Lukoil Factbook2007eng
Lukoil Factbook2007eng
Lukoil Factbook2007eng
LUKOIL in Russia
LUKOIL today ..........................................................................................................................................18
Reserves and production ..........................................................................................................................19
Oil refining ................................................................................................................................................21
Export of oil and petroleum products ......................................................................................................23
Corporate governance
Company management structure ............................................................................................................63
Committees of the Board of Directors ....................................................................................................64
Eastern and Western Europe, nearabroad countries and the USA.
Shell 11.6
LUKOIL today is:
Total 10.7
1.3% of world oil reserves
2.3% of world oil production
ConocoPhillips 9.4
The largest privately owned oil & gas company in the world by proved reserves
of oil
2nd largest privately owned oil & gas company in the world by proved
hydrocarbon reserves
Hydrocarbon production by
4th largest privately owned oil & gas company in the world by oil production
major international private oil & gas
companies (2006), mln boe per day 6th largest privately owned oil & gas company in the world by hydrocarbon
Repsol YPF 1.10
ENI 1.74
LUKOIL does business in more than 30 countries worldwide*. In particular, the
ConocoPhillips 1.94 Company:
ExxonMobil 4.24
Retails petroleum products in 22 countries
0 1 2 3 4 5
* Including projects acquired in the first half of 2007.
Company securities are traded in 4 countries on stock exchanges and Shell 8.0
the OTC market
Company securities are the most liquid corporate stocks of foreign issuers Total 7.7
traded on the London Stock Exchange (IOB system)
Repsol YPF 5.7
Performance of LUKOIL share price compared with the Bloomberg Oils
Index of major international oil companies (2006), % 0 5 10 15
Repsol YPF 13.6
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
ConocoPhillips 18.3
LUKOIL Bloomberg Oils
ENI 19.1
Countries where LUKOIL securities are traded
Total 21.1
United Kingdom
BP 21.7
Shell 22.3
Chevron 22.6
ExxonMobil 32.9
0 7 14 21 28 35
Venezuela Bulgaria
Colombia Cyprus
Saudi Arabia
Exploration Egypt
Production or preparation
for production
Refining at own refineries
4 5
We aim to support longterm economic growth, social stability, prosperity and progress in
the regions where we operate, as well as caring for the environment and ensuring
sustainable use of natural resources.
1991 1998
The state oil company LangepasUrayKogalymneft is set up by The Company acquires the Romanian oil refinery Petrotel and
decree of the USSR Council of Ministers. The new Company limited liability company Stavrolen in Russia, and enters the
unites three oil producing enterprises (Langepasneftegaz, D222 project in Azerbaijan.
Urayneftegaz, Kogalymneftegaz) and three oil refineries (Perm,
Volgograd and Novoufimsk). 1999
The Company acquires controlling stakes of public jointstock
1993 company KomiTEK, the Odessa Refinery (Ukraine), Ukhta
LUKOIL is created as a public jointstock company by decree of Refinery, limited liability company Saratovnefteorgsintez and the
the Russian Government. Its share capital consists of controlling Burgas Refinery in Bulgaria.
stakes in production, refining and marketing enterprises. The
Company's privatization plan is approved and a first issue of 2000
LUKOIL shares is registered. The Company buys Getty Petroleum Marketing Inc. of the USA,
which owns about 1,300 filling stations in the NorthEast USA.
1994 LUKOIL and the company Oriana jointly find the
The first stage of privatization is completed, and trading of the petrochemicals enterprise, LUKOR, as a private jointstock
Company's shares on the secondary market begins. The company. Public jointstock company RITEK and limited liability
Company enters the Azeri – Chirag – Guneshli project in company LUKOILPerm are consolidated.
1995 The Company buys the public jointstock company
A Russian Government decree transfers controlling stakes in Yamalneftegazdobycha, which has licenses to use
9 production, marketing and service companies in Western subsoil resources in the Bolshekhetskaya Depression. The
Siberia, the Volga Region and the Urals to LUKOIL. LUKOIL Company acquires a controlling stake of the Nizhny Novgorod
Group shifts to a single share. Atlantic Richfield Company Refinery. LUKOIL also acquires controlling stakes of the public
(ARCO) of the USA becomes a major shareholder and strategic jointstock company Arkhangelskgeoldobycha and of several
partner of LUKOIL. The Company enters international projects: small companies (limited liability company Kharyaganeft, public
Kumkol in Kazakhstan and Meleiha in Egypt. jointstock company Bitran, private jointstock company Baitek
Silur, and limited liability company AmKomi), which have
1996 licenses for development of fields in TimanPechora. Preferred
ADRs based on LUKOIL shares are placed on the shares are converted to common shares at a conversion rate of
international market. The Company enters the Shakh Deniz 1:1. The Company enters the WEEM project in Egypt.
project in Azerbaijan.
1997 The Company begins a restructuring program, targeted at
The Company enters the Karachaganak and Tengiz efficiency improvements and increase of shareholder value.
projects in Kazakhstan and the West Qurnah2 project in Iraq. LUKOIL becomes the first Russian company with a full
Consolidation of main subsidiaries of LUKOIL is completed via secondary listing on the London Stock Exchange. A 5.9%
exchange of their shares for shares of the Company. government stake in LUKOIL is placed on the London Stock
Exchange. LUKOIL acquires the limited liability companies reserves in the TimanPechora oil & gas province. LUKOIL and
UralOil and KomiQuest. The Company enters the Condor project the Kazakh oil & gas company KazMunaiGaz sign founding
in Colombia. documents of a joint venture, Caspian Oil & Gas Company, for
development of the Khvalynskoye field (Caspian Sea). LUKOIL
2003 buys 51% minus one share in Primorieneftegaz which has a
A purchase and sale agreement is signed with Rosneft for the license for geological study of the Poimenny block on which
assets of the following companies: public jointstock company large gas condensate field, TsentralnoAstrakhanskoye, was
Arkhangelskgeoldobycha, private jointstock company Rosshelf discovered in 2004. The Company acquires the Finnish
and limited liability company Polar Lights. LUKOIL completes companies Oy Teboil Ab and Suomen Petrooli Oy engaged in
consolidation of limited liability company LUKOILPerm, public petroleum product wholesale and retail sale as well as in
jointstock companies Komineft, Ukhtaneft, Tebukneft, and production and sale of lubricants. As part of its restructuring
YaNTK, and private jointstock companies LUKOILAIK and program LUKOIL sells a 38% interest in GlobalstroyEngineering
Investnafta. LUKOIL buys controlling stake of the private and a 100% share in Arcticneft. Largescale reconstruction and
jointstock company RKMoil. LUKOIL acquires 79.5% of shares modernization is begun at the Odessa Refinery. The Company
in the Serbian company Beopetrol, which controls about 20% of exits the ZykhGovsany project in Azerbaijan.
the retail fuel market in Serbia. The Company's stake in the
Azeri – Chirag – Guneshli project is sold. The Company enters 2006
the West and NorthEast Geisum projects in Egypt and the
Anaran project in Iran. January
LUKOIL begins exploration drilling at the Block A contract
2004 territory in Saudi Arabia. The first exploration well is at the dome
LUKOIL enters the TyubKaragan and Atashsky projects on the of the Tukhman structure and will be drilled to a depth of 4,800
Caspian shelf (Kazakhstan), the Block A gas project in Saudi meters.
Arabia and the Kandym – Khauzak – Shady gas project in
Uzbekistan. LUKOIL increases its ownership of LUKAgip to February
100% by acquisition of 50% previously owned by ENI Group. LUKOIL begins production of gasoline that meets Euro3
The PetrotelLUKOIL refinery is relaunched following standard at the Nizhny Novgorod Refinery. Production of Euro3
modernization. LUKOIL acquires 779 filling stations from gasoline was made possible by commissioning of an
ConocoPhillips in the US states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. isomerization facility at the refinery with 440,000 tons annual
Production begins at the Kravtsovskoye field on the shelf of the capacity.
Baltic Sea. A new transshipment complex is brought into
operation at Vysotsk. LUKOIL sells 100% of limited liability LUKOIL and the National Iranian Oil Company sign a contract on
company LUKOILDrilling. A decision is taken to sell joint geological and geophysical work at Iran's Mogan and Lali
controlling stakes in the public jointstock company oil & gas blocks.
Petrocommerce Bank and in the private jointstock
companies LUKOILNeftegazstroi and Arcticneft. ConocoPhillips April
acquires 7.6% of LUKOIL common shares, which were Fitch international rating agency awards a credit rating to LUKOIL
previously owned by the Russian Federal Government, putting for the first time. The agency rates the Company at BBB
LUKOIL in 100% private ownership. LUKOIL and ConocoPhillips (investment grade).
announce creation of a largescale strategic alliance.
LUKOIL and the company Naftan set up a 5050 joint venture, for
production and sale of modern, economically efficient additives
2005 for motor oils under the LUKOIL brand. The JV will meet up to
The Nakhodkinskoye gas field (YamalNenets Autonomous 80% of LUKOIL's needs in additives for motor oil production.
District) is commissioned. LUKOIL discovers the V. Filanovsky oil
and gas condensate field on the shelf of the Caspian Sea with LUKOIL begins sales in Russia of new gasolines under the EKTO
probable and possible reserves of more than 750 mln boe. The brand (environmentally friendly fuels). The new gasolines meet
Company acquires in Nelson Resources Limited which has Euro3 standard and surpass Russian legal requirements.
interests in four production projects in Kazakhstan. LUKOIL
acquires a 66% stake in Geoilbent which develops fields in June
Western Siberia. The Group buys the remaining 50% in LUKOIL acquires 41.81% of shares in Udmurtnefteprodukt,
SeverTEK developing fields in Nenets Autonomous District and which controls over 60% of the petroleum product market in the
in the Komi Republic. LUKOIL and ConocoPhillips set up a joint Republic of Udmurtia (the company has a network of 100 filling
venture, Naryanmarneftegaz, for development of hydrocarbon stations and 9 tank farms). Value of the transaction is $25 million.
The international rating agency, Moody's Investors Service, in Macedonia in the next four years.
raises LUKOIL's corporate credit rating by two notches, from
Ba1 to Baa2, which is the second investment grade. LUKOIL completes construction of the third stage of its
transshipping complex at Vysotsk. Design capacity of the termi
LUKOIL acquires 100% of the share capital of KhantyMansiysk nal is nearly 15 million tons of petroleum products per year.
Oil Corporation from Marathon Oil Corporation for $847 million
(including $249 million repayment of KhantyMansiysk Oil October
Corporation debt). Subsidiaries of KhantyMansiysk Oil LUKOIL and the Angolan oil & gas company Sonangol sign a
Corporation operate at nine license areas on both banks of the memorandum of mutual understanding. The document gives
Ob River in KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District (Russia). LUKOIL the opportunity to take part in geological exploration
projects on the Angolan continental shelf.
LUKOIL and the Norwegian company, Norsk Hydro, win
exclusive negotiating rights to further develop the Azar field (at A catalytic reforming facility with annual capacity of 1.0 million
the Anaran block in western Iran). The field has estimated tons is commissioned at the Volgograd Refinery. It replaces an
geological reserves of 2 billion barrels of oil. old reformer with 0.7 million tons annual capacity.
Commissioning of the new reformer increases gasoline output
LUKOIL and PDVSA complete the first stage of joint work to by more than 30% and raises the share of highoctane gasolines
assess hydrocarbon reserves at the Junin3 block, located in the from 60% to 83%.
heavy oil belt of the Orinoco River (Venezuela). The work
provides detailed grounds for viewing Junin3 as one of the main The Perm Refinery opens a new automated terminal, which is
blocks in the extensive oil province, located in the east of the first stage of a new complex for production, packaging,
Venezuela. storage and delivery of lubricants.
LUKOIL begins production drilling at the Khauzak contract Main principles of LUKOIL's strategic development in
territory in the Dengizkulskoye gas field as part of the 2007–2016 are presented to the business community. The
Kandym – Khauzak – Shady project in southwestern Uzbekistan. strategy plan aims to make LUKOIL one of the leading global
A total of 37 new production wells will be drilled at this territory. energy companies and places chief emphasis on accelerating
Peak annual production will exceed 10 billion cubic meters of business growth and maximizing shareholder value.
July LUKOIL signs an agreement with KazMunaiGaz and Repsol
LUKOIL acquires 63% of a PSA for exploration, development Exlporacion Kazakhstan on transfer to the Group of a 25% stake
and production of hydrocarbons at the CI205 ultradeepwater in the company Zhambai, which is the PSA contractor for the
block in Cote d'Ivoire from the Nigerian company, Oranto South Zhambai and South Zaburunye offshore territories located
Petroleum International. Value of the deal is $50 million. The in the Kazakh sector of the Caspian Sea. 2D seismic work
block is adjacent to the recently discovered Baobab oil field, indicates presence of three promising structures at these
which is the biggest field in Cote d'Ivoire. territories.
Finland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The The Company begins drilling of a first stratigraphic well at the
acquired stations are highly efficient: their average daily fuel Junin3 block in Venezuela. Commencement of drilling marks
sales are 9.9 tons, which is 40% more than the Group average. the start of the second stage of assessment and certification of
reserves at the block.
