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Nutrition and Wellness

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Nutrition and Wellness

Minnesota Department of Education

Academic Standards Course Framework
Nutrition and Wellness
Nutrition and Wellness prepares students for careers in and higher education programs related to nutrition, dietetics, food
science, food research and development, and related careers that focus on assisting individuals and families in managing
their personal, family, and social needs regarding nutrition, diet, and foods. The course of study includes, but is not limited
to: advanced topics and issues in nutrition; advanced food science topics and issues; food and nutrition for individuals
and families with special needs and disadvantaging conditions; topics related to management of daily living needs of
individuals and families; nutrition and foods in child care and convalescent care; topics and issues related to maintaining
the food supply; topics related to cleaning and maintenance, purchasing, and food preparation; managing operations in
food production, food science, or food research and development establishments; providing for the dietary needs of
persons with special requirements; related research, development, and testing. Ethical, legal, and safety issues as well as
helping processes and collaborative ways of working with others are to be addressed. Intensive laboratory experiences
with industry applications are a required component of this course of study. Work-based experiences in food and nutrition
science careers are strongly encouraged.

Recommended: Intro to Basic Foods and Nutrition, Food Preparation

Application of Content and Multiple Hour Offerings

Intensive laboratory applications are a component of this course and may be either school based or work based or a
combination of the two. Work-based learning experiences should be in a closely related industry setting. Instructors shall
have a standards-based training plan for students participating in work-based learning experiences. When a course is
offered for multiple hours per semester, the amount of laboratory application or work-based learning needs to be
increased proportionally.

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)

Career and Technical Student Organizations are considered a powerful instructional tool when integrated into
Career and Technical Education programs. They enhance the knowledge and skills students learn in a course by
allowing a student to participate in a unique program of career and leadership development. Students should be
encouraged to participate in FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America), the CTSO for this area.

FCCLA Student Leadership Opportunities:

STAR Event Nutrition and Wellness
STAR Event- Illustrated Talk
STAR Event National Programs in Action (Student Body)
STAR Event- Food Innovations
Career Investigation *Entrepreneurship *Job Interview *Sports Nutrition
Nutrition and Wellness

21st Century Skills should be an integral part of all courses being taught. These soft skills are the foundation for all
Career and Technical Education.

Critical Thinking and Reasoning: Thinking Deeply, Thinking Differently

Information Literacy: Untangling the Web

Collaboration: Working Together, Learning Together

Self-Direction: Own Your Learning

Invention: Creating Solutions

 Possible Course Titles

1. STEM/STEAM Connections
 Food Product Development
 Food, Health and Nutrition
 Food Processing and Packaging
 Food Safety and Defense
 Food Chemistry
 Food Engineering
 Food Microbiology
 Food Sensory
 Sustainability
 Policy and Regulations
Nutrition and Wellness

1. Career Pathways
Career Field: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources > Career Cluster: >Agriculture, Food, and Natural
Resources> Career Pathways: Food Products and Processing Systems
Career Field: Health Science Technology>Career Cluster: Health Science>Career Pathways:
Biotechnology Research and Development, Diagnostic Services, Support Services, Health Informatics,
Therapeutic Services

FACS=Family and Consumer Sciences
MNW-Minnesota Nutrition and Wellness
STEM=Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
STEAM=Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math
FCCLA=Family, Community, & Career Leaders of America

Topic: Wellness Influences

Minnesota Frameworks: 1.0 Analyze factors that influence nutrition and wellness practices across the lifespan.

National Standard: 14.1 Analyze factors that influence nutrition and wellness practices across the lifespan.

STEM/STEAM Standard: Personal & Community Health

Benchmark: Antibodies in Fighting Diseases
Benchmark: Immune System Responses
Benchmark: Contributions of Cultures
National Minnesota Benchmarks/Competencies
Standard Framework/
Correlation Standard

14.1.1 MNW 1.1 Examine the cultural, social, psychological, and spiritual impact on individual and family

14.1.2 MNW 1.2 Analyze individual and family influences on food choices and other nutritional practices.

14.1.3 MNW 1.3 Analyze the governmental, economic, and technological influences on food choices and

14.1.4 MNW 1.4 Analyze the effects of global and local events and conditions on food choices and practices.
Nutrition and Wellness

Topic: Healthy Lifestyles

Minnesota Frameworks: 2.0 Determine individual needs for health and wellness.

