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Chlorine Adsorption of Activated Carbons, Carbon Molecular Sieves and Carbon Nanotubes

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Asian Journal of Chemistry; Vol. 24, No.

12 (2012), 5481-5484

Chlorine Adsorption of Activated Carbons, Carbon Molecular Sieves and Carbon Nanotubes†


Research Institute of Special Chemicals, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, Shanxi, P.R. China

*Corresponding author: Fax: +86 351 6111178; Tel: +86 351 6010550-3; E-mail: lifuxiang11@yeah.net


Activated carbon, carbon molecular sieves and carbon nanotubes as ordered porous carbon materials, which have huge surface areas and
special developed holes are investigated and compared by their chlorine adsorption properties in this paper. The adsorption properties of
chlorine are investigated by pressure composition temperature instrument and characterized by X-ray diffractometer, Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The data is obtained at a temperature range of 273 K-323 K and pressure is in the
range of 0-0.35 MPa. Among the three porous carbon materials, carbon nanotubes is most efficient in adsorption of chlorine and the
adsorption capacity can reach 37.51 % at temperature 30 ºC and under the pressure 0.332 MPa. The experimental data shows that the
chlorine adsorption capacity influenced by temperature and pressure. Pore volume and aperture type are main factors attribute to the
capacity difference. Activated carbon, carbon molecular sieves and carbon nanotubes are found to be potential candidates for adsorbing

Key Words: Chlorine adsorption, Activated carbon, Carbon molecular sieves, Carbon nanotubes.

INTRODUCTION incentive for both theoretical7 and experimental8,9 studies on

Chlor-alkali industry is the backbone industry of inorganic the adsorption of a range of gases (e.g., Ar, Xe, Kr, N2) on
chemical field. The output of chlor-alkali is more than 8000 zeolite materials. It is significant and necessary to study the
million tons in the worldwide, approximately1. Chlorine as property of chlorine adsorbent in order to solve the problem
the tail gas of chlor-alkali plant is damage to environment. of adsorption and separation of chlorine plant offgas, raise the
There are plenty of corresponding methods to deal with economic value of chlorine plant offgas and reduce environ-
chlorine plant offgas due to the source is different. These factors mental pollution from chlor-alkali industry.
have to be taken into mind, component, quality of gas, dispose Activated carbon, carbon molecular sieves and carbon
capacity and the productive technology. At present, the main nanotubes as ordered porous carbon materials, have been
dispose methods are water absorption, alkali absorption applied well in gas storage and adsorption10. Siriwardane et al.11
method, combustion absorption, solvent absorption, activated studied the volumetric adsorption of CO2, N2, or H2 on
carbon or silica gel adsorption, membrane process2, compre- molecular sieve 13X, molecular sieve 4A and activated
ssion, freezing, etc. Combustion absorption method3 is widely carbon with pressure swing adsorption. Activated carbon shows
used in plant which use water to adsorb hydrochloric synthe- higher CO2 capacities than molecular sieves' under higher
sized by hydrogen and chlorine combustion, however, the pressures (> 25 psi), significantly. Fujiwara et al.12 finds that
production is inferior-quality hydrochloric acid which nitrogen and oxygen gases are adsorbed first inside of tubes
economic value is much less than the chlorine. and next in the interstitial channels in single-walled carbon
Pressure swing adsorption (PSA)4,5 separation and recovery nanotubes. These results indicate that the inside of nanotube
of chlorine plant offgas with solid adsorbent such as silica has strong affinity for gas adsorption than the interstitial
and zeolite is a new method in recent years6. The adsorption- channels of bundles. We select activated carbon, carbon
desorption property of adsorbent is critical. Although the type molecular sieves and carbon nanotubes as research object, they
of porous material is a wide variety, the study of chlorine adsorption properties at different temperature and pressure and
adsorbent is limited. These applications have provided an early adsorption life are studied in this paper.

†Presented at International Conference on Global Trends in Pure and Applied Chemical Sciences, 3-4 March, 2012; Udaipur, India
5482 Xue et al. Asian J. Chem.


