Rubric For T-Chart
Rubric For T-Chart
Rubric For T-Chart
4 3 2 1 Score
The notes have been The notes have The notes have to The notes have
written neatly and mostly been written some extent been not been written
legibly. neatly and legibly. written neatly and neatly and legibly.
Notes are logically Notes are organized Notes are partly Notes are not
organized and easy and easy to follow. organized and organized and
Organization to follow. fairly easy to difficult to follow.
All formulas are Most formulas are Some formulas are The formulas are
accurate. accurate. accurate. not accurate.
Formulas and
Triangles The triangles drawn The triangles drawn The triangles The triangles
and labelled are and labelled are drawn and labelled drawn and
correct. mostly correct. are partially labelled are
correct. incorrect.
The triangles drawn The triangles drawn The triangles The triangles are
and labelled are and labelled are drawn and labelled not drawn and
correct with all steps mostly correct with are partially labelled correctly
in the worked-out most steps in the correct with some with very few
Exercise problems shown and worked-out steps in the steps in the
Problem correct. problems shown worked-out worked-out
correct. problems shown problem shown
and correct. and correct.
All directions were Most directions Some directions Little to no
Completeness followed. were followed. were followed. directions were
TOTAL: /20