Rapid Prototyping or Rapid Production? 3D Printing Processes Move Industry Towards The Latter
Rapid Prototyping or Rapid Production? 3D Printing Processes Move Industry Towards The Latter
Rapid Prototyping or Rapid Production? 3D Printing Processes Move Industry Towards The Latter
Improved economics
Fully-functional parts
ProMetal’s 3D printing process produces
fully-functional, near net shape metal
workpieces directly from CAD files, printing
the workpiece one layer at a time from metal
powder. Once complete, parts are sent to a
vacuum furnace which burns away the binder
agent and sinters (fuses) the metal powder
particles together. If a light sintering is done,
a subsequent infiltration of bronze fills the
voids left from binder burn-off, resulting in
a 60 percent stainless steel and 40 percent
bronze composite. A heavy sintering, on the
other hand, can produce a 100 percent dense
stainless steel.
Rapid prototyping or rapid production? Assembly Automation
David Bak Volume 23 · Number 4 · 2003 · 340–345
ability to produce aluminum and other Three casting methods make up the ZCast
non-ferrous castings at high speed and low process: direct pour, the shell method, and
cost. This capability, in turn, enables users to production intent casting. With the direct
produce tooling locally – either for onsite pour method, users design cavities, cores,
casting or at a local partner foundry – to and gating directly into a mold set that will
facilitate short run rapid production needs. be 3D printed as an entire mold assembly.
The ZCaste Direct Metal Casting process After drying, the user casts metal directly into
relies on 3D printing to produce molds or the 3D printed mold set.
mold inserts from digital data, eliminating the The shell method involves designing
patterns and core box production steps of and printing mold inserts to be used in
traditional sand casting processes (Figure 2). conjunction with traditional foundry tools
Customers cast metal into these 3D printed and processes to create a mold. Typically, the
molds for prototype evaluation or fully user positions mold inserts into air set sand
functional parts. Tolerances and surface and then adds gates and venting via
finishes are consistent with sand casting; conventional process. These mold insert
accuracy is ^ 0.38 mm (0.015 in.) while shells are generally 1 cm thick, ensuring
surface finish measures 200-300 microns processing consistency, adequate strength,
untreated, or 100 microns with a mold wash. and gas permeability. Although the shell
Minimum wall thickness is 3.0 mm; minimum method requires more processing than direct
core size, 3.5-4.0 mm. pour, it can be more cost-effective on a
“When a company is producing a relatively material cost basis and fits naturally into the
low-volume part that exhibits a good degree of traditional foundry process.
complexity,” explains Z Corporation Production intent casting, the third
President Tom Clay, “the ZCast method, uses printed parts as patterns
geometry-independent ZCast process to create sand molds in combination with
becomes very attractive”. Clay points to the ZCast printed parts for mold cores (Figure 3).
example of a dispensing manifold, where the Users design foundry tooling in 3D CAD
customer required less than 50 units. and print the pattern on a Z Corporation
“Because the manifold presented a complex 3D Printer. Next, they infiltrate and backfill
tooling challenge, it was more cost-effective the pattern with epoxy to provide high
for them to produce production parts using strength for multiple purposes. The pattern
the ZCast process.” with gating mounts on a foundry plate,
Rapid prototyping or rapid production? Assembly Automation
David Bak Volume 23 · Number 4 · 2003 · 340–345
the sand mold is poured, and the pattern polypropylene, polyethylene, nylon, and
removed. ABS.
When necessary, the user next prints the .
Selective laser sintering (SLS). SLS creates
cores for the mold in ZCast casting powder. three-dimensional objects from powdered
Mold and core are assembled and the metal is materials, including plastics and metals
poured. Standard finishing practices remove for a wide latitude in material properties.
flash. Heat from a CO2 laser – also driven by
An example of combining traditional sand the part’s CAD data – fuses or sinters the
cast methods with the ZCast process is the powder layer-by-layer within a precisely
production of a hydraulic valve body. In this controlled process chamber. Introduced
case, says Clay, the customer applied by DTM Corp., which is now owned by
traditional tooling to produce the valve 3D Systems, SLS offers parts suitable for
enclosure’s relatively simple geometry, and functional analysis and application.
