Process Data
ASCA Domain and (Projected Outcome Data
Mindsets & number of Perception Data (Achievement, attendance
Grade Lesson Behaviors Curriculum Projected students (Type of surveys/ and/or behavior data to be Contact
Level Topic Standard(s) and Materials Start/End affected) assessments to be used) collected) Person
Exploring M4: Understanding -Career Start: All Students will complete a Over the course of the next Cristina
10th Potential that postsecondary Cluster 3/11/20 Sophomore Career Plan Worksheet in three years, which is when Vasquez
Grade Careers and education and life- Inventory Students which they will be asked to these students will be
Related long learning are -Career Plan End: write down 3 careers that graduating, our goal is to see
Educational necessary for long Worksheet 3/25/20 interest them based off of a 10% increase in the
Pathways term career success -Laptops their Career Cluster number of students
B-LS 5: Apply media -Internet Inventory. They will also be enrolling in college after a
and technology skills Access asked to identify the 12-year period.
B-LS 7: Identify long- -Projector necessary level of education
and short- term -Pen/Pencil for that career. 90% of
academic, career, and Sophomores will have
successfully completed the
social/emotional goals
B-SMS 3: Demonstrate
ability to work
B-LS 1: Demonstrate
critical thinking skills
to make informed
C:A1.1 Develop skills
to locate, evaluate
and interpret career
C:A1.2 Learn about
the variety of
traditional and
C:A1.6 Learn how to
set goals