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Identifier Namespaces in Mathematical


Master Thesis
Alexey Grigorev

Submitted to the Faculty IV, Electrical Engineering and Computer

Science Database Systems and Information Management Group in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Computer Science
as part of the Erasmus Mundus IT4BI programme
at the
Technische Universität Berlin
July 31, 2015

Thesis Advisors:
Moritz Schubotz
Juan Soto

Thesis Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Volker Markl

Eidesstattliche Erklärung
Ich erkläre an Eides statt, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig
verfasst, andere als die angegebenen Quellen/Hilfsmittel nicht benutzt, und
die den benutzten Quellen wörtlich und inhaltlich entnommenen Stellen als
solche kenntlich gemacht habe.

Statutory Declaration
I declare that I have authored this thesis independently, that I have not
used other than the declared sources/resources, and that I have explicitly
marked all material which has been quoted either literally or by content
from the used sources.

Berlin, July 31, 2015

Alexey Grigorev


In Computer Science, namespaces help to structure source code and or-

ganize it into hierarchies. Initially, the concept of namespaces did not exist
for programming languages, and programmers had to manage the source
code themselves to ensure there were no name conflicts. However, nowadays,
namespaces are adopted by the majority of modern programming languages.
The concept of namespaces is beneficial for mathematics as well: In math-
ematics, short one-symbol identifiers are very common, and the meaning of
these identifiers is hard to understand immediately. By introducing names-
paces to mathematics, we will be able to organize mathematical identifiers.
Also, mathematicians will also benefit from a hierarchical organization of
knowledge in the same way programmers do. In addition, the structure will
make it easier to understand the meaning of each identifier in a document.
In this thesis, we look at the problem of assigning each identifier of a
document to a namespace. At the moment, there does not exist a special
dataset where all identifiers are grouped to namespaces, and therefore we
need to create such a dataset ourselves.
Namespaces are hard to prepare manually: building them requires a lot
of time and effort. However, it can be done automatically, and we propose a
method for automatic namespace discovery from a collection of documents.
To do that, we need to find groups of documents that use identifiers
in the same way. This can be done with cluster analysis methods. We ar-
gue that documents can be represented by the identifiers they contain, and
this approach is similar to representing textual information in the Vector
Space Model. Because of this, we can apply traditional document clustering
techniques for namespace discovery.
To evaluate the results, we use the category information, and look for
pure “namespace-defining” clusters: clusters where all documents are from
the same category. In the experiments, we look for algorithms that discover
as many namespace-defining clusters as possible.
Because the problem is new, there is no gold standard dataset, and it is
hard to evaluate the performance of our method. To overcome it, we first
use Java source code as a dataset for our experiments, since it contains the
namespace information. We verify that our method can partially recover
namespaces from source code using only information about identifiers.
The algorithms are evaluated on the English Wikipedia, and the proposed
method can extract namespaces on a variety of topics. After extraction, the
namespaces are organized into a hierarchical structure by using existing

classification schemes such as MSC, PACS and ACM. We also apply it to

the Russian Wikipedia, and the results are consistent across the languages.
To our knowledge, the problem of introducing namespaces to mathemat-
ics has not been studied before, and prior to our work there has been no
dataset where identifiers are grouped into namespaces. Thus, our result is
not only a good start, but also a good indicator that automatic namespace
discovery is possible.

This thesis addresses a topic that has not been studied previously, and it
was challenging, but extremely interesting and I learned a lot while working
on it. I would like to thank everybody who made it possible.
First, I would like to express my gratitude to my thesis advisor, Moritz
Schubotz, who not only introduced me to the topic of namespace discovery,
but also guided me through the thesis with useful comments and enlightening
Secondly, I thank the IT4BI committee who selected me among other
candidates and allowed me to pursue this master’s degree. I thank all my
teachers that gave me enough background to successfully complete the thesis.
I especially would like to thank Dr. Verónika Peralta and Dr. Patrick Marcel,
the teachers of Information Retrieval course at Université Francois Rabelais,
Prof. Arnaud Giacometti, the teacher of Data Mining class at Université
Francois Rabelais, and finally, Prof. Klaus-Robert Müller, the teacher of
Machine Learning class at Technische Universität Berlin.
I am also grateful to Yusuf Ameri for his suggestions on improving the
language of this work.
Last, but not least, I would like to thank my wife for supporting me for
the duration of the master program.
Table of Contents

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 Background and Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1 Namespaces in Computer Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Math-aware POS tagging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Mathematical Definition Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4 Vector Space Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.5 Similarity Measures and Distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.6 Document Clustering Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.7 Latent Semantic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3 Namespace Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.1 Namespaces in Mathematical Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2 Discovery of Identifier Namespaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.3 Namespace Discovery by Cluster Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4 Identifier Vector Space Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.1 Data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.2 Definition Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.3 Document Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.4 Building Namespaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.1 Java Language Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.2 Parameter Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.3 Result Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.4 Building Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.5 Evaluation Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7 Outlook and Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
7.1 Implementation and Other Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
7.2 Other Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
7.3 Other Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
7.4 Unsolved Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
8 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
In computer science, a namespace refers to a collection of terms that
are grouped because they share functionality or purpose, typically for pro-
viding modularity and resolving name conflicts [1]. For example, XML uses
namespaces to prefix element names to ensure uniqueness and remove ambi-
guity between them [3], and the Java programming language uses packages
to organize identifiers into namespaces for modularity [4].
In this thesis we extend the notion of namespaces to mathematical for-
mulae. In mathematics, there exists a special system of choosing identifers,
and it is called mathematical notation [5]. Because of the notation, when
people write “E = mc2 ”, the meaning of this expression is recognized among
scientists. However, the same identifier may be used in different areas, but
denote different things: For example, “E ” may refer to “energy”, “expected
value” or “elimination matrix”, depending on the domain of the article. We
can compare this problem with the problem of name collision in computer
science and introduce namespaces of identifiers in mathematical notation to
overcome it.
In this work we aim to discover namespaces of identifiers in mathemat-
ical notation. However, the notation only exists in the documents where
it is used, and it does not exist in isolation. It means that the identifer
namespaces should be discovered from the documents with mathematical
formulae. Therefore, the goal of this work is to automatically discover a
set of identifier namespaces given a collection of documents.
We expect the namespaces to be meaningful, in the sense that they can
be related to real-world areas of knowledge, such as physics, linear algebra
or statistics.
Once such namespaces are found, they can give good categorization of
scientific documents based on formulas and notation used in them. We be-
lieve that this may facilitate better user experience: when learning a new
area it will help the users familiarize with the notation faster. Additionally,
it may also help to locate the usages of a particular identifier and refer to
other documents where the identifier is used.
Namespaces also give a way to avoid ambiguity. If we refer to an identifier
from a particular namespace, then it is clear what the semantic meaning
of this identifier. For example, if we say that “E ” belongs to a namespaces
about physics, it gives additional context and makes it clear that “E ” means
“energy” rather than “expected value”.

Finally, using namespaces is beneficial for relating identifiers to defini-

tions. Thus, as an application of namespaces, we can use them for better
definition extraction. It will help to overcome some of the current problems
in this area, for example, the problem of dangling identifiers – identifiers
that are used in formulas but never defined in the document [6]. Such iden-
tifiers may be defined in other documents that share the same namespace,
and thus we can take the definition from the namespace and assign it to the
dangling identifier.

1.2 Thesis Outline

The thesis is organizes as follows:

Chapter 2 – Background and Related Work

In this chapter we do a survey of the related work. We discuss how names-
paces are used in Computer Science. Secondly, we review how definitions
for identifiers used in mathematical formulae can be extracted from the
natural language text around the formulae. Finally, we review the Vector
Space Model – a way of transforming texts to vectors, and then discuss
how these vectors can be clustered.
Chapter 3 – Namespace Discovery
In chapter 3 we introduce the problem of namespaces in mathematical
notation, discuss its similarities with namespaces in Computer Science,
and propose an approach to namespace discovery by using document clus-
tering techniques. We also extend the Vector Space Model to represent
identifiers and suggest several ways to incorporate definition information
to the vector space.
Chapter 4 – Implementation
Chapter 4 describes how the proposed approach is implemented. It in-
cludes the description of the data sets for our experiments, and the details
of implementation of definition extraction and document cluster analy-
sis algorithms. Additionally, we propose a way of converting document
clusters to namespaces.
Chapter 5 – Evaluation
In chapter 5 we describe the parameter selection procedure, and we
present the results of the best performing method. Once the clusters
are discovered, they are mapped to a hierarchy, and we summarize our
findings by analyzing the most frequent namespaces and most frequent
identifier-definition relations in these namespaces.

Chapter 6 – Conclusions
Chapter 6 summarizes the findings.
Chapter 7 – Outlook and Future Work
Finally, in chapter 7 we discuss the possible areas of improvements. We
conclude this chapter by identifying the questions that are not resolved
and present challenges for future research on identifier namespace dis-

2 Background and Related Work

In this chapter we explain the related work: we give a short overview

about existing approaches and relevant methods.
First, we describe the concept of a namespace from the Computer Science
point of view in section 2.1. Then we discuss how identifier definitions can
be extracted, and for that we first introduce Part-of-Speech Tagging and
its application to mathematical texts in section 2.2, and then review the
extraction methods in section 2.3.
Next, section 2.4 describes the Vector Space Model, a traditional way of
representing a collection of documents as vectors, and then section 2.5 re-
views common similarity and distance functions that are useful for document
Finally, document clustering techniques are described in section 2.6, and
the Latent Semantic Analysis method for revealing semantic information
from the document corpus is in section 2.7.

2.1 Namespaces in Computer Science

In computer science, a namespace refers to a collection of terms that are

grouped because they share functionality or purpose, typically for providing
modularity and resolving name conflicts [1].
Example 1. Namespaces are used in XML (eXtensible Markup Lan-
guage), which is a framework for defining markup languages [7]. However,
different XML languages may use the same names for elements and at-
tributes. For example, consider two XML languages: XHTML for specifying
the layout of web pages, and some XML language for describing furniture.
Both these languages have the <table> elements there, in XHTML table is
used to present some data in a tabular form, while the second one uses it to
describe a particular piece of furniture in the database.
The <table> elements have very different semantics in these languages
and there should be a way to distinguish between these two elements. In
XML this problem is solved with XML namespaces [3]: the namespaces are
used to ensure the uniqueness of attributes and resolve ambiguity. It is done
by binding a short namespace alias with some uniquely defined URI (Unified
Resource Identifier), and then appending the alias to all attribute names that
come from this namespace. In the example above, we can bind an alias h with
XHTML’s URI http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1 and then use <h:table> to
refer to XHTML’s table. Likewise, in the furniture database language the

element names can be prepended with a prefix d, where d is bound to some

URI, e.g. http://www.furniture.de/2015/db.
Example 2. Namespaces are also used in programming languages for
organizing variables, procedures and other identifiers into groups and for
resolving name collisions. In programming languages without namespaces
the programmers have to take special care to avoid naming conflicts. For
example, in the PHP programming language prior to version 5.3 [2] there is
no notion of namespace, and the namespaces have to be emulated to ensure
that the names are unique, and Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer1
and other long names is the result.
Other programming languages have the notion of namespaces built in
from the very first versions. For example, the Java programming language [4]
uses packages to organize identifiers into namespaces, and packages solve
the problem of ambiguity. For example, in the standard Java API there
are two classes with the name Date: one in the package java.util and
another in the package java.sql. To be able to distinguish between them,
the classes are referred by their fully qualified name: an unambiguous name
that uniquely specifies the class by combining the package name with the
class name. Thus, to refer to a particular Date class in Java java.util.Date
or java.sql.Date should be used.
It is not always convenient to use the fully qualified name in the code to
refer to some class from another package. Therefore in Java it is possible to
import the class by using the import statement which associates a short name
alias with its fully qualified name. For example, to refer to java.sql.Date
it is possible to import it by using import java.sql.Date and then refer
to it by the alias Date in the class [4].
Although there are no strict rules about how to organize the classes into
packages, it is a good software design practice to put related objects into
the same namespace and by doing this achieve better modularity. There are
design principles that tell software engineers how to best organize the source
code: classes in a well designed system should be grouped in such a way that
namespaces exhibit low coupling and high cohesion [8]. Coupling describes
the degree of dependence between namespaces, and low coupling means that
the interaction between classes of different namespaces should be as low as
possible. Cohesion, on the other hand, refers to the dependence within the
classes of the same namespace, and the high cohesion principle says that the
related classes should all be put together in the same namespace.

2.2 Math-aware POS tagging

Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS Tagging) is a typical Natural Language
Processing task which assigns a POS Tag to each word in a given text [9].
While the POS Tagging task is mainly a tool for text processing, it can also
be applicable to scientific documents with mathematical expressions, and
can be adjusted to dealing with formulae [10] [6].
A POS tag is an abbreviation that corresponds to some part of speech.
Penn Treebank POS Scheme [11] is a commonly used POS tagging scheme
which defines a set of part-of-speech tags for annotating English words. For
example, JJ is an adjective (“big”), RB as in adverb, DT is a determiner (“a”,
“the”), NN is a noun (“corpus”) and SYM is used for symbols (“>”, “=”).
However the Penn Treebank scheme does not have special tags for math-
ematics, but it is flexible enough and can be extended to include additional
tags. For example, we can include a math-related tag MATH. Usually it is done
by first applying traditional POS taggers (like Stanford CoreNLP [12]), and
then refining the results by re-tagging math-related tokens of text as MATH
For example, consider the following sentence: “The relation between en-
ergy and mass is described by the mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2 ,
where E is energy, m is mass and c is the speed of light”. In this case we will
assign the MATH tag to “E = mc2 ”, “E”, “m” and “c”
However we can note that for finding identifier-definition relations the
MATH tag alone is not sufficient: we need to distinguish between complex
mathematical expressions and stand-alone identifiers - mathematical expres-
sions that contain only one symbol: the identifier. For the example above we
would like to be able to distinguish the expression “E = mc2 ” from identifier
tokens “E”, “m” and “c”. Thus we extend the Penn Treebank scheme even
more and introduce an additional tag ID to denote stand-alone identifiers.
Thus, in the example above “E = mc2 ” will be assigned the MATH tag
and “E”, “m” and “c” will be annotated with ID.
In the next section we discuss how this can be used to find identifier-
definition relations.

2.3 Mathematical Definition Extraction

In Natural Language Processing, Word Sense Disambiguation is a prob-
lem of identifying in which sense a polysemous word is used [9]. Analogously,
the Identifier Disambiguation problem is a problem of determining the mean-
ing of an identifier in a mathematical formula. This problem is typically

solved by extracting definitions from the natural language description that

surrounds the formula.
For example, given the sentence “The relation between energy and mass
is described by the mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2 , where E is
energy, m is mass and c is the speed of light” 2 the goal is to extract the
following identifier-definition relations: (E, “energy”), (m, “mass”) and (c,
“the speed of light”).
Formally, a phrase that defines a mathematical expression consists of
three parts [13]:

– definiendum is the term to be defined: it is a mathematical expression or

an identifier;
– definiens is the definition itself: it is the word or phrase that defines the
definiendum in a definition;
– definitor is a relator verb that links definiendum and definiens.

In this work, we are interested in the first two parts: definiendum and
definiens. Thus we define a relation as a pair (definiendum, definiens). For
example, (E, “energy”) is a relation where “E” is a definiendum, and “energy”
is a definiens. We refer to definiendum as identifier, and to definiens as
definition, so relations are identifier-definition pairs.
There are several ways of extracting the identifier-definition relations.
Here we will review the following:

– Nearest Noun
– Pattern Matching
– Machine-Learning based methods
– Probabilistic methods

2.3.1 Nearest Noun Method

The Nearest Noun [14] [15] is the simplest definition extraction method.
It assumes that the definition is a combination of ad It finds definitions by
looking for combinations of adjectives and nouns (sometimes preceded by
determiners) in the text before the identifier.
I.e. if we see a token annotated with ID, and then a sequence consisting
only of adjectives (JJ), nouns (NN, NNS) and determiners (DET), then we say
that this sequence is the definition for the identifer.

For example, given the sentence “In other words, the bijection σ normal-
izes G in ...” we will extract a relation (σ, "bijection").

2.3.2 Pattern Matching Methods

The Pattern Matching method [16] is an extension of the Nearest Noun

method: In Nearest Noun, we are looking for one specific patten where iden-
tifier is followed by the definition, but we can define several such patterns
and use them to extract definitions.
For example, we can define the following patterns:

– let|set IDE denote|denotes|be DEF
– DEF is|are denoted|defined|given as|by IDE
– IDE denotes|denote|stand|stands as|by DEF
– IDE is|are DEF
– DEF is|are IDE
– and many others

In this method IDE and DEF are placeholders that are assigned a value
when the pattern is matched against some subsequence of tokens. IDE and
DEF need to satisfy certain criteria in order to be successfully matched: like
in the Nearest Noun method we assume that IDE is some token annotated
with ID and DEF is a phrase containing adjective (JJ), nouns (NN) and de-
terminers (DET). Note that the first patten corresponds to the Nearest Noun
The patterns above are combined from two lists: one is extracted from
a guide to writing mathematical papers in English ([17]), and another is
extracted from “Graphs and Combinatorics” papers from Springer [13].
The pattern matching method is often used as the baseline method for
identifier-definition extraction methods [13] [18] [6].