ZCast for the more complex core, allowing .
Fused deposition modeling (FDM).
the cost-efficient production of hundreds of Developed and manufactured by
parts. Stratasys, Inc. (www.stratasys.com),
Offering a powder/binder material set good FDM offers functional plastic prototypes
for ferrous applications the fourth quarter with ABS, polycarbonate,
2003, ZCast is presently under trial operation polyphenylsulfone (PPSF) and other
at more than 50 sites globally – verifying an materials. Extruded as a semi-molten
observation made by industry analyst Wohlers filament, these thermoplastics are
for the rapid prototyping industry, “3D deposited on a layer-by-layer basis to
printing was a bright spot in 2002”. It also construct the prototype from 3D CAD
bolsters his prediction that while “rapid data. FDM materials are produced from
manufacturing systems with the desired custom blends of commercially available
speed, cost, and quality do not exit at present, thermoplastic resins, making material
they will in the future.” properties one of this technology’s strong
Other additive RP systems such as laminated
Sidebar A object modeling (LOM) and 3D printing can
be used to process paper, ceramic, metal, and
Rapid prototype primer composites. LOM, originally brought to
Digitally-driven additive processes define the market by Helysis Corp., laser cuts the
term “rapid prototyping”. Applying periphery of successive paper or plastic film
downloaded cross-sectional data from CAD, layers. Because it does not scan the entire
CT, MRI, or handheld digitizers, rapid surface of each cross section, LOM offers
prototyping systems build three-dimensional relatively fast build times. The build material
objects layer-by-layer. Results, as the name features a thermo-setting resin glue on its
implies, are fast as well as accurate. underside. During operation, a heated roller
Applications vary from conceptual passes over each layer, bonding it to the
visualization to the functional analysis, previous one. LOM objects are machinable
depending on the system type and material structures that can be sanded, polished, and
used. The following are the best known painted.
examples of additive rapid prototyping. The 3D printing process, patented at the
Stereolithography (SLA). Widely used for Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
visualizing design concepts, SLA enables 1989, takes advantage of raster-scan
users to construct complex, ink-jet-like technology to form objects from
three-dimensional models one layer at a layers of powder and a jetted binder. Running
time. During operation, an ultraviolet a large number of jets in parallel allows for
laser, driven by successive slices of the high production rates. One example: The
CAD model, systematically solidifies a ProMetal division of Extrude Hone Corp.
photopolymer resin. Developed by 3D (www.prometal-rt.com) produces fully
Systems, Inc. (www.3dsystems.com), functional metal and ceramic objects directly
SLA accommodates a wide range of from CAD files. As a result, the company
photopolymer materials to approximate claims that customers can generate near-net
the characteristics of thermoplastics like shape metal parts and tools with
Rapid prototyping or rapid production? Assembly Automation
David Bak Volume 23 · Number 4 · 2003 · 340–345
production-quality material properties for short run production and even mass
significantly less cost than with competing RP customization. The following materials
methods. illustrating this trend were featured at this
Advances in such systems illustrate why year’s Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing
industry analyst and consultant Terry Wohlers Conference/Exposition, sponsored by the
predicts “a dramatic increase in the Society of Manufacturing Engineers
application of 3D printing technology, (www.sme.org), Chicago, 12-15 May.
possibly at the expense of conventional RP
ABS-like parts
systems”, as the industry develops and
When prototyping the functional model of a
matures (Figure 4). Wohlers also notes that
28-piece hairdryer designed for the consumer
while rapid prototyping has had a big impact
market, Taiwan’s Rapid Tech International
on the production of models, prototype parts,
Company Ltd opted for a new
and tooling, “companies are now extending
stereolithographic material: RenShapew SL
the application of the technology to the
7560 photopolymer from Vantico Ltd
production of finished goods, eliminating all
(www.vantico.com). Offering the appearance,
tooling”. He believes that this practice,
surface finish, and physical characteristics of
termed rapid manufacturing, may ultimately
injection-molded ABS thermoplastic, the
overshadow present rapid prototyping
rapid-build material also helped Rapid Tech
meet a very tight project deadline (Figure 5).
