Wide Plate Margin Deformation, Southern Central America and Northwestern South America, CASA GPS Observations
Wide Plate Margin Deformation, Southern Central America and Northwestern South America, CASA GPS Observations
Wide Plate Margin Deformation, Southern Central America and Northwestern South America, CASA GPS Observations
350 358
4 authors, including:
Hector Mora-Paez
Servicio Geológico Colombiano
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Global positioning system data from southern Central America and northwestern South America were collected during 1991, 1994, 1996,
and 1998 in Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. These data reveal wide plate boundary deformation and escape
tectonics occurring along an approximately 1400 km length of the North Andes, locking of the subducting Nazca plate and strain accumula-
tion in the Ecuador-Colombia forearc, ongoing collision of the Panama arc and Colombia, and convergence of the Caribbean plate with
Panama and South America. Elastic modeling of observed horizontal displacements in the Ecuador forearc is consistent with partial locking
(50%) in the subduction zone and partial transfer of motion to the overriding South American plate. The deformation is hypothesized to
reflect elastic recoverable strain accumulation associated with the historic seismicity of the area and active faulting associated with
permanent shortening of 6 mm/a. Deformation associated with the Panama-Colombia collision is consistent with elastic strain accumulation
on a fully locked Atrato-Uraba Fault Zone suture. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: GPS; North Andes; oblique subduction; arc continent collision; earthquake strain; escape; caribbean
l. lntroduction The Central and South America (CASA) GPS project was
inaugurated in 1988 to study plate motions and crustal
Mid-ocean ridge and transform fault azimuths, spreading deformation in a tectonically active area of complex inter-
rates, and earthquake slip vectors at plate boundaries have action among the Nazca, Cocos, Caribbean, and South
successfully explained large-scale features of plate kine- American plates (Fig. 1). The tectonic development of the
matics and demonstrated that plate interiors generally CASA area has been the object of multiple geologic and
behave rigidly over geologic time scales (Le Pichon, geophysical studies (for a comprehensive listing, see
1968; Minster et al., 1974; Minster and Jordan, 1978; Kellogg and Vega, 1995; Ego et al., 1996; Gutscher et al.,
Chase, 1978; DeMets et al., 1990). Rowever, convergent 1999 and references therein). Previous studies have shown
plate boundaries were recognized early in the development the CASA region to be a complex area of plate convergence
of plate tectonics as wide zones of deformation, and those and deformation, but the location of plate boundaries
boundaries involving a continental plate boundary are much remains uncertain. At least two microplates, Panama and
wider than are those consisting only of oceanic plates North Andes, have been hypothesized by Kellogg et al.
(Isaacs et al., 1968; Dewey and Bird, 1970; Freymueller et (1985) and Kellogg and Vega (1995) (Figs. 1 and 2). This
al., 1993; Kellogg and Vega, 1995; Gutscher et al., 1999). paper presents the results of CASA geodetic measurements
Global positioning system (GPS) measurements provide spanning the years 1991-1998 in Costa Rica, Panama,
cost-effective and precise constraints on models of plate Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela and focuses on GPS
tectonic processes at convergent boundaries, such as conti- measurements related to the following:
nuum deformation versus microplate or block rotation
(Thatcher, 1995). 1. Oblique subduction at the Ecuador trench and the 'esca-
pe'of the North Andes;
2. Earthquake strain accumulation at the Ecuador trench;
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-803-777-4501; fax: +1-803-777-9133. 3. Island arc-continent collision, Panama-Colombia; and
E-mail address: trenkamp@geol.sc.edu (R. Trenkamp). 4. Caribbean plate subduction.
0895-9811/02/$ - see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0895-9811(02)00018-4
158 R. Trenkamp et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 15 (2002) 157-171
Fig. 1. Tectonic map for the CASA GPS project area. Seismicity with magnitudes greater than 4 between 1973 and 1999 (NEIC/USGS) are plotted with small
black asterisks. Focal mechanisms (Rarvard CMT) are plotted for major earthquakes with their magnitudes. The large earthquakes are referenced to Table 1 by
the numbers superimposed on the compressional quadrant.