National Standard: 14.2 Evaluate the nutritional needs of individuals and families in relation to health and wellness
across the lifespan

STEM/STEAM Standard: Benchmark: Antibodies in Fighting Disease

National Minnesota Benchmarks/Competencies
Standard Framework/
Correlation Standard

14.2.1 MNW 2.1 Identify the effects of nutrients on health, appearance, and peak performance.

14.2.2 MNW 2.2 Explain the relationship of nutrition and wellness to individual and family health
throughout the lifespan.

14.2.3 MNW 2.3 Explore the effects of food and diet fads, food addictions, and eating disorders on

14.2.4 MNW 2.4 Analyze sources of food and nutrition information, including food labels, related to health
and wellness.

14.2.2 MNW 2.5 Research the long-term effects of food choices

Topic: Dietary Guidelines

Minnesota Frameworks: 3.0 Align nutrition and wellness with individual and family needs.

National Standard: 14.3 Demonstrate ability to acquire and utilize food to meet science-based dietary guidelines in
nutrition and wellness of individuals and families across a lifespan.

STEM/STEAM Standard: Benchmark: Decisions & Health

Benchmark: Proteins in Cells
National Minnesota Benchmarks/Competencies
Standard Framework/
Correlation Standard
14.3.1 MNW 3.1 Apply USDA Dietary Guidelines to meet nutrition and wellness needs, including portion
sizes and nutritional value of food.
14.2.4 MNW 3.2 Describe how to read and interpret food labels.
14.2.1 MNW 3.3 Identify food sources and functions of nutrients on wellness.
14.3.1 MNW 3.4 Compare personal food intake to recommended dietary guidelines.
14.3.2 MNW 3.5 Analyze and apply various dietary guidelines for individual needs.
14.3.2 MNW 3.6 Design dietary strategies that meet health and wellness needs of individuals with special
14.2.2 MNW 3.7 Compare the relationship of nutritional intake and activity levels to health and wellness.
Nutrition and Wellness

Topic: Food Handling

Minnesota Frameworks: 4.0 Demonstrate ability to select, store, prepare and serve nutritious food.

National Standard: 14.3.3 Demonstrate ability to select, store, prepare and serve nutritious and aesthetically pleasing

STEM/STEAM Standard: Benchmark: Units, Measurement and Conversion

Benchmark: Estimate and Accuracy
National Minnesota Benchmarks/Competencies
Standard Framework/
Correlation Standard

14.3.3 MNW 4.1 Comprehend proper measuring equipment, techniques, abbreviations, and equivalents.

14.3.3 MNW 4.2 Demonstrate correct food preparation techniques including nutrient retention.

14.3.3 MNW 4.3 Apply food buying strategies such as calculating food costs, planning food budgets, and
creating market orders.

14.3.3 MNW 4.4 Demonstrate food preparation techniques to reduce overall fat and calories.

14.3.3 MNW 4.5 Practice food presentation appropriate for specific situations.

14.4.1 MNW 4.6 Practice problem solving when planning, preparing, and serving a nutritious meal.

Topic: Food Safety

Minnesota Frameworks: 5.0 Evaluate factors that affect food safety from production through consumption.

National Standard: 14.4 Evaluate factors that affect food safety from production through consumption.

STEM/STEAM Standard:

National Minnesota Benchmarks/Competencies

Standard Framework/
Correlation Standard

14.4.1 MNW 5.1 Identify conditions that promote food safety and handling.

14.4.2 MNW 5.2 Practice food safety and sanitation principles throughout the food preparation process.

14.4.5 MNW 5.3 Analyze food borne illness factors, including causes, foods at risk, and methods of prevention
Nutrition and Wellness

commercially and by individuals and families.

14.4.6 MNW 5.4 Examine public policy and case studies about food safety and sanitation.

Topic: Food Science & Technology

Minnesota Frameworks: 6.0 Evaluate the influence of science and technology on nutrition, food composition, safety.

National Standard: 14.5 Evaluate the influence of science and technology on nutrition, food composition, safety and
other factors.

STEM/STEAM Standard: Benchmark: 9P. Technology and Society Changes

National Minnesota Benchmarks/Competencies
Standard Framework/
Correlation standard

14.5.1 Investigate how scientific and technical advances influence the nutrient content, availability,
and safety of foods.

14.5.2 Examine how the scientific and technical advances in food processing, storage, product
development, and distribution influence nutrition and wellness.

14.5.3 Determine the effects technological advances have had on selection, preparation and home
storage of food.

14.5.4 Analyze the effects of food science and technology on meeting nutritional needs.

Topic: Careers
Content Standard: Analyze jobs and preparation requirements for careers in nutrition and food occupations.

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