MSC Yoga Syllabus PDF
MSC Yoga Syllabus PDF
MSC Yoga Syllabus PDF
I Semester
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Pre Requirement: Knowledge of Devanāgaré script - alphabet, i.e. vowels, consonant vowel
combination, two consonant combinations, special conjunct consonants and their
pronunciation associated with their articulation.
Faculty may test the compatibility of the student by conducting suitable test
Text Book: Dr. Sarasvati Mohan, Saàskåta Level-1, Sharadh Enterprises, Bangalore.
Chapter 1
Verb roots, nine forms for three persons and three numbers; practise all the verb roots and
their forms for correct pronunciation; usage of prefixes and how they change the meaning
of the verb root and how to find them in the dictionary.
3 hours
Chapter 2
Noun, masculine and neuter genders; 8 cases and their possible meanings; 24 forms of a
noun and its declensions; practise of other similar declensions and usage of the 24 forms of
a noun. Introduction to write a sentence; syntax, prepositions and their definite
requirements of cases; rule how ‘ra/sha’ changes dental ‘n’ to cerebral ‘N’ and its
exceptions for this rule; repeat declensions for pronunciation.
7 hours
Chapter 3
Noun- feminine gender; both ā ending and é-ending and practice of similar declensions.
Practice of writing sentences with words mainly in feminine gender; exercises mainly for
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
the feminine gender illustration; special declensions where dental ‘n’ changes to cerebral
‘N’; repeat all feminine noun declensions.
7 hours
Chapter 4
Madhurāñöakam illustrating all the three genders of nouns and study of the adjectives,
having all the three genders and changing according to the gender of different qualified
nouns; Midterm examination
3 hours
Chapter 5
ex 32-38 ; models of declensions; how to recognize a gender or find the gender using the
dictionary and write declensions of new words according to their models of declensions,
while applying the rule changing dental ‘n’ to cerebral ‘N’; making simple sentences for all
the words given there; repeat vowel-ending model declensions.
10 hours
Chapter 6
Exercises for appropriate use of the cases; irregular verbs; absence of verb root “to have” in
Saàskåta; where to omit root ‘AS’ (to be), use of certain special verbs; repeat model
10 hours
Chapter 7
Pronouns: Introduction to pronouns; declensions of pronouns; corresponding translations
of pronouns into English; forming sentences with pronouns; Different aspects of pronouns
being used as demonstrative pronouns and as interrogative pronouns and details of
distance specification..
10 hours
Chapter 8
-Sandhi explanation; three major kinds of Sandhi: Vowel-Sandhi, Visarga-Sandhi and
Consonant- Sandhi, and fifteen exercises. (10 hours)
-Parasmaipadi (P) and Atmanepadi (A) forms of verbs;
-Verb and ten Gaëas; how to find the Gaëa using the Apte Saàskåta -English Dictionary
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
-Verb and ten Lakāras; mastering five Lakāras of both Parasmaipadi and Atmanepadi and
doing the pertaining exercises for that.
10 hours
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Gross anatomy of digestive system, functional anatomy of Mouth, Oral cavity, Pharynx,
Esophagus, Stomach, Small intestine, Large intestine and Anal canal; Physiology of
digestion, assimilation & peristalsis, Gastric and digestive juices involved during
digestion, associated glands involved in digestive system; Gross anatomy of the
respiratory passages, functional of Nasal cavity, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchus,
Lungs and Alveoli; The process of Respiration, Lungs volumes & capacities, Mechanics
of breathing and exchange of gas in alveoli.
10 Hours
Chapter 4: Cardiovascular System
Functional anatomy of the Heart, arteries, veins and capillaries; The organization of
systematic and pulmonary circulation, the cardiac cycle; Blood: Composition and
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Functions, Blood groups and their importance; Cardiac output and Venous return;
Blood pressure and Regulation of blood pressure.
5 Hours
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Vedas, the foundations of Indian culture; antiquity, the four main Vedas, Science and
Technology of Vedas, why Vedas, Prasthānatraya, Essence of the Vedas-Upaniñads, the
style of Upaniñads, the two main quests - Happiness Analysis and Quest for reality;
concept of Dharma and higher dimensions of Dharma.
