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Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351 – 380


Geomorphic evidence of active deformation and uplift in a

modern continental wedge-top–foredeep transition:
Example of the eastern Ecuadorian Andes
S. Bès de Berca,b,1, J.C. Soulab,*, P. Babyb, M. Sourisc, F. Christophoulb, J. Roserod
IFEA (Institut Français d’Etudes Andines), Whymper 442 y Coruña, AP 17 12 857 Quito, Ecuador
LMTGT, IRD/CNRS/Université Paul Sabatier, 38, rue des Trente Six Ponts, 31400 Toulouse, France
IRD, Quality House Convent, 38 Convent Rd, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand
PerezCompanc, Suiza 209 y Eloy Alfaro, Quito, Ecuador
Received 15 November 2002; received in revised form 20 November 2003; accepted 23 December 2004
Available online 24 February 2005


The eastern Ecuadorian Andes appear as a fold-and-thrust belt adjacent to a continental foredeep represented by one of the
world’s largest tropical alluvial megafans, the Pastaza megafan, debouching into the Amazonian lowland. The apex of the
Pliocene–Pleistocene megafan situated in the present-day wedge top (Subandean Zone) has been cut by an erosion surface, the
western part of which has been uplifted of ~500 m along the frontal thrust, forming a poorly dissected plateau, the Mera plateau.
This erosion surface erased most of the previous fluvial landscape but preserved a large thrust-related anticlinal hinge deforming
less erodible underlying strata, the Mirador fold and smaller-sized anticlines. This surface has been then incised by two
antecedent major rivers, the Pastaza and the Napo, and few tributaries. The plateau edge is marked by a series of large scale
gently sloping landslides clustered along a 70 km long concave eastward line associated with the frontal thrust fault. The newly
formed immature rivers issued from the landslides or sourced within east-dipping remnants of the erosion surface downstream
of the landslide line constitute the greatest part of the streams feeding the Ecuadorian Amazonian basin. At 70 to 100 km from
the landslide line, the drainage abruptly changes from highly immature to mature with a well-defined hinge line representing the
outer limit of landslide and tectonic control. The diversions of the Pastaza River indicate ongoing fold growth since at least the
late Pleistocene in the Eastern Cordillera, and the early Holocene in the Mera plateau. The preserved terraces of the Pastaza
valley are all degradational and are ascribed to periods of tectonic (seismic) activity alternating with periods of tectonic
quiescence or decreased seismic activity rather than to climatic events. 14C dating of the plateau erosion surface and of the upper
Pastaza terraces indicates that the minimum average incision rate since ~18,000 years BP varies locally in the upper Pastaza
valley from 0.5 to 0.67 cm year 1 , increasing from ~18,000 years BP to now. A comparison of these incision rates with fold-
and-thrust fault uplift rates indicates that incision in the upper Pastaza valley was a result of rapid uplift (up to 1 cm year 1)
along the Mirador fold-and-thrust which caused a restoration of the local equilibrium profile of the upper reach, combined with

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 561556465: fax: +33 561558250.

E-mail address: soula@lmtg.obs-mip.fr (J.C. Soula).
Now at BRGM, -SGR/GUA, Morne HouJlmont, Route de l’Observatoire, 97 113 Gourbeyre, Guadeloupe, France.

0040-1951/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
352 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380

smaller local fault uplift along the westernmost thrust faults. The uplift of the whole Mera plateau with respect to the upper
Amazonian basin gives a minimum average uplift rate of 2.8 cm year 1 since 18,000 years BP. The overall uplift of the Mera
plateau and the Eastern Cordillera is likely to have been caused by a regional-scale low angle thrust ramp emerging as the
frontal thrust fault.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Holocene incision; Drainage network; Thrust tectonics; Landslides; Ecuador; Subandean zone; Upper Amazonian basin

1. Introduction the Pliocene–Pleistocene fan (Christophoul et al.,

2002; Fig. 1c). It covers the south of the arcuate
The Ecuadorian Andes (Fig. 1) are characterized depression of the northern Andes, which constitutes a
by frequent earthquakes with magnitudes greater than significant part of the eastern catchment of the
M=5 (Yepes et al., 1996; Baby et al., 2002) and Amazon basin and feed most of the sediment-rich
numerous active volcanoes with compositions ranging dwhite-water riversT that represent the Andean con-
from calk-alkaline to shoshonitic (Barragan et al., tribution to the Amazon. In spite of the forest cover,
1998; Hall et al., 1999; Bourdon et al., 1998, 1999, the slightly deformed hardened surface of the Plio-
2002; Monzier et al., 1999), which can be related to a cene–Pleistocene fan, the Mera plateau (Fig. 2), offers
subduction context. They also show large-scale frontal a unique opportunity of studying the recent propaga-
landslides well apparent in satellite images and digital tion of fold-and-thrust structures, the development of
elevation models (Fig. 2). The Ecuadorian Andes have landslides, and the fluvial incision.
been shown to have risen during the whole Neogene The present study develops a geomorphic approach
(Delfaud et al., 1999; Spikings et al., 2000; Hunger- supported by incision rate measurements aimed at
bühler et al., 2002; Christophoul et al., 2002), with arriving to a better knowledge of the characteristics
elevations and uplift rates similar to the nearby and evolution of a modern continental wedge-top–
Peruvian and Bolivian Andes to the south and foredeep transition in a region where the tectonic
Colombian Andes to the north (Cooper et al., 1995; contraction proceeded and still proceeds together with
Horton, 1999; Horton and DeCelles, 2000; Taboada et widening and eastward expansion of a single con-
al., 2000; Gil Rodriguez et al., 2001). Although being tinental foreland basin interpreted as a continental
markedly narrower than the Peruvian/Bolivian and foredeep.
Colombian Andes, the Ecuadorian Andes are, in the
same way, constituted in their eastern part by a fold-
and-thrust belt. Small-sized depositional areas filled 2. Geological and climatic setting
with Pleistocene sediment have been preserved in the
thrust–fold belt, which allow it to be interpreted as the The Eastern Cordillera is constituted by a sequence
wedge-top of the foreland basin system (De Celles of east-verging thrusts involving the metamorphic/
and Giles, 1996; Horton and DeCelles, 2000). plutonic and Palaeozoic, Triassic and Jurassic base-
The most spectacular characteristic of this area is ment (Pratt et al., 2005) whereas Mesozoic to
the presence in front of the thrust and fold belt, of a Cainozoic strata are also involved in the fold-and-
large-scale humid tropical alluvial fan, the Pastaza thrust structures of the Subandean Zone (Figs. 1b–4).
megafan, which, with an area of 60,000 km2, could be The Pastaza valley traverses five of these thrusts and
considered as the largest in the world (Räsänen et al., related folds, from west to east, the Subandean fault,
1992). This modern megafan is partly situated above the Santa Ines fault-bend fold deforming the Santa

Fig. 1. (a) Location of the study area. (b) Structural zones in the Ecuadorian Andes and Amazonian foreland. (c) Simplified geological map.
Note that the Holocene and modern Pastaza megafan as defined by Räsänen et al. (1992) is limited to the north by the watershed divide
associated with the uplift of the Mera plateau (see Fig. 4) and to the west by the frontal thrust whereas the apex of the Pliocene–Pleistocene
Pastaza fan was situated at the outlet of the Pastaza River where debouching from the eastern Cordillera.
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 353

80°W 78°W 76°W

▲ 1°N

Colombia ▲ ▲

▲ n



Inte ▲ ▲ r▲ a


Coastal plain


ean D


C▲ o▲ r▲ d▲ i l l e


i▲ ▲l l


r a nd





o ▲r d▲


n t in a

2°S ▲




te ▲▲



e r


Wes Cordillera


E a s t


81°W 79°W 77°W

80°W 78°W 76°W Forearc basins
1°N Late Cretaceous
- Paleocene

Forearc basins
Early Cretaceous
0° QUITO Forearc basins

Na Arcs and Ocean floor

Ambato Tena
Foreland basins

Continental arc

2°S megafan Cretaceous of the

P Subandean Zone

taz Jurassic to Paleozoic

Cuenca a
3°S Fault

Holocene Fault

4°S Pastaza megafan Thrust fault

Major River

5°S Ecuadorian border

c 81°W 79°W 77°W
354 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380


-1.8° Abitagua granite



Rio Anzu -77
a sta Mera plateau .5°
Ri oP

Rio Pu

me gafa
20 km Pas taza

Fig. 2. Digital elevation model of the studied area viewed from the southeast (Savane software (n IRD/MS, France). In the foreground the
landslide scar line affecting the Mera plateau domed along the line joining the Mirador anticline (MA, centre of the print) and Bobonaza axial
culminations (beneath the M of Mera plateau) is shown. To the south of the Mirador, the Rio Pastaza is diverted first toward the southwest, then
toward the south and the east, and finally flows parallel to the landslide scar line at less than 1 km to it. Interrupted lines indicate preceding
courses of the river. On top and southeast of the Mirador anticlinal culmination, a wind gap and remnants of the former valley of the Pastaza
oriented west–east (interrupted line) are observed. Immediately north, the water gap and the west–east and then north–south valley of the Rio
Puyo joining the former Pastaza valley are observed. On the other side of the Mirador anticlinal culmination the water gap and the valley of the
Rio Anzu, flowing toward the northeast are observed. West of the Mirador anticline, the Abitagua granite transported by the Cosanga thrust–fold
is traversed by the present-day Pastaza to the south. The Rio Alpayacu flows north–west, in front of the Cosanga thrust. Behind the Abitagua
granite, the bayonet-shaped diversion of the Pastaza is observed. The wind gap representing the former course of the Pastaza through the granite
is visible in prolongation of the Rio Puyo (CT=Cosanga thrust).

