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Delft University of Technology

Safety assessment of unmanned aerial vehicle operations in an integrated airspace

Jenie, Yazdi; van Kampen, Erik-jan; Ellerbroek, Joost; Hoekstra, Jacco

Publication date
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Peer reviewed version
Published in
Proceedings of the AIAA infotech at aerospace

Citation (APA)
Yazdi Ibrahim Jenie, Y., van Kampen, E. J., Ellerbroek, J., & Hoekstra, J. M. (2016). Safety assessment of
unmanned aerial vehicle operations in an integrated airspace. In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the AIAA
infotech at aerospace (pp. 1-11). Reston: AIAA. DOI: 10.2514/6.2016-1000

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Safety Assessment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Operations in an Integrated Airspace

Yazdi I. Jenie* Erik-Jan van Kampen„ Joost Ellerbroek… Jacco M. Hoekstra§

Control and Simulation Section, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology

This paper focuses on the safety assessment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) op-
erating in an integrated airspace system. The assessment is based on series of Monte
Carlo Simulations to include the effect of the variety of Conflict Detection and Resolution
(CD&R) systems in each involved vehicle. The difficulty of using Monte Carlo simulations
in the assessment, in which collision are rare to be sufficiently represented, is overcome by
the use of a high density airspace with a periodic boundary condition. This setup, along
with the randomization of the UAV states and the CD&R parameters, increases the num-
ber of conflicts and resolutions for each Monte Carlo sample to rapidly reach convergence.
The parameters derived, including the mean ratio of time in which the vehicle are in either
mission mode, avoidance mode, or in a Near Mid Air Collision (NMAC) situation, are
compared to similar Monte Carlo simulation results where no CD&R system is used. The
proposed method is a versatile safety assessment method for various encounter situations
a UAV an its CD&R system might face in its operation in an integrated airspace system.


τ̄ NMAC mean ratios of NMAC, [-]

τ̄ av mean ratios of avoidance time, [-]
τ̄ ma mean ratios of maintain time, [-]
τ̄ mi mean ratios of mission time, [-]
χi Heading of vehicle-i, [-]
i Error in obstacle position detection, [m]
i Error in obstacle velocity detection, [m/s]
ψi Obstacle position azimuth angle, [-]
ρint Density of an Area of Interest, [−/m2 ]
Aint Area of interest, [m2 ]
davo Preferred avoidance distances, [m]
Di Distance of vehicle-i, [m]
DIV Velocity-Obstacle set of obstacle-i, [m/s]
Lx , Ly Length of Aint edges, [m]
Nv Number of involved vehicles, [-]
NM C Number of Monte Carlo simulation samples, [-]
rNMAC Radius of the Near Mid-Air collision zone, [m]
rsep Preferred separation radii, [m]
Vavo Avoidance velocity, [m/s]
Vi Speeds of vehicle-i, [m/s]
VO Velocity-Obstacle set of obstacle-i, [m/s]
Xi Global Position of vehicle-i, [m]
* PhD Student, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 2629HS, Delft, The Netherlands
„ Assistant Professor, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 2629HS, Delft, The Netherlands
… Assistant Professor, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 2629HS, Delft, The Netherlands
§ Professor, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, 2629HS, Delft, The Netherlands