2. Data analysis find and correct cycle-slips (phase breaks in the data stream)
and remove outliers. The data then are decimated to a 6-
All data presented in this paper have been analyzed using minute interval for data collected before 1996 and a 5-minute
GIPSY OASIS or GYPSY OASIS II software developed at interval for data collected after 1996 to enable the use of the
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of JPL's precise clocks and orbits. The GIPSY OASIS II solu-
Technology (Lichten and Border, 1987; Blewitt, 1989, tion suite of software was then run following a strategy simi-
1990). Details of the 1991 data analysis are given in Frey- lar to that described by Reflin et al. (1992) to obtain solutions
mueller (1991) and Freymueller et al. (1993). Each day of based on all data available for a given day. All daily solutions,
1991 data was analyzed independently using GIPSY OASIS, except those for 1991, were derived with weak constraints on
the data from all stations in the CASA region, and data from initial positions and then transformed into ITRF96 using
tracking sites distributed over almost half the globe. The JPL-produced daily frame files. The 1991 data were trans-
1994, 1996, and 1998 data were analyzed using GIPSY formed to ITRF96 using a seven-parameter transformation.
OASIS II. All days were analyzed independently using all
the stations in the CASA region and a tracking network simi-
lar in the number of stations to the 1991 campaign but with a 3. Velocity field descriptions
more favorable regional geographic distribution for CASA
due to the increased number of permanent sites, especially in CASA GPS measurements used in this study were made
the southern hemisphere. All the raw data were passed during 1991, 1994, 1996, and 1998. Forty-four usable
through automatic editors: Turboedit (Blewitt, 1990) for vectors for tectonic interpretation (Table 2, Fig. 3) were
Rogue and Turborogue receivers and Phasedit (Freymueller, determined and are distributed over the major tectonic
unpublished algorithm) for all other receivers. These editors features of the study area. Two of our sites are located on
R. Trenkamp et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 15 (2002) 157-171 159
Fig. 2. Fault and tectonic feature map of the project area. A-AI and B-BI are the transects that were used for the modeling in Figs. 5 and 6.
the Nazca plate, the International GPS Service permanent and 6ºN, the velocity vectors of the stations PAST, CALI,
station on the Galapagos Islands (GALA) and a station on BUEN, MZAL, and BOGO have a distinctly greater north-
Malpelo Island (MALS). The consistent velocities and ern component to their vectors. This suggests that the obli-
directions for these two vectors indicate an approximately que component of the Nazca plate subduction is being
due east-oriented motion relative to a South America fixed accommodated by transpressive NE motion along faults
reference frame (South America Euler pole and velocity in subparallel to the Andean margin. Above latitude 6ºN,
ITRF96; Edmundo Norabuena, personal communication, stations RION, MONT, CART, BUCM, VDUP, and URIB
2001) (Fig. 3). have a greater eastward component to their velocity vectors,
East of the Colombia-Ecuador trench, the coastal which is significant to at least 500 km from the trench and
stations MANT, PAJA, MUIS, ESME, and TUMA have probably related to the ongoing Panama-Colombia colli-
vectors with a significant eastern component, though sion (Kellogg and Vega, 1995). Stations VDUP and
much smaller than the velocity vector measured for the BUCM in Colombia, which are approximately 500 km
subducting Nazca plate, whereas motions at the more north- from the collision zone, again show a significant northern
erly coastal sites, BUEN and BRSL, have a much smaller component along with the eastern component. Stations
eastern component. The motion of the coastal sites suggests ELBA and MERI in Venezuela, which are much farther
that some of the Nazca plate velocity is transferred directly from the Panama-Colombia collision zone, have similar
to the overriding continental plate south of latitude 2ºN. The vectors to those between 2ºN and 6ºN. Five station vectors
velocity vectors of the more eastern stations in Ecuador and in Panama, DAVI, CRIT, FLAM, ALBR, and CREP, and
southern Colombia decrease eastward until measured velo- three vectors in Costa Rica, LIMO, BRAT, and MANZ, give
cities relative to stable South America are statistically not the relative magnitude and direction of the ongoing
distinguishable from zero at LAGO, CONE, and VILL, east Panama-South America collision and imply relatively
of the Eastern Andes frontal fault zone. uniform translation of the Panama block. Two sites in
North and east of station TUMA, between latitudes 2ºN western Costa Rica (LIBE and ETCG) have distinctly
160 R. Trenkamp et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 15 (2002) 157-171
Fig. 3. Station velocity vectors relative to stable South America at 95% confidence using the data from the 1991, 1994, 1996, and 1998 CASA campaigns. The
Cocos Island vector (COCO) was calculated relative to South America using a vector reported in Freymueller et al. (1993). Location of the COCO vector has
been shifted to maintain the clarity of the figure.
