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Managing process plant through

severe and prolonged cold weather
Managing process plant through severe and prolonged cold weather

The UK has experienced several periods of chances of losses of containment and major accidents
unprecedented cold weather in recent winters. January as low temperature can have severe effects on plant and
2010 saw very cold weather and snow disruption in pipework, equipment and process fluids.
many parts of the UK, and the extreme low temperatures
experienced in 2010/2011 winter broke all records in
All companies should already have ‘winterisation’
some areas. This was made worse by the fact that the
procedures prepared, but the experience of recent winter
cold weather persisted for many days. On occasions,
temperatures has highlighted the need for these to be
for example, the temperatures in some parts of the
reviewed to ensure they are as robust as possible and
UK remained consistently below zero, and there were
appropriate for the sort of low temperatures and snowfall
several consecutive night-time temperatures of –15
that sites may have to contend with.
Celsius. Localised temperatures even lower than this
were recorded in some parts of the country.
CIA has discussed with member companies their
experiences in recent severe cold weather, in order
Companies will be well aware this can result in extensive
that we can spread industry learning and be in the best
business disruption from lost production and inability
possible position to help businesses in the future. To
to move raw materials or finished product by road.
help raise awareness of these issues, the key points are
However, such extreme weather can also increase the
highlighted below:

Problems companies have reported

The following are some examples of the widespread plant & equipment problems and resultant disruption that have
been reported:
• The design specification for many items of plant and could be applied. In some cases, large numbers of
equipment is –5 deg Celsius to –10 deg Celsius but failed joints were experienced simultaneously (and
temperatures much lower than this were experienced also subsequent leaks on thawing), leading to teams
in 2010 and 2011. Temperatures down to –15 of personnel spending significant time responding to
degrees Celsius for several days were commonplace calls and repairing joints.
in some parts of the country (lower in some cases).
• Pneumatic control systems have also been affected.
• The potential for freezing temperatures to be If instrument air is not dried adequately, water can
an initiator of major accidents should not be condense and freeze leading to line blockages. This
underestimated. Companies have reported can then prevent plant controls (including, potentially,
incidents including freezing of coolant lines to a safety critical controls) from working.
chemical reaction vessel resulting in rise in reaction
temperature and pressure; and failures of primary • In some regions, gas supplies to industrial
containment after freezing and subsequent thaw. consumers have been interrupted at short notice
Snow and ice loading on tank roofs, warehouses and (even when on ‘firm’ contract) leading to problems
other buildings are also relevant factors that have with maintaining energy to process plant, or at least
resulted in structural failures, and bunds may be resulting in the need to find and use much more
cracked by ‘heave’ from freezing ground. Companies expensive alternative energy sources.
should be aware that freezing weather has the
potential to cause simultaneous failure of multiple • Many sites experienced operational and supply
layers of protection, and this needs to be factored chain problems due to the temporary unavailability
into risk assessments. of deliveries of raw materials, transport for finished
product from site to customers etc.
• Lots of water and other ‘wet’ lines freeze – leading
to flanges, valve bonnets and other joints failing. • The potential effects on the movement of key
In some cases even wet hydrocarbon lines or staff also need to be considered. In some cases,
effluent lines with higher salt concentration have people have been unable to get to work because of
frozen. Some pipelines that were damaged have impassable roads and other transport disruption.
had particularly disruptive knock-on effects – for
example, loss of boiler feed water lines that froze and • Various parts of sites including car parks can become
fractured, leading to consequent process shutdowns dangerously slippery with ice – some accidents
due to boilers being out of action. Other wet systems were reported due to people slipping and falling.
such as cooling towers have also frozen. Furthermore, in periods of heavy snowfall there may
be a problem about clearing snow from key access
• Some joints burst after freezing, were cleared and areas, and where to put large quantities of snow that
replaced, but froze again before effective lagging has been cleared.
Potential solutions and mitigation measures for consideration

The following advice and good practice is based on some of the actions companies have implemented to cope with
extreme low temperature. Combinations of these measures may help manage business continuity as well as minimise
the risk of costly and potentially dangerous plant failures.