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I. Introduction
ntegrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) into the current air traffic presents new challenges for the
airspace management, especially in ensuring their operational safety. With the potentially large number of
operators, and missions, the vast variation of methods in UAV Conflict Detection and Resolution
(CD&R) system is inevitable, which would create a heterogeneous environment for operation. This becomes
a problem since most of the CD&R systems are yet to be proven in handling such heterogeneous situations, in
the integrated airspace. On the other hand, subjected to a standardized CD&R procedures in manned-flight,
both airspace authorities and regulations cannot yet accommodate the heterogeneousness as well. Taking
safe measures, current policy to enable the integration of UAVs in the airspace is to define a target level of
safety (TLOS), as it is stated in 1. One parameter of the target level of safety is the probability of Near
Mid-Air Collision (NMAC). If strictly taken, the TLOS for NMAC probability for a UAV in an airspace
should be less than one collision out of a billion operations (10−9 ).
While many methods have been proposed to analytically asses the operational level of safety, most of
them do not include the effects of the CD&R system in their calculation, let alone a variation in the system.
Ref. 2 and 3, for instance, introduce the derivation of risk of collision as the expected number of collisions
over a specified period of time, assuming constant velocities of the vehicle. Using the same assumption, Ref.
4 introduce a gas model for two and three body representations, making calculations based on a homogeneous
distribution of aircraft in several different density assumptions. Most of these studies define uncertainties in
the vehicle positions and velocities in the NMAC probability derivations.
Including the CD&R factor in a safety assessment is in fact difficult without an extensive method of
modeling and simulation of the vehicle dynamics, such as by performing Monte Carlo simulations,5 or by
using dynamic programming.6 With these methods, random samples can be inserted to model the variation
of the UAV CD&R system and initial states in an airspace. Repeated simulation is then conducted across
the samples that generates various conflict encounters and resolutions, and in the end draws out required
parameters for safety assessment. These methods, however, are rarely desirable for safety analysis, especially
when estimating the probability of collisions, since, in a realistic airspace density, collisions are very rare
that it will take a considerably large amount of time and samples to obtain a sufficient result. Most of the
time, the samples will result in zero collision occurrence, such as presented in 7 and 8 .
The current paper presents a method of safety assessment for UAV operations in an integrated airspace by
resorting to the Monte Carlo simulations. To overcome the drawbacks of the method, a high density airspace
is modeled, where a hundred UAVs are initiated, positioned close together in an upright square-lattice with
random headings and speeds. The heterogeneousness of the air traffic is modeled in two elements, i.e., the
uncertainties of detection and the variation of conflict resolutions. The density of the airspace is maintained
using a Periodic Boundary Condition. This setup wraps the movement of vehicles inside the area of interest,
eliminating the unavailing samples of the Monte Carlo simulations, such as, for example, vehicles that leave
the area of interest before having chance to encounter a conflict.
The simulation setup will make the Monte Carlo process reaches convergence faster with the increase
the chances for each vehicle to encounter, and therefore resolve, conflicts. Furthermore, since the safety
parameter is averaged for the vehicles, each of the airspace samples already have one hundred samples of
random conflicts and avoidances, which in the end speeds up the parameter convergence even more.
This paper is structured as follows. After this introduction, Section II discusses the heterogeneous air
traffic model, which consists of three main elements, i.e. (1) the high density airspace, (2) the uncertainties
of detection, and (3) the variety of resolutions. Section III presents the result of the Monte Carlo simu-
lation based on that model. Results of the simulations where no CD&R is involved are also presented for
comparison, along with a brief discussion.Section V concludes the paper and provides suggestions for future

II. Heterogeneous Airspace Model

A simulator capable of simulating up to a hundred independent vehicles is built using MATLAB, where
each of the vehicles can have different own error in detection and preferences in the conflict resolution. The
simulator run on discrete time step and models the involved vehicles as point masses, neglecting their control
and dynamics. Instead, the simulator focuses more on the CD&R system in a randomized environment.
Furthermore, in this paper, only two-dimensional encounter case are analyzed in this preliminary assessment

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Table 1. parameter randomization ranges

Parameters Range Unit

Initial positions† , X(xg , yg ) (− 21 Lx,y , 12 Lx,y ) [m]
Initial headings, χg (0, 2π) [-]
Error in Detection of:
Obstacle Positions, X (−2, 2) [m]
Obstacle Velocities, V (−0.5, 0.5) [m/s]
Parameter of Conflict Resolutions:
Avoidance Distance, davo (rNMAC , 4rNMAC ), [m]
Separation Radius, rsep ( 21 rNMAC , 2rNMAC ) [m]
„ Not randomized.

of the CD&R architecture. The 3D part, however, is a case that is less stressful than the 2-Dimension, since
the vehicles can exploit more space in order to reach safety.
Three key elements of the simulator, to represent the work of heterogeneous CD&R system in an inte-
grated airspace, are explained in this section, which includes the airspace representation, the uncertainty in
detection, the variety of resolution. These elements are also the source of collisions and is designed to produce
as many collisions as possible in order to reduce the Monte Carlo sample requirement while maintaining the
rationale. Table 1 lists the parameter randomization for the Monte Carlo simulations, which is explained in
the following subsections.

