Gamogamo vs. Pnoc Shipping & Transport Corp. G.R. 151707
Gamogamo vs. Pnoc Shipping & Transport Corp. G.R. 151707
Gamogamo vs. Pnoc Shipping & Transport Corp. G.R. 151707
G.R. 151707
Herein petitioner was first employed for fourteen years with Department of Health after his
resignation on November 2 1977. After which, he was hired as accompany dentist by Luzon
Stevedoring Corporation (LUSTEVECO), a private domestic corporation which was subsequently
taken over by herein respondent PNOC Shipping and Transport Corporation. Petitioner was among
those who opted to be absorbed by the Respondent and continued to work as company dentist.
Respondent implemented a Manpower Reduction Program wherein retrenched employees
shall receive a two-month pay for every year of service. Petitioner resigned from PNOC upon
reaching 60 years old wherein he received a retirement pay equivalent to one month pay for every
year of service and other benefits. Later, the president of said company was replaced by Dr.
Nemesio E. Prudente who implemented significant cost-saving measures and later two employees
were retrenched and were paid a 2-month separation pay for every year of service under
Respondents Manpower Reduction Program. Due to this, petitioner filed a complaint at the
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) for the full payment of his retirement benefits
wherein he argued that his service with the DOH should have been included in the computation of
his years of service. The Labor Arbiters dismissed his complaint however, NLRC reversed the
decision of the Labor Arbiter. Respondent dismayed, filed with the Court of Appeals a special civil
action for certiorari, and was granted. Hence, this petition.
1) Whether or not petitioner’s years of service with the DOH must be considered as creditable
service for the purpose of computing his retirement pay.
No. The Supreme Court did not uphold petitioners contention that his fourteen years of service
with the DOH should be considered because his last two employers were government-owned and
controlled corporations, and fall under the Civil Service Law. Article IX(B), Section 2 paragraph
1 of the 1987 Constitution states that--
“Sec. 2. (1) The civil service embraces all branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities,
and agencies of the Government, including government-owned or controlled
corporations with original charters.
It is not at all disputed that while Respondent and LUSTEVECO are government-owned and
controlled corporations, they have no original charters; hence they are not under the Civil Service
Law. In addition, petitioner also signed and delivered to Respondent a Release and Undertaking
wherein he waives all actions, causes of actions, debts, dues, monies and accounts in connection
with his employment with Respondent. This quitclaim releases Respondent from any other
obligation in favor of petitioner. While quitclaims executed by employees are commonly frowned
upon as contrary to public policy and are ineffective to bar claims for the full measure of the
employees legal rights, there are legitimate waivers that represent a voluntary and reasonable
settlement of laborers claims which should be respected by the courts as the law between the