different motions from those in eastern Costa Rica and strike-slip motion (Renneberg, 1983). Based on earthquake
Panama. These vectors provide some control on the western focal mechanisms Pennington (1981) proposes that trans-
extent of the Panama microplate. The sole vector for the pressive right-lateral slip is occurring on the westward-
stable Caribbean plate, SANA, suggests continuing slow dipping faults of the East Andean frontal fault system
subduction of the Caribbean plate under northern Colombia while the North Andes Block is moving NNE relative to
and Panama. the South American plate. The DGM is a system of north-
east-trending, right-lateral strike-slip faults and north-trend-
ing thrust faults. Slip rates, based on morphology changes,
4. Discussion along a splay of the Pallatanga fault in the central Ecuador-
ian Andes are reported as 3-4.5 mm/a (Winter et al., 1993).
4.1. Oblique subduction at the Ecuador trench and escape of Seismic activity of the Iliniza fault, which is subparallel to
the North Andes and approximately 70 km to the north of the Pallatanga
fault, is similar to that of the Pallatanga fault and probably
The North Andes Block is delineated by the Bocono fault, has a similar slip rate (Rugo Yepes, Escuela Politecnica
East Andean fault system and the Dolores Guayaquil mega- Nacional, Ecuador, personal communication, 1991). Slip
shear (DGM) to the east, the South Caribbean deformed rates are estimated as 7 ± 3 mm/a along the Rio-Chin-
belt on the north, and the Colombia-Ecuador trench and gual-La Sofia fault at the Ecuador-Colombia border, on
Panama on the west (Bowin, 1976; Pennington, 1981; the basis of offsets of dated pyroclastic flows (Ego et al.,
Kellogg et al., 1985; Adamek et al., 1988; Ego et al., 1996). Tibaldi and Leon (2000) estimate a right-lateral
1996; Gutscher et al., 1999) (Figs. 1 and 2). Schubert displacement rate of 15-16 mm/a in northern Ecuador and
(1982) describes the Bocono fault in Venezuela as a right- 13 mm/a in southern Colombia using morphological offsets
lateral strike-slip fault that runs through the Merida Andes. across several faults that correspond to the East Andean
Small-scale geodetic networks in the Merida Andes indicate Frontal fault system. Earthquake slip rate estimates, offset
compression normal to the Bocono fault, in addition to the glacial moraines, and Quaternary fault morphology suggest
R. Trenkamp et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 15 (2002) 157-171 161
Fig. 4. Observed vectors relative to South America in the area of the great 1906 earthquake, which ruptured an over 500 km-long segment of the Colombia-
Ecuador forearc. The 1942, 1958, and 1979 earthquake sequence reruptured the 1906 rupture zone. Rupture zones shown are after Kanamori and McNally
that the northern Andes are moving northeastward relative geomorphic observations (Tibaldi and Leon, 2000). This
to stable South America at 4-10 mm/a along the Bocono slowing may be related to the slowing Nazca-South
fault in the Merida Andes of Venezuela (Schubert, 1980, America subduction rates during the same period of time
1982; Aggarwal, 1983; Lavenu et al., 1995). (Norabuena et al., 1999).
CASA GPS measurements are consistent with rapid Transition of the boundary of the North Andes Block
subduction of the Nazca plate and Carnegie aseismic ridge from the DGM in the south to the East Andean Frontal
at the Ecuador trench beneath stable South America and Fault system takes place on faults in and to the north of
show that the direction of this motion is oblique to the the Inter-Andean Valley (Lavenu et al., 1995; Ego et al.,
Colombia-Ecuador margin. As a result, the Andean margin 1996; Gutscher et al., 1999). Four CASA sites (JERS,
is undergoing shortening perpendicular to the margin, and LATA, AMBT, and RIOP) are located from north to south
as predicted, the North Andes Block appears to be 'escap- within this transition zone. The measured velocity vectors
ing' to the northeast parallel to the margin (Jarrard, 1986; rotate clockwise from north to south (Fig. 4). These motions
Beck, 1991; McCaffrey, 1992). Relative to station BOGO, are interpreted to indicate distributed right-lateral motion
seven stations in the North Andes-LATA, JERS, PAST, along a fault zone between RIOB and JERS or elastic defor-
BUEN, BUCM, URIB, and MERI-have statistically zero mation from a single locked fault.
motion at two sigma. The velocity at BOGO relative to The large eastern component of motion at sites in this
South America (6 ± 2 mm/a) is therefore interpreted as transition zone is hypothesized to be due to permanent
approximating the velocity of the North Andes Block shortening related to the East Andean Frontal Fault system.
relative to stable South America. This rate is less than the The residual motions of other sites on the North Andes
average North Andes-South America transcurrent motion Block, which indicate deviations from coherent rigid plate
rate for the Pleistocene, as measured by surficial behavior, are discussed in detail later.