A. High Density Airspace with Periodic Boundary Condition

The research initialized vehicles in a high density airspace setup, where one hundred UAVs are packed
symmetrically in a square area of interest, in a upright square-lattice configuration, as shown in Figure1-a.
This setup effectively generates more conflicts among the vehicles and creates many chances to test the
CD&R system.
The initial distances of the vehicles with each of its four orthogonal neighbors are 200 meters, 300 meters,
and 400 meters, which produce three values of airspace density, i.e., 25/km2 , 11.11/km2 , and 6.25/km2 ,
respectively. as presented in Table 1. The area of interest dimensions therefore are Lx = Ly = 2000, 3000,
and 4000 meters. The headings χi of each vehicle are uniformly randomized, from 0 to 360 degree from the
North. This produces various encounter situations required for the Monte Carlo analysis, even if the initial
positions of each vehicle are arranged in square-lattice configuration.
The simulation is conducted within a square boundary without any physical walls, where the density
parameter is maintained by resorting to two-dimensional Periodic Boundary Condition (PBC) , as shown in
Figure1-b. This boundary condition assumes that the area of interest is a unit cell, that is part of a large
(infinite) uniform system. Thus, as presented in equation (1) and (2), whenever a vehicle crosses one of
the edge of the area of interest, it gets wrapped on the opposite edge, while conserving the corresponding
velocity vector. This setup also eliminates unavailing cases where some vehicles directly leave the area of
interest without having chance to perform any avoidance, due to the random heading initialization.
" #" #
~ ~ ~ σx 0 Lx
X(k + 1) = X(k) + V (k)∆t + (1)
0 σy Ly

 
 σx = −1, if (x(k) + vx (k)∆t) > 2 Lx
  σy = −1,
 if (y(k) + vy (k)∆t) > 12 Ly
σx = 1, if (x(k) + vx (k)∆t) < − 12 Lx , σy = 1, if (y(k) + vy (k)∆t) < − 12 Ly (2)
 
σx = 0, otherwise σy = 0, otherwise
 

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(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) initial setup of the airspace with 100 vehicles arranged in a square lattice; (b) The Wrap-around
effect of the Periodic Boundary Condition applied in the airspace

In implementing the PBC, the wrap-around effect need to be considered in the conflict detection and
resolution generation. This is illustrate in Figure 1-b, where vehicle B need to avoid C, which position is
actually far away from B on the upper left corner of the area. Therefore, the ’clones’ of vehicles near to the
edges should be considered in the Velocity Obstacle resolutions.
In cases where body-to-body collision occurred due to failure in avoidance, the density of the area cannot
be maintaine, since all involved vehicles are removed immediately. Although this setup might make some of
the Monte Carlo simulation samples unavailing, the chances of body-to-body collision should be very small
if the heterogeneous CD&R performs well. Loss of separations, on the other hand, does not remove the
involved vehicles from the simulation, and therefore the vehicles might face loss of separation more than