2.3.3 Machine Learning Based Methods

The definition extraction problem can be formulated as a binary classifi-

cation problem: given a pair (identifier, candidate-definition), does this pair
correspond to a real identifier-definition relation?

To do this we find all candidate pairs: identifiers are tokens annotated

with ID, and candidate defections are nouns and noun phrases from the same
sentence as the definition.
Once the candidate pairs are found, we extract the following features [15]
– boolean features for each of the patterns from section 2.3.2 indicating if
the pattern is matched,
– indicator if there’s a colon or comma between candidate and identifier,
– indicator if there’s another math expression between candidate and iden-
– indicator if candidate is inside parentheses and identifier is outside,
– distance (in words) between the identifier and the candidate,
– the position of candidate relative to identifier,
– text and POS tag of one/two/three preceding and following tokens around
the candidate,
– text of the first verb between candidate and identifier,
– many others.
Once the features are extracted, a binary classifier can be trained to pre-
dict if an unseen candidate pair is a relation or not. For this task the popular
choices of classifiers are Support Vector Machine classifier with linear kernel
[18] [15] and Conditional Random Fields [18], but, in principle, any other
binary classifier can be applied as well.

2.3.4 Probabilistic Approaches

In the Mathematical Language Processing approach [6] a definition for an

identifier is extracted by ranking candidate definitions by the probability of
definining the identifier, and only the most probable candidates are retained.
The main idea of this approach is that the definitions occur very closely
to identifiers in sentences, and the closeness can be used to model the prob-
ability distribution over candidate definitions.
The candidates are ranked by the following formula:
α Rσd (∆) + β Rσs (n) + γ tf(t)
R(n, ∆, t, d) =
where ∆ is the number of tokens between the identifier and the definition
candidate, and Rσd (∆) is a Gaussian that models this distance, parametrized

with σd ; n is the number of sentences between the definition candidate and

the sentence where the identifier occurs for the first time, and is a Gaussian
parameterized with σs ; finally tf(t) is a frequency of term t in a sentence. All
these quantities are combined together and α, β, γ are weighting parameters.
The following weighting parameters α, β, γ are proposed in [6]: α = β = 1
and γ = 0.1.

2.4 Vector Space Model

Vector Space Model is a statistical model for representing documents in
some vector space. It is an Information Retrieval model [19], but it is also
used for various Text Mining tasks such as Document Classification [20] and
Document Clustering [21] [22].
In Vector Space Model we make two assumptions about the data: (1)
Bag of Words assumption: the order of words is not important, only word
counts; (2) Independence assumption: we treat all words as independent.
Both assumptions are quite strong, but nonetheless this method often gives
good results.
Let V = {t1 , t2 , ... , tm } be a set of n terms. Then documents can be
represented as m-vectors di = (w1 , w2 , ... , wm ), where wj is the weight of
term tj in the document di , and the document collection can be represented
by a term-document matrix D, where columns of D are document vectors
d1 , d2 , ... , dn and rows of D are indexed by terms t1 , t2 , ... , tm (see fig. 1).
There are the following term weighting schemes [19]:

– binary: 1 if a term is present, 0 otherwise;

– term frequency (TF): number of occurrences of the term in a document;
– document frequency (DF): number of documents containing the terml
– TF-IDF: combination of TF and inverse DF.

Term Frequency (TF) weights terms by local frequency in the doc-

ument. That is, the term is weighed by how many times it occurs in the
document. Sometimes a term is used too often in a document, and we want
to reduce its influence, and this is typically done by applying some sublinear
transformation to TF, for instance, a square root or a logarithms.
Document Frequency (DF) weights terms by their global frequency
in the collection, which is the number of documents that contain the token.
But more often we are interested in domain specific words than in neutral
words, and these domain specific words tent to occur less frequently and they
usually have more discriminative power: that is, they are better in telling one

Fig. 1: Documents d1 , d2 , d3 in a document space with dimensions t1 , t2 , t3 .

document apart from another. So we use Inverse Document Frequency

(IDF) to give more weight to rare words rather than to frequent words.
A good weighting system gives the best performance when it assigns
more weights to terms with high TF, but low DF [23]. This can be achieved
by combining both TF and IDF schemes. Usually a sublinear TF is used
to avoid the dominating effect of words that occur too frequently. As the
result, terms appearing too rarely or too frequently are ranked low. The TF
and IDF are combined together in TF-IDF weighting scheme:

tf-idf(t, d) = (1 + log tf(t, d)) · log ,

where tf(t, d) is term frequency of term t in document d and df(t) is the

document frequency of term t in the document collection.

2.5 Similarity Measures and Distances

Once the documents are represented in some vector space, we need to
define how to compare these documents to each other. There are two ways of
doing this: using a similarity function that computes how similar two objects
are (the higher values, the more similar the objects), or using a distance
function, sometimes called “dissimilarity function”, which is the opposite of
similarity (the higher the values, the less similar the objects).

We consider Euclidean distance, inner product, cosine similarity and Jac-

card coefficient.

2.5.1 Euclidean Distance

The Euclidean distance function (also called length or L2 norm) is the

most commonly used distance function in vector spaces. Euclidean distance
corresponds to the geometric distance between two data points in the vector
space. Let x, yp∈PRn , then the Euclidean distance between x and y is defined
n 2
as kx − yk = i=1 (xi − yi ) .
This distance is useful for low-dimensional data, but it does not always
work well in high dimensions, especially with sparse vector such as document
vectors [24], and this effect is often called “Curse of Dimensionality” [25].

2.5.2 Inner product

The inner product between two vectors can be used as a similarity func-
tion: the more similar two vectors are, the larger is their inner product.
Geometrically the inner product between two vectors x and y is defined as
xT y = kxk kyk cos θ where θ is the angle between vectors x and y. In Lin-
ear Algebra, however, the inner product is defined as a sum of element-wise
Pnof two vectors: given two vectors x and y, the inner product is
x y = i=1 xi yi where xi and yi are ith elements of x and y, respectively.
The geometric and algebraic definitions are equivalent [26].

2.5.3 Cosine Similarity

Inner product is sensitive to the length of vectors, and thus it may make
sense to consider only the angle between them: the angle does not depend on
the magnitude, but it is still a very good indicator of vectors being similar
or not.
The angle between two vectors can be calculated from the geometric
definition of inner product: xT y = kxk kyk cos θ. By rearranging the terms
we get cos θ = xT y / (kxk kyk).
We do not need the angle itself and can use the cosine directly [19]. Thus
can define cosine similarity between two documents d1 and d2 as

dT1 d2
cosine(d1 , d2 ) = .
kd1 k kd2 k

If the documents have unit lengths, then cosine similarity is the same as dot
product: cosine(d1 , d2 ) = dT1 d2 .
The cosine similarity can be converted to a distance function. The max-
imal possible cosine is 1 for two identical documents. Therefore we can de-
fine cosine distance between two vectors d1 and d2 as dc (d1 , d2 ) = 1 −
cosine(d1 , d2 ). The cosine distance is not a proper metric [27], but it is
nonetheless useful.
The cosine distance and the Euclidean distance are connected [27]. For
two unit-normalized vectors d1 and d2 the Euclidean distance between them
is kd1 −d2 k2 = 2−2 dT1 d2 = 2 dc (d1 , d2 ). Thus we can use Euclidean distance
on unit-normalized vectors and interpret it as cosine distance.

2.5.4 Jaccard Coefficient

Finally, the Jaccard Coefficient is a function that compares how similar

two sets are. Given two sets A and B, it is computed as J(A, B) = |A∩B||A∪B|
It is also applicable to document vectors with binary weights, and it can be
dT d
defined as J(d1 , d2 ) = kdT k2 +kd1 T k22 −dT d2 [19].
1 2 1

2.6 Document Clustering Techniques

Cluster analysis is a set of techniques for organizing collection of items
into coherent groups. In Text Mining clustering is often used for finding
topics in a collection of document [22]. In Information Retrieval clustering
is used to assist the users and group retrieved results into clusters [28].
There are several types of clustering algorithms: hierarchical (agglomer-
ative and divisive), partitioning, density-based, and others.

2.6.1 Agglomerative clustering

The general idea of agglomerative clustering algorithms is to start with

each document being its own cluster and iteratively merge clusters based on
best pair-wise cluster similarity.
Thus, a typical agglomerative clustering algorithms consists of the fol-
lowing steps:

1. Let each document be a cluster on its own;

2. Compute similarity between all pairs of clusters an store the results in a
similarity matrix;

3. Merge two most similar clusters;

4. Update the similarity matrix;
5. Repeat until everything belongs to the same cluster.

These algorithms differ only in the way they calculate similarity between
clusters. It can be Single Linkage, when the clusters are merged based on
the closest pair; Complete Linkage, when the clusters are merged based on
the worst-case similarity – the similarity between the most distant objects
on the clusters; Group-Average Linkage, based on the average pair-wise
similarity between all objects in the clusters; and Ward’s Method when
the clusters to merge are chosen to minimize the within-cluster error between
each object and its centroid is minimized [21].
Among these algorithms only Single Linkage is computationally feasi-
ble for large data sets, but it doesn’t give good results compared to other
agglomerative clustering algorithms. Additionally, these algorithms are not
always good for document clustering because they tend to make mistakes at
early iterations that are impossible to correct afterwards [29].

2.6.2 K-Means

Unlike agglomerative clustering algorithms, K-Means is an iterative al-

gorithm, which means that it can correct the mistakes made at earlier itera-
tions. Lloyd’s algorithm is the most popular way of implementing K-Means
[30]: given a desired number of clusters K, it iteratively improves the Eu-
clidean distance between each data point and the centroid, closest to it.
Let D = {d1 , d2 , ... , dn } be the document collection, where documents
di are represented is a document vector space Rm and K is the desired
number of clusters. Then we define k cluster centroids µj that are also in
the same document vector space Rm . Additionally for each document di we
maintain the assignment variable ci ∈ {1, 2, ... , k}, which specifies to what
cluster centroid µ1 , µ2 , ... , µk the document di belongs.
The algorithms consists of three steps: (1) seed selection step, where each
µj is randomly assigned some value, (2) cluster assignment step, where we
iterate over all document vectors di and find its closest centroid, and (3)
move centroids step, where the centroids are re-calculated. Steps (2) and (3)
are repeated until the algorithm converges. The pseudocode for K-Means is
presented in the listing 1.
Usually, K-Means shows very good results for document clustering, and
in several studies it (or its variations) shows the best performance [29] [31] .

Algorithm 1 Lloyd’s algorithm for K-Means

function K-Means(no. clusters k, documents D)
for j ← 1 .. k do . random seed selection
µj ← random d ∈ D
while not converged do
for each di ∈ D do . cluster assignment step
ci ← arg minj kdi − µj k2
for j ← 1 .. k do . move centroids step
Cj ← { di s.t. ci = j }
1 P
µj ← di
|Cj | di ∈Cj
return (c1 , c2 , ... , cn )

However for large document collections Lloyd’s classical K-Means takes a

lot of time to converge. The problem is caused by the fact that it goes through
the entire collection many times. Mini-Batch K-Means [32] uses Mini-Batch
Gradient Descent method, which is a different optimization technique that
converges faster.
K-Means uses Euclidean distance, which does not always behave well in
high-dimensional sparse vector spaces like document vector spaces. However,
as discussed in section 2.5, if document vectors are normalized, the Euclidean
distance and cosine distance are related, and therefore Euclidean K-means
is the same as “Cosine Distance” K-Means.
In cases when there are many documents, the centroids tend to contain
a lot of words, which leads to a significant slowdown. To solve this problem,
some terms of the centroid can be truncated. There are several possible ways
of truncating the terms: for example, we can keep only the top c terms, or
remove the least frequent words such that at least 90% (or 95%) of the
original vector norm is retained [33].

2.6.3 DBSCAN

DBSCAN is a density-based clustering algorithm that can discover clus-

ters of complex shapes based on the density of data points [34].
The density associated with a data point is obtained by counting the
number of points in a region of radius ε around the point, where ε is defined
by the user. If a point has a density of at least some user defined threshold
MinPts, then it is considered a core point. The clusters are formed around
these core points, and if two core points are within the radius ε, then they

belong to the same cluster. If a point is not a core point itself, but it belong
to the neighborhood of some core point, then it is a border point. But if a
point is not a core point and it is not in the neighborhood of any other core
point, then it does not belong to any cluster and it is considered noise.
DBSCAN works as follows: it selects an arbitrary data point p, and then
finds all other points in ε-neighborhood of p. If there are more than MinPts
points around p, then it is a core point, and it is considered a cluster. Then
the process is repeated for all points in the neighborhood, and they all are
assigned to the same cluster, as p. If p is not a core point, but it has a core
point in its neighborhood, then it’s a border point and it is assigned to the
same cluster and the core point. But if it is a noise point, then it is marked
as noise or discarded (see listing 2).

Algorithm 2 DBSCAN
function DBSCAN(database D, radius ε, MinPts)
result ← ∅
for all p ∈ D do
if p is visited then
mark p as visited
N ← Region-Query(p, ε) . N is the neighborhood of p
if N < MinPts then
mark p as NOISE
C ← Expand-Cluster(p, N , ε, MinPts)
result ← result ∪ {C}
return result

function Expand-Cluster(point p, neighborhood N , radius ε, MinPts)

C ← {p}
for all x ∈ N do
if x is visited then
mark x as visited
Nx ← Region-Query(x, ε) . Nx is the neighborhood of x
if |Nx | > MinPts then
N ← N ∪ Nx
C ← C ∪ {x}
return C

function Region-Query(point p, radius ε)

return {x : kx − pk 6 ε} . all points within distance ε from p

The details of implementation of Region-Query are not specified, and

it can be implemented differently. For example, it can use Inverse Index to
make the similarity search faster [19] [24].
The DBSCAN algorithm uses the Euclidean distance, but can be adapted
to use any other distance or similarity function. For example, to modify the
algorithm to use the cosine similarity (or any other similarity function) the
Region-Query has to be modified to return {x : similarity(x, p) > ε}.
Shared Nearest Neighbors Similarity (SNN Similarity) [24] is a special
similarity function that is particularity useful for high-dimensional spaces, it
works well with DBSCAN, and it is applicable to document clustering and
topic discovery [35].
SNN Similarity is specified in terms of the K nearest neighbors. Let
NNK, sim (p) be a function that returns top K closest points of p according to
some similarity function sim. Then the SNN similarity function is defined
snn(p, q) = NNK, sim (p) ∪ NNK, sim (q) .
The extension of DBSCAN that uses the SNN Similarity is called SSN
Clustering algorithm. The user needs to specify the SSN similarity function
by setting parameter K and choosing the base similarity function sim(·, ·)
(typically Cosine, Jaccard or Euclidean). The algorithm itself has the same
parameters as DBSCAN: radius ε (such that ε < K) and the core points den-
sity threshold MinPts. The Region-Query function is modified to return
{q : snn(p, q) > ε}. For pseudocode, see the listing 3.

Algorithm 3 SNN Clustering Algorithm

function SNN-Cluster(database D, K, similarity function sim, radius ε, MinPts)
for all p ∈ D do . Pre-compute the KNN lists
NN[p] ← NNK, sim (p)
for all (p, q) ∈
(D × D) do . Pre-compute the SNN similarity matrix
A[p, q] ← NN[p] ∪ NN[q]
return DBSCAN(A, ε, MinPts)

The algorithm’s running time complexity is O(n2 ) time, where n = |D|,

but it can be sped up by using the Inverted Index [24].