20 Hours
Chapter 2: Sāìkhya and Yoga
Concept of Chārvāka philosophy in the ñaò darśanas; Early Buddhism, rules and
disciplines of Buddhists tradition; The concept of rebirth, origin of suffering and the way to
remove suffering in Buddhism; The concept of jéva, ajéva, syādvāda according to Jainism.
10 Hours
Chapter 4: Nyāya & Vaiśeñika
Concept of Nyāya philosophy means of salvation according to Nyāya and Vaiśeñika; The
sixteen Padārthas according to Nyāya, means and objects of knowledge according to Nyāya
and Vaiñeñika; Relation between Nyāya and Vaiśeñika philosophy; Perception (Pratyakña),
inference (Anumāëa), comparison (Upamāëa) according to Nyāya and Vaiśeñika.
10 Hours
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Chapter 5: Mimämsa
1. Karela Werner : Yoga and Indian Philosophy (Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1979)
7. Stace, W.T. : Mysticism and Philosophy (Macmillan and Co. London, 1961)
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
11. Swami Krishnananda : A Short History of Religions and Philosophic Thought in India.
(The Devine Life Society, Rishikesh, 1973)
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Credits: 4 Hours/ Wk : 4
Chapter 1:
Concept of body, health and disease; concept of Yoga; Panca Kośa, the basis for the IAYT,
Panca Kośa practices of Annamaya, Prānamaya, Manomaya, Vijnānamaya and
Änandamaya kośas.
15 Hours
Chapter 2:
Health and Yoga Therapy through Yoga Vāsishöha: Concepts of Ädhi and Vyādhi as found
in Yoga Vāsishöha; the remedial measures; Handling the mind and emotions-enhancing the
power of discrimination.
15 Hours
Chapter 3: Yoga and Physical Sciences
Health and Yoga Therapy through Gheranna Samhitā: Historical aspects; life of Gheranna;
the dimensions of Haöha Yoga, contributed by Gheranna in comparison to other texts;
study of the text and their usefulness in modern times.
15 Hours
Chapter 4:
Health and Yoga Therapy through Haöha Ratnāvali, study of the text and their usefulness
in modern times.
15 Hours
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Text Book:
1. Dr R Nagarathna and Dr H R Nagendra : Yoga and Health, Swami Vivekananda Yoga
Prakashana, 2002
2. Dr R Nagarathna and Dr H R Nägendra : Yoga for Promotion of Positive Health,
Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana,
3. Jnānānanda Bharati Essence of Yoga Vāsishöha, Pub: Sanata Books, Chennai
4. Hatha Ratnavali, Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthäna, Andhra Pradesh.
5. Gheranda Samhita, Shri Sadguru Publication, New Delhi.
2. Ghosh, Shyam : The Original Yoga (Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi, 1999)
Lonavala, 2002)
5. Woodroffe, Sir John : The Serpent power (Ganesh & Company, Madras, 2000)
6. Venkatesananda (Author): Vāsishöha Yoga, State University of New York Press, 1993.
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Bangalore, 2002
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Credits: 2 Hours/ Wk : 4
Text Book: 1. S VYASA Puñpāïjali, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana, Bangalore, 2002
2. Kréòyā Yoga, Vivekananda Yoga Prakasana, 2000
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
1. Asthma
2. Hypertension
3. Anxiety Depression
4. Dynamics
5. Arthritis
6. Epilepsy
7. Knee Pain
8. Muscular Dystrophy
9. Oncology
10. Sükñma Vyāyāma: Simple and Standard
11. Voice Culture
Text Book: Ailments series, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana, Bangalore, 2002
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
5. Tests for Higher brain functions: Tower of London, Card Sorting, Memory, IQ, Tests for
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
II Semester
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Credits: 4 Hours/ Wk : 4
Chapter 1:
General Introduction to Bhagavad Gétā (B.G.). Definitions of Yoga in Bhagavad- Gétā and
their relevance & Scope.