162 R. Trenkamp et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 15 (2002) 157-171
Table 1
Summary information for the major earthquakes shown in Figs. 1 and 4 (source 1: Rarvard CMT solution 2000; source 2: Kanamori and McNally (1982))
Date Longitude (degrees) Latitude (degrees) Depth (km) Mo (1020 Nm) Ms Source
4.2. Earthquake strain accumulation at the Ecuador trench ability for a large M( s > 7.5 earthquake
) in the same area
during the 10-year period ending in 2002.
Rapid subduction of the oceanic Nazca plate and aseismic Several sites of the CASA network are well situated to
Carnegie ridge (Fig. 3) (58 ± 2 mm/a) is occurring at the measure the strain release in the event of a large earthquake
Colombia-Ecuador trench. The forearc north of the Carne- in the area of the 1906 rupture zone and, more important, the
gie ridge is historically seismically active (Kelleher, 1972; strain that must be accumulating that would be capable of
Kanamori and McNally, 1982; Mendoza and Dewey, 1984; producing such an event. Three CASA vectors at sites near
Ruff, 1996; Swenson and Beck, 1996). During the 20th the coast at the Ecuador-Colombia border, at Muisne (MUIS)
century, a sequence of four great (Ms > 7.5 ), subduction- and Esmeraldas (ESME) in Ecuador and Tumaco (TUMA) in
related earthquakes occurred. The first and largest event of Colombia, have large east-northeast motion relative to stable
this series occurred in 1906 ( Mw=8.8 )and, according to South America (Figs. 3 and 4). Motion at the two sites in
intensity reports and strong macroseismic activity, had a Ecuador average 21 mm/a relative to South America, whereas
rupture length of 500 km (Kelleher, 1972; Kanamori and motion at the more northerly site in Colombia is 15 mm/a
McNally, 1982). Kanamori and McNally (1982), using relative to South America. Differences in the rates at these
aftershock sequences to determine rupture areas, find that three sites are probably purely related to distance from the
three smaller events in 1942 (Mw = 7.9), 1958 (Mw = 7.8), trench, as all are within the rupture zone of the 1906 earth-
and 1979 ( Mw = )
8.2 appear to have reruptured most of the quake. The direction of the movement of these sites relative to
thrust fault plate boundary segment that ruptured during the stable South America is consistent with the direction of the
1906 event. Rowever, the total of the seismic moments of subducting Nazca plate and Carnegie ridge, but the vectors
the three events was barely 15% of the moment release have a smaller magnitude, which suggests that the motion
during the 1906 event (Table 1) (Kanamori and McNally, reflects the partial transfer of motion of the subducting slab
1982; Mendoza and Dewey, 1984). Nishenko (1989), study- to the overriding continental plate. We hypothesize that the
ing earthquake zones on the Pacific Rim, estimated a 60- velocities of these coastal sites relative to South America
90% time-dependent probability for the recurrence of either reflect two modes of deformation approximately parallel to
a large (7.0 < Ms < 7.7) or great (Ms > 7.7)shallow-plate the direction of Nazca-South America convergence:
boundary earthquake during the 10-year period 1989-1999,
and Papadimitriou (1993), studying only segments along the 1. Deformation due to elastic recoverable strain accumulation
western coast of South and Central America and using a associated with the seismic cycle at a locked or partially
time-predictable model, gave a 68% time-dependent prob- locked subduction zone interface, and
R. Trenkamp et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 15 (2002) 157-171 163
Fig. 5. a. CASA geodetic data at one standard error compared with elastic half-space models. A convergence rate of 58 mm/a was determined by repeat
measurements of the Galapagos site (GALA). Shortening is modeled as 6 mm/a distributed as 3 mm/a on an east-dipping Inter-Andean fault (IAF) and 3 mm/a
on a generalized west-dipping thrust (OF) in the Oriente Basin. The IAF dips at about 20º to the east and is assumed locked from 0 to 10 km depth (Lavenu et
al., 1995). The modeled eastern thrust fault dips at 30º to the west and is locked from 0 to 20 km depth. Aseismic slip refers to that percentage of the slip
accommodated aseismically at the subduction zone. b. Fault model for cross section B-BI. Line is located in Fig. 2.
