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A Clear Path To Electrical Power Excellence!

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A Clear Path to

Electrical Power
Power Quality Analyzer

Bulletin CW500-01EN
Electrical power
measurement is a key for
The Yokogawa CW500 is a
portable power meter that
utilizes a current clamp
sensor for use in the field
enabling consumption
and power quality • Power Measure and Logging
measurement of the power • Power Quality Measuring
• User Support
By the navigation screen • Analysis of Data and Report Generation
of the unit, the connection
setting and detail setting of
the unit is simple and direct
by following the screens. Power Measuring and Logging
Keys which directly turn on • Simultaneously measures 3 CH Voltage input, 4 CH current
desired measuring screens clamp-on probe input, 2 CH DCV input.
allow comfortance at the • Displays value list or trend graph screen of Instantaneous/
use of field. Average/Maximum/Minimum of Voltage/Current/Power/Power
factor/Phase Angle/Phase Advanced Capacitance Calculation
Stored measured data are and DCV input.
easily accessed by a click • Integration Value of Active/
on the file with included Reactive/Apparent Energy
PC software. is each displayed by
consumption and generation.
• Demand value can be
monitored by screens of
present power consumption
Simplified power compared to aimed demand
measuring – Several direct power value.
keys keep you simple and
direct access to Voltage/
Current/Power/Power factor/
Phase Angle/Frequency/
Integrated power/Demand by
values or by a trend graph.
User Support
Firmly capture line Quick Start Guide Function:
power quality issue – • Start Guide Function supports secure wiring and setting
Captures short period power before measuring.
malfunction conforming IEC • Automatically recognize the type of current clamp-on probe.
6100-4-30 Class S.
Vector Display:
User support – Function of • Indicates Voltage and Current phase difference and values
Quick Start Guide to support between input channels of voltage and current.
secure wiring and setting of • Checks whether the wiring is appropriate or not.
Power Quality Measuring Analysis of Data and Report Generation

Measure Temporary Malfunction of Power Line CW500Viewer (Included PC software)

• Captures temporary malfunction phenomena of power • Automatically generates graph and report by simple
line which causes malfunction or destruction of devices clicking on a file data displayed on screen.
by types (Voltage swell, Voltage dip, Voltage interruption, • Uniform management of main unit settings
Transient overvoltage, inrush current) as an event by • Realtime measuring by USB communication.
high sampling rate of 24 µs and RMS calculation.
• Event data contains the type of malfunction, occurred Types of data
time or occurrence finish time, measured value and • Power data, Power quality event data, Main Unit Setting
waveform of voltage and current of all channels for data, Screen capture data.
approx. 200 ms period.
• Measurement method conforms to IEC standard 61000-
Memory card and interface
4-30 Class S
• SD Memory card, USB communication, Bluetooth
communication (Available for USA, Canada and Japan only)
Measure Continuous Malfunction of Power Line
• Measure and display graphs and list of up to the 50th
Harmonic components of voltage, current and power for
each phase and in total.
• Displays with up to 10 or 12 waveforms of voltage and
current for each CH.
• Measures, 1 minute flicker (Pst, 1 min),
short flicker (Pst) and long flicker (Plt).
Unbalance rate
• Displays voltage and current unbalance
rate on 3 phase wiring.
Function CW500


Power Measuring List Display 4

Hems of measuring
Power line and Input Channel: 3 CH Voltage,
4 CH for Current Clamp Probe. values can be selected
with position.
1P2W (up to 4 system), 1P3W (up to 2 system),
3P3W2current (up to 2 system), 3P3W3current,

Power measuring item:

Instantaneous, Average, Maximum and Minimum
values: Zoom Display
Voltage/Current/Power (Active, Reactive, Apparent)/Power Zoom display can be
factor/ Phase Angle/Frequency/Calculated Phase Shift selected by 4 or 8
Condensor/DC voltage value 2 CH. division.
Integration Value
• Energy (Active, Reactive, Apparent) each by
consumption and generation
• Demand (Occurrence of max. demand time, current
demand, estimated demand value)
Trend Graph
Recording Interval Period: Trend graph of voltage/
1/2/5/10/15/20/30 second, 1/2/5/10/15/20/30 minute, current/power/power
1 hour/2 hours factor/frequency/
advanced phase
Recording method condenser/DC voltage
Manual, time setting, period setting

Estimated Recording Length with 2 GB SD card.