LUKOIL places two issues of nonconvertible, interestbearing
documentary bearer bonds, series 03 and 04, on the MICEX. The consortium for development of the Shakh Deniz gas
Total face value of the bonds is 14 billion roubles (about $530 condensate field, which includes LUKOIL, starts commercial
million). LUKOIL becomes the first Russian nonstate company production of hydrocarbons from the first production well.
to place bonds with sevenyear maturity. Planned production at Shakh Deniz in 2007 is about 5 billion
cubic meters of gas and 1.5 million tons of condensate.
Representative of ConocoPhillips is
elected to the BoD; changes to the
Chartrer increasing rights of minorities
are approved
restructuring program;
Russia International
Exploration & Western Siberia TimanPechora Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Egypt
Production Karachaganak Kandym – Khauzak – Shady Meleiha
LWestern Siberia LKomi
Kumkol Aral WEEM
Volga Tengiz
LSever Iran Colombia
LNizhnevolzhskneft Anaran Condor
Mogan and Lali
Urals Other KazakhoilAktobe
LPerm RITEK Iraq Shakh Deniz
Arman West Qurnah2
LKaliningradmorneft D222 (Yalama)
North Buzachi
South Zhambai Cote d’Ivoire Saudi Arabia
South Zaburunye Block А
Oil Volga Urals Bulgaria Junin3
Refining LVolgogradneftepererabotka LPermnefteorgsintez LUKOIL Neftokhim Burgas
Western Siberia Ukraine Romania
TimanPechora Uray Minirefinery LOdessa Refinery PetrotelLUKOIL
LUkhtaneftepererabotka Kogalym Minirefinery
LHungary LPoland
LVolganefteproduct LUralnefteproduct LAzerbaijan LGeorgia LTurkey
LNizhnevolzhsknefteproduct LTsentrnefteproduct LBaltic LRomania LUkraine
10 11
Regional distribution of global LUKOIL carries out geological exploration work in 9 countries
proved oil reserves (12/31/2006)
LUKOIL's share in total world oil reserves was 1.3% at the end of 2006
Proved oil reserves of LUKOIL Group have grown by 9.3% over the last
5 years
ExxonMobil 10.9
BP 9.8
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Chevron 7.8
Total 6.5 LUKOIL is in first place among major international privately owned oil & gas
companies by proved oil reserves
ConocoPhillips 5.3
LUKOIL has one of the highest average annual rates of growth of proved oil
Shell 4.2
reserves among international oil & gas companies
ENI 3.5
Countries where LUKOIL has oil reserves
Repsol YPF 1.1
0 6 12 18
Azerbaijan Uzbekistan
World 1.3
LUKOIL carries out geological exploration work in 9 countries Regional distribution of global
proved gas reserves (12/31/2006)
Africa (8%)
LUKOIL has proved gas reserves in 4 countries North America (4%)
South America (4%)
Other (9%)
LUKOIL had 26.597 tcf of proved gas reserves at the end of 2006 Middle East (41%)
LUKOIL's share in total world gas reserves was 0.4% at the end of 2006
Proved gas reserves of LUKOIL Group have grown by 2 times over the last
5 years
ExxonMobil 67.6
BP 45.9
Shell 44.1
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
LUKOIL has the 4th largest reserves of gas among major international privately
Total 25.5
owned oil & gas companies
ConocoPhillips 24.5
LUKOIL has one of the highest average annual rates of growth of proved gas
reserves among international oil & gas companies Chevron 22.9
ENI 17.0
Countries where LUKOIL has gas reserves
Repsol YPF 9.3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Azerbaijan Uzbekistan
World 0.8
0 5 10 15 20
* 9 major international privately owned
oil & gas companies.
The share of LUKOIL Group in world oil production in 2006 was 2.3%
USA (8%)
Russia (12%)
Canada (4%)
Mexico (4%) 2.3
Norway (3%)
BP 2.48 1.9
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Shell 1.95
LUKOIL is in 4th place by oil production among major international privately
owned oil & gas companies
Chevron 1.71
LUKOIL has one of the highest average annual rates of oil production growth
Total 1.51
ConocoPhillips 1.11
0 1 2 3
World 2.0
0 2 4 6
* 9 major international privately owned
oil & gas companies.
The share of LUKOIL Group in world gas production in 2006 was 0.56%
LUKOIL Group increased gas production by more than 2 times in the last 5 years
Russia (22%)
Asia (13%)
0.5 Middle East (12%)
Africa (6%)
Total 0.78
LUKOIL has lower levels of gas production than other major privately owned
international oil companies, but the Company is currently working hard Chevron 0.83
to increase gas output
ConocoPhillips 0.83
LUKOIL has one of the highest annual rates of gas production growth
Shell 1.39
ExxonMobil 1.56
World 2.9
0 10 20 30
* 9 major international privately owned
oil & gas companies.
Oil refineries of LUKOIL Group refined 48.88 mln tons (358 mln barrels) of crude
oil in 2006, representing 1.3% of total world refining
Refining at LUKOIL Group refineries rose by 28.5% in the last 5 years, and
the Company's share in total world refining rose by nearly 1.2 times.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Perm Kogalym
Kstovo Uray
Share of Russia in oil deliveries to the international market, % Sources of global oil exports (2006)
Other (41%) Russia (13%)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Murmansk Varandey
Poland Svetly
Czech Slovakia
Republic Odessa
Hungary Novorossiysk
The most liquid share in Russian private sector and the third most liquid share
overall on the RTS
The only privately owned Russian oil company, whose share capital is
dominated by minority shareholders
Other companies (81%)
LUKOIL (18%)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Proved oil reserves of LUKOIL Group in Russia at the end of 2006 were Regional distribution of proved oil
reserves of LUKOIL Group (12/31/2006)
15.32 bln barrels, representing 19% of total Russian oil reserves and 96.2% of
total Company oil reserves International (3.8%)
Proved gas reserves of LUKOIL Group in Russia at the end of 2006 were
22.16 tcf, or 83.3% of total Company gas reserves
LUKOIL produced 89.56 mln tons of oil in Russia in 2006, representing 18.6% of
total Russian oil production and 94.0% of total oil production by the Company
Russia (96.2%)
Regional distribution of proved gas
reserves of LUKOIL Group (12/31/2006)
International (16.7%)
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
International (6.0%)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Regional distribution of marketable gas The share of idle oil wells in Company production wells is lower than
production of LUKOIL Group (2006)
the Russian average
International (8.7%)
Share of idle wells, %
Russia (91.3%)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Regional distribution of
oil production wells of
The watercut at Company wells is lower than the Russian average
LUKOIL Group (12/31/2006)
Watercut, %
International (3.1%)
International (2.9%)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Russia (97.1%)
Overall capacity of Russian oil refineries of LUKOIL Group at the end of Share of LUKOIL Group in Russian
refining capacities (12/31/2006)
2006 was:
44.1 mln tons per year (323 mln barrels per year)
The Company refined 39.50 mln tons of oil at its own Russian refineries
in 2006, or 18.1% of total Russian refining
The Company's refinery throughputs in Russia rose by 34% over the last 5 years
Share of Russian refineries of LUKOIL Group in total Russian refining, % Other companies (83.9%)
Regional distribution of
18.5 refining capacities of LUKOIL
Group (12/31/2006)
International (24.1%)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
International (19.2%)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Bitumen 27.0
3rd in production of motor gasoline
Diesel fuel 16.9 Share of highoctane gasoline in overall production of motor gasoline at
0 10 20 30 40 50
Share of highoctane gasoline in overall production of motor gasoline, %
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Russian refineries (82.0%) Russian refineries of LUKOIL Group Russia
Subsidiaries of LUKOIL Group exported 44.1 mln tons of crude oil in Share of LUKOIL Group in Russian
crude oil exports (2006)
2006, representing 17.9% of total Russian crude oil exports
Other companies (82.1%)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Share of LUKOIL Group in Russian exports of crude oil and petroleum Share of LUKOIL Group in Russian
products, % exports of crude oil and products (2006)
LUKOIL (18.5%)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Other companies (81.5%)
Production and
preparation for production
* Creating the potential for longterm Company growth by reserve replacement in traditional production regions and faster
development in new production regions both in Russia and abroad
* Improving efficiency of geological exploration work through careful selection of projects and application of the latest
technologies. Constant search for new projects
* Achieving compound annual growth rates of hydrocarbon production no lower than 6% in the medium term
* Improving production indicators and lowering lifting costs by application of modern technologies, and by optimization of
field development
* Applying financial criteria for assessment of projects and business results and for optimization of the asset portfolio
MAIN INDICATORS FOR 2006: Exploration and production of oil & gas is LUKOIL's main
business and delivers the largest share of Company value (almost
Oil reserves, mln barrels 15,927 50% of consolidated net profit of LUKOIL Group). LUKOIL has a
highquality E&P asset portfolio, which is highly diversified in
Gas reserves, bcf 26,597
terms of geography, reserve type, and levels of depletion.
Hydrocarbon reserves, mln boe 20,360
The Company is also taking part in 25 projects in 10 countries TimanPechora oil & gas province, Western Siberia and the
outside Russia. These include geological exploration projects in offshore Caspian. LUKOIL is also rapidly developing its
Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Colombia, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, international exploration work: stakes in a number of promising
Cote d’Ivoire; production of oil & gas in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan geological exploration projects in various countries have been
and Egypt, and preparations for production launch in Iraq. obtained in recent years.
International projects account for 6.6% of the Company's proved The Company is increasing efficiency of geological exploration
reserves and 6.4% of its marketable hydrocarbon and ensuring rapid growth of reserves by use of the latest
production. geophysical methods and adherence to the best international
operating standards at all stages of work. This approach makes
Description of the resource base it possible to obtain additional information about the structure
and specific features of potential oilbearing strata, to reduce risk
Over 55% of the Company's proved reserves are located in
in search and exploration drilling, and to reduce the number of
traditional hydrocarbon production regions (Western Siberia,
dry wells and wells with low production rates.
Urals, Volga) with welldeveloped infrastructure. Most reserves
in these regions are already being developed and presence of The Company is consistently increasing volumes of 2D and 3D
established infrastructure means that remaining reserves can be seismic work in order to reveal and detail structures and to
put into production without high levels of capex. Although prepare for drilling of search and exploration wells at promising
reserves in these regions have been in production for many sites. The quality of seismic exploration and the speed of data
years, the share of probable and possible reserves is almost processing and interpretation have increased in recent years
40% of the total and discovery of new reserves is likely, offering thanks mainly to application of new IT solutions.
major potential for reserve replacement in the future. One of the key results of the Company's geological exploration
A significant part of the Company's proved reserves is located in work has been the discovery of a major new oil & gas
new regions (TimanPechora, North Caspian, Bolshekhetskaya subprovince in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea.
Depression, and international projects), which require large
investments. Most reserves in the new regions are probable and New acquisitions and optimization of the asset
possible, offering potential for growth of proved reserves in the portfolio
process of further exploration and development of these fields.
The Company is also expanding its reserves through acquisition
The probability of further major discoveries in these regions is
and consolidation of assets, and has spent $5.5 bln on new E&P
acquisitions in the last five years. Consolidation of main assets is
Company reserves consist mainly of oil (about 80% of proved nearly complete and a number of large new companies have
reserves), but rapid development of gas business will increase been acquired in Russia and abroad. The biggest acquisitions
the share of gas reserves. This will be achieved by discovery of were Nelson Resources Limited, bought at the end of 2005 for
new reserves and upgrading of reserves to the proved category $1,951 mln, as well as assets of Marathon Oil Corporation
thanks to development of existing fields. (KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District) bought for $847 mln.
Most of company reserves are conventional, but LUKOIL also Purchase of new assets is not merely a way of increasing
has highviscosity and bituminous oil as well as hydrocarbons oil & gas reserves and production, but also a way of
with high sulfur content. The Company is successfully strengthening competitive positions in key regions and obtaining
developing these reserves using the latest technologies. For significant synergy effects.
example, steam injection wells are used for extraction of LUKOIL places much emphasis on quality of its assets. As part
highviscosity oil at the Usinsky field in the Komi Republic and a of the Group restructuring program, which began in 2002 and
special processing complex has been built at the Karachaganak aims to increase efficiency in all business segments, LUKOIL
field to enable production of highsulfur gas and condensate. has disposed of noncore and inefficient assets, reducing the
number of legal entities in the Group from 700 to nearly 300
Geological exploration between 2001 and 2006.
LUKOIL makes extensive use of the latest technologies in order Main operating regions and largest fields
to increase efficiency. The Company is setting up a multilevel
system for monitoring of field development using hightech Western Siberia
geological models. In 2003 LUKOIL created a completely new The first oil field in Western Siberia was discovered in 1960 and
and fully uptodate Center for Geological and Hydrodynamic industrial production of oil began there in 1964. Western Siberia
Modelling. The Center creates models using spatial visualization, is now the main oil production region in Russia. Most fields in the
which provides detailed data on structure of Company fields, region are superlarge and located adjacent to one another. These
making it easier to choose the best geological and technical features, and presence of established transport infrastructure,
approaches for their development and to maximize development significantly reduce development costs.
efficiency. LUKOIL Overseas Holding, operator of the
LUKOIL has been active in Western Siberia since the Company's
Company's foreign projects, has a similar center. LUKOIL is cur
foundation in 1991 when three production companies in Western
rently setting up modelling centers at its subsidiaries in Russia
Siberia were united in the state oil company
(primarily in Western Siberia) and abroad.