2. Motion due to permanent shortening associated with mined by Kelleher (1972) and Kanamori and McNally
active faulting in the Inter-Andean and East Andean (1982). Tichelaar and Ruff (1991) estimated similar lock-
frontal fault systems several hundred kilometers east of ing depths (36-53 km) for subduction zones in the
the subduction zone. central and southern Andes.
Combining the approach of Savage (1983) with a bound-
To test this hypothesis, the elastic strain in northern ary element modeling program (3D-DEF; Gomberg and
Ecuador and southern Colombia due to a locked subduc- Ellis, 1994), eastward surface strain is modeled by imposing
tion zone along the Colombia-Ecuador trench can be back slip on a velocity field defined by the plate conver-
estimated using an elastic half-space model for a locked gence, similar to the approach outlined by Leffler et al.
dipping thrust fault (Savage, 1983). The estimation of the (1997). The rate determined by the CASA project at
dip related to the locked seismic zone (Fig. 5b) is based GALA (58 mm/a) is used to simulate the locked segment.
on seismicity (Pennington, 1981) and gravity and seismic Various models with 40 and 50 km locking depths were run
refraction models (Meissner et al., 1976; Kellogg and to compare models in which the entire east-west conver-
Vega, 1995). Maximum locking depths are estimated at gence is accommodated on the locked subduction interface
40 km for the 1942, 1958, and 1979 earthquakes and at (0% aseismic slip), models in which part of the slip on the
50 km for the 1906 earthquake, following those deter- subduction interface is accommodated aseismically (partial
164 R. Trenkamp et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 15 (2002) 157-171
Table 2
CASA vectors relative to South America fixed reference frame, showing east and north components with one sigma errors
Site Longitude Latitude East (mm/a) North (mm/a) C (E) (mm/a) C (N) (mm/a)
decoupling), and models in which some of the convergence (0% aseismic slip) overestimate the GPS observations in the
is accommodated on thrust faults within and east of the near trench stations. Models without permanent shortening
Andes mountains (Figs. 2 and 5) (Lavenu et al., 1995). underestimate the GPS observations for the eastern stations.
The CASA stations were projected parallel to the trench, A model with 50% locking (29 mm/a) plus 6 mm/a short-
to the east-west profile (B-BI, Fig. 2), so that the east-west ening on the eastern faults fits most of the observations well
distances between trench and stations were conserved. at 1 sigma confidence (Fig. 5a). These results are similar to
Shortening was modeled as 6 mm/a distributed as 3 mm/a those obtained by Norabuena et al. (1998) for the central
on an east-dipping fault (IAF) within the Inter-Andean Andes of Peru and Bolivia, who measured approximately
depression, approximately 320 km from the trench, dipping 30-40 mm/a of locking and 10-15 mm/a of crustal short-
at 18ºE, and locked from 0 to 10 km, and on a generalized ening at the sub-Andean foreland fold and thrust belt. At the
west-dipping thrust (OF) in the Oriente Basin dipping 30ºW northern end of the 1906 rupture zone (Fig. 4), no significant
and locked from 0 to 20 km (Fig. 5b). locking is required to explain the motions of Buenaventura
The range of realistic locking depths seems to have a (BUEN), Cali (CALI), and Popayan (PPYN), Colombia
minimal effect on the model results. Fully locked models (Fig. 5a).
R. Trenkamp et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 15 (2002) 157-171 165
Fig. 6. a. CASA geodetic data at one standard error compared with elastic half-space models with various shallow dip angles on the AUFZ. The 25 mm/a
Panama-South America convergence rate was determined using the average of four stations from the relatively aseismic stable Panama: CRIT, ALBR,
FLAM, and CREP. The displacement includes 3 mm/a shortening on a generalized thrust fault in the EAF system and 3 mm/a eastward component of the
strike-slip motion associated with the escape of the North Andes Block. b. East-west cross section A-AI of the collisional zone. Profile location is shown in
Fig. 2.
