Holes Study Guide Questions: Part One - You Are Entering Camp Green Lake Chapters One & Two
Holes Study Guide Questions: Part One - You Are Entering Camp Green Lake Chapters One & Two
Holes Study Guide Questions: Part One - You Are Entering Camp Green Lake Chapters One & Two
1. Explain why the sign on the rec room said wreck room.
2. Why in X-Ray's opinion was the second hole the hardest to dig?
3. Why is Stanley's letter home so comical?
4. Give proof that Stanley has learned from his previous day of digging.
5. Why did Stanley refer to the fossil as his miracle?
1. What did X-Ray ask Stanley to do the next time he found something interesting?
2. How did X-Ray get his nickname?
3. Why was Stanley surprised that X-Ray was the leader of the group?
4. Why was Stanley glad to be called Caveman?
5. What was Mr. Pendanski doing when Stanley finally dragged himself back to the compound?
6. What caused the smile to disappear from Zero's face?
1. Why was Stanley reluctant at first to retrieve the glistening object from the pile of dirt?
2. Describe the object that Stanley had found.
3. How did Stanley respond when ZigZag asked to examine the gold tube?
4. What advice did Stanley offer X-Ray about showing the tube to the Warden?
5. What occurs when the water truck arrives that indicates Stanley's status in the group of boys is improving?
6. Describe the Warden.
7. Why was Stanley surprised when the Warden addressed him as Caveman?
8. What instructions did the Warden give to Mr. Pendanski?
9. X-Ray had waited until the next day to reveal the discovery of the gold tube. Why is this time lag
Chapter Fifteen & Sixteen
1. What did the Warden mean when she said that unfortunately for Stanley, Mr. Sir would live?
2. Why would the snakes be dangerous without a rattle?
3. Why was Stanley surprised when he returned to his hole?
4. How was Stanley able to determine who had helped him?
5. Explain what Stanley meant by Zero having X-Ray vision.
6. What did Stanley offer to do for Zero?
7. What did Stanley discover as he attempted to teach Zero the alphabet?
8. What insight did Stanley suddenly have about the gold tube in the Warden's office?
1. Describe Green Lake as it was one hundred and ten years ago.
2. Who was Katherine Barlow?
3. Why was Charlie Walker called Trout Walker?
4. Explain why Katherine Barlow may have refused Trout's offer to take her for a ride on his new boat.
5. Why did Stanley keep his eyes down as Mr. Sir ladled oatmeal into his bowl?
6. How did Mr. Sir respond to the young boy's question about his swollen face?
7. How did Mr. Sir punish Stanley?
1. Explain what X-Ray meant when he told Armpit, "It's the same old story".
2. Explain why Stanley emptied his canteen onto the ground despite being extremely thirsty.
3. What is Zero's real name and why is it significant?
4. Who returned to Green Lake after a twenty year absence?
5. What had happened to Trout Walker during this twenty year period?
6. Why were Linda and Trout terrorizing Katherine Barlow?
7. Explain how Kate died.
1. What did Stanley believe he had seen for a split second during a flash of lightning?
2. What had Stanley's great grandfather allegedly said after being robbed by Kate Barlow?
3. Why did Mr. Pendanski fire his pistol into the air?
4. How did the Warden react when she discovered that Zero was digging Stanley's holes?
5. How did Zero react when when Mr. Pendanski handed Zero the shovel and told him it was all he would
ever be good for?
6. Explain what the Warden meant when she said it was almost time to paint her nails again.
1. Where did Stanley think that Zero might have taken refuge?
2. Why does the Warden repeatedly ask Mr. Pendanski if Zero (Hector Zeroni) had any family or social
worker who might have taken an interest in him?
3. Why was the new boy given the nickname Twitch?
4. What was the new boy's claim to fame?
5. Why did Stanley steal Mr. Sir's truck?
6. Explain what happened when Stanley stole the truck?
Chapter Thirty-Three & Thirty-Four
1. Why did Stanley think that he might have to return to the camp?
2. Why did Stanley's heart stop when he peered into the bottom of one of the holes?
3. What did Stanley have for lunch?
4. Explain why the pool of water kept moving away from Stanley.
5. Describe what Stanley found while walking across the dry and barren wasteland.
1. Why did the insides of Stanley's mouth and throat feel like they were coated with sand?
2. What does Zero say that causes Stanley to believe that his friend is delirious?
3. Explain why Mrs. Tennyson was wearing only a nightgown and a robe as she ran down the street after Sam.
4. Why did Hattie Parker blush when Gladys Tennyson mentioned that her daughter, Becca, had almost died
from eating some bad meat?
5. What surprised Stanley when he headed down the mountain looking for the shovel?
1. Why was Stanley so surprised that he hadn't gotten sick despite the drinking the sploosh and dirty water or
from living on onions?
2. Why did Zero avoid the homeless shelters?
3. Why did Zero steal when he was young?
4. What did Zero do with Clyde Livingston's shoes when everyone started making a fuss about them being
5. Why did Zero fill the bottom of the hole with rocks?
6. Explain the bitter smell that Stanley had first detected upon reaching the top of the hill.
7. Explain how the sneakers had managed to fall on Stanley's head at the beginning of the story (Chapter Six).
8. What was Stanley alluding to when he asked Zero if he wanted to dig one more hole?
Chapter Forty-Three & Forty-Four
1. Explain the significance of Zero mentioning that his mother had sung a lullaby similar to the one Stanley's
mother had sung to him.
2. Outline what the two boys had planned.
3. Where did Zero get breakfast?
4. What did Stanley uncover in the hole?
1. What does Zero do to keep his mind off the lizards during the night?
2. What small but important piece of information do we glean about the Warden in this chapter?
3. Whose name was on the suitcase and how can it be used to describe Zero's behavior during the night?
4. What did Ms Morengo advise Stanley to do when the Warden ordered him to open the suitcase?
5. Do you think she gave him good advice? Explain your answer.
6. Why did Mr. Pendanski hesitate (stared at her) when the Warden ordered him to get Hector Zeroni's file?
Chapter Forty-Nine
1. Why does the author relate the story of the rattlesnake hunters at the beginning of this chapter?
2. Ms Morengo advises Zero not to admit that he has stolen Clyde (Sweet Feet) Johnson's sneakers. Do you
agree with her advice? Explain your answer.
3. Describe the new product that Stanley's father has just invented.
4. What happens at Green Lake for the first time in over a hundred years?
Vocabulary: bloodstream, BMW, patent, attorney, recycle
Chapter Fifty