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Octave For Red Hat Linux Systems: Unspecific RH

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Octave for Red Hat Linux systems - Octave https://wiki.octave.org/Octave_for_Red_Hat_Linux...

Octave for Red Hat Linux systems

For RedHat-based distributions like RedHat, CentOS, Fedora, Scientific Linux ...

Unspecific RH

Tested Fedora 20, but not

1 Unspecific RH
2 CentOS
yum install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel makemercurial libtool l
lapack pcre-devel readline-devel readline
2.1 prepare installation of octave
fftw-devel glpk-dev
flex texlive gperf fltk-devel qhull-devel 2.2 get source code of octave and compile it
hdf5-devel gl2ps-de
bison ghostscript-devel librsvg2-tools icoutils texlive-metap


Enable use of Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) (https://fedoraproject.org

/wiki/EPEL%7CExtra) AND THEN install octave dependencies development packages:

yum -y install yum-utils

yum-builddep -y octave
yum -y install qt-devel mercurial gcc-c++ lapack-devel libtool
yum -y install epstool transfig pstoedit qscintilla-devel

The arpack-devel package distributed with CentOS 7 (arpack-devel-3.1.3-2.el7.x86_64)

seems a bit old, as routine "seupdate" seems not recognized during the "configure" step.
This can be solved by installing arpack from github:

git clone git@github.com:opencollab/arpack-ng.git

cd arpack-ng
./configure --prefix="some local prefix"
make; make install

Current release as of Aug. 20th 2018 seems to compile OK with CentOS blas-devel

prepare installation of octave

The remaining steps do not need to be done as root, except for possibly the final
installation step. I recommend you create an installation directory like /usr/local/octave
/VERSION so that it is easy to uninstall a given version simply by removing a directory
tree. Then to use the installed version, put /usr/local/octave/VERSION/bin in your PATH. If
you create the /usr/local/octave/VERSION directory with appropriate permissions, it is not
necessary to be root to install Octave. For example,

mkdir -p /usr/local/octave/dev
chown jwe.jwe /usr/local/octave/dev

create src and build directories:

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Octave for Red Hat Linux systems - Octave https://wiki.octave.org/Octave_for_Red_Hat_Linux...

mkdir src build

get source code of octave and compile it

check out a copy of the octave sources in the src directory

cd src
hg clone http://hg.savannah.gnu.org/hgweb/octave

bootstrap the build system

cd octave

build Octave in the build directory. choose whatever prefix is appropriate for your
system. the -jN option builds in parallel

cd ../../build
../src/octave/configure --prefix=/usr/local/octave/dev
make -j6 all

Run the test suite

make check

If everything looks OK (a few failures are probably normal for the development
version) install it

make install

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This page was last edited on 20 August 2018, at 23:14.

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