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Notes For The Course: Statistical Physics

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Notes for the course

Statistical Physics

Luca Amendola
University of Heidelberg

September 21, 2016


1 Thermodynamics 4
1.1 General concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Ideal gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Work and heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 First law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Second Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.6 Thermodynamic potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.7 Stability conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 Introduction to Statistics 15
2.1 Probability and frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 Probability of combined events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Expected values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4 Transformation of variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5 The main PDFs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.6 Multivariate distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3 Statistical mechanics 25
3.1 Statistical definition of entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Number of microstates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3 Microcanonical ensemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.4 The canonical ensemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.5 Virial theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.6 Applications of the canonical ensemble: quantum oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.7 Applications of the canonical ensemble: paramagnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.8 The macrocanonical ensemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4 Statistical mechanics of quantum systems 44

4.1 Density operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.2 Quantum ensembles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.3 Symmetry of many-particle wave functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.4 Ideal quantum systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.5 Bose gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.6 Photon gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.7 Phonons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.8 Fermi gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

5 Phase transitions 64
5.1 General properties of phase transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.2 Gas with interacting particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.3 Critical exponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.4 Ising model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.5 The Renormalization Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73


5.6 Mean field theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

5.7 Correlation functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

6 Mathematical appendix 80
6.1 Partial derivative identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.2 Moment generating function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.3 Central limit theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4 Estimators of mean and variance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.5 Parameter estimation: Statistics, sample, bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.6 Maximum likelihood estimators and Bayes’ theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

I thank Nils Strodthoff for help with the lectures and exercises. Thanks also to R. Erhard, S. Heinze, C.
Sünderhauf for pointing out several typos.

Chapter 1


1.1 General concepts

1. A thermodynamical system is a collection of a huge number of particles: a gas, a solid etc. The thermo-
dynamic limit is reached when N, V → ∞ but ρ = N/V remains constant.
2. Large number of particles and fast microchanges (i.e. collisions) require a statistical approach. Every
measurement is an average over many states microscopically different (microstates).

3. A system can be characterized by a small number of variables like temperature, volume, pressure, number
of particle, charge, dipole, viscosity etc
4. For most of what we say, it is sufficient to consider energy E, volume V , number of particles N . Related
quantities are entropy S, temperature T , pressure p, chemical potential µ.

5. A system can be completely isolated (no change in E, V, N ), thermally isolated (no transfer of heat), closed
(change in E but not in N, V ), open (change in all variables).
6. A variable is called a state variable if it does not depend on the previous history of a system. Mathemat-
ically, this implies that small differences in state variables are exact differentials.
7. When two isolated systems are brought into contact (and kept isolated from the external environment),
they reach an equilibrium, i.e. their state variables (those that are permitted to be exchanged between
the systems) go from a constant but different value before contact to another constant identical value
8. A system in equilibrium is called homogeneous if the state variables are the same everywhere. Two or
more systems in equilibrium separated by boundaries are called heterogeneous.

9. The relations between state variables are called equations of state.

10. A state variable can be intensive if it does not depend on the size (i.e. on N or V ); extensive if it depends
linearly on the size, i.e. if n identical systems with state variable Q have a value nQ when brought into
equilibrium. Intensive variables are p, T, µ. Extensive variables are E, N, V, S.

11. The following obvious rules apply: function of intensive variables only=intensive; intensive×extensive=extensive;
extensive/extensive=intensive; linear combination of extensive variables=extensive.
12. Zero-th law of thermodynamics: if systems A and B are in equilibrium with C, then also A and B are in

13. The temperature can be defined by the observable effects it induces on some substances, eg the expansion
of a gas or liquid or the radiation emitted by a body or the change in electric resistance. For many gases,


a strictly monotonic relation between T and the gas volume is observed. The scale of T can therefore
always be defined as (thermodynamic temperature)
T = T0 (1.1)
assuming P, N constant.

1.2 Ideal gas

1. A ideal gas is defined as a gas of very small classical non-relativistic particles that do not interact with each
other except through direct elastic collision (i.e the kinetic energy, included the rotational or vibrational
one, is conserved), that move frictionless and do not dissipate energy via radiation or other means, and
that is contained into a perfectly elastic-wall container.
2. Every gas at sufficiently high temperature and low pressure behave as a ideal gas.
3. A ideal gas is found to obey the Boyle-Mariotte law:
pV = p0 V0 (1.2)
at constant T, N .
4. Combining with (1.1) we obtain
= const (1.3)
5. Since p, T are intensive and V is extensive, the constant must be proportional to N . Therefore we have
the equation of a ideal gas
pV = N kT (1.4)
where experimentally it is found the value of k to be Boltzmann’s constant.
6. This can be written also as
p = ρkT (1.5)
pV = nRT (1.6)
where ρ is the molecule number density, n the number of moles, and R = N k/n = NA k the gas constant
and NA Avogadro’s number.
7. The temperature can be interpreted as a measure of kinetic energy per particle. In fact, denoting with
f (→

v )d→
−v the number of particles with velocity in d→−v one obtains that the pressure exerted on the walls
of the container of area A along the direction z is
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ
1 N
p= dFA = dvx dvy dvz f (→ −v )2mvz2
Assuming an isotropic distribution of velocities in a ideal gas, f (→

v ) = g(v 2 ) = g (v 2 )g (v 2 )g (v 2 ), this
1 x 2 y z z
becomes ˆ
mN 2 2
pV = mN d3 vf (|→

v |)vz2 = mN hvz2 i = hv i = N hεKIN i (1.7)
3 3
ie pV is proportional to the total kinetic energy of the particles. We are assuming here the particles have
only 3 degrees of freedom.
8. Then we see that
hεKIN i = kT (1.8)
EKIN = N kT (1.9)
i.e. kT /2 for each degree of freedom.

9. If the molecules have d independent kinetic degrees of freedom (all equally excited), one has

EKIN = N kT (1.10)

10. Then one also obtains the unit-normalized Maxwell distribution:

mv 2
 m 3/2  

f( v ) = exp − (1.11)
2πkT 2kT

1.3 Work and heat

1. If F is the force exerted by the system on the environment, the mechanical work done is

− −
δW = − F · d→
s (1.12)

where d→

s is the movement along which the force is applied.
2. This can be interpreted in a general way: every work done by the system can be written as a generalized
force times a generalized interval. For instance under the action of pressure one has

δW = −pdV (1.13)

3. The work is not an exact differential so it is not a state variable; it is positive if done on the system,
negative otherwise.
4. Similarly, the work done on the system when adding a number dN of particles in equilibrium is

δW = µdN (1.14)

where µ is the chemical potential (ie the energy gained by a system when a single particle is added).
5. Since energy is an extensive quantity, we have

δW = intensive × d(extensive) (1.15)

6. Beside this mechanical (or electric etc) work, a system can increase its energy also by the transfer from
or to the environment of heat, Q. Heat can also be created by doing mechanical work on a system, eg.
stirring a liquid: doing a work of 4.183 J on 1g of water increases its temperature from 14.5 to 15.5 Celsius
degrees at standard pressure. From now on, however, heat is always counted only if it it transferred
from/to the outside. Any other source of internal heat, e.g. friction dissipation, is not included in Q. The
sign of δQ is positive if transferred to the system.
7. One can say that δW expresses the change in ordered energy, while δQ the change in disordered energy.
It is intuitive that while it is easy to transform ordered motion into disordered motion just by random
collisions, the opposite is practically impossible. That is, one can easily (i.e. with a high efficiency)
transform mechanical work into heat but not viceversa.

8. When heat is transferred to a system, its energy, as measured by temperature, is changed

δQ = CdT (1.16)

where C is the heat capacity. Its value depends on how the heat is transferred (indeed, Q is not a state
variable), so there is a CV (when volume is kept constant) and a Cp (when pressure is kept constant).

9. The heat capacity is an extensive variable. The specifis heat c = C/(N m), where m is the mass of a
molecule, is an intensive variable.

10. A reversible process is a ideal transformation that moves continuously from an equilibrium state to another
one. One can define the state variables at every instant. In practice, one can only have quasi-static
processes, that move so slowly that every state can be assumed to be in equilibrium. In a reversible
trasnformation, no internal heat (eg due to friction etc) develops. An irreversible process is a process in
which the system goes out of equilibrium. When the system goes back to equilibrium, the state variables
can be measured and their value will be independent of the process. In irreversible processes, some internal
heat always develops.
11. The most important processes are isothermal (constant T , obtained by contact with an infinite heat bath),
adiabatic (no heat exchange), isochoric (constant volume), isobaric (constant pressure), cyclic (all the state
variables go back to the inial value).

12. For instance, if a isothermal expansion of a ideal gas is reversible, we can apply the ideal gas law at all
times and obtain the total work
ˆ ˆ ˆ
dV V2
Wtot = δW = − pdV = −N kT = −N kT log (1.17)
V V1
Here p is both the internal and the extenal pressure, since the gas must always be in an equilibrium
condition. In an irreversible process the work done will always be smaller than this because some work
goes into internal friction, turbulences etc. For instance, is the expansion happens in a previously empty
volume the gas particles do not do any work and Wtot = 0. Similarly, if the volume into which the
expansion takes place has a pressure smaller than pgas , again |Wtot (irr)| < |Wtot (rev)|. Due to our sign
convention, we have then
Wirr > Wrev (1.18)
One can still use Eq. (1.17), but now with pext (if it has a homogeneous value) instead of pgas (which
is ill defined since the gas will not be in equilibrium). So, for two processes that start and end with the
same state variables, the total work is always larger for an irreversible process than for a reversible one
(as usual counting as positive the work done on the system).

1.4 First law

1. The first law of thermodynamics is the conservation of energy

dU = δW + δQ (1.19)

Although W, Q are not state variables, U is, so dU is an exact differential.

2. For reversible processes, δW = −pdV , δQ = CV dT (or δQ = Cp dT )

3. If in a process the volume is constant, dU = δQ = CV dT so that
CV = |V (1.20)
and from (1.10)
CV = Nk (1.21)
(for 3 d.o.f.). In this case CV does not depend on temperature and one has for an ideal gas

U = CV T (1.22)

4. For an adiabatic process, dU = δW and for an ideal gas one has CV dT = −N kT dV /V , i.e.

pV γ = const (1.23)

where γ = 1 + 2/d = 5/3 for a monatomic ideal gas, 7/5 for a diatomic one.

5. Consider an irreversible isothermal expansion process that brings an ideal gas from V1 to V2 (i.e. the
system performs work on the environment). Since the process is isothermal and U depends only on T ,
dU = 0. As we have seen, it always will produce less absolute work than a reversible one, (so due to our
sign convention the work is larger); because of the first law, it then will also absorb less heat from the
environment, so we have

Qirr < Qrev (1.24)

Wirr > Wrev (1.25)

That is, since the system gets heated by the dissipation of internal friction and turbulences, it will need
to absorb less heat from the heat bath to keep the same temperature. Similarly, during an isothermal
compression, the irreversible process will dissipate more heat to the environment (because it has to dissipate
also the internally produced heat) and more work on the system will be needed. Eqs. (1.25) are then valid
also during the compression.
6. This property is very general and does not depend on the ideal gas law. In any process in which the total
energy does not change (i.e. in isothermal or cyclic processes) an irreversible process will always produce
less absolute work on the environment (higher W due to the negative sign) and absorb less heat from it,
during an expansion, and requires more work and releases more heat, during a compression.
7. More generally, for any two processes that start with the same state variables and end with the same state
variables, the total work (as usual counting as positive the work done on the system) is always larger, and
total heat absorbed is always smaller, for an irreversible process than for a reversible one.

1.5 Second Law

1. In a reversible Carnot cycle (isothermal expansion, adiabatic expansion, isothermal compression, adiabatic
compression), one can show that ˛
=0 (1.26)
2. This implies that the quantity δQ/T is a state variable, called entropy
ˆ B
S = SA + (1.27)
i.e. T is an integral factor of δQ. The entropy is an extensive variable.
3. The total work done in a Carnot cycle is
˛ ˛
∆W = − pdV = T dS (1.28)

and the efficiency is

|∆W | T`
η= =1− ≤1
|∆QABS | Th
where Th,` are the high, low heat bath temperatures and ∆QABS denotes only the absorbed heat from
Th . The efficiency does not depend on the material, on the pressure, volume etc.
4. Every reversible cycle can be approximated as a number of subsequent Carnot cycles. Therefore, the
equation ˛
=0 (1.29)
is true for every reversible cycle.
5. The Carnot cycle is the most efficient cycle among all the reversible cycles operating between Th,` and, a
fortiori, among all the irreversible ones.

6. In the T, S plane, the Carnot cycle is a rectangle, which has the maximal area between Th and T` once
the state variables p, V of the initial and final expansion state are chosen.
7. Second Law of Thermodyamics. Since δQirr < δQrev and due to the definition of entropy
δQrev δQirr
dS = ≥ (1.30)
If the transformation takes place in an isolated system, such that there is no heat exchange, δQirr = 0
and therefore
dS ≥ 0 (1.31)
with the equality only for reversible transformation of isolated systems. As a consequence, the entropy
for an isolated system in equilibrium has dS = 0, i.e. it is constant and maximal under any possible
8. In statistical mechanics these statements and the entire thermodynamics will be interpreted in a statistical
sense. In particular, the entropy might fluctuate in both directions but for any system the amount of time
the system will spend in a configuration of maximal entropy is by far larger than in any other configuration.
In this sense, the entropy is always maximal except if one prepares the system in a very special initial
9. From the definition dS = δQ/T we can write for reversible transformations

dU = T dS − pdV (1.32)

or, including the change in particle numbers

dU = T dS − pdV + µdN (1.33)

We say that S, V, N are the natural variables for the function U . Since T is intensive and U extensive, the
entropy S has to be extensive too. T, p, µ are called conjugate variables of S, V, N .
10. Conversely
1 p µ
dU + dV − dN
dS = (1.34)
and U, V, N are the natural variables for S. If one has U (S, V, N ) or S(U, V, N ) for a system, then all the
thermodynamical relation can be obtained. This is not necessarily true for other variables. For instance,
from U (T, N ) = 3N kT /2 one cannot obtain the other equation of state pV = N kT , but from U (S, V, N )
(see eg Eq. (1.40) below) one can obtain both.
11. Since U, S are state variables (dU, dS are exact differentials), a number of relations (equations of state)
automatically arise:
|V,N = T (1.35)
|S,N = −p (1.36)
|S,V = µ (1.37)
∂S 1
and similarly for S, e.g. ∂U V,N = T , etc.

12. By integrating dS, one can obtain the entropy of the ideal gas up to a constant. From eq. (1.34) (dN = 0)
we have
13 p dT dp 5 dT dp
dS = N kdT + N k( − T 2 ) = N k( − ) (1.38)
T2 T T p 2 T p
and one obtains  5/2  
T p0
S = S0 + N k log (1.39)
T0 p

∂S 1
The entropy increases with temperature, as it should otherwise ∂U V,N = T would be negative. Replacing
T, p with the ideal gas equations of state one can also obtain
 3/2  −5/2  
S(U, V, N ) = S0 + N k log (1.40)
U0 N0 V0

13. The second law applied to two subsystems in contact through a wall that can allow for exchange of heat or
volume or particles shows that heat will always flow from hotter to colder bodies, the volumes will change
until the pression on both sides equalizes, and the particles will flow from denser to less dense regions.
The second law expresses in fact the tendency to equilibrium of all isolated systems.

14. The same setting will allow to show that S has to be a convex function of U, V and U a concave function
of S, V . I.e., the tendency of S to maximize itself is the same as the tendency of U to minimize.
15. By exploiting the fact that U (αS, αV, αN ) = αU (S, V, N ) one can obtain the Gibbs-Duhem equation

U = T S − pV + µN (1.41)
(or i µi Ni for several species). This is remarkable since in general T, p, µ depend on S, V, N themselves.
16. Combining with dU , one can see that

SdT − V dp + N dµ = 0 (1.42)

which implies that there must be a relation between the intensive variables T, p, µ, i.e. one of them can
be written as a function of the others.

1.6 Thermodynamic potentials

1. By using Legendre transformations one can introduce several other state functions. They can be useful
because in practical experiments one can control, for instance, T or p, but not S, U
2. A Legendre transformation of a function U (q) is defined as a new function Û (p) such that

Û (p) = U − pq (1.43)

p= (1.44)
We assume that this relation can be inverted so that we can always write q = q(p). By differentiating U
we have dU = pdq and therefore we find

dÛ = dU − pdq − qdp = −q(p)dp (1.45)

which shows that indeed Û depends only on p. Therefore, the Legendre transformation creates a new
function that depends only on the derivative of the old function. This can be extended to functions of
several variables (one can Legendre-transform with respect to a subset of the variables).
3. One introduces in this way several functions, all of them obtained from the energy (the Legendre functions
obtained from the entropy are more rarely used)

4. In a system with T =const , dF = dU − T dS = −pdV , i.e. the change in free energy gives the amount
of energy available to do useful work. If the system is isolated, so no work is done or received, the free
energy is stationary (and a maximum or minimum depending on which variable). This is why free energy
is useful in engine constructions.

function form nat. variables name

U S, V, N energy
F U − TS T, V, N free energy (Helmholtz)
H U + pV S, p, N enthalpy
G U − T S + pV T, p, N Gibbs free energy
Φ U − T S − µN T, V, µ Grand potential

Table 1.1: Thermodynamic potentials

5. Similarly, for isobaric processes, the change in enthalpy H = U + pV gives the amount of heat and
other non-mechanical work (eg exchange of particles) reselased or absorbed by the system. Most chemical
processes occur at constant (atmospheric) pressure and the enthalpy is therefore the relevant quantity.
In an adiabatic, isobaric process, the enthalpy never increases, stays constant for reversible processes and
reaches a minimum at equilibrium.
6. Gibbs free energy (also called free enthalpy) G = U − T S + pV gives the amount of non-mechanical work
(eg exchange of particles) in isothermal, isobaric processes.
7. If there are several species, G = i µi Ni . Now, let us consider a chemical reaction between particles (or
an elementary particle interaction), such that we go from an initial number ai of particles Ai to a final
number bi of particles Bi :
a1 A1 + a2 A2 + ... → b1 B1 + b2 B2 + ... (1.46)
Then if the process is isothermal and isobaric, G has to remain constant, dG = 0 and therefore
µAi dNi = 0 (1.47)

In a reaction, the change in number of particles of type i is now dNAi = −ai dN and dNBi = bi dN , where
dN is a common factor. Then we obtain a condition on the chemical potential that has to be fulfilled in
any reaction X X
µAi ai = µBi bi (1.48)
i i

8. Finally, one can also define the grand potential Φ = U − T S − µN = −pV , which reaches a minimum if
no mechanical work is performed.
9. The relations between the thermodynamic potentials are called Maxwell relations and can be obtained by
using the identities for partial derivatives.

1.7 Stability conditions

This section follows the discussion in Callen, Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics.
1. Suppose the entropy S(U, V, N ) has a shape in function of U as in Fig. (1.1). Let us consider now two
identical systems separated by a wall and isolated from the external environment. If we transfer an amount
∆U of internal energy from one system to the other, the entropy will change from 2S(U, V, N ) to

S(U − ∆U, V, N ) + S(U + ∆U, V, N ) (1.49)

2. As it appears clearly from Fig. (1.1), the entropy will then increase. This implies that if we remove the
constraints, this transformation will be favoured and therefore will take place. This means that from a
state in which the two joined systems were homogeneous, we reach a state of inhomogeneity. Even inside
each subsystem, such a spontaneous transfer of energy will take place and the system will spontaneously
leave the initial equilibrium state. This particular curve S(U ) produces therefore an instability.

Figure 1.1: Plot of entropy as a function of internal energy.