2.7 Latent Semantic Analysis

In section 3.3 we have discussed the lexical variability and ambiguity
problems in natural language: synonymy and polysemy. We can treat these

problems as “statistical noise” and apply dimensionality reduction techniques

to find the optimal dimensionality for the data and thus reduce the amount
of noise there. This technique is called Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) [36]
or Latent Semantic Indexing [37], and it is often used for document clustering
[22] [38].
There are three major steps in Latent Semantic Analysis [39]: (1) prepro-
cess documents; (2) construct a term-document matrix D using the Vector
Space Model; (3) de-noise D by reducing its dimensionality with Singular
Value Decomposition (SVD).
The first two steps are the same as for traditional Vector Space Models
and in the result we obtain a term-document matrix D. If D has rank r, then
the SVD of D is D = U ΣV T , where U is an m × r orthogonal matrix; Σ
is a diagonal r × r matrix with singular values ordered by their magnitude;
and V is an n × r orthogonal matrix.
The dimensionality reduction is done by finding the best k-rank approx-
imation of D, which is obtained by keeping only the first k singular values
of Σ and setting the rest to 0. Typically, not only Σ is truncated, but also U
and V , and therefore, the k-rank approximation of D using SVD is written
as D ≈ Dk = Uk Σk VkT where Uk is an m × k matrix with first k columns of
U , Σk is an k × k diagonal matrix with singular values, and Vk is an n × k
matrix with first k columns of V . This decomposition is called rank-reduced
SVD and when applied to text data it reveals the “true” latent semantic
space. The parameter k corresponds to the number of “latent concepts” in
the data. The idea of LSA is very nicely illustrated by examples in [37] and
LSA can be used for clustering as well, and this is usually done by first
transforming the document space to the LSA space and then doing applying
transitional cluster analysis techniques there [33]. Once D is decomposed as
D ≈ Uk Σk VkT it is enough to keep only the low dimensional representation
D̂ = Vk Σk : the calculation of inner product between two documents i and j
in the reduced semantic space corresponds to computing the inner product
between ith and jth rows of D̂ [37]. Since the Euclidean distance is defined
in terms of inner product, it can also be used directly on the rows of D̂.
Therefore, a generic LSA-based clustering algorithm consists of the fol-
lowing steps:

1. Build a term-document matrix D from the document collection;

2. Select number of latent concepts k and apply rank-reduced SVD on D
to get D̂ = Vk Σk ;

3. Apply the cluster algorithm on the rows of Vk Σk .

LSA has some drawbacks. Because SVD looks for an orthogonal basis
for the new reduced document space, there could be negative values that
are harder to interpret, and what is more, the cosine similarity can become
negative as well. However, it does not significantly affect the cosine distance:
it still will always give non-negative results.
Apart from SVD there are many other different matrix decomposition
techniques that can be applied for document clustering and for discovering
the latent structure of the term-document matrix [40], and one of them
in Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) [41]. Using NMF solves the
problem of negative coefficients: when it is applied to non-negative data
such as term-document matrices, NMF produces non-negative rank-reduced
The main conceptual difference between SVD and NMF is that SVD
looks for orthogonal directions to represent document space, while NMF
does not require orthogonality [42] (see fig. 2).

Fig. 2: Directions found by SVD (on the left) vs directions by NMF (on the

The NMF of an m × n term-document matrix D is D ≈ Dk = U V T

where U is an m × k matrix, V is an n × k matrix and k is the number
of semantic concepts in D. Non-negativity of elements in Dk is very good
for interpretability: it ensures that documents can be seen as a non-negative
combination of the key concepts.
Additionally, NMF is useful for clustering: the results of NMF can be
directly interpreted as cluster assignment and there is no need to use separate
clustering algorithms [42]. When D is a term-document matrix and D ≈

U V T , then elements (V )ij represent the degree to which document i belongs

to cluster j.
The document clustering using NMF consists of the following steps [42]:

1. Construct the term-document matrix D and perform NMF on D to get

U and V ;
2. Normalize rows vi of V by using the rule vi ← vi kui k;
3. Assign document di to cluster x if x = arg maxj (V )ij .

If the desired number of clusters K is larger than the rank k of the

reduced matrix Dk , the clustering can be performed directly on the rows of
V , for example, by using K-Means.

3 Namespace Discovery
In this chapter we introduce the problem of namespace discovery in math-
ematical notation and suggest how this problem can be approached.
First, we extend the idea of namespaces to mathematics in section 3.1,
and discuss the problem of namespace discovery in section 3.2, and then
argue that it is possible to use document cluster analysis to solve the problem
in section 3.3. Finally, we propose a way of representing identifiers in a vector
space in section 3.4.

3.1 Namespaces in Mathematical Notation

The idea of namespaces can be extended to identifiers in mathematical
In mathematics and other sciences, formulae are used to communicate
the results to other scientists. An identifier is a symbol used in a mathe-
matical formula and it typically has some semantic meaning. For example,
in a formula E = mc2 there are three identifiers: “E”, “m” and ”c”. Mathe-
matical notation is a system of naming identifiers in mathematical formulae,
and for each identifier in the formula the notation assigns a precise semantic
meaning [5]. For example, in the expression “E = mc2 ” the notation assigns
unambiguous meaning to the symbols “E”, “m” and “c”, and the meaning of
these symbols is recognized among physicists.
However, notations may conflict. For example, while it is common to use
symbol “E” to denote “Energy” in Physics, it also is used in Probability
and Statistics to denote “Expected Value”, or in Linear Algebra to denote
“Elimination Matrix”. We can compare the conflict of notations with the
name collision problem in namespaces, and try to address this problem by
extending the notion of namespaces to mathematical notation.
Thus, let us define a notation N as a set of pairs {(i, s)}, where i is a
symbol or identifier and s is its semantic meaning or definition, such that
for any pair (i, s) ∈ N there does not exist another pair (i0 , s0 ) ∈ N with
i = i0 . Two notations N1 and N2 conflict, if there exists a pair (i1 , s1 ) ∈ N1
and a pair (i2 , s2 ) ∈ N2 such that i1 = i2 and s1 6= s2 .
Then we can define namespace as a named notation. For example, Nphysics
can refer to the notation used in Physics. For convenience, in this work we
can use the Java syntax to refer to specific entries of a namespace. If N is a
namespace and i is an identifier such that (i, s) ∈ N for some s, then “N .i”
is a fully qualified name of the identifier i that relates i to the definition
s. For example, given a namespace Nphysics = {(E, “energy”), (m, “mass”),

(c, “speed of light”)} , “Nphysics .E” refers to “energy” – the definition of “E”
in the namespace “Physics”.
Analogously to namespaces in Computer Science, formally a mathemat-
ical namespace can contain any set of identifier-definition pairs that satisfies
the definition of the namespace, but typically namespaces of mathemati-
cal notation exhibit the same properties as well-designed software packages:
they have low coupling and high cohesion, meaning that all definitions in
a namespace come from the same area of mathematical knowledge and the
definitions from different namespace do not intersect heavily.
However, mathematical notation does not yet exist in isolation, and it is
usually observed indirectly by its usage in documents. To account for this
fact, we need to introduce a document-centric view on mathematical names-
paces: suppose we have a collection of n documents D = {d1 , d2 , ... , dn }
and a set of K namespaces {N1 , N2 , ... , NK }. A document dj can use a
namespace Nk by importing identifiers from it. To import an identifier, the
document uses an import statement where the identifier i is referred by its
fully qualified name. For example, a document “Energy-mass equivalence”
would import “Nphysics .E”, “Nphysics .m”, and “Nphysics .c”, and then these iden-
tifiers can be used in formulae of this document unambiguously.
A namespace exhibits low coupling if it is used only in a small subset of
documents, and high cohesion if all the documents in this subset are related
to the same domain.
But in real-life scientific document there are no import statements in the
document preamble, and they contain only natural language texts along with
some mathematical formulae. Yet we may still assume that these import
exists, but they are implicit, i.e. they are latent and cannot be observed
directly. Additionally, the namespaces themselves are also not observed.
Typically in mathematical texts, when an identifier is first introduced,
its definition is given in the natural language description that surrounds the
formula. This description can be extracted and used to assign the meaning
to the identifiers. Once identifier definitions are extracted, a document can
be represented as a set of identifier-definition pairs, and these pairs can be
used to discover the namespaces.
In the next section we discuss how this problem can be addressed.

3.2 Discovery of Identifier Namespaces

There are several ways of constructing a set of namespaces given a col-

lection of documents.

It is possible to do it manually by pre-defining a set of namespaces and

then by manually assigning each identifier-definition relation to some of these
namespace. It is not only time consuming, but also very difficult: one has
to know where to put the identifiers, and set of namespaces needs to be
Alternatively, it can be done automatically, and in this work we sug-
gest a different approach: use Machine Learning techniques for discovering
namespaces automatically.
We illustrate our idea by first drawing an analogy between identifier
namespaces and namespaces in programming languages. In a well-designed
application, we can distinguish between two types of application packages

– type 1 : domain-specific packages that deal with one particular concept

or domain area, and
– type 2 : packages that use other packages of the first type

For example, for an application org.company.app there can be several

domain-specific packages: org.company.app.domain.user with classes re-
lated to users, org.company.app.domain.account with classes related to
user accounts, and a system-related package org.company.app.tools.auth
that deals with authentication and authorization. Then we also have a pack-
age org.company.app.web.manage, which belongs to the type 2: it handles
web requests while relying on classes from packages user and account to
implement the business logic and on auth for making sure the requests are
We can observe that the type 1 packages are mostly self-contained and
not highly coupled between each other, but type 2 packages mostly use other
packages of type 1: they depend on them.
This idea can be extended on the document-centric view on identifier
namespaces. Each document can be seen as a class that imports identifiers
defined in other documents. Then the documents can be grouped together
based on the identifiers and the definitions they have, and then among these
groups there are some groups of documents that are of type 1 and the rest
are of type 2. The type 1 document groups contain information about closely
related concepts, and they are very homogenous (they have high cohesion),
and they are also not highly coupled with other document groups. By using
the import metaphor, we can say that the type 1 document groups import
only from few closely related namespaces. Other documents are of type 2

and they do not have low coupling: they are not very homogenous and they
import from several namespaces
With this intuition we can refer to type 1 document groups as names-
pace defining groups. These groups can be seen as “type 1” packages: they
define namespaces that are used by other type 2 document groups. Once the
namespace defining groups are found, we can learn the namespace of these
Thus we need to find groups of homogenous documents given a collection,
and this is exactly what Cluster Analysis methods do.
In the next section we will argue why we can use traditional document
clustering techniques and what are the characteristics that texts and iden-
tifiers have in common.

3.3 Namespace Discovery by Cluster Analysis

We argue that cluster analysis techniques developed for text documents
should also work for cases when documents are represented by identifers
they contain.
The reason for this is that identifiers can be seen as “words” in the math-
ematical language, their senses are by described their definitions, and the
“sentences” of this language are formulae. Because identifiers are used like
words, we can make the same assumptions about them. For example, words
are distributed according to a power low distribution [19], and therefore we
can assume that identifiers also follow some power low.
Additionally, natural languages suffer from lexical problems of variability
and ambiguity, and the two main problems are synonymy and polysemy [37]

– two words are synonymous if they have the same meaning (for example,
“graph” and “chart” are synonyms),
– a word is polysemous is it can have multiple meanings (for example,
“trunk” can refer to a part of elephant or a part of a car).

Note that identifiers have the same problems. For example, “E” can stand
both for “Energy” and “Expected value”, so “E” is polysemous.
These problems have been studied in Information Retrieval and Natu-
ral Language Processing literature. One possible solution for the polysemy
problem is Word Sense Disambiguation [9]: either replace a word with its
sense [45] or append the sense to the word. For example, if the polysemous
word is “bank” with meaning “financial institution”, then we replace it with

“bank_finance”. The same idea can be used for identifiers, for example if we
have an identifier “E” which is defined as “energy”, then “E” can be replaced
with “E_energy”.
Thus we see that text representation of documents and identifier repre-
sentation of documents have many similarities and therefore we can apply
the set of techniques developed for text representation for clustering docu-
ments based on identifiers.
For document clustering, documents are usually represented using Vector
Space Models [21] [22]. Likewise, we can introduce “Identifier Vector Space
Model” analogously to Vector Space Models for words, and then we can
apply clustering algorithm to documents represented in this space.

3.4 Identifier Vector Space Model

The Vector Space Model discussed in section 2.4 can be adjusted to
represent documents by identifers they contain instead of words. To do that
we replace the vocabulary V with a set of identifiers I = {i1 , i2 , ... , im }, but
documents are still represented as m-vectors dj = (w1 , w2 , ... , wm ), where
wk is a weight of identifier ik in the document dj . Likewise, we can define
an identifier-document matrix D as a matrix where columns are document
vectors and rows are indexed by the identifiers.
Identifiers, as terms, suffer from the problems of synonymy and polysemy,
and we solve this problem by extracting definitions for all the identifiers.
There are several ways of incorporating the extracted definitions into the
– do not include definition information at all, use only identifiers;
– use “weak” identifier-definition association: include identifiers and defini-
tions as separate dimensions;
– use “strong” association: append definition to identifier.
To illustrate how it is done, consider three relations (E, “energy”), (m,
“mass”) and (c, “speed of light”), and three documents d1 = {E, m, c}, d2 =
{m, c}, d3 = {E}. Then
– no definitions: dimensions are (E, m, c) and the identifier-document ma-
trix is  
d1 d2 d3
E 1 0 1 
D= m 1 1 0  ;

c 1 1 0

– “weak” association: dimensions are (E, m, c, energy, mass, speed of light),

and the matrix is
 
d1 d2 d3

 E 1 0 1 

 m 1 1 0 

D=  c 1 1 0 ;

 energy 1 0 1  
 mass 1 1 0 
speed of light 1 1 0

– “strong” association: dimensions are (E_energy, m_mass, c_speed of

light), and the matrix is
 
d1 d2 d3
 E_energy 1 0 1 
D= .
 m_mass 1 1 0 
c_speed of light 1 1 0

Once a collection of documents is represented is some Identifier Vector

Space, we can apply document clustering techniques discussed in the sec-
tion 2.6.

4 Implementation

In this chapter we give important implementation details.

First, we describe the data sets we use for our experiments and how
they are cleaned in section 4.1. Then we explain how definition extraction is
implemented in section 4.2 and how we implement cluster analysis methods.
Finally, section 4.4 shows how we can build a namespace from a cluster of

4.1 Data set

Wikipedia is a big online encyclopedia where the content are written and
edited by the community. It contains a large amount of articles on a variety of
topics, including articles about Mathematics and Mathematics-related fields
such as Physics. It is multilingual and available in several languages, includ-
ing English, German, French, Russian and others. The content of Wikipedia
pages are authored in a special markup language and the content of the
entire encyclopedia is freely available for download.
The techniques discussed in this work are mainly applied to the English
version of Wikipedia. At the moment of writing (July 31, 2015) the English
Wikipedia contains about 4.9 million articles3 . However, just a small portion
of these articles are math related: there are only 30 000 pages that contain
at least one <math> tag.
Apart from the text data and formulas Wikipedia articles have informa-
tion about categories, and we can exploit this information as well. The cate-
gory information is encoded directly into each Wikipedia page with a special
markup tag. For example, the article “Linear Regression” 4 belongs to the cat-
egory “Regression analysis” and [[Category:Regression analysis]] tag
encodes this information.
Wikipedia is available in other languages, not only English. While the
most of the analysis is performed on the English Wikipedia, we also apply
some of the techniques to the Russian version [46] to compare it with the
results obtained on the English Wikipedia. The Russian Wikipedia is smaller
that the English Wikipedia and contains 1.9 million articles5 , among which
only 15 000 pages are math-related (i.e. contain at least one <math> tag).

4.2 Definition Extraction

Before we can proceed to discovering identifier namespaces, we need to
extract identifier-definition relations. For this we use the probabilistic ap-
proach, discussed in the section 2.3.4. The extraction process is implemented
using Apache Flink [47] and it is based on the open source implementation
provided by Pagel and Schubotz in [6]6 .
The first step is to keep only mathematical articles and discard the rest.
This is done by retaining only those articles that contain at least one <math>
tag with a simple python script wikiFilter7 . Once the data set is filtered,
then all the LATEX formulas form the <math> tags are converted to MathML,
an XML-based representation of mathematical formulae [48].
The dataset is stored in a big XML file in the Wiki XML format. It makes
it easy to extract the title and the content of each document, and then
process the documents separately. The formulas are extracted by looking
for the <math> tags. However some formulas for some reasons are typed
without the tags using the unicode symbols, and such formulas are very
hard to detect and therefore we choose not to process them. Once all <math>
tags are found, they (along with the content) are replaced with a special
placeholder FORMULA_%HASH%, where %HASH% is MD5 hash [49] of the tag’s
content represented as a hexadecimal string. After that the content of the
tags is kept separately from the document content.
The next step is to find the definitions for identifiers in formulas. We
are not interested in the semantics of a formula, only in the identifiers it
contains. In MathML <mi> corresponds to identifiers, and hence extracting
identifiers from MathML formulas amounts to finding all <mi> tags and
retrieving their content. It is enough to extract simple identifiers such as “t”,
“C”, “µ”, but there also are complex identifiers with subscripts, such as “x1 ”,
“ξi ” or even “βslope ”. To extract them we need to look for tags <msub>. We do
not process superscripts because they are usually powers (for example, “x2 ”),
and therefore they are not interesting for this work. There are exceptions to
this, for example, “σ 2 ” is an identifier, but these cases are rare and can be
Since MathML is XML, the identifiers are extracted with XPath queries
– //m:mi[not(ancestor::m:msub)]/text() for all <mi> tags that are not
subscript identifers;

– //m:msub for subscript identifiers.