10 hours
Chapter 2:
Essentials of B.G from Chapters II, III, IV, V, VI, XII & XVII: The meanings of the terms
Ätmasvrüpa, Sthitaprajïa, Sāìkhya Yoga, Karma Yoga, Sannyāsa Yoga and Karma
Svarüpa (Sakāma and Niñkāma) etc.
20 hours
Chapter 3:
Essentials of B.G (Contd...): Sannyāsa, Dhyāna , Nature of Dhyäna, Preparation of Dhyāna
and Dhyāna Yoga etc.
10 hours
Chapter 4:
Essentials of B.G. (Contd...): Bhakti, Nature of Bhakti, Means and Goal of Bhakti-Yoga.
10 hours
Chapter 5:
Essentials of B.G (Contd..): The Triguëas and modes of Prakåti; Three Kinds of Faith. Food
for Yoga Sādhaka, Classification of food etc. The Glory of B.G.
10 hours
Text Book: Swami Tapasyananda - The Holy Gita-the Science of Life, Pub: RK Mission,
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Reference Books:
1. Radhakrishnan, S.: The Bhagavadgeeta (Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1960)
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Chapter 1
Modern Medical and Yoga therapy principles and practices for diseases related to
Musculo-skeletal system and Cardio-Vascular system and Respiratory system
CARDIO-VASCULAR DISORDERS: Ischemic heart disease; Hypertension; Peripheral
vascular disease
RESPIRATORY DISORDERS: Bronchial asthma; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder
(COPD); Allergic rhinitis; Pulmonary tuberculosis; Sleep apnea; Snoring
RHEUMATOLOGY, MUSCLE & BONE DISORDERS: Pain in the limbs & back;
Rheumatoid arthritis; Osteoarthritis; Connective tissue disorders; Muscular dystrophy
20 Hours
Chapter 2:
Modern Medical and Yoga therapy for diseases related to digestive system and Nervous
system including Psychiatry
DIGESTIVE DISORDERS: Acid peptic disease; Irritable bowel syndrome; Hepatitis
NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS: Migraine & Tension headache; Cerebro-vascular
accidents; Epilepsy; Pain; Autonomic dysfunctions; Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease;
Multiple sclerosis; Refractory errors of vision
PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE: Neurotic disorders; mood disorders; Schizophrenia;
Chemical abuse; Eating disorders; Phobias; Mental retardation; Obsessive compulsive
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Books: Yoga for common ailments and IAYT for different diseases, Harrison’s Principles of
Internal Medicine, International Edition, 14 Edition, New York: McGraw Hill Co. Inc.,
A.K. Das (Ed.). Medicine Update. Bombay: Association of Physicians of India, 1998.
20 Hours
Chapter 3
Modern Medical and Yoga therapy for diseases related to Endocrine system, Excretory
system and Reproductive system Rehabilitation medicine, Geriatric medicine and Medical
ENDOCRINE & METABOLIC DISORDERS: Diabetes mellitus; Thyroid dysfunction;
Disorders of adrenal cortex; Obesity
OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY: Physiology of pregnancy; Pregnancy induced
hypertension; Pre-eclampsia; Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR); Menstrual
disorders (e.g., dysmenorrhea, pre-menstrual syndrome); Infertility; Menopause
REHABILITATION MEDICINE: Neurological disorders; Cardiac disorders; Musculo-
skeletal disorders; Physical disabilities; Occupational health
20 Hours
Text Books:
Dr R Nagarathna, Dr H R Nagendra and Dr Shamantakamani Narendran, Yoga for
common ailments and IAYT for different diseases, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana,
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
6 hours
Chapter 3: Research Reports
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
9. Herman J. Ader and : Research Methodology in the life, behavioral and social
Gideon J. Mellebeegh Sciences (SAGE publications)
10. Rummond, A,
Campling, J and : Research methods for therapists. 1996
Nelson, T
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Chapter 1: Introduction to Pataïjalé’s Yoga Sütras, its’ Philosophy and Practices and
Modern Psychology
i. Yoga, it’s meaning & purpose & a brief introduction to Pataïjali’s Yoga Sütras and
its author.
ii. Nature of Yoga according to Pataïjali in light of Vyāsabhāñya and other traditional
commentators, Importance of Yoga Sütra in comparison to other Yogic literature.