Ines depression, the Cosanga fault-bend fold trans- dPastaza depressionT, in which is localized the apex of
porting the Abitagua granite over the dPastaza the Pliocene–Pleistocene Pastaza megafan (Figs. 1c–
DepressionT, the Mirador and the smaller-sized 3). Smaller-sized thrust fault related antiformal culmi-
Bobonaza thrust fault-related folds (Fig. 3) deforming nations are observed in the dPastaza DepressionT
Palaeozoic to Lower Miocene basement strata and in a (Figs. 3–5). The Eastern Cordillera and Subandean
less extent the Mesa/Mera formation. The Mirador thrust faults are very active today as shown by
and Bobonaza anticlines are characterized by well- numerous recent earthquakes, including the 1987
marked axial culminations, which are responsible for Baeza (Ms=6.9) and 1995 Macas (Ms=6.8) seismic
an apparent east–west doming in the centre of the events (Yepes et al., 1996; Baby et al., 2002).
dPastaza depressionT (Figs. 2 and 3). Moreover, the majority of the 55 active volcanoes in
The study area covers the Eastern Cordillera, the Ecuador (Hall, 1977; Hall and Beate, 1991) are
Subandean Zone and the western (apical) part of the situated in the Interandean Depression and the Eastern
Pastaza megafan which is part of the Amazonian Cordillera and two, the Reventador and the Sumaco
retroforeland basin (Figs. 1b,c and 2). The Eastern are located in the Subandean Zone.
Cordillera is made up of metamorphic rocks (gneisses Four formations have been recognized in the
and metasediments), of Palaeozoic to Jurassic age, Subandean Zone and the upper Amazonian basin:
intruded by Jurassic granitoids (Aspden and Lither- the Chalcana Fm., of Upper Oligocene through
land, 1992; Pratt et al., 2005). These overthrust the Miocene age, the Arajuno Fm., of late Miocene age
Subandean Zone, represented by the Cosanga (Abita- (Tschopp, 1953; Baldock, 1982; Rosero, 1999), the
gua) thrust sheet, and the thrust-related antiformal Chambira Fm. (Tschopp, 1953; Baldock, 1982), of
culminations of Napo and Cutucu separated by the late Miocene through Pliocene/early Pleistocene age
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 355

-78.55 -77.30
Cotopaxi (5897m) Napo








Carihuairazo (5020m)

1 2 3 ALT MT
Tungurahua Puyo
(6310) (5023m)


Rio P

za LSL

(5320 m)

Cutucú Culmination
a -2.05
TUNGURAHUA Upper Pastaza Lower Pastaza = Pastaza Megafan
(Km) Santa Inès Abitagua Mirador Seismic line
1 2
ST depression granite CT ALT
anticline MT BT Autapi-1 AUT
2 3 4
-2 ?

VOLCANICS 1- Agoyan fall 5 Km
METAMORPHIC JURASSIC 3- Santa Inès (Fig. 7) 0 5 10 Km
4- Mera (Fig. 5)

AUT- Autapi Thruts

BT- Bobonaza Thrust
MT- Mirador Thrust
ALT- Alapayacu Thrust
CT- Cosanga Thrust
SIT- Santa Inès Thrust
ST- Subandean Thrust

Fig. 3. (a) Structural sketch. Cross-section shown in (b) indicated by interrupted line. (b) Structural cross-section. ST: Subandean thrust; SIT:
Santa Ines Thrust; CT: Cosanga thrust; ALT: Alpayacu thrust; MT: Mirador Thrust; BT: Bobonaza Thrust; AUT: Autapi Thrust; LSL: Landslide
scar line.
356 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380

Interandean Eastern Subandean Upper Pastaza Lower Pastaza

Depression Cordillera Zone Fan Fan

Quito o

Cotopaxi Sumaco Na






Chimborazo Tungurahua Puyo WD





0 50 100


Fig. 4. Drainage of northeastern Ecuador. The major antecedent Pastaza and Napo Rivers are diverted on both sides of the line joining the
Mirador and Bobonaza antiformal culminations. The watershed divide between the Napo-Aguarico and the Pastaza-Marañon drainage basins is
in prolongation of this line (interrupted line WD). The drainage hinge line (DHL) separates the immature drainage network from the mature
drainage network. Thrust faults are those shown in Fig. 3a. LSL: Landslide scar line; MA: Mirador anticline; BA: Bobonaza anticline. Large
interrupted line: Ecuadorian border.

and the Mesa/Mera Fm. (Tschopp, 1953; Baldock, depression and the Eastern Cordillera inferred from
1982) of late Pleistocene age (Liu and Colinvaux, Zircon and Apatite Fission Track Analyses in the
1985). All these formations were deposited in a single northern Eastern Cordillera (Spikings et al., 2000;
depocentre, east of the Pastaza depression. The Hungerbühler et al., 2002).
construction of the Pastaza megafan started approx- The early (?) to late Pleistocene deposits consid-
imately at the Miocene–Pliocene boundary (Baby et ered in the present paper correspond to the Mesa/Mera
al., 1999; Christophoul et al., 2001, 2002) and formation limited at its top by a widely exposed
continued until the late Pleistocene. A sedimentolog- erosional surface, the Mera surface (Figs. 2 and 3a). In
ical study of the sedimentary infill (Christophoul et the west, this formation comprises coarse conglom-
al., 2002) enabled to define an evolution of the fluvial erates with matrix-supported gravels showing no or
system from an alluvial plain (Chalcana and Arajuno inverse to normal grading (lithofacies Gmm to Gmc,
formations) to an alluvial fan with a topographic slope Miall, 1996) characteristic of debris flow deposits
increasing in the same time as the drainage changed where volcanic pebbles included in a volcanic sandy
from mostly longitudinal to transverse (Chambira and to silty matrix are predominant. These are likely to
Mesa/Mera formations). This evolution is consistent represent lahar deposits issued from the western
with the denudation and uplift of the Interandean volcanoes of the Eastern Cordillera. Boulders (N1
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 357

78°13 N


Abitagua Granite

Rio Alpa

a Mirador Anticline
astaz WG
Rio P
Rio An

Mera plateau
Scar Lin


Fig. 5. Digital elevation model of the Puyo–Mera area showing the wind gaps representing the former courses of the Pastaza River through the
Cosanga thrust sheet (Abitagua granite) (west) and the Mirador fold (centre). The Rio Puyo is now issued from the westernmost wind gap and
traverses the Mirador fold. A right-bank tributary is issued from the southern wind gap in the Mirador fold. The Rio Alpayacu is restrained
between the backlimb of the Mirador fold and the front of the Cosanga thrust. WG: Wind gap.

m) and smaller sized debris of granite and gneiss have Younger Dryas (YD) and the Holocene interglacial.
also been observed (Tschopp, 1953), indicating that From a general study of the humid tropics, Thomas
debris flows issued from the Abitagua thrust sheet (2000) concludes that the LGM was a worldwide
complete this formation. Eastward, the conglomerates cooler and more arid period, leading to the absence of
are finer-grained and form stacked large and shallow sediment in the Brazilian lowland between 24,000 and
channels showing trough cross bedding (lithofacies 17,000 14C years BP (Ledru et al., 1998). In the
Gt, Miall, 1996). Overall, these deposits can be northern/central Andes, several authors (Hastenrath,
interpreted as representing large gravel-braided rivers, 1981; Hastenrath and Kutzbach, 1985; Heine and
lacking mudflow deposits in their distal part (Chris- Heine, 1996) indicate that climate was not only cooler
tophoul et al., 2002). To the south, the fluvial deposits but also more arid during the LGM in the Amazon
are covered with upper lahar deposits issued from the basin whereas other authors indicate cool but wet
Sangay volcano. The Mera erosion surface cut across conditions from 30 to 15 ka BP in the Peruvian
the fluvial deposits in the north and the upper lahar Altiplano (Seltzer et al., 2002). In Ecuador, the
deposits in the south (Bès de Berc, 2003). Palae- moraines related to the LGM are 14C dated between
ocurrent data indicate a west–east mean flow direction b25 and N15 ka (Heine, 2000, Table 1) although the
in the west diverging to SW–NE and NW–SE in the maximum extent of glaciers is estimated to be reached
east. Together these data indicate a typical alluvial fan between 30 and 25 14C ka BP (Heine, 2000, p. 10, line
drainage system in a depositional phase (Räsänen et 8). A shift to a greater aridity is inferred at about 25 14C
al., 1992; Christophoul et al., 2002). ka BP and the terminal moraines of the LGM glaciers
The depositional period considered in the present formed between 25 and 16 14C ka BP are ascribed to
paper covers the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the glacier shrink because of increased aridity (but not
358 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380

increased temperature). Therefore, the period 20–18 3. Geomorphology and drainage

C ka BP would be in Ecuador a more arid period
(Heine, 2000, Fig. 4). In the southern Interandean The Mera plateau is well apparent in the proximal
Depression, pollen analyses indicate that climate was part of the fan (the dmesa of MeraT, as originally
cooler and moister than today during the late-glacial termed by Tschopp, 1953), with elevations between
period (17,000–11,000 cal. years BP, Rodbell et al., 1100 and 1000 m a.s.l., and 90 to 135 m above the
1999; Hansen et al., 2003). According to Keefer et al. present-day Rio Pastaza. This plateau corresponds to
(2003), 10 severe El Niño events took place between the hardened Mera surface that cut across the fluvial
ca. 38,200 and 12,900 cal. years ago (Keefer et al., deposits of the upper Mera Formation to the north and
2003). For Clapperton et al. (1997), a significant re- across the lahars that rest over (and not within) these
advance of glaciers occurred during the YD (11,000 to fluvial deposits to the south (Bès de Berc, 2003). The
10,000 14C years BP), whereas for Heine and Heine erosion that was at the origin of the Mera surface
(1996) and Heine (1995, 2000), this advance took smoothed out the previous fluvial landscape, and
place at least 500 years later. Storms-induced lake preserved the hinges of active folds where these folds
deposits in the Interandean depression suggest that El deformed the less erodible Cretaceous and Palaeocene
Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) became significant strata. This surface will be used hereafter as a
there only after ~5 ka, with highest spectral density and reference surface for studying tectonic deformation.
frequencies between ~3.5 and 2.6 ka and during the The plateau edge is marked by a semi-circular
last 660 years (Rodbell et al., 1999). The other climatic aggregate of large (z5 km), spoon-shaped landslide
data for the Holocene in the Interandean Depression scars now vegetated, cutting the Mesa/Mera Fm. and
based on vegetational changes (Hansen et al., 2003) are underlying deposits (Figs. 2–4). The landslide line is
less relevant to the Subandean Zone and upper situated at ~25 to 50 km to the east of the apex of the
Amazonian foreland because local climatic fluctua- fan, approximately in continuity with the front of the
tions, notably aridity, are highly dependent on the Napo and Cutucu thrust culminations (Figs. 2–4).
prevailing winds and the Interandean Depression may Vertical failure is as high as 800 m and the landslide
have been influenced by winds from the west as well as line forms a major jump in the present-day topo-
from the east (Hansen et al., 2003). Data from the graphic surface.
Amazonian lowland are therefore more convenient to The drainage is characterized by the presence of
the Subandean Zone and upper Amazonian foreland, two major antecedent rivers, the Rio Napo (and its
although obtained at greater distances from the studied principal tributary, the Rio Aguarico) to the north, and
area. According to Weng et al.’s (2002) analyses of the Rio Pastaza (main tributary of the Rio Marañon in
sediment core in the Yasuni National Park, moist Peru) to the south, with catchments situated in the
tropical rain forest has developed throughout the eastern slopes of the western Cordillera and the
Holocene with, however, climatic oscillations recorded Interandean Depression (Fig. 4).
by vegetational changes (Weng et al., 2002). Accord- Today, the Rio Pastaza and the Rio Napo diverge
ing to these authors, severe droughts occurred in the and flow on either side of the Pliocene–Pleistocene
period 8700–5800 cal years BP, and should be megafan, the Rio Pastaza taking a direction sub-
correlated with other records from Amazonia, adjacent parallel to the range east of the Cutucu dome. The
savannas and the Andes (Hastenrath and Kutzbach, watershed divide appears to be determined by the
1985; Frost, 1988; Behling and Hooghiemstra, 1998, axial culminations aligned E–W of the Mirador and
1999). This period should be thus correlated with the Bobonaza anticlines that deform the surface of the
reduced El Niño activity evidenced in the Interandean Mera plateau (Figs. 2–4). This watershed divide
Depression (Rodbell et al., 1999). This was followed marks the northern boundary of the modern Pastaza
by more uniform and wetter conditions with alternating megafan (Figs. 1c and 4). A marked diversion of the
wetter and drier millennial-scale events (Weng et al., modern Pastaza River from west–east to northwest–
2002), which could be correlated with the increased El southeast occurs on the rear of the Mirador anticline
Niño activity inferred in the Interandean Depression (Figs. 2–5). The former course of the Pastaza River
(Rodbell et al., 1999). is marked by a wind gap representing the uplifted
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 359