Our shortening estimate (6 mm/a) is higher than the slow 4.3. Island arc-continent collision, Panama-Colombia
rate of Andean shortening inferred from seismic data (1.4-
2.1 mm/a) by Suarez et al. (1983). The seismic estimate Panama and northern Colombia provide a unique oppor-
does not include aseismic deformation, and the sampling tunity to study the kinematics and mechanics of an active
period may have missed infrequent, very large earthquakes. island arc-continent collision zone. The timing of the initial
The observed strain accumulation and time since the last collision of Panama with northern Colombia is not well
great earthquake in the region support the high conditional constrained, and different models span an interval of time
probability of a large or great earthquake in the near future from 12 to 20 Ma (Lonsdale and Klitgord, 1978; Keigwin,
(Nishenko, 1989; Papadimitriou, 1993). Assuming a 50% 1978, 1982; Wadge and Burke, 1983; Keller et al., 1989;
locked plate interface since the last large earthquake on Duque-Caro, 1990; Kellogg and Vega, 1995). The Panama-
the southern rupture zone in 1942, seismic slip has accumu- Colombia border area is a tectonically complex region that
lated at a rate of approximately 29 mm/a for a total of 1.7 m. lies between the North Panama Deformed Belt and the
If the accumulated slip is released as a single event, the Colombia-Ecuador trench (Fig. 2) in which more than 60
expected magnitude would be Mw =7.5 - 7.7, using earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 or larger occurred between
empirical scaling relations (Kanamori, 1983), which 1963 and 1981. Studies of seismicity in the border region
would be similar to the 1942 or 1958 events but smaller and offshore suggest that east-west compression has
than the 1979 event. produced an area of diffuse and complex faulting along
166 R. Trenkamp et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 15 (2002) 157-171
northwest-to-northeast-trending strike-slip and thrust faults Proposed models for crustal deformation within Panama
(Pennington, 1981; Adamek et al., 1988). include a flexural beam (Silver et al., 1990), distributed left-
On October 17 and 18, 1992, a deadly sequence of two lateral slip (Mann and Corrigan, 1990), a diffuse plate
large shallow crustal earthquakes (M =s 6.6 and M=s 7.3) boundary accommodating deformation over a broad area
occurred near Murindo in northwestern Colombia (Table 2 (Jordan, 1975; Wadge and Burke, 1983), and the interaction
and Fig. 1, #8-9). The 'best' fitting focal mechanism for the of rigid microplates (Pennington, 1981; Adamek et al.,
smaller event was a northeast-trending thrust event, whereas 1988; Kellogg et al., 1989; Kellogg and Vega, 1995).
the larger event was associated with strike-slip motion on an Relative to ALBR, vectors in Panama suggest that the
inferred north-trending fault (Li and Toksoz, 1993; Wallace central, virtually aseismic section of Panama (Figs. 1 and
and Beck, 1993; Ammon et al., 1994). These focal mechan- 3) is moving rigidly, whereas the DAVI vector in western
isms are consistent with compression normal to the Panama shows a northeast velocity. The vector at DAVI can
Panama-North Andes suture (Freymueller et al., 1993). be explained as elastic strain accumulation from the locked
Evidence for active Panama-North Andes collision was subduction of the Cocos Ridge under Central America
first reported by Kellogg and Vega (1995), and estimates of (Lundgren et al., 1999).
the total shortening exceed 150 km (Colletta et al., 1990). Seismicity and GPS measurements in Panama and north-
Relative to a fixed South America reference frame, four ern Colombia neither support an actively flexing Panama
well-determined vectors in Panama (CRIT, ALBR, FLAM, (Silver et al., 1990), nor an active left-lateral shearing
and CREP) demonstrate the ongoing collision of the Panama (Mann and Corrigan, 1990), though geology suggests that
microplate with the North Andes Block at an average of both have been important deformation mechanisms in the
25 mm/a. The large eastern components of the vectors in geologic past. Seismicity (Marshall et al., 2000) and GPS
northern Colombia (CART, MONT, RION, VDUP, and results confirm a rigid Panama microplate that includes
BUCM) suggest the transfer of motion from the Panama much of Costa Rica, as has been proposed by several
microplate collision. In the ongoing collision, the mechanical authors (Kellogg and Vega, 1995; Lundgren et al., 1999)
behavior of the Panama arc can be approximated as a rigid (Fig. 1). The measured velocities of the sites on the Nazca
indenter. The wide continental plate boundary zone in Colom- plate relative to the Panama microplate (Fig. 3) are consis-
bia appears to be compressing normal to the suture zone at the tent with left-lateral slip on a fault south of Panama, as
Panama-Colombia boundary. Monteria (MONT) (Fig. 3), proposed by Jordan (1975) and described by Westbrook et
120 km east of the suture, is moving eastward at al. (1995). The relative velocities of the sites on the Nazca
16 ± 3 mm/a. The deformation appears to extend up to plate (MALS and GALA) are consistent with a single Euler
600 km from the suture into the continental crust. vector for the Nazca plate (Trenkamp and Kellogg, in prep.)
