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School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area Cookery Teaching Dates & Time Quarter

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Teacher TLE GROUP Learning Area Cookery

Teaching Dates & May 21-25, 2018 INSET


Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 4

The learners demonstrate an
The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an
understanding, the knowledge skills
A. Content Standards understanding, the knowledge skills understanding, the knowledge skills
attitudes required in preparing
attitudes required in preparing appetizer attitudes required in preparing appetizer
The learners independently prepares
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning
Lo2 Prepare a range of appetizer Lo2 Prepare a range of appetizer Lo2 Prepare a range of appetizer Lo2 Prepare a range of appetizer
Competencies/Objectives (Write the
LC code for each) TLE Heck PA-IC-3 TLE Heck PA-IC-3 TLE Heck PA-IC-3 TLE Heck PA-IC-3
2.2 prepare a variety of appetizer
2.2 prepare a variety of appetizer
2.1 differentiate between hot and 2.2.1 perform the method of
2.2 prepare a variety of appetizer 2.2.1 perform the method of preparing
D. Specific Objectives cold appetizer preparing canapé from a toast
2.2.1 demonstrate the method of canapé from a toast (for group1&2)
2.1.1 give examples of hot and cold (for group3&4)
preparing canapé from a toast 2.3 evaluate the finished product
appetizers 0 2.3 evaluate the finished product
2.4 rate the finish product using rubric
2.4 rate the finish product using rubric

II. CONTENT Varieties of hot/cold appetizer Varieties of hot/cold appetizer


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages Cookery module pp.70-75 Cookery module pp.70-75

4. Additional Materials from Yummy Oct. 2015 Yummy Oct. 2015 Yummy Oct. 2015
Foods their selection, preparation
Learning Resource (LP) Tools, materials, ingredients needed in Tools, materials, ingredients needed in Tools, materials, ingredients needed
portal and cookery pp.1401-103
preparing canapé preparing canapé in preparing canapé
B. Other Learning


Scrambled letters. . Show/present the finished canapé

Show a finished/prepared sample of Show the finished product done during
A. Establishing a purpose for Unscramble them to get a word or a from a toast of group 1&2
canapé from a toast the return demo.
the lesson (Motivation) group of words related to appetizer
Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 4
1. What are the classification of
1. What are the varieties of appetizers?
B. Reviewing yesterday’s 2. How do each variety differ from one
2. Give examples of appetizers
lesson or presenting a new another?
including the material/ingredients on
lesson (Review) 3. Give an example for each variety
how to prepare them

C. Presenting
Out of the scrambled letters formed, *introduced the topic of the day by
examples/instance of the
introduce the topic of the day… showing the prepared sample of canapé
new lesson (Presentation)
(post objectives) from a toast


Group 1 and 2 will perform the proper Group 3 and 4 will perform the
D. Discussing new concepts
method of preparing canapé from a proper method of preparing canapé
and practicing
Each group is given an activity card -DEMONSTRATION- toast observing the standards when from a toast observing the standards
(Leads to Formative Assessment 1)
that contains the question and *the teacher will show the proper method cooking when cooking
(Activity Proper./Discussion)
instruction on what to do… of preparing canapé from a toast
Groups 3 and 4 will evaluate the Groups 1 and 2 will evaluate the
performance of the said groups using the performance of the said groups using
rubrics (see assessment part) the rubrics (see assessment part)

E. Discussing new concepts &

practicing new skills #2 1. How does cold appetizers differ 1. What are the tools equipment
(Leads to Formative Assessment 2) from hot? needed?
(Analysis) 2. What are the examples of cold 2. What are the ingredients to be used?
appetizers/hot appetizers? 3. How is it prepared?

F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Asked 2 volunteers to prepare a canapé
(Return Demonstration) following the steps given as observed on
the demonstration

G. Finding practical
applications of concepts &
skills in daily living
Supposing you are given the task to If you are tasked to prepare a canapé for
(Application) Each of the group member prepared her
prepare an appetizer on your father’s a children’s birthday party, do you know
own canapé from a toast having in mind
60th birthday, which of the varieties of how to prepare it?
the skill, knowledge, attitude acquired
appetizer will you prepare? Why? Yes or no… how?
Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Meeting 4

1. What are the varieties of

appetizers? 1. What are the tools equipment needed?
H. Making generalizations &
2. Why are these varieties of 2. What are the ingredients used?
abstractions about the lesson
appetizer important in any meal 3. How is it prepared?

Paper/Pencil Test Evaluate/rate the following using a

I. Evaluating learning Evaluate/rate the following using a rubric Evaluate/rate the following using a rubric
A. Define the following: rubric
(Assessment) Performance Level product Performance Level product
1. Hot appetizer 2. Cold appetizer Performance Level product
(see attached sheet) (see attached sheet)
B. Give 3 examples for each variety. (see attached sheet)

Each group will choose and decide Groups 1 and 2 bring the necessary
J. Additional activities for Groups 1 and 2 bring the necessary Groups 1 and 2 bring the necessary
which of the variety of appetizers ingredients in preparing canapé from a
application or remediation ingredients in preparing canapé ingredients in preparing canapé
they will prepare toast



A. Number of learners who

earned 80% on the formative

B. Number of learners who

require additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lesson

worked? Number of learners who
have caught up with the lesson

D. Number of learners who

continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation of localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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