Structural Calculation of Box Culvert Type: B2.00m X H0.50m Class I Road Soil Cover Depth: 1.0 M 1 Dimensions and Parameters
Structural Calculation of Box Culvert Type: B2.00m X H0.50m Class I Road Soil Cover Depth: 1.0 M 1 Dimensions and Parameters
Structural Calculation of Box Culvert Type: B2.00m X H0.50m Class I Road Soil Cover Depth: 1.0 M 1 Dimensions and Parameters
Dimension of frame
t1 B t1
H0: Height of frame t2/2 + H + t3/2 0.750 m
D1 B0: Width of frame B + t1 2.250 m
t2 D1: Covering depth at middle of top slab D + t2/2 1.125 m
H H0
^ƚĂďŝůŝƚĂƐŽdžƵůǀĞƌƚ >ĂŵƉŝƌĂŶϰ͘ϰ͘ϰ͘ϭ
^ƚĂďŝůŝƚĂƐŽdžƵůǀĞƌƚ EKd^/E
Case.L1: Pvt1 = 2.7794 tf/m2, B= 2.250 m Combination for Case.L2 (2) (2) (3) (3)
Pvt2 = 0.0000 tf/m2, B= 0.000 m a) + b) a) + c) a) + b) a) + c)
Case.L2: Pvt1 = 2.7807 tf/m2, B= 2.250 m Distributed load total 2.7807 2.7807 2.7807 2.7807
Pvt2 = 0.0000 tf/m2, B= 0.000 m Select the combination case of 2.7807 tf/m2,
for Case.L2, which is the largest load to the top slab.
In case of covering depth (D) is over 3.0m, uniform load of 1.0 tf/m2 is applied on the top slab of culvert instead of live load calculated above.
3 Load calculation
Case 1: Box Culvert Inside is Empty, Underground Water up to Top slab, Track load Case. L1
^ƚĂďŝůŝƚĂƐŽdžƵůǀĞƌƚ >ĂŵƉŝƌĂŶϰ͘ϰ͘ϰ͘ϭ
^ƚĂďŝůŝƚĂƐŽdžƵůǀĞƌƚ EKd^/E
5) ground reaction
Acting Load (tf/m2)
Wbot=(t3*BT+Hf^2)*γc/B0 Wbot= 0.6907
Wtop Wtop= 0.6907
Ws=Wsw*2/B0 Ws= 0.2667
Pvd Pvd= 1.0800
Pvt1 Pvt1= 2.7794
Pvt2 Pvt2= 0.0000
Wiw=(hiw*B-2Hf^2)*γw/B0 Wiw= 0.0000 hiw: internal water depth 0.00 m
Up=-U/B0 U= -1.1111
Q= 4.3963
Case 2: Box Culvert Inside is Empty, Underground Water up to Top slab, Track load Case. L2
5) ground reaction
Acting Load (tf/m2)
Wbot=(t3*BT+Hf^2)*γc/B0 Wbot= 0.6907
Wtop Wtop= 0.6907
Ws=Wsw*2/B0 Ws= 0.2667
Pvd Pvd= 1.0800
Pvt1 Pvt1= 2.7807
Pvt2 Pvt2= 0.0000
Wiw=(hiw*B-2Hf^2)*γw/B0 Wiw= 0.0000 hiw: internal water depth 0.00 m
Up=-U/B0 U= -1.1111
Q= 4.3976
^ƚĂďŝůŝƚĂƐŽdžƵůǀĞƌƚ >ĂŵƉŝƌĂŶϰ͘ϰ͘ϰ͘ϭ