3. The condition for stability is therefore that the entropy does not increase, i.e.

S(U − ∆U, V, N ) + S(U + ∆U, V, N ) ≤ 2S(U, V, N ) (1.50)

By expanding in Taylor series on the lhs we find

∂S 1 ∂2S 2 ∂S 1 ∂2S
S− ∆U + ∆U + S + ∆U + ∆U 2 ≤ 2S (1.51)
∂U 2 ∂U 2 ∂U 2 ∂U 2
|V,N ≤ 0 (1.52)
∂U 2
That is, the curve S(U ) has to be concave everywhere for the system to remain stable.
4. An analogous argument also shows that if we fix U, N and change V , we should also impose the condition

|U,N ≤ 0 (1.53)
∂V 2
Changing at the same time U, V , we finally obtain the condition
∂2S ∂2S ∂2S

− ≥0 (1.54)
∂V 2 ∂U 2 ∂V ∂U

In other words, the stability conditions requires that S(U, V, N ) is a concave function of V, U (for fixed
N ). The surface S(U, V ) has to remain below the tangent envelope for any U, V .
5. From Eq. (1.52) and the fact that (∂S/∂U )V,N = 1/T one can obtain

∂2S 1 ∂T 1
|V,N = − 2 |V,N = − 2 ≤0 (1.55)
∂U T ∂U T CV
i.e., the heat capacity CV should be positive. We will find below several other similar conditions of
6. A parallel argument can be developed for the energy U (S, V, N ). If the energy were to decrease after
moving some entropy from one subsystem to another one,

U (S − ∆S, V, N ) + U (S + ∆S, V, N ) ≤ 2U (S, V, N ) (1.56)


the transformation would be favourable and it will take place, making the system inhomogeneous and
therefore unstable. We have to ensure therefore the following conditions

∂2U ∂T
|V,N = |V,N ≥ 0 (1.57)
∂S 2 ∂S
∂2U ∂p
|S,N = − |S,N ≥ 0 (1.58)
∂V 2 ∂V
 2 2
∂2U ∂2U ∂ U
− ≥ 0 (1.59)
∂S 2 ∂V 2 ∂S∂V
That is, the energy surface has to be convex on the plane S, V for the system to remain stable.
7. We can extend these conditions to the other thermodynamic potentials, by using the properties of the
Legendre transformations. Suppose U (X) is a function and

Û = U − P X (1.60)
its Legendre transformation, where P = dX . We have then dÛ = −XdP , where X = −dÛ /dP . Then we
have  2 −1
dX dP −1 d U
=( ) = (1.61)
dP dX dX 2
but at the same time also
dX d2 Û
=− 2 (1.62)
dP dP
This implies
d2 U d2 Û

=− (1.63)
dX 2 dP 2
That is, if a function U (X) is convex with respect to X, its Legendre transform Û is concave with respect
to the conjugate variable P . The other non-transformed variables have the same concavity of the original
function. So, let’s consider the free energy F = U − T S. Since U (S) is convex, we have that

|V,N ≤ 0 (1.64)
∂T 2
because T is the conjugate of S, while
|T,N ≥ 0 (1.65)
∂V 2
because V is not transformed in this Legendre transformation. By the same arguments, one can see that

∂2H ∂2H
|p,N ≥ 0, |S,N ≤ 0 (1.66)
∂S 2 ∂p2
∂2G ∂2G
|p,N ≤ 0, |T,N ≤ 0 (1.67)
∂T 2 ∂p2
The general rule is that the thermodynamic potentials (i.e the Legendre transforms of the energy) are
convex functions of their extensive variables and concave functions of their intensive variables. Exactly
the opposite happens with the Legendre transforms of the entropy (sometimes called Massieu functions).
8. These conditions can be also understood as providing constraints on physical quantities as heat capacities
and compressibilities. The latter are defined as
1 ∂V
βT = − |T (1.68)
V ∂p
1 ∂V
βS = − |S (1.69)
V ∂p

i.e. as the relative change in volume when pressure is applied either isothermally (βT ) or adiabatically
(βS ). Beside CV ≥ 0, as already seen, we have for the isothermal compressibility the stability condition

∂2F ∂p 1
|T,N = − |T = ≥0 (1.70)
∂V 2 ∂V V βT
i.e. βT > 0. Since from thermodynamics we know that

Cp − CV = VT >0 (1.71)
Cp βT
= (1.72)
1 ∂V
(where α is the thermal expansion coefficient, α ≡ V ∂T |p ) we have also Cp ≥ 0, βS ≥ 0.

9. These conditions give a mathematical implementation of the principle of Le Chatelier: every inhomogeneity
that develops in a system should induce a process that tends to smooth out the inhomogeneity.
Chapter 2

Introduction to Statistics

2.1 Probability and frequency

The standard frequentist definition of the probability of having an event X out of many trials N is
number of occurrences of X
P (X) ≡ lim (2.1)
N →∞ N
that is, the frequency of events. This definition of course assumes that the events X are all equiprobable, which
is a kind of circular statement (replacing with “events produced under identical circumstances” does not solve
the problem). In fact, this is a definition of frequency, rather than of probabilities.
The Bayesian definition, on the other hand, is purely theoretical: the probability is simply assigned to an
event basing on our previous experience or on our previous information about it. If we have no information,
e.g. we use a die for the first time, we should simply assign equal probability to every possible outcome.
In either case, if Xi are all the possible outcomes of the trials (eg, X1 =”obtaining 1 in a die throw”,
X2 =”obtaining 2” etc)
P (Xi ) = 1 (2.2)
The sum of all possible probabilities of any given experiments equals 1.
In the limit in which the random variable ni becomes a continuous variable (eg a temperature, a magnitude
etc), we define a probability density or probability distribution function (PDF) f (x)

f (x)dx = P (x) (2.3)

and we have, within the domain of x (i.e. all its possible values)
f (x)dx = 1 (2.4)

The two fundamental properties of probability distributions are

f (x)dx = 1 (2.5)

f (x) ≥ 0 (2.6)

We can easily extend the idea to joint events, for instance the probability of obtaining at the same time (non
necessarily in a chronological sense) the measurement x in dx (eg a galaxy magnitude) and y in dy (eg the
galaxy redshift). Then we have

f (x, y)dxdy = P (x, y) (2.7)

f (x, y) ≥ 0 (2.8)
f (x, y)dxdy = 1 (2.9)


Immediate consequence of the first law is that if F (< X) = −∞ f (x)dx is the probability of obtaining a result
less than X (F is called cumulative function), then the probability of obtaining a result greater than or equal to
X is F (≥ X) = 1 − F (< X). So in general if P (A) is the probability of A, the probability of non-A (ie anything
but A) is simply 1 − P (A) , to be denoted as P (Ā).

2.2 Probability of combined events

Suppose we throw two dice; the joint probability of obtaining 1 in a throw and 2 in the other one is the product
of the single-throw probabilities, P12 = P1 P2 . This is true only because the two throws are independent (do
not influence each other). Then we have P1 = P2 = 1/6 and P12 = 1/36, as of course one could see by the
number of occurrences over the number of experiments. If we have the PDF f (x, y), the event x can be said to
be independent of event y if the probability of x, p(x)dx, does not depend on y. Now the probability of having
x in dx when y is in a sub-range ∆y is
p(x)dx = dx dyf (x, y) (2.10)

So in order for p(x) not to depend on y it is necessary that f be separable:

f (x, y) = q(x)g(y) (2.11)

So in this case ˆ
p(x)dx = q(x)dx g(y)dy = N q(x)dx (2.12)
´ N is only a normalization constant independent of x (to be fixed by putting p(x)dx = 1 ie. N =
1/( q(x)dx)). Then two events x, y are independent if and only if the joint probability f (x, y) is separable. So
we define the joint probability as:
If PA and PB are the probabilities of the independent events A e B, the probability of having both A and
B is PA PB . Then
P (A ∩ B) = P (B ∩ A) = P (A)P (B) (2.13)
Other two forms of comibining probabilites can be defined.
Disjoint P. If PA and PB are the prob. of events A and B mutually exclusive (i.e. AANDB = A ∩ B = 0),
the prob. of A or B is PA + PB . Therefore

P (A ∪ B) = P (A) + P (B) (2.14)

We have already seen an example of disjoint prob. when we have seen that P (A) = 1 − P (A). Since A and A
are mutually exclusive, we can write

P (A ∪ A) = 1 = P (A) + P (A) (2.15)

So for instance the prob. of having 1 or 2 in a dice roll is 1/6+1/6=1/3. Considering continuous variables
we have ˆ ˆ
p(x ∈ A ∪ B) = f (x)dx + f (x)dx (2.16)
only if the ranges A and B do not overlap. If they overlap, the events are not mutually exclusive A ∩ B 6= 0,
and we have: ˆ ˆ ˆ
p(x ∈ A ∪ B) = f (x)dx + f (x)dx − f (x)dx (2.17)
In general therefore
P (A ∪ B) = P (A) + P (B) − P (A ∩ B) (2.18)
So for instance if A is the prob. of having one “1” in the first die, whatever the second is, and B the prob. of
“1” in the second die, whatever the first is, and we consider the prob. of having at least a “1” in two throws,
the event “11” is both A and B. So we have P (A ∪ B) = 1/6 + 1/6 − 1/36 = 11/36, as we can verify easily since
the winning combinations are (11,12,13,14,15,16,21,31,41,51,61) are 11 over 36.

Conditional P.. We can also define the conditional probability (prob. of A given B):

P (A ∩ B) number of cases that are both A and B

P (A|B) = = (2.19)
P (B) number of cases that are B
So for instance, the probability of the combination 1-2 after obtaining 1 in the first roll equals (1/36)/(1/6) =
1/6. Notice that the conditional probability of having A given B is always larger than or equal to the probability
of having both A and B.
This extends obviously to continuous variables. The probability of obtaining x in the range I = (−1, 1)
given that x < 0 is P (x ∈ I|x < 0). The prob. of having x < 0 is
P (x < 0) = f (x)dx (2.20)

and the probability of having x ∈ I and at the same time x < 0 is

ˆ 0
P (x < 0, x ∈ I) = f (x)dx

Now, the fraction of cases (or area) such that P (x ∈ I|x < 0) is clearly the fraction P (x < 0, x ∈ I)/P (x < 0),
which agrees with the rule above. In other words, if in 100 measures there are 50 with x < 0 and 20 with
−1 < x < 0 it is clear that the fraction of measures with x ∈ I among those with x < 0 is 20/50=2/5.
Another example. The prob. of obtaining ≥ 9 in two dice rolls is 10/36: there are in fact 10 successful
events: 36, 45, 46, 55, 56, 66, 63, 54, 64, 65 in 36 possibilities. Which is the prob. of obtaining a score ≥ 9 given
that in the first roll the result is 6 ? We have
4 6 2
P (x + y ≥ 9|x = 6) = P (x + y ≥ 9, x = 6)/P (x = 6) = = (2.21)
36 1 3
which indeed is true since if the first die has a 6, then it is sufficient that the second result is 3,4,5,6 to win, i.e.
4 cases out of 6.
The prob. that B ∪ B occurs is of course always 1, even in the case of conditional prob. We have therefore

P (A, B ∪ B)
P (B ∪ B|A) = 1 = (2.22)
P (A)
P (A, B ∪ B) = P (A) (2.23)
In terms of PDF this rule says that integrating a PDF of two variables over the whole domain of one of the two
(marginalization) we obtain the PDF of the other:
f (x, y)dy = p(x) (2.24)

Clearly if f (x, y) = p(x)g(y), the p(x) is indeed the PDF of x, which of course confirms that a factorizable
f (x, y) implies that x and y are independent.

2.3 Expected values

Let’s briefly introduce two examples of PDFs.
Uniform distribution.
f (x) = const. in the range x ∈ (a, b). We have
ˆ b
f (x)dx = cost. × (b − a) (2.25)

and the normalization requires const = 1/(b − a).

Gauss distribution.

(x−x0 )2
f (x) = Ae− 2σ 2 (2.26)
Normalization ˆ ˆ +∞
(x − x0 )2 √
f (x)dx = A exp(− 2
)dx = A 2πσ 2 (2.27)
−∞ 2σ
from which A = (2πσ 2 )−1/2 . The parameters x0 and σ 2 are called mean and variance.
These PDFs, like all other distributions we will introduce later on, can be synthetically characterized by
several quantities.
Quantile α: value of x such that ˆ x
f (x0 )dx0 = α (2.28)

(0 ≤ α ≤ 1). If α = 0.5 the quantile is called median.

Mode. The value ofx such that P (x) is maximal.
Moments or expected values.
The expected value of a quantity g(x) is defined as
E[g] =< g >≡ g(x)f (x)dx (2.29)

The mean is therefore the expectation value of x :

E[x] = xf (x)dx (2.30)

For discrete variables we have

E[n] = ni P (ni ) (2.31)

Since P (ni ) is defined as the number of events ni divided by the total number of cases, we retrieve the intuitive
definition of mean of a variable as the sum of all the values divided by the number of cases.
The variance (or central moment of second order ) is defined as
ˆ ˆ
E[(x − hxi)2 ] = (x − hxi)2 f (x)dx = x2 f (x)dx − x̂2 = hx2 i − hxi2 (2.32)

(sometimes also Var(x)). For a Gaussian one has

E[x] = x0 (2.33)
2 2
E[(x − hxi) ] = σ (2.34)

Note that E[x − hxi] = 0 and E[y 2 ] 6= E[y]2 . For a uniform variable, one has
E[x] = (2.35)
(b − a)2
E[(x − hxi)2 ] = (2.36)
The variance has great importance in scientific measures. Conventionally in fact the error associated to each
measure is given by the square root of the variance, or standard deviation, and is denoted generally with σ also
for non-Gaussian distributions.
The n-th order moment and the n-the order centra moment are defined respectively as
E[x ] = xn f (x)dx (2.37)
E[(x − hxi)n ] = (x − hxi)n f (x)dx (2.38)

2.4 Transformation of variables

Given a random variable x and its PDF f (x), we could be interested to derive a PDF of a variable function of
x, for instance x2 or 1/x or y(x). If dy = y 0 dx is the infinitesimal interval of the new variable y as a function of
the old one, it is clear that the prob. of having x in x, x + dx must be equal to the one of having y in y, y + dy:
f (x)dx = g(y)dy (2.39)
and therefore the new PDF g(y) is
g(y) = f (x)|| (2.40)
where the absolute value ensures the positivity of the new PDF. Notice that in general
E[g(x)] 6= g(E[x]) (2.41)
We can also consider the transformation of variables in the case of many random variables. The transformation
from x1 , x2 , ... to y1 , y2 , .. can be performed introducing the Jacobian of the transformation
f (xi )dn x = g(yi )dn y (2.42)
from which
g(yi ) = f (xi )|J| (2.43)
where Jij = ∂xi /∂yj and |...| denotes the determinant.

2.5 The main PDFs

Binomial PDF. Let us consider N independent events, eg the scores 1 − 3 − 2 − 6 etc in a series of dice
rolls, or the sequence T T HHT H of heads/tails in coin tosses. We want to evaluate the probability that a joint
event, eg 8 heads out of 10 tosses, or three times a 1 out of 4 dice rolls, regardless of the order in the sequence,
i.e. considering the events as indistinguishables. This is exactly the same kind of statistics we need in eg the
statistics of a gas, which depends on the probability for indistinguishable particles to be in a given region of
phase space.
We need first of all to evaluate the number of possible sequences. If we have N different elements, ag a, b, c,
we can permute the N elements N ! times. For instance, N = 3 elements can be combined 3! = 6 times:
abc, acb, cab, cba, bac, bca. Then N ! is the number of permutations of distinguishable elements.
Suppose now we have only two elements, eg head or tail, or event A and any other event Ā. Then many
permutations are identical, for instance HHT T T remains the same by exchanging the two Hs and the three
T s. Suppose we have N times one of the two elements and, therefore, N − n the number of the other. Then,
among the total N ! permutations, a fraction n! is identical because we permute the same identical n element,
and a fraction (N − n)! will also be identical for the same reason. How many distinguishable combinations will
we obtain? Clearly
total permutations N! N
= ≡ (2.44)
(permutations among n)(permutations among N − n) n!(N − n)! n
For instance, if N = 4 and n = 2 (as in T T HH) we will have 4!/2!/2! = 6 equivalent combinations
(HHT T, HT HT, T T HH, T HT H, T HHT, HT T H). Notice that for n = 0 we define n! = 1.
The binomial PDF generalizes this calculation to the case in which we have a series of n independent events
A each with the same probability p (eg for “head” the prob. is 1/2, for a 2 in a dice roll is 1/6 etc). In this
case, the occurrence of n events A or prob. p out of N implies the occurrence of N − n events Ā with prob.
1 − p. All this implies a joint prob. of
pn (1 − p)N −n (2.45)
But clearly we have of such combinations and therefore the binomial prob. will be
P (n; N, p) = pn (1 − p)N −n (2.46)
n!(N − n)!

0 5 10 15 20
Figure 2.1: Binomial for N = 120 and p = 1/12 (red dots) e p = 1/24 (blu dots).

where n is the discrete random variable 0 ≤ n ≤ N (number of events A) while N, p are the distribution
parameters. Notice that by employing the rules of the binomial we have, as indeed we should have expected:
P (n; N, p) = (p + (1 − p))N = 1 (2.47)

It is also intuitive that the mean of events A of prob. (frequency) p out of N events should be the fraction p of
N and indeed

E[n] = Np (2.48)
2 2
σ = E[(n − N p) ] = N p(1 − p) (2.49)

Let’s demonstrate the first one:

X X nN !
E[n] = nP (n; N, p) = pn (1 − p)N −n (2.50)
n n=0
n!(N − n)!
X N (N − 1)!
= ppn−1 (1 − p)N −n (2.51)
(n − 1)!(N − n)!
X (N 0 )! 0 0 0
= Np pn (1 − p)N −n = N p (2.52)
(n0 )!(N 0 − n0 )!
n0 =0

The binomial distribution for N = 1 is called Bernoulli distribution:

P (n; 1) = pn (1 − p)1−n (2.53)

for n = 0, 1. It applies for instance to a single toss of a coin and gives the probability that an event with
probability p, e.g. tail, happens (n = 1) or does not happen (n = 0).
Poissonian PDF. Let us consider now the limit of the Binomial for N → ∞ and p → 0 (rare events), but
keeping N p = ν finite. We obtain then the Poissonian PDF
ν n −ν
P (n; ν) = e (2.54)
The moments are
= e−ν n νn!
E[n] =ν (2.55)
E[(n − ν) ] = ν (2.56)

0 5 10 15 20
Figure 2.2: Poissonian for ν = 10 (red) and ν = 5 (blue). Note the similarity to the Binomial.

For large n, we can assume that n is a continuous variable. In this case we generalize to
P (x; ν) = e−ν (2.57)
Γ(x + 1)

where Γ(x) (equal to (x − 1)! for x integer) is the gamma function

ˆ ∞
Γ(x) = e−t tx−1 dt (2.58)

Gaussian PDF. For large ν, the Poissonian is well approximated by the Gaussian with mean and variance
ν. The Gaussian is defined as:
1 (x−µ)2
G(µ, σ) = √ e− 2σ2 (2.59)
2πσ 2
and has mean µ and variance σ 2 . Defining the new variable z = (x − µ)/σ the Gaussian becomes the Normal
1 x2
N (x) = G(0, 1) = √ e− 2 (2.60)

We can define the error function ˆ x
2 2
erf (x) = √ e−t dt (2.61)
π 0
so that the cumulative function F (x) = −∞
G(x; 0, 1)dx becomes

1 x
F (x) = [1 + erf ( √ )] (2.62)
2 2
The prob. that the gaussian variable x distributed as G(x; µ, σ) in in the range (µ − a, µ + a) is
P (x ∈ (−a, a)) = erf ( √ ) (2.63)
σ 2
The Gaussian PDF is of such great importance not only because is the large-ν limit of the Poissonian but also
because of the Central Limit Theorem (see Sect. 6.3): P
Every random variable X sum (or linear combinationP ) of many independent variables xi (i.e. X = i xi )
2 2
is distributed approximately as a Gaussian of mean i µi and variance σX = i σi in the limit n → ∞
independently of the individual PDFs .

Poisson -vs- Gaussian

0 5 10 15 20
Figure 2.3: Conparing Poissonian and Gaussian PDFs for ν = 2 (blue) and ν = 10 (red).

In practice, the CLT can be applied in many experimental situations in which the error is the sum of many
independent causes: reading errors, instrumental noise, contaminations etc. In these cases, the measure can be
assumed to be gaussian distributed.
Three important values of the cumulative function are
F (µ + jσ) − F (µ − jσ) = erf ( √ ) = 0.68, 0.95, 0.997 (2.64)
for j = 1, 2, 3: these give the prob. of finding x at j = 1, 2, 3σ from the mean µ. Conventionally, errors are
quoted at 1σ even for non-Gaussian distributions.
Exponential distribution. The PDF is given by

f (x) = λe−λx (2.65)

for x ≥ 0 and 0 otherwise. The mean and the variance are

E[x] = (2.66)
V [x] = E[(x − E[x])2 ] = (2.67)

2.6 Multivariate distributions

So far we have seen mostly distributions of single variables. We have however already defined the joint probability

f (x, y)dxdy (2.68)

of having x, y in the area dxdy. The definition of probability requires now that
f (x, y)dxdy = 1 (2.69)

It is clear that we can extend this definition to many variables xi in the volume dn x. For independent variables
f (x, y) = f1 (x)f2 (y).
Analogously to the 1D case, we define the means
E[x] = xf (x, y)dxdy = µx (2.70)
E[y] = yf (x, y)dxdy = µy (2.71)

and the covariance matrix

Cij = E[(xi − µi )(xj − µj )] (2.72)

= (xi − µi )(xj − µj )f (x1 , x2 )dx1 dx2 (2.73)

where xi is the vector of random variables and µi the mean vector. In the covariance integral all the variables
except i, j are integrated out (marginalized). The elements along the diagonal are the variances σi2 of the
individual random variables . If x1 , x2 are independent then
C12 = (x1 − µx )(x2 − µy )f1 (x1 )f2 (x2 )dx1 dx2 (2.74)

separates out and by definition of mean C12 = 0: then the covariance matrix of independent variables is diagonal
(however in general C12 = 0 does not imply independent variables, but only uncorrelated variables).
The degree of correlation is indicated by the weight of the off-diagonal elements. For any two variables we
ρxy ≡ (2.75)
σx σy
If we have the multivariate PDF f (x, y) we can obtain the PDF of the individual variables by integrating
out the other one: ˆ
g(x) = f (x, y)dy (2.76)

This new PDF (marginalized over y) gives the probability of having x in dx whatever is y. We realize immediately
that ˆ
E[x] = xg(x)dx (2.77)

and similarly for all the other moments of x . All these definitions extent immediately to n dimensions, e.g.

Cij = E[(xi − µi )(xj − µj )] (2.78)

= (xi − µi )(xj − µj )f (x1 , x2 , x3,... )dn x (2.79)

Multinomial distribution. The binomial distribution can be generalized to the case in which there are
not just two possible outcomes with probability p and 1 − p but k possible outcomes P each with probability pi ,
i = 1, .., k, with the constraint that the outcomes exhaust all the possibilities, so i pi = 1. Now the probability
of having a particular sequence of independent outcomes formed by x1 outcomes of type 1, x2 of type 2, etc will
px1 1 px2 2 px3 3 ...pxkx (2.80)
Just as for the binomial distribution, accounting for all the possible internal permutations leads to the multi-
nomial distribution, i.e. the probability that in a sequence of N trial one finds x1 items of type 1, x2 of type 2
etc . This is given by
P (x1 , x2 , ..xk ) = px1 px2 px3 ...pxkx (2.81)
x1 !x2 !...xk ! 1 2 3
(provided i pi = 1). The expected values and variances are

E[xi ] = N pi (2.82)
V ar[xi ] = N pi (1 − pi ) (2.83)

Here we have however also a non-zero covariance

Cov[xi xj ] = −npi pj (2.84)

The negative value reflects the fact that if xi is large (i.e. several items of type i are extracted), then is more
likely to have fewer items j, since the total number of outcomes is fixed to N .