LangepasUrayKogalymneft. Western Siberia is the Company's
Highquality techniques for baring of productive strata, original main oil production region (62.7% of LUKOIL Group production)
approaches to study of drill logs, and application of technologies and its main reserve base (53.8% of LUKOIL proved oil
to increase flow rates ensure high oil & gas production levels reserves).
from strata with complex collector features. The Company uses
LUKOIL carries out more than 35% of its exploration drilling in
a variety of enhanced oil recovery methods (EOR), increasing
Western Siberia. Large volumes of geological exploration work in
recoverable reserves and production, and allowing commercial
the region are intended to replace reserves in development.
production of highviscosity oil, development of reserves in
Although a large amount of exploration has already been carried
collectors with low permeability, and extraction of reserves at
out in Western Siberia, current geological exploration in the
late stages of field development. Each year the Company carries
region is marked by high efficiency and good results. The
out more than 5,000 EOR operations on producing strata, using
Company's proved reserves of oil in Western Siberia grew by
physical, chemical, hydrodynamic and heat techniques to
6.5% in the last 5 years despite intensive production levels at
increase extraction rates. Additional oil production thanks to
fields in the region.
these operations in 2002–2006 was nearly 105 mln tons.
Fields in Western Siberia have been in production for a long time
LUKOIL also uses other technologies to increase efficiency:
and are therefore characterized by high levels of exhaustion.
systems for maintaining strata pressure, systems for use of
Thus EOR methods are widely used in the region:
associated petroleum gas, systems for oil collection, preparation
hydrofracturing, drilling of sidetracks and horizontal wells, etc.
and transportation, energy and resourcesaving technologies and
Multilevel systems for field development monitoring with use of
IT solutions.
hightech geological models enable LUKOIL to ensure constant
LUKOIL is placing special emphasis on development of its gas optimization of field development.
business, which will help the Company to reduce dependence
The Company has 13 of its 20 biggest Russian fields (fields with
on the highly volatile crude oil market. LUKOIL is rapidly
annual production of 1 mln tons and more) in Western Siberia.
increasing output of natural gas, transforming itself from an oil
The TevlinskoRusskinskoye and VatYeganskoye fields are
company into an oil & gas company. In 2001 LUKOIL acquired
among the biggest in Russia. Each of them has more than
the company Yamalneftegazdobycha, which owns licenses for
1 bln barrels of proved oil reserves.
development of gas fields in the Bolshekhetskaya Depression
(currently the main area for expansion of LUKOIL gas
production). LUKOIL is also taking part in the TevlinskoRusskinskoye Field
Kandym – Khauzak – Shady gas project in Uzbekistan and
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
carrying out geological exploration work at the promising
Block A gas field in Saudi Arabia. Development of fields in the 34.0 1.04 7.34
Northern Caspian will also significantly increase gas production.
LUKOIL plans to increase the share of gas in overall hydrocarbon The TevlinskoRusskinskoye field is located in Surgut Area,
production to 33% in the medium term. The main objective of KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District (part of Tyumen Region),
this strategy is to raise Company value by commercialization of 88 km north of the city of Surgut in Western Siberia.
gas reserves. The field was discovered in 1971. Field development began in
Greater use of associated petroleum gas is an important part of 1986. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2013.
the Company's gas business strategy. This will reduce levels of Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were 1,230 mln barrels of oil.
gas flaring and thus reduce negative environmental impacts. TevlinskoRusskinskoye is LUKOIL's largest field in Russia by
More associated petroleum gas can be used for generation of production levels. In 2006 the field produced 10.382 mln tons of
electricity to power oil production operations, offering cost oil and cumulative production reached 124.6 mln tons.
savings. The Company is implementing a program, approved in
2003, which aims to increase the rate of associated petroleum
gas use by LUKOIL enterprises to 95%.
MiddleKhulymskoye Kochevskoye AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT
Surgut Uryevskoye
Ob river
VatYeganskoye Field The field was discovered in 1972 and development began in
1978. LUKOIL's license for development of Povkhovskoye runs
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton until 2013.
34.0 0.83 7.32
Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were nearly 813 mln barrels
The VatYeganskoye field is located in Surgut Area, of oil. Production in 2006 was 6.093 mln tons of oil, and
KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District (part of Tyumen Region), cumulative production totalled 172 mln tons.
30 km from the town of Kogalym and 140 km northeast of the
city of Surgut in Western Siberia.
SouthYagunskoye Field
The field was discovered in 1971. Development began in 1983.
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
LUKOIL's license for development of the field runs until 2050.
35.5 0.78 7.44
VatYeganskoye is LUKOIL's biggest field in Russia by proved
reserves, which totalled 1,456 mln barrels of oil at the end of The SouthYagunskoye field is located in the northeastern part
2006. Production at VatYeganskoye in 2006 was 8.344 mln tons of Surgut Area, KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District (part of
of oil (the Group’s share – 8.265 mln tons) and cumulative Tyumen Region), 165 km northeast of the city of Surgut in
production exceeded 150 mln tons. Western Siberia.
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton Proved oil reserves at the end of 2006 were 802 mln barrels.
36.5 0.60 7.43 Production in 2006 was 3.711 mln tons of oil (the Group’s share
– 3.689 mln tons) and cumulative production amounted to 121
The Povkhovskoye field is located in Surgut Area, mln tons.
KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District (part of Tyumen Region),
170 km northeast of the city of Surgut in Western Siberia.
Pokachevskoye Field Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were 202 mln barrels of oil.
Production in 2006 was 1.447 mln tons of oil and cumulative
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton production exceeded 30 mln tons.
35.0 0.72 7.38
Kluchevoye Field
The Pokachevskoye field is located in the western part of
Nizhnevartovsk Area, KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
(part of Tyumen Region), 100 km northeast of the city of Surgut 35.0 0.58 7.35
in Western Siberia.
The field was discovered in 1970 and its development began in The Kluchevoye field is located in Nizhnevartovsk Area,
1977. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2040. KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District (part of Tyumen Region),
Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were nearly 387 mln barrels 126 km northwest of the city of Nizhnevartovsk in Western
of oil. Production in 2006 totalled 3.468 mln tons of oil, and Siberia.
cumulative production reached 140 mln tons. The field was discovered in 1983 and development began in
1988. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2013.
Kogalymskoye Field Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were 121 mln barrels of oil.
Production in 2006 was 1.385 mln tons of oil and cumulative
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton production was 20 mln tons.
37.5 0.64 7.53
Druzhnoye Field
The Kogalymskoye field is located in Surgut Area,
KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District (part of Tyumen Region) Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
in Western Siberia. 33.0 0.89 7.30
The field was discovered in 1972 and development began in
1985. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2013. The Druzhnoye field is located in Surgut Area, KhantyMansiysk
Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were over 227 mln barrels Autonomous District (part of Tyumen Region), 127 km northeast
of oil. The field produced 2.623 mln tons of oil in 2006 and of the city of Surgut in Western Siberia.
cumulative production was 26 mln tons. The field was discovered in 1981 and development began in
1985. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2038.
Uryevskoye Field Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were 168 mln barrels of oil.
Production in 2006 was 1.682 mln tons of oil and cumulative
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton production exceeded 44 mln tons.
34.0 0.86 7.34
Nivagalskoye Field
The Uryevskoye field is located in Nizhnevartovsk Area,
KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District (part of Tyumen Region), Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
75 km northwest of the city of Surgut in Western Siberia. 34.0 0.92 7.41
The field was discovered in 1971 and development began in
1978. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2013. The Nivagalskoye field is located in Nizhnevartovsk Area,
KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District (part of Tyumen Region),
Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were 300 mln barrels of oil.
114 km northwest of the city of Nizhnevartovsk in Western
Production in 2006 was 1.847 mln tons of oil and cumulative
production was 78.6 mln tons.
The field was discovered in 1981 and development began in
1985. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2013.
NongYeganskoye Field
Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were 342 mln barrels of oil.
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton Production in 2006 was 1.198 mln tons of oil and cumulative
35.0 0.72 7.40 production was 17.6 mln tons.
The field was discovered in 1989 and development began in a joint venture, limited liability company Naryanmarneftegaz, has
2001. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2024. been set up in the region by LUKOIL and the US company
Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were nearly 56 mln barrels ConocoPhillips as part of the strategic partnership between the
of oil. Production in 2006 was 1.035 mln tons of oil and two companies. The joint venture has taken control of 16 fields
cumulative production was 3.4 mln tons. with proved, probable and possible reserves totalling 2.7 bln
barrels and 6 of the fields have been commissioned by the end
of 2006 (in 2006 the West Lekkeyaginskoye field was put into
Kochevskoye Field
production). The joint venture will produce about 10 mln tons of
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton oil per year (200,000 barrels per day) in the medium term.
35.0 0.76 7.41 A new oil terminal was built near the village of Varandey on the
Barents Sea in 2000 in order to address the growth of
The Kochevskoye field is located in Surgut Area, production and lack of developed infrastructure in the region.
KhantyMansiysk Autonomous District (part of Tyumen Region), The terminal can handle oil from TimanPechora all the year
125 km from the city of Surgut in Western Siberia. round and supply it to export markets, notably the US market. It
The field was discovered in 1979 and development began in is planned to increase annual capacity of the terminal to 12 mln
1996. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2019. tons of oil by 2008, including exports of oil produced by
Naryanmarneftegaz. Enlargement of the terminal is being carried
Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were nearly 84 mln barrels
out jointly with ConocoPhillips.
of oil. Production in 2006 was 997,000 tons of oil and
cumulative production was 3.7 mln tons.
Usinskoye Field
The TimanPechora oil & gas province is one of the most 24.5 1.09 6.90
promising oil production regions both for the Company and for
The Usinskoye field is located in Usinsk Area, part of the Komi
Russia as a whole. LUKOIL became active in the region in 1999
with the acquisition of a controlling stake in KomiTEK. In 2001
LUKOIL bought controlling stakes in Arkhangelskgeoldobycha, The field was discovered in 1963 and development began in
Kharyaganeft, Bitran, BaitekSilur, and AmKomi. TimanPechora 1973. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2062.
now represents 22.0% of Group oil reserves and 14.3% of oil The fields's permocarbon deposit is characterized by abnormally
production. Oil production by LUKOIL Group in the region has highviscosity oil, which requires heat treatment for extraction.
increased by 1.7 times in the last 5 years, to 13.6 mln tons in Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were 594 mln barrels of oil.
2006, thanks to acquisition of new assets and organic growth. Production in 2006 was 2.129 mln tons of oil and cumulative
The southern part of TimanPechora (the Komi Republic) has production amounted to nearly 153 mln tons.
developed infrastructure and wellexplored reserves, most of
which are already in production. By contrast, the northern part Vozeiskoye Field
(Nenets Autonomous District) has high reserve potential, but
needs major exploration and development investments due to its Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
underdeveloped infrastructure. 38.0 0.66 7.54
In order to speed up development of reserves in TimanPechora,
NENETS Tedinskoye
The Vozeiskoye field is located in Usinsk Area, part of the Komi Tedinskoye Field
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
The field was discovered in 1975 and development began in the
same year. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2042 25.0 2.26 6.92
Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were more than 200 mln
The Tedinskoye field is located in the central part of the
barrels of oil. Production in 2006 was 1.058 mln tons and
Bolshezemelskaya Tundra in Nenets Autonomous District
cumulative production was 98 mln tons.
The field was discovered in 1989 and development began in
Kharyaginskoye Field 2001. LUKOIL's license to develop the field runs until 2061.
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were 105 mln barrels of oil.
Production in 2006 was 1.037 mln tons of oil and cumulative
37.5 0.32 7.54
production exceeded 3 mln tons.
In 2005 LUKOIL acquired Primorieneftegaz, the owner of PamyatnoSasovskoye is the biggest oil field in Volgograd
licenses for geological study of the Poimenny territory, located Region, and it has unique and favourable geophysical
between the Volga and Akhtuba rivers. A major gas condensate characteristics. Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were
field, the TsentralnoAstrakhanskoye field, was discovered on 147 mln barrels of oil. More than 90% of production is free
this territory in 2004, with estimated probable and possible flowing. Oil production in 2006 was 2.547 mln tons (the Group’s
reserves of 1.2 bln barrels of condensate and 9.6 tcf of gas. This share – 2.341 mln tons) and cumulative production was 30 mln
acquisition significantly increased the Company's reserve base in tons.
the region and raised potential for production growth. Field
development efficiency is enhanced by its location close to main
transport routes, proximity to endusers, and by the fact that the
South of Russia has a shortage of gas. In order to further
improve development efficiency, LUKOIL is considering
construction of a gaschemical complex in the region, that will The Urals region, like the Volga, is an established oil & gas
offer high levels of valueadded. production area for the Company. LUKOIL began production in
the Urals when a number of upstream companies in the region
PamyatnoSasovskoye Field were transferred to the Company by Russian government
decree in 1995.
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton Urals fields have relatively small reserves and are located at
39.5 0.27 7.60 considerable distances from one another. However, presence of
wellestablished transport infrastructure and refineries in the
The PamyatnoSasovskoye field is located in Zhirnovsky Area of region greatly increases production efficiency. Use of EOR helps
Volgograd Region, 130 km to the north of the city of Volgograd. to increase recovery rates and production volumes.
The field was discovered in 1990 and development began in the The Urals region accounts for 13.3% of Company proved oil
same year. LUKOIL's license for development of the field runs reserves, 11.5% of oil production and 6.0% of gas production.
until 2030.
oil collector
Unvinskoye Field 25–35 meters. Industrial development of the field began in 2004.
