Sciencedirect: Eeg Study of Emotional Intelligence Among Adolescents
Sciencedirect: Eeg Study of Emotional Intelligence Among Adolescents
Sciencedirect: Eeg Study of Emotional Intelligence Among Adolescents
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 217 (2016) 801 – 805
Much has been studied about Emotional Intelligence (EI), and it's impact on human behavior. However, psychophysiological
basis of EI and it's interconnection with progress in studying process is still actual. EI components reflects the ability to regulate
the emotions. Ability to regulate the emotions and to be involved emotionally is effective strategy of achievements in educational
process. Purpose of present research is EEG study of EI among adolescents and it's interrelation with their achievements in
educational process. Following methods were used: 1) TMMS questionnaire for EI; 2) EEG - electroencephalography Neuron
Spectrum-1; 3) Grade Point Average (GPA) information was used as an indicator of educational achievement of the
paricipants. As a result, present study showed that the reappraisal strategy of emotional regulation (by J. Gross, 2002), during
educational task is significantly correlated with the scales of TMMS questionnaire (attention to emotion 0.185** and repair
0.237**), which reflects in left frontal gamma rhythm activation. In addition, theta rhythm well known as "emotional rhythm"
has positive correlation with repair scale 0.239**. The effective emotional regulation strategy during educational process could
lead the adolescents for better progress in their studies by using the emotions as major source of information. EI could be a
predictor of success in perception and mastering the educational information, which supported by activity of left frontal gamma
rhythm and theta rhythm oscillations.
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1877-0428 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Future Academy® Cognitive Trading
802 Aliya Tolegenova et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 217 (2016) 801 – 805
1. Introduction
The present study is devoted to emotional intelligence (EI) and its psychophysiological bases, its differences
during the educational task and process of emotional regulation. The interrelation of emotional intelligence with
parameters of electric activity of brain, as indicator of a functional condition, in situations of various strategy of
emotional regulation during educational task is investigated.
There are variety definitions used to describe emotional intelligence, such as emotional competence, literacy,
etc. (Humphrey et al 2007). However, a problem with EI is that there is no clear definition of what emotional
intelligence is. Mayer et al (2004), developed model of EI comprising four abilities: (a) perceiving emotion; (b) use
of emotion to facilitate thought; (c) understanding emotions; and (d) managing emotion, i.e. “to reflectively regulate
emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth”. Nevertheless, the urgency of present research is
caused first of all by relative novelty of the given concept in world psychological science and existence of sets of
contradictions in the theoretical approach to given direction.
Despite popularity, greater practical importance and all the criticisms around EI concept, there has been a
growing interest in the application of EI to higher education. Alan Mortiboys (2005) explores the relevance and
application of EI to teaching practice in his book Teaching with Emotional Intelligence. He uses counselling
concepts to make his case for teaching. Turner & Curran (2006) suggest that attention is facilitated by positive
emotional engagement, can promote student engagement by making their sessions interesting, communicating well
and allowing time for questions. This requires EI in the sense of awareness of the interpersonal and intrapersonal
factors to help manage emotions.
Though there are plenty of psychological researches of emotional intelligence in the western and American
literature, only a few works are studying the features of brain activity in correlation with individual differences in
emotional intelligence. It is widely known, that emotional conditions and their regulation possess
psychophysiological mechanisms finding their own reflection in electric activity of brain. Accordingly, individual
differences in emotional intelligence as abilities to achieve better educational progress and to distinguish and
supervise emotions, should find the reflection in electric activity of brain.
Methodological and theoretical basis of our research is the idea of individual ability to reflect and regulate
emotions, in accordance with the emotional regulation theory of J.Gross (2002). According to this theory, the model
of emotion regulation process is conceptual structure which assumes, that various forms of emotional regulation
have various consequences. So, according to J. Gross (1998) there are various strategies of regulation of emotions,
such as reappraisal which occur enough early in emotion-generating process and consists of change (replacement) of
the way of perception of arisen situation for reduction of its emotional influence. The second, suppression, which
arises later in emotion - generating process and consists of braking attributes directed outside of internal feelings.