former water gap (Figs. 3 and 5). A recent stream, evidenced in the Finisterre Mountains of Papua New
the Rio Puyo positioned in prolongation of the Guinea (Hovius et al., 1998) with the difference that,
uppermost Pastaza valley and presently sourced in in our study area, landslide-controlled valleys will
the forelimb of the Cosanga (Abitagua) fault-bend connect to the antecedent drainage downstream of the
fold, traverses the Mirador anticline (Figs. 3 and 5). deformed region.
An older diversion of the Pastaza is visible within East of the landslide line, the Upper Amazonian
the Eastern Cordillera along the Santa Ines thrust- basin is characterized by the presence of a well
fault and the western boundary of the Abitagua preserved east-dipping planar geomorphic surface
granite (Figs. 2–4). The Rio Puyo is sourced in the dissected by the streams issued from the landslides,
wind gap prolonging the uppermost reach of the which has created characteristic chevron morphology.
Pastaza River (Figs. 2, 3, 5, 13d). North of the Rio The average slope is 0.458 or 8x. A proper drainage
Puyo, the Rio Anzu traverses the Mirador anticline network develops in each of the chevrons, showing
through a V-shaped water gap, first trending NW–SE elongate sub-basins, along-slope sub-parallel drains,
and then SW–NE (Figs. 5 and 13d). Like the major few tributaries at low angle to the main channel and
Napo and Pastaza Rivers, the Rio Anzu and the Rio stream order (Strälher, 1952) rather low (z3). This
Puyo are diverted to the north and to south on either might be at first sight interpreted as the antecedent
side of the E–W-trending line joining the axial distributary pattern on the fan surface. However, this
culminations of the Mirador and Bobonaza folds. interpretation is opposed, at least in the upper part of
The upper Pastaza valley containing Mera conglom- the chevrons, by several lines of evidence: (1) all the
erates west of the westernmost diversion is the only streams are erosive with no aggradation; (2) the
preserved morphological remnant of the paleo- streams initiate at some hundred metres or more
Pastaza valley. In the Subandean Zone, only channel downstream of the chevron edge; (3) the drainage is
fills are observed in river banks and road cuts under highly immature and no traces of an antecedent fluvial
the Mera surface. Palaeocurrent measurements indi- network passing across the chevron edges are
cate radial dispersion, thus showing that the Plio- observed here. This indicates that erosional planation
cene–Pleistocene fan originated at the outlet of the erased, at least in its upper part, the pre-existing
paleo-Pastaza River, and bear evidence of a smaller drainage having built the Pliocene–Pleistocene Pas-
second-order fan formed at the outlet of the Napo taza megafan. Therefore, it is likely that this surface
River (Christophoul et al., 2002). was the eastern continuation of the Mera surface
Another significant feature of the Mera plateau and separated by thrusting from its western part.
upper Amazonian basin, which constitute the former Most of the newly formed streams fan out from a
proximal part of the Pastaza megafan, is that both the common catchment determined by the landslide line
newly formed and antecedent rivers are all incising (Fig. 4). The streams issued from the landslide walls
the Mesa/Mera Fm. and underlying sediment, and no incise the chaotic deposits remaining from the debris
overbank sedimentation has been observed. There, the lobes formed as a result of failure of the Mesa–Mera
Holocene terraces show a limited lateral expansion, and underlying formations (Figs. 2, 3a, 5). The
even though thickness of alluvium may attain ~3 m morphology of the valley-head landslide structures
(Figs. 6 and 7). Therefore, the Mera surface appears as is well preserved, and fluvial headward erosion cause
a major discontinuity in the history of the Pastaza fan only few of these newly formed streams to propagate
and separates a Pliocene–Pleistocene stage dominated upstream of the landslide scar line (Figs. 2 and 4).
by deposition from a Holocene stage where incision is Catchment expansion is mainly determined by the
largely predominant. backward propagation of the landslide escarpment,
Near the contact with the Napo dome, no land- which is maximum to the east of Puyo in prolongation
slides are observed but slope-parallel incipient fluvial of the Mirador and Bobonaza axial culmination (Figs.
valleys incise the plateau edge, forming upstream 2–4).
deep gorges (Figs. 2–5). This evolution from incipient These streams issued from the landslide-headed
rivers to landslide-controlled large and deep valleys as valleys and the other newly formed rivers sourced
a function of increasing uplift is similar to that within the remnants of the Mera east of the landslide
360 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380



10 km

Rio Pastaza
T1 N
17920 +/- 70 y. BP 90 m
40580 +/- 1030 y. BP

1800 +/- 50 y. BP 20 m

0 1km

T2 : modern stream Alpayacu River deposits

Tufaceous loam
+ Charcoal level Forest bed

Clast-supported gravel (Gmc-Gh)

90 m Rio Alpayacu

2.0 km

Fig. 6. Stepped degradational terraces of the Pastaza and Alpayacu Rivers near Mera. (a) Situation of the cross-sections. (b) Cross-section
perpendicular to the Pastaza valley (C1 in the DEM). (c) Cross section perpendicular to the Alpayacu valley (C2 in the DEM). The 14C dated
beds are shown in C1. In both sections, Mera deposits are grey-coloured and Holocene deposits are left uncoloured.
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 361

Alpayacu deposits 0
Forest bed Soil

Lahar Tuffaceous loam

Forest bed Gt
(40580 +/- 1030 y. BP)

Gmc Gt
Forest bed
(17920 +/- 70 y. BP)

b - Alpayacu
10 m

a - Mera
Fig. 7. (a) Schematic section of the upper part of the Mera deposits overlain by the Alpayacu deposits observed near Mera. (b) Schematic section
of the Alpayacu deposits at 1 km from the preceding outcrop (x=78806V34.92UW, y=01827V20.16US, z=1100 m a.s.l.) showing the location of the
C dated beds. See explanations in text.

line display elongate sub-basins, sub-parallel drains, immature to mature drainage is abrupt and defines a
and tributaries at low angle to the main channels (Fig. hinge line separating the gently sloping and undis-
4). Stream order (Strälher, 1952) of the main turbed lower Amazonian basin from its steeper
tributaries of the Pastaza or Napo rivers is low (V3). sloping upper part (Fig. 4). The divergence of the
As shown above, fluvial headward erosion is limited major antecedent rivers, the absence of other rivers
and adaptation to pre-existing tectonic structures is issued from the plateau and the Eastern Cordillera,
poorly marked. All these elements indicate immaturity and the connection of the newly formed streams to the
of the drainage (Deffontaines and Chorowicz, 1991; mature antecedent distributary rivers (Figs. 3 and 4)
Delcaillau et al., 1998). indicate that these distributary rivers were initially fed
The drainage in the distal Pastaza fan (Amazonian by the former fan apex, then disconnected from it by
lowland) differs considerably from the drainage of the thrust-related uplift and tilting, and finally re-ali-
proximal part (Fig. 4). At 70 to 100 km downstream mented by new streams issued from the landslides and
of the landslide line, fluvial incision gives rise to adjacent areas.
valley-and-range structures characteristic of the Ama-
zonian foreland with large meandering valleys sepa-
rated by low elevation and flat interfluves. Traces of 4. The Mera surface
recent avulsions can be identified, as in the Peruvian
lowland to the south-east of the studied area (Räsänen As pointed out above, the surface of the Mera
et al., 1992). The drainage network is dendritic, the plateau appears as an erosion surface cutting across
sub-basins are more isotropic, the tributaries are at the Mera formation and erasing most of the previous
high angle to the main channels, and the order of the fluvial landscape. This erosion surface is incised
main tributaries of the Pastaza-Marañon and Napo- during subsequent fluvial erosion and no deposition
Aguarico rivers is higher (4 to 5 instead of 3), which is observed above it. The age of this surface is thus
indicates a significantly greater maturity and a lower essential to the interpretation of the geomorphic and
topographic slope (0.228 or 4x). This change from tectonic evolution.
362 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380

