Category 0 - Nuclear Materials, Facilities, and Equipment (And Miscellaneous Items)
Category 0 - Nuclear Materials, Facilities, and Equipment (And Miscellaneous Items)
Category 0 - Nuclear Materials, Facilities, and Equipment (And Miscellaneous Items)
not “specially designed” for military use and are List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
not of the fully automatic type, but see ECCN for a description of all license exceptions)
0A984 concerning shotguns.
d. [Reserved] GBS: N/A
0A521 Any commodity subject to the EAR Special Conditions for STA
that is not listed elsewhere in the CCL, but
which is controlled for export because it STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License
provides at least a significant military or Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of
intelligence advantage to the United States or the EAR) may not be used for any
for foreign policy reasons. item in this ECCN 0A604.
Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN a. Demolition blocks, and detonators designed,
modified, or adapted therefor.
Country Chart (See
Control(s) Supp. No. 1 to part b. Military explosive excavating devices.
NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1 Note to 0A604.a and .b: This entry
RS applies to entire entry RS Column 1 does not control the detonators and other items
AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1 described in ECCN 1A007 or ECCN 3A232.
UN applies to entire entry See § 746.1(b) for
c. Smoke hand grenades and stun hand
UN controls
grenades (e.g., “flashbangs”) not controlled by
ECCN 1A984.
Note 2 to paragraph .a: A ground vehicle’s being b.2.b. Providing ballistic protection to
“specially designed” for military use for level III (National Institute of Justice standard
purposes of determining controls under 0108.01, September 1985) or better.
paragraph .a. entails a structural, electrical or
mechanical feature involving one or more Note 1 to paragraph b: Ground vehicles
“components” that are “specially designed” for otherwise controlled by 0A606.b.1 that contain
military use. Such “components” include: reactive or electromagnetic armor are subject to
a. Pneumatic tire casings of a kind the controls of USML Category VII.
“specially designed” to be bullet-proof;
b. Armored protection of vital “parts” (e.g., Note 2 to paragraph b: ECCN 0A606.b.1does
fuel tanks or vehicle cabs); not control civilian vehicles “specially
c. Special reinforcements or mountings for designed” for transporting money or valuables.
d. Black-out lighting.
Note 3 to paragraph b: “Unarmed” means not
having installed weapons, installed mountings
b. Other ground vehicles, “parts” and for weapons, or special reinforcements for
“components,” as follows: mounts for weapons.
LVS: $1500
GBS: N/A Note 2 to 0A614: This entry does not apply to
CIV: N/A “equipment” “specially designed” for training
in the use of hunting or sporting weapons.
Special Conditions for STA
b. through w. [Reserved]
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception
STA (§ 740.20(c)(2)) of the EAR may x. “Parts,” “components,” “accessories”
not be used for any item in 0A614. “attachments” that are “specially designed” for a
commodity controlled by this entry or an article
List of Items Controlled enumerated or otherwise described in USML
Category IX, and not specified elsewhere on the
Related Controls: (1) Defense articles that are USML.
enumerated or otherwise described in
USML Category IX and “technical data”
(including “software”) directly related 0A617 Miscellaneous “equipment,” materials,
thereto are “subject to the ITAR.” (2) See and related commodities (see List of Items
ECCN 0A919 for foreign-made “military Controlled).
commodities” that incorporate more than a
de minimis of US-origin “600 series” items. License Requirements
(3) “Parts,” “components,” “accessories”
and “attachments” that are common to a Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
simulator controlled by ECCN 0A614.a and
to a simulated system or an end item that is Country Chart
controlled on the USML or elsewhere on the Control(s) (See Supp. No. 1
CCL are controlled under the same USML to part 738)
Category or ECCN as the “parts,” NS applies to entire entry, NS Column 1
“components,” “accessories” and except 0A617.y.
“attachments” of the simulated system or RS applies to entire entry, RS Column 1
end item. except 0A617.y.
AT applies to entire entry. AT Column 1
Related Definitions: N/A UN applies to entire See § 764.1(b)
Items: entry, except 0A617.y. for UN controls
a. “Equipment” “specially designed” for List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
military training that is not enumerated or a description of all license exceptions)
otherwise described in USML Category IX.
LVS: $1500
Note 1 to 0A614: This entry includes GBS: N/A
operational flight trainers, radar target trainers, CIV: N/A
flight simulators for aircraft classified under
ECCN 9A610.a, human-rated centrifuges, Special Conditions for STA
instrument flight trainers for military aircraft,
navigation trainers for military items, target STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception
equipment, armament trainers, military pilotless STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may
aircraft trainers, mobile training units and not be used for any item in 0A617.
training “equipment” for ground military
y.4. Field generators “specially designed” for Reasons for Control: RS, AT
military use.