Interval Power recording +Harmonics Energy Display
1 sec. 13 days 3 days
1 min. Over 1 year 3 months List of Active, Apparent,
30 min. Over 10 years Over 7 years Reactive by consumption
or generation
• The recording length shortens according to the number
of power quality events.
• Only included SD memory card or dedicated SD
memory card is guaranteed.

Various Measuring Screen

• List display, Zoom display by 4 or 8 division,
Trend graph display
• Integration Value Display for Energy
• Demand List display of value,
Demand Graph display for change of period,
Demand Graph display for whole recording
5 Analysis and Report of recorded data
Demand measuring Analysis and report is enabled by simply clicking on the
Demand is the average power value of a specific period desired data on software screen.
(usually 30 minutes). Contract with the power supplier Analysis is capable by trend graph, average, maximum and
conditionally concerns the maximum average power value minimum value of voltage, current, power, power factor.
between period for the consumption fee. This function Report generating could be set by day time, night time,
supports how to maintain within the target consumption working day, off day or monthly period.
by monitoring the estimated demand value to the setting Additionally energy data to quantity of crude oil barrels, or
rate, with the maximum demand value. to CO2 can be converted.

List of Demand Value Trend analysis graph

Graph display of change on specific period

When the estimated demand
value line is displayed inside Sample of report
this area, it mean that the
demand value will be over the
target value.

Estimated demand value

Graph display of whole demand trend

Max. demand value

Aimed target demand value

Function CW500

Power Quality Function 6

Short period power line malfunctions such as voltage swells/dips/interruptions/transient overvoltage or inrush currents, or
long period such as harmonic distortion, flicker may damage or reset your devices.
The CW500 helps to identify each of those short period malfunctions, by recording occurrence time, occurrence finish time
and waveforms. Additionally there is a digital output on occurrence.
Long period malfunctions can be analyzed by harmonics, flicker, waveform or checking on the unbalance rate calculation
for 3 phase measurement.
All data can be finalized to a report format with included software.
The CW500 conforms to the IEC standard of 61000-4-30 Class S.

Power line malfucntion

Example of cause and influence Example of waveform Notes

Lightnings or heavy load switching on power line may

Voltage Swell
cause momentary swell on voltage.

Generating moments on motor load may cause an

Voltage Dip
inrush current and cause dips on voltage.

Occurred time and

waveform is recorded.
Momentary or long interruption to power distribution by
Voltage interruption Digital output is set on
lightning or open breakers
during the occurred

Transient overvoltage Lightning or heavy load switching on power line may

(impulse) cause momentary change on voltage.

Generating moments on motor load may cause an

Inrush current
inrush current.

Increase and decrease on certain phases could cause Pst (1 min), Pst or Plt is
flickering distortion on voltage and currents. measured.

Inverter and Thyristor circuits (phase control cirtuits)

Up to 50th harmonic
Harmonics which are used for the control circuit of general devices
contents are measured.
could affect currents and cause harmonic distortion.

Voltage and Current

Heavy loading on a specific phase, could influence unbalance rate
Unbalance rate
motor operation and could cause harmonic distortion. measured on vector
screen for 3 phase
7 Power Quality Measuring Function

Capture temporary power line issues Capture continuous power line issues
Various kind of power issues are captured by high Harmonic Measuring
sampling rate of 24 µs and overlapping RMS measuring • Displays components of up to the 50th Harmonics
by half cycles. They are recorded as an event by occurred contents by individual channel or overall by graph or list
time, occurrence finish time and waveforms are recorded. • Displays the maximum occurred point on graph.

• Main unit displays list of occurred issue by types.

• Recorded data are easily analyzed and report is
generated by PC software.