This is the first offshore field developed independently by
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton a Russian oil company. LUKOIL's license to develop the field
40.0 0.50 7.62 runs until 2039.
Proved reserves at the field at the end of 2006 were
The Unvinskoye field is located in Usolsky Area of Perm Region, 49 mln barrels of oil. Production at the field in 2006 was
125 km north of the city of Perm. 861,000 tons of oil and cumulative production exceeded 1.5 mln
The field was discovered in 1980, and development began in tons.
1981. LUKOIL's license for development of the field runs until The Baltic Sea has a highly sensitive ecology. LUKOIL therefore
2028. carries out drilling and production of oil at the Kravtsovskoye field
Proved reserves at the end of 2006 were 165 mln barrels of oil. from an iceresistant stationary platform, using a zerodischarge
Production in 2006 was 1.274 mln tons and cumulative principle. The Company also maintains constant satellite
production was nearly 24 mln tons. monitoring of the Baltic Sea. These unprecedented ecological
security measures completely exclude any possible negative
environmental impact. Oil from the field is brought ashore via an
Kaliningrad region
underwater pipeline and exported from a terminal at the port of
Kravtsovskoye Field
The Kravtsovskoye field, discovered in 1983, is located on the LUKOIL is developing fields in the Bolshekhetskaya Depression
Russian shelf of the Baltic Sea, 23 km offshore, at a depth of (YamalNenets Autonomous District) as part of its gas program.
The region's fields will be the basis for growth of gas production Geological exploration work carried out by LUKOIL from 1995 to
in coming years. The Company has been active in the region 2006 led to discovery of 6 large fields: Khvalynskoye (discovered
since its acquisition in 2001 of Yamalneftegazdobycha. As of in 2000); Yu. Korchagin (2000); 170th kilometer (2001);
December 31, 2006, proved reserves of gas at the Company's Rakushechnoye (2001); Sarmatskoye (2002); and V. Filanovsky
fields in the Bolshekhetskaya Depression totalled 12.8 tcf, or (2005). Proved, probable and possible reserves at these fields
48% of LUKOIL's total proved gas reserves. are estimated at 4.7 bln boe. Use of the latest technologies have
In April 2005 the Nakhodkinskoye field (proved gas reserves of ensured levels of efficiency, which are high and unprecedented
3.5 tcf at the end of 2006) was brought into production. Gas in Russia. Efficiency of exploration drilling has been over 15,000
output from the field in 2006 totalled 8.5 bcm. Gas from the field tons of reference fuel per meter (many times higher than the
is delivered along a 117km pipeline to the Yamburgskaya gas Company average), and the success rate of prospecting drilling
compression station, where it is fed into the Gazprom transport has been 100%, i.e. each field was discovered by the first
system. Under an agreement between LUKOIL and Gazprom, all prospecting well. The cost of adding one ton of reference fuel to
of the gas produced at Nakhodkinskoye was initially sold to reserves has been significantly lower than comparable
Gazprom. On January 1, 2007 the purchase price increased from indicators for international major oil companies.
$22.5 to $40 per 1,000 cm. Gas has also been sold to other LUKOIL Group's chief development success in the Northern
customers from May 2006 at higher prices. Caspian has been discovery of the V. Filanovsky oil & gas
condensate field. This is the biggest field in the region and,
unlike earlier discoveries, it is predominantly an oil field.
Northern Caspian Preliminary calculations suggest that maximum annual output
LUKOIL came to the Northern Caspian in 1995 when companies from the field will amount to 10 mln tons, enabling LUKOIL to
with exploration licenses in the region were transferred to significantly increase profitability of its highcost operations in
LUKOIL ownership. At that time the offshore Caspian was little the Caspian Sea.
explored, but probability of significant reserve finds was viewed LUKOIL is now carrying out further exploration and
as high. preproduction work at Northern Caspian fields. Drilling of
The Caspian Sea is highly ecologically sensitive. LUKOIL production wells should begin in the fourth quarter of 2008 at
therefore carried out all necessary ecological studies before the Yu. Korchagin field, after which other fields will be brought
starting work there, and took care to install all necessary into production. In its work at fields in the Northern Caspian
environmental protection measures, including compensatory and LUKOIL follows guidelines of the Teheran Convention for
socioecological aspects. The Company also designed Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (2003).
technology and technical solutions to ensure that geological
exploration and drilling could be carried out on a zerodischarge
V. Filanovsky
Yu. Korchgina
Sarmatskoye KAZAKHSTAN
170 km Khvalynskoye
Makhachkala Tsentralnaya
Azeri – Chirag Kumkol Shakh Deniz West Qurnah2 D222 WEEM Condor West TyubKaragan Arman, CI205
– Guneshli (Kazakhstan) (Azerbaijan) (Iraq) (Yalama) (Egypt) (Colombia) Geisum and Atashsky Karakuduk, (Cote d’Ivoire)
(Azerbaijan) (Azerbaijan) (Egypt) (Kazakhstan) North Buzachi
South Zhambai,
Meleiha Karachaganak ZykhGovsany NorthEast Kandym – South Zaburunie
(Egypt) (Kazakhstan) (Azerbaijan) Geisum Khauzak – Shady (Kazakhstan)
(Egypt) (Uzbekistan)
Tengiz Anaran Block А (Uzbekistan)
(Kazakhstan) (Iran) (Saudi Arabia)
Azerbaijan Kazakhstan
Karachaganak 15%
Shakh Deniz 10%
Tengiz 2.7%
D222 80%
Kumkol 50%
Acquisition of project stake: 1995
Signing of shareholder agreement: 1999
Agreement type: contract; exploration & production (oil, gas)
Karachaganak Astana
Duration of agreement: 25 years (to 2021)
Alibekmola LUKOIL stake (also share in production): 50%
Other project participants: CNPC (50%)
Tengiz Kumkol
Tyub Arman
Karagan Karakuduk Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
North 44.3–33.4 0.02 7.60
Atashsky Buzachi
discovered in 1979 and occupies an area of 600 km2. The The Company's share in proved reserves at North Buzachi, as of
contract area also includes the Korolevskoye field and a number December 31, 2006, was 80 mln barrels of oil.
of other smaller fields. Field development was started in 1991. There were 215 oil production wells at the end of December 2006.
Proved reserves (as of December 31, 2006) were 4,432 mln A total of 113 new wells were commissioned in 2006 with daily
barrels of oil and 5,726 bcf of gas. average output of 31 tons. A new export pipeline was brought
LUKOIL's share in proved reserves at the field (as of December into operation for delivery of oil from the field to the KazTransOil
31, 2006) was 120 mln barrels of oil and gas condensate and 154 transport system.
bcf of gas. Production at the field in 2006 was 1.34 mln tons of oil, of which
There were 68 oil production wells at the field at the end of the LUKOIL stake was 668,000 tons.
December 2006.
Production at the field in 2006 was 13.3 mln tons of oil (of which Arman
the LUKOIL share was 360,000 tons) and 6.0 bcm of gas (of Signing of agreement: October 2005
which the LUKOIL share was 162 mcm).
Duration of agreement: 30 years (to 2024)
Oil from Tengiz is supplied to export via the CPC. Gas is used to Type of agreement: JV; exploration and production (oil)
produce sulfur and is also exported by pipeline.
LUKOIL stake (also share in production): 25%*
Other project participants: Shell (50%), Mittal Investments
Karakuduk (25%)*
Signing of agreement: October 2005, September 2006
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
Duration of agreement: 30 years (to 2025)
29.1–23.5 0.53–2.40 7.31
Type of agreement: contract; exploration & production (oil, gas)
LUKOIL stake: 50%* The Arman field is located in the northwestern part of the
Other project participants: Mittal Investments (50%)* Buzachi peninsular, on the Caspian Sea coast, to the west of the
Kalamkas oil and gas field. Proved reserves at Arman as of
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton December 31, 2006 were 8 mln barrels of oil.
43.6–31.9 0.03–0.49 7.65 The share of the Company in proved reserves as of
December 31, 2006, was 4 mln barrels of oil.
The Karakuduk field is located in the coastal zone of the Caspian
Sea, on the northeastern part of the Buzachi peninsular. Proved There were 16 oil production wells at the field as of
reserves as of December 31, 2006 were 50 mln barrels of oil. December 31, 2006.
The Company's share in proved reserves at the field as of Production at the field in 2006 was 163,000 tons of oil and the
December 31, 2006 was 50 mln barrels of oil. Production in 2006 share of LUKOIL Group was 82,000 tons.
was 702,000 tons of oil.
There were 71 oil production wells at the end of December KazakhoilAktobe
2006. Signing of agreement: October 2005
Construction of an oil loading facility and terminal was Duration of agreement: 25 years (to 2023)
completed in 2006. A project for utilization of associated gas was
Type of agreement: PSA; production (oil)
agreed with supervisory agencies in the Kazakh government.
Three new production wells, with average daily production of LUKOIL stake (also share in production): 25%*
41.1 tons, were commissioned. Other project participants: KazMunaiGaz (50%), Mittal
Investments (25%)*
North Buzachi Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
Signing of agreement: October 2005 39.6–28.2 0.55–1.90 7.52
Duration of agreement: 25 years (to 2021)
Two fields, Alibekmola and Kozhasai, are being developed in this
Type of agreement: contract; production (oil) project. The Alibekmola field is located in the western part of
LUKOIL stake (also share in production): 25%* Kazakhstan, 250–270 km south of the city of Aktobe. The
Other project participants: CNPC (50%), Mittal Investments Kozhasai field is located 60 km southwest of the Alibekmola
(25%)* field. Proved reserves at both fields as of December 31, 2006
were 152 mln barrels of oil.
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
The Company's share in proved reserves at the fields (as of
19.4–19.0 2.00 6.84
December 31, 2006) was 76 mln barrels of oil.
The field is located in the coastal zone of the Caspian Sea, on There were 58 oil production wells at the field as of December
the northern part of the Buzachi peninsular. Proved reserves as 31, 2006. A total of 11 wells, with average daily production of
of December 31, 2006 were 159 mln barrels of oil.
* After the sale of a 50% stake in Caspian Investments Resources in April 2007.
67.6 tons, were drilled and brought into operation in 2006. Work
continued on implementation of a project for utilization of asso EGYPT
ciated gas from the fields. A new well design was applied at the
Alibekmola field and polymers were used to help maintain
collector qualities of productive strata.
Production at the fields in 2006 was 1.017 mln tons of oil,
of which the LUKOIL Group share was 508,000 tons. Meleiha
Signing of agreement: January 2004
Duration of the agreement: 40 years (to 2044)
Type of agreement: PSA; exploration & production (oil, gas)
Stake of LUKOIL Group: 50%
Other project participants: KazMunaiGaz (50%)
Other project participants: KazMunaiGaz (50%) A 100km export pipeline to the Ras elBikhar and Gebel AzZeit
coastal terminals was completed in 2004, enabling deliveries to
The Atashsky territory occupies 9,700 km2 in Kazakhstan's the international market.
sector of the Caspian Sea Shelf. Atashsky is located 80–85 km
There were 29 oil production wells at the WEEM block as of
from the port of Bautino at depth of 1–40 meters.
December 31, 2006. Two new production wells were brought
Other promising structures may be discovered in the eastern into operation at WEEM in 2006, with average daily production
part of the territory after further exploration work. The agree of 85.5 tons. A system for maintaining strata pressure was
ment gives a right to extend the exploration period on 2 designed.
occasions by 2 years.
Production in 2006 was 517,000 tons of oil, and the share of
Seismic exploration at the field was completed in 2004. The data LUKOIL Group was 159,000 tons.
were processed and interpreted in 2005, and the Atash structure
was prepared for drilling. Drilling of the first well is scheduled in
2008. Seismic work was continued and data were processed in Meleiha
2006. Acquisition of stake in project: 1995
Duration of agreement: to 2024
Type of agreement: concession; production (oil) Commercial production was begun in the end of 2006. Proved
Stake of LUKOIL Group: 24% reserves as of December 31, 2006 were 105 mln barrels of oil
and 3,142 bcf of gas.
Share of LUKOIL Group in production: varies depending
on expenditure and oil prices The share of the Company in proved reserves at the end of
December 2006 was 10 mln barrels of oil and gas condensate
Other project participants: EGPC (56%), IFC (20%)
and 314 bcf of gas.
Density, API Sulfur content, % Barrels per ton
33.8 n/a 7.61 D222 (Yalama)
Signing of the agreement: 1997 and 2003
The Meleiha block is located in the Northern Province of Egypt's
Duration of the agreement: to 2035
Western Desert, and consists of four main fields (Aman,
NorthEast Meleiha, West Meleiha, and SouthEast Meleiha). Type of agreement: PSA; exploration & production (oil, gas)
The fields were discovered in the 1970s and development began Stake of LUKOIL Group: 80% (operator)
in 1978. The block covers an area of 700 km2. Proved reserves Other project participants: Azerbaijan State Oil Company (20%)
as of December 31, 2006 were 10 mln barrels of oil.
Block D222 is a part of the Yalama structure, which straddles
The Company's share in proved reserves at Meleiha was 2 mln the Azerbaijani and Russian sectors of the Caspian Sea. The
barrels of oil as of December 31, 2006. block is located 30 km from the coast at depths between 80 and
There were 129 oil production wells at the field at the end of 700 meters. A set of agreements signed in 2003 lays down
December 2006. 9 new production wells were put into operation additional conditions for exploration and development of D222,
in 2006. including increase of LUKOIL's project stake to 80% and
expansion of the contract area to 3,000 km2. In 2006 the
Production in 2006 was 800,000 tons, and the share of LUKOIL
contract area was reduced in size, to 1,300 km2, and the
Group was 40,000 tons.
geological exploration period was extended to November 1,
Oil is delivered to export via a 167km pipeline to the AlKhamra 2009.
oil terminal.