Once the identifiers are extracted, the rest of the formula is discarded.
As the result, we have a “Bag of Formulae”: analogously to the Bag of Words
approach (see section 2.4) we keep only the counts of occurrences of different
identifiers and we do not preserve any other structure.
The content of Wikipedia document is authored with Wiki markup – a
special markup language for specifying document layout elements such as
headers, lists, text formatting and tables. Thus the next step is to process
the Wiki markup and extract the textual content of an article, and this is
done using a Java library “Mylyn Wikitext” [50]. Almost all annotations are
discarded at this stage, and only inner-wiki links are kept: they can be useful
as candidate definitions. The implementation of this step is taken entirely
from [6] with only a few minor changes.
Once the markup annotations are removed and the text content of an
article is extracted, we then apply Natural Language Processing (NLP) tech-
niques. Thus, the next step is the NLP step, and for NLP we use the Stan-
ford Core NLP library (StanfordNLP) [12]. The first part of this stage is
to tokenize the text and also split it by sentences. Once it is done, we then
apply Math-aware POS tagging (see section 2.2). For English documents
from the English Wikipedia we use StanfordNLP’s Maximal Entropy POS
Tagger [51]. Unfortunately, there are no trained models available for POS
tagging the Russian language for the StanfordNLP library and we were not
able to find a suitable implementation of any other POS taggers in Java.
Therefore we implemented a simple rule-based POS tagger ourselves. The
implementation is based on a PHP function from [52]: it is translated into
Java and seamlessly integrated into the StanfordNLP pipeline. The English
tagger uses the Penn Treebank POS Scheme [11], and hence we follow the
same convention for the Russian tagger.
For handling mathematics we introduce two new POS classes: “ID” for
identifiers and “MATH” for formulas. These classes are not a part of the Penn
Treebank POS Scheme, and therefore we need to label all the instances of
these tags ourselves during the additional post-processing step. If a token
starts with “FORMULA_”, then we recognize that it is a placeholder for a math
formula, and therefore we annotate it with the “MATH” tag. Additionally, if
this formula contains only one identifier, this placeholder token is replaced by
the identifier and it is tagged with “ID”. We also keep track of all identifiers
found in the document and then for each token we check if this token is in
the list. If it is, then it is re-annotated with the “ID” tag.

At the Wikipedia markup processing step we discard almost all markup

annotations, but we do keep inner Wikipedia links, because these links are
good definition candidates. To use them, we introduce another POS Tag:
“LINK”. To detect all inner-wiki links, we first find all token subsequences that
start with [[ and end with ]], and then these subsequences are concatenated
and tagged as “LINK”.
Successive nouns (both singular and plurals), possible modified by an
adjective, are also candidates for definitions. Therefore we find all such se-
quences on the text and then concatenate each into one single token tagged
The next stage is selecting the most probable identifier-definition pairs,
and this is done by ranking definition candidates. The definition candidates
are tokens annotated with “NN” (noun singular), “NNS” (noun plural), “LINK”
and “NOUN_PHRASE”. We rank these tokens by a score that depends how far
it is from the identifer of interest and how far is the closest formula that
contains this identifier (see section 2.3.4). The output of this step is a list
of identifier-definition pairs along with the score, and only the pairs with
scores above the user specified threshold are retained. The implementation
of this step is also taken entirely from [6] with very minor modifications.

4.2.1 Data Cleaning

The Natural Language data is famous for being noisy and hard to clean
[53]. The same is true for mathematical identifiers and scientific texts with
formulas. In this section we describe how the data was preprocessed and
cleaned at different stages of Definition Extraction.
Often identifiers contain additional semantic information visually con-
veyed by special diacritical marks or font features. For example, the diacrit-
ics can be hats to denote “estimates” (e.g. “ ŵ”), bars to denote the expected
value (e.g. “ X̄”), arrows to denote vectors (e.g. “~x ”) and others. As for the
font features, boldness is often used to denote vectors (e.g. “w”) or matrices
(e.g. “X”), calligraphic fonts are used for sets (e.g. “H”), double-struck fonts
often denote spaces (e.g. “R”), and so on.
Unfortunately there is no common notation established across all fields
of mathematics and there is a lot of variance. For example, a vector can be
denoted by “~x ”, “x” or “x”, and a real line by “R”, “R” or “R”. In natural
languages there are related problems of lexical ambiguity such as synonymy,
when different words refer to the same concept, and it can be solved by re-
placing the ambiguous words with some token, representative of the concept.

Therefore this problem with identifiers can be solved similarly by reducing

identifiers to their “root” form. This can be done by discarding all additional
visual information, such that “ X̄” becomes “X”, “w” becomes “w” and “R”
becomes “R”.
The disadvantage of this approach is that we lose the additional semantic
information about the identifier that overwise could be useful. Additionally,
in some cases we will treat different identifiers like they are the same. For
example, in Statistics, “ X̄” usually denotes the mean value of a random
variable X, but when we remove the bar, we lose this semantic information,
and it becomes impossible to distinguish between different usages of X.
The diacritic marks can easily be discarded because they are represented
by special MathML instructions that can be ignored when the identifiers are
retrieved. But, on the other hand, the visual features are encoded directly on
the character level: the identifiers use special unicode symbols to convey font
features such as boldness or Fraktur, so it needs to be normalized by convert-
ing characters from special “Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols” unicode
block [54] back to the standard ASCII positions (“Basic Latin” block). Some
identifiers (such as “~” or “`”) are expressed using characters from a special
“Letterlike Symbols” table, and these characters are normalized as well.
Additionally, the is a lot of noise on the annotation level in MathML
formulas: many non-identifiers are captures as identifiers inside <mi> tags.
R them there are many mathematic-related symbols like “^”, “#”,“∀”,
“ ”; miscellaneous symbols like “” or “◦”, arrows like “→” and “⇒”, and
special characters like “d”. Ideally, there symbols should be represented inside
<mo> tags, but unfortunately there are many cases when they are not.
To filter out these one-symbol false identifiers we fully exclude all char-
acters from the following unicode blocks: “Spacing Modifier Letters”, “Mis-
cellaneous Symbols”, “Geometric Shapes”, “Arrows”, “Miscellaneous Techni-
cal”, “Box Drawing”, “Mathematical Operators” (except “∇” which is some-
times used as an identifier) and “Supplemental Mathematical Operators”
[54]. Some symbols (like “=”, “+”, “~”, “%”, “?”, “!”) belong to commonly used
unicode blocks which we cannot exclude altogether. For these symbols we
manually prepare a stop list for filtering them.
It also captures multiple-symbol false positives: operator and function
names like “sin”, “cos”, “exp”, “max”, “trace”; words commonly used in for-
mulas like “const”, “true”, “false”, “vs”, “iff”; auxiliary words like “where”,
“else”, “on”, “of”, “as”, “is”; units like “mol”, “dB”, “mm”. These false iden-
tifiers are excluded by a stop list as well: if a candidate identifier is in the
list, it is filtered out. The stop list of false positives is quite similar for both

English and Russian: for the Russian wikipedia we only need to handle the
auxiliary words such as “где” (“where”), “иначе” (“else”) and so on. The
names for operators and functions are more or less consistent across both
data sources.
Then, at the next stage, the definitions are extracted. However many
shortlisted definitions are either not valid definitions or too general. For ex-
ample, some identifiers become associated with “if and only if”, “alpha”,
“beta”, “gamma”, which are not valid definitions.
Other definitions like “element” (“элемент”), “number” (“число”) or
“variable” (“переменная” ) are valid, but they are too general and not
descriptive. We maintain a stop list of such false definitions and filter them
out from the result. The elements of the stop list are also consistent across
both data data sets, in the sense that the false definition candidates are
same but expressed in different languages.
The Russian language is highly inflected, and because of this extracted
definitions have many different forms, depending on grammatical gender,
form (singular or plural) and declensions. This highly increases the variabil-
ity of the definitions, and to reduce it lemmatize the definitions: they are
reduced to the same common form (nominative, singular and masculinum).
This is done using Pymorphy2: a python library for Russian and Ukrainian
morphology [55].
At the next stage the retrieved identifier/definition pairs are used for
document clustering. Some definitions are used only once and we can note
that they are not very useful because they do not have any discriminative
power. Therefore all such definitions are excluded.

4.2.2 Dataset Statistics

At the identifier extraction step when the data set is cleaned, some iden-
tifiers are discarded, and after that some documents become empty: they
no longer contain any identifiers, and which is why these documents are
not considered for further analysis. Additionally, we discard all the docu-
ments that have only one identifier. This leaves only 22 515 documents out
of 30 000, and they contain 12 771 distinct identifiers, which occur about 2
million times.
The most frequent identifiers are “x” (125 500 times), “p” (110 000), “m”
(105 000 times) and “n” (83 000 times), but about 3 700 identifiers occur only
once and 1 950 just twice. Clearly, the distribution of identifiers follows some
power law distribution (see fig. 3).

140000 106
120000 105

counts, log scale


100 0
0 10 101 102 103 104
0 10 20 30 40
identifiers identifiers, log scale

(a) Frequencies of the first 50 identifiers (b) Frequencies, log-log scale

Fig. 3: Distribution of frequencies of identifiers

The distribution of counts for identifiers inside the documents also ap-
pears to follow a long tail power law distribution: there are few articles that
contain many identifiers, while most of the articles do not (see fig. 4a). The
biggest article (“Euclidean algorithm”) has 22 766 identifiers, a and the sec-
ond largest (“Lambda lifting”) has only 6 500 identifiers. The mean number
of identifiers per document is 33. The distribution for number of distinct
identifiers per document is less skewed (see fig. 4b). The largest number of
distinct identifiers is 287 (in the article “Hooke’s law”), and it is followed
by 194 (in “Dimensionless quantity”). The median number of identifiers per
document is 10.
For 12 771 identifiers the algorithm extracted 115 300 definitions, and
the number of found definitions follows a long tail distribution as well (see
fig. 4c), with the median number of definitions per page being 4.
Table 1 shows the list of the most common identifier-definition relations
extracted from the English Wikipedia.
In the Russian Wikipedia only 5 300 articles contain enough identifiers,
and the remaining 9 500 are discarded.
The identifiers and definitions extracted from the Russian version of
Wikipedia exhibit the similar properties. The most frequently occurring
identifier is “x” with 13 248 occurrences, but the median frequency of an
identifer is only 3 times. The article with the largest number of identifiers is
“Уравнения Максвелла” (“Maxwell’s equations”) which contains 1 831 iden-
tifiers, while the median number of identifiers is just 3; the article with the
largest number of distinct identifiers is also “Уравнения Максвелла” with
112 unique identifiers, and the median number of distinct identifiers in the

identifiers 15000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

(a) Identifier frequencies per document for first 80 most largest documents
distinct identifiers

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

(b) No. of distinct identifiers per document for first 80 most largest documents

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

(c) Definitions per document

Fig. 4: Frequencies per documents

data set is 5. Finally, the largest number of extracted definitions is 44 (again,

for “Уравнения Максвелла”) with 2 being the median number of definitions
per page.
We can compare the most frequent identifier-definition relations extracted
from the Russian Wikipedia (see table 1): some of the top relations appear in
both datasets. Other frequent identifier-definition relations extracted from
the Russian Wikipedia include:
– f : “функция” (“function”) (215)
– X: “множество” (“set”) (113)
– h: “постоянный планка” (“Plank constant”) (68)
– M : “многообразие” (“manifold”) (53)
– K: “поль” (“field”) (53)
– X: “пространство” (“space”) (50)
– G: “граф” (“graph”) (44)

ID Definition Count Definition Rus Count

t time 1086 время 130
m mass 424 масса 103
θ angle 421
T temperature 400 температура 69
r radius 395
v velocity 292 скорость 50
ρ density 290 плотность 57
G group 287 группа 87
V volume 284
λ wavelength 263
R radius 257 радиус 38
n degree 233
r distance 220
c speed of light 219 скорость свет 89
L length 216
n length 189
n order 188
n dimension 185
n size 178
M mass 171
d distance 163
X topological space 159 топ. пространство 46
Table 1: Most frequent relations from the English Wikipedia and correspond-
ing relations from the Russian Wikipedia.

– R: “радиус” (“radius”) (38)

– R: “кольцо” (“ring”) (36)
– G: “гравитационный постоянный” (“gravitational constant”) (34)
– E: “энергия” (“energy”) (34)
– m: “модуль” (“modulo”) (33)
– S: “площадь” (“area”) (32)
– k: “постоянный больцмана” (“Boltzmann constant”) (30)

4.3 Document Clustering

At the Document Clustering stage we want to find cluster of documents
that are good namespace candidates.
Before we can do this, we need to vectorize our dataset: i.e. build the
Identifier Space (see section 3.4) and represent each document in this space.
There are three choices for dimensions of the Identifier space:

– identifiers alone,
– “weak” identifier-definition association,

– “strong” association: use identifier-definition pairs.

In the first case we are only interested in identifier information and dis-
card the definitions altogether.
In the second and third cases we keep the definitions and use them to
index the dimensions of the Identifier Space. Bur there is some variability
in the definitions: for example, the same identifier “σ” in one document
can be assigned to “Cauchy stress tensor” and in other it can be assigned to
“stress tensor”, which are almost the same thing. To reduce this variability we
perform some preprocessing: we tokenize the definitions and use individual
tokens to index dimensions of the space. For example, suppose we have
two pairs (σ, “Cauchy stress tensor”) and (σ, “stress tensor”). In the “weak”
association case we have will dimensions (σ, Cauchy, stress, tensor), while for
the “strong” association case we will have (σ_Cauchy, σ_stress, σ_tensor).
Additionally, the effect of variability can be decreased further by applying
a stemming technique for each definition token. In this work we use Snowball
stemmer for English [56] implemented in NLTK [57]: a python library for
Natural Language Processing. For Russian we use Pymorphy2 [55].
Using TfidfVectorizer from scikit-learn [58] we vectorize each docu-
ment. The experiments are performed with (log TF) × IDF weighting, and
therefore we use use_idf=False, sublinear_tf=True parameters for the
vectorizer. Additionally, we use min_df=2 to discard identifiers that occurs
only once.
The output is a document-identifier matrix (analogous to “document-
term”): documents are rows and identifiers/definitions are columns. The
output of TfidfVectorizer is row-normalized, i.e. all rows has unit length.
Once we the documents are vectorized, we can apply clustering tech-
niques to them. We use K-Means (see section 2.6.2) implemented as a class
KMeans in scikit-learn and Mini-Batch K-Means (class MiniBatchKMeans)
[58]. Note that if rows are unit-normalized, then running K-Means with
Euclidean distance is equivalent to cosine distance (see section 2.5.3).
DBSCAN and SNN Clustering (see section 2.6.3) algorithms were imple-
mented manually: available DBSCAN implementations usually take distance
measure rather than a similarity measure. The similarity matrix cleated by
similarity measures are typically very sparse, because usually only a small
fraction of the documents are similar to some given document. Similarity
measures can be converted to distance measures, but in this case the matrix
will no longer be sparse, and we would like to avoid that. Additionally, avail-
able implementations are usually general purpose implementations and do

not take advantage of the structure of the data: in text-like data clustering
algorithms can be sped up significantly by using an inverted index.
Dimensionality reduction techniques are also important: they not only
reduce the dimensionality, but also help reveal the latent structure of data.
In this work we use Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) (section 2.7) which is
implemented using randomized Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) [59],
The implementation of randomized SVD is taken from scikit-learn [58] –
method randomized_svd. Non-negative Matrix Factorization is an alterna-
tive technique for dimensionality reduction (section 2.7). Its implementation
is also taken from scikit-learn [58], class NMF.
To assess the quality of produced clusters we use wikipedia categories.
It is quite difficult to extract category information from raw wikipedia text,
therefore we use DBPedia [60] for that: it provides machine-readable infor-
mation about categories for each wikipedia article. Additionally, categories
in wikipedia form a hierarchy, and this hierarchy is available as a SKOS
Unfortunately, there is no information about articles from the Russian
Wikipedia on DBPedia. However the number of documents is not very large,
and therefore this information can be retrieved via MediaWiki API8 indi-
vidually for each document. This information can be retrieved in chunks for
a group of several documents at once, and therefore it is quite fast.