Multivariate gaussian. The most interesting case of multivariate PDF is the multivariate Gaussian. Let
us consider the most general Gaussian of two variables x1 , x2 (with zero mean for simplicity)

1 x2 x2 ρx1 x2
G(x1 , x2 ) = N exp[− 2
( 12 + 22 − 2 )] (2.85)
2(1 − ρ ) σ1 σ2 σ1 σ2
where N = 1/(2πσ1 σ2 1 − ρ2 ). The covariance matrix is
ρσ1 σ2
Cij = xi xj f (x1 , x2 )dx1 dx2 = (2.86)
ρσ1 σ2 σ22

and so ρ = Cxy /σx σy is indeed the correlation coefficient. For ρ = 1 the distribution is degenerate, i.e. det C = 0.
This PDF can be written as
1 −1
G(x1 , x2 ) = N exp − (Xi Cij Xj ) (2.87)

where we defined the vector Xi ≡ (xi − µi ) and N = 1/2π det C. This can be immediately generalized to n
1 1 −1
G(xi , i = 1...n) = √ exp − (Xi Cij Xj ) (2.88)
(2π) −n/2 det C 2
The contours of equiprobability P = const are ellipsoids with principal axes oriented along the eigenvectors
and semiaxes proportional to the square root of the eigenvalues of C.
Chapter 3

Statistical mechanics

3.1 Statistical definition of entropy

1. Consider a thermodynamical system with E, V, N = const (these state variables are denoted collectively
as a macrostate).
2. The microstate of such a system is represented by the collection of all positions →

q and momenta →

p of
every particle at a given time. There are therefore 6N such numbers.

3. If we know the Hamiltonian of the system, H = H(q, p) (we assume H not to depend explicitly on
time since we are discussing equilibrium states), then we can evolve the system through the Hamiltonian
∂H ∂H
q̇ = , ṗ = − (3.1)
∂p ∂q
and every function A(t, q,p) of q, p can be obtained by the standard evolution equation

dA ∂A
= + {A, H} (3.2)
dt ∂t
where the Poisson brackets stand for
X ∂A ∂H ∂A ∂H
{A, H} = − (3.3)
∂qν ∂pν ∂pν ∂qν

4. The volume of microstates of E in the shell E, E + ∆E can be evaluated in the continuum limit as
ˆ ˆ
3N 3N
∆ω = d pd q = dω (3.4)
E≤H≤E=∆E E≤H≤E=∆E

where dω = d3N pd3N q is the infinitesimal phase-space cell.

5. The volume of microstates at exactly the value E corresponds to the (hyper)area
σ(E) = dσ (3.5)

where dσ is an infinitesimal area element on the surface E = H(p, q).

6. Clearly in the classical continuum case, the number of microstates is infinite, since there can be a microstate
for every value of q, p. A finite number can be obtained only is we define a small, but finite, cell, and we
assume that values of p, q within that cell belong to the same microstate.


7. So we define the number Ω of microstates belonging to the same macrostate

σ(E, V, N ) 1
Ω(E, V, N ) = = dσ (3.6)
σ0 σ0 E=H,V =const,N =const

8. In order to evaluate Ω we first evaluate the volume ω(E) of microstates with energy less than E, and then
we obtain
dω = σ(E)dE (3.7)
so that
σ(E) = |V,N (3.8)
and finally
1 ∂ω
Ω(E, V, N ) = (3.9)
σ0 ∂E
9. The fundamental postulates of statistical mechanics state that a) all microstates belonging to the same
macrostate (possible microstates) are in turn reached by the system (ergodicity postulate); b) all mi-
crostates of equal energy are equiprobable (equiprobability postulate) and c) the equilibrium state is
the one with the largest number of possible microstates belonging to the same macrostate (equilibrium
10. A more exact definition of ergodicity is: over long periods of time, the time spent by a system in some
region of the phase space of microstates with the same energy is proportional to the volume of this region,
i.e., all accessible microstates are equiprobable over a long period of time.
11. The collection of all possible microstates belonging to a given macrostate is called an ensemble.
12. Because of the ergodic hypothesis, the time a system spends in a particular microstate is proportional to
the probability of that microstate. As a consequence, a measurement, i.e. an average over time, is equal
to an average over all the possible microstates. The latter is called an ensemble average.
13. The ergodic postulate has not been dimostrated in full generality; it remains therefore a working hypothesis
that may fail in some cases.
14. For non thermodynamical system, the ergodicity is easily broken: eg a spherical pendulum only visits
states along the initial plane, although all other planes are equally energetic.
15. If we consider two non-interacting systems, each with a number Ω of possible microstates, the number of
possible microstates of the combined system is clearly
Ω(E, V, N ) = Ω1 (E1 , V1 , N1 )Ω2 (E2 , V2 , N2 ) (3.10)
where E = E1 + E2 etc. Therefore, log Ω is an extensive quantity.
16. If we assume that the entropy is a function of Ω alone, then
S(Ω) = S1 (Ω1 ) + S2 (Ω2 ) (3.11)
Ω = Ω1 Ω2 (3.12)
implies immediately that S ∼ log Ω, i.e.
S = k log Ω (3.13)
We will show soon that k has to be identified with Boltzmann’s constant.
17. The system reaches equilibrium when Ω (or equivalently log Ω) is maximized, i.e. when entropy is maxi-
18. This is not really a full demonstration that S = k log Ω (and other slightly different definitions are possible)
since we just assumed that S depends only on Ω. In fact, there is no such a full proof and one might
as well take this definition as a fundamental postulate of statistical mechanics. As we will see soon, it is
however consistent with the thermodynamical definition.

3.2 Number of microstates

1. We can now evaluate the new definition of S for an ideal gas, where the Hamiltonian is
X p2ν
H= (3.14)

2. The volume of microstates is

ˆ ˆ ˆ
ω= d3N qd3N p = V N d3N p = V N P d3N p (3.15)
H<E H<E p2 <2mE

ie the volume of the 3N-sphere of radius r = 2mE.
3. A standard calculation gives for the volume of a N -sphere of radius R

π N/2
VN (R) = N N
RN (3.16)
2 Γ( 2 )

where Γ(n) = (n − 1)!.

4. Therefore
π 3N/2
ω= 3N 3N
(2mE)3N/2 V N (3.17)
2 Γ( 2 )
and the number of microstates on the energy surface is

1 ∂ω π 3N/2
Ω(E, V, N ) = = (2mE)3N/2−1 V N (3.18)
σ0 ∂E σ0 Γ( 3N
2 )

5. The entropy is then !

π 3N/2
S(E, V, N ) = k log (2mE)3N/2−1 V N (3.19)
σ0 Γ( 3N
2 )
Note that the argument of the log is indeed dimensionless.
6. For N  1 we can use the Stirling approximation

log Γ(n) ≈ n log n − n (3.20)

(notice that log Γ(n) ≈ log Γ(n + 1) in the limit n  1) so (redefining σ0 → σ0 E)
  3/2 !
3 V 4πmE
S(E, V, N ) = N k + log (3.21)
2 σ0 3N

7. From this expression we can immediately obtain the standard thermodynamical relations
1 ∂S 3 Nk
= |V,N = (3.22)
T ∂E 2 E
p ∂S Nk
= |E,N = (3.23)
T ∂V V
which give the equations of state of ideal gases, E = 3N kT /2 and pV = N kT . This confirms that k is
indeed Boltzmann constant.
8. The entropy so defined however is not an extensive quantity, since it depends on log V rather than on
log V /N (Gibbs’ paradox). This problem is corrected by noting that, from a quantum mehanical point
of view, elementary particles are indistinguishable and therefore the counting of microstates Ω has to be
divided by the number of permutations among N particles, i.e. by N !

9. Then we have
  3/2 !
3 V 4πmE
S(E, V, N ) = Nk + log − k log N ! (3.24)
2 σ0 3N
  3/2 !
5 V 4πmE
= Nk + log (3.25)
2 N σ0 3N

which is now extensive.

10. Let us now count the number of quantum mechanical microstates. Assuming a single particle in a box of
size L one has the energy levels
εn = (n2 + n2y + n2z ) (3.26)
8mL2 x
so the vector →−
n characterizes completely the quantum state.
11. If the total energy per particle is ε, the microstates are limited to a shell of radius R = n2x + n2y + n2z =

(L/h) 8mε in ~n space.
12. For N particles we have an energy sphere of radius
h2 X 2
E= n (3.27)
8mL2 i i

The number of possible microstates are then the number of points on the surface of this sphere.
13. Notice that there is only a single ground microstate, ie ni = 0 for every i. Since the ground state is reached
when T = 0, this shows that the entropy vanishes when T → 0. This is a general property of quantum
systems and is called Third Law of Thermodynamics.

14. If we define the dimensionless energy

8mL2 X
E∗ = 2
E= n2i (3.28)
h i

then we see that the volume of the 3N -sphere of radius E ∗ is equal to the number of grid points in the
nx,y,z space
π 3N/2
Vn = 3N 3N (E ∗ )3N/2 (3.29)
2 Γ( 2 )
We need however to consider only positive values of nx,y,z, i.e. take only the positive octant of this sphere.
This means dividing by 23N . Then we obtain that the number of microstates inside E is

π 3N/2
Σ = Vn>0 = (E ∗ )3N/2 (3.30)
23N 3N
2 Γ( 3N
2 )
 N 3N/2
V (2πmE)
= 3N 3N
h3 2 Γ( 2 )

(V = L3 ) which is identical to Eq. (3.17) if each phase-space cell is taken to be h3 in size. One can say
that h is the quantum of phase-space.

15. Now the number of microstates on the energy surface is

dΣ π 3N/2 (E ∗ ) ∆E ∗
Ω= ∆E = (3.32)
dE 23N Γ( 3N
2 )

16. The fraction

∆E ∗ ∆n

=2 (3.33)
E n
can be taken to be of order unity and is therefore negligible when taking the logarithm of Ω. We still need
to include Gibbs’ correction factor N !. So finally
 N 3N/2
V (2πmE)
Ω= (3.34)
h3 N !Γ( 3N
2 )

and we obtain the Sackur-Tetrode formula

  3/2 !
5 V 4πmE
S = Nk + log (3.35)
2 N h3 3N
5 v
= Nk + log 3 (3.36)
2 λ
where the constant σ0 is now no longer arbitrary and where we have defined the volume per particle
v = V /N and the thermal wavelength
λ= √ (3.37)

3.3 Microcanonical ensemble

1. We can now introduce an important quantity, the probability distribution of microstates, ρ(q, p). The
fraction of microstates in the volume d3N pd3N q is then defined to be

ρ(q, p)d3N pd3N q (3.38)

and of course the distribution ρ is normalized to unity in the entire allowed (i.e., compatible with the
macrostate) phase-space ˆ
ρ(q, p)d3N pd3N q = 1 (3.39)

2. Any quantity f (q, p) has then an ensemble average

hf i = f (p, q)ρ(q, p)d3N pd3N q (3.40)

which by the ergodic hypothesis is equal to the time average, i.e. to the measurement of f over a
macrostate. To every observable quantity one must then associate a function f (q, p).
3. If the macrostate has constant energy (and constant V, N ), the fundamental postulate of statistical me-
chanics is that the microstates are equiprobable. Since there are Ω of them, we have
ρ = ρmc = (3.41)

This is called the microcanonical ensemble.
4. This can be written as
δ(E − H(p, q))
ρmc = (3.42)
(δ is Dirac’s delta) so that the normalization condition is automatically fulfilled. In practice we assume a
small shell ∆E of equiprobable states and put
ρmc = for E ≤ H ≤ E + ∆E (3.43)
and zero otherwise.

5. Since we should always consider phase-space cells of size h3 for the correct counting of microstates, we
can include this factor into the normalization and write always

d3N pd3N q
in the averages. Gibbs’ factor N ! should also be included for indistinguishable particles.
6. The distribution ρ, assumed independent of time because we are considering equilibrium states, is con-
served along the trajectories of the particles. In fact from Liouville’s theorem we have

= {ρ, H} = 0 (3.45)
It follows that ρ commutes with H and therefore has to be a function of integrals of motion, e.g. H itself.
7. Since every observable is an average of a function, also the entropy should be defined as the average of
some quantity. We have then (omitting the brackets on the l.h.s.)
ˆ ˆ
k 3N 3N k
S(E, V, N ) = d pd qρ(q, p) log Ω = d3N pd3N qρmc [− log ρmc ] (3.46)
h3N h3N
= −khlog ρmc i (3.47)

where the last expression, since ρmc is constant, equals k log Ω, as it should. The definition of entropy as

S = −khlog ρi (3.48)

is indeed the most general one, as it applies to all possible ensembles.

8. In this form, the entropy coincides with the so called uncertainty function, or information entropy. Suppose
we have a discrete probability distribution pi . The information entropy is defined as
H(pi ) = − pi log pi (3.49)

This functions quantifies the amount of ignorance with respect to a given system. A certain state (ie, no
ignorance, pi = 0 or 1) does not contribute to it; it is maximized by equal probabilities if one does not
have any further information and it always increases if more information is added to the system.
It is easy to show that the distribution pi that maximizes the uncertainty H(pi ) subject to the constraint
9. P
pi = 1 is the microcanonical distribution. The same principle of maximum entropy allows to derive
other ensemble distributions when other constraints are imposed.
10. As already mentioned, in quantum mechanics, the ground state of a system is reached for T → 0. In all
cases of physical interest, there is only one ground state, or a small number. The number of microstates
corresponding to T → 0 is therefore one or a very small number. Then S(T → 0) = 0, or a number much
smaller than S at any given finite temperature. We will assume then from now on that the reference state
of entropy is the one at zero temperature for which S = 0 (Third Law of Thermodynamics).

3.4 The canonical ensemble

1. Consider now a closed system S characterized by energy ES embedded in a heat bath or reservoir R with
energy ER , both in equilibrium at temperature T . The heat bath is, as usual, supposed to be very large
so its temperature does not change even if some heat is exchanged.
2. Since ER  ES , we have
=1− 1 (3.50)
where E = ES + ER . We ask for the probability of finding the system S in a state with energy Ei . The
probability of S being in Ei must be the same as the probability of R being in E − Ei . This probability

is then equal to the fraction of microstates of the heat bath for the energy E − Ei , or proportional to the
number of microstates:
pi ∝ ΩR (E − Ei ) (3.51)

3. We can now expand ΩR (or the entropy S) for Ei  E:

S = k log ΩR (E − Ei ) ≈ k log ΩR (E) − [k log ΩR (E)]Ei + ... (3.52)
Now, since
∂SR k∂ log ΩR 1
|V,N = |V,N = (3.53)
∂E ∂E T
(we are by construction at constant volume and number of particles) we find
ΩR (E − Ei ) ≈ ΩR (E) exp − (3.54)

4. The term we neglected in (3.52) is

1 ∂2S Ei2

∂ 1
|R Ei2 = (3.55)
2 ∂E 2 ∂E T R

Ei ∂E
= − 2 =− 2 i (3.56)
2T ∂T R 2T CV,R

where CV,R is the heat capacity of the reservoir. This term is negligible because CV is an extensive
quantity and becomes infinite when the heat bath become infinite.
5. Since E = const, this means that the probability that R is in E − Ei , and therefore that S is in Ei , is
pi ∝ exp − (3.57)

Properly normalized over all possible microstates, this means


exp − kT
pi = P Ei
i exp − kT

or, in continuous notation

exp [−βH(p, q)]
pc = ´ (3.59)
h−3N d3N pd3N q
exp [−βH(p,q)]
where β = 1/kT and H is the Hamiltonian. The integral extends over all possible values of p, q. This is
the canonical phase-space density, or distribution, or ensemble.
6. Any quantity can therefore be obtained as an average of some function. For instance the average energy
(or average hamiltonian) is P
i Ei exp (−βEi )
U = hHi = P (3.60)
i exp (−βEi )

7. This distribution can be obtained also as the distrbution that maximizes the entropy given the constraint
hEi = Ep(E) dE (3.61)

Then we have ˆ
S = −khlog pi = −k p log p dE (3.62)

To extremize S given the constraints, we use the Lagrange multipliers

ˆ ˆ
p log pdE − β(E − Ep dE) (3.63)

and obtain by differentiating p ˆ

[dp log p + dp + βEdp] dE = 0 (3.64)

which requires
dp(log p + βE + 1) = 0 (3.65)
Since this must be true for every non-zero interval dp, we obtain the canonical distribution

pc ∝ e−βE (3.66)

8. In order to identify β we can proceed as follows. We define the partition function

Z= exp(−βEi ) (3.67)

or ˆ
Z = h−3N d3N pd3N q exp [−βH(p,q)] (3.68)

9. Then we get for the entropy

S = −khlog pi = kβhHi + k log Z = kβU + k log Z (3.69)

and therefore
1 ∂S ∂β ∂
= = kU + kβ + (k log Z) (3.70)
T ∂U ∂U ∂U
It follows
β= (3.71)
as expected.

10. Notice moreover that Eq. (3.69) can be written as

T S = U + kT log Z (3.72)

and therefore the free energy is

F = U − T S = −kT log Z (3.73)
The canonical ensemble can then be written also as
exp(− kT ) F −E
pc = = exp( ) (3.74)
Z kT

11. The use of the Hamiltonian in Eq. (3.59) makes it clear that if H(q, p) is invariant with respect to the
change of the individual coordinates pi , qi , then the probability to find one (any) particle at q1 , p1 , another
(any other) at q2 , p2 etc. is the sum over all possible permutations of the individual probabilities pc ; in
fact, there will be N ! of them, and therefore we will obtain the Gibbs factor N !. This means we must
multiply Eqs. (3.58) or (3.59) by N ! or equivalently divide the partition function by N !.
12. Since the canonical partition function gives F (T, V, N ), all thermodynamical quantities can be obtained
from it.

13. For instance, for an ideal gas,

Z = d3N pd3N q exp [−βH(p,q)] (3.75)
N !h3N
ˆ "
X p2
1 N 3N ν
= V d p exp −β (3.76)
N !h3N ν
3N ˆ
1 N
= V d pν exp −β (3.77)
N !h3N ν
V N 2πmkT VN
= 2
= (3.78)
N! h N !λ3N
( i is the productory symbol) from which F = −kT log Z and we can obtain, for instance,

∂F ∂F
p=− |T,N , S=− |V,N (3.79)
∂V ∂T

14. The thermal wavelength λ is up to order of unity constants equal to h/(mEkin ) ∼ h/p, i.e. it represents
the average de Broglie wavelength for particles moving with momentum p at temperature T . As long
as λ  (V /N )1/3 , i.e. a thermal wavelength much smaller that the typical interparticle distance, the
quantum effects can be neglected. That is, the particle’s wavelength do not overlap.
15. For non-interacting particles, one obviously has H(q, p) = i H(pi , qi ) and
1 Z(T, V, 1)N
Z(T, V, N ) = d3N pd3N q exp [−βH(p,q)] = (3.80)
N !h3N N!

and analogously (Z1 = Z(T, V, 1))

e−βh1 e−βh2 ...
ρN = N ! (3.81)
while the probability of finding one particle at q, p is just

p1 = (3.82)
as if it were a system of a single particle.
16. Since p = mv for a non-relativistic particle, we have therefore also obtained the Maxwell-Boltzmann
distribution of velocities for a single particle

mv 2
p(v)d v ∝ exp − d3 v (3.83)

which can be normalized to unity as

mv 2
 m 3/2  
p(~v )d3 v = exp − d3 v (3.84)
2πkT 2kT

If one is only interested in the speed v = |~v |, one can write d3 p = v 2 sin θdθdφdv and integrate out the
angles, obtaining
mv 2
 m 3/2  
p(v)dv = 4πv exp − dv (3.85)
2πkT 2kT
p √
which has a maximum at vp = 2kT /m and a mean speed hvi = 2vp / π (notice that instead of course
h~v i = 0).

17. The observable quantities, as already mentioned, are the averages of some properly defined functions. For
instance, the density of the i-th particle is
ρi (→

r ) = hδ(→

ri − r)i (3.86)
the total density is
− δ(→

r)=h ri − r)i (3.87)

18. Since in the canonical distribution the energy is not fixed, we can evaluate its fluctuations, defined as the
variance of the distribution. First we define the density of states g(E) as the number of microstates in the
energy shell E, E + ∆E ˆ
d3N pd3N q = g(E)dE (3.88)
h3N E≤H≤E+∆E
so that the probability of finding a system in the range E, E + ∆E is
pc dE = Z −1 g(E)dE exp (−βE) (3.89)
The density of states increases with the energy, while the exponential decreases: this means that there
should be a maximum somewhere. The maximum of the distribution ρc occurs at that E that solves the
∂pc 1 ∂g
= ( − gβ)e−βE = 0 (3.90)
∂E Z ∂E
and one can find that the maximum coincides with the constant value of the microcanonical ensemble.
In fact, since S = k log Ω = k log[g(E)∆E], the condition becomes (assuming the shell ∆E is fixed
independent of E)
k∂ log g ∂S 1
|Emax = |E = (3.91)
∂E ∂E max T
which is exactly the relation we should employ in the microcanonical ensemble to find the constant energy
given the temperature. Moreover, this also coincides with the average

U ≡ hEi = − log Z(β) = F + T S (3.92)
The variance is then

2 2 2 ∂Z
σE = hE i − hE i = −
Z∂β 2 Z∂β
∂ log Z ∂U ∂U
= =− = kT 2 |V,N = kT 2 CV (3.93)
∂β 2 ∂β ∂T
This is an example of a fluctuation-dissipation relation, i.e. the relation among a fluctuation quantity,
σE , and a “dissipation”, i.e. the response of a system variable, U , to a change in an external control
parameter, here T .