B. The Uncertainty of Conflict Detection

The whole CD&R process begin with detection of obstacles in proximity, and whether of not the obstacle
is in a conflicting course with the ownship. At least two state are required for this determination, that is,
position and velocity vectors of all the involved vehicles. These can be obtained using the flight data exchange
(dependent surveillance such as ADS-B information), or by on-board sensor the measurement (independent
surveillance such as camera system). Since on-board sensors give an indirect data by series of calculation
from, for example, distance and bearing measurements, this paper assumed that the states are obtained
directly by data exchange for simplicity.
The uncertainty of detection is therefore represented by adding a specified errors on the position and
velocity vector measurements of the obstacle in proximity by each vehicles. In two dimensional space,
both vectors consist the X and Y with respect to the ownship flight course (wind-axis). Since the base of
surveillance is the data exchanges, the errors is represented as a random error which is not affected by the
states itself, and instead they are represented by a uniform error through time.
The range of error in the position vector is chosen to be well inside the Navigational Accuracy Category
for Position and Velocity of NACp-11 and NACv-3, corresponding to the ADS-B requirements presented
in.9 Although measurement error should also be randomized across the vehicles, in this research it is only
applied each time step, which mean that each vehicle have the same probability of errors in term of their
means and variance. On the overall result, it is found that error probability difference between vehicles are
negligible compare to the variety of resolution preferences.

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" # " #
~ i∗ = x∗i x i + x
D = (3)
yi∗ yi + x
" # " #
~∗ = vi∗x vi x +  v
V i = (4)
vi∗y vi y +  v

C. The Variation of Conflict Resolution

A vast collection conflict resolution algorithm can be found in the literature, many of them are reviewed
and classified in Ref. 10 and 11. Unlike in manned flight, it is presumably difficult to regulate a single
algorithm for all UAVs with their variation of mission, and their less complicated development cost and
time. Therefore, to better assess the safety of UAV operation in an integrated airspace, a heterogeneous
situation should be assumed. The assumption also required to have a better measurement on a resolution
algorithm performance.
To represent the variety of resolutions, this research use the Velocity Obstacle method (VO-method)8, 12
as the basis. The method can produce variety of resolution by changing two of its variables, the avoid-
ance distance, and the separation radius, as it will be detailed in the following paragraph. The variety of
preferences, therefore, can be produced by randomization of those two parameters across the vehicles in
one Monte Carlo sample, as well as across the samples. This scheme, however, will only cover a reactive
avoidance, where a resolution is prescribed based on the instantaneous geometry of an encounter without
any predetermined plan or any dynamic predictions.
The concept of the VO-method can be explained using Figure 2. For every encounter case, a collision cone
can be drawn, in which every relative velocity vectors of the ownship that intersect a specified separation zone
(Ssep ) are collected. The protected zone is a threshold area around the obstacle that should be avoided, and
therefore every intersecting relative velocity will eventually lead to a violation in the future. The VO-method
use its absolute velocity vector representation of the CC set, the V O set, as depicted in the Figure 2-b, by
translating the CC along the obstacle velocity. Hence, to avoid violating the Ssep , the ownship need to
change and maintain its velocity vector to any reachable point outside the V O set before the violation, e.g.,
by a pure turning to one of the Vavo on the VO set edges. The ownship, therefore, changes its mode as
shown in Figure 2: to mission mode where it head to its original goal, to avoid mode where it turn to one
of the Vavo , and maintain mode where it keep its current velocity.
Equation (5) to (7) can be used to determined the Vo inclusion in the VO set after the conflict is imminent,
i.e., the distance between the two vehicles doi is smaller than a specified avoidance starting point davo .
" # " # " #
~ vo x ~ ∗ x∗i ~ ∗ vi∗x
Vo = Di = Vi = (5)
voy yi∗ vi∗y
 r 
~ ∗ 2 2
 ∗  ∗ 
vi y D i − rpz 
yi 
ψi = arctan ∗ χi = arctan ∗ αvo = arccos   (6)
xi vi x 
~ ∗ 

 h i 
V~o − V
~∗ ·D ~∗
i i
 
~o ∈ VOi ⇐⇒ 0 <
V < cos αvo ∧ D ~ ∗ < davo (7)
~ i
 Vo − V~ ∗ D
~ ∗ 
i i

The avoidance velocity vectors Vavo = vavox , vavoy for both direction can be derived geometrically, by
the intersection of the ownship reachable velocity circle with both edge of the VO. There will be four set
of solutions that should satisfied system of linear and quadratic equation presented in equation (8) to (10),
which are functions of davo and the radius of the separation zone rsep , in a particular obstacle bearing (ψoi )
~o and V
and velocity of the vehicles (V ~i ).

