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When Parodi and colleagues [1] implanted the first endograft to treat an in-
frarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in 1991, they forever changed the
treatment of aortic aneurysmal disease. This technology has reduced the mor-
tality risk compared with open repair, and it has eliminated the associated
morbidity of an abdominal operation in high-risk patients [2–5]. Similarly,
whereas open surgery has remained the primary therapy for ruptured abdom-
inal aortic aneurysms (RAAA), it is nonetheless associated with significant
morbidity and mortality ranging from 30% to 80% [6]. Despite technological
advances and advances in critical care, the actual surgical approach and resul-
tant mortality has only marginally changed over the last 50 years [7,8].
The success of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) for elective aneu-
rysms has been slow to transition into the treatment of emergent aneurysmal
disease. There are several obstacles preventing this from occurring, ranging
from institutional limitations, imaging, graft availability, and availability of
an endovascular surgeon. Although not all vascular surgeons and general
surgeons are capable of performing EVAR, there are basic endovascular
techniques that can be useful for standard open repair.
During the Korean War, Lieutenant Colonel Hughes [9] introduced the
technique of remote aortic occlusion by placement of transfemoral Foley
catheters in three injured soldiers who presented in hemorrhagic shock
from penetrating truncal trauma. He used this technique as compassionate
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Z.M. Arthurs).
0039-6109/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1036 ARTHURS et al
use and noted all three patients to temporarily experience hemodynamic im-
provement. A decade later, Hesse and Kletschka [10] used intralumenal aor-
tic occlusion specifically for ruptured abdominal aneurysms in 1961. Their
technique involved placing a Foley catheter through the aneurysmal rent
in the aorta and guiding it into the thoracic aorta. If the aneurysm was
not easily defined, the balloon was placed through an arteriotomy placed
in the common iliac artery. Within the past 2 decades, endovascular proce-
dures have become commonplace in the United States, and vascular sur-
geons are using remote aortic occlusion to manage RAAAs [11–13].
This article addresses the challenges associated with performing endovas-
cular procedures in an after-hours environment, the preoperative prepara-
tion of patients who have RAAAs, and the technique of remote aortic
Preoperative management
Once the patient is identified as having an RAAA, the patient’s clinical
status dictates the urgency of treatment. The ideal perfusion pressure has
brought about much debate with regards to resuscitation of patients who
have RAAAs. The majority of research in this area has focused on
Access to the common femoral artery
With the patient prepped and draped, the operator should use a standard
access needle that will accept a 0.035’’ wire. The authors prefer the groin
1038 ARTHURS et al
common femoral artery, and if the wire does not easily pass, we then use
a hydrophilic glide wire. If this fails, we redirect the access needle and repeat
the steps. Once the wire easily passes into the artery, a 6 Fr sheath is placed
in the groin, which is just an initial step to serially dilate the vessel to our
working sheath, the 11 Fr sheath. After the sheath has been flushed, we
then replace the 6 Fr sheath with an 11 Fr sheath. At this point, the operator
has a working system from the right groin that can accept a 33 mm AOB.
Fig. 1. Illustration of aortic balloon placement. (A) Placement of the access wire. (B) Using
a Kumpe catheter to select the proximal aorta. (C) Positioning the tip of the Kumpe catheter
just beyond the proximal aorta. (D) Retracting the catheter, applying torque to the catheter,
and advancing the Bentson wire. (E) Purchasing hold in the supraceliac aorta and retracting
the Kumpe catheter. (F) Advancing the AOB into position.
1040 ARTHURS et al
(Cook Medical), which has a hockey-stick bend at the tip. This catheter is
advanced over the Bentson wired through our working sheath (11 Fr
sheath), and then advanced over the tip of the wire (see Fig. 1B). When se-
lecting vessels, the selective catheter and wire should never be pushed into
the orifice; instead, the catheter should be advanced beyond the orifice
with the floppy tip of the Bentson wire just beyond the end of the Kumpe
catheter (see Fig. 1C). From this vantage point, counterclockwise torque
is applied to the Kumpe catheter in the right groin while slowly withdrawing
the catheter and watching the catheter under fluoroscopic imaging. The wire
can then be advanced into the supraceliac aorta (see Fig. 1D). Once the wire
is in the thoracic aorta, the redundant loop in the aortic sac will snap into
a straight line across the aneurysm (see Fig. 1E).
Fig. 2. Test inflation of the AOB. The balloon has opposed the aortic wall and started to elon-
gate with continued inflation. Note the wire inferior to balloon buckling against the cranial to
caudal pressure.
Although an AOB can be placed in less than 5 minutes in experienced
hands, technical difficulties can occur with any of the above steps. Most gen-
eral surgeons are comfortable with obtaining access in the groin, and de-
pending on their comfort with ultrasound, ultrasound-guided access is an
alternative. If percutaneous attempts fail, general surgeons can perform
a rapid cutdown at the groin and access the common femoral vessel.
Fig. 3. The AOB is secured at the groin. The contrast (large white arrow) has been marked from
test occlusion, and the wire (small white arrow) remains in place throughout the procedure. This
particular patient had a prior right groin exploration; therefore, the AOB was placed from the
left groin.
1042 ARTHURS et al
Fig. 4. Remote AOB for proximal control. The assistant inflates the AOB (large white arrow)
and secures the position (small white arrow) while the open operation ensues. This patient ex-
perienced free rupture of the aneurysm, prompting inflation of the AOB for proximal control.
General surgeons are probably least familiar with selecting the supracel-
iac aorta using a directional catheter (ie, the Kumpe). For endovascular sur-
geons, this is a very common maneuver, and is performed at the beginning
of every elective endovascular aneurysm repair. The authors recommend us-
ing this opportunity under elective circumstances to gain experience with
handling wires in the aneurysm sac and selecting the supraceliac aorta be-
fore attempting this technique in the emergent setting.
Once proximal placement is confirmed, the assistant must secure the
AOB at the groin or the patient’s pressure will force the balloon caudally
into the aneurysm sac. When the test occlusion is performed under fluoros-
copy, the force on the balloon can be felt by the assistant securing the cath-
eter. If the patient’s aortic pressure is greater than the columnar strength of
the catheter system, the wire and balloon will start to buckle. This can be
seen ion Fig. 2 just caudal to the balloon. To increase the columnar support
of the system, the Bentson wire can be replaced with an Amplatz wire (Cook
Medical), which is more rigid. If this fails to secure the balloon in place, then
the AOB can be removed, and a 65 cm 11 or 12 Fr sheath can be placed over
the Amplatz wire into the supraceliac aorta. The AOB can then be passed
through the sheath so that the balloon extends just beyond the tip of the
sheath. When the balloon is inflated, the sheath will wedge against the cau-
dal aspect of the balloon and prevent migration. Veith and colleagues [23]
have described this modification as an adjunct to EVAR for RAAAs. Typ-
ically, an Amplatz wire has enough columnar support to hold the balloon in
position; therefore, the authors only place the 65 cm, 11 Fr sheath if it fails
to secure the balloon.
Some authors have used a transbrachial approach for placement of the
AOB [11,12,20,21]. The primary reported benefit of this approach is lack
of balloon migration into the aneurysm sac. The transbrachial approach,
initially used when the surgeon planned to repair the RAAA with an endog-
raft, allowed both groins still available for graft insertion. The disadvantage
of this technique is the required cutdown procedure over the brachial artery
near the median nerve and the placement of a very large sheath relative to
the normal size of the brachial artery. Additionally, using the right brachial
artery places the patient at risk for cerebral embolization as the innominate
and left common carotid arteries are crossed. Utilizing the left arm will place
the operators in a difficult location between the patient and the C-arm. In
addition, the stiffness associated with the AOB and sheaths make them dif-
ficult to navigate through the arch into the descending thoracic aorta. Rel-
ative risk of ischemic complications to the hand is also a concern.
For these reasons, the authors feel that the femoral approach is superior.
Dr. Veith and colleagues [22] have reported the largest experience treating
RAAAs with EVAR; their group uses a transfemoral AOB and then places
the endograft from the contralateral groin [23]. If a transfemoral AOB is
placed as a temporizing measure until the vascular surgeon arrives, it does
not hinder the placement of an endograft.
The risks associated with AOB placement include a time delay such that
the patient experiences a poor outcome. Those patients that survive through
transport to the hospital typically have a contained rupture that is depen-
dent on the retroperitoneal hematoma and tone of the abdominal wall mus-
culature. Based on Lloyd and colleagues’ [18] time-to-death analysis, most
patients have 2.5 hours after being admitted to the hospital before free rup-
ture. The authors feel that the benefits of securing the proximal aorta before
anesthetic induction and release of the tamponade effect of the abdominal
wall far outweigh the risks of a relatively small time delay.
Manipulating wires and catheters within the aneurysm sac could poten-
tially convert a contained rupture to free rupture. The authors have not ex-
perienced this complication, nor has it been reported in the literature.
Surgeons have used AOBs for penetrating truncal trauma and experienced
the balloon exiting the injury site in the aorta [19]. If this were to occur dur-
ing placement, we feel that it would be recognized by using fluoroscopic
The most devastating complication of occluding the aorta is spinal cord,
visceral, and lower extremity ischemia. The balloon is only inflated if the
patient’s hemodynamic status demands proximal control. Based on the
patient’s underlying vascular disease, collateral flow, and moribund state,
the ischemia time is variable. Intermittent periods of aortic occlusion are
better tolerated than prolonged occlusion [19]; therefore, the authors limit
periods of occlusion to 10 minutes with variable periods of reperfusion.
This complication is inherent in all types of proximal control, and the
AOB could theoretically reduce periods of hypotension.
At the authors’ institution, we have adopted the approach of placing
a transfemoral AOB before resuscitation, induction of anesthesia, and ex-
clusion of the RAAA. The availability of commercial endografts and sur-
geons trained in the art of endovascular technique is such that each
patient is considered for endovascular repair. The utility of remote aortic
1044 ARTHURS et al
Although the treatment and mortality for RAAAs has changed very little
in the last 50 years, the elective repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms has
dramatically changed because of endovascular technology. EVAR for
RAAAs has been limited to relatively few centers, but remote endovascular
occlusion of the aorta is a technique that can be used by both vascular and
general surgeons alike. Preoperative placement of a remote AOB from the
groin is a rapid and effective method of obtaining proximal control and
has the potential to improve the morbidity and mortality in this moribund
population of patients.
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