19. Since CV and E are both extensive, the relative variance σ/hEi decreases as 1/ N for large N , as
expected. Since the fluctuations around the mean energy E are extremely small, the canonical ensemble
gives for all practical purposes the same thermodynamical relations as the microcanonical ensemble. On
the other hand, the derivation of thermodynamics, i.e. of F or S, is much simpler for the canonical than
for the microcanonical ensemble.

3.5 Virial theorem

1. Given a system characterized by a Hamiltonian H(q, p), we want to calculate now the mean value of
xi ∂x k
where xi with i = 1, ..6N represents any one of the coordinates q, p. We have then
∂H 1 ∂H
hxi i = 3N d6N x ρ(x)xi (3.94)
∂xk h ∂xk
where ρ can be either the micro- or the canonical distribution.

2. In the microcanonical case ρ = 1/Ω in the energy shell and zero outside, so we have
∂H 1 ∂(H − E)
hxi i= 3N
d6N x xi (3.95)
∂xk Ωh E≤H≤E+∆E ∂xk

(we used the fact that ∂E/∂xi = 0).

3. This can be evaluated as
∂H 1 ∂ ∂(H − E)
hxi i = 3N
∆E d6N x xi (3.96)
∂xk Ωh ∂E 0≤H≤E ∂xk
1 ∂ ∂xi
= − 3N ∆E d6N x (H − E) (3.97)
Ωh ∂E 0≤H≤E ∂xk

where we integrate by parts with respect to xk , and neglected the boundary term because the variable
xk on the boundary evolves according to the equation E = H(x) and therefore lies always on the energy
surface, where H − E = 0.
4. Finally, since ∂xk = δik , we have
∂H δik ∂
hxi i = − ∆E d6N x (H − E) (3.98)
∂xk Ωh3N ∂E 0≤H≤E
δik ∂ δik Σ
= 3N
∆E d6N x = ∆E (3.99)
Ωh ∂E 0≤H≤E Ω

(here one should

´ include the differentiation also of the integral limit, but it turns out to be zero), where
Σ = h−3N 0≤H≤E d6N x counts the number of microstates in the energy sphere 0 ≤ H ≤ E .
5. Now Ω is the number of microstates in the energy shell, and therefore
Ω= ∆E (3.100)
so finally
∂H δik
hxi i= ∂ log Σ
∂xk ∂E

6. Now we employ again the approximation we used before, namely that

log Σ ≈ log Ω (3.102)

ie that the number of microstates in the energy shell of thickness ∆E
E ∗ ≈ 1 is almost equal to the entire
number of microstate in the energy sphere; that is, the “skin” of the energy sphere contains the bulk of
the microstates. (Alternatively, one could have defined S = k log Σ from the start, as actually proposed
by Gibbs.)
7. This gives the equipartition theorem
∂H δik
hxi i = k ∂S = δik kT (3.103)
∂xk ∂E |N,V

That is, every term xi ∂H/∂xk in the Hamiltonian accounts for a kT in a thermodynamic system.
8. If xi is a coordinate or a momentum, this means respectively
hxi i = −hqi ṗi i = −hqi Fi i = kT (3.104)
hxi i = hpi q̇i i = kT (3.105)

9. In the second case, we can also recognize hpi q̇i i = 2hKqi i, i.e. twice the kinetic energy in the direction qi ,
so we have the mean kinetic energy for a particle i (three degrees of freedom)
hKi i = kT (3.106)

10. Similarly from (3.104), and summing over the three directions, we can write for the i-th particle

− →

− h→

q i · F i i = h→

q i · ∇Vi i = 3kT (3.107)

and assuming a power law potential V ∝ rα one has

− ∂Vi

r · ∇Vi i = hr · i = αhVi i (3.108)
~ i |) so that
(where r = |~r|, ∂Vi /∂r = |∇V

αhVi i = −h→

q i · F i i = 3kT (3.109)

and for N particles we obtain the virial theorem

α 3
hKi = hP i = N kT (3.110)
2 2
For quadratic potential, α = 2, the equipartition theorem says that kinetic energy, K = N Ki , and
potential energy, P = N Vi , are equal on average.
11. For any quadratic Hamiltonian
Aν p2ν + Bν qν2

H= (3.111)

one has then

hHi =
f kT (3.112)
where f = 6N is the number of degrees of freedom, regardless of Aν , Bν . So the equipartition theo-
rem applied to quadratic Hamiltonians says that the energy associated with each degree of freedom at
temperature T is kT /2.

12. The same result can be obtained from the canonical ensemble.
13. The equipartition theorem applied to an ideal gas gives as expected the equation of state pV = N kT .
14. The use of integrals instead of sums over discrete states is crucial for this derivation of the equipartition
theorem, as we will see in the next section.

3.6 Applications of the canonical ensemble: quantum oscillators

1. The canonical ensemble is also called Boltzmann statistics when applied to classical systems.
2. Even quantum systems can be discussed with the Boltzmann statistics under some limitations.
3. Let us consider a system of fixed quantized harmonic oscillators. The energy spectrum for every oscillator
of frequency ω is
εn = ~ω(n + ) (3.113)
with n = 0, 1, 2.... The quantum number n takes now the place of the phase-space variables p, q.

4. Assuming the particles are non-interactig, we have for N distinguishable oscillators (eg atoms fixed in a
Z(T, V, N ) = [Z(T, V, 1)]N (3.114)
where the one-particle partition sum is
X β~ω X
Z(T, V, 1) = exp −βεn = e− 2 (e−β~ω )n
n n
e− 2 β~ω −1
= −β~ω
= [2 sinh( )]
1−e 2
where we used the sum rule of geometric series

X 1
rn = (3.115)

if r < 1. Notice also the useful rule obtained by differentiation

X r
nrn = (3.116)
(1 − r)2

and the generalization for N > 0 (binomial expansion)

1 X `+N −1
= x` (3.117)
(1 − x)N `

5. Finally
β~ω −N
Z(T, V, N ) = [2 sinh( )] (3.118)
and the free energy is
β~ω N
F = −kT log Z = N kT log[2 sinh( )] = ~ω + N kT log(1 − e−β~ω ) (3.119)
2 2
where the first term represents the zero-point energy.
6. From F , all other thermodynamic relations follow. For instance
∂F F
µ = |T,V = (3.120)
∂N N
p = |N,V = 0 (3.121)
(no pressure because the oscillators are fixed at their location).
7. The entropy and average energy are
∂F β~ω
S = − |V,N = N k[ β~ω − log(1 − e−β~ω )] (3.122)
∂T e −1
1 1
U = F + T S = N ~ω[ + ] (3.123)
2 exp(β~ω) − 1
Notice that the entropy vanishes for β~ω → ∞ i.e. at zero temperature, as required by the Third Law.
The energy can be written also as
U = N hεn i (3.124)
where hεn i is the mean energy of an oscillator and is
1 1
hεn i = ~ω[ + ] (3.125)
2 exp(β~ω) − 1
which can of course also be calculated directly.

Figure 3.1: Plot of CV /N k as a function of temperature for the quantum oscillators.

8. Notice that the classical equipartition theorem U = N kT is recovered only in the limit of T → ∞, i.e.
when the discrete sum can be approximated as an integral. In the opposite limit T → 0 one has instead
U = N ~ω/2, ie the sum of all the zero-point energies.
9. Similarly, one can also evaluate the mean quantum number hni

hεn i − ~ω
2 1
hni = = (3.126)
~ω exp(β~ω) − 1

10. The heat capacity is now

∂U exp(β~ω)
CV = |V,N = N k(β~ω)2 (3.127)
∂T (exp(β~ω) − 1)2
and we see that for T → 0 , the capacity approaches zero, while in the opposite limit CV = N k. That is,
for very small temperatures, the system cannot absorb any heat, ie no oscillator gets excited.

11. We can now obtain the density of states g(E). With the use of the binomial expansion (3.117) we can
rewrite the partition function as
exp(− 12 β~ω)

β~ω −N
Z(T, V, N ) = [2 sinh(
)] = (3.128)
2 1 − exp(−β~ω)
X `+N −1 1
= exp[−β~ω( N + `)] (3.129)
` 2

This expression can be compared to the general expression that defines the density of states g(E) for
discrete states X
Z(T, V, N ) = g(Ei )e−βEi (3.130)

to obtain
`+N −1
g` ≡ g(E` ) = (3.131)
E` ≡ ~ω(` + ) (3.132)

12. The energy states E` can be interpreted as the energy of ` quanta of energy ~ω each, plus the zero-point
energy of N oscillators. The density of states for discrete states is called degeneration factor or multiplicity,
g` . It corresponds to the number of ways one can distribute ` indistinguishable quanta of energy among
N different (distinguishable) possible states.
13. It is possible now to show that the entropy S = k log Ω coincides with S = k log g` , since g` gives the
number of microstates at any given energy.

3.7 Applications of the canonical ensemble: paramagnetism

1. If a system of infinitesimal magnetic dipoles (i.e., particles with spin) with magnetic moment µ
~ i is under
the action of an external homogeneous magnetic field H, the energy of the system is
E=− ~
~i · H
µ (3.133)

The minus sign implies that the energy is minimized when the spins align with the external field. That
is, it takes some work to disalign the spins.
2. Neglecting the translational degrees of freedom (dipole fixed in a lattice), the dipole can only change their
orientation with respect to an axis z that is chosen to be along H.~ The degrees of freedom are then the
two angle θ, φ for each dipole. The Hamiltonian is then
H=− µ ~ =−
~i · H µi H cos θi (3.134)
i i

3. We are also neglecting the spin-spin interactions. These will be studied in Sect. (5.4).
4. If the dipoles are all identical, then the partition function of this system is
ˆ ˆ ˆ N
Z(T, H, N ) = dΩ1 dΩ2 ... dΩN exp βµH cos θi (3.135)

where dΩi = sin θi dθi dφi and where one see that H takes the role of the volume here.
5. Since we are neglecting any interaction among the dipoles, we have
Z(T, H, N ) = Z(T, H, 1)N (3.136)
Z(T, H, 1) = sin θdθdφ exp(βµH cos θ) (3.137)
= 2π dx exp(βµHx) (3.138)

= 4π (3.139)

6. Then the probability for a dipole to be oriented in θ + dθ, φ + dφ is

exp(βµH cos θ)
ρ(θ, φ)dΩ = sin θdθdφ (3.140)
Z(T, H, 1)

~ = µ {sin θ cos φ, sin θ sin φ, cos θ}.

7. The mean magnetic dipole can then be evaluated as the mean of the vector µ
One finds hµx i = hµy i = 0 and
hµz i = cos θ exp[βµH cos θ] sin θdθdφ (3.141)
= µ coth(βµH) − (3.142)

One can also write

1 ∂ ∂
hµz i = log Z(T, H, 1) = − F (T, H, 1) (3.143)
β ∂H ∂H
where F (T, H, 1) = −kT log Z(T, H, 1) = F (T, H, N )/N .
8. The total dipole hDz i = N hµz i in the direction z is then

hDz i = − F (T, H, N ) (3.144)
This shows that here the averages of µz and H (or better N H, so to obtain an extensive quantity as V )
take the role of p, V in the context of gases. Notice that

hDz i = N hµz i = − (3.145)

9. Explicitly, we find

4π sinh(βµH)
F (T, H, N ) = −N kT log (3.146)
hDz i = N µ coth(βµH) − (3.147)

The behavior of hDz i/N µ as a function of x = βµH is a curve that rises from 0 for zero magnetic field H
or large temperatures (no net alignment) to a saturation value 1 (full alignment) for large fields or small
temperatures. This behavior (no net magnetization for H = 0) is called paramagnetic.
10. By deriving the entropy S = −∂F/∂T |H,N and the energy U = F + T S one can get the heat capacity

∂U Nk
CH = |H,N = 1− (3.148)
∂T H sinh2 x
One sees then that CH → 0 for large temperatures (see Fig. 3.3). This is typical for systems with an
energy upper bound. That is, once the system is completely randomized at high temperature, it cannot
absorb any more energy. Moreover, CH → N k for small temperatures. Of course, this takes into account
only the magnetization energy: the system can still absorb heat in the other degrees of freedom (rotation,
vibrations, etc) that we neglect here.
11. For quantum systems, the spin states are quantized. The simplest case is when each dipole can only
assume two states, up or down, with energies E = −gµB Hσ and σ = ±1/2 (here g is the gyromagnetic
ratio, equal to 2 for the intrinsic spin of electrons and µB = e~/2me c is Bohr’s magneton). Then the
one-particle partition function is
Z(T, H, 1) = exp(−βE) = 2 cosh(βε) (3.149)

with ε = µB H for electrons.

12. The free energy is then
F (T, H, N ) = −N kT log[2 cosh(βε)] (3.150)
from which again all thermodynamic quantities can be obtained. In particular, the average magnetization
hDz i = − |T,N = N µB tanh βε (3.151)
(see Fig. 3.2) and the average spin per particle is

σ ≡ hDz i/N µB = tanh βε (3.152)


Figure 3.2: Plot of Dz /N µ as a function of temperature for a paramagnet.

Figure 3.3: Plot of CH /N k as a function of temperature for a classical paramagnet.

13. Moreover the heat capacity is

CH = = N k(βε)2 cosh−2 (βε) (3.153)
For small and large x = βε the heat capacity can be approximated as CH ∼ x2 e−2x . So now one sees
again that CH → 0 for high temperature, but also for small temperatures, since the dipoles cannot absorb
arbitrarily small amount of energy and if they are totally aligned, they remain so. The heat capacity
has therefore a maximum at approximately ε ≈ kT . This behavior (see Fig. 3.4) is called Schottky heat

3.8 The macrocanonical ensemble

1. If we repeat the steps of Sect. 3.4 to a subsystem S that can exchange both energy and particles with the
environment R, we find the probability for S to be in a state with energy Ei  E and particles NS  N

Figure 3.4: Plot of CH /N k as a function of temperature for a quantum paramagnet.

to be  
∂ log ΩR ∂ log ΩR
pi,N ∝ ΩR (E − Ei , N − NS ) ≈ ΩR (E, N ) 1 − Ei − NS + ... (3.154)
∂E ∂N

2. Therefore since SR = k log ΩR and

∂SR 1 ∂SR µ
|V,N = , |V,E = − , (3.155)
∂E T ∂N T
we obtain
Ei µNS
pi,N ≈ ΩR (E, N ) exp(− + ) (3.156)
kT kT
The prefactor can of course be absorbed into the normalization.
3. The macrocanonical (or grand-canonical) distribution is then

exp(−β(Ei − µN ))
pi,N = P P (3.157)
N i exp(−β(Ei − µN ))

4. P
As before, this distribution can also be obtained as the distribution that maximizes the uncertainty
p log p when the constraints on the average energy and the average number of particles are enforced.
5. A relation between the macrocanonical partition function
Z= exp(−β(Ei − µN )) (3.158)
N i

and the grand potential Φ also exists, analogously to the relation between free energy and the canonical
φ(T, V, µ) = −pV = −kT ln Z(T, V, µ) (3.159)
from which all thermodynamical quantities can be obtained.
6. One can also write the macrocanonical partition sum as a weighted sum of the canonical partition function
X µ
Z(T, V, µ) = e kT Z(T, V, N ) (3.160)
The factor z = e kT is called fugacity.

7. For noninteracting, indistinguishable systems one has

X 1  µ N
Z(T, V, µ) = e kT Z(T, V, 1)N (3.161)
X 1 h µ iN
= e kT Z(T, V, 1) (3.162)
h µ i
= exp Z(T, V, 1) exp( ) (3.163)
where we used the sum rule X xn
= ex (3.164)

8. In many cases then the macrocanonical partition function can be simply written in terms of the canonical
one. In fact, all partition functions are mathematically connected by Laplace transformations (see e.g.
Greiner’s textbook, p. 247).

9. Carrying out the calculation of the variance in the macrocanonical ensemble one can derive the size of the
relative fluctuations in particle number as
σN kT
= βV (3.165)
where we introduced the compressibility (see Eq. 1.68)

1 ∂V
βV = − |T,N (3.166)
V ∂p
Here again, since βV is an intensive quantity, the relative number fluctuations vanish in the thermodynamic
limit V → ∞. A similar argument holds for the energy fluctuations which now can be written as
2 2 2
σE σcan σN ∂U
= + |T,V (3.167)
E2 U2 U2 ∂N

The macrocanonical ensemble gives therefore the same thermodynamic relations as the other ensembles.

10. During the isothermal compression of a gas, below a certain critical temperature, there is a phase transition
during which the pressure does not change, in spite of compression, because the gas condenses in the liquid
phase. Then one has (∂p/∂V )T = 0 and consequently βV → ∞. This shows that during a phase transition
the fluctuations are no longer negligible.
Chapter 4

Statistical mechanics of quantum


4.1 Density operators

This subsection follows in part the notes by S. J. van Enk at http://pages.uoregon.edu/svanenk/solutions/Mixed_states.pd
to which we refer for further details.
1. In quantum mechanics we denote the solution of the Schroedinger equation a pure state |ψi. Any linear
combination (superposition) of pure states is another pure state. We will consider normalized vectors in
the following, i.e. hψ|ψi = 1.
2. The dual bra vector hφ| is a linear operator in Hilbert space that transforms ket vectors in C-numbers,
3. An operator Ô is a linear operation that transforms vectors into other vectors; any operator and its
hermitian conjugate can be expressed as

Ô = |φihψ| (4.1)

Ô = |ψihφ| (4.2)

4. The expected value of Ô on the state |ψi is

hÔi = hψ|Ô|ψi (4.3)

5. A special case is the hermitian operator

ρ̂ = |ψihψ| (4.4)
which is obviously a projection operator, i.e.

(ρ̂)2 = ρ̂ (4.5)

6. Denoting with |ni an orthonormal basis on Hilbert space, the orthonormality relation can be written as
I= |nihn| (4.6)

7. The elements of an operator Ô in the basis |ni are

Omn = hn|Ô|mi (4.7)

and its Trace is then X X

TrÔ = Onn = hn|Ô|ni (4.8)
n n


Notice that the Trace is a number, not an operator. A crucial property of the trace is that it is invariant
with respect to a basis transformation, provided the transformation is unitary, i.e. (using matrix notation)
if O0 = U ∗ OU with U ∗ U = 1. In fact, since Tr(AB) = Tr(BA) we have

TrO0 = Tr(U∗ (OU)) = Tr(OUU∗ ) = Tr(O) (4.9)

8. By inserting the identity I = n |nihn| we find that for any operator Ô we can write the expected value
on the state |ψi as
hÔi = hψ|Ô|ψi = hψ|Ô|nihn|ψi (4.10)
= hn|ψihψ|Ô|ni = hn|ρ̂ψ Ô|ni (4.11)
n n

= Tr(ρ̂ψ Ô) = Tr(Ôρ̂ψ ) (4.12)

9. Analogously, we can express probabilities and overlaps in terms of ρ̂

|hφ|ψi|2 = Tr(ρ̂ψ |φihφ|) = Tr(|φihφ|ρ̂ψ ) (4.13)

10. Since the expectation values of arbitrary operators and probabilities and overlaps can be expressed by the
operator ρ̂, the state |ψi is completely characterized by ρ̂, which is called density operator.
11. Since |ψi is normalized, we have
Trρ̂ = 1 (4.14)

12. For an example, take a particle moving in a 1D space x. The wavefunction is

hx|ψi = ψ(x) (4.15)

Inserting twice the identity dx |xihx| , the density matrix can written then as
ˆ ˆ
ρ̂ = |ψihψ| = dx dx0 |x0 ihx0 |ψihψ|xihx| (4.16)

The matrix elements of ρ̂ are then

hx0 |ρ̂|xi = ρ(x0 , x) = ρx0 x = ψ(x0 )ψ ∗ (x) (4.17)

One can see then that ˆ

ˆ =
Tr(ρ) dx|ψ(x)2 | = 1 (4.18)

13. Consider now a mixture of N pure states, or mixed state

ρ̂ = pk |ψk ihψk | (4.19)

where the weights pk obey X

0 < pk ≤ 1, pk = 1 (4.20)

Now ρ̂ is no longer a projection operator. So the rule (ρ̂)2 = ρ̂ is only valid for pure states and indeed can
be used to distinguish between pure and mixed states in a basis invariant way.
14. In general, we can think of mixed state as a collection of pure states, each with associated probability pk .
One reason we consider such mixed states is because the quantum states are hard to isolate, and hence
often entangled (“mixed”) to the environment. A mixed state can be for instance a beam of photons each
with its own polarization or any collection of pure states prepared with probability pk , i.e. an ensemble
of pure states.

15. Expectation values, i.e. experimentally measured values, are obtained as

hÔi = Tr(ρ̂Ô) = pk Tr(|ψk ihψk |Ô) (4.21)

i.e. a sum of Ok = Tr(|ψk ihψk |Ô) weighted by pk .

16. Since ρ̂ is hermitian, we can diagonalize it:
ρ̂ = λk |φk ihφk | (4.22)

where the M states |φk i are orthogonal and span the Hilbert space. The coefficients λk satisfy
0 < λk ≤ 1, λk = 1 (4.23)

Since ρ̂|φi i = λi |φi i, the λi are the eigenvalues of ρ̂.