Deformation in northern Colombia due to the Panama and do not require nonrigid behavior of the northern Nazca
collision can also be approximated by elastic half-space plate, as was suggested by Wolters (1986) and Adamek et al.
models for a locked dipping thrust fault (Savage, 1983; (1988), and Kellogg and Vega (1995). The hypothesis of a
Gomberg and Ellis, 1994). An estimated maximum locking separate microplate between the Nazca plate and the
depth of 40 km is based on microseismicity studies near the Panama-Costa Rica microplate defined by motion along
Panama-Colombia suture zone that determined changes in Rey's (1977) fault north of Malpelo Island cannot be tested
focal mechanisms at approximately 36 km, coincident with with the available data.
the crust mantle boundary (Rutchings et al., 1981). All The northeastward displacement vectors for the three
models assume that the entire east-west convergence is sites in southeastern Costa Rica (Fig. 3) are indistinguish-
accommodated on the locked interface (no aseismic slip) able from the vector for David (DAVI) in western Panama.
at the Atrato-Uraba Fault Zone (AUFZ) (A-AI , Figs. 2 These displacements can be interpreted as the result of the
and 6b). Shortening is estimated as 3 mm/a locking on thrust eastward motion of the Panama microplate, plus elastic
faults in the East Andean Frontal fault (EAF) system and locking associated with the subduction of the Cocos
3 mm/a through-going displacement of the strike-slip Ridge. The anomalous Limon (LIMO) displacement may
motion associated with the northward-directed escape of include post-seismic slip from the 1991 earthquake. The
the North Andes Block. two sites in northwest Costa Rica, LIBE and ETCG, are
Models without shortening do not fit the observed east- moving in a distinct WNW direction relative to the Panama
ward displacements of BUCM, VDUP, and URIB (Fig. 6a). microplate. We therefore locate the western boundary of the
To model the motion observed at URIB, permanent short- Panama microplate between ETCG and VUEL. This bound-
ening and northeastward escape on eastern faults are esti- ary coincides with a seismic zone of left-lateral strike-slip
mated to be about 6 mm/a. Near field sites MONT, CART, motion recognized by Fan et al. (1993).
and RION are well modeled by a locked low-angle (13-15º
thrust fault (AUFZ). The Valedupar (VDUP) and Bucara- 4.4. Caribbean plate subduction
manga (BUCM) vectors are not well matched by the models
but may reflect unmodeled deformation produced by the The Caribbean plate interacts directly with at least three
Panama collision and Caribbean oblique subduction. lithospheric plates: North America, South America, and
R. Trenkamp et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 15 (2002) 157-171 167
Cocos (Fig. 1), and many models have been proposed for bean subduction and Panama-North Andes collision or
Caribbean neotectonics (Jordan, 1975; Ladd, 1976; Burke et permanent eastward shear deformation of the South Carib-
al., 1984; Stein et al., 1988; Mann et al., 1990; DeMets et al., bean deformed belt..
1994; Deng and Sykes, 1995). Of these interactions, one of CASA GPS measurements show a 7 ± 2 mm/a south-
the most controversial problems in Caribbean tectonics is westward convergence between the Caribbean plate
the location of the Caribbean-South American plate bound- (SANA) and the Panama microplate. This southwest
ary. Several studies of historical seismicity place the south- convergence produced the April 1991 Costa Rica earth-
western Caribbean-South American boundary along the quake M ( s 7.5
= (Goes
) et al., 1993; Lundgren et al.,
Bocono fault in the Venezuelan Andes (Dewey, 1972; 1993; Protti and Schwartz, 1994; Suarez et al., 1995), active
Aggarwal, 1983). Focal mechanisms along the southeastern folding in the north Panama deformed belt (Silver et al.,
Caribbean margin suggest right-lateral transpression with 1995), and a south-dipping Wadati-Benioff zone beneath
slow abduction of the southern Caribbean plate onto South Panama (Adamek et al., 1988; Protti et al., 1994; Mann and
America (Perez and Aggarwal, 1981; Speed, 1985). Seismic Kolarsky, 1995; Silver et al., 1995).