4.4 Building Namespaces

Once a cluster analysis algorithm assigns documents in our collection to
some clusters, we need to find namespaces among these clusters. We assume
that some clusters are namespace-defining: they are not only homogenous
in the cluster analysis sense (for example, in case of K-Means it means that
within-cluster sum of squares is minimal), but also “pure”: they are about
the same topic.
A cluster is pure if all documents belong to the same category. Using
categories information we can find the most frequent category of the cluster,
and then we can define purity of a cluster C as
maxi count(ci )
purity(C) = ,
where ci ’s are cluster categories. Thus we can select all clusters with purity
above some pre-defined threshold and refer to them as namespace-defining

Then we convert these clusters into namespaces by collecting all the

identifiers and their definitions in the documents of each cluster. To do this,
we first collect all the identifier-definition pairs, and then group them by
identifier. When extracting, each definition candidate is scored, and this
score is used to determine, which definition an identifier will be assigned in
the namespace.
For example, consider three documents with the following extracted re-

– Document A:
• n: (predictions, 0.95), (size, 0.92), (random sample, 0.82), (popula-
tion, 0.82)
• θ: (estimator, 0.98), (unknown parameter, 0.98), (unknown parame-
ter, 0.94)
• µ: (true mean, 0.96), (population, 0.89)
• µ4 : (central moment, 0.83)
• σ: (population variance, 0.86), (square error, 0.83), (estimators, 0.82)
– Document B:
• Pθ : (family, 0.87)
• X: (measurable space, 0.95)
• θ: (sufficient statistic, 0.93)
• µ: (mean, 0.99), (variance, 0.95), (random variables, 0.89), (normal,
• σ: (variance, 0.99), (mean, 0.83)
– Document C:
• n: (tickets, 0.96), (maximum-likelihood estimator, 0.89)
• x: (data, 0.99), (observations, 0.93)
• θ: (statistic, 0.95), (estimator, 0.93), (estimator, 0.93), (rise, 0.91),
(statistical model, 0.85), (fixed constant, 0.82)
• µ: (expectation, 0.96), (variance, 0.93), (population, 0.89)
• σ: (variance, 0.94), (population variance, 0.91), (estimator, 0.87)

We take all these relations, and combine together. If an identifer have

two or more definitions that are exactly the same, them we merge them into
one and its score is the sum of scores:

– Pθ : (family, 0.87)
– X: (measurable space, 0.95), (Poisson, 0.82)
– n: (tickets, 0.96), (predictions, 0.95), (size, 0.92), (maximum-likelihood
estimator, 0.89), (random sample, 0.82), (population, 0.82)

– x: (data, 0.99), (observations, 0.93)

– θ: (estimator, 0.98+0.93+0.93), (unknown parameter, 0.98+0.94), (statis-
tic, 0.95), (sufficient statistic, 0.93), (rise, 0.91), (statistical model, 0.85),
(fixed constant, 0.82)
– µ: (random variables, 0.89+0.89+0.89), (variance, 0.95+0.93), (mean,
0.99), (true mean, 0.96), (expectation, 0.96), (normal, 0.83)
– µ4 : (central moment, 0.83)
– σ: (variance, 0.99+0.94), (population variance, 0.91+0.86), (estimator,
0.87), (square error, 0.83), (mean, 0.83), (estimators, 0.82)

There is some lexical variance in the definitions. For example, “variance”

and “population variance” or “mean” and “true mean” are very related defi-
nitions, and it makes sense to group them together to form one definition.
It can be done by fuzzy string matching (or approximate matching) [61].
To implement it, we use a python library FuzzyWuzzy [62], and using fuzzy
matching we group related identifiers and then sum over their scores.
Then we have the following:

– Pθ : (family, 0.87)
– X: (measurable space, 0.95), (Poisson, 0.82)
– n: (tickets, 0.96), (predictions, 0.95), (size, 0.92), (maximum-likelihood
estimator, 0.89), (random sample, 0.82), (population, 0.82)
– x: (data, 0.99), (observations, 0.93)
– θ: (estimator, 2.84), (unknown parameter, 1.92), ({statistic, sufficient
statistic}, 1.88), (rise, 0.91), (statistical model, 0.85), (fixed constant,
– µ: (random variables, 2.67), ({mean, true mean}, 1.95), (variance, 1.88),
(expectation, 0.96), (normal, 0.83)
– µ4 : (central moment, 0.83)
– σ: ({variance, population variance}, 3.7), ({estimator, estimators}, 1.69),
(square error, 0.83), (mean, 0.83)

In a namespace an identifier can have at most one definition, and there-

fore the next step is selecting the definition with the highest score. This gives
us the following namespace:

– (Pθ , family, 0.87)

– (X, measurable space, 0.95)
– (n, tickets, 0.96)
– (x, data, 0.99

– (θ, estimator, 2.84)

– (µ, random variables, 2.67)
– (µ4 , central moment, 0.83)
– (σ: variance, 3.7)

Intuitively, the more a relation occurs, the higher the score, and it gives
us more confidence that the definition is indeed correct.


tanh(x / 2)
0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 5: Non-linear transformation of scores with tanh function.

However, it is more convenient to compare scores when they are on the

[0, 1] scale, and therefore we may apply additional transformation to convert
the scores. Hyperbolic tangent function is a good choice for such transfor-
mation: it is near zero for small values and it never exceeds one (see fig. 5)
But it is quite steep and converges to 1 rather quickly: for a relation with
score of 3 it would produce a score of 0.99, which is quite high. Instead, we
can use a less steep tanh(x/2) (see fig. 5): for 3, tanh(3/2) produces a score
of 0.90, which is better.
Because the hyperbolic tangent is a monotonously increasing function,
larger values of the original score correspond to larger values of the trans-
formed score, and therefore we still can use the output of tanh(x/2) to rank
the relations.
Thus, after applying this transformation, we obtain the following names-

– (Pθ , family, 0.41)

– (X, measurable space, 0.44)
– (n, tickets, 0.45)

– (x, data, 0.46)

– (θ, estimator, 0.89)
– (µ, random variables, 0.87)
– (µ4 , central moment, 0.39)
– (σ: variance, 0.95)

The category of this namespace is selected as the category that the ma-
jority of the documents in the namespace-defining cluster share.

5 Evaluation
In this chapter we describe the experimental setup and the obtained
First, section 5.1 verifies that the namespace discovery is possible by
applying the proposed technique to Java source code. Next, section 5.2 de-
scribes parameter tuning: there are many possible choices of parameters, and
we find the best. Once the best algorithm and its parameters are selected,
we analyze the obtained results in section 5.3. Next, we describe how the
discovered clusters can be mapped to a hierarchy in section 5.4, and finish
by summarizing our findings in section 5.5.

5.1 Java Language Processing

There is no “gold standard” data set for the namespace discovery problem
because this problem has not been studied, and it is hard to verify if our
approach works or not.
Previously we have illustrated the idea of identifier namespaces by com-
paring it with namespaces in Computer Science, and it allowed us to de-
velop an intuition behind the namespaces in mathematics and also propose
a method to discover them: we motivated the assumption that there exist
“namespace defining” groups of documents by arguing that these groups also
exist in programming languages.
Therefore we try to use source code as a dataset, and see whether our
method is able to recover namespace information or not.
If a programming language is statically typed, like Java or Pascal, usually
it is possible to know the type of a variable from the declaration of this
variable. Therefore we can see variable names as “identifiers” and variable
types as “definitions”. Clearly, there is a difference between variable types
and identifier definitions, but we believe that this comparison is valid because
the type carries additional semantic information about the variable and in
what context it can be used – like the definition of an identifier.
The information about variables and their types can be extracted from
a source code repository, and each source file can be processed to obtain
its Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). By processing the ASTs, we can extract
the variable declaration information. Thus, each source file can be seen as a
document, which is represented by all its variable declarations.
In this work we process Java source code, and for parsing it and building
ASTs we use a library JavaParser [69]. The Java programming language
was chosen because it requires the programmer to always specify the type

information when declaring a variable. It is different for other languages

when the type information is usually inferred by the compilers at compilation
In Java a variable can be declared in three places: as an inner class
variable (or a “field”), as a method (constructor) parameter or as a local
variable inside a method or a constructor. We need to process all three
types of variable declarations and then apply additional preprocessing, such
as converting the name of the type from short to fully qualified using the
information from the import statements. For example, String is converted
to java.lang.String and List<Integer> to java.util.List<Integer>,
but primitive types like byte or int are left unchanged.
Consider an example in the listing 1. There is a class variable threshold,
a method parameter in and two local variables word and posTag. The fol-
lowing relations will be extracted from this class: (“threshold”, double), (“in”,
domain.Word), (“word”, java.lang.String), (“posTag”, java.lang.String).
Since all primitives and classes from packages that start with java are dis-
carded, at the end the class WordProcesser is represented with only one
relation (“in”, domain.Word).

Listing 1: A Java class

package process ;

import domain . Word ;

public class WordProcesser {

private double threshold ;

public boolean isGood ( Word in ) {

String word = in . getWord () ;
String posTag = in . getPosTag () ;
return isWordGood ( word ) && isPosTagGood ( posTag ) ;

// ...

In the experiments we applied this source code analysis to the source

code of Apache Mahout 0.10 [70], which is an open-source library for scal-
able Machine Learning and Data Mining. As on July 31, 2015, this dataset
consists of 1 560 java classes with 45 878 variable declarations. After dis-

carding declarations from the standard Java API, primitives and types with
generic parameters, only 15 869 declarations were retained.
The following is top-15 variable/type declarations extracted from the
Mahout source code:

– “conf”, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration (491 times)

– “v”, org.apache.mahout.math.Vector (224 times)
– “dataModel”, org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.model.DataModel (207 times)
– “fs”, org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem (207 times)
– “log”, org.slf4j.Logger (171 times)
– “output”, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path (152 times)
– “vector”, org.apache.mahout.math.Vector (145 times)
– “x”, org.apache.mahout.math.Vector (120 times)
– “path”, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path (113 times)
– “measure”, org.apache.mahout.common.distance.DistanceMeasure (102
– “input”, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path (101 times)
– “y”, org.apache.mahout.math.Vector (87 times)
– “comp”, org.apache.mahout.math.function.IntComparator (74 times)
– “job”, org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job (71 times)
– “m”, org.apache.mahout.math.Matrix (70 times)

We use the “soft” association method to incorporate “definition” (i.e.

types), and considering each source code file as a document, we build an
identifier-document matrix of dimensionality 1436 × 1560. Only identifiers
that occur at least twice are used to build the matrix.
To discover namespace-defining cluster, we use LSA with SVD and Mini-
Batch K-Means. For weight assignment, we try two weighting systems: usual
TF component and sublinear TF. The best performance is achieved with
the rank k = 200 of SVD and number of clusters K = 200 using sublinear
weighting (see fig. 6).
With these parameters the best result is 33 clusters (see table 2a). One of
such clusters is a cluster about SVD: there are 5 classes from the svd9 pack-
age (Factorization, FilePersistenceStrategy, NoPersistenceStrategy,
PersistenceStrategy, FilePersistenceStrategyTest) and one from
kddcup.track1.svd10 package (Track1SVDRunner). Although this cluster is
not 100% pure, in the sense that not all of these classes belong to the same
package, these classes are clearly related: they are all about SVD. The top
full name: org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.recommender.svd
full name: org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.example.kddcup.track1.svd

22 30
20 k = 100 k = 100
18 k = 200 25 k = 200
k = 300 k = 300
no. pure clusters

no. pure clusters

k = 400 20 k = 400
8 10
4 5
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
number of clusters K number of clusters K

(a) Usual TF × IDF weighting (b) (log TF) × IDF weighting

Fig. 6: The performance MiniBatch K-Means on the Mahout dataset.

dimensions with the most influence in this cluster are svd.Factorization11

and factorization.
Another interesting namespace is the distance namespace, with classes
mostly from common.distance12 (see table 2b). What is interesting, there
are mostly tests in this cluster, but because they use classes that they test,
they roughly can be seen as documents that refer to some concepts defined
outside of the cluster (see table 2c).
We are able to discover 33 namespaces using the Mahout source code
as a dataset. There are 150 packages in total. This means that using only
identifier information it is enough to recover namespace information at least
partially (in our case, we can recover 22% of the namespaces).
Therefore, in principle, the approach works and it can be used to discover
namespaces in mathematics.

5.2 Parameter Tuning

There are many different clustering algorithms, each with its own set of
parameter. In this section we describe how we find the settings that find the
best namespaces.
The following things can be changed:

– Ways to incorporate definition information (no definitions, soft associa-

tion, hard association);
full name: org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.impl.recommender.svd.Factorization
full name: org.apache.mahout.common.distance

Size Namespace Purity

16 org.apache.mahout.h2obindings.ops 0.88
12 org.apache.mahout.math.map 0.92
11 org.apache.mahout.text 0.91
10 org.apache.mahout.vectorizer.collocations.llr 1.00
10 org.apache.mahout.classifier.sequencelearning.hmm 1.00
10 org.apache.mahout.math.list 1.00
9 org.apache.mahout.math.map 0.89
9 org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.hadoop.item 1.00
8 org.apache.mahout.cf.taste.hadoop.als 1.00
8 org.apache.mahout.classifier.sgd 0.88
(a) Top namespace-defining clusters discovered from Mahout.

Class name
(b) A namespace-defining cluster about Distances.

ID Class
chebyshevDistanceMeasure org.apache.mahout.common.distance.DistanceMeasure
distanceMeasure org.apache.mahout.common.distance.DistanceMeasure
euclideanDistanceMeasure org.apache.mahout.common.distance.DistanceMeasure
manhattanDistanceMeasure org.apache.mahout.common.distance.DistanceMeasure
minkowskiDistanceMeasure org.apache.mahout.common.distance.DistanceMeasure
v org.apache.mahout.math.Vector
vector org.apache.mahout.math.Vector
(c) Definitions in the v namespace.

Table 2: Namespaces extracted from Apache Mahout source code.

– Weighting schemes for the identifier-document matrix D: TF, sublinear

– There are different clustering algorithms: agglomerative clustering, DB-
SCAN, SNN clustering, K-Means, and each algorithm has its own set of
– Dimensionality of D can be reduced via SVD or NMF, parameter k
controls the rank of output.
To find the best parameters set we use the grid search approach: we try
different combinations of parameters and keep track on the number of pure
clusters and the purity.

The overall purity of cluster assignment is calculated as a weighed sum

of individual cluster purities, where the weight is chosen proportionally to
the size of a cluster.







0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Number of clusters
(a) Number of clusters K vs overall purity of clustering: the purity in-
creases linearly with K (R2 = 0.99).

70 no. clusters
smoothed line
Number of pure clusters

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Number of clusters
(b) Number of clusters K vs the number of pure clusters: it grows ini-
tially, but after K ≈ 8 000 starts to decrease.

Fig. 7: Purity and number of pure clusters as measures of algorithm perfor-


However it is not enough just to find the most pure cluster assignment:
because as the number of clusters increases the overall purity also grows.
Thus we can also optimize for the number of clusters with purity p of size at
least n. When the number of clusters increase, the purity always grows (see
fig. 7a), but at some point the number of pure clusters will start decreasing
(see fig. 7b).

5.2.1 Baseline

We compare the performance of clustering algorithms against a random

categorizer. The simplest version of such a categorizer is the random clus-
ter assignment categorizer, which assigns each document to some random
cluster. In this case, we constrain the categorizer to include 3 documents
in each cluster, and once a document belongs to some cluster, it cannot be
re-assigned. It is done by first creating a vector of assignments and shuffling
Then we record how many pure clusters (at least 80% pure) are in the
cluster assignment.


15 20 25 30 35 40
no. clusters

Fig. 8: Distribution of the number of pure clusters across 200 trials.

To establish the baseline, we repeated this experiment for 200 times (see
fig. 8), and the maximal achieved value is 39 pure clusters, while the mean
value is 23.85.

5.2.2 Only Identifiers

The first way of building the identifier space is to use only identifiers and
do not use definitions at all. If we do this, the identifier-document matrix
is 6075 × 22512 (we keep only identifiers that occur at least twice), and it
contains 302 541 records, so the density of this matrix is just 0.002.
First, we try to apply agglomerative clustering, then DBSCAN with SNN
similarity based on Jaccard coefficient and cosine similarity, then we do K-
Means and finally we apply LSA using SVD and NMF and apply K-Means
on the reduced space.
Agglomerative clustering algorithms are quite fast for small datasets,
but they become more computationally expensive as the dataset size grows.

35 observed runtime
30 regression fit

time, min
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
number of documents N

Fig. 9: Runtime of agglomerative clustering is quadratic with the number of

documents in the collection (R2 = 0.99).