17. In statistical physics, the probability for the k-th system of an ensemble formed by N elements to be
in a state |ni (we assume from now on that we adopt the orthonormal energy wavefunctions as basis) is
different from system to system. If the system is in |ψ k i = n akn |ni, the probability of obtaining as a
result of a measurement the energy value corresponding to n is |akn |2 .
18. The coefficients akn evolve according to
i~ȧkn (t) = Hnm akm (t) (4.24)

where Hnm are the matrix elements of Ĥ and of course for all k the normalization
|akn |2 = 1 (4.25)

is maintained.
19. Now the density operator is defined as the operator with matrix elements
ρnm = λk akn (t)ak∗
m (t) (4.26)

The diagonal elements ρnn are then the ensemble average over the probabilities |akn |2 ; the latter themselves
are averages over possible measurements on a single system. Then ρnn is the probability that a system
chosen at random in the ensemble is in the state n. The normalization condition
ρnn = 1 (4.27)

20. By differentiating Eq. (4.26) with respect to time and inserting (4.24) and its conjugate, we can see that
the operator ρ̂ obeys the quantum generalization of Liouville equation (von Neumann equation)

i~ρ̇mn = (Ĥ ρ̂ − ρ̂Ĥ)mn (4.28)

i~ρ̂˙ = [Ĥ, ρ̂] (4.29)
Here again, as in the classical case, for a system to be in equilibrium ρ̂ must not depend on time and
therefore it commutes with Ĥ; therefore it has to depend on Ĥ, itself independent of time and can be

diagonalized with Ĥ. Therefore ρ̂, just as Ĥ, is represented by a diagonal matrix in the basis formed by
the energy eigenstates:
ρnm = ρn δnm (4.30)
In other representations ρ̂ is not diagonal, but is always symmetric (otherwise the probability to make a
transition from a state to another one would be different from the inverse and equilibrium could not be
21. Quantum statistics therefore consists in expressing the density operator ρ̂ in terms of Ĥ. Once we have
ρ̂, the expectation value of any observable is Tr(ρ̂Ô), regardless of the basis.

4.2 Quantum ensembles

1. We can consider now the same ensembles we studied so far. For instance, the canonical ensemble ρc
becomes now a density operator  
exp −β Ĥ
ρ̂c =   (4.31)
Tr exp −β Ĥ
with matrix elements in the energy basis
hn| exp −β Ĥ |mi exp (−βEn )
ρnm =   = δnm (4.32)
Tr exp −β Ĥ Tr exp (−βEn )
which obviously satisfies the normalization condition n ρnn = 1. The expression Tr in the last expression
just means “sum over n”.
2. The average of any observable Ô is then
h   i
Tr exp −β Ĥ Ô
hÔi = Tr(ρ̂Ô) =   (4.33)
Tr exp −β Ĥ
= ρnm Omn (4.34)

if Onm are the elements of Ô in the energy basis.

3. For instance, the average energy is
h   i
Tr exp −β Ĥ Ĥ
U = hĤi = Tr(ρ̂Ĥ) =   (4.35)
Tr exp −β Ĥ
n [exp (−βEn ) En ]
= P (4.36)
n exp (−βEn )
= − log Tr exp −β Ĥ (4.37)

= − log Z(T, V, N ) (4.38)
just as in the classical case.
4. For the grand canonical esemble one has, similarly,
exp −β(Ĥ − µN̂
ρ̂c =   (4.39)
Tr exp −β(Ĥ − µN̂ )

where now also N̂ is an operator (equal to N only for systems with constant number of particles).

5. For instance, let us evaluate the average energy of a single free particle,

U = hĤi = Tr(ρ̂Ĥ) (4.40)

We can choose any basis, since the Trace is invariant with respect to transformations. Since for a free
particle Ĥ = pˆ2 /2m, we can choose the momentum basis h~k|, for which the matrix that represents Ĥ is
diagonal. We have
Ĥ|~ki = E|~ki (4.41)
~2~k 2
E= (4.42)
where in a box of size L one has ~k = 2π ~ ~0
L (nx , ny , nz ). This basis is assumed orthonormalized, so hk|k i =
δ(~k − ~k 0 ) . We need first to find the elements of the density operator. We have

~2~k 2
h~k| exp(−β Ĥ)|~k 0 i = exp(−β )δ~ ~ 0 (4.43)
2m kk
while the canonical partition function is
X X ~2~k 2
Z(T, V, 1) = h~k| exp(−β Ĥ)|~k 0 i = exp(−β ) (4.44)
k ~

6. When the eigenvalues ~k lie very close together, we can approximate the sum as an integral. To do this,
we replace ˆ
→ d3 k (4.45)

since the elementary cell for ~k is indeed (2π/L)3 . Then we obtain

ˆ 3/2
~2~k 2

V V 2mπ V
Z(T, V, 1) = d3 k exp(−β )= = (4.46)
(2π)3 2m (2π)3 β~2 λ3
and finally the elements of the density operator

λ3 ~2~k 2
ρ~k~k0 = exp(−β )δ~ ~ 0 (4.47)
V 2m kk
Since the elements of Ĥ in the momentum basis are ~2~k 2 /2m, the average energy is now
hĤi = Tr(ρ̂Ĥ) = ρ~k~k0 H~kk~0 (4.48)
X λ3 ~2~k 2 ~2~k 2
= exp(−β ) δ~ ~ 0 (4.49)
V 2m 2m kk
V λ 3 ~2 ~2~k 2
= 3
d3 k ~k 2 exp(−β ) (4.50)
(2π) V 2m 2m
ˆ ∞
λ3 ~2 ~2 k 2
= 3
4π dk k 4 exp(−β ) (4.51)
(2π) 2m 0 2m
5/2 ˆ ∞
λ3 ~2

= dx x3/2 exp(−x) (4.52)
2π 2 2m β~2 0
= kT (4.53)
in exact correspondance with the classical result.

7. The same result could have been obtained much faster by the usual relation between partition function
and average energy (applied in this case to a single particle)
∂ log Z(T, V, 1)
hĤi = − (4.54)

8. For N free particles, the partition function is simply

Z(T, V, N ) = (Z(T, V, 1))N = (4.55)
Notice that the Gibbs factor is missing, since we have not yet accounted for indistinguishable particles.

4.3 Symmetry of many-particle wave functions

1. If the Hamiltonian of a system is invariant under a certain operation (symmetry), there must be an
operator which commutes with Ĥ and can therefore be diagonalized along with Ĥ.
2. For a Hamiltonian that is invariant under the exchange between two particles, eg under exchange of
particles i and j, we associate the permutation operator Pij such that

P̂ij ψ(...ri ...rj ....) = ψ(....rj ....rj ....) (4.56)

Since permuting twice among i, j one returns to the original wavefunction, the permutation operator is a
projection operator. Its eigenvalues are then obtained by noting that
P̂ij ψ = λψ (4.57)
P̂ij2 ψ = ψ=λ ψ2
which therefore gives the two eigenvalues λ = ±1. Under an exchange of particles i, j , therefore, the eigen-
functions of Pij either remain the same (λ = 1; symmetric states) or change sign (λ = −1; antisymmetric
3. If the Hamiltonian is invariant with respect to arbitrary permutations, there is a generalized permutation
operator P̂ that operates arbitrary permutations. Since P̂ can be diagonalized simultaneously with Ĥ,
one can express any wavefunction as a sum of eigenstates of the permutation operator. This means that
one can take any wavefunction and symmetrize or antisymmetrize it by a linear combination of permuted
ψS = P̂ ψ (4.59)
ψ = (−1)P P̂ ψ (4.60)

where the sum extends over all permutations.

4. Take now a system of N non-interacting particles, such that Ĥ = i ĥ(ri , pi ). This Hamiltonian is clearly
invariant under any permutation. Its energy eigenstates are simply products of the 1-particle eigenstates
ψ= φki = φki (r1 )φk2 (r2 )... (4.61)

and consequently one can obtain a set of normalized eigenfunctions

ψS = A P̂ φki (4.62)
P i
A 1 X Y
ψ = √ (−1)P P̂ φk i (4.63)
N! P i

where A is a normalization constant still to be determined. The second normalization constant, 1/ N !,
simply takes into account the fact that there are N ! permutation among N numbers.
5. Notice that !
(−1)P P̂ φki = det Φ (4.64)
P i

where Φ is the matrix formed by a first row equal to φk1 (r1 ), φk1 (r2 ), φk1 (r3 )..., followed by a second row
equal to φk2 (r1 ), φk2 (r2 ), φk2 (r3 )... etc. This is called Slater determinant. If two of the quantum numbers
ki are equal, i.e. if two particles occupy the same quantum state, the determinat vanishes and there is no
antisymmetric wavefunction. This implies that there exist a class of particles such that no two of them
can occupy the same state (Pauli principle). These particles are the fermions. All the other particles are
called bosons.
6. A powerful theorem (the spin-statistics theorem) that can be demonstrated in quantum field theory says
that fermions have half-integer spin, while bosons have integer spin.
7. The constant A can be determined only if we know how many permutations are possible. If there are ni
bosons in the state ki , the normalization is A = (N !n1 !n2 !...)−1/2 .

4.4 Ideal quantum systems

1. A quantum system of identical particles can therefore be characterized by either a symmetric or antisym-
metric wavefunction
|k1 , k2 , ...kN iA,S (4.65)
and correspondingly the canonical partition function is
Z(T, V, N ) = Tr[exp(−β Ĥ)] (4.66)
1 X
= hk1 , k2 , ...kN | exp(−β Ĥ)|k1 , k2 , ...kN iA,S (4.67)
2. Both A, S states can be approximated for non-interacting particles at high temperatures by the Maxwell-
Boltzmann partition function, which can be simply written for indistinguishable quantum states as above
with the factorized wavefunction
|k1 , k2 , ...kN iM B = |k1 i|k2 i...|kN i (4.68)

3. In the energy representation

Ĥ|k1 , k2 , ...kN iA,S = E|k1 , k2 , ...kN iA,S (4.69)
where E = εki , so that exp(−β Ĥ) diagonalizes into exp(−βE). The energies εk are the 1-particle
energy levels.
4. As we have seen already, for the MB statistics, the partition function factorizes:
Z M B (T, V, N ) = [Z(T, V, 1)]N (4.70)
5. In order to find a similar simplification for fermions and bosons, we introduce the concept of occupation
numbers. Instead of expressing a state by enumerating the quantum numbers for each particle, as in
|k1 , k2 , ...kN iA,S , we can express it by enumerating how many particles sit in state k1 , how many in k2
etc., as in
|n1 , n2 , ...iA,S (4.71)
with the convention that n1 refers to the occupation number of the lowest-energy state, the number n2 to
the second level and so on. Clearly the constraint

N = nk (4.72)

must be fulfilled, and the total energy eigenvalues can be written in function of the occupation numbers

E = εk nk (4.73)

6. The ordered sequence nk , along with the specification of the symmetry of the state, completely determine
the state of the quantum system.
7. For bosons, the occupation numbers can be any value from zero to N (Bose-Einstein statistics, BE). For
fermions, only n = 0, 1 is allowed, due to Pauli principle (Fermi-Dirac statistics,FD).
8. We define now the number operator through the relation

N̂ |n1 , n2 , ...iA,S = N |n1 , n2 , ...iA,S (4.74)

and the occupation number operator through

n̂k |n1 , n2 , ...iA,S = nk |n1 , n2 , ...iA,S (4.75)

where nk = 0, 1, 2, .. for bosons and nk = 0, 1 for fermions.

9. The orthonormality relation now becomes

hn01 , n02 , ...|n1 , n2 , ...iA,S = δn1 n01 δn2 n02 ... (4.76)

10. It is then clear that the density operator acting on a state defined by the occupation numbers is

hn0 1 , n0 2 , ...|ρ̂|n1 , n2 , ...iA,S = Z −1 exp(−β nk εk )δn01 n1 δn02 n2 .... (4.77)

X ∞
Z(T, V, N ) = exp(−β nk εk ) (4.78)
{nk } k=1
and of course the sum {nk } must run over all the configurations compatible with the constraint N = nk
and with the Pauli principle.
11. The diagonal entries of the matrix representing ρ̂

A,S −1
P {nk } = hn1 , n2 , ...|ρ̂|n1 , n2 , ...i =Z exp −β nk εk (4.79)

are then to be interpreted as the probability of finding the particular configuration {nk }.
12. Similarly, for the grand canonical density operator one finds

hn0 1 , n0 2 , ...|ρ̂|n1 , n2 , ...iA,S = Z(T, V, µ)−1 exp(−β nk (εk − µ))δn01 n1 δn02 n2 .... (4.80)
Now however there is no longer the constraint N = nk , since N is not fixed in the grand canonical case.
Finally, the probability of a particular configuration is

P {nk } = Z exp −β nk (εk − µ) (4.81)

13. Now comparing Eq. (4.70) and Eq. (4.78), one realizes that it is possible to write the partition function
in a very general way

Z(T, V, N ) = g{nk } exp −β nk εk (4.82)
{nk } k=1

where the statistical weight g is defined as

g{nk } = MB
n1 !n2 !...
g{nk } = 1, BE
g{nk } = 1, if all nk = 0, 1, FD
0, otherwise

Notice that the N ! factor of Eq. (4.67) now disappears, since we are summing over distinct configurations
{nk }.
14. For the MB statistics, this statement can be proved by noting that, due to the multinomial theorem,

N ∞
1 X N! 1 X
exp(−βε1 )n1 exp(−βε2 )n2 ... = exp(−βεk ) (4.83)
N ! n ,n ,.. n1 !n2 !... N!
1 2 k=1
= [Z(T, V, 1)]N (4.84)

15. The same goes for the grand canonical partition function

Z(T, V, µ) = g{nk } exp −β nk (εk − µ) (4.85)
{nk } k=1

Here the sum is not constrained by N = k nk and many calculations become easier
16. Now, for BE, the latter expression can be simplified as follows
∞ X
Y ∞
Z BE (T, V, µ) = [exp(−β(εk − µ)]nk (4.86)
k=1 nk =0

Y 1
= (4.87)
1 − z exp(−βεk )

(z is the fugacity), where we have employed the geometric sum rule (3.115).

17. For the Fermi-Dirac statistics we have

∞ X
Y 1
Z F D (T, V, µ) = ([exp(−β(εk − µ)]nk (4.88)
k=1 nk =0
= (1 + z exp(−βεk )) (4.89)

18. The same calculation also leads to the MB grand canonical partition function

Z M B (T, V, µ) = exp [z exp(−βεk )] (4.90)

which coincides with Eq. (3.163).


19. The three grand canonical partition functions can be summarized as

log Z = log(1 + az exp(−βεk )) (4.91)

with a = 1 (FD), a = −1 (BE) and a → 0 (MB).

20. From the grand canonical partition function one obtains the grand potential
Φ(T, V, µ) = −kT log Z(T, V, µ) = U − T S − µN = −pV (4.92)
and all the thermodynamical relations.
21. From the general recipe for the average on an observer,
h   i
Tr exp −β(Ĥ − µN̂ Ô
hÔi = Tr(ρ̂Ô) =   (4.93)
Tr exp −β(Ĥ − µN̂ )

one obtain several important relations, as for instance the average occupation number
hn̂k i = (4.94)
exp(β(εk − µ)) + a
The one-particle energy levels εk are to be determined by the one-particle Hamiltonian ĥ. We obtain also
the expected total particle number
∞ ∞
X X 1
N= hn̂k i = (4.95)
z −1 exp(βεk ) + a
k=1 k=1

where the fugacity is z = exp(βµ).

22. The BE average occupation number always is larger than MB, while the FD is smaller. For small occu-
pation numbers, the three distributions tend to the MB one (Figs. 4.1,4.2).
23. Finally, the average energy is

∂ log Z X εk
U = hĤi = − |z,V = −1
∂β z exp(βεk ) + a

where one should notice that the derivative is performed by keeping z constant, i.e. βµ constant (not just

4.5 Bose gas

1. From Eq. (4.95) written for a boson gas, ie a = −1, one can obtain the fugacity of µ from N . Since
N ≥ hnk i one sees that εk > µ for any quantum number k. If the smallest energy level is zero (as in an
ideal gas) then εk=0 = 0 and µ ≤ 0. This in turn implies 0 ≤ z ≤ 1.
2. For a large volume, the sum in k can be approximated by an integral
∞ ˆ ˆ ∞ ˆ ∞
X V 3 2πV 3/2 1/2
→ d k = 3 (2m) ε dε = g(ε)dε (4.97)
(2π)3 h 0 0

where we used ε = ~2~k 2 /2m (valid for non relativistic particles) and where
g(ε) = (2m)3/2 ε1/2 (4.98)
is the one-particle density of states.

Figure 4.1: Plot of hnk i for BE, FD and MB statistics.

Figure 4.2: Plot of hnk i for a fermion gas.


Figure 4.3: Plot of gn (z).

3. However the integral is not a good approximation near ε = 0, where the discreteness of the energy levels
is important. In order to take this into account, the grand canonical partition must therefore be written
log Z = − log(1 − z exp(−βεk )) (4.99)
= − g(ε) log(1 − z exp(−βε))dε − log(1 − z) (4.100)

Also, we have ˆ
g(ε) z
N= dε + (4.101)
z −1 exp(βε) − 1 1−z
The last term is indeed the expected number of particles in the ground state.

4. These integrals can be performed by defining the function

ˆ ∞
1 xn−1 dx
gn (z) = −1
Γ(n) 0 z exp(x) − 1
√ √
(see Fig. 4.3) for 0 ≤ z ≤ 1. Two useful values for Γ(n) are Γ(3/2) = π/2 and Γ(5/2) = 3 π/4. We
have then
log Z = g5/2 (z) − log(1 − z) (4.103)
V z
N = g3/2 (z) + = Nε + N0 (4.104)
λ3 1−z
where the last term denotes the number of particles in excited states and the number of particles in the
ground state, respectively. The equation for N can be used to obtain, numerically, z as a function of N .
For very small z the ground state is empty; for z → 1, however, it gets progressively filled up.
5. The Bose-Einstein function gn (z) has the useful Taylor expansion for 0 ≤ z ≤ 1

X zk
gn (z) = (4.105)

which shows that for small z,gn (z) ∼ z. The value at z = 1 equals the Riemann function ζ(n) defined as

X 1
gn (1) = ζ(n) = (4.106)

Some important values are ζ(3/2) = 2.612, ζ(4) = π 4 /90. Another useful property is the recursion
∂ 1
g n (z) = gn−1 (z) (4.107)
∂z z

6. For very small z we have then N ≈ Nε = V z/λ3 , i.e. z = λ3 N/V or z ∼ T −3/2 . For very large
temperatures therefore z → 0 (notice that this could not have been guessed from the definition z = eµ/kT
, since µ depends on T as well). For very small T , instead, Nε → 0 and z → N0 /(1 + N0 ) → 1 (taking as
usual N ∼ N0 → ∞).
7. The maximum number of particles that can be contained in excited states is
Nε(max) = ζ(3/2) (4.108)
where ζ is the Riemann function and ζ(3/2) = g3/2 (1) ≈ 2.612. If N > Nε(max) then a fraction of particles
will have to stay in the ground state: this is called Bose condensation. Predicted by Bose and Einstein in
the 20s, the Bose condensation has been observed only in 1995.
8. This happens then when
N λ3
= ρλ3 > ζ(3/2) (4.109)
(λ = h/(2πmkT )1/2 ) ie for large densities and/or small temperatures. In this situation, the de Broglie
thermal wavelength λ is larger than the mean particle separation and the wavefunctions overlap. When
this condition is satisfied, the system will start to condense more and more into the ground state. Any
additional particle added to the system will also condense. The entire system can be described as a single
coherent quantum state.
9. In order for the gound state to be significantly populated, N0 /N has to be close to unity. For very large
N this is possible only if z ≈ 1. So in a Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) we can approximate z = 1.
10. The critical temperature at which Bose condensation begins is
N h2
kTc = (4.110)
V 2πmζ 2/3 (3/2)
In practice, the temperature for all interesting physical systems is extremely low, of the order of nanoKelvins,
except for Helium-4 (2.17K), which however cannot be described by a simple non-interacting gas. At these
low temperatures, a typical gas liquifies or solidifies. In order to maintain the gas phase, the systems have
to be very rarefied, i.e. N/V very small.
11. The pressure can be easily obtained by Eq. (3.159), pV = kT log Z. This gives
kT kT
p= 3
g5/2 (z) − log(1 − z) (4.111)
λ V
The second term becomes negligible in the thermodynamic limit V → ∞, even when z → 1. This is due
to the fact that the ground state does not contribute to pressure since it has no kinetic energy. In a BEC
we can put z = 1 and therefore we can approximate
p≈ ζ(5/2) (4.112)
We see then than in a BEC the pressure depends only on temperature, not on volume. Every new particle
added to the system will have to go to the ground state, without contributing to pressure. The same
applies for a volume compression, which decreases Nε and therefore increases N0 for a given N .

Figure 4.4: Plot of CV for a boson gas.

12. On the other hand, for z  1, p = kT z/λ3 . Since at the same time N ≈ Nε = V z/λ3 , we obtain
pV = N kT , i.e. the classical ideal gas law.
13. This means that along an isothermal compression the curve p(V ) is horizontal, just as during a gas-liquid
phase transition. Here the phases are the condensed state and the excited particles. The Bose condensation
takes place in momentum space rather than in physical space.
14. The heat capacity can be evaluated using the thermodynamical relations
∂ log Z
U = − |z,V (4.113)
CV = |V,N (4.114)
One obtains for T > Tc
CV 15 g5/2 9 g3/2
≈ − (4.115)
Nk 4 g3/2 4 g1/2
while for T < Tc
CV 15 V
≈ ζ(5/2) (4.116)
Nk 4 N λ3
For very small z, gn (z) ≈ z for any n, and we see that for T > Tc the heat capacity CV → 3N kT /2, i.e.
the classical result.
15. The plot of CV /N k shows a cusp at T = Tc in the limit N → ∞ (Fig. 4.4). This is a typical property of
second-order phase transitions: the heat capacity is continuous but its derivative is discontinuous.