Seismic studies of the block were completed in 2004. Drilling of
a prospecting well began in that year and was completed in
AZERBAIJAN 2005. Commercial reserves were not found. Analysis and
assessment of data was continued.
D222 (Yalama)
Shakh Deniz
Khauzak – Shady
Shakh Deniz
Acquisition of stake in project: 1996
Duration of the agreement: 40 years (to 2036)
Type of agreement: PSA; exploration & production Kandym – Khauzak – Shady
(gas, gas condensate) Signing of the agreement: 2004
Stake of LUKOIL Group: 10% Duration of the agreement: 35 years (to 2040)
Other project participants: Statoil (25.5%, operator); Type of agreement: PSA; exploration & production (gas)
BP (25.5%, operator); Total (10%); NICO (10%); Azerbaijan Share of LUKOIL Group in profit: 90% (operator)
State Oil Company (10%); TRAO (9%) Other project participants: Uzbekneftegaz (10%)
The Shakh Deniz gas condensate field is located 100 km south The agreement is for development of the Khauzak and Shady
of the city of Baku on the Caspian Sea Shelf at depths up to sections of the Dengizkulskoye field and the Kandym group of
700 meters. The contract territory covers 860 km2. fields (Kandym, KuvachiAlat, Akkum, Parsankul, Khodzhi, and
Commercial reserves were discovered in March 2001. West Khodzhi), as well as exploration work at the Kungradsky
block. The contract territory at Khauzak, Shady and Kandym SAUDI ARABIA
group is 431 km2 and the contract territory of the Kungradsky
block is 3,700 km2. Proved reserves as of December 31, 2006
were 8 mln barrels of oil and 2,960 bcf of gas.
The Company’s share in proved reserves at the end of December
2006 was 8 mln barrels of oil and gas condensate and 2,758 bcf
of gas.
LUKOIL began seismic exploration at the territories and complet
ed an ecological audit in 2005. At the Kungradsky block two wells
(Shege1 and Shege2) were acquired, demothballed, and tested. Block A
Block А
Signing of agreement: March 2004
Duration of agreement: 40 years
Type of agreement: agreement, exploration & production Anaran
(gas and condensate)
Project entry: 2003
Stake of LUKOIL Group: 80% (operator)
Duration of agreement: to October 2006*
Other project participants: Saudi Aramco (20%)
Type of agreement: service; exploration (oil, gas)
Block A is located in the northern part of the Rub AlKhali Desert, Stake of LUKOIL Group: 25%
alongside the Ghawar field, which is the largest in the world. The
Other project participants: Norsk Hydro (75%, operator)
block covers 30,000 km2, and the time allowed for geological
exploration is 5 years. 2D and 3D seismic surveys will be carried The Anaran block is located in the western part of Iran. The
out in that period and at least 9 exploratory wells will be drilled. contract area is 3,500 km2 and three promising structures have
* Negotiations on field development launch were begun with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) in June 2006.
The Condor block is located in the Llanos oil & gas basin and
covers an area of more than 3,000 km2. Conditions of the
agreement give a maximum 6 years for exploration and 22 years
for development (30 years for gas sectors).
Drilling of a prospecting and assessment well was completed in
West 2006 (3D seismic work was carried out earlier). The well was
drilled to a depth of 4,500 meters in the dome of the Medina
structure. Testing gave a flow of highquality Colombian oil
(Vasconia) at a daily rate of more than 1,200 barrels. Presence of
a field with commercial reserves was thus confirmed. Reserves
of the field will be specified following analysis of information
obtained during drilling and testing and by further exploration
drilling. Preparation for production testing of the drilled well was
West Qurnah2
Signing of agreement: 1997
Duration of agreement: 23 years (to 2020)
Type of agreement: PSA, production (oil, gas)
Stake of LUKOIL Group: 68.5%
Other project participants: SOMO (25%),
Zarubezhneft (3.25%), Mashinoimport (3.25%) Caracas
The West Qurnah field is part of the huge Rumaylah field and is
located in southern Iraq, northwest of the city of Basra. Proved
reserves at the field are estimated at 6 bln barrels of oil.
The project is currently suspended pending agreement with the
new Iraqi government. There are plans to give a 17.5% stake in
the project to ConocoPhillips, which will improve chances of
work commencing in the near future.
Signing of agreement: June 2002
Signing of agreement: October 2005
Duration of agreement: 28 years (to 2030)
Duration of agreement: 3 years (to 2008)
Type of agreement: association; exploration & production
(oil, gas) Type of agreement: reserve assessment agreement
Stake of LUKOIL Group: 70% Stake of LUKOIL Group: each party is responsible for its
own costs
Other project participants: ECOPETROL (30%)
Other project participants: PDVSA
Signing of agreement: July 2001
Acquisition of a stake: July 2006
Duration of agreement: 35 years (to 2036)
Type of agreement: PSA, exploration & production
Stake of LUKOIL Group: 63% (operator)
Other project participants: PETROCI Holding (37%)
Block CI205 is located on the deep water shelf of the Gulf of
Guinea, 100 km from the shoreline of Cote d'Ivoire. The block
covers 2,600 km2 and is part of the Tano oil & gas basin.
The Baobab field – the largest Cote d'Ivoire field – is located 15
km from the block.
4,900 km of 2D and 2,400 km2 of 3D seismic exploration have
already been carried out at the block. An exploration well will be
drilled as part of the second exploration phase, which is now
being implemented.
Oil refining
Gas processing
Retail and wholesale
Wholesale deliveries
* To produce highquality, environmentally friendly petroleum products with high share of valueadded
* To increase light product yield
* To increase refining capacities
* To control production costs
* To optimize logistics: lowering transportation costs
* To increase efficiency of trading operations
* To increase retail sales volumes of petroleum products and related products and services
PetrotelLUKOIL Minirefineries
Ploiesti, Romania 2.4 9.9 in Uray and 0.4
2.32 0.20
Volgograd Refinery
Burgas Refinery LUKOILVolgograd
LUKOIL Neftokhim 8.8 8.3 neftepererabotka 11.0 5.0
Burgas, Bulgaria
7.06 9.62
LUKOIL is working hard to develop its existing refineries and is refineries are a match for competitors. Oil refining volumes at
considering various alternatives for acquisition or construction of LUKOIL Group refineries have grown by 28% in the last 5 years,
new refining capacities in order to achieve a balance between to 48.88 mln tons in 2006.
production and refining. LUKOIL's strategic goal is to maximize LUKOIL is constantly modernizing its refining capacities, reacting
valueadded of its output and profitability of its operations, and to quickly to main market trends. The Company uses the latest
increase the contribution of refining business to Company value technologies in modernization of its refineries in order to
creation. improve quality of production and reduce environmental impact.
At the time of its establishment in 1993 LUKOIL had only two The Company is rapidly introducing European quality standards
refineries, at Perm and Volgograd, with combined annual for motor oils at all its refineries. This will offer significant
capacity of about 23 mln tons. Today the Group includes 7 major competitive advantages in the future and already ensures a price
refineries, of which 4 are in Russia and 3 are abroad (in Ukraine, premium, reflecting the environmental and functional qualities of
Bulgaria and Romania), as well as 2 minirefineries in Russia. Company products. In the last 4 years the share of highquality
Total annual capacity of Company refineries is 58.1 mln tons. The diesel fuel (Euro3, Euro4 and Euro5) in overall production of
refineries have modern conversion and reforming facilities and diesel at Company refineries has risen from 10% to 68%. The
produce a wide range of quality petroleum products. The quality goal is for all production at LUKOIL's Russian refineries to meet
of facilities and efficiency of the Company's refineries in Russia Euro4 standards by 2014 and for all of the Company's foreign
is higher than the national average, and LUKOIL's European refineries to meet Euro5 standards by the same time.
In 2005 LUKOIL became the first Russian oil company to begin largescale production of Euro4
diesel fuel with enhanced environmental characteristics at refineries in Russia. This fuel meets
EN590:2004 environmental standards for diesel fuel, which have been in force in the European
Union since 2005. Apart from extending engine life and saving fuel, use of LUKOIL Euro4 more
than halves carcinogenic emissions from engines. Production of Euro4 diesel fuel amounted to 5.3
mln tons in 2006. Moreover Russian refineries of the Group produced about 1 mln tons of diesel
fuel which meets Euro5 standard.
The Company is also increasing production of highoctane expensive products will increase. This will be achieved by
gasolines to European environmental standards in response to construction of conversion facilities at nearly all Company
growing demand and gradual changeover to new ecological refineries. Economic indicators of refineries will improve
standards for motor fuels. significantly as a result, since prices for fuel oil are 2.5–3 times
Production of fuel oil will decline by 1.7–2 times by 2016 lower compared to light products on both Russian and
compared with 2006 as part of the general plan for development international markets.
of Company refineries during this period, while output of more
In 2006 LUKOIL began production of gasoline that meets the EU's Euro3 standard. This was
made possible by commissioning of an isomerization block on the gasoline catalytic
reforming facility at the Company's Nizhny Novgorod Refinery. Euro3 gasoline will in future
represent 50% of total output of motor gasolines at the Refinery.
LUKOIL has developed its own "EKTO" brand (Russian abbreviation for "ecological fuel") on the
basis of the new gasoline, and sales of EKTO92 and EKTO95 have begun at the Company's
filling stations in Russia. The new fuels contain a multifunctional combination of additives to
improve their operating performance (including cleaning and anticorrosion characteristics).
Launch of the new fuel brand represents an important step in development of the Company's
marketing sector.
Production and sale of lubricants is a distinct business within plant (Tyumen region). The Company share in total Russian
LUKOIL. The Company makes more than 85 lubricant brands to production of lubricants is over 40%. Mixing and packaging of
the latest specifications: lube basestock (used as raw materials lubricants is carried out at foreign enterprises of LUKOIL Group
for production of motor oils, lubricants and additives); industrial (PetrotelLUKOIL and Oy Teboil).
oils for equipment uses; motor and transmission oils. The Lubricants produced at LUKOIL enterprises are sold in 20
Company makes more than a million tons of lubricants each year. countries, and the Company plans major expansion of its sales
In Russia LUKOIL makes lubricants at the Perm, Volgograd and network in the nearabroad countries, the Baltics, and SouthEast
Nizhny Novgorod Refineries and also mixes lubricants at Beloil Asia.
LUKOIL motor oils meet international standards, set by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the American Petroleum
Institute (API), the Association des Constructeurs Europeens d'Automobiles (ACEA) and the Russian Association of Automobile
Engineers (AAE). The Company's lubricants are made using topquality additives supplied by Infineum, Lubrizol, Afton Chemical,
Chevron Oronite and Rohmax Additives.
The excellent performance qualities of LUKOIL motor oils are acknowledged by major automotive manufacturers in Russia and
abroad. The Company's lubricants have been successfully tested at international certification centres on engines made by
DaimlerChrysler, BMW, Volkswagen, MAN and Porsche.
Production of Sulfur via the Samara – Tikhoretsk pipeline
Fuel oil
Petroleum products are shipped by
Coke Coke rail, road, river and pipeline transport
Coke Calcination
Capacity – 11.0 mln tons per year
Vacuum Delayed Coking Coke Nelson index – 5.0
Main conversion process is
Bitumen Blowing coking (16,200 barrels per day)
Vacuum Lubricating oils
gas oil Production of Lubricating Oils
from Samara
Refinery throughput, mln tons
2006 9.62
2005 9.23 REGION Volgograd
2003 7.66
2002 8.44
0 2 4 6 8 10
to Tikhoretsk
History of Refinery
The Refinery was put into operation in improvements enabled doubling of Quality of products
1957. marketable lubricant production. From 2002 the Refinery produces
diesel fuel with sulfur content below
In 1991 the Refinery entered LUKOIL In 2004 installations for fine fractionation
Group. of gasoline and the reforming unit were
rebuilt, significantly increasing the octane The Refinery produces 515,000 tons
In 1994 equipment for initial refining and of mineral, semisynthetic and
number of gasoline components and more
gasoline reforming was rebuilt. synthetic lubricants to Russian and
than halving use of highoctane additives.
international (API) standards per year
In 1997–1998 the Refinery launched
In 2005 the first stage of a coke
automatic equipment for blending of
calcination facility with annual capacity of
gasolines and a rail trestle for crude oil
100,000 tons was completed which Current modernization
enabled production of highquality,
In 1998–2001 the Refinery launched marketable calcinated coke. Construction of an isomerization unit
with 385,000 tons annual capacity by
equipment for hydrotreatment of diesel
In 2006 the Refinery completed the end of 2007
fuel, naphta stabilization and fractioning of
construction of a catalytic reforming unit
saturated hydrocarbon gases. Reconstruction of delayed coking unit
with annual capacity of 1 mln tons in by 2010
In 2002–2003 the Refinery was equipped order to reduce output of straightrun
with a lubricantpackaging line, designed gasoline and to increase output of Construction of a unit for hydrotreat
highoctane gasoline. ment of diesel fuel by 2010
for 200liter drums, and a storage facility
for marketable lubricants. These Construction of a FCC unit by 2013
Naphta, Vacuum gas oil
via the Surgut–Polotsk pipeline and
Gasoline, diesel fuel
the Kholmogory–Klin pipeline Gas oil
Catalytic Cracking Fuel oil
Petroleum products are shipped by Diesel fuel
rail, road, and river transport, and also Vacuum Hydrocracking Gasoline
via the Perm–Andreyevka–Ufa Vacuum
gas oil gas oil
product pipeline Coke
Capacity – 12.0 mln tons per year Delayed Coking Gasoline
Refinery throughput, mln tons
2006 11.86
2005 10.98
2003 11.05
Perm from Surgut
The Refinery produces mineral, semi Group. In 2005 reconstruction of the vacuum
synthetic and synthetic lubricants to block on distillation unit №4 was
In 1993–1998 a largescale program of
Russian and international standards completed and will enable additional
reconstruction was carried out at the
(API) annual production of 240,000 tons of
Refinery. The program included extensive
The Refinery was certified in accor vacuum gas oil. Also an assembly for
rebuilding of coking equipment,
dance with the ISO 9001:2000 introduction of diesel fuel additives was
installation of a vacuum distillation unit,
quality control standard installed on the hydrodearomatization unit,
installation of modern lubricant production,
ensuring that all diesel fuel production
and creation of a system for protecting the
meets the EN590 European standard.