The age of the Mera Fm. in the type locality of differing 14C ages given by Colinvaux et al. (1997),
Mera has recently been discussed. According to Liu Bush et al. (1990), Heine (1994) and ourselves on
and Colinvaux (1985), two forest beds separated by nearby but different outcrops.
consolidated lahar deposits have been dated at 26,500 In the south, to the north–west of the Cutucu
C years BP and 33,50014C years BP, respectively. antiformal culmination, fluvial deposits, ~10 m thick,
These ages have been disputed by Heine (1994, 2000) are observed overlying the lahars but topped by the
who obtained ages of 33,700 and 40,55014C years BP Mera surface. These are fine-grained overbank depos-
in a single forest bed overlying lahar deposits he its (lithofacies Fl) locally containing root-rich organic
correlates with Liu and Colinvaux’ (1985) upper bed, layer (lithofacies Fr) and organic layers with no
and concluded that Liu and Colinvaux’ (1985) ages recognizable structures (lithofacies C) probably rep-
are contaminated. New 14C dating has been performed resenting swamp deposits (Bès de Berc, 2003). Rare
at the Beta Analytic Inc. Laboratory (Miami, Florida, channels containing subangular gravels included in a
USA) where pre-treatments applied to samples fine-grained matrix (lithofacies Gmm/Gmg) with
remove all potential contaminants (see the website occasional trough cross bedding (lithofacies Gt) are
http://www.radiocarbon.com/pretreatment.htm). Two also observed. Coal-rich fine-grained layers situated at
forest beds have been dated, the lower one along a the bottom and at the top of these deposits have been
section of the main road of the Pastaza valley, and the dated at 14C 30,920F350 years BP (BETA-171211)
upper one along a new road section in sediments of and 14C 23,670F160 years BP (BETA-171212),
the Rio Alpayacu, at ~1 km from the preceding one respectively (Bès de Berc, 2003). The thickness and
(Fig. 7). the sedimentological characteristics of these deposits
In the Mera section, near the Pastaza River (Figs. 6 indicate that fluvial activity was reduced between
and 7), the lower part of the sediment is composed of ~14C 30,000 and 23,000–24,000 years BP and was
rounded clasts (mainly volcaniclastic with minor insignificant afterward. This also gives an older
metamorphic fragments from the Eastern Cordillera) possible age of ~23,000–24,000 years BP to the onset
with dimensions ranging from b1 cm to 20–50 cm, of the erosion forming the Mera surface.
rather well sorted, included in a volcanic sandy matrix The Alpayacu section (x: 78806V34.92UW; y:
(lithofacies Gh, Gcm). These are arranged into at least 01827V20.16US; z: 1100 m a.s.l., Fig. 7b) comprises
three units, each 15 m thick, with poorly convex a basal part made of unsorted angular volcanic clasts
erosional bases, corresponding to large and shallow included in an ash-rich silty–sandy volcanic matrix
channels. The median part (20 m) is made up of (lithofacies Gmm, Gmg) probably representing the
unsorted angular andesitic clasts (60%) included in an upper part of a lahar flow. As indicated above, the
ash-rich silty–sandy matrix (lithofacies Gmm, Gmg). upper surface of the lahar is hardened, with the
These beds are likely to represent lahar deposits. The presence of an oxidized crust, and represents the
upper surface of the lahar deposits is oxidized and preserved Mera erosion surface. This is succeeded by
hardened and corresponds to the Mera surface. This three units of fluvial deposits with thicknesses of 1 m
surface is covered with 5 m thick matrix-supported or less. Each unit is composed of well sorted and
deposits formed of non-weathered granitic clasts rounded non-weathered granitic gravels, with dimen-
included in a sand-rich matrix, and containing organic sions of b1 to 15 cm, in a poorly weathered
remnants, representing the post-Mera Alpayacu arenaceous matrix, the proportion of which increases
deposits described hereafter. In the Mera deposits, a from bottom to top. This matrix grades upward to a
dforest bedT has been found at 7–8 m over the base of more silty material where organic matter becomes
the lahar flows (Fig. 6a). Its 14C age is 40,580F1030 more and more important. The clasts are frequently
years BP (BETA-169315). No dforest bedsT have been imbricate at the base of the unit and show well-
found in the same formation on the other bank of the characterized trough cross bedding (lithofacies Gt).
Rio Pastaza (Fig. 6). We believe that the so-called These units form shallow and large channels incising
forest beds are discontinuous remnants or local the Mera surface, and could be interpreted as braided
accumulations of trees (log dams?) preserved or to wandering rivers (see Miall, 1996) flowing onto the
transported by lahar flows. This may explain the hardened surface of the lahars. The dated dforest bedT
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 363

is situated at the top of the lowest channel. It appears granite. The orientation of this river and its situation
as woody twigs up to 15 cm in diameter embedded in in the forelimb of the Cosanga anticline is respon-
the silty-organic matrix also containing non-weath- sible for the development of a spectacular asym-
ered gravels of more than 1 cm in size. Locally, metrical arrangement of the terraces (Fig. 6c). All are
woody twigs are found in gravel-rich trough cross covered with a thin blanket of non-weathered granitic
beds. This indicates that wooden fragments were clasts included in a sand-rich matrix originating from
transported by rivers, although probably originating the nearby Abitagua granite, infilling shallow and
from river banks or log dams. Its 14C age is large fluvial channels. As indicated above, the
17,920F100 years BP (BETA-144644). The fluvial deposits resting on the upper terrace contain wooden
deposits are blanketed by a white tuffaceous loam, fragments with 14C age of 17,920F100 years BP
upon which developed the modern soil. These fluvial (BETA-144644).
deposits resting on the higher terrace of the Alpayacu At Mera, the T2 terrace (Fig. 5b) is covered with
River represent the first sediment deposited over the silts containing rare andesitic clasts (lithofacies Sh,
Mera surface. Taken together, the above data indicate Fm), representing overbank deposits. These are over-
that the formation of the Mera erosional surface lain by a black layer of volcanic ashes including
occurred between 14C 23–24 ky and 18 ky BP. This carbonized wood that gave 14C ages of 1800F50
period corresponds to the time of deposition of the years BP (BETA-168282).
LGM terminal moraines (14C dated between b25 and
N15 ka., Heine, 2000, Table 1), which is ascribed to
glacier shrink because of increased aridity (Heine, 6. Terraces of the upper Pastaza valley
2000). This is consistent with the reduction and
cessation of fluvial activity, and the development of Discontinuous degradational terraces are observed
an erosion surface (e.g. Leeder et al., 1998). along the upper Pastaza valley where traversing the
Eastern Cordillera and the western Subandean Zone.
Only recent terraces have been identified and corre-
5. Terraces of the Puyo area lated. The upper Pastaza valley appears in the Eastern
Cordillera as a narrow and deeply incised valley and
Stepped degradational terraces are observed in the few terraces can be followed in continuity. The most
Mera–Puyo area (Figs. 6 and 9a). The Mera erosion complete succession is exposed in the Santa Ines
surface connects to the higher of these terraces in the depression, which appears as a marked enlargement of
upper Pastaza valley. For convenience and contrary to the valley at the junction between the Rio Pastaza and
the common use, the Mera surface/terrace being the the Rio Topo (Figs. 7 and 8). The Santa Ines
reference level will be termed T1 and the younger depression is situated on the backlimb of the Cosanga
ones T2 to T6. The presence of deformed higher anticline (Fig. 2b) and is filled with Mesa/Mera
terraces is suspected, notably on the Cosanga thrust deposits, the hardened upper surface of which forms
sheet (Fig. 3) and, more to the east, on top of the the upper fluvial terrace T1. This terrace is at 1400 m
Mirador anticline, but the forest cover did not allow a a.s.l. and 120 m to 135 m above the present-day
systematic study. Pastaza, and, although 30 m higher, should be
Along the Pastaza valley, a lower terrace T2 correlated stratigraphically and geometrically with
bevelled into the Mera deposits is situated 70 m the Mera plateau. The sediment is formed by debris
below the Mera plateau (T1 terrace) and 20 m above flows with matrix-supported and more or less well-
the Pastaza. Three degradational terraces are bevelled sorted rounded clasts (lithofacies Gci, Gcm), overlain
in the Mesa/Mera Fm. in the right/western bank of by unsorted, matrix-supported angular clasts probably
the Rio Alpayacu, which is a left-bank tributary of representing lahar deposits. This shows that the
the Pastaza (Fig. 6). The Rio Alpayacu flows along lithological succession is similar to that observed at
the trace of the Cosanga thrust fault, between the Mera. The T1 terrace is no longer visible to the west.
forelimb of the Cosanga anticline and the backlimb Five younger terraces are observed in the Santa
of the Mirador anticline, and drains the Abitagua Ines depression (Figs. 3a, 8, 9b). In any case, lateral
364 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380



Dep ta Inès




a gr

0 5km

T1 120 m

60 m
Lava Flow
1470<Age<2215 y.BP 14C
Flood plain : 1070+/- 65 y.BP 14C T3 35 m

T4 15 m
T6 T5 0 500m

Clast-supported gravel
Modern stream deposits
(Gmc - Gh)
Bedrock Columnar lava

Fig. 8. Degradational terraces of the Pastaza River in the Santa Ines Depression. See description in text.

incision is limited. The T2 Terrace is sealed there by rich pyroclastic flow containing charcoal dated at
a thick lava flow, made of a two pyroxene andesite, 2215F90 14C years BP and predates an ash fall layer
issued from the Tungurahua volcano, 30 km in which charcoal gave a 14C age of 1470F85 years
upstream, and known as the dJuive Chico Pre-historic BP. The elevation of this terrace above the Pastaza
flowT (Hall et al., 1999). Therefore, the base of this varies from 30 m in the west to 45 m in the east.
lava flow can be used as a reference level for the Although the age of the fluvial deposits underlying
entire upper Pastaza. Its thickness varies from 80 m the lava flow cannot be determined, the ages above
in the west (Baños) to 15 m in the east. According to constrain the age of contact between the lava flow
Hall et al. (1999), this lava flow postdates a scoria- and the fluvial deposits. This enables us to correlate
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 365

Abitagua granite







Fig. 9. (a) Incision of the terrace T1 by the Pastaza River near Mera, viewed from the west. (b) Terraces of the Santa Ines Depression viewed
from the west. Note the importance of the modern incision (bottom right).

the T2 terrace of the upper Pastaza with the lower incision at the origin of the T2 terrace reduced
fluvial terrace of the Mera area dated at 1800F50 vertical incision, which is localized at the contact
C years BP. The lava flow postdating the lateral between the lava flow and the metamorphic base-
366 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380

-78.5° -78.2°

1 San Francisco

0 5 km
1- Agoyan 2- Paílon del Diablo

100 m

Andesitic Lava Flow Andesitic Lava Flow

1470<Age<2215 y.BP

Rio Pastaza
T2 Columnar lava

Debris Flow (Gcm)