Voltage swell
Voltage dip
Voltage Interrupt
Transient overvoltage
Inrush Current Graph display List display

Power line malfunction event

Displays list or graph of
1minute flicker (Pst, 1 min),
short term flicker (Pst) or
Display event, timing long term flicker (Plt).
and measurement

List display

Waveforms and
measured data Waveform
are stored on a SD
memory card. Displays voltage and
current waveform by all or
Main operation individually.
It can be zoomed in and out
by vertical or horizontal with
rate selection below.
Vertical rate: 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10
Horizontal rate: 1, 2, 5, 10

Analyze and report is created by PC

Function CW500

User Support Function 8

User Friendly Power supply from measuring line

Power (under 240 VAC) can be Power line
Quick start guide and Automatic type of clamp
identification supplied by using the “Power
A quick start guide will show how to wire and how to set supply adapter” (sold separately).
the range before measuring which ensures the settings are
The sensor identification will detect the type of clamp-on
probe and set the highest range of the type.

Start of guidance
and select “Quick start
Recording item selection will Example diagram
be displayed. of power supply

Note: This is not available for EU region.

Select the wiring and Leakage current measuring
the appropriate connection External magnetic field effect is 0.002 A or less,
diagram will be displayed. at 400 A/m.
Connect the voltage probe and Yokogawa’s proprietary technology has achieved a
clamp-on probe accordingly. magnetic field impact amount of 30 ppm even in adjacent
power lines (at 100 A), Below is an example to measure
neutral line of 3 phase 4 line.
Wiring check/self diag./self id.
Wiring check, self check 1R

and type of clamp-on probe


identification will be executed N

and the results will be

displayed. If NG is displayed,
detail could be confirmed by
ENTER key. Clamp-on probe N U1 U2 U3 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4
CW500 side 3 Phase 4 wire

Recording setting
Set recording interval time Multiple line measuring
and recording time or period.
4 system load measuring
Maximum of 4 systems is capable for 1 phase 2 line
Maximum of 2 systems is capable for 1 phase 3 line or 3
phase 3 line.
9 Software for Analysis and Setting (Free) CW500Viewer

Data analysis , making reports of data, making setting file and doing a real time measuring can be easily done with the
The data can be transferred by SD memory card, USB communication or Bluetooth communication (for USA, Canada,
Japan only).

Graph and lists are created by a click on the Settings management

data file. • Setting data can be read out from and to the main unit
• Graph and lists of the recorded data file are created by via SD memory card, USB communication cable or
clicking on the desired data file. They can be displayed Bluetooth communication*.
and copied on a clip board so it can be used on other
• Settings data can be easily edited saved and managed.
software such as Word or Excel spread sheet.
• The time axis and measure axis can be zoomed in or out Real time measurement
easily. With this capability, micro and macro changes, • Real time measurement can be achieved up to 2 units
can be displayed desirably. simultaneously via USB communication or Bluetooth
• Waveforms of power quality events (Voltage swell, communication*
voltage dips, voltage interrupt, transient overvoltage and
inrush current) which are recorded by 200 ms period can System requirement
be displayed and printed. OS Windows 8/7/Vista (32 bit/64 bit)
CPU Pentium 4 or Pentium Processor over 2 GHz
• The integrated data can be added on one graph
Display 1024 × 768 dots, 65536 colors or more
which enables the whole energy integration data to be
HDD (Hard-disk
displayed. 1 GByte or more (including Framework)
space required)
• Integrated energy data can be scaled into CO2 or crude Others .NET Framework (3.5)
oil value. Note: Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft in the United States.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel in the United States.
Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.
Other company names or names of merchandise are trademarks of
their company.



Example of multiple
graph display

SD Memory Card
Example of setting display

*Only available for US, Canada and Japan.

Application CW500


Power Measuring + Power Quality Power Line Measuring Examination 10

LED lighting introduction for checking power
Examination of main power line quality for saving effect
factory system control and assets Introduce the effect of power saving to use LED lightning
• Confirm to check quality of power line for factory system compared to the non LED lightning by measuring before
control and assets. and after.
• Simultaneously measure the consumption of energy
trend and consider solutions for energy saving.

CW500 not only continuously measures harmonics

but captures malfunction of power line and records
occurrance time with waveforms. Simultaneously it can
measure power and leakage current of neutral phase.
Additionally users can confirm the condition of assets
when signals are connected to the DCV input channels.

Checking power consumption of driving pumps

of a manufacturing line
Inverters were applied to many driving pumps in a liquid
manufacturing line.
Power consumption checking was needed to check the
effect before and after.
Many settings to measure many pumps is easily and
Asset operation check
efficiently arranged by PC software. Additionally the power
line quality is checked to be safely operated with the new

Power/Power factor/
Leakage current Analog input 2 CH
11 Improving power line of a printing Others
factory by measuring harmonics
(Printing factory) Improvement of Power factor for power efficiency
CW500 can calculate the appropriate condensor value by
Purpose: Investigation of the cause of periodic setting the aimed power factor value.
malfunction for printing machine. By setting the appropriate advanced condensor and
Harmonics distortion on line could be the reason? improving the power factor, users will benefit for power
Measuring: CW500 merit saving with less load current and improve the capacity of
• Compact size and easy to carry. the whole power system.
• Up to 50th Harmonics measuring.
• Long term recording
Result: Confirming high level harmonic contents
on 5th and 7th.
Found harmonics were generated by internal
Especially 5th harmonics damages the direct reactor
of condensor for improving power factor

[Before] cause

Harmonics on current input Harmonic contents on current input


Harmonics on current input Harmonic contents on current input

Effect of correspondence: Harmonic contents of 5th and after dropped

and malfunction rate of printing machine decreased.

of inflow

500kV transformers
of factory “A”.
External Appearance CW500

External Appearance


18 19





1 9 10 11

1 START/STOP SWITCH 9 Print screen switch 14 Digital output terminal

Trigger signal output on event
2 Screen switch of W and Wh item 10 Data Hold/Key lock
(long press) 15 Analog input terminal 2 CH
3 Vector and wiring check switch For 100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, DC input
11 LCD Key/Contrast 16 SD card interface
4 Power button
(long press)
5 Waveform screen switch Turn ON/OFF the display and 17 Voltage input terminal
change brightness and contrast
6 Harmonic screen switch by long press 18 AC power supply input

7 Power quality screen switch 12 Cursor and Enter Key 19 Clamp-on probe connection

8 Setting screen switch 13 USB terminal

Mini B pin for PC communication


13 Clamp-on Probe (sold separately)

For Leakage For Load current For load current (flexible type)

Model code 96060 96061 96062 96063 96064 96065 96066


Measurable 40 mm 18 mm 24 mm 30 mm 40 mm 110 mm 150 mm

AC 300 A
Input Range AC 2 A AC 50 A AC 100 A AC 200 A AC 500 A AC 1000 A AC 1000 A
AC 3000 A

Output AC 50 mV
AC 500 mV AC 500 mV AC 500 mV AC 500 mV AC 500 mV
For each range
voltage (25 mV/A) AC 500 mV

50 Hz/ ±1.0% rdg ±0.5% rdg ±0.5% rdg ±0.5% rdg ±0.5% rdg ±0.8% rdg
60 Hz ±0.05 mV ±0.1 mV ±0.1 mV ±0.1 mV ±0.1 mV ±0.2 mV

40 Hz to ±2.0% rdg ±0.8% rdg ±1.0% rdg ±0.8% rdg ±1.0% rdg ±1.5% rdg
±1.0% rdg*
1 kHz ±0.1 mV ±0.2 mV ±0.2 mV ±0.2 mV ±0.2 mV ±0.4 mV

1 kHz to ±3.0% rdg ±1.0% rdg ±1.0% rdg

— — —
3.5 kHz ±0.2 mV ±0.4 mV ±0.4 mV

Less than ±2.0°

Less than ±2.0° Less than ±2.0° Less than ±1.0° Less than ±1.0° Less than ±1.0°
Accuracy — (0.5 to 50 A, (1 to 100 A, (2 to 200 A, (5 to 500 A,
(45 Hz to 65 Hz)
(for each range/
Degree 40 Hz to 3.5 kHz) 45 Hz to 65 Hz) 40Hz to 3.5kHz) 45 Hz to 65 Hz)
Less than ±3.0°
45 to 65 Hz)
(40 Hz to 1 kHz)

Max Circuit AC 300 Vrms AC 300 Vrms AC 300 Vrms AC 600 Vrms AC 600 Vrms AC 600 Vrms AC 600 Vrms
approx. approx. approx. approx. approx. approx. approx.
70(W) × 120(H) × 52(W) × 106(H) × 60(W) × 100(H) × 73(W) × 130(H) × 81(W) × 128(H) × 73(W) × 130(H) × 61(W) × 111(H) ×
Dimension 25(D) mm 25(D) mm 26(D) mm 30(D) mm 36(D) mm 30(D) mm 43(D)mm
(excluding pointed part)

Weight approx. 230 g approx. 170 g approx. 160 g approx. 240 g approx. 260 g approx. 170 g approx. 950 g

*45 to 65 Hz (measuring at the center of sensor)

Other accessory (sold separetely)

Extension code Power supply adapter Portable case (for CW500) Conversion Cable (Banana-DIN)
98082*1 98031*2 93047 99073*2, 3

*1 Extension code 98082 corresponds to below current probe. 96060, 96061, 96062
*2 Non-CE product. Not available for CE marking necessary region.
*3 The following clamp-on probe are able to be connected. 96030, 96033, 96036
Specifications CW500



Model code CW500-B0 CW500-B1

Bluetooth function No Bluetooth Function With Bluetooth Function*1
Wiring connections 1P2W (max. 4 systems), 1P3W (max. 2 systems), 3P3W (max. 2 systems), 3P3W3current, 3P4W
Measurements items Voltage, Current, Frequency, Active power, Reactive power, Apparent power, Active energy, Reactive energy,
Apparent energy, Power factor, Phase Advancing Condensor, Neutral current, Demand, Harmonics, Power Quality
(Swell/Dip/Interrupt/Transient overvoltage, Inrush current, Unbalance rate. IEC flicker
Other function Digital output, Analog DCV input function
Voltage Range 600.0/1000 V
(RMS) Accuracy ±0.2% rdg ±0.2% rng. (sine wave, 40 to 70 Hz)
Allowable input 1 to 120% (rms) of each range, 200% for peak of each range
Display range 0.15 to 130% of each range
Crest factor 3 or less
Sampling speed of voltage transient 24 µs
Current Range 96060 (2 A type): 2000 mA
(RMS) 96061 (50 A type): 5000 mA/50 A/AUTO
96062 (100 A type): 10/100 A/AUTO
96063 (200 A type): 20/200 A/AUTO
96064 (500 A type): 50/500 A/AUTO
96065 (1000 A type): 100/1000 A/AUTO
96066 (3000 A type): 300/1000/3000 A
Accuracy ±0.2% rdg ±0.2% rng. + accuracy of clamp-on probe (sine wave, 40 to 70 Hz)
Allowable input 1 to 110% (rms) of each range, 200% for peak of each range
Display range 0.15 to 130% of each range
Crest factor 3 or less
Active Accuracy ±0.3% rdg ±0.2% rng. + accuracy of clamp-on probe (Power factor 1, sine wave, 40 to 70 Hz)
power Effect of Power Factor ±1.0% rdg (40 to 70 Hz, reading at power factor 0.5 against 1.0)
Frequency meter range 40 to 70 Hz
Power supply (AC Line) AC100 to 240 V/50 to 60 Hz/7 VA max.
Power supply (DC Battery) Alkaline size AA battery LR6 or Ni-Mh (HR15-51) × 6 pcs
Battery life approx. 3 hours (LR6 Backlight OFF)
Internal memory Flash memory (4 MB)
External memory card SD Card (2 GB)
PC communication USB Ver. 2.0 USB Ver. 2.0/Bluetooth Ver. 2.1 + EDR Class2*1
Display 320 × 240 (RGB) Pixel, 3.5 inch color TFT
Display update period 1s
Display Language English, French, Spanish, Polish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese
Temperature and humidity range 23±5°C, less than 85% RH (without condensation)
Operating temperature and himidity range 0 to 45°C, less than 85% RH (without condensation)
Storage temperature and humidity range −20 to 60°C, less than 85% RH (without condensation)
Dimensions 120 (W) × 175 (H) × 68 (D) mm
Weight Approx. 900 g (with battery)
Included accessories (attached) 98078 Voltage Probe,
93046 Carrying case
97060 SD Memory Card 2 GB
USB cable, Power cord,
Quick manual, Alkaline size AA battery LR6 × 6pcs, Input terminal plate × 6 pcs, PC software (CD-ROM)
Optional accessories (sold separately) 96060, 96061, 96062, 96063, 96064 (Clamp-on Probe)
96065, 96066 (Clamp-on probe, flexible type)
98031 (Power supply adapter)*2
93047 (Portable case with magnet)
*1 Bluetooth model is available only for USA, Canada and Japan
*2 98031 Power supply adapter is not available for EU region.
15 Applicable Standard
Safety Standard EN 61010-1 CAT IV 300 V, CAT III 600 V, CAT II 1000 V Pollution level 2
EN 61010-2-030
EN 61010-2-033
EN 61010-031
EMC* EN 61326-1 Class A Table 2
EN 55011 Class A Group1
Power Quality IEC 61000-4-30 Ed. 2 Class S, IEC 61000-4-15, IEC 61000-4-7
Wireless FCC approval, IC approval, Radio Electric technology engineering Radio technology standard
*This is a Class A instrument designed for an industrial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause radio interference, in which case users will be
responsible for any interference which they cause.