16. One can also show that the equation of state for a boson gas can be written in the standard form
p= (4.117)

17. One finds also, as expected, that S → 0 for T → 0.

4.6 Photon gas

1. For a gas of photons we can proceed exactly in the same manner, except now

εk = ~ω = ~c|~k| (4.118)

Then we obtain for the number of states in dε

2V 3 8πV k 2 V ε2
g(ε)dε = d k = dk = dε (4.119)
(2π)3 (2π)3 (~c)3 π 2

where the initial factor of 2 comes from considering both polarization states. Then we obtain

V ε2
g(ε) = (4.120)
(~c)3 π 2

Moreover, we need to take a vanishing chemical potential, µ = 0, since massless bosons in the state ε → 0
can be created without expenditure of energy (photon number is not conserved due to the process of
absorption and reemission of the container’s walls).

2. The average occupation number and energy are then

hnk i = (4.121)
eβεk − 1
hεk i = (4.122)
eβεk − 1
Since gω (ω) = g(ε)(dε/dω), the spectral distribution of the energy density is then

1 1 ~2 ω ~ω 3
u(ω) = gω (ω)hεk i = g(ε) βε = 3 2 β~ω (4.123)
V V e k −1 c π (e − 1)

This is indeed the famous Planck’s black body radiation formula. For small ω (long wavelengths), the
behavior can be approximated as u(ω) ∼ ω 2 , which is the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation, while for large
ω one recovers Wien’s approximation u(ω) ∼ ω 3 e−βω . Planck’s law has a peak at ~ω ≈ 2.82kT .

3. The total energy density is then

ˆ ∞ ˆ
U (kT )4 x3 dx π 2 (kT )4
= u(ω)dω = 2 3 3 = (4.124)
V 0 π ~ c ex − 1 15 ~3 c3

(the last integral equals ζ(4)Γ(4) = π 4 /15). The characteristic T 4 behavior is called Stefan Law. Stefan’s
constant σ is obtained when writing the expression for the radiation that leaks out of a cavity (black body
box). In this case the radiation flow per unit area is U c/4V = σT 4 where σ = π 2 k 4 /60~3 c2 .
4. The grand canonical partition function for a photon gas is
pV X
log Z = =− log(1 − e−βε ) → − g(ε) log(1 − e−βε )dε (4.125)

The additional ground state term is now always negligible in the limit of large V with respect to the
integral. With an integration per parts we obtain
ˆ ˆ
β εg(ε)dε β V 1 (βε)3 d(βε)
log Z = = (4.126)
3 exp(βε) − 1 3 (~c)3 π 2 exp(βε) − 1
1 V 1 x3 dx 1 V 1
= 3 2
= ζ(4)Γ(4) (4.127)
3 (~cβ) π exp x − 1 3 (~cβ) π 2

V π2
= (4.128)
(~cβ)3 45

from which we obtain all the thermodynamical relations. For instance we have the relativistic equation of
π 2 (kT )4 1U
p= = (4.129)
45 (~c)3 3V

4.7 Phonons
1. A solid can be schematically approximated as a collection of atoms at positions x1 , x2 , ...xN (each of the
x0 s represent the three coordinates of the atoms) oscillating around their average positions x̄i , x̄2 , ..., where
the potential is supposed to possess a minimum. Around this minimum, the potential can be approximated
1 X ∂2V X
V (x1 , x2 , ..xN ) ≈ V0 + |min (xi − x̄i )(xk − x̄k ) = αik ξi ξk (4.130)
2 ∂xi ∂xk
i,k i,k

where ξn = xn − x̄n . The corresponding Hamiltonian is

X 1 X
H= mξ˙i2 + αik ξi ξk (4.131)

2. The real, symmetric matrix αij can now be diagonalized, by introducing new coordinates qi
X 1
H= mi (q̇i2 + ωi2 qi2 ) (4.132)

where now the sum extends to 3N for N atoms each with three spatial degrees of freedom. The coordinates
qi , also called normal modes, are linear combinations of the atoms’ coordinates xi . Their oscillations
represent therefore waves propagating through the solid: the phonons. The frequencies ωi are the phonon
3. To simplify further the problem we adopt now Einstein’s assumption that all masses and eigenfrequencies
are the same. The problem is then identical to 3N independent, distinguishable, quantum oscillators with
frequency ω. However the frequency ω has to be interpreted not as the oscillation frequency of a single
atom but as the frequency of the phonon waves.
4. The average excitation level for each oscillator is
hni = (4.133)
eβ~ω − 1
and the average energy is hεi = ~ω( 12 + hni). In view of the phonon interpretation, the average excitation
level should be interpreted as the number of indistinguishable excitation quanta per oscillator, each of
them of energy ~ω. So instead of having many oscillators at different energy levels, we have many waves
each carrying a ~ω quantum of energy. The two pictures are completely interchangeable.
5. In this way, we see the phonons as very similar to photons. They are the energy quanta of the oscillations
in a solid and obey the relation ε = ~ω. Their velocity of propagation is however not the speed of light but
some value cs (speed of sound) which in general also depends on whether the wave propagates transversally
or longitudinally with respect to ~k.
6. The problem can then be immediately solved using the Bose-Einstein distribution. Just as for the photon
case, the phonons are not conserved and the chemical potential vanishes. The energy is found to be
1 1
U = 3N hεi = 3N ~ω + (4.134)
2 eβ~ω − 1
and the heat capacity becomes

∂U eβ~ω
CV = |V,N = 3N k(β~ω)2 β~ω (4.135)
∂T (e − 1)2

7. The heat capacity goes to zero as expected for T → 0 while it takes the classical value CV = 3N k for
large temperatures, in agreement with the virial theorem for 6N degrees of freedom (3N kinetic terms,
3N potential terms) .

8. The assumption of a single frequency is of course too crude. Debye generalized the Einstein model by
assuming a spectrum of frequencies starting from the smallest allowed by the discrete nature of the atom
lattice. Then one obtains ˆ
x4 ex

CV = 9N k dx x (4.136)
~ωc (e − 1)2
with x0 = ~ωc /kT . The cut-off frequency ωc depends on the transverse and longitudinal speed of sound and
in practice is estimated from measurements. Even the Debye model is however just a rough approximation
to the real cases.
9. The heat capacity does not take into account the degrees of freedom associated with the free electrons in
a metal. This however is a very good approximation at room temperature. The electrons are fermions
and obey the Fermi distribution; as we will see in the next section, their heat capacity goes to zero for
temperatures below their Fermi temperature, which in metals happens to be of the order of 104 ÷ 105 K

4.8 Fermi gas

1. For a gas of non-interacting fermions, the grand canonical partition function is
log Z = log(1 + z exp(−βεk )) (4.137)

where again the fugacity is to be evaluated as a function of N using the relation

∞ ∞
X X 1
N= hn̂k i = (4.138)
z −1 exp(βεk ) + 1
k=1 k=1

Now the fugacity z can take any positive value.

2. In terms of integral we have
ˆ ∞
log Z = g(ε) log(1 + z exp(−βε))dε (4.139)

N = dε (4.140)
0 z −1 exp(βε) + 1
where for non relativistic particles with spin s we have
g(ε) = g (2m)3/2 ε1/2 (4.141)
where g = 2s + 1 is the degeneracy of states due to the spin.
3. The additional k = 0 term that was necessary in the boson case, see Eqs. (4.104), is now negligible in the
thermodynamic limit: in fact, z/(1 + z) is always smaller than unity. This implies immediately that there
is no Bose-Einstein condensations for fermions, due to the Pauli principle.
4. As in the boson case, we define the integral function
ˆ ∞ ∞
1 xn−1 dx X zk
fn (z) = −1
= (−1)k−1 n (4.142)
Γ(n) 0 z exp(x) + 1 k

(see Fig. 4.5) and express the integrals as (integrating by parts ε1/2 in 4.139)
log Z = f5/2 (z) (4.143)
N = f3/2 (z) (4.144)

Figure 4.5: Plot of fn (z).

5. The function fn (z) is a monotonous function that grows as z for z  1 and as (log z)n /n! for z  1, and
is (1 − 21−n )ζ(n) for z = 1.
6. Since we have Z we can evaluate all the thermodynamical equations of state. So we have for instance the
internal energy
∂ 3 f5/2 (z)
U =− log Z = N kT (4.145)
∂β 2 f3/2 (z)
At small densities, high temperatures one has z  1 and one obtains the usual EOS of the ideal gas,
U = 3N kT /2 and p = 2U/3V .
7. The specific heat can be evaluated by the usual expression CV = (∂U/∂T )|V,N . One need however also
(∂z/∂T )|V,N . This can be evaluated by making use of the recursion relation
∂ 1
fn (z) = fn−1 (z) (4.146)
∂z z
One has in fact
∂z 1 ∂z ∂ ∂f3/2
f1/2 = f3/2 = (4.147)
∂T z ∂T ∂z ∂T
Now from Eq. (4.144) one has that f3/2 = N λ /V g depends on T only through λ3 , so that

∂f3/2 3 N λ3 3
=− = − f3/2 (4.148)
∂T 2T V g 2T
and finally
∂z 3 z f3/2
|V,N = − (4.149)
∂T 2 T f1/2

8. Then we have (we put f 0 = ∂f /∂z)

0 0
∂U 3 f5/2 3 f5/2 f5/2 f3/2 ∂z
CV = |V,N = N k + N kT ( − 2 ) (4.150)
∂T 2 f3/2 2 f3/2 f3/2 ∂T
3 f5/2 9 f 3/2 f5/2 f 1/2 z f3/2
= Nk − N kT ( − 2 ) (4.151)
2 f3/2 4 zf3/2 zf3/2 T f1/2
15 f5/2 9 f3/2
= Nk − Nk (4.152)
4 f3/2 4 f1/2

9. For large temperatures, fn (z) → z and one recovers the classical result CV = 3N k/2.

10. From the expressions for U, N and from µ ≡ kT log z and pV /kT = log Z one obtains also the free energy
and entropy
F = N µ − pV = N kT (log z − ) (4.153)
U −F 5 f5/2
S = = N k( − log z) (4.154)
T 2 f3/2

11. In the opposite limit of small temperatures, the Fermi gas develops interesting phenomena. The typical
excitation energy of atoms is of the order of the electronvolt, while room temperature equals 1/40eV. So
in many cases this is not enough to bring the particles in an excited state and the limit T → 0 is a good
approximation. Free electrons in a metal at room temperature is an example of a system approximated
by a Fermi gas at the T → 0 limit.
12. For T → 0, z  1 and we can use the approximation fn (z) = (log z)n /n!. Moreover, the mean occupation
number can be approximated by a step function

hnk i ≈ Θ(µ − ε) (4.155)

i.e. all the states are occupied by a single fermion for ε < µ and are empty above this threshold.
13. Then one gets the equations of state for a degenerate (T → 0) fermion ideal gas
2πm 8
p ≈ g µ5/2 √ (4.156)
h2 15 π
N 2πm 4
≈ g µ3/2 √ (4.157)
V h2 3 π

Contrary to the boson case, now the pressure does not vanish for T → 0 and is actually independent of T .
14. Also, the expected total energy is
ˆ ∞  3/2
2πm 4
U= εg(ε)Θ(µ − ε) = gV µ5/2 √ (4.158)
0 h2 5 π

From these relations we obtain the average energy per particle

U 3
= µ (4.159)
N 5
and 2/3
~2 6π 2 N

εF ≡ µ = (4.160)
2m g V
This value of the chemical potential is called Fermi energy, εF : it gives the highest energy (per particle)
that the fermions reach when they are all in the ground state, i.e. for T → 0. The average energy per
particle in this state is 3εF /5.
15. The specific heat for T → 0 is
CV π 2 kT
≈ (4.161)
Nk 2 ε2F
and goes to zero for small temperatures. This means that, for instance, the electrons in a metal, or
the nuclear energy states, for which kT  εF , do not contribute at all to the heat capacity, instead of
contributing kT /2 per degree of freedom as expected classically.

16. One finds also, as expected, that S → 0 for T → 0, just as for the Bose condensate. In fact for T → 0, i.e.
z → ∞, one has fn ≈ (log z)n /n! and

5 Γ(5/2)(log z)5/2
S → Nk − log z →0 (4.162)
2 Γ(7/2)(log z)3/2

as expected. The degenerate Fermi gas is the most ordered state of fermion systems.
17. For relativistic particles, the Fermi momentum is
3N h3

pF = (4.163)
4πV g

18. An important application of Fermi gas is to the electrons and helium atoms in a white dwarf. At a typical
temperature of 107 K the helium atoms are completely ionized and the electrons behave as a relativistic
(since pF ≈ me ) but cold (since kT ≈ 1keV εF ) gas, while the atoms are non-relativistic. The pressure
of the degenerate electron gas supports the star from gravitational collapse if the mass is smaller than the
Chandrasekhar mass   3/2
9 3π ~c
M0 = mn (4.164)
64 α3 Gm2n
where mn is the mass of the nucleons and α is a inhomogeneity correction factor of order unity. This is
roughly 1.44 solar masses. See Greiner’s textbook, example 14.5 p. 359 for the full calculation.
Chapter 5

Phase transitions

5.1 General properties of phase transitions

1. Real systems display behavior much more complicated that those that have been studied so far. The most
dramatic example is the so-called phase transition, i.e. a rapid departure from one state of equilibrium in
the transition to another one. Phase transitions assume many different forms: condensation of a gas into
a liquid, solidification, boiling, spontaneous magnetization, superfluidity, etc.

2. Although very different phenomena, the phase transitions have also some common “universal” aspects: in
particular, they all display a discontinuity in some quantity and they all show the establishment of long-
range order in a previously disordered system. For instance, in the process of condensation of a gas through
volume compression, the density changes abruptly at the boundary between the gas and its liquid phase
and the compressibility at constant temperature becomes infinite (the volume of the system gas+liquid
is reduced but the pressure does not change). In a ferromagnetic substance, the residual magnetization
that remains when the external field is switched off changes sign depending on whether the external field
is reduced to zero from the positive or the negative side, etc.
3. At the same time, the systems develop some form of long-range order or correlation: larger and larger
regions of liquid phase form, or the individual spins of the ferromagnetic substance align spontaneously.
It is clear that a necessary condition to achieve long-range correlations is that the particles interact in
some way. In fact, the stronger the interaction is, the more likely a system undergoes a phase transition
for a given temperature.
4. Phase transitions develop normally only below some critical temperature Tc : the long-range correlation
is destroyed at high temperatures. For instance, a substance may develop ferromagnetic properties below
some temperature (in this case called Curie temperature TCurie ) and paramagnetic (i.e. no residual or
spontaneous magnetization) above it.
5. Phase transitions are called first order or discontinuous if an intensive quantity called order parameter (e.g.
density for gas-liquid condensation, specific magnetization for a ferromagnet) changes discontinuously from
a phase to another one. They are called second order or continuous if the quantity changes continuously
but its derivative is discontinuous (i.e., the order parameter has a spike).

6. The study of phase transitions is one of the most active area of research in statistical mechanics. The
general goals are to find universal relations that apply to many different systems and to approach the
description of real systems. In most cases, the problem is tractable only numerically through simulations.
There are only a few analytical result available, two of which we will review next, namely the condensation
in real gases and the Ising model.


5.2 Gas with interacting particles

1. If the molecules of a gas interact, the Hamiltonian will include a potential
X p2 X
H= + ri − ~rk |)
Uik (|~ (5.1)

The classical canonical partition function can be integrated over the momenta as before
1 2πm
Z(T, V, N ) = Q(V, T ) (5.2)
N !h3N β

where we still have to evaluate ˆ Y

Q(V, T ) = d3N r exp(−βUik ) (5.3)

which contains the space part.

2. For an ideal gas, exp(−βUik ) → 1. A first order deviation from ideal systems can be therefore obtained
by expanding in
fik = exp(−βUik ) − 1 (5.4)
Then we obtain
Y X 0
(1 + fik ) ≈ 1 + fik + fik fm` + ... (5.5)
i<k i<k i,k,m,`

(whenever we put a prime on a sum it means the sum has to obey some additional constraint). In this
section we consider only the first two terms, i.e. we put fik  1. A systematic way to perform the
expansion term by term is to use Mayer’s cluster method, see for instance Pathria, Statistical Mechanics.
3. The integral Q is now
Xˆ ˆ
Q(V, T ) ≈ V N + V N −2 d3 ri d3 rk [exp(−βUik ) − 1] (5.6)

If we assume that the potential Uik has the same form U for all pairs, we can simplify the integration
~ = (~ri + ~rj )/2. These latters can
using relative coordinates ~r = ~ri − ~rj and center-of-mass coordinates R
then be integrated over and we obtain
N N −1 N (N − 1)
Q(V, T ) = V + V d3 r[exp(−βU (r)) − 1] (5.7)

(the factor N (N − 1)/2 ≈ N 2 /2 counts the number of pairs with i < k). Finally, we put
a(β) = d3 r[exp(−βU (r)) − 1] (5.8)
= 4π r2 dr[exp(−βU (r)) − 1] (5.9)

so that finally
 3N/2  2

1 2πmkT N N −1 N
Z(T, V, N ) ≈ V +V a(T ) (5.10)
N! h2 2

1 V
= 1 + a(T ) (5.11)
N ! λ3N 2V

4. This gives a first correction over the ideal gas EOS in the limit of small a:
∂F ∂ N kT 2
p = − |T,N = (kT log Z) = − kT 2 Va N 2 (5.12)
∂V ∂V V 1+ 2 V
N kT aN
≈ (1 − ) (5.13)
V 2V

5. Various potentials have been proposed to model the strong repulsion for small distances and the attraction
for larger distances that occur for real gas molecules. A simple analytical result can be obtained with the
Sutherland potential, which is attractive as U = −U0 (r0 /r)6 up to the small distance r0 , below which is
infinitely repulsive (solid spheres). Then we have (we assume βU0  1)
a(β) = d3 r[exp(−βU (r)) − 1] (5.14)
ˆ r0 ˆ ∞
= 4π r2 dr[−1] + 4π dr[exp(βU0 (r0 /r)6 ) − 1] (5.15)
0 r0
ˆ ∞

≈ − r03 + 4πβU0 r2 dr(r0 /r)6 (5.16)
3 r0

= − r03 (1 − βU0 ) (5.17)
from which the EOS becomes
kT 2πr03 U0
p= (1 + (1 − )) (5.18)
v 3v kT
where v = V /N . Since the correction terms are supposed to be small, this expression can be transformed
2πr03 kT 2πr03 kT 2πr03 −1
p+ U 0 = (1 + ) ≈ (1 − ) (5.19)
3v 2 v 3v v 3v
and finally
2πr03 2πr03
p+ 2
U 0 (v − ) = kT (5.20)
3v 3

i.e. just like the Van der Waals EOS (p + a/v 2 )(v − b) = kT , with

a = U0 (5.21)
b = (5.22)
where we see that, up to constants, a measures the strength of the interaction and b measures the volume
of the particles.
6. Due to the various limiting assumptions, in particular the assumption of constant density, the isothermals
of the Van der Waals potential display an unphysical behavior, since they contain regions where the
compressibility is negative, i.e. the slope of p(V ) is positive (e.g. the interval d−e in Fig. 5.1). This would
cause the system to go irreversibly out of equilibrium, instead of performing a phase transition. Although
a physical behavior can be obtained from first principles through an exact or numerical evaluation, the
so-called Maxwell construction (horizontal lines in the pV plane such that the area below is the same as
for the Van der Waals isotherm, e.g. the segment a − c in Fig. 5.1) gives a reasonable approximation in a
much easier way.

7. The Van der Waals EOS, corrected through the Maxwell construction, gives a qualitatively accurate
description of phase transitions, including the existence of a critical temperature, of co-existent phases
and of discontinuities.

��� ���




Figure 5.1: Van der Waals isotherms. The liquid+gas phase is bounded by the coexistence curve. The horizontal
lines a − c,a0 − c0 etc are the Maxwell constructions. C is the critical point.

8. The critical temperature occurs at the inflection point of P (v), i.e. for ∂P/∂v = ∂ 2 P/∂v 2 = 0, i.e. for
a 8a
Pc =
, vc = 3b, Tc = (5.23)
27b2 27bR
where R = NA k is the gas constant and vc here refers to the molar volume, and also a, b refer to one mole
of gas. The ratio
K= = 8/3 (5.24)
Pc v v
is then a universal quantity, regardless of the particular gas. The Van der Waals equation can then be
written in a universal or reduced form
(Pr + 2 )(3vr − 1) = 8Tr (5.25)
where Pr = P/Pc , vr = v/vc , Tr = T /Tc are all dimensionless quantities written in units of the critical
values. This expression is called “law of corresponding states”, because different systems have correspond-
ing (i.e. universal) forms. It is of course only an approximation to real behavior.

9. Near criticality, we can expand Pr = 1 + π, vr = 1 + ψ, Tr = 1 + t. Then we obtain a polynomial of third

order in ψ:
3ψ 3 + 8(π − t)ψ 2 + (7π − 16t)ψ + 2(π − 4t) = 0 (5.26)
On the critical isotherm t = 0 and at the lowest order in π, ψ we obtain
π ≈ − ψ3 (5.27)

On the other hand, at the lowest order in ψ near the critical point, π ≈ 4t. Inserting this equivalence in
(5.26) we get two roots for ψ
ψ1,2 = ±2|t|1/2 (5.28)
where the upper sign is for the gas phase while the lower sign is for the liquid phase.
10. We can also estimate the isothermal compressibility −V −1 ∂V /∂P |T ∼ −∂ψ/∂π|t . We find at first order,
using π ≈ 4t,
∂ψ 1
− ≈ (5.29)
∂π 6t
but if we approach the critical point along the coexistence curve for which (5.28) is valid, then

∂ψ 1
− ≈ (5.30)
∂π 12|t|

The different behavior shows a discontinuity, again a fundamental property of phase transitions. The
various laws just found also show another typical property, namely the existence of power laws in the
vicinity of the critical point.