0 500 m

Modern stream deposits Lava flow of Tungurahua

Clast-supported gravel (Gcm)

Paleochannel of Pastaza


Fig. 10. T2 terrace in the upper Pastaza near Baños in the Eastern Cordillera. The presence of the resistant andesitic lava flow caused incision to
be located at the contact between the lava flow and the metamorphic bedrock.

ment, and delayed the abandon of T2. Headward above the modern Rio Pastaza and is covered with
erosion is responsible for a retreating lithological flood plain deposits 2 to 3 m thick (Figs. 8 and 9b).
knick point represented by the well-known Agoyan Pits excavated in these deposits showed sandy loam
falls (Figs. 10 and 11). and clay horizons with disseminated charcoal at
The T3 terrace is only found on the left bank of the depths between 0.8 and 1 m. Dating of charcoal at
Pastaza. This terrace appears as a degradational the University of Lyon (France) gave a 14C age of
terrace bevelled in the Mesa/Mera deposits 35 m 1070F65 years BP (LY 11080).
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 367







Photo 2
Past Agoyan fall Photo 1
a T1 E
prof za River T2 T1
ile T2 Mirador 1500
T2 T1 Bobonaza

0 20 km Landslide 1000
Alpayacu scar

Southward 500
deviation of
the Pastaza

Fig. 11. Long profile of the Pastaza River and terraces T1 and T2 showing fault offsets, downstream divergence of T1 with respect to the
present-day Pastaza in the backlimbs of the Cosanga, Mirador and Bobonaza thrust-related folds and convergence of the same T1 in the
forelimbs of the Cosanga and Mirador folds. Note that the profile of the Pastaza prolonged east of its diversion is at the same level as the Mera
plateau on the eastern side of the Mirador forethrust. Elevations in m a.s.l.

The T4 and T5 terraces are 15 and 10 m above the the T2 terrace, this gives a minimum average incision
present stream, respectively. The T6 terrace corre- rate of 0.43 cm year 1. Incision of T2 terrace dated at
sponds to the deposits of the major bed of the present- 1800F50 14C years BP (1712 cal years BP) until
day Pastaza River (Fig. 8). today gives a markedly higher minimum average
The T3 to T6 terraces are not found in the west, incision rate of ~1.10 cm year 1 (Fig. 12a).
upstream of the Santa Ines depression, because of the In the Santa Ines depression, incision of T1 and
presence of the lava flow and the localization of underlying Mesa/Mera sediments (120 m) gives a
vertical incision at the contact between this lava flow minimum average incision rate of 0.67 cm year 1.
and the metamorphic basement. Incision achieved until the formation of T2 (75 m in
~1800 years) gives a minimum average rate of 0.46
cm year 1 (Fig. 12a). Incision of T2 is likely to have
7. Incision and fault uplift rates been significantly delayed by the presence of the less
erodible lava flow. However, the presence of such a
Near Mera, the Mera plateau/T1 terrace situated 90 relatively thick and strong bed must have enhanced
m above the present-day river and having a 14C age of local headward erosion by lowering the relative local
17,920F100 years BP gives a minimum average base level. To avoid problems relating to the incision
incision rate of ~0.5 cm year 1 from 18,000 years BP of the lava flow, minimum average incision has been
to now. If we consider the incision necessary to bevel calculated using the base of the lava flow as the
368 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380

a reference level. When doing so, incision of the

sediment underlying T2 gives a minimum average

rate of 2.22 cm year 1 whereas the incision from the

formation of T2 to the formation of T3 is of 1.36 cm


year 1 (Fig. 12a). Minimum average incision rate

from the formation of T3 to present is 2.80 cm year 1
(Fig. 12a). Because abandon of the terraces is
necessarily younger than terrace formation and cannot
be determined with accuracy, actual incision rates
were probably still higher. In any event, this indicates

a marked increase in incision rate from late Pleisto-


cene to now (Fig. 12a).

About 20 km to the west of Santa Ines, near the
s village of Baños, the incised thickness of T2 deposits
2 Ba .7 is ~30 m and the average incision rate of ~1.7 cm
10 1 36
1 1. 1. year 1(Fig. 12a), which is less rapid than at Santa
2 . 8
100 150 Ines.
Incision, m In order to define the incision profile and the
b deformation of the terraces, a section was constructed

along the Pastaza valley (Fig. 11) using 1/50,000

ng Ine t fa
sa ta rus
fo s

18 maps, air-photos and Savane software (nIRD), and

7 r fo old

CoSan reth
st fault

controlled by field differential GPS measurements.

0.6 rado dor f


The long profile of the Rio Pastaza was used as a

Mi Mira
nga thru

reference level for calculating the relative elevation of


the terraces and of the preserved fold hinges (see Lavé

0.12 Cosa

and Avouac, 2000; Formento-Trigilio et al., 2002).


The present-day Pastaza River profile is taken as


reference because the absence of knick points down-

stream of the Agoyan falls strongly suggests that this
profile is close to the local equilibrium profile (in fact,
local steady state profile after Willett and Brandon,
2002). As expected, this shows a divergence of both
T1 and T2 terraces with respect to the present-day
2 profile of the Rio Pastaza in the backlimb of the Santa
Ines–Cosanga, Mirador and Bobonaza folds and a
100 150 convergence in the forelimbs of the Santa Ines–
Incision, fault offset, m Cosanga and Mirador anticlines. This also shows
Fig. 12. Incision and fault offsets in the Pastaza valley. (a) Incisions vertical offsets of ~20–25 m along the major thrust
and incisions rates in the Mera, Santa Ines and upper Pastaza faults situated west of the Mirador fold and 120 m
terraces. Incisions rates are indicated on the curves in cm year 1. along the Mirador forethrust fault.
These values represent dregionalT incision/uplift (see explanation in In order to estimate fold-induced deformation of
text). (b) Incisions of the terrace T1 and incision rates from 18,000
years to now in the Mera and Santa Ines terraces (continuous line),
the terraces and associated uplift/downfall, kink-like
and in the hinge of the reconstructed Cosanga (Abitagua) and folds were constructed by prolonging geometrically
Mirador folds (short-dashed line). Fault offsets and fault offset rates the preserved diverging and converging terraces. Fold
are indicated for the Cosanga fault and the Mirador forethrust fault hinges so constructed fall just along the axial surface
(large-dashed line). Note that additional incision due to folding is of the preserved dpreviousT folds, which indicates
relatively small compared to dregionalT incision. Fault offset along
the Cosanga fault is also relatively small whereas the offset along
ongoing folding. The difference in elevation between
the Mirador forethrust fault is similar to dregionalT incision. river profile and fold profile (folded terraces) meas-
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 369

ures the incision along any vertical line cutting the 0.33 cm year 1. It is of interest to note that in the
profiles and is thus greater in anticlinal hinges and Pastaza valley, 3 km southeast of the section, the fault
smaller in synclinal hinges. This gives maximum offset along the Mirador backthrust fault vanishes.
values of ~0.83 cm year 1 for the Cosanga anticline Fault offsets along two southern branches of the
and ~0.56 cm year 1 for the Mirador anticline (Fig. Mirador forethrust are only 18F1 and 21F1 m, which
12b). gives fault uplift rates of ~0.1F0.01 to 0.12F0.01 cm
The position of the Mera surface in the hanging year 1. It was impossible there to measure the angle
wall of the Mirador thrust fault can be considered as between T1 and the river profile. These data
representing the local base level before the Pastaza compared with those 3 km to the north are other
River was diverted southeastward. This allows sepa- evidence that the faster growth of the axial culmina-
rating the incision resulting from fold growth from tion of the Mirador fault is related to a local greater
dregionalT incision assumed to be constant in the displacement rate along the Mirador forethrust fault.
considered thrust sheet. The distinction between This also suggests that the Mirador thrust–fold
dregionalT, and dlocalT, incision/fault offset is made continued to propagate after the Pastaza River was
by graphically elevating the Pastaza long profile from diverted.
the height of the footwall of the Mirador thrust fault to It was possible to measure the angle between the
the height of its hanging wall. In the hinge of the terrace T2 and the river profile in the upper Pastaza
Santa Ines–Cosanga anticline, the projected profile of valley thanks to the thickness of sediment underlying
T1 is 30 m above the projected river profile, which the dJuive Chico pre-historicT lava flow from the
gives a fold uplift rate of ~0.16 cm year 1. The same village of Baños (30 m) to the village of San
calculation procedure gives a fold uplift rate of 0.25 Francisco (45 m). This reveals a small (0.078) but
cm year 1 for the Mirador anticline, the backthrust significant divergence angle between T2 and the
fault offset not being comprised. Adding thrust fault present-day Pastaza profile.
offset rate to fold uplift rate gives fault-and-thrust
uplift rate, that is, local tectonic uplift. Thrust fault
offset is of 23F1 m along the Cosanga thrust fault, in 8. Discussion
front of the Cosanga fold and of 15F1 m along the
Mirador backthrust fault. This gives local uplift rates 8.1. Tectonic controls of drainage
of ~0.12 cm year 1 and ~0.08 cm year 1, respec-
tively. The offset of 120 m along the Mirador 8.1.1. Diversion of the Rio Pastaza
forethrust fault gives an uplift rate of 0.66 cm year 1 Field and/or numerical models (Burbank et al.,
(Fig. 12b). Adding these to fold uplift rate arrive to 1996; Jackson et al., 1996; Tucker and Slingerland,
values of 0.28 cm year 1 for the Cosanga thrust and 1996; Mueller and Talling, 1997; Humphreys and
fold and ~1 cm year 1 for the Mirador fold and thrust. Konrad, 2000; van der Beek et al., 2002) have
Because of the diversion of the Rio Pastaza immedi- recently established how fold growth may create
ately west of the Mirador fold, fault offset along the fluvial diversions and reciprocally how fluvial diver-
Mirador forethrust fault cannot be directly compared sions may be used to define fold history. In the study
with incision rates obtained using the long-profile of area, the diversions of the Pastaza River and of the
the Pastaza. However, if the profile of the Pastaza Rios Puyo and Anzu can be used in such an analysis
River is prolonged graphically assuming a constant of the tectonic evolution (Figs. 2, 5, 13).
minimum slope down to the contact of the Mirador The upper Pastaza valley where crossing the
frontal fault, it appears that this profile is approx- Eastern Cordillera is directed E–W, and appears to
imately at the same level as the Mera plateau on the be in continuity with the axis of the Pliocene–
eastern side of this fault (Fig. 11). This indicates that Pleistocene fan it fed when debouching from this
dregionalT incision is there practically identical to fault range (Christophoul et al., 2002). Within the Eastern
uplift. Measuring the rates of fold uplift and fault slip Cordillera, the diversion of the Pastaza from the axis
along the Mirador backthrust fault with respect to the of the fan by the Cosanga thrust is associated with an
prolonged profile of the Pastaza gives an uplift rate of unusually great thickness of preserved Pleistocene
370 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380