In 2006 a program for reconstruction and
In 1999 the Refinery launched new
renewal of fixed assets and technologies
Current modernization equipment for utilization of hydrogen
in the period up to 2016 was developed,
Construction of an isomerization sulfide and production of sulfuric acid.
adhering closely to strategic goals of the
unit by 2008 In 2004 the Refinery launched a refining Group.
Construction of a catalytic cracking complex, designed for hydrotreating and
complex by 2016 hydrocracking of a mixture of vacuum
White spirit
Diesel fuel Diesel fuel
Refines a blend of West Siberian oils
Jet fuel Hydrotreating Jet fuel Crude oil is supplied to the Refinery
2002 10.65
0 3 6 9 12 15
History of Refinery
Quality of products
The Refinery was put into operation in consumption of highoctane additives; the
From 2004 the Refinery produces
1958. Refinery began production of Jet A1 jet diesel fuel with sulfur content of
In 2001 the Refinery entered LUKOIL fuel and LUKOIL EN590 diesel fuel. 50 ppm (Euro4)
Group. In 2005 a vacuum separator was added to From 2006 the Refinery produces
In 2002 the Refinery rebuilt one of its the distillation unit, which will increase gasolines to Euro3 standards and
distillation units, as well as refitting yield of vacuum gas oil. Reconstruction of diesel fuel to Euro5 standard
hydrotreatment equipment and a flare a unit for isomerization was carried out. The Refinery produces mineral and
installation. semisynthetic lubricants to Russian
In 2006 an isomerization unit with 440,000 and international (API) standards –
In 2003 the Refinery commissioned the tons annual capacity was commissioned 254,000 tons in 2006
only largescale production of paraffins for which enabled launch of gasoline The enterprise was certified in
food product packaging in Russia. production to Euro3 standards. accordance with the ISO 9001:2000
Modernization increased production and Modernization of distillation unit6 was quality control standard
export of paraffins while reducing completed, increasing its capacity to
production costs by lowering relative 9 mln tons. The hydrotreatment unit was Current modernization
spending on reagents. also rebuilt, reducing sulfur content in pro Construction of a visbreaking unit by
duced diesel fuel to below 50 ppm (meet 2008
In 2004 the Refinery installed a catalytic
ing the Euro4 standard) and making it Construction of a deeprefining
reforming unit with annual capacity of complex, including catalytic cracking,
possible to start production of diesel fuel
1 mln tons, allowing increased production alkylation and vacuum gas oil
with sulfur content below 10 ppm (the
of highoctane gasoline while reducing hydrotreatment units by 2011
Euro5 standard).
the Usa–Ukhta pipeline Diesel Fuel
from Usa
2004 2.89
REPUBLIC 2003 3.62
2002 3.61
0 1 2 3 4
The Refinery produces fuels
Atmospheric and vacuum
in Uray
Autonomous District
The Refinery produces fuels
Atmospheric and vacuum
Located in Kogalym
Gasoline Catalytic Reforming
Refines a blend of local crudes
Autonomous District Minirefinery
in Kogalym
Ob Megion
Ploiesti Refinery
2005 2.41
2004 0.36
u 2003 –
2002 –
History of Refinery
Quality of products
The Refinery was put into operation in – reconstruction of purification
Since 2004 the Refinery produces 1927. equipment, installation of sulfur
premium and super gasoline grades recovery equipment and a power
In 1999 the Refinery entered LUKOIL
as well as diesel fuel to Euro4 and generating facility
Euro5 standards
In 2001 the Refinery started production of In 2004 the Refinery was relaunched after
highoctane gasoline (super) and low major reconstruction.
sulfur diesel fuel (sulfur content below In 2005 the Refinery achieved planned
Current modernization 0.035%). efficiency levels. A system for dehydration
Reconstruction of FCC gasoline In 2001 the Refinery suspended opera of inputs using a molecular sieve was
hydrotreating unit, coking unit and assembled on the isomerization unit;
tions in order to carry out reconstruction.
distillation unit3 by 2009 injection of secondary combustion
The work included:
Reconstruction of energy generating additives was begun, allowing increase of
unit by 2009 – modernization of facilities for initial the octane number in the catalyzer of the
Reconstruction of catalytic cracking refining, hydrotreatment, reforming, catalytic cracking unit.
unit by 2010 coking, catalytic cracking, gas In 2006 a unit for production of
fractionation and isomerization MTBE/TAME highoctane additives was
– construction of facilities for hydrotreat installed saving on purchases of high
ment of gasoline, catalytic cracking and octane additives for gasoline production.
production of hydrogen
2005 6.17
2003 4.96
The Refinery was put into operation in cracking unit was rebuilt to increase its In 2003 gasoline production was fully
1964. annual capacity to 2.0 mln tons and raise upgraded to highoctane, unleaded
output of gasoline, diesel fuel, and products and production of clean
In 1999 the Refinery entered LUKOIL propanepropylene fraction. diesel fuel with sulfur content below
Group. 0.035% was increased
In 2005 the regenerator of the catalytic
In 2001 the Refinery began production of cracking unit was rebuilt, a system was In 2005 the Refinery began production
light highoctane gasolines for marketing put in place for altering fuel inputs to of diesel fuel and gasoline with maxi
in Western Europe and the USA. mum sulfur content of 50 ppm (Euro4)
the power and heat generating station
In 2002 the Refinery started to produce 5 depending on market price trends for
new products to European standards, boiler fuel and gas. Also construction of a Current modernization
including products meeting EN228 and unit for production of gaseous sulfur
(30,000 tons annual capacity) was Construction of nbutane isomerization
EN590 standards. unit by the end of 2007
In 2003 work was focused on reconstruc Reconstruction of catalytic cracking
tion of the catalytic reforming unit and the In 2006 most of the work needed for unit by the end of 2007
reactorgenerator block of the catalytic installation of a nbutane isomerization unit Rebuilding of atmospheric and vacu
cracking unit. was carried out. Measures were taken to um distillation units
reduce emissions.
Reconstruction of alkylation unit by 2008
In 2004 the catalytic reforming unit was
Construction of a FCC gasoline and
rebuilt increasing its annual capacity to
diesel fuel hydrotreatment unit by 2009
600,000 tons, a catalytic agent was
replaced and facilities for hydrotreatment Construction of a complex for refining
of heavy residual stock by 2012
of diesel fuel were rebuilt, a catalytic
Petroleum products are shipped by Sulfur
rail and road transport, and also by
pipeline to Odessa port, where they Jet fuel Jet fuel
are loaded for export
Diesel fuel Hydrotreating Diesel fuel
Capacity – 2.8 mln tons per year
Nelson index – 3.2
Fuel oil
The Refinery does not carry out
conversion processes, but upgrades
products by reforming, residue Bitumen
hydrotreatment of diesel fuel and Bitumen Blowing
Refinery throughput, mln tons
UKRAINE 2006 –
2005 1.39
2004 2.45
Odessa Odessa
Refinery 2003 2.83
2002 2.49
Black Sea 0 1 2 3
Gasprocessing plants of LUKOIL Group
505 700
542 583
450 161
441 45
Korobkovsky Plant
Volgograd Region
The Company's gasprocessing plants process associated without considerable extra raw material costs. Volumes of pro
petroleum gas and natural gas liquids from fields in Russia. The cessing at Company plants have more than doubled in the last 5
plants produce marketable gas, which is fed into the Gazprom years thanks to acquisition of the Lokosovsky Gasprocessing
gas transport system, as well as liquid hydrocarbons. Gas pro Plant and increased volumes of associated petroleum gas pro
cessing ensures efficient use of associated petroleum gas by duction.
transforming it into marketable product, offering extra profit
LUKOIL is now the leading producer of petrochemicals in Russia, the CIS and Eastern Europe. In particular, LUKOIL
* the largest East European producer of olefins (total annual capacity over 1 mln tons)
* 2nd largest East European producer of polyethylene (total annual capacity – 480,000 tons)
* the largest East European producer, only Russian producer and fourth largest producer in Europe of acrylonitrile, a raw
material for production of synthetic fibers
* owner of Europe's largest vinyl chloridemonomer plant (annual capacity is 370,000 tons)
* the only Russian producer of polyacrylonitrile fibers
* the largest Russian producer of methyl methacrylate
LUKOIL has carried out extensive development of its chemicals as well as being a largescale chemicals exporter to
petrochemical business since 1997 in order to increase the more than 50 countries.
share of high valueadded products in overall output and reduce Output by LUKOIL's petrochemical plants has risen by nearly
dependence on the volatile international crude market. These 30% over the last 5 years and the Company is continuing to
efforts create further potential for growth of the Company increase capacity levels. A key project for coming years is
shareholder value. Petrochemicals are the most complex end of construction of the Caspian gaschemical complex, which will
the processing business. LUKOIL owns petrochemical process natural gas and gas condensate, produced by LUKOIL in
capacities in Russia (Saratovorgsintez and Stavrolen), Ukraine the Caspian region. The purpose of the project is to increase
(Karpatneftekhim), and Bulgaria (LUKOIL Neftokhim Burgas, a valueadded by deeper processing of gas feedstock and to
refinery with its own petrochemical facilities). ensure efficient chemical processing of ethane, natural gas
LUKOIL's petrochemical business is one of the biggest in Russia liquids and condensate. The Caspian Complex will make basic
and Eastern Europe. The Company makes pyrolysis and organic organic synthesis products, polyethylene, polypropylene and
synthesis products, fuel fractions and polymers, and meets a other petrochemical outputs. Work on a feasibility study for the
large part of Russian domestic demand for several important Complex proceeded in 2006 and should be completed in 2007.
Ethylene oxide
Production of Ethylene Oxide Entered LUKOIL Group at the end
of 1999
Ethylene glycol
Production of Glycol
Hydrocarbon feedstocks (naphta,
reformate, propanebutane fraction,
Oil tar
Production of Polyethylene
Polyethylene Main feedstocks – diesel fuel,
supplied from Nizhny Novgorod
refinery, and sodium chloride
In 2001–2003 capacities for produc
Oil tar
Acetone cyanohydrin
Acetone Production of Acetone Cyanohydrin
OOO Stavrolen
12.0 1.5
Vysotsk Varandey
9.2 0.5
6.0 Kaliningrad
(Svetly) 2.0 Current
5.3 Astrakhan
(Ilyinka village) capacity, mln
0.7 tons per year
in 2006, mln
Development of the transport segment helps the Company to (including 1.5 mln tons of oil owned by third parties) and 2.1 mln
improve logistics management and control transport costs. tons of petroleum products in 2006.
LUKOIL delivers its oil and petroleum products via infrastructure
of partner companies (Transneft, Gazprom, etc.) and its own Varandey
infrastructure. The Company is continuing to develop its own
export terminals, which significantly reduce transport spending This terminal with annual capacity of 1.5 mln tons,
and make transport arrangements more flexible. located 4 km from the village of Varandey on the Barents Sea,
began operations in 2000. The terminal is connected to oil
Thanks to development of its own transport capacities and reservoirs on the coast by an underwater pipeline and can serve
creation of a highly efficient and flexible logistics system, the icebreaking tankers with deadweight up to 20,000 tons.
Company has succeeded in the last 3 years in keeping growth
Varandey is intended for all the year round export deliveries from
of transport costs per barrel of production on a level with growth
the TimanPechora oil & gas province, particularly deliveries to
of tariffs for transport through pipelines of Transneft (the Russian
the US market. Construction of the terminal was
pipeline monopolist). This is a significant achievement, since
justified by growth of production in the region and lack of
tariff increases for transport by alternative routes have been
developed transport infrastructure.
much greater than Transneft tariff increases, and transport
volumes have grown more quickly than production due to Work is now being carried out jointly with ConocoPhillips to
increase of international trade. expand annual capacity of the terminal to 12 mln tons.