vay + mvo vax = vi∗y + mvo vi∗x (8)

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Figure 2. The Velocity Obstacle method for an example of two-dimensional encounter case

va2y + va2x = Vo (9)

where the coefficient mvo in equation (8) represents the two edges of the VO set, presented in equation
(10) for both left and right turning directions. To ensure the existence of solutions in a circumstance when
the avoidance have to be conducted inside the separation zone, the term d2avo − rsep 2
is set to be zero
whenever davo < rsep . This particular case might occur when a avoidance failed due to dynamic interaction
of the vehicles. Hence the resolution changes from separation maintaining to separation regaining, to direct
the vehicle to leave the separation zone as fast as possible.
δχ x∗i rsep + yi∗ d2avo − rsep
2 −d ∗
avo viy
δχ = 1 , for left turning
mvo = − q , (10)
∗ 2 2 ∗ ∗
xi davo − rsep − δχ yi rsep − davo vix δ χ = −1 , for right turning

The Vavo for both direction are chosen from the set of Va solution that have at most two real members,
which are the two closest solution from the current Vo , satisfying the argument in equation (11).
 n  o
 Va | vax , vay ∈ R, vay > 0, min vay

vax , for left turning
Vavo = n  vax o (11)
 va y va y
 Va | vax , vay ∈ R,
va < 0, min − va
x x
, for right turning

The variation of resolution is produced by alternating the distance where the avoidance started (davo ), and
the radius of the separation zone (rsep ). The former parameter affects the aggressiveness of the resolution:
the closer the avoidance starting point from the obstacle, the more aggressive the maneuver will be. On the
other hand, the radius of the separation zone, under the state diagram in Figure 2, is exactly the closest
point of approach (CPA) between the vehicles. Example of conflict resolution variation can be observed in
Figure 3, which is simulated with assumption of instantaneous change of velocity in one time step.
Hence, the parameters davo and rsep are uniformly randomized between a specified range to create a
heterogeneous situation in an integrated airspace with variety of resolution maneuver. The avoidance starts
between 10 and 100 meters, which direct the vehicles to avoid other with CPA between 5 and 25 meters.

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(a) (b)

Figure 3. Example of resolutions varieties due to different preferences of (a) avoidance starting distance (davo )
and (b) Separation radius (rsep )