iii. Concept of Citta, Citta-bhümis, Citta-våttis, Citta-våtti nirodhopaya (Abhyāsa and
Vairāgya) Citta-Vikñepas (Antarayas), Citta-prasādanam and its’ associates.
iv. Metaphysics of Sāìkhya & its’ relationship with Yoga Darçana of Pataïjali,
Philosophical Foundations & Practices of Pataïjalé’s Yogas, its’ importance &
relevance and Yoga Samanvaya.
v. Concept of mind – eastern and western perspective; psychology principles and
methods – TA, etc;
10 Hours
Chapter 2: Samādhi Pāda and Sādhana Pāda
i. Kriyā-yoga, Theory of Kleças, Nature of Dåñöā & Dåçya and means of elimination of
Kleças/ Vivekakhyāti.
ii. Types and nature of Samādhi in Yoga Sütra, Åtambharaprajïā and
iii. Samprajïātā, Asamprajïātā, Sabéja & Nirbéja Samādhi, Difference between
Samapattis and Samādhi.
iv. Concept of Éçvara and qualities of Éçvara.
10 Hours
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Text Books:
1. I. K. Taimini : The Science of Yoga, (The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar
Chennai 2005)
2. Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Haûha Yoga Pub: BSY Mungher
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
1. Backpain
2. Headache
3. Diabetes Mellitus
4. Gastrointestinal Disorder
5. Menstrual Disorders
6. Obesity
Text Book: Ailments series, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana, Bangalore, 2002
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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4. Arthritis, Epilepsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Knee Pain, Voice Culture and Oncology
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
III Semester
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Credits: 4 Hours/ Wk : 4
Text Books:
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Reference Books
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
i. The four aspects of life (Soul, Mind, Senses and Body)
ii. Païcamahābhütas (the five element theory),
iii. Ähära, Vihära and Auñadhi (three pillars of āyurveda)
iv. Concept, role and importance of – Doña, Dhātu, Mala, Updhātu, Srotas, Indriya, Agni,
Prāëa, Prāëāyatna, Prakåti, Deha Prakåti, Manasa Prakåti
v. Concept of Dinacaryā (daily routine),concept of Åtucaryä (seasonal routine),
svasthavåtta and sadvåtta in Äyurveda.
vi. The disease process in Païcakarma theory.
vii. Concept of Païcakarma in managing a disease (five main procedures).
vii. Concept of Pürvakarma (preparing for païcakarma)
20 Hours
20 Hours
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Präëic Healing: nature, bioplasmic body, intermediate, self präëic and distant präëic
20 Hours
Choa Kok Sui : The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing
(Institute for Inner Studies, INC, Mania, 1997).
Chapter 1: Introduction
Health and yoga, Yoga for health, Yoga – the four streams, Holsym – health
10 hours
10 hours
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Reference Book:
Robert L. Malone & Donald J. Petersen, Total Quality Management Note, The Effective
Manager’s Desk Book: Improving results through people -. Pub: Parker Publishing
Company, Inc. West Nyack, N.Y.
Chapter 1
15 Hours
Chapter 2
15 Hours
Chapter 3
15 Hours
Chapter 4
15 Hours
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Chapter 5
15 Hours
Chapter 6
15 Hours
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Semester: III Sub Code: MS T 304
Credits: 4 Hours/ Wk : 4
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
This subject is to teach the students, understanding of various chronic ailments that affect a
human being. Similarities and differences between rehabilitation and yogic treatment to be
understood properly. The Yoga Therapist must have a basic knowledge of Anatomy,
Physiology, Pathology of various systems in the body particularly locomotory neurological
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Reference Books:
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Advance Präëäyäma
Präëäyäma with Kumbhaka and bandhas
30 hours
Advance Meditation
Jïäna yoga contemplation; anuñöhäna and tapas OR Vipasanä and TM
Introduction to samyama of Pataïjali
30 hours
Book: B.K.S Iyenger, Light on Pranayama
Reference Books:
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
Text Books:
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
2. Diabetes Mellitus
4. Obesity
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus
IV Semester
DDE, S-VYASA: MSc Yoga - Syllabus