Fig. 13. Schematic evolution of the successive diversions of the Pastaza River as results of fold growth. (a) The antecedent Pastaza river
traverses the Eastern Cordillera, the Cosanga (Abitagua) thrust sheet and the Mirador thrust-related fold trough water gaps. The crest line of the
Cosanga and Mirador anticlines show a marked culmination although the folds are relatively poorly amplified. The Rio Anzu, the Pastaza River
and another stream to the south flow west–east, perpendicular to the thrust–folds. The Pastaza River traverses the incipient Mirador fold through
a water gap. The Rio Anzu is diverted northeastward by the growing Mirador fold. (b) The Eastern Cordillera ceased to grow. The rapid growth
and lateral propagation of the Cosanga (Abitagua) thrust-related fold cause the Pastaza to be diverted and captured by a secondary stream
flowing through a less elevated part of the fold. Disconnected from the upstream reach, the downstream reach of the Pastaza River becomes the
Rio Puyo, which is now sourced in the wind gap representing the uplifted former watergap. The upper reach of the southern stream is captured
by a tributary of the Pastaza River (centre-left). Ongoing growth and lateral propagation of the Mirador fold integrate the previously diverted
reach of the Rio Anzu, thus creating a SW–NE trending watergap (centre). (c) Ongoing growth and lateral propagation of the northern Cosanga
and Mirador thrust-related folds result in the creation of a southeastward diversion slope greater than the former river slope, causing the mighty
Pastaza to be diverted southeastward. In the same time, the depression created between the Cosanga and Mirador folds forces the previously E–
W-flowing rivers to flow north–south, parallel to the folds. This results in the formation of the Rio Alpayacu and in the capture by the Rio Anzu
of the northernmost stream. The former Rio Puyo watergap is transformed into a wind gap. New east–west flowing streams issued from the wind
gaps become tributaries of the Rio Alpayacu. (d) Backtilting of the Mera plateau being maximum east of the Mirador fold causes the Rios Anzu
and Puyo to be diverted on either side of the watershed divide created this way. Backtilting also forces the Pastaza River to flow in the
depression created in front of the Subandean thrust. Newly formed small streams flow east–west, partly occupying the former valleys of the Rios
Anzu, Puyo and Pastaza. ST: Subandean thrust; PR: Pastaza River; R.A.: Rio Anzu; R.P.: Rio Puyo.
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 371

(Mera) sediments in the Santa Ines depression eventual capture by a stream that traversed the
upstream of the Cosanga anticline (Fig. 8). In the anticline in a part of this anticline less rapidly elevated
wind gap representing the former water gap through by fold growth. One might wonder, however, why the
the Cosanga anticline (Figs. 2 and 5), the same mighty Rio Pastaza did not incise the thrust sheet
Pleistocene sediments appear as a condensed series whereas smaller rivers did. According to Humphreys
overlying the Abitagua granite which constitutes the and Konrad (2000), stream power and related capa-
core of this anticline (Bès de Berc, 2003). This bility of incising is not the determining factor in the
strongly suggests that both diversion and deposition control of river incision or diversion. For these
are related to the propagation of the Cosanga thrust authors, the decrease in, or inversion of, slope caused
(Fig. 13b) but that the diversion was older than the by the deposition associated to tectonic uplift and
Mera erosion. This also indicates that the propagation sediment flux are the most influential variables. If so,
of the Cosanga thrust occurred during the Pleistocene. the high sedimentation rate of the Mesa/Mera for-
The Rio Puyo flowing west–east in the prolonga- mation caused by the high sediment flux of the
tion of the upper Pastaza valley (Figs. 3–5) is likely to Pastaza resulting from the intense erosion in the
represent the former downstream continuation of the catchment area (see Tucker and Slingerland, 1996;
Pastaza valley (Fig. 13a) in the early Holocene. The Whipple and Trayler, 1996; Allen and Hovius, 1998),
wind gap situated in prolongation of the upper Pastaza and the uplift of the Abitagua granitic thrust sheet,
west of the present-day source of the Rio Puyo in the have resulted in a rapid decrease in, and then
eastern flank of the Mirador fold (Fig. 5) is thus likely inversion of, slope of the river bed behind the thrust
to represent the uplifted former water gap through (Figs. 2, 11, 13a,b). In fact, strata tilting in the
which the Pastaza previously traversed the Cosanga backlimb of the fold is likely to have greatly enhanced
thrust sheet. Careful observation of air photos reveals slope inversion (see e.g. Jackson et al., 1996 or van
that the Rio Puyo was sourced in the Cosanga wind der Beek et al., 2002), which is well apparent in the
gap after the Pastaza was diverted, and was only long profile of Fig. 11. It seems also obvious that the
recently disconnected from this source, when the diversion of the Pastaza by the Mirador fold is due to
upper reach was captured by the Rio Alpayacu (Fig. an inversion of slope and ongoing development of a
13c). The range-parallel Rio Alpayacu flowing in the steeper diversion slope to the southeast because of the
front-syncline of the Cosanga thrust–fold is likely to rapid uplift of the axial culmination (Figs. 2, 11, 13c).
have formed as a longitudinal stream resulting from This is shown, in particular, by the southwestward
thrust propagation, which indicates that the Cosanga avulsions of the Pastaza south of the southern end of
thrust was still active during the early Holocene. The the Mirador anticline (Fig. 2). As a support of
antecedence with respect to the Mirador fold of the Burbank et al.’s (1996) and Humphreys and Konrad’s
Rio Puyo and also of the nearby Rio Anzu to the (2000) models, the Rio Puyo situated in a less raised
north, is obvious because the Mera strata and the Mera part of the fold hinge has continued to incise through
surface are deformed, although less than the basement the Mirador anticline after it was disconnected from
strata, by the fold (Figs. 2, 3a, 10a), and no younger the upstream reach of the Pastaza although being
depositional events can have been responsible for an much less powerful than the Pastaza which has been
eventual surimposition. The diversion of the modern diverted (Fig. 13c).
Pastaza in the rear of the Mirador fold and the The V-shaped water gap of the Rio Anzu within the
presence of a wind gap in the fold, in prolongation of Mirador fold can be interpreted a result of a northward
the upper Pastaza valley, is well apparent in the DEM diversion of this river by the growing northern edge of
(Figs. 2, 5, 11a). This indicates that the growth of the the Mirador fold followed by the capture of a north–
Mirador anticline postdated the propagation of the south-flowing stream during ongoing fold growth
Cosanga thrust (Fig. 13b,c). As proposed by Burbank (Fig. 13a,b,c).
et al. (1996) in the Wheeler ridge (CA, USA) fault- The Rio Anzu and the former Rio Puyo being
propagation fold, uplift near the axial culmination of diverted northward on the northern side of the
the anticline will raise up the local base level faster apparently E–W flexure of the central Mera plateau,
than sideways, which results in a diversion and an and the Pastaza River together with the present-day
372 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380

Rio Puyo being diverted southward on the southern concurrently with aggradation and overbank sedimen-
side of this flexure (Figs. 4, 5, 13d) is additional tation along another (Schumm et al., 1987). In
evidence of the recent (b18,000 years BP) tectonic contrast, aggradation is systematic in the Holocene
control of the drainage by the backlimb of the frontal terraces of the Amazonian lowlands (Räsänen et al.,
Bobonaza thrust-related fold. The watershed divide 1992; Weng et al., 2002) with average deposition rates
between the Napo-Aguarico and Pastaza-Marañon of 0.4 to 1.1 mm year 1 in the early and middle
drainage basins being constituted by the apparent Holocene, and ~ 4.7 mm year 1 in the late Holocene
prolongation of this structure into the upper Ama- near the Rio Napo in the Yasuni National Park, NE
zonian basin indicates that tectonic control was felt at Ecuador (Weng et al., 2002). This and the preserved
a great distance from the driving tectonic structure. remnants of the Mera surface east of the landslide line
indicate that the tectonically uplifted/tilted upper
8.1.2. Evolution of the drainage system Pliocene–Pleistocene Pastaza fan is not in sedimentary
The control of newly formed drains by large-scale steady state and that the depositional area migrated
landslides and backward expansion of landslide scars eastward during the Holocene beyond the hinge line
observed here is similar to the phase of rapid separating the tectonically induced immature area and
catchment expansion by landslide escarpment retreat the undisturbed Amazonian lowland.
inferred in the Finisterre Mountains (Papua New The general immaturity of the newly formed
Guinea) to be characteristic of pre-steady state top- drainage whether controlled by landslides or by the
ography (Hovius et al., 1998). Another line of growth of the Mirador and Bobonaza axial culmina-
evidence of the immaturity of the tectonic-erosional tions (Figs. 4 and 13d) confirms the tectonic control of
system is provided by the overall evolution of the the drainage. It should be pointed out that because of
drainage. the very wet climate of this area, maturation of the
As pointed out above, the drainage system evolves drainage system will be much more rapid than in drier
from west to east from highly immature in the regions. The age of the deformed and/or slided Mera
proximal part of the fan to mature in the distal Plateau indicates that this immature drainage is
Amazonian part (Fig. 4). Immaturity of the drainage younger than 18,000 years BP. Because these newly
in active mountain belts characterizes growing tec- formed streams drain the eastern slopes of the
tonic structures as exemplified in the foothills of Ecuadorian Cordillera and provide a non-negligible
Central Taiwan where climatic and topographic part of the water feeding the Amazonian sediment-rich
characteristics are grossly similar to those encountered dwhite-water riversT, it should be stated that, under
here (Delcaillau et al., 1998; Delcaillau, 2001). The such wet tropical conditions, the time during which a
marked contrast in maturity between the upper and drainage network providing a non-negligible part of
lower part of the fan (Fig. 4) demonstrates that the the water to the largest river in the world develops
proximal part was, and is still growing while the distal may be as short as 18,000 years. This appears to be
part was and is in a steady (or perhaps subsiding) much shorter than commonly admitted, even though
state. Since the local base level in the distal part the most favourable conditions are here met.
cannot have fallen and more probably rose (Roddaz et
al., 2005), this indicates an overall uplift of the upper 8.2. Tectonic incision vs. climate-induced incision
fan, the Subandean Zone and the Eastern Cordillera
during the achievement of the present-day drainage Incision of growing relief by antecedent rivers is
network. increasingly used by tectonic geomorphologists as a
Another significant characteristic of the Mera proxy to measure the vertical component of mountain
plateau is that the newly formed rivers as well as growth, provided that the base level did not change or
the antecedent ones are all incising the Mesa/Mera the original long-profile could be reconstructed
Fm. and underlying sediment, and no overbank (Molnar et al., 1994; Lavé and Avouac, 2000;
sedimentation has been observed. This cannot be a Formento-Trigilio et al., 2002). Erosion, however, is
result of an autocyclic process of fan construction in dependant not only on climatic factors such as late-
which entrenchment along a given stream must occur glacial discharges or changes in the regime of
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 373