Country Chart (See
y.5. Power controlled searchlights and Control(s) Supp. No. 1 to part
control units therefor, “specially designed” for 738)
military use, and “equipment” mounting such RS applies to entire RS Column 1, See §
units. entry 742.6(a)(3) for
license requirements
AT applies to entire AT Column 1
0A918 Miscellaneous military equipment entry
not on the Wassenaar Munitions List (see List
of Items Controlled). List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
a description of all license exceptions)
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT, UN
Country Chart
List of Items Controlled
Control(s) (See Supp. No. 1 to
part 738)
Related Controls: (1) “Military
RS applies to entire entry RS Column 2
commodities” are subject to the export
AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1 licensing jurisdiction of the Department of
UN applies to entire entry See § 764.1(b) for State if they incorporate items that are
UN controls subject to the International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR Parts
License Exceptions 120 - 130). (2) “Military commodities”
described in this paragraph are subject to the
LVS: $1500 export licensing jurisdiction of the
GBS: N/A Department of State if such commodities are
CIV: N/A described on the U.S. Munitions List (22
CFR Part 121) and are in the United States.
List of Items Controlled (3) The furnishing of assistance (including
training) to foreign persons, whether in the
Related Controls: See ECCN 0A617.y.5 for United States or abroad, in the design,
items formerly controlled by ECCN development, engineering, manufacture,
0A918.a. production, assembly, testing, repair,
maintenance, modification, operation,
Related Definitions: N/A demilitarization, destruction, processing, or
Items: Bayonets. use of defense articles that are subject to the
ITAR; or the furnishing to foreign persons of
any technical data controlled under 22 CFR
0A919 “Military commodities” located and 121.1 whether in the United States or abroad
produced outside the United States as follows are under the licensing jurisdiction of the
(see list of items controlled). Department of State. (4) Brokering
activities (as defined in 22 CFR 129) of
License Requirements “military commodities” that are subject to the
a.1. Incorporate more than a de minimis amount 0A979 Police helmets and shields; and
of U.S.-origin controlled content classified under “specially designed” “components,” n.e.s.
ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, 6A990, or 6A993.a
(having a maximum frame rate equal to or less License Requirements
than 9 Hz and thus meeting the criterion of Note
3.a to 6A003.b.4); Reason for Control: CC
The list of items controlled is contained in the 0A982 Law enforcement restraint devices,
ECCN heading. including leg irons, shackles, and handcuffs;
straight jackets; stun cuffs; shock belts; shock
sleeves; multipoint restraint devices such as
0A981 Equipment designed for the execution restraint chairs; and “specially designed”
of human beings as follows (see List of Items “parts,” “components” and “accessories,”
Controlled). n.e.s.
Control(s) Control(s)
CC applies to entire entry. A license is required CC applies to entire entry. A license is required
for ALL destinations regardless of end-use. for ALL destinations, except Canada, regardless
Accordingly, a column specific to this control of end-use. Accordingly, a column specific to
does not appear on the Commerce Country Chart. this control does not appear on the Commerce
(See §742.7 of the EAR for additional Country Chart. (See part 742 of the EAR for
information.) additional information.)
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for does not appear on the Commerce Country Chart.
a description of all license exceptions) (See part 742 of the EAR for additional
GBS: N/A List Based License Exceptions (See Part
CIV: N/A 740 for a description of all license exceptions)
Control(s) Control(s)
Russian industry sector sanction applies to entire AT applies to entire entry. A license is required
entry. See § 746.5 for specific license for items controlled by this entry to North Korea
requirements and license review policy. for anti-terrorism reasons. The Commerce
Country Chart is not designed to determine AT
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 licensing requirements for this entry. See
for a description of all license exceptions) §742.19 of the EAR for additional information.
B. TEST, INSPECTION AND List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
“PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT” for a description of all license exceptions)
LVS: $1500
0B521 Any commodity subject to the EAR GBS: N/A
that is not listed elsewhere in the CCL, but CIV: N/A
which is controlled for export because it
provides at least a significant military or Special Conditions for STA
intelligence advantage to the United States or
for foreign policy reasons. STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License
Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of
0B521 commodities are subject to RS1 the EAR) may not be used for any
controls with no license exception eligibility item in this ECCN 0B604.
other than License Exception GOV for U.S.
Government personnel and agencies under List of Items Controlled
§740.11(b)(2)(ii) of the EAR, or an item-
specific license exception identified in Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 9B604,
Supplement No. 5 to part 774 particular to an which controls test, inspection, and
item covered under ECCN 0B521. The list of production “equipment” and related
commodities determined to be classified under commodities “specially designed” for the
ECCN 0B521 controls is published in “development” or “production” of
Supplement No. 5 to part 774. The license commodities in ECCN 9A604 or related
requirements and licensing policy relating to defense articles in USML Category IV. (2)
ECCN 0B521 are set forth in §742.6(a)(7) of the See ECCN 0A919 for foreign-made
EAR. “military commodities” that incorporate
more than a de minimis amount of US-origin
“600 series” controlled content.
0B604 Test, inspection, and production
“equipment” and related commodities Related Definitions: N/A
Country Chart (See Note 1: ECCN 0B606 includes (i) armor plate
Control(s) Supp. No. 1 to part drilling machines, other than radial drilling
738) machines, (ii) armor plate planing machines,
NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1 (iii) armor plate quenching presses; and (iv)
RS applies to entire entry RS Column 1 tank turret bearing grinding machines.
AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
UN applies to entire entry See § 746.1(b) for b. Environmental test facilities “specially
UN controls designed” for the certification, qualification, or
testing of commodities enumerated or otherwise
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for described in ECCN 0A606 (except for 0A606.b
a description of all license exceptions) or 0A606.y) or in USML Category VII, and
“equipment’ “specially designed” therefor.
LVS: $1500
the EAR) may not be used for any for anti-terrorism reasons. The Commerce
item in 0B617. Country Chart is not designed to determine AT
licensing requirements for this entry. See
List of Items Controlled §742.19 of the EAR for additional information.
Related Controls: See ECCN 0A919 for UN applies to entire entry. See 746.1(b) for UN
foreign-made “military commodities” that controls.
incorporate more than a de minimis amount
of U.S.-origin “600 series” controlled List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
content. a description of all license exceptions)
b. [Reserved].
0B999 Specific processing equipment, as
Note: Field engineer equipment “specially follows (see List of Items Controlled).
designed” for use in a combat zone, identified
in the Wassenaar Arrangement Munitions List License Requirements
17.d, and mobile repair shops “specially
designed” or modified to service military Reason for Control: AT, RS
equipment, identified in Wassenaar
Arrangement Munitions List 17.j, are controlled Control(s)
by 0B617 to the extent that the items are not
included in USML Category XIII(k). AT applies to entire entry. A license is required
0B986 Equipment “specially designed” for for items controlled by this entry to North Korea
manufacturing shotgun shells; and for anti-terrorism reasons. The Commerce
ammunition hand-loading equipment for Country Chart is not designed to determine AT
both cartridges and shotgun shells. license requirements for this entry. See §742.19
of the EAR for additional information.
License Requirements
RS applies to entire entry. A license is required
Reason for Control: AT, UN for items controlled by this entry for export or
reexport to Iraq or transfer within Iraq for
Control(s) regional stability reasons. The Commerce
Country Chart is not designed to determine RS
AT applies to entire entry. A license is required license requirements for this entry. See §§742.6
for items controlled by this entry to North Korea and 746.3 of the EAR for additional information.
b. Glove boxes suitable for use with radioactive List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
materials. a description of all license exceptions)
LVS: $1500
Note: Materials “specially designed” for both incorporate more than a de minimis amount
ground vehicles enumerated or otherwise of U.S.-origin “600 series” controlled
described in USML Category VII and ground content.
vehicles enumerated or otherwise described in
ECCN 0A606 are subject to the controls of this Related Definitions: N/A
ECCN unless identified in USML Category Items:
VII(g) as being subject to the controls of that
paragraph. a. Materials, coatings and treatments for
signature suppression, “specially designed” for
military use to reduce detectability or
0C617 Miscellaneous Materials “Specially observability and that are not controlled by
Designed” for Military Use (see List of Items USML Category XIII or ECCNs 1C001 or
Controlled). 1C101.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for Heading Note: Certain “software” for the
a description of all license exceptions) “development,” “production,” or “use” of
nuclear related commodities is subject to the
LVS: $1500 export licensing authority of the Nuclear
GBS: N/A Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part 110).
License Requirements
Special Conditions for STA
Reason for Control:
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License
Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of Control(s)
the EAR) may not be used for any
item in 0C617. “Software” for items described in 0A002 is
“subject to the ITAR” (see 22 CFR parts 120
List of Items Controlled through 130).
Related Controls: (1) For controls on other List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
signature suppression materials, see USML a description of all license exceptions)
Category XIII and ECCNs 1C001 and
1C101. (2) See ECCN 0A919 for foreign CIV: N/A
made “military commodities” that TSR: N/A
License Requirements
0D606 “Software” “specially designed” for
Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN the “development,” “production,” operation,
or maintenance of ground vehicles and
Country Chart related commodities controlled by 0A606,
Control(s) (See Supp. No. 1 0B606, or 0C606 (see List of Items
to part 738) Controlled).
NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1
RS applies to entire entry RS Column 1 License Requirements
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for Country Chart
a description of all license exceptions) Control(s) (See Supp. No. 1
to part 738)
CIV: N/A NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1
TSR: N/A RS applies to entire entry RS Column 1
AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
Special Conditions for STA UN applies to entire entry See § 746.1(b) for
UN controls
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License
Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
the EAR) may not be used for any for a description of all license exceptions)
software in 0D606.
List of Items Controlled TSR: N/A
license requirements for this entry. See §§742.6 licensing authority of the U.S. Department of
and 746.3 of the EAR for additional information. State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (see
22 CFR part 121).
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
a description of all license exceptions) List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
a description of all license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A Related Controls: N/A
Items: Related Definitions: N/A
a. Software for neutronic calculations/modeling;
The List of Items Controlled is contained in the
b. Software for radiation transport ECCN heading.
b. [Reserved] Items: