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Recovering deleted files from eMMC media is relatively easy. You will need to install a
data recovery tool on an external storage device, such as a micro-SD card, if your
device is equipped with an micro-SD output or an OTG flash drive, if your device
supports USB on-go (OTG). In addition, you can simply install the data recovery tool
on a network drive (create a folder on your desktop computer and start “sharing” the
folder, after which it will appear as a disk partition on the Windows tablet).
Data recovery
4 Answers
Answered May 18, 2015
Just in case anyone is wondering, I managed to get this to work despite the
naysayers ;) Here are just a few hints for anyone crazy enough to attempt this.
Samsung applied some epoxy to the edges of the chip, so use a knife to
just cut it off before attempting to remove the chip.
Hot air gun and tweezers was the best way to pop it off.
These EMMC chips are jelly bean parts so the pinouts are going to be
the same regardless of the vendor for any given package. So don't
bother hunting down the obscure datasheet.
The bulk of the pins are NC, so there's no sense in saying you have to
solder 153 pins.
The specifications are available for free from JEDEC, but all you need
to know is that EMMC is MMC and SD host controllers are backwards
compatible with MMC.
If all goes well you should see the memory card in /dev/ once you plug
the card in.
dd the entire memory to an image file and pray that your solder job
holds up for the entire 16GB transfer
Happy hacking :)
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Stella Tyfanny
Answered Jun 2, 2015
OK! I am not sure whether you’ve recovered your desired data all back from that
eMMC card. But, if you really have no success till now, simply insert that eMMC
card to your Micro SD card adaptor and try to scan this memory card with data
recovery software to see whether your original card data is really recoverable.
Of course, if that eMMC card cannot be connected well to that Micro SD card
adaptor, you also can take chances with another card Reader.
Simply plunge this card reader or adapter to your PC and check whether all
your previous files, pictures and more can be restored with success.
Here is more detailed information for you:
How to recover data from memory card
Also learn to make memory card data backups on different drives in the future.
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Loring Chien, electrical engineer for 40 years, Sr. Life Member IEEE
Updated Sep 10, 2015
as I read the descrption for eMMCs it is a single IC die that has both a memory
chip and a memory controller upon it. That simplifies integration into a phone
or other device because it saves an IC chip. However it does cause problems in
that there is not a memory chip that can be unsoldered and inserted directly to
a SD card socket.
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will need the phone OS specific recovery tool for data. You cannot just
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