We run a series of experiments on subsamples of our dataset and we can

observe that the run time is quadratic with the number of documents to
cluster (see fig. 9). The polynomial regression model that we built predicts
that it should process the entire dataset of 22 512 documents in 90 minutes,
but it was not able to finish in several hours, so we stopped the computation.
Additionally, the implementation we use from scikit-learn requires a dense
matrix. But when densified, the identifier-document matrix occupies a lot of
space: if each element of the matrix is represented with a double precision
number, then this matrix occupies 1.01 Gb of RAM in total. While it is
small enough to fit into memory, matrices of larger dimensionality might
not. Therefore we exclude these clustering algorithms from further analysis.
The second method is DBSCAN with SNN Similarity. To compute
SSN similarity we need to use some other base similarity measure. We start
with Jaccard coefficient, and use a binarized identifier-document matrix: a
matrix with only ones and zeros. For example, the closest article to “Linear
Regression” is “Linear predictor function” with Jaccard coefficient of 0.59
and “Low-rank approximation” is the closest to “Singular value decompo-
sition” with coefficient of 0.25. With Jaccard, we were able to discover 87
clusters, which is two times better than the baseline (see fig. 10) and the best
parameters are 10 nearest neighbors, ε = 3 and MinPts = 4 (see fig. 10b).
Then we run the same algorithm, but with cosine similarity, using an
identifier-document matrix with (log TF) × IDF weights, and calculate pair-
wise similarity between each document. For example, let us take an article
“Linear regression” and calculate the cosine with the rest of the corpus. The
closest document is “Linear predictor function”. They have 23 identifiers in
common, and they indeed look related. However cosine is not always giving

80 =3 =5
70 =4 =6

no. pure clusters

90 50
80 40
no. pure clusters

60 30
40 3 20
30 4
20 5 10
10 6
0 7 0
3 4 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
M6inPts7 8 9
10 10

(a) Number of clusters when 10 nearest neigh-(b) Performance of selected ε with 10 nearest
bors are considered neighbors
=3 =5
=4 =6

no. pure clusters

no. pure clusters

60 40
40 3 30
30 4
20 5 20
10 6
0 7 10
3 4 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
M6inPts7 8 9
10 10

(c) Number of clusters when 15 nearest neigh-(d) Performance of selected ε with 15 nearest
bors are considered neighbors

Fig. 10: Effect of parameters ε, MinPts and number of nearest neighbors on

performance of SNN DBSCAN when Jaccard coefficient is used.

the best closets neighbors. For example, the nearest neighbor of “Singular
value decomposition” is “Rule of Sarrus”, and although their cosine score is
0.92, they have only 3 identifiers in common.
With cosine as the base similarity function for SNN DBSCAN we were
able to discover 124 namespace-defining clusters (see fig. 11), which is signifi-
cantly better than the baseline. The best parameters are 10 nearest neighbors
and ε = 4, MinPts = 3 (see fig. 11b).
Next, we apply K-Means. We observe that increasing K leads to linear
increase in time (see fig. 12a), which means that for bigger values of K, it
takes longer, so it is not feasible to run: for example, we estimate the runtime
of K-Means with K = 10 000 to be about 4.5 hours. As MiniBatch K-
Means is expected to be significantly faster than usual K-Means, we use it
as well. Although we observe that the run time of MiniBatch K-Means also
increases linearly with K (see fig. 12b), it indeed runs considerably faster.

=3 =5
120 =4 =6

no. pure clusters

140 80
no. pure clusters

80 60
60 3
40 4 40
20 6
0 7 20
3 4 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
M6inPts7 8 9
10 10

(a) Number of clusters when 10 nearest neigh-(b) Performance of selected ε with 10 nearest
bors are considered neighbors


no. pure clusters

90 60
no. pure clusters

60 50
50 3
40 4 40
=5 =7
5 =6 =8
30 6
20 7 30
3 4 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
M6inPts7 8 9
10 10

(c) Number of clusters when 15 nearest neigh-(d) Performance of selected ε with 15 nearest
bors are considered neighbors

Fig. 11: Effect of parameters ε, MinPts and number of nearest neighbors on

performance of SNN DBSCAN when cosine is used.

For example, MiniBatch K-Means takes 15 seconds with K = 700 while

usual K-Means takes about 15 minutes (see fig. 12a and fig. 12b).
Usual K-Means with small K does not find many pure clusters, and
MiniBatch K-Means does even worse: independently of the choice of K, the
number of pure clusters and purity does not change significantly (see fig. 13a
and fig. 13b). This is also true for larger values of K (see fig. 13c).
The best result was found by usual K-Means with K = 600: it was able
to discover 19 clusters with purity at least 0.8 (note that this is worse than
the baseline of 39 pure clusters).
Next, we use Latent Semantic Analysis with SVD to reduce the di-
mensionality of the identifier-document matrix D, and then apply K-Means
on the reduced space. As discussed in the LSA section (see section 2.7), it
should reveal the latent structure of data. Hence, we expect that it should
improve the results achieved by usual K-Means.



time, min

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
number of clusters K

(a) K in K-Means vs time in minutes (R2 = 0.99).



time, sec

2 trend
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
number of clusters K in MiniBatch K Means

(b) K in MiniBatch K-Means vs time in seconds (R2 = 0.97).

Fig. 12: Runtime of K-Means and MiniBatch K-Means

Randomized SVD is very fast, but the runtime does not grow linearly
with k, it looks quadratic (see fig. 14). However, the typical values of k for
SVD used in latent semantic analysis is 150-250 [22] [39], therefore the run
time is not prohibitive, and we do not need to rut it with very large k.
When the dimensionality is reduced, the performance of K-Means and
MiniBatch K-Means is similar (see fig. 15a), but with MiniBatch K-Means
we were able to discover more interesting pure clusters (see fig. 15b). The
reason for this may be the fact that in the reduced space there is less noise
and both methods find equally good clusters, but because MiniBatch K-
Means works faster, we are able to run it multiple times thus increasing its
chances to find a good local optimum where there are many pure document
clusters. Note that the obtained result is below the baseline.

0.24 20
Usual Usual
MiniBatch 15

no. pure clusters


0.18 10


0.12 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
number of clusters K number of clusters K

(a) Purity vs number of clusters K in K-Means(b) Number of pure clusters vs K in K-Means

and MiniBatch K-Means and MiniBatch K-Means
no. pure clusters

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
K in K Means

(c) Number of pure clusters vs K in MiniBatch K-Means for larger K

Fig. 13: Effect of K on performance in K-Means

50 mean
40 observed
time, sec

0 200 400 600 800 1000
k in reduced k rank SVD

Fig. 14: Effect of k in k-rank-reduced randomized SVD on the runtime in


We can observe that as K increases, the number of interesting clusters

increases (see fig. 15b). Therefore, we try a wide range of larger K for dif-

0.28 20
MiniBatch MiniBatch
MiniBatch mean 15 MiniBatch mean
0.24 K-Means K-Means
no. pure clusters

no. pure clusters

0.22 10
0.16 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600
number of clusters K number of clusters K

(a) Purity vs number of clusters K in K-Means(b) Number of pure clusters vs K in K-Means

and MiniBatch K-Means. and MiniBatch K-Means.

Fig. 15: The performance of K-Means and MiniBatch K-Means on the re-
duced document space with k = 150.

ferent k ∈ {150, 250, 350, 500}. The performance in terms of discovered pure
clusters does not depend much on the rank k of the reduced space (see
fig. 16). In fact, it is very hard to distinguish different lines because they are
quite perplexed. The maximum for is achieved at K ≈ 10 000 for all k.


no. pure clusters



k = 150 k = 250 k = 350 k = 500
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
number of clusters K

Fig. 16: Number of discovered pure clusters in K-Means for different number
of clusters K and rank k.

We also can apply Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for LSA.

NMF takes significantly more time than randomized SVD (see fig. 17). In
addition, although the runtime should be O(nk) [42], we do not observe
that it grows linearly with k. On the contrary, it appears that there is rather


time, hours
150 200 250 300 350
rank k

Fig. 17: Runtime of NMF for different k.


no. pure clusters


k = 150 k = 250 k = 350
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
number of clusters K

Fig. 18: Number of discovered pure clusters in K-Means and NMF for dif-
ferent number of clusters K and rank k.

quadratic relationship. We expected that the results produced by NMF will

be better than SVD because of non-negativity of produced results, but the
performance is quite similar (see fig. 18). For NMF, however, it is easier
to see the difference in performance when different rank k is used, and the
curves are not as perplexed as for SVD. We see that k = 250 does better on
K = [8000; 12000] than k = 150 and k = 350. For example, K-Means with
K = 9500 and k = 250 discovered a clustering with 200 namespace-defining
We can also observe that generally clustering works better on reduced
In the experiments above we used the (log TF) × IDF weighting scheme.
Let us compare the effect of different weighting on the resulting clusters. To
do that, we apply SVD with k = 150 and run MiniBatch K-Means for a
set of smaller K’s because it is computationally faster. We can observe that

no. pure clusters
TF logTF
3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000
number of clusters K

Fig. 19: The effect of using different weighting systems on K-Means with

performance of K-Means does not depend significantly on the weighting

system when no definitions are used (see fig. 19).

5.2.3 Weak Association

The identifier-document matrix has the dimensionality 10419 × 22512,

and there are 485 337 elements in the matrix, so the density is about 0.002.
We do not attempt to use hierarchical methods and start with DBSCAN.
Previously we have observed that Jaccard is inferior to cosine similarity, and
therefore we start directly with cosine.
Like in no-definition case, we calculate the cosine similarity on document
vectors where elements are weighed with (log TF) × IDF. Using definitions it
gives better results, than just identifiers. For example, for “Linear regression”
the closest document is “Linear predictor function” with cosine of 0.62, which
is the same result, obtained when no definitions are used. However, for “Sin-
gular value decomposition” the most similar document is “Moore–Penrose
pseudoinverse” with cosine score of 0.386, and this is more meaningful than
the most similar document when no definitions are used. As previously, we
applied SNN DBSCAN with 10 and 15 nearest neighbors, and the best
result was obtained with 10 nearest neighbors, ε = 3 and MinPts= 3 (see
fig. 20). It was able to discover 223 namespace-defining clusters, which is
slightly better than the best case when no definitions are used.
With MiniBatch K-Means applied on the plain untransformed doc-
ument space we are able to find some interesting clusters, but it general,
similarity to the no-definition case, the does not show good results overall.
Therefore we apply it to the LSA space reduced by SVD, when identifier-

=3 =5
200 =4 =6

no. pure clusters

no. pure clusters

200 100
100 3
4 50
50 5
0 7 0
3 4 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
inPts7 8 9
10 10

(a) Number of clusters when 10 nearest neigh-(b) Performance of selected ε with 10 nearest
bors are considered neighbors

no. pure clusters

200 120
no. pure clusters

100 3
4 60 =3 =5
50 5 =4
6 40 =6
0 7 20
3 4 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
inPts7 8 9
10 10

(c) Number of clusters when 15 nearest neigh-(d) Performance of selected ε with 15 nearest
bors are considered neighbors

Fig. 20: Effect of parameters ε, MinPts and number of nearest neighbors on

performance of SNN DBSCAN when cosine is used.

document matrix is reduced to rank k. We search for the best combination

trying K = [500; 15000] and k ∈ {150, 250, 350}. Unlike the case where no
definitions are used, the space produced by the soft definition association is
affected by k (see fig. 21) and the results produced by k = 350 are almost al-
ways better. The weighing scheme used for this experiment is (log TF)×IDF.
Non-Negative Matrix Factorization gives good results, but does not
improve on the best result obtained with SVD (see fig. 22). The largest
number of namespace-defining clusters is 370 and it is achieved with K =
10000 and k = 350.
We also experiment with different weighting schemes, and, unlike the no-
definition case, it has a significant effect on the results: we can observe that
sublinear TF is better that untransformed TF, and (log TF) × IDF achieves
the best performance (see fig. 23).


no. pure clusters 350




k = 150 k = 250 k = 350
4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
number of clusters K

Fig. 21: Number of discovered pure clusters in K-Means and SVD for differ-
ent number of clusters K and rank k.

no. pure clusters



200 k = 150 k = 250 k = 350

4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
number of clusters K

Fig. 22: The effect of rank k used in NMF on K-Means.


no. pure clusters



240 TF logTF
7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
number of clusters K

Fig. 23: The effect of using different weighting systems on K-Means with
SVD (k = 150).

5.2.4 Strong Association


In the case when we use the strong association, the identifier-document

matrix has the dimensionality of 37879 × 22512 identifier-document matrix.
It has 499070 entries, so the density of this matrix is just 0.00058.
Like for the soft association case, we choose not to perform usual K-
Means, and instead proceed directly to MiniBatch K-Means on the LSA
space reduced with SVD. With rank k = 500 and number of clusters K =
8250 is achieves the best result of 340 clusters (see fig. 24), which is slightly
worse than in the weak association case. The purity of obtained clustering
is 0.5683.


no. pure clusters



k = 150 k = 250 k = 350 k = 500
4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
number of clusters K

Fig. 24: Number of discovered pure clusters in K-Means and SVD for differ-
ent number of clusters K and rank k.

We do not attempt to perform Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

as we have previously established that it usually does not give better results
while taking significantly longer time.

5.2.5 Russian Wikipedia

Based on the experiments we have performed on the English Wikipedia,

we see that the best performance is obtained with weak association by using
MiniBatch K-Means on LSA space reduced by SVD. We apply the same
best performing technique on the Russian Wikipedia.
The identifier-document matrix has the dimensionality of 3948 × 5319
with 79171 non-zero elements, so the density of this matrix is 0.0038.
As usually, we applied SVD with different values of rank k ∈ {150, 250, 350},
and, similarity to no-definitions case for the English Wikipedia, we do not

no. pure clusters

40 k = 150 k = 250 k = 350
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
number of clusters K

Fig. 25: Performace of K-Means with SVD for Russian Wikipedia.

observe significant differences across different values of k (see fig. 25). The
best achieved result is 105 namespace-defining clusters.

5.3 Result Analysis

5.3.1 English Wikipedia

In the previous chapter we have established that the best way to incor-
porate definitions into Intensifier Vector Space is by using soft association,
and the best clustering performing method is MiniBatch K-Means.

Name Size Purity

Astronomical catalogues 53 0.9811
Statistics 20 0.8500
Category theory 16 0.8125
Electromagnetism 12 0.8333
Thermodynamics 11 0.8182
Mathematical analysis 11 0.8182
Graph theory 10 0.9000
Graph algorithms 10 0.8000
Fluid dynamics 10 1.0000
Numerical analysis 9 0.8889
Group theory 9 1.0000
Stochastic processes 9 1.0000
Measure theory 8 1.0000
Table 3: Top namespace-defining clusters.

The best result is 414 namespace-defining clusters, it is ten times better

than the baseline result. The result is achieved by K-Means with soft associ-

ID Definition Score
D diagonal matrix 0.72
t real argument 0.46
Article Identifiers
u eigenvalues 0.42
Diagonalizable matrix v1 , λ1 , vk , λ3 , λ2 , λi , λk , λj , λn , ...
ui eigenvector 0.42
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors vi , µA , λi , d, λn , ...
v1 eigenvectors 0.73
Principal axis theorem v1 , u1 , λ1 , λ2 , D, S, u, ...
Λ diagonal matrix 0.87
Eigendecomposition of a matrix λ, λ1 , λ, λ2 , λk , R, U, T, ...
λ eigenvalue 0.4
Min-max theorem σ, un , uk , ui , u1 , α, λ1 , λ, λi , ...
λ1 eigenvalues 0.95
Linear independence Λ, vj , u2 , v3 , un , λ1 , λ3 , λ2 , ...
λ2 eigenvalues 0.71
Symmetric matrix Λ, λ1 , λ2 , D, Q, P, λi , ...
λ3 eigenvalues 0.39
(a) Wiki Articles in the cluster “Linear Algebra” λi eigenvalue 0.98
(b) Definitions in “Linear Al-

Table 4: A “Linear Algebra” cluster.

ation using parameters K = 9750 and k = 350. The purity of this clustering
is 0.63. The largest namespace-defining clusters discovered by this methods
are presented in the table 3.
Let us consider a “Linear Algebra” cluster (table 4) with 6 documents
and some of extracted definitions in documents of this cluster, and all these
articles share identifers λ1 , m and n. Let us consider all definitions of iden-
tifier “λ”. In total, there are 93 clusters where “λ” is used (see table 5), and
in many cases it is possible to determine that the assignment is correct (e.g.
“eigenvalue”, “wavelength”, “regularization parameter”). Some cases are not
correct, for example, when we have clusters with the same name where λ
denotes different things (e.g. in two “Quantum Mechanics” clusters), or in
the case of “Linear Algebra” cluster where it denotes a matrix.
Clustering results with sort association are better than results obtained
with hard association. One of the reasons for that can the the fact that
definitions may act as keywords that describe the document and they are
better in describing the semantic content of the document.
Additionally, we see that clustering on the reduced space works better,
and in our case the best dimensionality reduction method is SVD.
We also note that we do not discover many namespace-defining clusters.
The best result identifiers 414 clusters, while the desired number of clusters
K is almost 10 000. It means that information from about 9 000 clusters
is discarded: in total there are 22 512 documents, but identifiers from only
1 773 are used, and the rest of the document (about 92%) are not utilized
at all.