Power list of choosing clamp-on probe

For 1P2W (multiply 2 for 1P3W and 3P3W, multiply 3 for 3P4W)
Clamp-on Probe Model code (rate)
Voltage Current range
range 96061 (50 A) 96062 (100 A) 96063 (200 A) 96064 (500 A) 96065 (1000 A) 96066 (3000 A)
5000 mA 50.00 A 10.00 A 100.0 A 20.00 A 200.0 A 50.00 A 500.0 A 100.0 A 1000 A 300.0 A 3000 A
600.0 V 3000 W 30.00 kW 6000 W 60.00 kW 12.00 kW 120.0 kW 30.00 kW 300.0 kW 60.00 kW 600.0 kW 180.0 kW 1800 kW
1000 V 5000 W 50.00 kW 10.00 kW 100.0 kW 20.00 kW 200.0 kW 50.00 kW 500.0 kW 100.0 kW 1000 kW 300.0 kW 3000 kW
96060 is dedicated for leakage only and is uncapable for power measuring
Model and suffix Accessories sold separately
Model code Suffix code Notes Model code Model name Notes
CW500 Power Quality Analyzer
-B0 No Bluetooth Function 40 mm AC 2 A, Leakage
96060 Clamp-on probe
-B1 With Bluetooth Function* current measurement
-D AC code (UL/CSA)
-F AC code (VDE)
-H AC code (GB) 18 mm AC 50 A, Load current
96061 Clamp-on probe
-N AC code (NBR)
-P AC code (KC)
-R AC code (SAA) 24 mm AC 100 A, Load current
-S AC code (BS) 96062 Clamp-on probe
*Available for USA, Canada and Japan only

Accessories (included with CW500) 96063 Clamp-on probe

30 mm AC 200 A, Load current
Model code Model name Notes measurement

1 set 4 pcs Red Black White Blue

98078 Voltage Probe 4 mm Approx. 3 m 40 mm AC 500 A, Load current
96064 Clamp-on probe

CW500 and Clamp-on probe

93046 Carrying Case max. approx. 110 mm
can be contained
96065 Clamp-on probe AC 1000 A flexible type load
current measurement
SD Memory Card SD

max. approx. 150 mm

97060 2 GB SD Memory Card
(2 GB)
96066 Clamp-on probe AC 3000 A, 3 CH Load current