5.3 Critical exponents

1. As already mentioned, one of the goal of the study of phase transition is to find universal properties near
the transition, independent of the details of the systems. Since the transitions are always characterized
by singularities or discontinuities, one expect to be able to describe them with inverse or fractional power
laws. The exponents of these power laws are called critical exponents and are found to be rather general.

2. In any phase transition one can identify one (or more) quantity that undergoes one of these singulari-
ties/discontinuities when a conjugate field is varied. In a liquid-gas transition, for instance, the pressure
and volume are such a pair: the pressure is a smooth function of the volume before or after the transition,
but the compressibility becomes infinite during the coexistence.
3. We define order parameter m a quantity that undergoes a discontinuity when its conjugate field (ordering
field) h vanishes. For a liquid-gas condensation, the order parameter and the ordering field can be con-
structed as follows. (Note that as long as the number of particles stay constant, volume and density are
interchangeable quantities.) We take the density difference m = ρliquid − ρc (or m = |ρgas − ρc |), and form
the ordering field as h = p − pc . Then we see indeed that for h → 0, m is such that it is zero for T ≥ Tc
(homogeneous gas phase) while it is positive for T < Tc . In each phase transitions one can identify such
ordering parameters. For ferromagnetism, for instance, m is the average magnetization and h the external
4. The derivative  
χ0 = (5.31)
∂h T ;h→0

is called in general susceptibility (for the liquid-gas systems, it would be in fact the isothermal compress-
ibility 5.29). It represents the response of the system to an external action. During the phase transition
the susceptibility becomes singular for T → Tc .
5. The behavior of the ordering parameters/fields and of the susceptibility near a transition is characterized
by power laws in function of temperature or of the field h, as in Eq. (5.28) or (5.29). This lets us introduce
the following critical exponents:

m ∼ (Tc − T )β , (h → 0, T ≤ Tc ) (5.32)
(T − Tc )−γ , (h → 0, T ≥ Tc )
χ0 ∼ 0 (5.33)
(Tc − T )−γ , (h → 0, T ≤ Tc )
m|T =Tc ∼ h1/δ .(h → 0, T = Tc ) (5.34)

Critical Binary Mean

Magnetic Gas-liquid Ferroelectric Superfluid
expo- fluid Binary alloys field
systems systems systems He4(f )
nents mixtures results
α, α0 0.0-0.2 0.1-0.2 0.05-0.15 – – -0.026 0
β 0.30-0.36 0.32-0.35 0.30-0.34 0.305±0.005 0.33-0.34 – 1/2
γ 1.2-1.4 1.2-1.3 1.2-1.4 1.24±0.015 1.0±0.2 inaccessible 1
γ0 1.0-1.2 1.1-1.2 – 1.23±0.025 1.23±0.02 inaccessible 1
δ 4.2-4.8 4.6-5.0 4.0-5.0 – – inaccessible 3
ν 0.62-0.68 – – 0.65±0.02 0.5-0.8 0.675 1/2
η 0.03-0.15 – – 0.03-0.06 – – 0

Table 5.1: Table of experimental critical exponents (entries from Pathria, Statistical Mechanics)

6. Finally, we define two other critical exponents based on the heat capacity CV :
(T − Tc )−α , T ≥ Tc
CV ∼ 0 (5.35)
(Tc − T )−α , T ≤ Tc

In case the exponent is very small, one can have instead a logarithmic behavior, e.g. CV ∼ log(1/|T − Tc |)
or a behavior that is better fitted by a function f ∼ (|t|−λ − 1)/λ (where t = T − Tc ). The derivative
df /dt would be in any case a power law.

7. For a gas-liquid transition we have

β= , γ = γ 0 = 1, δ = 3, α = α0 = 0 (5.36)
Remarkably, the same values are found for magnetic systems in the so-called mean-field approximation.
Although these specific values are not a very good approximation to real cases, the fact that different
systems possess similar critical exponents is indeed verified experimentally (see Tab. 5.1).

8. The critical exponents are not completely independent. Some general inequality among them have been
shown to exist, like the Ruskbrooke inequality

α0 + 2β + γ 0 ≥ 2 (5.37)

9. The estimation of the critical exponents from first principles is an important goal of research in statistical

5.4 Ising model

1. In this section we investigate a relatively simple model of phase transitions, the Ising model. This model
is a schematical approximation of a system of interacting magnetic dipoles but with minor modifications
can also be employed to model binary alloys, spin glasses and other many-particle systems.
2. The Ising model, investigated for the first time by Lenz and Ising in the 20’s, consists in N magnetic
dipoles fixed on a regular lattice at locations indexed by i which can take the two spin values σi = ±1 and
interact through the Hamiltonian X
HJ = −J σi σk (5.38)

where the sum extends only to the nearest neighbors. The idea is that the interaction over larger distances
can be neglected. Assuming a constant J > 0, the neighboring spin will tend to have the same sign (i.e.
to align themselves), since then the energy is minimized.

3. The number of nearest neighbors depend of course on the space dimensionality. They are 2 in 1 dimension,
4 in 2 dimensions, and 2d in general (for a cubic lattice).
4. On top of the interaction Hamiltonian there is also the magnetic energy in presence of an external magnetic
field H X
H0 = − Hµσi (5.39)
where µ is the magnetic dipole.
5. The magnetization X
hM i = µhσi i (5.40)
that remains when the external field is switched off is called spontaneous or residual or permanent mag-
netization and the materal is called ferromagnetic. A paramagnetic behavior, as we have seen, occurs
when no spontaneous magnetization develops (either because there is no interaction or because it is not
sufficient to create spontaneous magnetization). The onset of spontaneous magnetization below a certain
temperature TCurie is an example of phase transitions.
6. The Ising model allows to find a relation between hM i and temperature. Such a relation is analytical and
exact in 1 (Ising) or 2 (Onsager) dimensions, and approximated or numerical beyond this.
7. In one dimension, the partition function of a Ising model (that we denote Q in this section) is relatively
simple since there is only two neighbors for each spin
Q(β, N, H) = e−β(H0 +HI ) (5.41)

X −1
= ... exp(βµH σi + βJ σi σi+1 ) (5.42)
σ1 =±1 σ2 =±1 i i

This can be written in a symmetric form if we identify σN +1 with σ1 (periodic boundary conditions).
Then we have in fact
Q(β, N, H) = ... exp(βµH σi + βJ σi σi+1 ) (5.43)
σ1 =±1 σ2 =±1 i i
" N
X X X 1
= ... exp β ( µH(σi + σi+1 ) + Jσi σi+1 ) (5.44)
σ1 =±1 σ2 =±1 i

8. This sum can be calculated in various ways. One that makes use of transfer matrices is thefollowing.

Let us represent the two states spin up and spin down by the two orthonormal vectors |σa i = and
|σb i = . Then we have by completeness
X 1 0 0 0
|σk ihσk | = + =I (5.45)
0 0 0 1

(identity matrix) for every site i.

9. Now let us define an operator P̂ acting on the |σi space such that
hσi |P̂ |σi+1 i = exp β Jσi σi+1 + µH(σi + σi+1 ) (5.46)
The explicit form of the operator is
exp(β(J + µH)) exp(−βJ)
P̂ = (5.47)
exp(−βJ) exp(β(J − µH))

as it can be seen by explicit evaluation. For instance, if both spin at sites i and i + 1 are up, one has
hσi,a |P̂ |σi+1,a i = (1, 0)P̂ = eβ(J+µH) (5.48)

which indeed is (5.46) for σi = σi+1 = 1. Then we have

" N #
X X X 1
Q(β, N, H) = ... exp β ( µH(σi + σi+1 ) + Jσi σi+1 ) (5.49)
σ1 =±1 σ2 =±1 i
= ...hσ1 |P̂ |σ2 ihσ2 |P̂ |σ3 i...hσN |P̂ |σ1 i (5.50)
σ1 =±1 σ2 =±1
= hσ1 |P̂ N |σ1 i = TrP̂ N (5.51)
σ1 =±1

(employing (5.45)).
10. The Trace of P̂ can be calculated by summing its eigenvalues. The eigenvalues λ1,2 are obtained by the
equation det(P̂ − λI), i.e.

λ2 − 2λ exp(βJ) cosh(βµH) + 2 sinh(2βJ) = 0 (5.52)

The Trace of P̂ N is then simply λN N

1 + λ2 and we obtain the free energy

F (N, H, T ) = −kT log λN N

1 + λ2 (5.53)

11. In the case without interaction, J = 0, we should obtain the paramagnetic behavior (3.150). We have in
fact in this case λ1 = 2 cosh βµH and λ2 = 0 and therefore

F (N, H, T )J=0 = −N kT log (2 cosh βµH) (5.54)

When instead we switch off the external field H we obtain λ1 = 2 cosh βJ, λ2 = 2 sinh βJ. Since λ1 > λ2 ,
for large N the term λN
2 is negligible and we obtain

F (N, 0, T ) = −N kT log (2 cosh βJ) (5.55)

12. The total magnetic moment is given by

hM i = − |N,T (5.56)
N µ sinh x λN N
1 − λ2
= (5.57)
(exp(−4y) + sinh2 x)1/2 λN N
1 + λ2

where x = βµH and y = βJ.

13. Again neglecting λN
2 this becomes simply

N µ sinh x
hM i = (5.58)
(exp(−4y) + sinh2 x)1/2

For J → 0, i.e. y → 0, we obtain M = N µ tanh x. It appears that M → 0 for x → 0, which implies that
there is no spontaneous magnetization at finite temperature when the external field is switched off. The
one-dim Ising model is indeed not ferromagnetic.
14. From these expressions also other quantities like the average spins up or down N± can be evaluated. One
can in fact write X
hM i = µ σi = µ(N+ − N− ) (5.59)

where N± are the average number of spins up or down. Then, since N = N+ + N− , we have

1 hM i
N± = (N ± ) (5.60)
2 µ
and therefore
λN N
1 sinh x 1 − λ2
N± = N 1 ± −4y (5.61)
2 [e + sinh2 x]1/2 λN N
1 + λ2

As expected, in the limit of high temperature x → 0 there is an equal number of spins up and down. In
the limit of high external field, x → ∞, all spins are aligned.
15. One can also estimate the spin correlation, i.e. hσi σj i and from this quantities like N++ or N−− , i.e.
the average number of neighboring pairs with positive or negative spin. It is interesting to note that
even in absence of external field one finds that there is a non-zero correlation among spins due to their
16. The Ising model is not ferromagnetic only in one dimension. The reason is that in one dimension each
spin has only two neighbors and this interaction is too weak to provide the strong correlation needed to
produce a phase transition. The energy difference between a completely spin-up system with maximal
magnetization (−N J) and a system with the first half spin up and the second half down, for a net vanishing
total magnetization ((−N + 4)J), is very small, and there is no energetic advantage in a phase transition.

17. In any dimension larger than one, analytical or numerical results show that there is always a residual
magnetization, i.e. a discontinuity in M for H → 0 below some temperature (Curie temperature).
18. For 2 dimensions the general solution has been found by Onsager in the 40s:
Q(β, N, H = 0) = 2 cosh(βJ)eI (5.62)

where ˆ π
−1 1
I = (2π) dφ log[ (1 + (1 − κ2 sin2 (φ))1/2 )] (5.63)
0 2
with κ = 2 sinh(2βJ)/ cosh2 (2βJ). It can be shown that a phase transition occurs here for any T < TC =
2.269J/k, where TC is the root of sinh 2βJ = 1.
19. The heat capacity is singular near the phase transition
C= |H=0 ∼ − log |T − TC | (5.64)
and the magnetization for T < TC is
M/N ∼ (TC − T )β (5.65)
with β ≈ 1/8, while of course M = 0 for T > Tc (see Fig. 5.2).
20. The exponents of these power laws are the critical exponents introduced in the previous section. In three
dimensions, the specific heat and the specific magnetization behave like C/N ∼ |T − TC |α , M/N ∼
(TC − T )β , with α ≈ 0.125 and β ≈ 0.313.

21. The Ising model can help investigating various kinds of phase transitions. For instance, one can think of a
system of particles in a container. If we divide up the volume into cells so small that at most they contain
either zero or one particle, then we can associate a state up (cell is occupied) or down (cell is empty) with
each cell. When two particles are in nearest-neighbor cells, the system acquires an energy −ε, which means
the system goes into a preferred, lower energy state if the particles are close together. This reproduces
an interaction among particles. Now the system is completely equivalent to the Ising model and can be
studied with the same means, reproducing a phase transitions for certain values of temperature 1/β and
of interaction energy ε.

Figure 5.2: Magnetization versus temperature of a garnet ferrite, showing the typical transition from param-
agnetic to ferromagnetic behavior (from Caffarena and Ogasawara, Mat. Res. [online]. 2003, vol.6, n.4, pp.

5.5 The Renormalization Group

This section follows very closely the treatment in Chandler, Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, to
which we refer for further details.
1. One important technique for solving the Ising model is the Renormalization Group (RG) method. We can
illustrate the main points of this method already in one dimension.

2. Let us start with Eq. (5.44) for H = 0

Q(K, N ) = exp K(σ1 σ2 + σ2 σ3 + σ3 σ4 + ...) (5.66)
σ1 ,σ2 ,σ3 ...

where K = J/kT and write is as

Q(K, N ) = exp K(σ1 σ2 + σ2 σ3 ) exp K(σ3 σ4 + σ4 σ5 ).... (5.67)
σ1 ,σ2 ,...

3. Now we can integrate over all the even numbered spins σ2 , σ4 , ...:
Q(K, N ) = [exp K(σ1 + σ3 ) + exp −K(σ1 + σ3 ))][exp K(σ3 + σ5 ) + exp −K(σ3 + σ5 ))].... (5.68)
σ1 ,σ3 ,...

In this way we have removed half of the spins. If we could recast this expression in a form similar to (5.66),
but with possibly different K, N , then we would have obtained a recursive relation that could perhaps be
solved. That is, we need to be able to write for every σ, σ 0 an expression as the following one
σσ 0
exp K(σ + σ 0 ) + exp −K(σ + σ 0 ) = f (K)eK (5.69)

If this is possible, then we obtain

Q(K, N ) = f (K)N/2 Q(K 0 , N/2) (5.70)

since now only N/2 spins are left. A transformation that achieves this is called a Kadanoff transformation.

4. If σ, σ 0 are both either +1 or −1, we have

e2K + e−2K = f (K)eK (5.71)

and if they have opposite signs then 0

2 = f (K)e−K (5.72)
These are two conditions in two unknowns, f (K) and K 0 . The solution is
K0 = log cosh 2K (5.73)
f (K) = 2 cosh1/2 2K (5.74)

Then we can see that we can form the recursion relation

log Q = log f (K) + log Q(K 0 , N/2) (5.75)
or by putting log Q = N g(K)
1 1
g(K) = log f (K) + g(K 0 ) (5.76)
2 2
or p
g(K 0 ) = 2g(K) − log[2 cosh(2K)] (5.77)

5. Eq. (5.77) along with the Kadanoff transformation provide a recursive way to renormalize the partition
function. Since the recursive property can be seen as forming a group, the scheme is called renormalization
6. Now Q(K, N ) can be evaluated by iterating the recursion. We can start by inverting (5.73)
1 0
K= cosh−1 e2K (5.78)
and, inverting (5.72) and inserting it in (5.76),
g(K) = [g(K 0 ) + log 2 + K 0 ] (5.79)
We begin the iteration P with a very small K 0 eg K 0 = 0.1. Since K 0 is very small, we can approximate
Q(K , N ) ≈ Q(0, N ) = spins 1 = 2N (i.e. no interaction). Now by definition g(K 0 ) = (1/N ) log Q(K 0 , N )
and therefore g(K 0 ) = log 2. Inserting K 0 and g(K 0 ) in Eqs. (5.78) and (5.79) we obtain K = 0.100334
and g(K) = 0.698. Next, we can use these as new primed values of K 0 , g(K 0 ) and iterate. After just a few
iterations, one obtains results in agreement with the exact values.
7. The iteration proceeds until it reaches one of the fixed points for K, where any new iteration does not
change the result. For the 1D Ising model, the fixed points are at 0 and ∞; at these fixed points the
temperature is either zero or infinity: these are called trivial fixed point. A fixed point means that a
change in scale does not change the properties of the system. Since this “scale-invariance” is a property
of the phase transitions associated with the existence of long-range correlations, we can conclude that the
existence of a fixed point at finite temperature signals the existence of a phase transition. The fact that
in the Ising 1D model there is no fixed point at finite values is a consequence of the absence of phase
8. The key ideas of the RG approach are then: the integration over a subset of degrees of freedom, the
rescaling Kadanoff procedure that generates a recursion relation, and the search for non trivial fixed
9. In 2D, thing become quite more complicate; here we give only a schematic derivation (see Chandler, sec.
5.7 for details). The procedure is the same: integrating out some degrees of freedom in order to construct

Figure 5.3: Summing over spins 5 and 6.

a recursive relation. Now there are 4 neighbors for every spin. Consider spins 5 and 6, whose nearest
neighbors are spins 1,2,3,4,7,8 (see Fig. 5.3). Now integrating over 5 and 6 we obtain terms like
Q(K, N ) = [exp K(σ1 + σ2 + σ3 + σ4 ) + exp −K(σ1 + σ2 + σ3 + σ4 )] (5.80)
σ1 ,σ2 ,...
×[exp K(σ2 + σ3 + σ7 + σ8 ) + exp −K(σ2 + σ3 + σ7 + σ8 )]... (5.81)

However now there will be four distinct choices of spin values, i.e. σ1 = σ2 = σ3 = σ4 = ±1 and three
others, but we still have only two possible Kadanoff transformations (5.73) and a complete solution is not
possible. We need more parameters K1 , K2 , K3 . So now we can obtain 4 equations like the following one
eK(σ1 +σ2 +σ3 +σ4 ) + e−K(σ1 +σ2 +σ3 +σ4 ) = f (K)e 2 K1 (σ1 σ2 +σ2 σ3 +σ3 σ4 +σ4 σ1 )+K2 (σ1 σ3 +σ2 σ4 )+K3 (σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4 )
which can now be solved for f (K), K1 , K2 , K3 as a function of K. If we insert this back into Q(K, N )
we obtain a complicate expression in which there are sums over nearest neighbors, over next-to-nearest
neighbors and over 4 spins at once.

10. It turns out that neglecting the four spin combination entirely, an approximated recursive relation can be
g(K) = [log f (K) + g(K 0 )] (5.83)
g(K 0 ) = 2g(K) − log[2 cosh1/2 (2K) cosh1/8 (2K)] (5.84)

Approximating K 0 = K1 + K2 we obtain the recursive relation

K0 = log cosh(4K) (5.85)
Now this equation has a fixed point: the value Kc ≈ 0.50698 in fact solves the equation K = 38 log cosh(4K),
which means that once we reach that value we don’t move away from it. However, it is an unstable fixed
point, meaning that if we start from anywhere near Kc , the next iterations bring us away from it, i.e.
K 0 < K for K < Kc and K 0 > K for K > Kc . The fixed points at 0 and ∞ (the trivial fixed points)
are instead stable. Kc ≈ 0.5 means Tc ≈ 2J/k, not far from the exact value ≈ 2.3J/k obtained in the
previous section.
11. The heat capacity
d2 g(K)
C= ≈ |T − Tc |−α (5.86)
dk 2

where T = J/kK diverges around the critical temperature, with α ≈ 0.131. (The exact result from
Onsager’s solution is however a logarithm divergence).

5.6 Mean field theory

1. The Ising model and many other systems out of equilibrium can also be approximated by the mean-field
theory method. The idea here is to approximate the interactions on a given spin with a smooth average
field rather than with the discrete lattice.
2. So instead of the exact form of the energy
E = −µH σi − Jij σi σi+1 (5.87)
i i,j

where Jij = J for nearest neighbors and 0 otherwise we seek an approximated form
Emf = −µ(H + ∆H) σi (5.88)

which is then equivalent to a system with no interactions and a modified field H + ∆H.
3. The torque on a given spin i exerted by all the other spins is
∂E X 1X
− = µH + Jij σj = µ(H + Jij σj ) (5.89)
∂σi j
µ j

Since the magnetic force acting on a aligned spin in an external field is µHext , Eq. (5.89) can be interpreted
as the action of a instantaneous field
Hi = H + Jij σj (5.90)
µ j

4. The mean value of this field is now

1X 1
Hmf ≡ hHi i = H + Jij hσj i = H + Jzhσi (5.91)
µ j µ

where z = 2D is the number of nearest neighbors in D dimensions and we use the fact that the average
spin hσi is the same for all spins (i.e independent of i). In this way we obtain a mean field acting on the
spins instead of the true instantaneous value. In this sense, the spins act as if they were uncoupled but in
a modified external field Hmf independent of i.
5. Such a non-interacting field has been already solved in Sect. 3.7. The partition function is
Qmf = (2 cosh[βµ(H + ∆H)])N (5.92)
where ∆H = µ Jzhσi and the average spin m ≡ hσi is given by the equation (see Eq. 3.152)
m = tanh[βµ(H + ∆H)] = tanh[βµ(H + Jzm)] (5.93)
This is a transcendental equation for m which can easily be solved numerically. For H = 0, it gives
non-zero solutions for m only if βJz > 1 i.e. for T < TC where
TC = (5.94)
This is therefore the critical temperature.
6. The mean field approximation is completely wrong in one dimension. In this case in fact, the predicted
TC = 2J/k is well different from the exact result, TC = 0 (no phase transition). In 2 dimensions the mean
field result TC = 4J/k is not so far from the exact result TC = 2.3J/k and in higher dimensions it gets
closer to the numerical estimates. The predicted behavior near the critical point is however not really
good. The critical exponent β is in fact predicted to be 1/2 instead of the exact value 0.313 in 3D.

