Income Recognition and Asset Classification Norms (IRAC) : - by CA KVS Shyamsunder
Income Recognition and Asset Classification Norms (IRAC) : - by CA KVS Shyamsunder
Income Recognition and Asset Classification Norms (IRAC) : - by CA KVS Shyamsunder
- By CA KVS Shyamsunder
What is a Non- Performing Asset?
a) As asset including a leased asset, becomes non- performing when it ceases to
generate income for the Bank.
• Income Recognition:
• Internationally income from NPA is not recognized as income on accrual
base but is booked as income only when it is actually received.
• On the account turning NPA branch should reverse the interest already
charged and not collected by debiting P&L account and stop further
application of interest. However the same should be recorded in Dummy
• Interest on advances against Term Deposits ,KVP,LIC etc may be taken to
income on due date provided adequate margin is available.
• In the case of Govt guaranteed accounts turning NPA interest on such
advances should not be taken to income unless the interest is realized
• If all arrears of interest and principal are paid by the borrower in the
case of NPA accounts, such accounts may be upgraded as standard.
It should be ensured that no additional facility/excess/adhoc is
permitted to regularise the arrears.
• Provisioning for Loans and Advances (RBI Circular 2014)
Classification Provision
A) Standard Assets 0.25% (SME)
1.00% (CRE)
0.75% (CRE – Residential Housing)
0.40% others