III. Monte Carlo Simulation Results

Figure 4 shows examples of the Monte Carlo simulations for three different density, using time-captures
from a top-down point-of-view of the area of interest. Each circle in the frames represents the NMAC
separation circles for each vehicle with 50 meter of radius, while the line extending from the center of the
circle represent the velocity vector of each vehicle.
Four vehicles in the center of the areas are shaded and drawn with a dashed track-line to show examples
of vehicle motions in following mission, avoiding, and maintaining. The initial headings of these four are
especially set in the direction of the four edges of the area. Note that the time step for each density case
is different in order to present sufficient flight-paths and the effects of the PBC setup. The simulation time
length for each density case is chosen to ensure that every vehicle have crosses the edge of the area of interest
at least once, which is the time required for the lower limit of the vehicle speed to cover the area diagonal.
As expected, it is more difficult for the vehicles to stay in its intended path in the denser airspace.
Nevertheless, no body collision is recorded during the simulation, even though many NMAC occurs. This
mean that while separation is violated, the vehicles still can find a path for avoidance and for going back to
the mission. Figure 4 demonstrates this with the four center vehicles. On the densest airspace in Figure 4-a,
two of the four are able to reach the edge of the Area of interest after some struggle to avoid collisions.
When the airspace is less dense as shown in Figure 4-b, All four center vehicles are able to reach the edge.
It is interesting to note that while using the same avoidance algorithm, the drifts are much larger in the
less dense airspace, which shows that the vehicles are able to find a resolution path by exploiting the empty
space around them. In the densest airspace, on the other hand, the drift is suppressed since the conflicts
are resolved before an appropriate resolution path is found. Instead, the vehicles mostly violate the NMAC
during the avoidance process and, therefore, the conflict eventually fade due to the difference of direction.
In the least dense airspace in Figure 4-c, one of the center vehciles actually is able to complete its path to
the edge, without needed to conduct any avoidance. One other vehicle only requires a small drift, while the
other two require relatively large drift of drifting. This results shows the less risk of conflicts in a less dense
airspace, even when the vehicles are heterogeneous. Nevertheless, some UAVs are still required to make a
large avoidance, such as turning more than 180 degree, to avoid a collision.
To properly asses the safety of UAV in a heterogeneous airspace, three parameters are derived from the
simulations of 1000 randomized samples for each density setup. These includes the mean ratios of time in
which the vehicle is in mission, avoidance, maintain, and NMAC situation to the total operation time, or
τ̄ mi , τ̄ av , τ̄ ma , and τ̄ NMAC respectively. These parameters are defined for each airspace sample in equation
(12). Here, the term mode referred to the corresponding time parameters of each vehicle-j in the simulation
sample-i is in either mission (mi), avoidance (av), maintain (ma), or in an NMAC (NMAC) situation. Nv is
the total number of vehicles of each airspace sample j which is simulated for Tj second.

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Figure 4. Example of the High-Density airspace simulation for three different airspace density

Nv mode
1 X ti
τ̄j = (12)
Nv i=1 Tj
The expected value of those time parameters is therefore approximated using their averages across the
Monte Carlo airspace samples-j = 1, 2, ..., NM C , as it is presented in equation (13). Notice that these
parameters, τ̄ mode , have also already been averaged in equation (12) across the 100 vehicles in each sample.
The parameter variances are estimated in the Monte Carlo simulation, using equation
1 X
E [τ̄ mode ] = τ̄jmode (13)
NM C j=1

1 X 2
στ̄2 mode =

τ̄jmode − E [τ̄ mode ] (14)
NM C − 1 j=1

Finally, the precision of the Monte Carlo estimation is concluded using the central limit theory, resulting
the parameter to be within the range presented in equation (15), for 99.95% confidence interval.
3.3 στ̄ | 3.3 στ̄ |
τ̄ mode = E [τ̄ mode ] − √ mode , E [τ̄ mode ] + √ mode (15)

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The overall result of the time parameter derivation is listed in Table 2. An example of the parameters
derivation in shown in the τ̄NMAC convergence graph in Figure 5. The parameter converges quickly after
approximately 50 airspace samples, demonstrate the effectiveness of the simulation setup in generating
sufficient samples of random conflicts encounters and resolutions. The shaded background on each plot in
Figure 5 represent the corresponding 99.95% confidence interval.

Table 2. Results of the Parameter for Safety Assessment

Mean Time of Symbol Results (99.95% confidence)

ρ = 25/km2 ρ = 11.11/km2 ρ = 6.25/km2
NMAC, without CD&R τ̄ NMAC 20.87 ± 0.61% 11.34 ± 0.59% 7.35 ± 0.54%
NMAC, with CD&R τ̄ NMAC 2.61 ± 0.30% 1.08 ± 0.13% 0.30 ± 0.04%
Modes during operation with CD&R,
Mission Mode τ̄ mi 51.27 ± 0.75% 67.77 ± 0.52% 75.76 ± 0.41%
Avoid Mode τ̄ ma 30.05 ± 1.19% 10.77 ± 0.45% 5.33 ± 0.17%
Maintain Mode τ̄ av 18.57 ± 0.56% 21.40 ± 0.35% 18.89 ± 0.34%

Figure 5 compares cases where no avoidance implemented and cases where CD&R is activated. The
result for the first case is basically the chance of NMAC occurrence in the airspace. The result shows that
the CD&R implementation are able to reduce the NMAC occurrence, however not to the level expected,
especially on the cases with 25/km2 density that leaves more than 2.61 ± 0.30% chance of NMAC. Even in
the least dense airspace of the simulations, the use of CD&R system cannot guaranteed the safety, while
they actually demonstrate a reduction from 7.35 ± 0.54% to only 0.30 ± 0.04% chance of NMAC.