Completion of the work is scheduled for 2008. The expansion
will allow the terminal to serve icebreaking tankers with
deadweight up to 70,000 tons. There are also plans to start
A terminal at the port of Svetly in Kaliningrad Region shuttle deliveries of oil from the terminal to a new transshipment
(20 km from Kaliningrad) was commissioned in 2000. The complex on the coast near Murmansk, where the oil will be
terminal is designed for transshipment of crude oil produced by loaded onto tankers with deadweight up to 150,000 tons and
LUKOILKaliningradmorneft and of petroleum products. Initial carried to Rotterdam and the eastern seaboard of the USA.
annual capacity of 1.5 mln tons was increased thanks to work in Construction of an underwater pipeline was begun and work
2003 and the terminal can now transship as much as 4 mln tons continued on documentation for construction of the stationary
per year. iceresistant jetty in 2006.
In 2004 the channel from the port entrance at Baltiysk was Transshipments through Varandey in 2006 were 0.5 mln tons of
widened and deepened, making the terminal accessible for oil.
tankers with deadweight up to 20,000 tons (the previous limit
was 12,000 tons). The effect is to increase annual capacity to Vysotsk
6 mln tons of oil and petroleum products. A system introduced
at the terminal in 2005 increased shipment of base lubricants The Vysotsk terminal is located on the Baltic coast in the
and diesel fuel. NorthWest of Russia. Construction began in June 2002 with the
aim of increasing export capacities for crude oil and petroleum
The Svetly terminal transshipped 3.2 mln tons of crude oil
product exports and reducing transport costs. The first stage of diesel fuel (including 0.4 mln tons owned by third parties), and
the terminal, with capacity for 4.7 mln tons of oil and petroleum 1.2 mln tons of fuel oil. Total shipments were 9.2 mln tons,
products, was launched in June 2004. In 2005 the second stage which is one third more than in 2005.
was built and launched, in 2006 – the third stage. Design
annual capacity at Vysotsk is 15 mln tons (capacity at the end of
2006 was 12 mln tons). The harbour can accommodate ships In October 2003 LUKOIL commissioned the first stage of a
with deadweight up to 80,000 tons, giving a substantial saving crude oil export terminal in the village of Ilyinka in Astrakhan
on transport costs. The terminal can handle crude oil, fuel oil, Region. Oil is carried to the terminal by railway, where it is
vacuum gas oil and diesel. Since 2005 only petroleum products transshipped to riversea tankers.
have been exported via the terminal. Current annual crude capacity of the terminal is 2 mln tons and
Petroleum products are supplied to the terminal by the terminal can service tankers with deadweight up to 5,000
railway. Technical characteristics of Vysotsk make it one of the tons. One use of the terminal is for supplies of oil to Iran on a
most uptodate terminals in the world. Vysotsk allows LUKOIL substitution basis.
to export oil and petroleum products to Western Europe, the In 2006 the terminal handled 0.2 mln tons of oil and 0.5 mln tons
USA and SouthEast Asia. of petroleum products.
In 2006 Vysotsk handled 3.2 mln tons of vacuum gas oil
(including 0.3 mln tons owned by third parties), 4.8 mln tons of
Caspian Other pipelines
Sea Railroad
Kazakhstan (19.0%)
Oman (7.0%)
The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) is a 1,510 km pipeline connecting the Tengiz field
Chevron (15.0%) with the Yuzhnaya Ozereyevka terminal near Novorossiysk. The first framework
LUKArco (12.5%) agreement on construction of the CPC was signed in mid1992 between Kazakhstan,
Oman and Russia. The first stage of the pipeline with annual capacity of 28.2 mln tons was
put into operation at the end of 2001. It was decided in October 2004 to expand annual
capacity of the CPC to 67 mln tons by 2008. The first tanker was loaded with CPC oil in
Transportation through CPC, mln tons
October 2001.
2006 31.10 Pumping of oil from the Kumkol field through the CPC began in October 2003 (the oil is
carried by pipeline from the field to the town of Dzhusaly, and from there by rail to the
2005 30.50
2004 22.51 In May 2004 LUKOIL Group began to pump stable gas condensate from the Karachaganak
field through the CPC system.
2003 14.78
In November 2004 the CPC began to transport LUKOIL Group oil from the Volga region
2002 11.13
and Western Siberia.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
The marketing segment is crucially important to LUKOIL, Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
because it provides guaranteed outlets for Company Serbia, Romania, Macedonia, Cyprus, Turkey), as well as the
products. The key objective in this segment is to create USA. The network includes 200 tank farms and 5,793 filling
additional value by selling to the final consumer at the maximum stations (including franchises). LUKOIL Group filling stations
market price and ensuring reliable cash flows by reducing price operate under three brands: LUKOIL, Teboil and Getty. The
volatility. LUKOIL sells crude oil, petroleum products, gas Company is optimizing its marketing portfolio by acquisition of
processing products and petrochemicals wholesale, and also highly efficient assets and disposal of less efficient ones. This
carries out retail sales of petroleum products and has enabled a 71% increase of average sales per Company
petrochemicals. The Company's strategic aim is to increase the filling station over the last 5 years.
share of retail sales, generating extra income and competitive LUKOIL is rapidly expanding its filling station network by new
advantages. acquisitions and construction of new stations in promising
LUKOIL sells most of its crude oil on the international market regions. The retail network has grown by 150% in the last 5
and much smaller volumes on the domestic market. More than years (including franchises). Entry to new markets is made
75% of petroleum products are also sold abroad. easier by high quality of Company products, high quality service
At the end of 2006 the Company's marketing network extends at Company filling stations, and by application of promotion and
to 19 countries, including Russia, nearabroad and European discount card schemes.
countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine,
LICard is a system of noncash payment for fuel and other products and services at LUKOIL
filling stations. The system was originally designed to serve LUKOIL fuel cards, used by legal
entities. It was later extended to personal bonus and discount cards, cards of international
payment systems and fuel cards issued by other companies.
As of January 1, 2007, LICard was in operation at 2,179 filling stations in almost 60 regions of
Russia, as well as in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Poland, and the number of LICard fuel
cards in circulation had risen to 1.17 mln. Over 1.55 mln tons of fuel were sold using the cards
in 2006 (almost 45% more than in 2005).
International trade is another distinct business within LUKOIL. increasing margins on trade operations by optimizing
It enables the Company to sell its own products efficiently and management of LUKOIL's delivery channels and by increasing
to obtain extra profit from sales of thirdparty production. the volume of trade with third parties.
LITASCO (LUKOIL International Trading and Supply Company) LITASCO has offices in 15 countries and its main trading offices
has been the sole agent for the Company's international trading are in Switzerland, the USA, Germany, the Netherlands,
operations since 2000, carrying out all LUKOIL Group deliveries Sweden, UAE and Singapore. Expansion by LITASCO to new
and trading operations outside Russia. Transfer of all export markets in Central America, China, and the Middle East has
operations to a single Company simplified export arrangements, helped to make LUKOIL into one of the leading oil companies in
optimized export flows and assured transparency of LUKOIL's the world.
oil and petroleum product exports. LITASCO is consistently
Board of Directors Committee
Chairman President
Valery Grayfer Vagit Alekperov
BoD Office
Committee Office
Head Head
Evgeny Khavkin Gennady Podliniayev
Oil and Gas Production Refining and Marketing Economy and Finance Accounts
First Executive VicePresident First VicePresident First VicePresident Chief Accountant
Ravil Maganov Vladimir Nekrasov Sergey Kukura Lubov Khoba
Main Technical
Jevan Cheloyants
Board of Directors
To prepare recommendations to the BoD To prepare recommendations to the BoD To prepare recommendations to the BoD
concerning: concerning: concerning:
selection of candidates for appointment analysis of concepts, programs and plans Company actions to do with personnel
as Company Auditor from among for strategic development of the Company; and remuneration of managers and of the
internationally recognized auditors with assessment of Company policy in relations Company’s auditing commission;
high professional reputation; with investors and shareholders; assessment of candidates to positions in
supervision of any competition (tender) decisions on the level of dividends to be the respective management positions in the
for choice of the Auditor, if such a
recommended to shareholders, and Company;
competition is held;
procedure for dividend payment; design of criteria for determining
analysis and discussion with the Auditor
distribution of Company profit and loss at independence of any director in the BoD;
of any significant questions arising during
the end of each year; analysis of results of work by members
conduct of independent external audit of
Company policy with respect to of Company management bodies and of
the Company;
its own securities; the audit commission , particularly as
acquaintance with the Auditor’s
plans for Company reorganization; concerns possible increase of remuneration
conclusions before the latter are presented
participation in holding companies, paid to them and any other types of
to shareholders at the General Meeting
of Shareholders; financialindustrial groups, associations and incentive;
review of the most significant amend any other unified commercial organizations; decision on a recommended level of
ments to the Company’s accounts as a major transactions, involving property that remuneration to be paid to members of the
result of the audit; is equal in value to 2550% of the balance auditing commission;
efficiency of the Company’s system of sheet value of Company assets on the day, advisability of reappointing members of
internal control and audit; when the decision on such transaction the auditing commission;
assessment of the Company’s risk is taken; design of longterm programs of
management system; creation of Company subsidiaries and remuneration to Company employees,
possible preliminary approval of the opening of representative offices, and based on Company shares;
Company’s annual report by the BoD; closure of the same in the Russian significant conditions of contracts with
observance of audit procedures and Federation and foreign countries; members of the Company’s executive
assessment of the level of objectivity and use of Company reserves; bodies.
independence of the Company Auditor; use of noncore assets of the Company;
definition of a limit for the Auditor’s change in the structure of Company asset
remuneration, depending on the type and management.
volume of his work, including services,
which complement the actual audit.
Date Maturity, Face value, Quantity, Annual Type of Current
years roubles th. units coupon placement status
13.07.95 Registered non 1 5,000 460 – Open Cancelled at conversion
documentary bonds con subscription in 1996 (1 bond =
vertible to common shares = 170 shares)
17.05.99 Documentary 4 1,000 3,000 6%* Open Cancelled at
bearer bonds subscription redemption in 2003
16.04.04 Documentary 5 1,000 6,000 7.25% Open Placed
bearer bonds subscription
23.11.06 Documentary 5 1,000 8,000 7.1% Open Placed
bearer bonds subscription
23.11.06 Documentary 7 1,000 6,000 7.4% Open Placed
bearer bonds subscription
Date Maturity Face value, Quantity, Annual Current
years $ th. units coupon status
06.05.97 Convertible 5 1,000 230 3.5% Cancelled at conversion
eurobonds in 2002 (1 eurobond =
= 15 GDR (60 shares))
03.11.97 Convertible 6 1,000 350 1% Cancelled at conversion
eurobonds in 2003 (1 eurobond =
= 5.625 GDR (22.5 shares))
29.11.02 Convertible 5 1,000 350 3.5% Placed, some of the bonds have
eurobonds been converted to GDRs (ratio de
pends on size of dividend payments)
31.05.07 Eurobonds 10 100,000 5 6.356% Placed
31.05.07 Eurobonds 15 100,000 5 6.356% Placed
* Rate was subject to change depending on the dollar exchange rate.
LUKOIL shares
History of Company share capital
Shares of LUKOIL are among the most liquid and attractive
instruments on the Russian stock market today and are also 1993
traded intensively on foreign markets (the London Stock
The overall privatization plan is approved and a first issue of
Exchange, several German exchanges and the US
LUKOIL shares is registered, consisting of 8,184,213 common
overthecounter market). Company market capitalization has
grown by 7 times in the last 5 years, which is one of the best shares with par value of 1,000 roubles each.
results among international oil & gas companies. LUKOIL is thus The Russian Government takes 90.77% of share capital and
achieving one of its main strategic goals – to increase remaining shares are distributed to employees or kept back for
shareholder value and ensure full access to markets for share swaps with subsidiaries.
investment capital.
In 2006 trading in Company shares represented 14% of trading
on the RTS, 11% of trading on the MICEX and nearly 25% of The first privatization sales of LUKOIL shares are held and
trading in shares of foreign issuers on the IOB section of the organized trading of Company shares on the secondary market
LSE. LUKOIL shares are included in a number of Russian and begins. As a result, the share of the Russian Government in
foreign stock indexes. The Company’s weight in the RTS Index share capital declines to 72%. A further 3,320,463 common
is 15.0% and weight of its shares in the MSCI Russia is nearly shares and 379,527 preferred shares are issued, increasing
14% (as of the end of 2006). share capital to 11,884,203 shares.
