Solid Waste Management: Introduction, Notions
Solid Waste Management: Introduction, Notions
Solid Waste Management: Introduction, Notions
Prof. Peter LANG
o Environmental sustainability;
o Economic;
o Social;
o (Cultural Diversity).
Functional Elements of Waste Management
1. Waste Reduction
2. Waste Generation
3. Reuse
4. On-site handling (treatment), storage and processing (near to the location of the
5. Collection
6. Transfer and transport
7. Processing and recovery;
8. Disposal.
I. Waste Reduction
There is no waste-free technology (which would not produce any waste at all).
There are only technologies poor in waste:
Method producing the same product with less waste.
• Changing of reaction equilibrium:
o A↔B
Equilibrium constant: K=[A]/[B]; [B]= equilibrium concentration of B.
(a) Fe2O3 (ferric (tri) oxide)
(b) ZnO (zinc oxide) lower T, but more sensitive to pollution
It increases the rate of the main reaction to the largest extent (less by-products).
(a) Fe2O3
(b) Pt (platinum): more selective, but much more expensive
• Application of recycling
The unreacted H2 and N2 are recycled.
• Further Possibilities:
a) Increase the duration of usage of products:
improvement of quality, changing of customers’ habits;
b) Increase of technological discipline;
c) Improvement of maintenance;
d) Renewal of equipment.
Residual Waste
Waste left from household sources containing materials that cannot be separated out
or sent for reprocessing.
The quantity and quality of MSW depends strongly on the living standard.
NYC Budapest Nigeria (Small Town)
kg/capita/day (1988)
1.8 1.1 0.46
The greatest landfill for MSW in the world was the Fresh Kill Landfill in NYC (Staten Island,
closed in 1986, temporarily open after Sept. 11 attacks ):
-3706 acres, 15,000 tons/day, 150 methane wells, 106 gallon/day leachate treated
Billion Year
1 1800
2 1930
3 1960
4 1975
5 1987
6 2000
3. Hazardous Wastes
A waste is considered hazardous if it exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:
1 – Ignitability 2 – Corrosivity
3 – Reactivity 4 – Toxicity
5 – Pathogenicity 6 – Mutagenity
7 – etc.
Basel Convention
The Basel Convention is an international treaty that was designed to reduce the transboundary
movements of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of
hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries.
The Convention was opened for signature on 22 March 1989, and entered into force on 5 May
II. Processing and Resource Recovery
1. Thermal Processes
Main characteristics:
• We burn wastes of heterogeneous composition
• Conditions required:
o Air in excess: usually by 50 – 150 % more than necessary,
EU: in the flue gas min. 6 vol% O2
o Particle size, its distribution, maximal size of pieces.
o Viscosity (in the case of liq. wastes)
o Ignition temperature
o Content of halogens, heavy and other metals.
o Content of toxic materials.
o Infectivity
Proximate analysis
Determination of fixed carbon, volatile combustible matter, moisture and ash content of the
waste in order to estimate its capability as a fuel.
-The fixed carbon, volatile combustible matter can be burnt while moisture and ash not. The
vaporisation of the moisture consumes heat.
Method of analysis (tests):
1. Moisture: Determination from the loss of weight by heating at 105 °C for one hour.
2. Volatile combustible matter: the additional loss of weight after ignition at 950 °C in a
covered crucible (O2 is excluded).
3. Fixed carbon: combustible residue after the volatile combustible matter is removed; ignition
at 600 to 900 °C.
4. Ash: the weight of residue after combustion in an open crucible.
% fixed carbon=100 % - % moisture - % ash- % volatile matter
It does not provide any information of possible pollutants emitted during combustion. These
data are determined by ultimate analysis.
Ultimate analysis
Total elemental analysis (percentage of each individual element (C,H,O,N,S) present
It is used
-mainly to characterise the organic fraction of the waste and also
-for assessing the suitability of waste as fuel,
-for predicting emissions from combustion,
-for ensuring suitable nutrient ratios (e.g. C/N) for composting.
