Stats Lesson Plan - Desmos Activity
Stats Lesson Plan - Desmos Activity
Stats Lesson Plan - Desmos Activity
Desmos/Geogebra Activity
Prerequisite Questions:
1. What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative variables? How can you tell if
a graph is using quantitative or qualitative variables?
2. What is a determining factor of whether a variable should go on the x-axis or the y-axis?
3. Screens 1 and 2: What is your data set that you choose? Choose two quantitative
variables in that dataset to investigate. You will create a scatter plot in Desmos and in
Geogebra with these two variables.
4. Which variable is the independent variable? Dependent variable? How did you determine
Instructions: After choosing the data set you want to work with, go to on
your laptop. Log in and enter the code on the board. Follow the instructions in the task. Write
down your answer here and on Desmos. Take screenshots to prove your work!
5. Screen 3: Which function do you think will be the best to fit your data? You do not need
to justify your answer.
6. Screens 4-6: Estimate the line of best fit using a linear, quadratic, and exponential
models. What are your equations that you found? Include screenshots to support your
7. Screen 7: Create a line of best fit using a linear, quadratic, and exponential models.
What is the equation Desmos gives you? What is your coefficient of determination? What
does your coefficient of determination tell you in each model? Include screenshots to
support your work.
Coefficient of
9. Screen 8: Using your answers for number 7, what would be the best model to fit your
data? Why?
10. Are your models that you estimated in Desmos close to the models that Desmos gave
11. Screen 9: How did the equation and coefficient of determination help you determine
which function was the best to fit your data?
12. Explore Using Geogebra. Go to the Geogebra Spreadsheet and input your dataset there
again. Highlight the two quantitative variables (columns) that you explored earlier and
click on the histogram, then click on Two-Variable Regression Analysis. Your scatterplot
will show up. Click on the summation sign (Σx) to get statistics for your model. At the
model, it will say “Regression Model.” Explore other models (other than the ones you
explored in Desmos) to see which regression model would be the best to use other than
the ones we covered today. You do not need to know what these functions are yet! Of
the ones you explored in Geogebra, which one would be the best one? Why?
Dataset - Click on the dataset HERE and click on the appropriate tab to investigate your
Description - Please read the description to know more about the data and what each variable
means. Make sure to connect your variables to your answers!