ResourceProxy PDF
ResourceProxy PDF
ResourceProxy PDF
In order to remain on the Registry and to be eligible to work in a licensed facility, you must meet the requirements
for re-certification. Federal Regulations require that you must have worked as a CNA for pay, a minimum of eight
hours within the last 24 consecutive months under the supervision of a Registered Nurse. If you are unable to meet
this requirement, you must be retest to remain on the Georgia Registry. If your certification expires three or more
years from date of last re-certification date, then you must take another State approved nurse aide training program.
You must send the Registry a completed Application for Renewal as a Certified Nurse Aide. The form is enclosed,
but may be printed from the web site ( or you may request a form via the Interactive Voice
Response System 678-527-3010 or 800-414-4358.
If you are currently working as a nurse aide, complete Section A of the application form and have your employer
sign the form. Submit a copy of check stub or W-2 Form as verification of employment. Private Duty
requirements below apply to section A.
If you are currently working or have worked private duty employee, please provide proof of income. Acceptable
private duty services must be under the general supervision of a LPN/RN. Please include a Notarized statement
with detailed job duties and time frame worked from employer with LPN/RN signature and license number.
Also, attach a copy of check stub or W-2 form as verification of employment. These requirements apply to
Section A and B. Failure to submit proof will delay your re-certification.
If you are not currently working as a nurse aide, but meet the requirements of 8 hours of work within the last 24
consecutive months as a nurse aide, complete Section B of the application form. Private Duty requirements above
apply to section B.
Please be sure to include your signature and the signature of your current employer, if applicable in the space
You will be issued a new certification card identifying the new two-year expiration date. If your name and/or
address changes within the next 24, months, please fill out a Change of Name or Personal Information Form and
mail to the Alliant Health Solutions, Attn: GA Nurse Aide Registry, P.O. Box 105753, Atlanta, Georgia 30348. You
may print a request for Change of Name or Change of Personal Information via the website
( or request a form via the Telephone Interactive Voice Response System by calling 678-
527-3010 or 800-414-4358.
If there is a change of address, it is the sole responsibility of the CNA to report this change. The CNA has 10
working days to report the change so that the registry will be updated appropriately.
Failure to return the Application for Renewal as a Certified Nurse Aide will result in your name being removed
from the Georgia Registry and you will not be eligible to be hired as a nurse aide by a licensed Medicaid
facility. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call the numbers above. Thank you for
your cooperation.
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________
Street/Apt Number
City State Zip Code County
If there is a change of address, it is the sole responsibility of the CNA to report this change. The CNA has
10 working days to report the change so that the registry will be updated appropriately.
I certify that all the information on this form is true and complete.
_____________________________________ ___________________________
Verification of Employment
Section A
If you are currently working as a CNA, please complete the information below with your employer’s signature and
a copy of a check stub or W-2 Form as proof of employment. Acceptable Private Duty must be under the
general supervision of a LPN/RN. Private Duty requirements must include a notarized statement with
detailed job duties, signature of employer, signature of LPN/RN and license number, time frame worked and
a copy of check stub or W-2 form as verification of employment.
Current Employer (Facility, Agency or Private Duty) Employer's Phone Number
Employer's Address City State Zip Code Type of Employer
_________________________ _____________________________________________________
Date Worked (From/To) EMPLOYER SIGNATURE Date
Section B
If you are NOT currently working as a CNA, please complete the information below for your most recent job within
the prior 24 consecutive months as a nurse aide. Please attach copy of a check stub, W-2 Form or letter from
employer on letterhead as proof of employment. Acceptable Private Duty must be under the general
supervision of a LPN/RN. Private Duty requirements must include a notarized statement with detailed job
duties, signature of employer, signature of LPN/RN and license number, time frame worked and a copy of
check stub or W-2 form as verification of employment.
Employer (Facility or Agency Name) Employer's Phone Number
Employer's Address City State Zip Code Type of Employer
______________________ ___________________________________________
Date of Hire Employment End Date
____Is the renewal form completely fill out, including nurse aide’s signature?
____Is ONE COPY of the following attached to the renewal form? Please read private duty
requirements on the renewal form.
Note: The proof of employment must be for at least 8 hours for pay performing nurse aide
duties under the supervision of a nurse. Requested copies will not be returned. Please do
not send original documents. No fees are required to renew nurse aide certification in
• Paystub
• W-2 or 1099 Form
• Letter from employer on employer’s letterhead
• Please read private duty requirements on the renewal form
____Is the copy of the proof of employment between the two year renewal period, if certification
is current? If expired, a copy of the proof of employment is needed for each two year renewal
period missed.
Expired: Renewal expired on November 1, 2010- correct proof of employment needed for
November 1, 2008 - November 1, 2010 & November 1, 2010 - November 1, 2012
Requested copies will not be returned. Please do not send original documents.
If there is a change of address, it is the sole responsibility of the CNA to report this change. The CNA has
10 working days to report the change so that the registry will be updated appropriately.