A chemical formula can be given for the waste e.g. C655H1029O408N10.1S
Heating value
Two heating values: high and low. The high heat of combustion includes the latent heat of
vaporisation of water molecules generated during the combustion process.
Ash reduces the heating value (J/kg waste) and retains heat when removed from the furnace
(loss of heat).
Even a dry sample of MSW generates moisture (free water) which must be evaporated. The
energy demanded can be considerable and may result in an inefficient combustion process.
Important information for predicting storage volume (in collection truck, in a landfill cell)
It is increased by compaction whose extent can be characterised by the
compaction ratio: r=ρ0/ρc and degree of volume reduction F=ΔV/V0
The density of the
- raw uncompacted solid waste: 115-180 kg/m3 (in USA)
- compacted SW in landfill after compaction: 300-900 kg/m3
ρ=f(composition, moisture content, physical shape, degree of compaction)
Glass, ceramic, ash and metals increase it.
Moisture replaces the air occurring in voids and increases ρ.
Increase of ρ
-decreases the cost of collection and hauling (transport),
-by shredding, baling and other size reduction technics (by decrease of irregularity, as well).
Bale: large mass of paper, straw, goods pressed together and tied with rope/wire, ready to be
From MSW balers produce bales of corrugated cardboard, newspaper, high grade and mixed
paper, aluminium cans, plastic containers.
Equipment of Combustion
Classification can be done:
o By the type of combustor: with
grate or without grate
o By the aim of the equipment:
incinerator or industrial equipment
operating at high T (e.g. cement kiln).
• Circumstances of burning
o Introduction of air in 2 parts
Primary (underfire) air supply (cca. 80%):
through the grates from below
- For feeding burning of the bulk of waste.
- For cooling the grates
Secondary (overfire) air supply (cca. 20%):
- in order to burn out perfectly the waste: to burn the
particulates, to eliminate CO
• Criteria for wall (lining) of combustion chambers
o Mechanical strength
o Resistance to abrasive effects
o Resistance to chemical effects
o Materials: fireclay, corundum, silicone
• Auxiliary burners
o Fueled by oil or gas
o Aim: stabilization or increase of power
• By the direction of flow of waste and flue gases the equipment can be:
o Co-current: waste and gases move in the same direction
Disadvantage: Difficult drying and ignition of waste. (Air must be
o Counter-current: waste and flue gases move in the opposite direction
Disadvantage: danger of imperfect burning: one part of the flue gases
does not go through the hottest zone.
o Cross-current (mixed current)
Incinerators with Grate
-For combustion of solid or sludgy wastes
-Max. thermal charge of the grate: 2000 – 4000 MJ/m2h (in order to prevent melting of the
-Many moving grates are also cooled with water internally for keeping the mechanical strength
of the grate.
1. feed hopper (funnel) and refuse shaft 2. feeder 3. combustion chamber 4. combustion
grate 5. heat recovery steam generator 6. deslag equipment 7. grate residue removal 8. fly
ash transporting system 9. primary air supply 10. secondary air supply
Scheme of a traditional MSW incinerator
1. refuse barn 2. combustion grate 3. post- combustion chamber 4. steam generator (boiler) 5.
electrofilter 6. feed water preheater 7. suction fan 8. flue gas scrubber 9. wet dust separator
10. NOx reducer 11. dioxin separator 12. stack 13. deslag equipment
Incinerators without Grate
• Rotary Kiln
• Westinghouse – O’Connor Rotary Kiln (Fig.)
• Combustion chambers
o For liquids, gases and sludgy wastes.
o Fixed drum, walled up (lined with bricks)
o Mixing of waste and air is provided by nozzles and atomizers.
a. Co-Current Flow:
- Waste and gases move in the same direction
- Mixing of waste and air is slower its efficiency is lower than that of
cross and counter-current flow chambers
- Only for gaseous and liquid wastes which can be atomized easily.
b. Cross-Current Flow:
- Air inlet through radial holes
- Better mixing of waste and air shorter equipment lower
investment cost.
c. Counter-Current Flow:
- Air is blown in several free jets
- Intensive mixing and combustion
- Exclusively for liquid wastes
• Multistoried kiln (Fig.)