Activated carbon, carbon molecular sieves and carbon X-ray powder diffraction analysis of porous carbon
nanotubes used in experiment were industrial products. samples before and after chlorine adsorption: XRD pattern
Activated carbon and carbon molecular sieves crushed and of activated carbon before and after adsorption showed that
screened to 40-60 mesh. Carbon nanotubes powders were first the diffraction peaks of activated carbon existed and the carbon
compressed by a single punch tablet compression machine graphite crystallite's diffraction13 peaks at 26.5º could still be
and then were broken into 40-60 mesh particles. Samples used found after the adsorption, the amorphous carbon had not been
in the experiment needed to be activated in a muffle furnace at damage as well. With the adsorption time increased the number
230 ºC of 2.5 h. of activated carbon graphite crystallites characteristic diffraction
Pressure composition temperature (P-C-T) chlorine- peak intensity weakened, however, the structure did not collapse.
specific adsorption device was employed to test chlorine The decline of adsorption might be due to the heating activation
adsorption was shown in Fig. 1. The P1 instructions source process did not take the protection of nitrogen, which caused
pressure of chlorine gas; P2, Precision pressure gauge for the partial oxidation of activated carbon.
range 0-1.6 MPa (gauge pressure); P3, vacuum gauge range The XRD diffraction analysis of the carbon molecular
-0.1-0 MPa (vacuum); D, dry filter tube within silica and sieve shows that the peak position and peak intensity matched
calcium chloride; V1, the volume of standard size; V2, the with the standard pattern. There were three distinct peaks when
volume of adsorption tube; F1-F6, copper valves; G, drying the value of 2θ was between 20-25º, which were net carbon
device filled by silica gel and NaA zeolite. graphite plane (002), the value of 2θ at 45º existed diffraction
peaks were (100) (001) diffraction peaks. After adsorption of
chlorine, the peak intensity weakened especially in the value
of 2θ is 45º. But the overall framework of carbon molecular
sieve structure and the amorphous structure were not destroyed.
As a result carbon molecular sieve could act as a chlorine
P1 P2 adsorbent.
F2 The XRD patterns of carbon nanotubes before and after
F1 D
adsorption of chlorine showed that the diffraction peaks occured
around 25º and 45º, clearly, indicated that the carbon nanotubes
P3 F6 with a certain degree of crystallinity of graphite. The intensity
F3 F5 of adsorption peak weakened after adsorption, but the micro-
Vacuum G
pump crystalline structure of graphite nanotubes and amorphous
structure damage did not occur after adsorption.
Infrared spectral analysis of three porous carbon
F4 samples before and after chlorine adsorption: Activated
Valve Adsorption carbon, carbon molecular sieves, carbon nanotubes belonged
Adsorption to porous carbon materials in the infrared spectrum, had the
Pressure Gauge tube same characteristic diffraction peaks. The data showed that
the peak in the 3600-3100 cm-1 belonged to the carbon surface
hydroxyl groups or stretching vibration by absorbed water,
Fig. 1. Pressure composition temperature experimental setup the peak at 2955 and 2885 cm-1 belonged to C-H bonds vibra-
tion for weak infrared absorption, the peak at 1680-1600 cm-1
Weighted the samples first, accurately, putted it into the belonged to unsaturated C=C bonds stretching vibration, the
reaction tube and then vacuumized the instrument for 3 h, peak at 1200-1050 cm-1 belonged to the C-O-C bonds asym-
continuously, while the temperature reached to the desired metric stretching vibration, the strong absorption peak at 3439
activation degree. In the process the vacuum was maintained cm-1 might be belonged to carbon surface water stretching
as -0.095 MPa. The remaining chlorine absorbed by the vibration because the phenolic hydroxyl absorption peak at
potassium iodide solution, iodine generated by the reaction 1300-1100 cm-1, which didn't appear on the infrared spectrum.
calibrated by sodium thiosulfate. According to the experimental The weak absorption peak at 2950 cm-1 and 2885 cm-1 belonged
data we calculated gas storage capacity and drew chlorine to the C-H bonds vibration and the weak absorption peak at
adsorption isotherms. 1631 cm-1 belonged to the unsaturated C=C bonds stretching
The crystallization framework structures and phase purity vibration of carbon material. The absorption peak at 1092 cm-1
of the samples in Rigaku D/2500 X-ray diffractometer were belonged to the absorption for the C-O-C. After adsorption of
measured by using copper Kα radiation where Cu target Kα as chlorine the characteristic diffraction peak still existed but the
the X-ray source and scanning ranged from 5.0º to 45º under intensity decreased, the reason might be that, a small part of
voltage 40 kV and current 100 mA. The skeleton structures of the the chlorine atoms into the porous carbon material and combi-
samples were measured with Shimadzu FT-IR-8400 S infrared ned a small part of the C=C unsaturated bonds and C-O-C
spectrometer which detected under the frequency 4500-350 bonds.
cm-1. Morphological data was acquired through scanning elec- Chlorine adsorption properties of there porous carbon
tron microscopy on JSM-6360LV manipulated at 10 kV. material under different temperature and pressure: The
Vol. 24, No. 12 (2012) Chlorine Adsorption of Activated Carbons, Carbon Molecular Sieves and Carbon Nanotubes 5483

