your answer/s on the space being
provided before the item. 3._____________________________

_______________________1. These are the important 4._____________________________

elements of a variable. It refers to the value assigned to a
specific variable. 5._____________________________
_______________________2. It is the method by which the
variables are collected and synthesized
_______________________3. A type of research that uses 7._____________________________
statistical data to explain a phenomenon
_______________________4. It is defined as the scientific 8._____________________________
investigation of phenomena which includes collection,
presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that lines an 9._____________________________
individual‘s speculation with reality.
_______________________5. It is a specific proposition
which is presented for testing through research V. Wordscapes. Find the longest word.
_______________________6. This examines facts and
principles from other resources that are related to the present 1. ndeoilitmtia
study. 2. ducotritonin
_______________________7. A research that aims to
discuss and analyze the underlying theories and concepts 3. epctnuoacl
related to the study. 4. irtoiechatl
_______________________8. This is the variable that
5. doolhmotgey
cannot possess two traits at the same time.
_______________________9. Variables and its attributes 6. elriuttear
can be found in this part of the thesis book.
7. eqvuiatnatti
_______________________10. Part of the book which
discusses the benefits of the study to the society in general, 8. hrcersae
and to its beneficiaries in particular.
9. sainsayl
III. True or False. On the space being provided, write T if the 10. tdeiesrc
statement is True and F if the statement is False.
_____1. Microsystem is composed of chapters that are
organized in a logical and scientific manner.
_____2. The reading should be systematic Signature Over Printed Name of Parents/Guardian

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