Size Namespace Name Definition Score
3 Algebra multiplicity 0.43
4 Analysis of variance marquardt 0.69
3 Applied and interdisciplinary physics wavelength 0.98
6 Cartographic projections longitude 1.00
3 Cartography longitude 1.00
3 Category theory natural isomorphisms 0.40
4 Condensed matter physics penetration depth 0.44
5 Continuous distributions affine parameter 0.46
3 Coordinate systems longitude 0.88
3 Differential equations differential operator 0.42
8 Differential geometry vector fields 0.72
7 Electronic amplifiers typical value 0.43
3 Electrostatics unit length 0.43
10 Fluid dynamics wavelength 1.00
6 Fluid dynamics free path 0.43
3 Infinity limit ordinals 0.87
7 Linear algebra eigenvalue 0.4
5 Linear algebra matrix 0.41
3 Linear algebra eigenvalue 0.85
3 Liquids relaxation time 0.41
3 Materials science rate 0.44
3 Mathematical analysis eigenvalue 0.41
3 Mathematical theorems poisson distribution 0.41
4 Measure theory lebesgue measure 0.44
3 Measurement order 0.42
8 Mechanics previous expression 0.44
4 Mechanics power series 0.41
3 Metalogic empty word 0.45
7 Number theory partition 0.74
4 Number theory modular lambda function 0.46
3 Operator theory algebraic multiplicity 0.44
5 Optics wavelength 0.71
5 Partial differential equations constants 0.41
4 Physical optics wavelength 0.95
5 Physics exciton state 0.88
6 Probability distributions references 0.42
4 Quantum field theory coupling constant 0.75
5 Quantum mechanics wavelength 1.00
5 Quantum mechanics state 0.87
3 Radioactivity decay 0.72
4 Representation theory of Lie groups weight 1.00
3 Riemannian geometry contravariant vector field 0.45
4 Rubber properties engineering strain 1.00
3 Statistical data types regularization parameter 0.45
20 Statistics words 0.43
3 Statistics expectation 0.46
3 Stellar astronomy mean free path 0.43
3 Surface chemistry ideal gas 0.39
3 Theoretical physics eigenvalue 0.88
5 Theories of gravitation dicke 0.44
3 Wave mechanics wavelength 0.8
Table 5: Some of definitions of “λ”.

5.3.2 Russian Wikipedia

For the Russian Wikipedia, the best results is 105 namespace-defining

clusters with overall purity of 0.73. It was obtained by K = 3000 and
k = 250. The largest namespace-defining clusters are shown in table 6. In-
terestingly, there is a cluster “Животные” (“Animals”) where mathematical
formulae are used to describe “tooth formula”. Let us consider a cluster
about Linear Algebra (see table 7a) and definitions extracted from it (see
table 7a). Similarity to English Wikipedia, some of the definitions are cor-
rect and valid, for example, “сингулярный число” (“singular value”) for “σ”
or “ранг” (“rank”) for “r”, while some are not quite correct, e.g. “скаляр”
(“scalar”) for “λ”. Additionally, some of the non-valid definitions seem to re-
sult from misclassifications by the POS-tagger, for example, “Σ” is defined
as “вдоль” (literally “along”), which do not make much sense. Furthermore,
we can look at all definitions of “λ” across all discovered namespaces (see ta-
ble 7c). The scores of namespace relations extracted from Russian wikipedia
are generally smaller than in English, but it is most likely because there are
fewer relations in the Russian dataset.
For the Russian part of Wikipedia, we also utilize just 382 documents,
which is only 7%, and the rest of the documents (93%) are filtered out.

Article (Original name) Article (English) Size Purity

Общая алгебра Algebra 7 0.8571
Диф. геометрия и топология Differential geometry and topology 7 1.0000
Диф. геометрия и топология Differential geometry and topology 6 0.8333
Функциональный анализ Functional analysis 6 0.8333
Животные Animals 6 0.8333
Картография Cartography 6 1.0000
Математический анализ Mathematical analysis 5 1.0000
Математический анализ Mathematical analysis 5 0.8000
Теория вероятностей Probability theory 5 1.0000
Механика Mechanics 5 0.8000
Диф. уравнения в частных производных Partial differential equations 5 0.8000
Математический анализ Mathematical analysis 5 0.8000
Релятивистские и гравитационные явления Relativity and gravitation 5 0.8000
Линейная алгебра Linear algebra 5 1.0000
Математический анализ Mathematical analysis 5 1.0000
Физика твёрдого тела Solid-state physics 5 0.8000
Table 6: Largest namespace-defining clusters extracted from Russian

Article (Original name) Article (English) Identifiers

Линейная алгебра Linear algebra V, vn , α, v1 , v2 , x, α1 , β, λ, f, U, ...
Спектральная теорема Spectral theorem Λ, λ, H, K, P, U, T, V, X, f, y, x, ...
Сингулярное разложение Singular value decomposition Σ, Vk , σ, M, U, T, V, k, r, u, v, ...
Ковариантность и
Covariance and contra-variance S, V, d, g, f, k, m, fi , n, u, v, x, ...
Теорема Куранта – Фишера Courant–Fischer theorem k, V, S, Lk , ...
(a) A namespace-defining cluster about Linear algebra.

ID Definition Definition (English) Score

H гильбертов hilbert 0.44
L отображение transformation 0.95
Lk оператор operator 0.41
M воздействие матрица matrix 0.71
T линейный отображение linear transformation 0.43
U унитарный матрица unitary matrix 0.71
V пространство space 0.99
g билинейный форма bilinear form 0.71
r ранг rank 0.46
x собственный вектор eigenvector 0.44
Λ диагональный матрица diagonal matrix 0.88
Σ вдоль “along” 0.44
λ скаляр scalar 0.46
σ сингулярный число singular value 0.45
(b) Definitions in the “Linear Algebra” namespace.

Size Original name English name Original definition English definition Score
3 Алгебра Algebra поль field 0.74
5 Гидродинамика Fluid dynamics тепловой движение thermal motion 0.42
4 Гравитация Gravitation коэф. затухание damping coefficient 0.46
6 Картография Cartography долгота longitude 0.98
5 Линейная алгебра Linear algebra скаляр scalar 0.46
4 Оптика Optics длина length 0.88
3 Оптика Optics длина волна wavelength 0.44
Релятивистские и Relativity and
5 частота frequency 0.42
гравитационные явления gravitation
3 Статистическая физика Statistical physics итоговый выражение final expression 0.42
Теоремы Theorems of
3 нуль порядок “zero order” 0.45
комплексного анализа complex analysis
3 Теория алгоритмов Algorithms функция переход transition function 0.89
5 Физические науки Physical sciences длина length 0.43
(c) Definitions of “λ” across all namespaces.

Table 7: Namespaces extracted from Russian wikipedia.


5.4 Building Hierarchy

After the namespaces are found, we need to organize them into a hi-
erarchical structure. It is hard to do automatically, and we choose to use
existing hierarchies for mathematical knowledge, and then map the found
namespaces to these hierarchies.
The first hierarchy that we use is “Mathematics Subject Classification”
(MSC) hierarchy [63] by the American Mathematical Society, and it is used
for categorizing mathematical articles. In this scheme there are 64 top-level
categories such as “Mathematical logic”, “Number theory”, or “Fourier anal-
ysis”. It also includes some physics categories such as “Fluid mechanics” or
“Quantum Theory”. The following top level categories are excluded: “Gen-
eral”, “History and biography” and “Mathematics education”.
Each top-level category contains second-level categories and third-level
categories. In this work we exclude all subcategories those code ends with
99: they are usually “Miscellaneous topics” or “None of the above, but in this
Additionally, we excluded the following second level categories because
they interfere with PACS, a different hierarchy for Physics:
– Quantum theory → Axiomatics, foundations, philosophy
– Quantum theory → Applications to specific physical systems
– Quantum theory → Groups and algebras in quantum theory
– Partial differential equations → Equations of mathematical physics and
other areas of application
The second hierarchy is “Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme”
(PACS) [64], which is a scheme for categorizing articles about Physics. Like
in MSC, we remove the top-level category “GENERAL”.
Finally, we also use the ACM Classification Scheme [65] available as a
SKOS [66] ontology at their website13 . The SKOS ontology graph was pro-
cessed with RDFLib [67]. We use the following top level categories: “Hard-
ware”, “Computer systems organization”, “Networks”, “Software and its en-
gineering”, “Theory of computation”, “Information systems”, “Security and
privacy”, “Human-centered computing”, “Computing methodologies”.
After obtaining and processing the data, the three hierarchies are merged
into one.
However these categories are only good for English articles and a dif-
ferent hierarchy is needed for Russian. One of such hierarchies is “Госу-
дарственный рубрикатор научно-технической информации” (ГРНТИ) –

“State categorizator of scientific and technical information”, which is a state-

recommended scheme for categorizing scientific articles published in Rus-
sian [68]. The hierarchy is extracted from the official website14 . It pro-
vides a very general categorization and therefore we keep only the follow-
ing math-related categories: “Астрономия” (“Astronomy”), “Биология” (“Bi-
ology”), “Информатика” (“Informatics”), “Математика” (“Mathematics”),
“Механика” (“Mechanics”), “Статистика” (“Statistics”), “Физика” (“Physics”),
“Химия” (“Chemistry”), “Экономика. Экономические Науки” (“Economics”)
and others.
Once the hierarchy is established, each found namespace is mapped to
the most suitable second-level category. This is done by keywords matching.
First, we extract all key words from the category, which includes top level
category name, subcategory name and all third level categories. Then we
also extract the category information from the namespace, but we also use
the names of the articles that form the namespace. Finally, the keyword
matching is done by using the cosine similarity between the cluster and each
category. The namespace is assigned to the category with the best (largest)
cosine score.
If the cosine score is low (below 0.2) or there is only one keyword matched,
then the cluster is assigned to the “OTHERS” category.
For example, consider a namespace derived from the cluster consisting of
“Tautology (logic)”, “List of logic systems”, “Regular modal logic” “Combina-
tional logic” documents. Among others, these articles belong to categories
“Mathematical logic” and “Logic”. Then the following is the list of keywords
extracted from the cluster: “tautology”, “logic”, “list”, “systems”, “regular”,
“modal”, “combinational”, “logical”, “expressions”, “formal”, “propositional”,
“calculus” and so on. Apparently, this namespace is about mathematical
Then consider a list of keywords for “’General logic”, a subcategory of
“Mathematical logic and foundations” from MSC: “mathematical”, “logic”,
“foundations”, “general”, “classical”, “propositional”, “type”, “subsystems” and
These keywords are represented as vectors in a vector space and the
cosine score between these vectors is calculated. For this example, the cosine
is approximately 0.75, and this is the largest similarity, and therefore this
namespace is mapped to the “General logic” subcategory.


Let us consider the namespaces discovered from the English Wikipedia.

The majority of namespaces are mapped correctly. For example:
• Atomic properties and interactions with photons (wiki: Atomic physics; Quantum me-
chanics; Atomic, molecular, and optical physics)
– Algebraic geometry
• Computational aspects in algebraic geometry (wiki: Sheaf theory, Theorems in geometry,
Theorems in algebraic geometry
• Computational aspects in algebraic geometry (wiki: Algebraic geometry, Algebraic vari-
eties, Manifolds)
• Surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties (wiki: Algebraic varieties, Threefolds, Surfaces
– Algebraic topology
• Fiber spaces and bundles (wiki: Differential geometry, Fiber bundles, Topology)
• Spectral sequences (wiki: Abstract algebra, Homological algebra, Algebraic topology)
• Applied homological algebra and category theory (wiki: Continuous mappings, Algebraic
topology, Homotopy theory)
– Biology and other natural sciences
• Mathematical biology in general (wiki: Evidence-based practices, Public health, Epi-
• Genetics and population dynamics (wiki: Population genetics, Genetics, Subfields and
areas of study related to evolutionary biology)
– Computing methodologies
• Machine learning (wiki: Machine learning, Learning, Artificial intelligence)
• Machine learning (wiki: Statistical data types, Multivariate statistics, Statistical classi-
– Information systems
• Data management systems (wiki: Databases, Information technology management, Com-
puter data)

However, some of the mapped namespaces are accurate only partially:

– Computer systems organization
• Real-time systems (wiki: Computer languages, Type systems, Data types; matched key-
words: languages computer systems architecture)
– Fluid mechanics
• Biological fluid mechanics (wiki: Fluid mechanics, Soft matter, Gases; matched keywords:
mechanics fluid)
• Biological fluid mechanics (wiki: Fluid dynamics, Fluid mechanics, Computational fluid
dynamics; matched keywords: mechanics fluid)
– Functional analysis
• Distributions, generalized functions, distribution spaces (wiki: Probability distributions,
Exponential family distributions, Continuous distributions; matched keywords: analytic
distribution distributions generalized)
– K-theory
• Whitehead groups and K1 (wiki: Group theory, Subgroup properties, Metric geometry;
matched keywords: group subgroup)
– Partial differential equations

• Close-to-elliptic equations (wiki: Differential equations, Numerical analysis, Numerical

differential equations; matched keywords: partial differential equations)

Finally, namespaces marked as “OTHER” are usually matched incor-

• Randomness, geometry and discrete structures (wiki: Coordinate systems, Cartography,
Cartographic projections; matched keywords: projections)
• Other generalizations (wiki: Electrostatics, Concepts in physics, Electromagnetism; matched
keywords: potential)
• Computational methods (wiki: General relativity, Exact solutions in general relativity,
Equations; matched keywords: relativity)
• Other classes of algebras (wiki: International sailing classes, Keelboats, Olympic sailboat
classes; matched keywords: classes)

For the Russian version of Wikipedia, the majority of namespaces are

also mapped correctly. For example:
• Звезды (Stars) (wiki: Физические науки (Physical sciences), Астрофизика (Astro-
physics), Астрономия (Astronomy))
• Океанология (Oceanology) (wiki: Океанология (Oceanology), Физическая география
(Physical geography), Гидрология (Hydrology))
• Теория информации (Information theory) (wiki: Цифровые системы (Digital systems),
Теория информации (Information theory), Теория кодирования (Coding theory))
• Теория конечных автоматов и формальных языков (Finite state automata and for-
mal languages) (wiki: Теория алгоритмов (Algorithmic theory), Теория автоматов
(Automata theory), Визуализация данных (Data visualization))
• Математический анализ (Mathematical analysis) (wiki: Математический анализ (Math-
ematical analysis), Разделы математики (Parts of mathematics), Функциональный
анализ (Functional analysis))
• Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика (Probability and statistics) (wiki:
Теория вероятностей (Probability), Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика
(Probability and statistics), Теория меры (Measure theory))
• Основания математики и математическая логика (Foundation of mathematics and
mathematica logics) (wiki: Логика (Logic), Разделы математики (Parts of mathemat-
ics), Математика (Mathematics))
• Алгебра (Algebra) (wiki: Теория колец (Rings Theory), Теория полей (Fields Theory),
Теория групп (Groups Theory))
• Измерения отдельных величин и характеристик (Measurements of individual val-
ues and characteristics) (wiki: Единицы измерения (Units of measure), Системы мер
(Measure systems), Макс Планк (Max Plank))

• Физика элементарных частиц. Теория полей. Физика высоких энергий (Particle

physics. Field theory. High-energy physics) (wiki: Гравитация (Gravity), Классическая
механика (Classical mechanics), Классическая физика (Classical physics))
• Физика твердых тел (Physics of solids) (wiki: Физика конденсированного состояния
(Condensed matter physics), Кристаллография (Crystallography), Физика твёрдого
тела (Physics of solids))
• Оптика (Optics) (wiki: Оптика (Optics), Физические науки (Physical sciences), Методы
экспериментальной физики (Methods of experimental physics))

5.5 Evaluation Summary

The best definition embedding technique is soft association. The best
clustering algorithm is K-Means with K = 9500 on the semantic space
produced by rank-reduced SVD with k = 250 with TF-IDF weight where
TF is sublinear.
We used “E = mc2 ” as a motivating example for namespace discovery.
When namespaces are discovered, we can look at how the identifiers “E”,
“m”, “c” are used in different namespaces. Additionally, we can look at other
common identifiers such as “λ”, “σ” and “µ” (see table 8). We see that defini-
tions of “E”, “m”, “c” are correct for the “General relativity” namespace, and
“E” is “expectation” for the “Probability” namespace, however we have not
observed that “E” is “Elimination matrix” for the “Linear algebra” names-
paces, but it is just “matrix”.
We also repeat this experiment for the Russian Wikipedia (table 9), but
chose slightly different namespaces. Similarly to English Wikipedia, “E”,
“m”, “c” are discover correctly, but nothing is discovered for “E” in names-
paces about probability and linear algebra.