Experimental scientific research reveals that reappraisal is often more effective than suppression. Reappraisal
reduces emotional experience and behavioral expression, and has no influence on memory. On the contrary,
suppression reduces behavioral expression of emotions, but can not reduce emotional experience, and bring actually
harm to memory. Suppression also increases the physiological response of suppressors and their social partners.
Thus, study of emotional intelligence is the important theoretical and practical problem demanding
methodological development and empirical research.
Purpose of present research is EEG study of EI among adolescents and it's interrelation with their achievements
in educational process.
3. Reserch methods.
1) TMMS questionnaire for EI, which was developed to provide and index of individual differences in a mood
regulation process termed the “metha-mood experience” that involves monitoring, evaluating, and regulating the
emotions (Salovey et al, 1995);
2) EEG - electroencephalography;
3) Grade Point Average (GPA) information was used as an indicator of educational achievement of the paricipants
With the purpose to investigate the EI of participants and its interrelation with their educational achievement
there were conducted experimental research in 3 stages. First of all, participants were randomly collected and were
tested by TMMS questionnaire for EI. Secondly, the EEG record using the electroencephalograph «Neuron-
Spectrum-1» according to system of 10-20 % from symmetric points - Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, F7, F8, C3, C4, P3, P4, T3,
T4, T5, T6, O1, and O2 monopolarly concerning ear electrodes was made. Subjects were in the dark room isolated
from noise and electromagnetic waves. EEG record was made during presentation of several educational problems
in following order: background activity in the condition of closed eyes (1 minute); background activity in the
condition of baseline (1 minute); during watching a video with educational problem (3 minutes); background
activity in the condition of baseline (1 minute); during watching a video participants should try to regulate whatever
emotion they would feel and imagine that they solved this educational problem, in other words they should
reappraise the emotion that they have got. Second task was to suppress the emotion and not to show it.
Thus, all participants were given various tasks to track a difference between different strategies that they use
during emotional regulation. At the end the GPA information of the participants was used to follow and analyze
their educational achievements and how these achievements are interrelated with their EI.
5. Findings.
The TMMS questionnaire revealed that the “attention to emotion” scale shows higher results, which means that
the participants are tend to pay more attention to their emotions in comparison with the clarity and repair scales. See
details in Table 1.
It is necessary to note, that during the task “suppress the feelings” significant correlations between
parameters of TMMS and EEG have not been revealed.
The received result helps us to assume, that EI parameters likely to predict success during emotion
Grade Point Average (GPA) information was analyzed in comparison with the EI scales, which is seen in
Table 3.
Repair 28,04
As it seen in Table 3. the descriptive statistics of GPA information of the participants and its interrelation
with the EI scales is as follows: the average mean of the participants’ GPA is 3.70. As a result, the educational
progress measured by GPA shows the ability of the participants to pay attention to their emotions, clarify and repair
their emotional states as well as regulate their emotions during the educational task.
6. Conclusion
The major conclusion is the fact, that emotional intelligence is interconnected with activity of frontal lobe of
brain during emotional regulation by reappraisal of situation. It also confirms our assumption about reappraisal
strategy in high degree which involves cognitive regulation expressed in activation of «cognitive rhythms» of the
left frontal area of brain in comparison with suppression strategy. The most important result also is the conclusion
that the Repair scale is interconnected with the activation level of frontal area of brain during educational task,
which shows the effective emotional regulation strategy during educational process. It could lead the adolescents for
better progress in their studies by using the emotions as major source of information. EI could be a predictor of
success in perception and mastering the educational information, which supported by activity of left frontal gamma
rhythm and theta rhythm oscillations. The GPA information of the participants also shows the role of EI in
educational progress.
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