precipitations (e.g. Bull, 1991; Tucker and Slinger- increased water discharge causes enhanced incision
land, 1996; Reheis et al., 1996; Leeder et al., 1998; leading the former bed of the river as an abandoned
Formento-Trigilio et al., 2002; Schilden et al., 2002), strath (Burbank and Anderson, 2001, p. 24). In
but also on local tectonic factors such as backlimb practise, the case studies in which the mechanisms
subsidence or forelimb erosion (e.g. Suppe et al., of formation of terraces or local aggradational fills
1992; Burbank et al., 1996; Ford et al., 1997). In areas have been ascribed to climatic forcing invoke
where active tectonics are inferred, tectonic uplift and catastrophic precipitations during otherwise subtle
its control on sedimentation and basin formation have climatic changes (Hsieh and Knuepfer, 2001), with-
been often emphasized without considering terrace drawn of glacial dams (e.g. Brocard et al., 2003) or
formation (e.g. Burbank et al., 1996; Mueller and landslide damming together with an influx of sedi-
Talling, 1997; Mueller and Suppe, 1997; Delcaillau et ment exceeding the transport capacity to reduce the
al., 1998; Delcaillau, 2001; Wesnousky et al., 1999; river gradient responsible for aggradation (Pratt et al.,
Lavé and Avouac, 2000; Van der Woerd et al., 2001). 2002). However, tectonically induced decrease in
Where both tectonic activity and terrace formation slope whether caused by earthquakes (e.g. the Mis-
have been considered, the authors have frequently sissippi River where crossed by the New Madrid
envisioned tectonic uplift as a long term continuous seismic zone, Russ, 1982; Schumm et al., 2000) or
event and terrace abandonment as a result of discrete folding (e.g. Wheeler Ridge, Burbank et al., 1996)
climatic events (e.g. Hsieh and Knuepfer, 2001; will also decrease stream power and the capacity of
Formento-Trigilio et al., 2002; Brocard et al., 2003). transporting sediment, and thus lateral incision.
It is obvious that terraces are able to form and to be Excess of sediment might alternatively be caused by
incised on the sole control of climatic factors, in earthquake-induced landslides or downstream tectonic
particular in post-steady state mountains (e.g. Bull, uplift (Pratt et al., 2002; Burbank and Anderson,
1991; Schilden et al., 2002). Development of aggrada- 2001). Again, downfaulting may cause a local base
tional terraces even in tectonically active areas can level drop in the same manner as a rupture of glacial
simply result from long-profile changes due to or rockfall dams.
changes in stream power (Whipple and Tucker, Considering tectonic uplift as a continuous long
1999) in sediment load, bed roughness or other term event, that is aseismic folding/thrusting, is also to
variables independent of tectonics that cause down- be discussed in areas where there are evidences of
cutting to follow aggradation (see Burbank and active, earthquake-generating, faulting. In these areas,
Anderson, 2001, p. 22). Formation of strath or the tectonic events are in fact as discrete as the
degradational terraces such as those studied in the climatic events. The recurrence time of major earth-
present paper has been variously interpreted. Some quakes or of major seismic periods can be similar to,
authors have considered that terrace widening could or greater than, that of the major El Niño periods
result from an increase in excess stream power which control the occurrence of catastrophic precip-
available for lateral bank erosion under constant itations (e.g. Keefer, 1984).
incision rates (Merrits et al., 1994) whereas for others, In the following, we will first discuss the origin of
an increase in sediment discharge favour lateral the Mera surface and then the possible climatic or
instead of vertical incision (Formento-Trigilio et al., tectonic causes of the formation of the terraces T2 to
2002). Abandon of terraces has been associated with T6.
tectonic or isostasic uplift of the mountain range (e.g. Although connected to the higher upper Pastaza
Hsieh and Knuepfer, 2001; Formento-Trigilio et al., terrace, the Mera surface must be considered inde-
2002; Brocard et al., 2003) possibly including pendently of the fluvial terraces T2 to T6. As shown
postglacial isostasic rebound (Brocard et al., 2003). above, this erosion surface aged of 14C24–23 to 18 ka
Bevelling of stepped degradational or strath terraces BP formed during a period of increased aridity
have been suggested to result from episodic uplift, in marked by the deposition of the LGM terminal
which periods of quiescence lead to strath cutting, and moraines (14C dated between b25 and N15 ka, Heine,
from climatic changes in which increased water fluxes 2000). This is consistent with the absence of vegeta-
cause lateral planation, or, alternatively, in which tional cover and the cessation of fluvial activity at the
374 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380

time of formation of the surface (see Leeder et al., greatest landslide known in Ecuador (135 km south of
1998). The Mera surface can be considered as the Puyo, 15 km west of the southern prolongation of the
upstream part of a climatically induced erosional Mera plateau), killing 50 people and causing 147
surface penetrating mountain gorges (termed dglacisT millions US dollars damage, occurred in 1993, i.e.
in the French/Mediterranean literature). between the 1982–1983 and 1997–1998 very severe
The origin of the fluvial terraces T2 to T6 must be El Niño events (Demoraes and D’Ercole, 2001).
examined more thoroughly. No terraces formed during Likewise, still more destructive numerous landslides
the severe droughts of the period 8700 to 5800 cal occurred in the Reventador–Baeza area, killing ~1000
years BP (Weng et al., 2002) and the younger terraces, peoples and destroying petrol and gas pipelines in the
T2 to T6 formed during the following wet period. The southern slopes of the northern Eastern Cordillera,
formation of the terraces T2 dated at ~1800 years BP were a result of the March 5, 1987 M~7 earthquake
and T3 dated at~1100 years BP occurred while (Hall, 1991). In both cases, the large amount of
climatic conditions were relatively wet, and those of sediment delivered by these landslides were incised
T4, T5 and T6 when these climatic conditions were and almost entirely removed a few days after, without
relatively dry like today (Weng et al., 2002). forming any terrace (e.g. Hall, 1991). No traces of the
All these terraces are degradational terraces. They landslides related to the severe and frequent 17th-
are younger than the last glacial advance and at no century events are registered in the catalogue of major
time the study area was at a sufficiently close distance historical disasters in eastern Ecuador (Demoraes and
to the glaciers for incision to be caused by rupture of D’Ercole, 2001). Therefore, and still more than today
glacial dams. Log dams as observed in the terrace because of the absence of significant El Niño events at
deposits are largely insufficient to dam a high power this time, the wetter climates of the pre-historical
river such as the Pastaza. Therefore, catastrophic period (Weng et al., 2002) are unlikely to have been
precipitations are the only climatic event to be the cause of large-scale landslides capable of suffi-
considered. Andean regions are particularly sensitive ciently damming the Pastaza River to create even
to El Niño events but quite differently according to the transient aggradational, or degradational terraces. In
latitude and the situation in the range. As indicated any event, whatever time and climate, landslide dams
above, the terraces T4, T5 and T6 formed under could not have formed in the Mera plateau where
climatic conditions similar as today and T2 and T3 hillslopes are lacking.
under still wetter conditions. According to Rodbell et Therefore, tectonics appears here as the most likely
al. (1999), the El Niño events were weaker than today factor of terrace development. As shown earlier, there
when all these terraces formed, thus reducing the is strong evidence of tectonic deformation of the
chance of heavy rainfalls to be at the origin of terrace terraces in the Pastaza valley. Formation and abandon-
abandonment. In fact, as indicated earlier, climate in ment of these terraces might be ascribed to either
the eastern slopes of Ecuadorian Andes and upper downstream earthquake-induced landslides damming
Amazonian basin is characterized by long rainy the valley, or upstream earthquake-induced landslides
periods and no actual dry season. Even during the causing excess sediment to be transported by the river.
last century and the 17th century that are characterized In both cases, the landslides should have been much
by very strong El Niño events (Cobb et al., 2003; larger that the historical or recent ones which did not
Keefer et al., 2003), the landslides associated with leave any terrace. No traces of such landslides and no
these El Niño events in Ecuador were essentially steep traces of aggradational terraces being observed, land-
sloping hillslope-toe landslides occurring on the slide-induced terrace formation cannot be retained. A
western slopes of the Western Cordillera, an area that more direct influence of tectonics is thus to be
is normally much less humid than the Eastern researched.
Cordillera (Demoraes and D’Ercole, 2001). In con- The tectonic observations reported earlier indicate
trast, in the Eastern Cordillera and Amazon basin that the local base level from which the present-day
continuously submitted to the humid Atlantic easterly near-equilibrium profile of the Pastaza River in the
winds, the major landslides were independent of El Mera area was constructed is constituted by the Mera
Niño events. The La Josefina landslide, which is the surface in the footwall of the Mirador thrust fault.
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 375