E m c λ σ µ
Linear related algebraic
matrix matrix scalar eigenvalue
algebra permutation multiplicity
energy mass speed of light length shear reduced mass
Coding encoding transmitted natural
theory function codeword isomorphisms
speed of light
Optics order fringe wavelength conductivity permeability
in vacuum
Probability expectation sample size variance mean vector
Table 8: Definitions for selected identifiers and namespaces extracted from
the English Wikipedia.

E m c λ σ µ

смена базис сингулярный

Линейная алгебра скаляр
(change of число
(Linear algebra) (scalar)
basis) (singular
масса привести
Физические науки энергия частицы длина масса
свет (speed
(Physical sciences) (energy) (mass of (length) (reduced
of light)
particle) mass)
Вероятность дисперсия среднее
(Probability) (variance) (mean)
Table 9: Definitions for selected identifiers and namespaces extracted from
the Russian Wikipedia.

To visualize the discovered namespaces, we first map them to a hierar-

chy as previously described in section 5.4, and then find the most frequent
categories according to this hierarchy. Then, for each category, we rank all
discovered identifier-definitions pairs, and show only the most highly ranked
ones (see table 10). Additionally, we show the most frequent Wikipedia cat-
egories that the documents inside the namespaces have, and also the most
influential documents: the ones that contain more identifiers than others.
We also repeat the same for Russian Wikipedia (see table 11).
We can note that the top discovered namespaces are quite different across
the two datasets, and there is no single namespace among the top names-
paces that both datasets share. However, “Group theory and generalizations”
and “Алгебра” (“Algebra”) look a little similar and share a few identifiers. It
is probably due to the fact that the datasets may be different in the content
and have different distribution of categories. Also, the hierarchies matter as
well: in case of Russian, the hierarchy is more general, and therefore the
matched categories tend to be more general as well.

Freq. Namespaces Definitions Categories Top Articles

ρ: density, p: pressure, g:
acceleration, k: Navier–Stokes equations;
Fluid dynamics; Fluid
wavenumber, u: velocity, v: Stokes wave; Airy wave
Physics: Fluid mechanics; Dynamics;
10 velocity, η: free surface, ω: theory; Mild-slope equation;
mechanics Aerodynamics; Partial
angular frequency, z: free Classic energy problem in
differential equations
surface, ν: kinematic open-channel flow
R: ring, k: field, D: city, K: Recurrence relation;
Abstract algebra;
Algebra: Differential field, x: polynomials, Γ : Spectral radius; Levi-Civita
Algebra; Functions and
9 and difference value group, M : submodule, symbol; Perron–Frobenius
mappings; Polynomials;
algebra n: matrix, S: ring, v: theorem; Leibniz formula
Analytic functions
valuation for determinants
Ω: domain, t: time, L: Orr–Sommerfeld equation;
Partial differential
space, p: space, ω: angular Helmholtz equation;
Mathematical equations; Differential
frequency, V : hilbert space, Fictitious domain method;
9 analysis: Partial equations; Multivariable
D: domain, u: horizontal Green’s function for the
differential equations calculus; Mathematical
velocity, x: time, U : velocity three-variable Laplace
analysis; Fluid dynamics
profiles equation; Eikonal equation
K: strike, P : price level, p:
Economics; Financial
probability, u: utility, V : Modern portfolio theory;
Economics: economics;
money, M : money, α: Lookback option; Binary
8 Mathematical Microeconomics;
confidence level, g: option; Equation of
economics Mathematical finance;
distortion function, σ: exchange; Slutsky equation
Economic theories
volatility, Rf : return
X: process, t: time, Xt :
process, P : probability Stochastic processes;
Wiener process; Itō
measure, S: state space, s: Probability theory;
calculus; Local martingale;
8 Probability theory stochastic processe, f : Statistics; Statistical
Stratonovich integral;
measurable function, M : data types; Measure
Glivenko–Cantelli theorem
local martingale, Mt : local theory
martingale, Wt : process
G: group, H: subgroup, Z: Group theory; Abstract
Free abelian group; Center
Algebra: Group group, K: subgroup, N : algebra; Metric
(group theory); Holomorph
7 theory and group, p: power, n: root, F : geometry; Algebraic
(mathematics); P -group;
generalizations free group, Q: extension, T : structures; Theorems in
Powerful p-group
homomorphism group theory
w: world, R: binary Sequent calculus;
relation, P : predicate, Q: Mathematical logic; First-order logic; Original
Mathematical logic: statement, W : nodes, φ: Logic; Proof theory; proof of Gödel’s
General logic modal formula, n: natural Syntax (logic); Formal completeness theorem;
number, v: world, T : systems Kripke semantics; Szpilrajn
relation, k: degree extension theorem
Table 10: Most frequent definitions in most frequent namespaces extracted
from the English Wikipedia.

Freq. Namespaces Definitions Categories Top Articles

G: группа (group), V :
Действие группы (Group
пространство (space), p: простой Общая алгебра (General
action), Линейная алгебра
число (prime number), K: algebra), Алгебра
(Linear algebra), Векторное
подпространство (subspace), R: (algebra), Теория групп
пространство (Vector
10 Алгебра (Algebra) кольцо (ring), C: категория (Group theory), Линейная
space), Алгебра (Algebra),
(category), n: “o ( n )”, F : поль алгебра (Linear algebra),
(field), L: линейный пространство Теория колец (Ring
пространств (Normed vector
(linear space), D: категория theory)
Параллельное поле
(Parallel field);
M : многообразие (manifold), X: Топология (Topology);
Алгебраическая топология
топологический пространство Дифференциальная
(Algebraic topology);
(topologic space), n: многообразие геометрия и топология
Векторное расслоение
(manifold), U : окрестность (Differential geometry and
Топология (Vector bundle);
7 (neighborhood), C: класс (class), S: topology); Геометрия
(Topology) Когомологии де Рама (De
пучок (sheaf), x: пространство (Geometry); Общая
Rham cohomologies);
(space), k: ранг (rank), V : слой топология (General
(layer), f : степень отображение topology); Общая алгебра
(degree of mapping) (General algebra)
геометрия) (Structure –
differential geometry)
Теория вероятностей Случайная величина
Ω: элементарный событие (event), (Probability); Теория (Random variable);
P : вероятность (probability), F : вероятностей и Аксиоматика
алгебра событие (event algebra), математическая статистика Колмогорова (Kolmogorov
X: случайный величина (random (Probability and statistics); axioms); Пространство
вероятностей и
variable), ω: множество элемент Теория меры (Measure элементарных событий
6 (element of set), g: интегрировать theory); Математические (Sample space); Теорема
функция (integrable function), n: теоремы (Mathematical Лебега о мажорируемой
(Probability and
стремление (convergence), N : theorems); Теоремы теории сходимости (Lebesgue’s
счётный мера (countable measure), вероятностей и dominated convergence
σ: событие (event), p: момент математической статистики theorem); t-Критерий
(moment) (Theorems of probability and Стьюдента (Student’s
statistics) t-test)
G: гравитационный постоянный
Гравитация (Gravitation); Чёрная дыра (Black hole);
Физика (gravitation constant), M : масса
Астрономия (Astronomy); Гравитационное красное
элементарных (mass), c: скорость свет (speed of
Общая теория смещение (Gravitational
частиц. Теория light), m2 : масса (mass), m: масса
относительности (General redshift); Квантовый
полей. Физика (mass), Ψ : волновой функция
5 relativity); Теория компьютер (Quantum
высоких энергий (wave function), m1 : материальный
относительности (Relativity computer); Метрика
(Particle physics. точка масса (mass of material
theory); Физическая Шварцшильда
Field theory. High point), t: время (time), r:
космология (Physical (Schwarzschild metric);
energy physics) расстояние (distance), R: масса
cosmology) Гравитация (Gravitation)
Φ0 : поток излучение (Radiant
flux), λ: длина (length), Φ: поток
Энергия излучения
излучение (Radiant flux), l: Оптика (Optics);
(оптика) (Radiant energy);
расстояние (distance), ε: приёмник Физические науки (Physical
(“receiver”), n1 : показатель sciences); Волновая физика
(фотометрия) (Irradiance);
преломление (refractive index), (Wave mechanics);
5 Оптика (Optics) Фотонный кристалл
Km : световой эффективность Фотометрия (Photometry);
(Photonic crystal); Свет
излучение (luminous efficacy), n: Методы экспериментальной
(Light); Сила излучения
показатель преломление (refractive физики (Methods of
(фотометрия) (Radiant
index), n2 : преломление среда experimental physics)
(“refractive environment”), r:
рассеяние (dispersion)
Table 11: Most frequent definitions in most frequent namespaces extracted from the
Russian Wikipedia.

6 Conclusions

The goal of this work was to discover namespaces in mathematical no-

tation given a collection of documents with mathematical formulae. This
problem could not be performed manually: this task it too time consuming
and requires a lot of effort.
To achieve the goal we proposed an automatic method based on cluster
analysis. We noted that document representation in terms of identifiers is
similar to the classic Vector Space Model. This allowed us to apply tradi-
tional document clustering techniques to the namespace discovery problem.
We expected to discover namespaces, that are homogenies and corre-
sponded to the same area of knowledge. The clusters that we discovered are
homogenous, but not all corresponded to the same category. This is why
we additionally used the category information to recognize the namespaces-
defining clusters amount all clusters, and then we built namespaces from
We also initially expected that there would be more namespace-defining
clusters, but in our results the majority of clusters are not “pure”: documents
inside these clusters do not belong to the same category. These clusters are
only homogenous in the cluster analysis sense: the within-cluster distances
is minimal.
To prove that namespace discovery is possible in principle, we first ap-
plied the proposed method to a dataset where the “gold standard” is known:
to Java source code, and we were able to partially recover the namespaces
using only the information about identifiers.
Then we used the method to extract namespaces from the English Wikipedia,
and we were able to discover 414 namepaces from this dataset. This result is
better than random guessing by the factor of ten. We observed that dimen-
sionality reduction techniques are very helpful, and clustering algorithms
work better on the reduce space. MiniBatch K-Means algorithms shows the
best results for discovering namespace-defining clusters.
Additionally, we applied the same method to the Russian version of
Wikipedia, and, although the distribution of most frequent namespaces are
different in these two datasets, the overall results are consistent.
The problem of namespace discovery has not been studied before, and
there was no dataset where identifiers were assigned to namespaces. In this
work we showed that the automatic namespace discovery is possible, and it
is a good start.

However, there are many ways in which the present approach can be
improved further. In the next section we discuss possible directions.

7 Outlook and Future Work

7.1 Implementation and Other Algorithms

We use the Probabilistic approach to extracting definitions for identifiers,

and it is good because it requires almost no parameter tuning. While this
approach works well most of the time, sometimes we observe some false posi-
tives, most likely due to the fact that the dataset is quite noisy. It potentially
can be improved by using some Machine Learning method, which, however,
may require creating a hand-labeled dataset with identifier-definition rela-
tions. To facilitate the creation of such a dataset it is possible to pre-generate
some data using using the current approach for further labeling.
In the experiments section we have observed that cluster algorithms that
produce many clusters tend to have good performance. However, they also
tend to create related clusters from the same category and with same or sim-
ilar identifiers and definitions. Therefore such results can be refined further
and merged. This can be done, for example, by using the join operation from
the Scatter/Gather algorithm [28], which finds the most similar clusters and
merges them.
We were not able to apply hierarchical agglomerative clustering algo-
rithms because their time complexity is prohibitive, but they may produce
good clusters. For these algorithms we are usually interested in the near-
est neighbors of a given data point, and therefore we can use approximation
algorithms for computing nearest neighbors such as Locality-Sensitive Hash-
ing (LSH) [71]. The LSH algorithms can be used for text clustering [72], and
therefore they should work well for identifiers. Additionally, LSH is also a
dimensionality reduction technique, and we have observed that generally
reducing dimensionality helps to obtain better clusters.
In this work we use hard assignment clustering algorithms, which means,
that a document can import only from one namespace. This assumption does
not necessarily always hold true and we may model the fact that documents
may import from several namespaces by using Fuzzy Clustering (or Soft
Clustering) algorithms [73].
In Latent Semantic Analysis other dimensionality reduction techniques
can be used, for example, Local Non-Negative Matrix Factorization [74].
There is also a randomized Non-Negative Matrix Factorization algorithm

that uses random projections [75] [76], which potentially can give a speed up
while not significantly losing in performance. Another dimensionality reduc-
tion technique useful for discovering semantics is Dynamic Auto-Encoders
Additionally, we can try different approaches to clustering such as Spec-
tral Clustering [78] or Micro-Clustering [79].
Finally, topic modeling techniques such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation
[80] can be quite useful for modeling namespaces. It can be seen as a “soft
clustering” technique and it can naturally model the fact that a document
may import from several namespaces.

7.2 Other Concepts

In this work we assume that document can import only from one names-
pace, but in reality is should be able to import from several namespaces.
As discussed, it can be modeled by Fuzzy Clustering. But it also can be
achieved by dividing the document in parts (for example, by paragraphs)
and then treating each part as an independent document.
For document clustering we only use identifiers, extracted definitions and
categories. It is possible to take advantage of additional information from
Wikipedia articles. For example, extract some keywords from the articles
and use them to get a better cluster assignment.
The Wikipedia data set can be seen as a graph, where two articles have
an edge if there is an interwiki link between them. Pages that describe certain
namespaces may be quite interconnected, and using this idea it is possible
to apply link-based clustering methods (such as ones described in [81] and
[82]) to find namespace candidates. There are also hybrid approaches that
can use both textual representation and links [21].
Vector Space Model is not the only possible model to represent textual
information as vectors. There are other ways to embed textual information
into vector spaces like word2vec [83] or GloVe [84], and these methods may
be useful for representing identifers and definitions as well.
Tensors may be a better way of representing identifier-definition pairs.
For example, we can represent the data set as a 3-dimensional tensor indexed
by documents, identifiers and definition. Tensor Factorization methods for
revealing semantic information are an active area of research in NLP and
linguistics [85], so it is also possible to apply these methods to the namespace
discovery problem.
Finally, while running experiments, we observed that sometimes results
of clustering algorithms with the same parameters produce quite different

results, or some algorithms produce a small amount of good quality names-

paces, while others produce many namespaces which may be less coherent.
Therefore it can be interesting to investigate how to combine the results of
different cluster assignments such that the combined result is better in terms
of the number of namespace-defining clusters. One way of achieving this can
be building ensembles of clustering algorithms [86]. Alternatively, a special
approach for optimizing for the number of pure clusters can be proposed, for
example, partially based on the ideas from Boosting [87]: apply a clustering
algorithm, remove the discovered pure clusters, and run the algorithm again
on the remaining documents until no new clusters are discovered.

7.3 Other Datasets

In this work we use Wikipedia as the data source and extract namespaces
from the English part of Wikipedia. Additionally, we also apply the methods
to the Russian part, and therefore it shows that it is possible to extract
namespaces from Wikipedia in any other available language.
But we can also apply to some other larger dataset, such as arXiv15 , a
repository of over one million of scientific papers in many different areas. The
source code of these articles are available in LATEX, and it can be processed
There are many scientific Q&A websites on the Internet. The stack ex-
change16 is one of the largest Q&A networks, and there are many sites on
this network that contain mathematical formulae, such as “mathematics”,
“mathoverflow”, “cross validated”, “data science”, “theoretical computer sci-
ence”, “physics”, “astronomy”, “economics” and many others. This network
makes their data available for download and it also can be a good data source
for namespace discovery. In addition to content, the questions contain a lot
of potentially useful metadata such as related questions and tags.

7.4 Unsolved Questions

The most important question is how to extend this method to situations
when no additional information about document category is known. To solve
it, we need to replace the notion of purity with some other objective for
discovering namespace-defining clusters.
Also, a metric for evaluating the quality of a namespace is needed.
Now we assume that pure clusters are namespace-defining clusters. But the

namespace candidates should adhere to the namespace definition as much as

possible, and therefore a good criteria is needed to quantify to what extent
the definition is satisfied. This will help to define whether a cluster defines
a good namespace or not.
After namespaces are discovered we organize them into hierarchies. To
do that we use existing hierarchies, but they are not always complete and
there are mismatches. What is more, when this technique is applied to some
other language, a different hierarchy is needed for this language, and we
experienced it when processing the Russian part of Wikipedia: for that we
needed to obtain a special hierarchy. There should be a way of building these
hierarchies automatically, without the need of external dataset. Potentially
it should be possible to use hierarchical clustering algorithms, but it may
result in very deep and unnatural hierarchies, and therefore some additional
investigation in this direction may be needed.

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