Relevant products Extension cable for Clamp-on

98082 Extension cable
CW120 series Clamp on Power Meter Probe

CW120/CW121 Simple and low cost model

• 3P3W model 2 CH input (CW120), 3P4W model Power supply Power supply from measure line
3CH input (CW121) adapter (100 to 240 V)
• Frequency range: 45 Hz to 65 Hz, Basic power
accuracy: ±(0.8% rdg + 0.4% rng)
• Multiple system (CW120: 3 system 1P2W,
CW121: 4 system for 1P2W) 93047 Portable case Case with magnet
• Recording from 1 sec.
• Measuring voltage up to 400 V
• Communication protocol: Modbus, PC link Conversion Cable
99073* for 96030, 96033, 96036
Dim. 117 (W) × 161 (H) × 51 (D) mm (Banana-DIN)
Approximately 0.6 kg
*Non-CE product. Not available for CE marking necessary region.

WT300E series Power Meter (Direct current input type)

Compact three-phase model with optional harmonic
Outline drawing (Unit: mm)
WT332E/WT333E measurement function
• Three-phase model (three-phase, three-wire: two
input elements; three-phase, four-wire: three input
• Power measurement frequency range: 68
DC and 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz 120
• Basic power accuracy: 0.1% of reading.
• Max. 3 channels simultaneous Harmonic
measurement (needs /G5 option)
Dim. 213 (W) × 132 (H) × 350 (D) mm
• A variety of other features, including line filter,
Approximately 5 kg
maximum hold, and integration function with
categorization of positive and negative polarity,

and average active power function

Low-cost model providing mobility for standalone
WT310E/WT310EH measurement of standby consumed power and rated power
• Single-phase model
• Power measurement frequency range: DC and
0.1 Hz to 100 kHz (WT310EH: up to 20 kHz)
• Basic power accuracy: 0.1% of reading.
• Wide current input range (5 mA to 20 A)
(WT310EH 1 A to 40 A)
• A variety of other features, including line filter, NOTICE
Dim. 213 (W) × 88 (H) × 350 (D) mm
maximum hold, and integration function with
Approximately 3 kg ● Before operating the product, read the user's manual thoroughly for proper and
categorization of positive and negative polarity,
and average active power function safe operation.



Global Sales Dept. /Phone: +81-422-52-6237 Facsimile: +81-422-52-6462 Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Meters & Instruments Corporation
[Ed: 01/b]
E-mail: tm@cs.jp.yokogawa.com
Printed in Japan, 512(KP)
YOKOGAWA CORPORATION OF AMERICA Phone: +1-770-253-7000 Facsimile: +1-770-254-0928
YOKOGAWA EUROPE B.V. Phone: +31-88-4641000 Facsimile: +31-88-4641111
YOKOGAWA SHANGHAI TRADING CO., LTD. Phone: +86-21-6239-6363 Facsimile: +86-21-6880-4987
YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC KOREA CO., LTD. Phone: +82-2-2628-3810 Facsimile: +82-2-2628-3899
YOKOGAWA ENGINEERING ASIA PTE. LTD. Phone: +65-6241-9933 Facsimile: +65-6241-2606
YOKOGAWA INDIA LTD. Phone: +91-80-4158-6000 Facsimile: +91-80-2852-8656
YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC CIS LTD. Phone: +7-495-737-7868 Facsimile: +7-495-737-7869
YOKOGAWA AMERICA DO SUL LTDA. Phone: +55-11-5681-2400 Facsimile: +55-11-5681-4434
YOKOGAWA AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. Phone: +61-2-8870-1100 Facsimile: +61-2-8870-1111
YOKOGAWA MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA B.S.C(c) Phone: +973-17-358100 Facsimile: +973-17-336100 http://tmi.yokogawa.com/

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