isotherm curves of the chlorine adsorption of activated carbon, The SEM micrographs of activated carbonb, carbon
carbon molecular sieves and carbon nanotubes at different molecular sieve and carbon nanotubes showed that the particle
temperatures were depicted in Fig. 2(a-c). These curves were sizes were irregular and the pore sizes were in a wide scale.
similar to the Langmuir's adsorption and the isotherm curves That was because the samples used in experiment were
were considered to conform to physisorption. The adsorption industry grade. We could observe that there were no adsorption
capacities increased with the pressure increased whereas platforms in Fig. 2(a-c), which were conformed to adsorption
decreased with temperature increased. Compared with the theory type II adsorption curve.
activated carbon and carbon molecular sieves, the chlorine Adsorption times effects on adsorption properties of
adsorption capacity of carbon nanotubes were much strong three porous carbon materials: As we could see from Fig.
and reached 37.51 % at 30 ºC and 0.332 MPa. 3(a-c), the adsorption capacities increased with the temperature
decreased. The maximum adsorption capacity of three porous
carbon material emerged at 0 ºC. At room temperature they
40 also had large adsorption capacity. In this paper we studied
and compared the adsorption capacity of activated carbon,
Adsorption Capacity /%(g/g)

carbon molecular and carbon nanotubes at 30 ºC for adsorption

five times, respectively.
25 Adsorption isotherms in Fig. 4(a-c) conformed to the
Langmiur's adsorption. The chlorine adsorption capacity of
three samples decreased after five times adsorptions-desorp-
15 0 ºC
tion. The maximum adsorption capacity declined respectively
30 ºC
50 ºC
from 32.75 to 32.57 %, 29.24 to 27.54 % and 37.51 to 34.63 %.
The data showed that there were no obvious declines after
five times adsorption-desorption. This means that the skeleton
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 structures, before and after adsorption, were no significant
Chlorine Pressure /Mpa change and the collapse of the skeleton did not occur.
(a) activated carbon Skeleton structure effect on the adsorption capacity
of materials: The adsorption capacity of carbon nanotubes
was larger than activated carbon and carbon molecular sieve
35 at the different temperature in Fig. 4(a-c). As we could see
from Table-1, compared with activated carbon, the pore size,
Adsorption Capacity/%(g/g)

20 40
Adsorption Capacity /%(g/g)

15 0 ºC
30 ºC 30
50 ºC
20 CNTs
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 CMSs
Chlorine Pressure /MPa
(b) carbon molecular sieves
50 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35

Chlorine Pressure /Mpa

Adsorption capacity /%(g/g)

40 (b)

Adsorption Capacity /%(g/g)


20 0 ºC
30 ºC
50 ºC 20
0 CMSs
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35

Chlorine Pressure /MPa

(c) carbon nanotubes 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
Fig. 2(a-c). Chlorine adsorption isotherm at 0 ºC, 30 ºC, 50 ºC Chlorine Pressure /Mpa
5484 Xue et al. Asian J. Chem.

30 (c)
of the length of carbon nanotubes was long, there was long
time required for adsorption-desorption, so we usually took
25 activated carbon as adsorption materials for gas masks, instead
Adsorption capacity /%(g/g)

of using other two porous carbon material we discussed in

this paper.
10 CNTs
ACs Samples Pore aperture (nm) Pore volume (m3/g) BET(m2/g)
5 CMSs ACs 2-50 300-400 900-1100
CMSs 1.5-2.2 150-250 800
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
CNTs 5-10 400-500 500
Chlorine Pressure /MPa
Fig. 3. Cl2 Adsorption isotherms on carbon materials under 0 ºC Conclusion
The adsorption isotherms of the activated carbon, carbon
(a) molecular sieves and carbon nanotubes at 0, 30 and 50 ºC
conform with Langmuir adsorption which belongs to physical
Adsorption Capacity /%(g/g)

adsorption. Adsorption capacity increases with temperature

25 decreased but decreases with the pressure decreased.
Experimental data showed that the adsorption capacity
(1) of carbon materials vulnerable influenced by the pore volume
and pore size. The adsorption properties of carbon nanotubes
10 (4) are better than activated carbon and the adsorption properties
(5) of actived carbon are better than carbon molecular sieves,
which are due to carbon nanotubes with a large pore volume
0 and pore size and the diameter of the dynamics of chlorine is
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
0.44 nm and micro-pore size of selected carbon material reach
Chlorine Pressure/MPa
to the size that allows chlorine molecules diffuse into. Mean-
30 (b) while, the molecular dynamics diameter of the best adsorption
pore diameter of zeolite is 2-6 times14,15. The adsorption
Adsorption Capacity /%(g/g)

capacity meets the requirements for chlorine adsorption.
Xue Jianwei and Wen Xiaoguang thank to Shanxi Natural
(1) Science Foundation Committee. This work has been supported
10 by Shanxi Natural Science Foundation Committee Under
"No.200811025: Study for characteristics of the molecular
(5) sieve adsorption chlorine".
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