Figure 5. Monte Carlo simulation results for the Mean Time of NMAC, for case without and with CD&R

Figure 7 shows the three mean-time parameters, on operations with the CD&R in a heterogeneous
airspace, in a bar graph for easier comparisons. Evidently, the mean-time when the UAVs are able to
perform their mission increases as the density of the airspace decreases. In the highest density of 25 vehicle
per kilometer square, the time to perform the mission is almost the same with the time to avoid. In this
high density setup, the results even shows that from the avoidance performed, most of the time the vehicle
is in avoidance mode, meaning that it change its direction, trying to find a resolution path, around 30% of
the time. this is also have been shown before, that on this density, the algorithm actually does not find a
resolution and instead, the conflict fade by it self due to the direction difference. Other density setup shows
the domination of maintain mode, in which the vehicle is directed to a specific resolution path.
Table 3 shows another simulation setup, with a level of maneuver coordination by forcing every vehicle to
avoid by turning to the right. This setup intended to eliminates the problem of reciprocating dance, where

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Figure 6. Mdododo

Figure 7. Mean-time parameters results for operation with CD&R in heterogeneous airspace, in three different

a pair of vehicle avoid each other to the same side, which caused a new conflict. Coordinating by turning to
the right is also a part of the Visual Flight Rule (VFR)13 in manned flight.
The table, however, shows an adverse result. On the high density airspace, the NMAC risk actually
gets much higher, to 7.06 ± 0.53%. On the less dense airspace, however, an insignificant reduction of the
NMAC risk is produced. These probably happen because while the coordination eliminates the reciprocating
dance on head-on encounter, it produce more dance in the taking-over maneuver, where vehicles are moving
approximately in the same direction. Randomization of avoidance direction is actually benefiting, since
it lower the chance of reciprocating dance in both head-on and taking over encounter, and opening more
avoidance path, especially in a high density airspace.
Mean-time of mission in the coordinated airspace, however, is recorded significantly higher for all three
different density. This is due to the less time it needed for each avoidance to clear the conflict, since both
vehicle are avoiding in the contributing direction.

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Table 3. Results of the Parameter for Safety Assessment in Coordinated Airspace

Mean Time of Symbol Results (99.95% confidence)

ρ = 25/km2 ρ = 11.11/km2 ρ = 6.25/km2
NMAC, with CD&R τ̄ NMAC 7.06 ± 0.53% 1.07 ± 0.11% 0.28 ± 0.04%
Modes during operation with CD&R,
Mission Mode τ̄ mi 55.66 ± 0.75% 72.85 ± 0.42% 80.00 ± 0.40%
Avoid Mode τ̄ ma 28.23 ± 0.99% 9.16 ± 0.33% 4.26 ± 0.14%
Maintain Mode τ̄ av 16.02 ± 0.38% 17.99 ± 0.32% 15.70 ± 0.34%

IV. Conclusion
This paper has assessed the safety of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) operation when it is integrated
in the airspace system. Three parameters have been derived including the mean ratio of time in which the
vehicle are in either mission mode, avoidance mode, or in a Near Mid Air Collision (NMAC) situation for
three case of airspace density. It is demonstrated that Monte Carlo simulation can be used to asses the safety
by simulation setup of high density airspace, coupled with the the use of periodic boundary conditions.
While the method is able to assess the safety in various operation condition in an integrated airspace,
several limitations are noted. The method has not been demonstrated in a Three-dimensional setup, while
the two-dimensional is more stressful. Nevertheless, the proposed method is a versatile safety assessment
method for various encounter situations a UAV might face in its operation in an integrated airspace system.

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