Eastern Ecuador is presently, and was during the needed for the profile to be restored on a distance of
historical period, an active seismic area. Frequent more than 20 km for vertical base level drops of 120
shallow (depth V20 km) earthquakes with high and 30 m, respectively. This is believed to be a result
magnitudes and intensities have been observed of the very wet climatic conditions and in a lesser
recently and in the historical record in or near the extent of the relatively high slope of the upper
studied area (see Harvard Catalog, 1999; U.S. Geo- Pastaza.
logical Survey, 2003; Instituto Geophysico de la
Escuela Politécnica National, Quito, 1999 for general 8.3. Regional incision vs. local thrust-induced uplift
information and Hall, 1991; Yepes et al., 1996; Baby
et al., 2002 for particular studies). The location of Incision measurements taking the present-day
these events show that they were related with the Pastaza River long profile as a reference are used as
activity of major fault structures (Yepes et al., 1996; a proxy for uplift rates because the absence of knick
Bès de Berc, 2003). Therefore, it is likely that the points downstream of the Agoyan falls strongly
displacement along the thrust faults such as the suggests that this profile is close to the local
Mirador fault was not aseismic and occurred, as in equilibrium profile between the Abitagua granite
the case of most seismic faults, during periods of and the Mirador frontal fault (local steady state,
relatively high seismic activity alternating with Willett and Brandon, 2002). When added, the values
periods of relative seismic quiescence. In this case, we attribute to dregionalT incision and to fold and
the terraces are likely to have been bevelled during thrust-induced uplift rates are of the same order of
periods of relative tectonic quiescence when the magnitude as the uplift rates along the Main Frontal
capacity of the river to incise vertically was reduced Thrust of the Himalaya (Wesnousky et al., 1999; Lavé
as a result of either profile adjustment, or transport of and Avouac, 2000) and the incision rates found in
the sediment previously accumulated in the river Taiwan (Hsieh and Knuepfer, 2001).
catchment during tectonic activity by landsliding, or However, except in the latter case, dregionalT
both. Renewed fault activity during the following incision rates from 18,000 years BP to now are
seismic period will result in local base level fall and significantly higher (0.5 at Mera to 0.67 in the Santa
subsequent downcutting and abandon of the previ- Ines depression) than local tectonic uplift rates (0.28
ously bevelled surfaces. Slope may have also been cm year 1 in the Santa Ines–Cosanga anticline; 0.33
reduced in the near-hanging wall of the thrust fault by cm year 1 in the western Mirador anticline) (Fig.
earthquake-induced local uplift (reverse drag), which 12b). This precludes local thrust-induced uplift as the
may enhance subsequent lateral incision of terraces. controlling factor of high incision rate. As pointed out
The spectacular asymmetrical arrangement of the earlier, the restoration of the steady state part of the
terraces of the Rio Alpayacu (Fig. 6c) situated parallel Pastaza River long profile initiated at the contact of
to, and in the forelimb of, the Cosanga anticline (Figs. the Mirador thrust fault where the uplift rate (~1 cm
2, 11, 13c) appears to be related to the eastward year 1) is by itself similar to those in the Himalaya.
migration of the river during tectonic sloping. If the Therefore, regional uplift as defined above is likely to
interpretation above is correct, bevelling of terraces be related to a long term global uplift of the
rather than simple avulsion should be a result of Interandean Depression, Eastern Cordillera and Sub-
alternating phases of tectonic activity and quiescence. andean Zone, in continuity with that inferred from the
The rapid readjustment of the dequilibriumT profile study of the late Oligocene to Pleistocene deposits
in the conglomeratic substrate of the studied terraces (Delfaud et al., 1999; Spikings et al., 2000; Hunger-
is corroborated by the relative continuity of the bühler et al., 2002; Christophoul et al., 2002). The
terraces T1 and T2, and the small increase in their values of local tectonic uplift being similar for all the
average elevation above the present-day river. On the thrust sheets within the Subandean Zone and Eastern
whole, this indicates that a very short time after the Cordillera and lesser than regional uplift (Fig. 11b)
major faulting events (less than ~16,000 years after indicate that these dlocalT thrusts propagated before
the abandon of T1 and less than 1800 years after the being uplifted as a whole along the Mirador thrust
abandon of T2 downstream of the Agoyan falls) was fault. It should be stressed that the dregionalT uplift
376 S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380

inferred along the Pastaza valley is defined with Burbank and Anderson, 2001, p. 219) of the poorly
respect to a local steady state (after Willett and dissected Mera plateau. From a tectonic viewpoint,
Brandon, 2002) and represents only a minimum this also demonstrates that regional uplift has been a
uplift. This does not account for the uplift of this result of thrusting along a regional-scale low-angle
reference profile together with the whole Mera plateau ramp underlying at least the Subandean and Eastern
with respect to the Amazonian basin. The offsets of Cordilleran thrust sheets, and emerging in front of the
N500 m of the Mera surface along the frontal thrust Subandean Zone (Fig. 14). Although no such a
fault indicate a minimum average uplift rate of 2.8 cm regional-scale low angle ramp has yet been identified
year 1, and thus a minimum average uplift rate of with certainty, it should be pointed out that, if present,
~1.8 cm year 1 of the locally steady part of the tectonic shortening comparable to those in the
Pastaza valley referred to for incision measurements. Peruvian/Bolivian and Colombian Andes is needed
The southward diversion of the non-steady down- for the Ecuadorian Andes to arrive at comparable
stream part of the Pastaza River and the northward elevations.
diversion of the Rio Anzu can be thus interpreted as
results of a late uplift stage of the Mera plateau,
postdating uplift along the Mirador fault. This also 9. Conclusion
provides evidence of pre-steady state uplift (after
The principal geomorphic/tectonic features charac-
terizing the recent and present-day growth of the
Eastern Cordillera and Subandean Zone of northeast-
ern Ecuador that constitute the modern wedge-top,
and of the Holocene Pastaza megafan that represents
the modern wedge-top–foredeep transition and con-
River long-profile tinental foredeep, are the following:
Local uplift
1. Uplift along the wedge front thrust fault of the
proximal part of a former Pliocene–Pleistocene
megafan previously affected by erosional planation
b gives rise to a poorly dissected plateau, the Mera
River long-profile
plateau, incised by two major antecedent rivers
Local uplift issued from behind the wedge front, the Pastaza
Regional uplift and Napo Rivers, and few tributaries.
2. The successive diversions of the Pastaza River as a
result of the propagation of thrust-related folds
indicate that the propagation of the wedge pro-
ceeded by accretion of forward younging thrust
sheets. Rapid uplift of axial anticlinal culminations
Fig. 14. Schematic interpretation of the local and regional thrust- appears to have been more efficient for diverting
induced uplifts and their consequences on the river long-profile. (a) the river than was high stream power for incising
Undeformed state. (b) Faulting and related folding along local thrust the growing folds. Decrease and inversion of river
faults. This faults are those deforming the terraces T1 and T2 of the
Pastaza River shown in Fig. 10. The rapid readjustment of the
slope due to backlimb tilt can be considered as the
equilibrium profile arrives to a local steady state and allows the determining factor for creating a sufficient diver-
measured incision to be taken as representing the local relative sion slope.
uplift. (c) Regional thrust–fault slip essentially localized along a 3. Thrust-related large-scale landslides and down-
regional scale low-angle ramp emerging in front of the system. The stream dipping remnants of the planation surface
regional structures are transported as a whole. Headward erosion has
not been sufficient for the equilibrium profile to be restored after the
in front of the plateau controlled the formation of
thrust-induced base level drop. For convenience, the smaller scale new dwhite-waterT rivers. Rapid landslide retreat
thrust–faults are assumed to be cut by the regional-scale fault. provides high sedimentary charge to these newly
S. Bès de Berc et al. / Tectonophysics 399 (2005) 351–380 377

formed rivers and allows the construction of the 8. Regional uplift is likely to be related to the
modern Pastaza fan downstream of the present-day presence of a regional-scale low angle thrust ramp
wedge front and of the former fan apex. underlying the Subandean Zone, the Eastern
4. The drainage system shows an abrupt change from Cordillera and, at least in part, the Interandean
immature to mature, with a well-defined hinge line. Depression, and emerging locally in front of the
This hinge line represents the probable outer limit Subandean Zone. Such a regional-scale thrusting
of landslide control of drainage. However, the may indicate a tectonic shortening of the Ecua-
watershed divide between the large-scale Napo- dorian Andes comparable to that in the Peruvian/
Aguarico and Pastaza-Marañon drainage basins Bolivian and Colombian Andes on both sides,
owing its origin to the axial anticlinal culminations which is corroborated by similar elevation and
of the Mera plateau indicate that tectonic control relief. The foremost thrusts and related large-scale
may be felt at a great distance from the driving landslides characterize here the transition between
tectonic structure. a narrow though highly deformed wedge and an
5. Although the planation surface is likely to have eastward migrating and widening shallow conti-
been a result of a cool and arid climate during the nental foredeep represented by the modern Pastaza
end of the Last Glacial Maximum, the individu- megafan.
alization of the Holocene degradational terraces
appears to be independent of climatic changes.
These terraces are likely to results from alternat- Acknowlegdments
ing periods of tectonic (seismic) activity and
quiescence. This study was funded by IRD and IFEA and
6. Average incision rates in the plateau were very received financial support from 99 PNSE 59 grant
high and increased from 18,000 14C years BP to bTectonique, érosion et sédimentation du Mio-Plio-
now (0.4 to 2.8 cm year 1). A comparison with cène à l’actuelQ and INSU grant bErosion des AndesQ.
fold-and-thrust fault uplift rates enables us distin- We thank Jacques Evin, Centre de Datations et
guishing between relatively moderate fold and d’Analyses Isotopiques, Laboratoire de Radiocarbone,
thrust-related dlocalT incision and much higher Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, for 14C dating. We
dregionalT incision/uplift. Fault offset rate along are grateful to Petroproducción (filial PetroEcuador)
the major Mirador thrust fault in the central Mera and the Ejercito Naciónal de Ecuador for providing
plateau is similar to regional incision rate upstream various documents and logistic support. During the
of this fault. This and the absence of knick points, completion of this work, we have benefited from
other than lithological, in the long profile of the stimulating discussions with Gérard Hérail, Marco
Pastaza River indicates that incision in the upper Rivadeneira, José Darrozes, Martin Roddaz and
reach of this river was a result of rapid uplift (up to Stéphane Brussset. Benoit Deffontaines and Peter
1 cm year 1) along the Mirador fault followed by a van der Beek are acknowledged for their constructive
rapid restoration of the local equilibrium profile of comments.
this upper reach. dLocalT incision resulted from
previous displacements along smaller thrust faults
to the west. References
7. Uplift of the whole plateau along the wedge front
Allen, P.A., Hovius, N., 1998. Sediment supply from landslide-
thrust fault was still more rapid with a minimum dominated catchments: implications for basin-margin fans.
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