• Companies should review their site winterisation especially vulnerable in extreme cold weather, and
procedures in the light of their own and others’ it may not be safe to maintain normal operations if
experience, and use this to plan for the remainder of any of these become unavailable. Furthermore, the
winter and for next winter. In particular, companies viability of emergency showers may be an issue - the
should ensure that their procedures cover all of the potential effects of being drenched in cold water in
potential contingencies noted above, from freezing of sub-zero conditions for anyone unfortunate enough
equipment to unavailability of staff and disruption in to have to use an external shower following a serious
movement of materials. It is considered good practice contamination should be considered. On some sites
to develop an Action Plan to assist in prioritising and ‘winterised’ showers may be available though these
managing actions identified as necessary. can be expensive.

• Where specialist techniques such as HAZOP or • Scaffolding and sheeting of pipetracks and some
SIL assessment have identified safety critical plant process plants can be effective as a precaution. This
that may be especially susceptible (for example, is best utilised well in advance to prevent severe cold
the HAZOP guide phrase ‘lower temperature’ may getting into plants in the first place. Furthermore,
prompt the provision of lagging or trace heating), such arrangements can help if external warming
arrangements should also be made to ensure such as warm air needs to be provided to keep lines
protection measures are maintained in effective running or to unfreeze plant should this become
working order to ensure the safeguards are necessary.
• Where key site personnel have been unable to get
• Where safety of plant and equipment cannot be to/from work because of severe weather disruption,
assured, it may be necessary to consider shutting some companies arranged to put up staff in local
down process plants, lines or in some cases even hotel accommodation temporarily to avoid the
sites for periods during the coldest prolonged spells. disruption.
Several CIA member companies took this option
in the 2010/2011 winter. Although not an attractive • For outdoor work, the provision of adequate warm
option, (and after assessing the value of keeping clothing and PPE for staff to cope with extreme
plant running to prevent freezing) it may in some weather will be needed. Arrangements may also
cases be a better alternative in the long run than need to include provision for extra breaks in a warm/
expensive plant failures. Where shutdown in cold sheltered environment where necessary.
weather is necessary as a last resort, the procedures
should encompass leaving plant in safe condition • Extra site gritting and snow clearance will be
including blow-through to ensure there is no residual necessary in bad weather. Experience has shown
water or other fluids that may freeze. that additional warnings and awareness raising
for staff can have a positive effect in minimising
• There is no guarantee that gas supplies (even if on the risk of accidents and personal injury. Some
a ‘firm’ contract) will not be interrupted in periods of plants have experienced the formation of very large
severe prolonged cold weather. Companies should icicles at height from leaking pipes, and temporary
be aware of this possibility, and consider what thaws. While we have no reports of accidents from
alternative arrangements they have and how they falling icicles and other frozen liquid, the potential
would cope with this contingency. for injury from these should be taken into account
when assessing risks to pedestrians in severe cold
• Increased lagging and/or trace heating will help weather.
vulnerable parts of plant and equipment to stay
operational during cold weather. Reviews of pipework • Over the last two winters CIA is aware of companies
should identify such lines so that the necessary work who were penalised by the environment regulators
can be planned and carried out well in advance. when they had to operate outside of their permit
conditions. CIA advice is to contact your inspector
• Extra attention should be paid to plant emergency to discuss the options if you think you will need
mitigation systems – fire mains, hydrants, remote to operate outside your permit conditions due to,
monitors, fusible tubes in fire detection systems, for example, switch to back-up fuel, increasing
water deluge, emergency showers etc. are all emissions limits on a temporary basis etc.

CIA will review the advice in this note periodically, and update it to reflect any new information or successful mitigation measures
we learn about. For more information please contact Phil Scott (scottp@cia.org.uk) or Jackie Coates (coatesj@cia.org.uk).
Steve Elliott, Chief Executive,
Chemical Industries Association

Recent winters have highlighted underestimated. It’s important for us to learn

the vulnerability of some of from these experiences. There are steps
our sites to prolonged spells that companies can take to help prepare for
of unusually cold weather. The the effects of prolonged cold weather and
effects of continuous sub-zero to improve business continuity as well as
temperatures have caused manage safety. This short guidance aims to
both severe business disruption raise awareness of the potential problems and
and safety/environment suggest some solutions – I urge you to consider
incidents. The impact of frozen it carefully in terms of your site arrangements as
process plant and pipelines we move into winter.
as potential causes of major accidents should not be

Chemical Industries Association

Kings Buildings
Smith Square


November 2011

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