• Fluidization kiln (Fig.)
Process of fluidization: solid granular material is kept in pulsed motion with a gas (or
liquid) flowing upwards from below. At fluidization the solid material fluidized behaves
as a fluid and the heat and mass transfers are very efficient.
Heat Recovery, Cooling of Flue Gases
The flue gases leaving the combustion field have a temperature between 850 and 1300 °C.
- to recover heat
- to protect the purification equipment
- to decrease corrosion.
The flue gases must be cooled down: usually to cca. 250 °C:
Danger of corrosion: Tmin: above the dew point of acidic gases: 140-180 °C,
Tmax<450 °C because of halogens
Cooling media: water (or air)
Direct or
indirect cooling: boilers (producing steam) or heat-exchangers (hot water)
Emergency condensers: combustion of waste need not be stopped when the heat
recovery system is not operating (e.g. during maintenance); designed for 50 % of the
maximal steam production
a. Direct feeding of hot flues gases into the sludge dryer unit (the gases (humid, smelly)
are led back to the incinerator)
b. The steam produced in the incinerator is used the thermal treatment, drying of the
Solid Products of Combustion:
The air pollution caused by flue gases is the most serious environmental problem of waste
The composition of flue gases is variable, it depends on
- characteristics of the waste,
- type of the incinerator,
- operational parameters of the incinerator.
SO2, NOX, HCl, HF, CO, dust, metals (including toxic ones: Pb (lead), Hg, Cd),
organic compounds :dioxins, furans, other polycyclic aromatic compounds
Philosophy of combustion:
- earlier: pollutants must remain in the slag
- nowadays: pollutants must leave with the flue gases and then they must be separated
from them during the flue gas purification
Flue gas contains metals and other pollutants in the form of aerosol.
Aerosol: gas + small size (10-7 - 10-3 cm) particles distributed in it
Particles can be solid (dust/smoke) or liquid (fog/mist)
Dioxins, furans:
These harmful compounds (causing cancer) are generated during the combustion
- of chlorinated organic compounds or
- in presence of NaCl (sodium chloride).
a. Dioxins: polychlorinated dibenzo dioxins (PCDD)
The most toxical one is 2,3,7,8 tetrachloro- dibenzo dioxin (TE=1.0, reference compound)
b. Furans: polychlorinated dibenzo furans (PCDF)
The most toxical one is 2,3,4,7,8 pentachloro- dibenzo furan (TE=0.5)
c. Other toxic organic compounds:
- polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
- polybrominated diphenyl ether: flame retardant used in electric circuit boards and
2. Separation of gaseous pollutants
Two stage scrubbing (in Venturi scrubbers) with evaporation of waste water
1. unpurified (raw) flue gas 2. purified flue gas 3. spray dryer evaporiser 4. filter separator
5. glass tube heat exchanger 6. Venturi scrubber 7. neutraliser tank 8. sludge collector
9. lime silo 10. preparation of lime milk 11. alkali storage 12. preparation of alkali solution 13.
dry final product
Problem: Hg can be accumulated in the system. The Hg content can be reduced with TMT
forming complex with Hg from 2.5 to 0.05 mg/l.
c. semi-dry method (Fig.):
The sorbent is suspension or solution (e.g. lime milk)
1. unpurified (raw) flue gas 2. purified flue gas 3. spray dryer 4. atomisers 5. electrofilters 6. fan
7. dust transporting system 8. silo for recycled material 9. lime milk tank 10. water 11.
compressed air 12. lime silo 13. lime dissolver 14. dry final product
c. dry method (Fig.):
The sorbent is solid and it is applied in excess. The flue gas is humidified. Feeding of the
sorbent by pneumatic transport.