reflection and gravity surveys expose a major folded sedi- Pleistocene activity on the Santa Marta-Bucaramanga
mentary basin south of the Venezuelan and Colombian fault system (Fig. 2) is shown by deformed terraces and
topographic basins from the Magdalena Delta to the Los offset stream patterns (Campbell, 1968). Although we do
Roques Canyon (Edgar et al., 1971; Case, 1974). Multi- not have direct measurements across the Santa Marta-
channel seismic reflection profiles across this south Carib- Bucaramanga fault, a relative left-lateral displacement of
bean deformed belt show that Caribbean acoustic basement up to 6 ± 2 mm/a is possible. This estimate is the vector
has underthrust the deformed belt ( Silver et al., 1975; difference between Cartagena (CART) and Valledupar
Bowin, 1976; Talwani et al., 1977; Lu and McMillen, (VDUP) and between Bucaramanga (BUCM) and El
1982; Lehner et al., 1983; Ladd et al., 1984). Folding of Batey (ELBA) parallel to the fault.
the youngest sediments and the presence of a large isostatic
negative gravity anomaly over the Curacao Ridge suggest
active deformation. Furthermore, Dewey (1972) and 5. Summary and conclusions
Pennington (1981) recognized a zone of earthquakes
dipping about 20º to the southeast and terminating 200 km CASA GPS measurements show that rapid subduction
below the Maracaibo Basin. Kellogg and Bonini (1982) and of the Nazca plate is occurring along the length of the
Toto and Kellogg (1992) interpreted these earthquakes as a Colombia-Ecuador trench. The subduction appears to be
Benioff zone produced by slow amagmatic subduction of accommodated differently from south to north along the
Caribbean lithosphere. This interpretation is supported by trench, probably due to the influence of the subduction of
seismic tomographic evidence for a south-dipping, high the Carnegie aseismic ridge in Ecuador and southern
velocity slab (van der Rilst and Mann, 1994), studies of Colombia. Coastal sites in Ecuador and southern Colom-
intermediate depth seismicity (Malave and Suarez, 1995), bia (MANT, PAJA, MUIS, ESME, and TUMA) show
microseismicity (Perez et al., 1997), and the structure of significant transfer of the motion of the subducting slab
northern and eastern Venezuela (Lallemant, 1997). to the overriding plate and are characterized by large
CASA GPS measurements show oblique east-southeast eastward components to their relative motion vectors.
convergence of 20 ± 2 mm/a between the Caribbean island These vectors are hypothesized to reflect two modes of
San Andres (SANA) and stable South America (Fig. 3). This deformation, elastic recoverable strain and active faulting
result is consistent with the angular velocity vector for associated with permanent shortening, and suggest a
Caribbean-South American relative motion based on GPS possible rationale for the repeat sequences of great earth-
results from eight Caribbean sites and five South American quakes. Sites in central western Colombia (BUEN and
sites (51.5ºN, -65.7ºE, 0.272º/m.y.) of Weber et al. (2001). BRSL) have a minimal eastern component to their
Our results and the Weber et al. (2001) velocity vector are vectors and have not historically experienced great earth-
also consistent with the GPS results of Perez et al. (2001) for quakes.
the Caribbean-Venezuelan margin, which indicates east- Convergence rates along the Colombia-Ecuador trench
west dextral displacement of about 20 mm/a. Lateral escape and the transferred motion to the North Andes, escaping
of the North Andes Block to the northeast along the rigidly at 6 ± 2 mm/a to the northeast, support the inference
Bocono-East Andes-DGM fault system at 6 ± 2 mm/a that present plate velocities have slowed relative to time-
increases the southward component of the Caribbean- averaged plate motions (Norabuena et al., 1999). The
North Andes relative motion. The relative Caribbean observed permanent Andean shortening normal to the
(SANA)-North Andes (BOGO) vector is 14 ± 2 mm/a to margin and consistent northeastward escape of the northern
the southeast. Southeastward motion at two sites on the Andes parallel to the margin for more than 1400 km from
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and Cartegena (CART), relative to the North Andes lel strength of the North Andes is much greater than its
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