Seaeye Falcon & Falcon DR
Seaeye Falcon & Falcon DR
Seaeye Falcon & Falcon DR
The Seaeye Falcon and Falcon DR are the choice of many leading operators for capability,
versatility and the ability to get the job done. Lightweight and portable they go where they’re
needed - inshore, offshore, down tunnels or for flyaway operations.
Available with a choice of options, tools and accessories, Seaeye Falcons make an ideal
platform for achieving numerous intricate and demanding subsea applications.
THE VEHICLE navigation pod and manipulator pod, of each node can also be interrogated
contains its own microprocessor and individually from the surface unit. Local
interface and is called a 'node'. Each of diagnostics are also provided for each node
CHASSIS LAYOUT these 'nodes' is separately addressed on in the junction box with colour coded LEDs
Seaeye Marine pioneered the use of the network and controlled by the master confirming fuse and telemetry status.
polypropylene in the construction of ROV processor in the surface unit. Every node
frames and continues this development with is fully isolated to maximise system reliability
and each is connected into the vehicle LIGHTING
the Falcon. This material is robust, buoyant,
easily drilled and machined and is corrosion junction box PCB using a common through Two forward facing variable intensity 3200
free. The Falcon’s modern ‘open frame’ bulkhead connector. The JB printed circuit Lumen LED flood lights are fitted. An optional
design allows easy access for service and board provides each node with its own fused 3rd light is also available. The lights are
maintenance, and the easy addition of power supply and telemetry. powered at low voltage, to improve reliability
standard bolt on accessories including The junction box also houses the video and longevity. In the Falcon DR the forward
cameras, sonars, tracking systems and a line driver for Falcon and the F2 fibre optic facing lights tilt with the camera for improved
single function manipulator. Custom designed multiplexer for the Falcon DR that is an scene illumination.
under-slung modules can also be added for optional upgrade for the standard system.
task specific tooling. 316 stainless steel
This use of distributed intelligence does away
fittings are used throughout.
with the traditional ROV electronics pod
packed with interface circuit boards and frees
PROPULSION up space while significantly reducing the
weight of the vehicle.
Brushless DC thrusters have been used
on all Seaeye ROVs since 1987 when the
company first introduced this technology BUOYANCY & PAYLOAD
to the offshore oil and gas industry. These
Buoyancy and payload is provided by
thrusters have drive electronics with velocity
securing buoyancy blocks of the appropriate CAMERA SYSTEM
feedback for precise and rapid thrust control.
depth rating to the chassis below an easily
A fast PID control system and a solid-state A high resolution fixed focus colour camera
removable hydrodynamic cover. The cover
rate gyro for enhanced azimuth stability also is fitted to a camera platform that can be
also provides protection to electronics
prevent overshoot on a change of heading tilted ± 90 degrees. An optional second
housings and cabling routed along the top
making this vehicle so easy to fly. camera can be added. The F2 Fibre Optic
of the buoyancy to the junction box. This also
The Falcon MCT01 thrusters are provides exceptional ease of access for Pack in the Falcon DR which is optional in
magnetically coupled and are water cooled. maintenance. standard Falcons, provides 3 simultaneous
Having no moving shaft seals they are video channels. Panning the camera is
extremely low maintenance, reliable and achieved by turning the vehicle which it can
ideal for use in sensitive areas such as do within its own length.
fisheries and on reefs.
Standard Camera Specifications
Thruster Configuration:
Camera Resolution 480 TVL
4 Vectored Horizontal Thrusters and
1 Vertical Thruster Min. Scene Illumination 0.2 LUX (F1.4)
Pick Up Device 1/2" CCD Image Sensor
The open frame and clutter free layout
Lens 1/2" Aspherical 3.8mm lens, wide angle
between decks in the Falcon provides the
fixed focus
clearest water flow to 4 horizontal
vectored thrusters positioned for optimum Horizontal Field of View 91°
thrust and control in all directions and Tilt ±90°
superior station keeping in strong cross
Mounting points on the
DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE CONTROL All navigation sensors and aids are housed in
vehicle skids are provided
SYSTEM & ROV JUNCTION BOX a single hardened aluminium pod. Auto depth
for lead ballast to trim the vehicle's centre
The Falcon is the first ROV in its class of gravity and buoyancy. and heading are supplied as standard. A
to have a distributed intelligence control pitch and roll sensor is included and may be
system. This is a multi-drop network that selected for display on the video overlay.
allows up to 128 devices to be connected CONTROL SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICS
together on a single RS 485 serial network Nav Specifications
Full system diagnostics are provided:
and to be individually controlled by a master A software routine automatically checks each Compass Accuracy ±1°
processor. node when the system is powered up and Depth Sensor Accuracy ±0.5% of FSD
Every controllable device on a Falcon, alerts are provided on the video overlay to Gyro 0.1 °/s
such as thrusters, lights, camera, tilt motor, warn the operator. The full characteristics Surface Update Rate <100 ms
The Seaeye Falcon’s open frame construction allows many standard accessories to be easily
fitted. Larger tools and sensor packages can be accommodated using a skid fitted under the
vehicle with compensating buoyancy where necessary. A selection of items are featured below
however many specialist tooling and custom built accessories are also available.