Authorized and issued share capital currently consists of
850.6 mln shares. Depositary Receipts have been issued on
63.8% of these shares. Over 55,000 individuals and legal The Company carries out 2 share splits, dividing one share with
entities worldwide are Company shareholders. 1,000 roubles par value into 40 shares with par value of
LUKOIL's dividend policy is characterized by strict observance of 25 roubles each. The first annual general meeting of
shareholder rights and maintenance of a balance of interests shareholders decides on further issue of 189,364,351 common
between shareholders and the Company. In accordance with the and 49,830,784 preferred shares, which are placed by closed
policy, LUKOIL pays out no less than 15% of consolidated net subscription among shareholders of subsidiaries in exchange for
income under US GAAP as dividends each year, ensuring a high shares of those subsidiaries in order to consolidate Company
rate of return. The Company has increased its dividends per assets. As a result, Company share capital consists of
share year by year: the payment for 2006 was 38 roubles 714,563,255 shares with par value of 25 roubles. The
($1.47), which is nearly two times more than in 2002. Higher
government stake in share capital decreases to 55% due to a
dividends and growth of market value of shares has increased
number of auctions and cash sales, and due to the policy of
total shareholder return (TSR), which was at a level of 50.1% in
consolidating subsidiaries. Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO)
becomes a major shareholder and a strategic partner of LUKOIL
In 2006 LUKOIL decided to buy back its own shares to the value
upon acquisition of a 6.3% stake in LUKOIL capital for $250 mln
of $3 bln. This will bring additional income to LUKOIL
through a purchase of convertible bonds and their further
shareholders by increasing the value of shares in circulation.
conversion into common shares.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
1996 2002
LUKOIL becomes one of the first Russian companies to place LUKOIL becomes the first Russian Company to obtain a full
American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) on the international secondary listing on the London Stock Exchange. Company
market. LUKOIL ADRs start trading on German stock exchanges common shares begin to trade on the LSE in ADR form.
and the US overthecounter market. About 20% of Company A 5.9% Russian Government stake in LUKOIL is placed on the
share capital is converted into ADRs. London Stock Exchange for $775 mln. The Russian Government
As part of the privatization program, bonds issued in 1995 are stake in the Company declines to 7.59% after the sale.
converted into LUKOIL shares owned by the Federal
Government, representing 11% of share capital. This operation 2003
and further investment auctions and cash sales reduce the
Official LSE data in March 2003 show that LUKOIL shares are
Government stake in LUKOIL share capital to 33%.
the most liquid instruments in their group: LUKOIL shares
represent 36.6% of LSE trading in shares of companies from
Central and Eastern Europe.
Full consolidation of shares of main LUKOIL subsidiaries is
completed through their exchange for shares of the Company. 2004
For this purpose a new issue of 19,800,000 common and
The Property Ministry of the Russian Federation completes
12,200,000 preferred shares is carried out. The shares are
privatization of LUKOIL by offering the remaining 7.59%
placed by subscription among shareholders of subsidiaries in
Government stake for sale at auction. An affiliate of the
exchange for shares of the subsidiaries. As a result, Company
US company ConocoPhillips wins the auction, buying the stake
share capital increases by 4.5% to 746,563,255 shares. The
for $1.988 bln ($30.76 per share). LUKOIL thus becomes fully
Government stake in share capital declines to 27%.
privately owned.
The Company issues 69,000,000 new common shares to be
LUKOIL changes the ratio between Depositary Receipts and
swapped for 11,500,000 preferred shares (at a rate of
common shares in its two most liquid Depositary Receipt
1 preferred for 6 common). The swap increases share capital to
programs: from 1 Depositary Receipt representing 4 common
815,563,255 shares. The Government stake in share capital
shares to 1 Depositary Receipt representing 1 common share.
declines to 24%.
The main purpose of the change is to increase liquidity and thus
make Depositary Receipts more attractive for all types of
In accordance with a Russian Government decision, a 9% stake
in LUKOIL, owned by the Government, is sold via a commercial 2006
competition with investment conditions to the Cyprus company,
ConocoPhillips increases its stake in LUKOIL share capital to
Reforma Investment Ltd, for $200.005 mln. A cash auction is
20%, as stipulated in the Shareholder Agreement. LUKOIL
also held, at which the Government sells 1% of the Company.
decides to buy back its own shares to maximum value of $3 bln
As a result, the Government stake in LUKOIL declines to 14%
in 2006–2008 (including $782 mln in 2006).
by the end of the year.
LUKOIL's business is subject to taxation inside and outside annual wages and disbursements per employee up to a level of
Russia. The scale of the Company's business inside Russia 280,000 roubles, calculated cumulatively from the start of the
means that its situation as a taxpayer is mainly defined by taxes, year)
payable in that country. In 2002–2006 taxes paid in Russia The unified social tax is paid to the federal budget, to the social
represented more than 80% of all tax payments by LUKOIL. The insurance fund and to medical insurance fund
main taxes paid by the Group are listed below.
Impact on Company business: Company spending in 2006 on
Corporate income tax social taxes and charges was $356 mln, which is 9.9% more
than in 2005
Date introduced: 1992
Object: income received by an organization, reduced by incurred Mineral extraction tax (oil)
costs, defined in accordance with Russian tax law
Date introduced: 2002
Tax payers: Russian and foreign organizations, which carry out
The mineral extraction tax replaced three forms of payment for
business or have a source of income in the Russian Federation
use of mineral resources, which existed previously – subsoil
Tax rate: 20–24% resource tax, payments to finance replacement of mineral
Impact on Company business: payment of income tax by the resources, and excise payments on oil and gas condensate.
Company increased by 12.4% in 2006 compared with 2005 and Object: mineral resources, extracted on territory under Russian
totalled $2,773 mln. The effective income tax rate in 2006 was jurisdiction
26.8%, which is higher than the maximum statutory rate of
Tax payers: organizations and individual enterpreneurs, who
24%. This is attributable to the fact that some costs incurred in
qualify as extractors of minerals under Russian law
the current period were not tax deductible or only deductible to
a certain limit Base tax rate (2005–2007): 419 roubles per ton (applicable tax
rate is calculated each month using a coefficient which reflects
Corporate property tax changes in world prices for oil)
Date introduced: 1992 Average rate in 2006: 2,265.7 roubles per ton
Object: real estate and other property of organizations, which is Impact on Company business: the mineral extraction tax,
classed on the balance sheet as fixed assets together with export duties, is the most significant part of the
tax burden on oil companies. In 2006 LUKOIL paid $7.28 bln as
Tax payers: Russian and foreign organizations, carrying out
mineral extraction tax (30% of total tax payment by the
business and/or having property in Russia
Tax rate: set by regional parliaments; the maximum rate is 2.2%
Impact on Company business: Company spending on property Mineral extraction tax (gas)
tax in 2006 was $247 mln, which is $14 mln more than in 2005 Date introduced: 2002
Unified social tax Object: gas produced on territory under Russian jurisdiction
Tax payers: organizations and individual enterpreneurs, who
Date introduced: 2001
qualify as extractors of minerals under Russian law
Object: wages and other disbursements paid to individuals
Tax rate (2006): 147 roubles per th. cm for natural gas and
under employment and other civil law contracts (except those
0 roubles per th. cm for associated petroleum gas
paid to individual enterpreneurs)
Tax payers: entities, which make the above payments and VAT
disbursements to individuals (employees)
Date introduced: 1992
Tax rate: regressive scale (maximum rate – 26%, on taxable
Object: sale and transfer of goods, services and property rights
From January 1, 2007 a new law introduced differentiations in the mineral extraction tax, setting a zero rate for extrac
tion in territories located wholly or partially in the Eastern Siberian oil & gas province (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Irkutsk Region,
Krasnoyarsk Territory). The zero rate applies until the cumulative volume of oil production reaches 25 mln tons, or the development
period exceeds 10 or 15 years depending on the license type. The same tax benefit is available for highviscosity oil. Also,
progressively lower tax rates is set for fields with exhaustion levels higher than 80% (will be applied after development of appli
cation practice). The specific tax rate for oil production is the same as in 2006, 419 roubles per ton. This rate is amended using a
coefficient that reflects movement of international oil prices and exhaustion levels at specific production locations.
inside Russia as well as construction and assembly work for the Export duties (petroleum products)
Company's own consumption and import of goods across the Date introduced: 1992
Russian customs border
Object: export of petroleum products from Russia
Tax payers: organizations, individual enterpreneurs
Payers: organizations exporting petroleum products from Russia
Tax rate: 18%; a lower rate of 10% is applicable for taxation of
Rate: different rates apply for different petroleum products
basic food goods, medical goods and goods for children;
types (light and dark), and rates are subject to change by the
0% rate is applicable to export operations
Russian Government depending on changes in prices for oil
Excise (petroleum products) Average rate in 2006: $143.4 per ton for light products and $77.3
per ton for dark products
Date introduced: 1992
Products liable to the tax: automobile gasoline; diesel fuel; Export duties (gas)
motor oils for diesel and (or) carburettor (injection) engines; Date introduced: 1992
straightrun gasoline
Object: export of gas from Russia
Payers: organizations and individual enterpreneurs (since
Payers: organizations exporting gas from Russia
January 1, 2007 – refineries, but not organizations selling petro
leum products as in 2003–2006) Rate: natural gas in a gaseous state is liable to export duty at
30% of its value for customs purposes; a zero rate for customs
Rate: excise rates for petroleum products are reviewed
duties on export of liquefied natural gas was introduced in 2006
annually by the Russian Government. However, the Government
(previously 40 euros per ton)
has kept rates unchanged in 2007 in order to limit domestic
price rises for gasoline
Tax on income received as dividends
Petroleum products excise (2005–2007), roubles per ton Date introduced: 1992
Object: income received as dividends
Highoctane gasoline 3,629
Tax payers: Russian and foreign organizations and individuals
Lowoctane gasoline 2,657
Tax rate: 9% of dividends paid by Russian organizations to
Naphta 2,657 Russian organizations and individuals; 15% of income received
Motor oils 2,951 in the form of dividends by foreign organizations from Russian
Diesel fuel 1,080 organizations, and by Russian organizations from foreign
organizations; 30% of income received in the form of dividends
Impact on Company business: excises paid by LUKOIL on sale by foreign individuals from Russian organizations
of petroleum products in Russia totalled $0.61 bln in 2006. Impact on Company business: Russian tax legislation allows
Besides, $2.83 bln were paid abroad offsetting of tax paid by LUKOIL on dividends from its
subsidiaries and dependent companies when the Company pays
Excise (gas)
dividends to its shareholders. This way of avoiding dual taxation
Date introduced: 1992 means that Russian shareholders of LUKOIL will not have to pay
Excises on natural gas were abolished from 2004 or will pay less tax on dividends under certain conditions
Average crude oil export tariff, Mineral extraction tax (MET), $ per ton
$ per ton
Base tax rate х (Oil price – Base oil price) х Reserve exhaustion rate*
Base exchange rate (RUR/USD) х Base oil price
2004 2005–2007
Oil price $ per barrel Urals oil price
50 Base oil price $ per barrel 8 9
Base tax rate roubles per ton 347 419
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Base rouble/$
exchange rate rouble/$ 31.5 29.0
* From January 1, 2007.
The rate of the mineral extraction tax changes each month. For example, the tax rate for
June is calculated in July based on the average international market price for Urals crude
in June.
The export tariff rate on crude oil is revised every two months. For example, the export
tariff rate for April–May is calculated in March based on the average price of Urals oil on
30 the international market in January–February.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Dependence of crude oil export tariff rate and mineral extraction tax rate
on oil prices (model applied in 2005–2007), $ per barrel
14% 16% 17% 18% 19%
80 16%
Share of taxes, excises and export 60 43%
tariffs in income before their
payment, % % 100%
77.5 91%
75.0 54%
20 39%
Mineral extraction tax 35%
72.5 Export tariff
Exporter’s revenue
70.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Urals oil price, USD per barrel
Certain statements in this document are not historical facts and are "forwardlooking". We may from time to time make
written or oral forwardlooking statements in reports to shareholders and in other communications. Examples of such
forwardlooking statements include, but are not limited to:
– statements of our plans, objectives or goals, including those related to products or services;
– statements of future economic performance; and
– statements of assumptions underlying such statements.
Forwardlooking statements that may be made by us from time to time (but that are not included in this document) may also include
projections or expectations of revenues, income (or loss), earnings (or loss) per share, dividends, capital structure or other financial
items or ratios. Words such as "believes," "anticipates," "expects," "estimates," "intends" and "plans" and similar expressions are
intended to identify forwardlooking statements but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. By their very nature,
forwardlooking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and risks exist that the predictions,
forecasts, projections and other forwardlooking statements will not be achieved. You should be aware that a number of important
factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions expressed in
such forwardlooking statements.
This list of important factors is not exhaustive. When relying on forwardlooking statements, you should carefully consider the
foregoing factors and other uncertainties and events, especially in light of the political, economic, social and legal environment in
which we operate. Such forwardlooking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and, subject to any continuing
obligations under the Listing Rules of the U.K. Listing Authority, we do not undertake any obligation to update or revise any of them,
whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. We do not make any representation, warranty or prediction that
the results anticipated by such forwardlooking statements will be achieved, and such forwardlooking statements represent, in each
case, only one of many possible scenarios and should not be viewed as the most likely or standard scenario.
More information about the Company is available at LUKOIL's website at (Russian version) or (English version).
By visiting out site you can find out more about LUKOIL's main businesses and Company results, as well as staying
informed about new developments in all spheres of LUKOIL business. The site also provides information about
Company policy and involvement in social and environmental affairs.
A section of the site for investors and shareholders provides the Company's financial results, history of dividend pay
ments, share prices and accounts. A number of presentations for the investment community are also available through
this section of the site.
All information in this document is presented as of 31.12.2006. This document does not reflect any changes
that happened after that date, unless specified.
Sources of information
Information provided by the Ministry of Industry and Statistical Review of World Energy 2006 (British
Energy of Russia Petroleum)
Information provided by the State Committee for Annual Statistical Bulletin (OPEC)
Statistics of the Russian Federation Worldwide Refinery Capacities as of January 1,
Annual reports of major international privately owned 2007 (Oil & Gas Journal)
oil companies
Information provided by the US Department of Energy
and the International Energy Agency
$ or USD — United States Dollars bсf — billion cubic feet
mln — million mcf — million cubic feet
bln — billion th. cf — thousand cubic feet
th. — thousand bcm — billion cubic meters
boe — barrel of oil equivalent (1 boe = 6,000 tсf of gas) mcm — million cubic meters
tсf — trillion cubic feet