“We had considered producing the
required model from polyurethane that had
Sidebar B been cast in a silicone rubber mold, or from
CNC-machined ABS sheet” explains Ernest
Material properties promote “rapid Yen, Rapid Tech’s General Manager.
manufacturing” “A polyurethane model would have taken
For the past few years, the trend in rapid 3 weeks to produce and a CNC-machined
prototyping has been a steady improvement of model 2 weeks. We built the functional SL
existing methods like SLA, SLS, and FDM. model directly from CAD data in 3 days.”
In particular, the industry has focused on new Claimed to be the only SL photopolymer
materials development for expanded on the market that looks and feels like ABS,
performance capabilities. Such RenShape SL 7560 combines rigidity with
advancements, in turn, are helping users move durability and heat resistance. Material
from rapid prototyping applications only, to properties include a flexural modulus of
Figure 4 RP model use. Each bar reflects the relative number of responses received from those surveyed
Rapid prototyping or rapid production? Assembly Automation
David Bak Volume 23 · Number 4 · 2003 · 340–345
Figure 5 Hairdryer’s functional prototype features of engine testing by Parker Hannifin’s Racor
RenShape SL 7560 parts Division Beta-test site. Mounted onto a V8
automobile engine, the PPSF filter collected
gasses containing 1608F oil, fuel, soot, and
other combustion by-products.
“The assembly didn’t leak,” reports Parker
Hannifin’s Senior Development Engineer
Russ Jensen, “and it appeared to have the
same strength and properties as when first
Featuring a glass-transition temperature of
4508F (2328C), PPSF is specially developed
for the Stratasys FDM Titan system.
Composite SL resins
Since the first rapid prototyping systems were
sold more than 15 years back, manufacturers
have wished for prototypes with the accuracy
and material properties of injection molded
parts. Not only would such RP systems allow
the creation of production equivalent
components without a large investment in
tooling, they would significantly improve
turn-around times.
A composite SLA resin called ProtoTool
350,000 psi, 15 percent elongation, a 20Le, available from DSM Somos
0.7 ft lb/in. notched Izod impact strength, and (www.dsmsomos.com), moves manufacturers
heat deflection temperature of 1878F (868C) in this direction. Filled with tiny ceramic
with a postcure or 1408F (608C) without a beads, ProtoTool closely approximates the
postcure. Yen adds that the new product is stiffness of a 33 percent glass-filled Nylon 6/6,
easy to process, offering a low viscosity, fast while offering high accuracy and surface
photo speed, and high green strength. finish. In addition, a heat deflection
Because of these material properties, temperature of 5168F (2698C) is well above
RenShape SL photopolymers are also being the melting temperature of nearly all injection
used to make production parts such as molded plastics and even most common
custom-molded hearing aid shells. plastics.
Availability of an RP material offering the
Chemical- and heat-resistant components
material properties of engineered plastics plus
Claimed to have the highest operating
the surface finish and accuracy associated
temperature and toughness of any rapid
with SLA may, predicts Charles Kaufmann,
prototyping material except metals, PPSF
Manager of new business development for
from Statasys, Inc. (www.stratasys.com) is
DSM Somos USA, enable RP systems to be
currently available to aerospace, automotive,
used as low-volume and custom
and medical equipment makers. The
manufacturing systems. Potential ProtoTool
aerospace industry will likely welcome the
high-heat applications include under-hood
material’s flammability properties while
automotive components, electronic housings,
automobile manufacturers are expected to
and home appliances. High stiffness
take advantage of its petroleum resistance
applications include power tool housings and
and its ability to function at temperatures
structural components.
exceeding 4008F (2048C). Medical
equipment designers should be interested
in PPSF’s capacity to withstand sterilization
in an autoclave. 1 Credit: T.A. Grimm and Associates
Recently used to model a crankcase vapor (www.tagrimm.com), and Wohlers Associates
coalescer, the PPSF material withstood 40 h (www.wohlersassociates.com).