1. unpurified (raw) flue gas 2. purified flue gas 3. reactor 4. atomisers 5. electrofilters 6. fan 7.
dust collection system 8. water 9. compressed air 10. lime silo 11. dry final product
MSW incinerator of Budapest
2/3 of the MSW is combusted here. Purification of flue gases by semi-dry method without
producing waste water.
a. Steam boiler:
-The minimum power is 3 MW.
-Mainly for liquid wastes exempt of halogens.
-The amount of waste burnt is max. 20 % of that of the normal fuel (in the case of waste
exempt of halogen and of high heating value max. 50 %).
- Dust removal is necessary (from the flue gases).
b. Cement kiln:
Raw sludge---->clinker---->cement powder
Liquid waste is combusted, while solid and pasty wastes are thermally decomposed by
pyrolysis in a rotary kiln.
The PH of both raw sludge and clinker is alkaline, therefore wastes with high halogen content
can be treated. There is no emission of HCl and HF. Max. 4-5 kg halogen/t clinker.
Scheme of a cement kiln with pyrolysis kiln suitable for incineration of wastes
1. coal (primary fuel) 2. liquid waste (secondary fuel) 3. clinker outlet 4. sintering (shrinking)
zone 5. calcination zone 6. drying zone 7. flue gases (cca. 150 °C) 8. raw sludge 9. separated
dust tank 10. water 11. solid waste 12. tarry, viscous (pasty) waste 13. slag removal
c. Blast furnace (where iron ore is melted with blasts of hot air)
d. Other high temperature industrial technologies e.g. glass-making
Waste disposal by gasification
Conversion of carbonaceous materials (coal, petroleum, biomass, plastic waste) into CO and H2
by reacting the raw material at high temperatures with a controlled amount of O2 and/or
The resulting gas mixture called synthesis gas or syngas is a fuel. Gasification is a very efficient
method for extracting energy from many different types of organic materials, and it is a clean
waste disposal technique.
Chemical decomposition of organic materials by heating in the absence of oxygen or any other
reagents, except possibly steam. It may also be used to convert waste into substances that are
either desirable or less harmful (e.g. syngas).
In a gasifier, the carbonaceous material undergoes several different processes:
1. The pyrolysis (or devolatilization) process occurs as the carbonaceous particle heats
up. Volatiles are released and char is produced resulting in considerable weight loss..
2. The combustion process occurs as the volatile products and some of the char reacts
with oxygen to form CO and CO2, which provides heat for the subsequent gasification
A limited amount of oxygen or air is introduced into the reactor to allow some of the organic
material to be "burned" to produce CO and energy, which drives a second reaction that
converts further organic material to H2 and additional CO2.
High Temperature Conversion of Waste (HTCW) reactor.
Several gasification processes for thermal treatment of waste are under development as an
alternative to incineration.
Several waste gasification processes have been proposed, but few have yet been built and
tested, and only a handful have been implemented as plants processing real waste, and always
in combination with fossil fuels. One plant (in Chiba, Japan using the Thermoselect process) has
been processing industrial waste since year 2000, but has not yet documented positive net
energy production from the process.
III. Final disposal (landfilling)
Natural protection:
They form a passive protection system exploiting favourable
- geological,
- hydrological,
- soil,
- geo-morphological,
- meteorological conditions.
The migration (diffusion) of the water must be slow. The soil/rock is suitable for natural
protection if
- its permeability is very low: k<10-6 cm/s,
- it forms uninterrupted (continuous) and undisturbed (permanent) layer
Suitable materials: clay (if not sandy), granite (if not cracked (ruptured))
Landfilling of MSW
Before dumping the organic and recyclable parts (paper, plastics, glass etc.) of the MSW are
selected and separated. The organic wastes are composted.
The Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste is intended to prevent or reduce the
adverse effects of the landfill of waste on the environment, in particular on surface water,
groundwater, soil, air and human health.
It defines the different categories of waste (municipal waste, hazardous waste, non-hazardous
waste and inert waste) and applies to all landfills, defined as waste disposal sites for the
deposit of waste onto or into land. Landfills are divided into three classes:
• landfills for hazardous waste;
• landfills for non-hazardous waste;
• landfills for inert waste.
