The document lists 37 references used in a paper on ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer. The references are listed in APA style and include books, journal articles, websites, and government reports published between 1997 and 2017 covering topics like the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and epidemiology of ovarian cysts and cancer.
The document lists 37 references used in a paper on ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer. The references are listed in APA style and include books, journal articles, websites, and government reports published between 1997 and 2017 covering topics like the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and epidemiology of ovarian cysts and cancer.
The document lists 37 references used in a paper on ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer. The references are listed in APA style and include books, journal articles, websites, and government reports published between 1997 and 2017 covering topics like the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and epidemiology of ovarian cysts and cancer.
The document lists 37 references used in a paper on ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer. The references are listed in APA style and include books, journal articles, websites, and government reports published between 1997 and 2017 covering topics like the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and epidemiology of ovarian cysts and cancer.
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50 Universitas Kristen Maranatha
17. Mayo Clinic Staff. 2014. Diseases and Conditions Ovarian Cysts., cysts/basics/symptoms/con-20019937. January 31st 2017. 18. Moore KL, Dalley AF, Agur AMR. 2012. Moore Clinically Oriented Anatomy. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer. 19. Mescher AL. 2016. Junqueira’s Basic Histology. 14th ed. Pennsylvania: McGraw-Hill. 20. Tortora G, Derrickson B. 2014. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. 13th ed. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 21. Sherwood L. 2010. Human Physiology from Cells to System. 7th ed. Belmont: Brooks/Cole. 22. Berek JS. 2012. Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, and Peritoneal Cancer. In: Berek & Novak’s Gynecology. 15th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 23. Akbar A. 2012. Sensitivitas & Spesifisitas Human Epididymis Protein-4 (HE4) dan Antigen Kanker CA125 sebagai Biomarker pada Tumor Ovarium Jinak dan Ganas di RSUP. H. Adam Malik Medan. 24. Soutter P, Girling J, Haidopoulos D. 2003. Benign Tumours of the Ovary. In: Shaw R, Soutter P, Stanton S. Editors: Gynaecology. 3rd ed. London: Churchill Living Stone; p. 665. 25. Desen W. 2011. Buku Ajar Onkologi Klinis. 2nd ed. Jakarta: Balai Penerbit FK UI. 26. Cass I., Karlan BY. 2008. Ovarian and Tubal Cancer. In: Danforth’s Obstetrics and Gynecology. 10th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; p. 1022–51. 27. Kemenkes. 2014. Situasi dan Analisis Keluarga Berencana. Jakarta: Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. p. 2. 28. Ozols RF, Rubin SC, Thomas GM, Robboy SJ. 2005. Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 29. Kurman R, Herrington C, Carcangiu M. 2014. WHO Classification of Tumours of Female Reproductive Organs. 4th ed. France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. 30. Baker VV, Brennan KM. 2007. Premalignant & Malignant Disorders of the Ovaries & Oviduct. In Decheney AD: Current Diagnosis and Treatments in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 10th ed. Pennsylvania: McGraw-Hill. 31. Winata GS. 2014. Peran Klinis Ca-125 Pada Kanker Ovarium. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana. 32. Manuaba IAC, Manuaba IBG, Manuaba IBGF. 2010. Buku Ajar
51 Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Penuntun Kuliah Ginekologi. Jakarta: Trans Indo Media. 33. Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Bandung. 2015. Cidadap Dalam Angka 2015. Bandung; Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Bandung. 34. Salamun SR. 2016. RSAU Dr. M. Salamun. 35. Solekah NI. 2015. Gambaran Karakteristik dan Penatalaksanaan Kista Ovarium pada Pasien Rawat Inap di RSUD Kota Semarang Tahun 2014. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. 36. Fadhilah E. 2015. Karakteristik Wanita Penderita Kista Ovarium di Rumah Sakit Vita Insani Pematang Siantar Tahun 2011 - 2013. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sumatera Utara. 37. Handayani DF. 2015. Hubungan Antara Usia dan Paritas Ibu dengan Kejadian Kista Ovarium di RSUD ’45 Kuningan Periode Januari - November 2014. Akademi Kebidanan Muhammadiyah Cirebon. 38. Lass A, Croucher C, Lawrie H, Margara R, Winston RM. 1997. Right or Left Ovary - Which One is Better? Hum Reprod;12(8):1730–1.