Scheme of a MSW landfill
Final cover of a landfill
Equipment used in waste treatment
I. Separation equipment
1. Magnetic separator
Recovery of magnetic material, primarily ferrous metals, from the waste.
Either permanent or electromagnets are applied.
a. Magnetic belt pulley
b. Drum magnet
c. Magnetic head pulley
b. Drum magnet
A stationary magnet is located inside a revolving drum which is positioned. The ferrous metal is
attracted against the force of gravity and is conveyed around the drum circumference until it
exits the magnetic field and is discharged.
c. Magnetic head pulley
The material to be sorted is passed over the pulley. The nonferrous material fall along a
different trajectory than the ferrous material. A splitter is positioned over the discharge end of
the feed belt.
Entrainment of nonferrous particles with the desired ferrous product is a common problem.
The efficiency of magnetic separation depends on:
-height of the magnet above the conveyor belt,
-magnetic force applied,
-speed of conveyor,
-thickness of the layer of waste on the conveyor,
-material density: dense wastes sink below other wastes on the conveyor.
2. Eddy current separator
II. Shredders
Shredding: unit operation for size reduction. Shredders were originally developed for crushing
of stone and ores but now they are applied to scrap metal, plastic, aluminium, wood, paper
products and for breaking down concrete, steel and other building materials.
Types of action in the shredding process:
-crushing: reduction of particles by pounding,
-shearing: forcing two parts of an item in different directions and
-grinding: friction applied to the surface of an object.
All shredding units employ two of more of these actions simultaneously.
Benefits of shredding (MSW):
-reduction of waste volume,
-more homogeneous waste,
-easier separation after shredding,
-increased surface area of the fuel particles.
Shredders are available in a variety of shapes and sizes (from portable paper shredders to huge
units for shredding flattened automobiles (at the rate 1/min)).
The most common types: rotary shear, granulator, hammermill, chain crusher.
1. Rotary shear
Two parallel counter-rotating shafts with a series of discs mounted perpendicularly and acting
as cutters, working in scissor-like fashion. Compared with hammermills they are low speed
devices (60 to 190 rpm).
The waste is directed to center of the rotating shaft. The size is reduced by the shearing and
tearing action of the cutting discs. The final particle size (2.5 to 25 cm) is controlled by
-spacing of the shafts,
-orientation of the shafts and
-spacing between the shafts.
The shredded materials fall through and pulled through the discs.
Most are driven by hydraulic motors that can be reversed automatically in the case of
Lower speeds imply lower energy costs and less maintenance of moving parts.
2. Granulator
Only one rotating shaft with a series of discs. One other series of discs are fixed mounted
perpendicularly to the wall. The particles are moving on a forced trajectory within the
equipment until their size decrease below the bore diameter of the sieve located at the
bottom of the equipment, then they fall out through the holes. By exchanging the sieve
different particle sizes can be set.
3. Hammermill
It is large cylindrical (or tapered) unit equipped with a central rotor with a series of attached
rapidly rotating hammers. Hammers are either fixed or swing on the rotating shaft.
The rotor and hammers are enclosed within in a heavy-duty housing whose interior may be
lined with stationary breaker plates or mounted cutter bars.
Shredding relies on heavy force breakage of particles by the hammers. Further size reduction:
the particles are struck against breaker plates or cutting bars fixed around the inner wall.
Rotational speed: 700-3000 r/min Power: 500-700 kW
High speed shredders are very noisy.
Input is always from the top and materials flow through the machine by gravity.
The shaft can be oriented in the horizontal or the vertical direction.
- Horizontal:
Most have a grate placed across the outlet under the hammers whose opening size may be
depending on desired size of the final product. The hammers pound the material until it is
small enough to pass through the grate openings.
- Vertical
4. Chain crusher
Many thanks to Eduardo Nicolas Orthmann da Silva for preparing the first part of the
lecture notes.