5.7 Correlation functions

This section follows closely the discussion in Pathria, Statistical Mechanics, Sect. 11.11, to which we refer for
further details.
1. Phase transitions have another fundamental property: a strong correlation between distant points. In fact,
this can be taken as the property that distinguishes phase transitions from ordinary fluctuations around
an equilibrium state, in which the correlation among particles rapidly (typically, exponentially) decays
away with distance. The residual magnetization of a ferromagnet can then be seen as the establishment
of a long-range correlation among the spins, even if the microscopical interaction acts only among nearest
2. We define the correlation function for pair of spins as

g(i, j) = hσi σj i − hσi ihσj i (5.95)

If the spins are uncorrelated obviously g(i, j) = 0. Notice that

g(i, j) = h( σi ) 2 i − h σi i2 (5.96)
i,j i i

3. Let us consider again the Ising partition function

X −1
Q(β, H, J) = exp(βµH σi + βJ σi σi+1 ) (5.97)
{σi } i i

It follows that
N N N −1
∂ 1 X X X X
log Q = (βµ σi ) exp(βµH σi + βJ σi σi+1 ) (5.98)
∂H Q i i i
{σi }

= βµh σi i = βhM i (5.99)
where hM i = µ i σi is the average total magnetization.
4. Moreover we have 2
∂2 1 ∂2Q

1 ∂Q
log Q = − 2 = β 2 (hM 2 i − hM i2 ) (5.100)
∂H Q ∂H 2 Q ∂H
and therefore, because of Eq. (5.96), the magnetic susceptibility is

∂hM i
χ = = β 2 (hM 2 i − hM i2 ) (5.101)
= βµ2 g(i, j) (5.102)

This is called a fluctuation-dissipation relation. We have seen another example for ideal gases in Eq.
(3.93). Thisrelation shows that a large (or infinite) susceptibility, typical of a phase transition, implies
also a strong correlation.
5. If the system is statistically homogeneous, its properties do not depend on the particular location. In this
case we expect χ to depend only on the inter-particle separation ~r and not on the individual position i, j.
We may then write ˆ
X N βµ2
χ = βµ2 g(~r) ≈ g(~r)d~r (5.103)

where ad is the volume in d dimensions of an elementary lattice cell, such that N ad = V .


6. There are no exact calculations of g(~r). An approximate form can be obtained in mean field theory. In
this case we have seen in fact that
hσi i = tanh(βµHmf ) (5.104)
1 X
Hmf = Hi + J hσi i (5.105)
µ nn
Contrary to what we have done so far, we consider now a non-homogeneous field Hi . Expanding to second
order we obtain
z cJa2 2
Hmf ≈ Hi + Jhσi i + ∇ hσi i (5.106)
µ µ
Here, z is the number of nearest neighbors, c is a order-of-unity factor that depends on the particular
lattice. The term in ∇hσi i cancels out because of the symmetric configuration of nearest neighbor spins.
Finally, a is an effective lattice constant.
7. Approximating for small x
hσi i = tanh(βµHmf ) ≈ x − (5.107)
where x = βµHmf , we obtain

βµHi = (1 − qβJ)hσi i + (qβJ)3 hσi i3 − cβJa2 ∇2 hσi i (5.108)
Near the critical point, Hi = 0, qβJ = 1. We have then
(t + hσi i2 − c0 a2 ∇2 )hσi i = hi (5.109)
where we introduced the ordering field and the order parameter, respectively:
T − Tc βc − β
hi = βµHi t= ≈ (5.110)
Tc βc
Differentiating, we obtain
∂hσi i
(t + hσi i2 − c0 a2 ∇2 ) = δij (5.111)
Now, one can show that (see Pathria, Statistical Mechanics)

∂hσi i
= g(i, j) (5.112)

Finally, for T > Tc (i.e. t > 0) and for vanishing field hi , hσi i → 0; then we have an equation for the
correlation function
(t − c0 a2 ∇2 )g(i, j) ≈ δij (5.113)
In Fourier space, this means that
ĝ(k) = (5.114)
t + c0 a2 k 2
In real space, the Fourier anti-transform gives a simple expression in 3 dimensions:
a −r/ξ
g(~r) ∼ e (5.115)
where ξ = a(c0 /t)1/2 is the correlation length. This law, first derived by Ornstein and Zernike in 1914-16,
well exemplifies the transition from exponentially decaying correlations for r  ξ (and therefore for T
 Tc ) to a power law for r  ξ.

8. For any dimension d and at small scales r  ξ we also obtain a power law behavior

g∼ (5.116)

9. The scale ξ measures the scale below which the system is correlated. As the critical temperature is
approached, the correlation length diverges to infinity. This is exactly the sort of long-range order that is
created during a phase transition. It is this macroscopic behavior that allows to describe phase transitions
in a way that does not depend on the microscopic features and leads to some kind of universal laws.
Chapter 6

Mathematical appendix

6.1 Partial derivative identities

Here we collect some useful identities concerning partial derivatives.
1. Chain rule. Consider a function f (x, y) and suppose x, y depend on another variable s, i.e. x(s),y(s). Then
df ∂f dx ∂f dy
= + (6.1)
ds ∂x ds ∂y ds
2. Chain rule. Consider a function f (x, y) and suppose x, y depend on two other variables, i.e. x(s, r),y(s, r).

∂f ∂f ∂x ∂f ∂y
= + (6.2)
∂s ∂x ∂s ∂y ∂s
∂f ∂f ∂x ∂f ∂y
= + (6.3)
∂r ∂x ∂r ∂y ∂r
(where the variable kept fixed is always the other one belonging to the same pair x, y or s, r). As a
particular case, if we have f [x(s, y), y], i.e. if the transformation is from x, y to s, y (in other words, we
transform only x) then

∂f ∂f ∂x ∂f ∂y ∂f ∂x
|y = |y |y + |x |y = |y |y (6.4)
∂s ∂x ∂s ∂y ∂s ∂x ∂s
∂f ∂f ∂x ∂f ∂y ∂f ∂x ∂f
|s = |y |s + |x |s = |y |s + |x (6.5)
∂y ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂y

3. Product rule
∂ ∂v ∂u
(uv) = u +v (6.6)
∂x ∂x ∂x
4. Commutation rule
∂2f ∂2f
= (6.7)
∂x∂y ∂y∂x
5. Reciprocals
∂f ∂x
= (6.8)
∂x y ∂f y

but note the variable held fixed has to be the same, so if, e.g., f (x, y, z)
∂f ∂x
6= (6.9)
∂x y ∂f z


6. Triple product rule. If f (x, y) = const, then

∂f ∂y ∂x
= −1 (6.10)
∂x y ∂f x ∂y f

Analogously, if x, y, z are not independent variables, i.e. if a relation f (x, y, z) = 0 exists (which is identical
to say that z(x, y) = const as in the previous case) then
∂x ∂y ∂z
= −1 (6.11)
∂y z ∂z x ∂x y

7. Transformation of variables. If we have n functions yi of n variables xj , one can build the Jacobi matrix
of the transformation from y to x
Jij ≡ (6.12)
(this means implicitly that all the other xm6=j are kept fixed). Its inverse, obtained with the rules for the
inversion of a matrix, is
J −1 ij ≡

(this means first take the inverse, then take the i, j entry) where again all the other ym6=j are kept fixed.
It follows
X X ∂xi ∂ym
(J −1 )im Jmj = = δij (6.14)
m m
∂ym ∂xj
Notice that  −1
∂xi ∂yi
6= (6.15)
∂yj ∂xj
since the variables kept fixed are different on the two sides.

6.2 Moment generating function

The moments are the most important descriptors of a probability distribution function (PDF). It is therefore
useful to be able to calculate them easily. To this scope, one introduces the moment generating function (MGF),
defined for a single variable as ˆ
mx (t) ≡ hetx i = etx f (x)dx (6.16)

It it easy to show that

dr mx (t)
|t=0 = hxr i (6.17)
One has in fact
dr mx (t) dr hetx i dr etx
|t=0 = |t=0 = h |t=0 i (6.18)
dtr dtr dtr
= hxr etx it=0 = hxr i (6.19)

Analogously, one can define the MGF for central moments:

mx−µ (t) ≡ he i = et(x−µ) f (x)dx (6.20)

Suppose now we have two independent variables x, y distributed as f (x), g(y). Let us find the MGF of the sum
s = x + y. We have p(x, s)dsdx = f (x)g(y)dxdy and therefore

p(s, x) = f (x)g(y)|J| (6.21)


where the Jacobian of the transformation from (x, y) to (s, x) is

1 0
J= (6.22)
−1 1
and therefore |J| = 1. Then the distribution of s is given by marginalizing p over x,
ˆ ˆ
q(s) = p(s, x)dx = f (x)g(y)dx (6.23)

It follows
ˆ ˆ
ms (t) = hets i = ets q(s)ds = ets p(s, x)dxds (6.24)
= et(x+y) f (x)g(y)dxdy = hetsx ihety i = mx (t)my (t) (6.25)

i.e. the MGF of the sum of two independent variables is the product of the two MGFs. This extends obviously
to the sum of any number of independent variables.
If the MGF exists, then two PFDs with the same MGF are identical; in other words, the MGF characterizes
completely the PDF (under some general smoothness conditions).

6.3 Central limit theorem

The MGF helps us to demonstrate the Central Limit Theorem, according to which the Gaussian is the asymptotic
distribution of the sum of n independent identically distributed (IID) random variables in the limit of n → ∞.
Let xi with i = 1, .., n be n IID random variables with mean µ and variance σ 2 , with an unknown PDF. The
CLT states that the variable
x̂ − µ
Y ≡ √ (6.26)
σ/ n
where x̂ = i xi /n tends to a Gaussian variable for n → ∞. Let us define the normal variables
xi − µ
zi = (6.27)
with hzi i = 0 and hzi2 i = 0. Clearly
1 X
Y =√ zi (6.28)
n i
Let us find the MGF of Y . By the property of additive variables we have

mY (t) = heY t i = hezi t/ n n
i (6.29)
√ zi t z 2 t2 z 3 t3
hezi t/ n n
i = h1 + √ + i + i 3/2 + ...in (6.30)
n 2!n 3!n
2 2
hzi it hz it hz 3 it3
= (1 + √ + i + i 3/2 + ...)n (6.31)
n 2!n 3!n
Since hzi i = 0 and hzi2 i = 1 we obtain for n  1
√ t2 hz 3 it3
hezi t/ n n
i = + i 3/2 + ...)n
(1 + (6.32)
2!n 3!n
t2 n t2 1 2
≈ (1 + ) ≈1+ ≈ e2t (6.33)
2n 2
which is the MGF of a Normal Gaussian variable, QED.
The importance of this theorem is that it guarantees that if the errors in a measure are the results of many
independent errors due to various parts of the experiment, then they are expected to be distributed in a Gaussian
way. It can be extended to the case of independent variables with different mean and variances but in this case
the condition n  1 is not a sufficient condition for normality.

6.4 Estimators of mean and variance.

In this section we assume always independent and identically distributed variables. The sample mean
x̂ ≡ i (6.34)
is an unbiased estimator of µ = E[x] . In fact
ˆ P
1X µ
E[x̂] = xi f (x)dx = =µ (6.35)
n i n

Notice also that even a single measure, eg x1 , is an unbiased estimator of the mean: E[x1 ] = µ. The choice
should then be the estimator of minimal variance. As we see below, the variance of the mean goes like 1/n; the
mean is therefore a better estimator than a single measure, or any mean of a subset of measures.
The sample variance
1 X
s2 = (xi − x̂)2 (6.36)
n−1 i

is an unbiased estimator of σ 2 = E[(x − µ)2 ]. Notice that both xi and x̂ are random variables; if the mean is
known in advance, the denominator of the unbiased estimator would be n instead of n − 1.
Analogously, the unbiased estimator of the covariance is
1 X
V̂ij = (xk − x̂i )(xk − x̂j ) (6.37)

For two variables this is

V̂xy = ˆ − x̂ŷ)
(xy (6.38)
where in this specific instance we use theˆto denote the sample average, for instance
ˆ = xi yi (6.39)
n i

Finally, an estimator of the correlation coefficient is

V̂xy ˆ − x̂ŷ
r= =q (6.40)
sx sy
(xˆ2 − x̂2 )(yˆ2 − ŷ 2 )

(note xˆ2 6= x̂2 ). This is only asymptotically unbiased, even if V̂xy , sx , sy are unbiased quantities; however is
often used because of its simplicity.
We can now estimate the variance of the mean:
1X 1X
V ar[x̂] = E[xˆ2 ] − (E[x̂])2 = E[( xi )( xj )] − µ2 (6.41)
n n
1 X
= E[xi xj ] − µ2 (6.42)
n2 i,j
1 σ2
= 2
[(n2 − n)µ2 + n(µ2 + σ 2 )] − µ2 = (6.43)
n n
where in the last step we have employed E[xi xj ] = µ2 for i 6= j and E[x2i ] = µ2 + σ 2 (and that there are n2 − n
combinations i 6= j and n of i = j). The same result can be readily obtained by the law of error propagation,
which in this case is exact since the mean is a linear combination
√ of random variables. This is a very important
result: the standard deviation of the mean is a factor 1/ n smaller wrt the standard deviation of a single
measure. So if we perform another measurement, we expect it to deviate by ∼ σ wrt the mean; but if we take
another mean√of a set of n similar measurements, then we expect the new mean to deviate from the old one
only by ∼ σ/ n.

6.5 Parameter estimation: Statistics, sample, bias

So far we have analysed the theoretical properties of the distributions. However, what we really normally have
is a number of measurements x1 , x2 , x3 ...xn . If the measures are independent, we can assume that the joint
PDF of the full set xi is
fsample (xi ) = f (x1 )f (x2 )f (x3 )...f (xn ) (6.44)
Our problem now is to derive from the n measures the estimates of the population parameters, that is, the
parameters that chracterize f (x), for instance the mean µ and the variance σ 2 . We need to find then functions
of the data xi , generally called statistics, such that they approximate the parameters of the f (x). We have
already seen an example of estimator: the mean
x̂ = i (6.45)
(now we use a hat to denote the estimator as a random variable, rather than any specific estimate) is in fact
an estimator of µ = E[x]. We can certainly have several estimators for any given parameter; here we see now
which are the main properties that “good” estimator should possess.
Let θ be the parameter of f (x) to be estimated and θ̂ the estimator, function of the n measures xi . If θ̂
approximates θ in the limit of large n, the estimator is said to be consistent :

lim P (|θ̂ − θ| > ) = 0 (6.46)


for every  > 0.

The expected value of θ̂ = θ̂(x1 , x2 , ...) is by definition
E[θ̂] = θ̂f (x1 ; θ)f (x2 ; θ)...dx1 ...dxn (6.47)

If the bias
b = E[θ̂] − θ (6.48)
is zero for every n, the estimator θ̂ is unbiased. If b → 0 only for large n, the estimator is said to be asymptotically
unbiased. The bias is a systematic error because it does not depend on how good the measures are but on our
choice of the estimator. At least in principle, one can always choose a better estimator or a unbiased one.
We define also consider the variance of the estimator:
V [θ̂] = E[(θ̂ − E[θ̂]) ] = (θ̂ − E[θ̂])2 f (x1 ; θ)f (x2 ; θ)...dx1 ...dxn

The variance of θ̂ is a statistical error because is unavoidable (although it can be minimized), since it depends
ultimately on the fact that θ̂ is a random variable.
We define also the mean square error

M SE = E[(θ̂ − θ)2 ] = E[(θ̂ − E(θ) + E(θ) − θ)2 ] = V [θ̂] + b2 (6.50)

which can be indeed interpreted as the sum of the statistical and systematic errors.

6.6 Maximum likelihood estimators and Bayes’ theorem

Let us suppose we know, or have good reasons to suspect, that a random variable x, e.g., the apparent magnitude
of a supernova, has a probability distribution function (PDF) f (x; θ) that depends on an unknown parameter θ,
e.g., the absolute magnitude. The “;” (previously we used the vertical bar |) is meant to distinguish the random
variables x from the parameter θ. As we have already seen, such a probability is called a conditional probability of
having the data x given the theoretical parameter θ. We may for instance suppose that the apparent magnitude
m is distributed as a Gaussian variable with a given variance σ 2 (the observational error on m), but we do not
(0) (0)
know one of the cosmological parameters that enter the expected value mth = 5 log10 dL (z; Ωm , ΩΛ )+constant,
where dL is the luminosity distance.

If we repeat the measure and we obtain x1 , x2 , x3 ..., then the law of joint probability tells us that the
probability of obtaining x1 in the interval dx1 around x1 , x2 in the interval dx2 around x2 and so forth is
f (xi ; θ)dn xi ≡ fi (xi ; θ)dxi = f1 (x1 ; θ)f2 (x2 ; θ)f3 (x3 ; θ)...dx1 dx2 dx3 ... , (6.51)

Q θ this multivariate PDF will assume a different

if the measures are independent of each other. Clearly, for every
value. It is logical to define the best θ as the value for which i f (xi ; θ) is maximal. Indeed, if we generate ran-
dom variables distributed as f (x; θ), the most likely outcome for x is that value maximizing f (x; θ). Conversely,
if we have a particular outcome x, then our best bet is to assume that θ is such as to maximize the occurrence
of that x. We used as an example independent data and a single parameter but this is by no means necessary.
We define the best θα as those parameters that maximizes the joint function f (x1 , x2 , ..xn ; θ1 , θ2 , ...θm ). Since
in general we have many parameters to estimate, we write the function simply f (xi ; θα ), meaning all the xi ’s
and all the θα ’s.
The maximum likelihood method of parameter estimation consists therefore in finding the parameters that
maximize the likelihood function f (xi ; θα ) by solving the system
∂f (xi ; θα )
= 0, α = 1, .., m . (6.52)
Let us denote the solutions of these equations as θ̂α . They are functions of the data xi and therefore are random
variables, just as the data are. So the classical frequentist approach would try to determine the distribution of
the θ̂α s knowing the distribution of the xi s; if this is possible, one can assign probabilities to θ̂α ’s ranges, for
instance determine the interval of θ̂α that contains 95% probability that a particular set of data has been drawn
from the theoretical distribution (we will se this in later chapters). One problem with this approach is that it
is often too difficult to derive the θ̂j ’s distribution analytically and very demanding to derive them numerically
through simulated datasets. But the main problem is that this approach does not take into account what we
already know concerning the theoretical parameters, for instance the result of previous experiments. To handle
this information properly we need to switch to the Bayesian approach. Instead of looking for the probability
f (xi ; θα ) of having the data given the model, we estimate the probability L(θα ; xi ) of having the model given
the data.
This problem is solved by the fundamental theorem of conditional probabilities, the so-called Bayes’ theo-
rem1 :
P (D; T )P (T )
P (T ; D) = , (6.53)
P (D)
where we denote the known data xi with D and the unknown theory (that is, the theoretical parameters θα ) with
T . On the r.h.s., P (D; T ) is the conditional probability of having the data given the theory; P (T ) and P (D) are
the probability of having the theory and the data, respectively; finally, on the l.h.s., P (T ; D) is the conditional
probability of having the theory given the data. Bayes’ theorem is a consequence of the definition of conditional
probability given in Eq. (2.19) P (A; B) ≡ P (A, B)/P (B) and of the symmetry of the joint probability P (A, B)
(the probability of having both A and B) under the exchange of A, B.
It follows that
f (xi ; θα )p(θα )
P (θα ; xi ) = , (6.54)
g(xi )
where p(θα ) is called the prior probability for the parameters θα , while g(xi ) is the PDF of the data xi . The final
function P (θα ; xi ) (or simply P (θα ) for shortness) is called posterior. The posterior contains the information we
are looking for: the probability distribution of the parameters given that we observed the data xi and that we
have some prior knowledge about the parameters themselves. In fact the whole method in the Bayesian context
should be called “the posterior method” rather than the “likelihood” method. Of course, the frequentist and the
Bayesian estimator coincide if the prior is uniform; however, the PDF of the parameter would still be different.
Since P (θα ; xi ) is a probability distribution function for θα , it has to be normalized to unity:
ˆ ´
n f (xi ; θα )p(θα )dn θα
P (θα ; xi )d θα = 1 = , (6.55)
g(xi )
1 Reverend Thomas Bayes (1702–1761) studied what in modern terminology is the binomial distribution and introduced the

concept of conditional probability. His work was published posthumously in 1763.


and therefore ˆ
f (xi ; θα )p(θα )dn θα = g(xi ) . (6.56)

The integral on the l.h.s. is called evidence and the same name is sometimes given also to g(xi ). The function
g(xi ) does not depend on the parameters θα and therefore it is of no help in estimating the parameters. From
the point of view of P (θα ) it is just a normalization factor. The prior p(θα ) is also often unknown. Normally
we do not know the probability distribution of theories, that is, whether for instance the ΛCDM model is more
probable, from an absolute point of view, than a modified gravity model or whether the cosmological constant
(0) (0)
density fraction ΩΛ = 0 is more probable than ΩΛ = 0.7. However, we often do know something which, while
not quite absolute in any sense, still represents some form of information independent of the data at hand.
Namely, we know the results of previous experiments. If an experiment convincingly excluded, say, ΩΛ < 0.5,
(0) (0)
then we could use this information, putting p(ΩΛ < 0.5) = 0. If instead we believe that ΩΛ = 0.7 ± 0.1,
then we could use as p(ΩΛ ) a Gaussian with mean 0.7 and standard deviation 0.1. These are typical prior
distributions. An improper prior, i.e. one which is not normalized to unity, can also be employed. For instance,
one can assume a uniform prior in the entire range from −∞ to +∞.
Once we have P (θα ) we need to search the maximum to obtain the maximum likelihood estimators θ̂i .
Because of the priors, this will differ in general from the maximum of f (xi ; θα ). Equation (6.52) is then replaced
∂P (θα )
= 0, α = 1, .., n . (6.57)
If, as usually the case, we do not know the denominator g(xi ) in Eq. (6.54), the posterior P is not normalized
and its normalization has to be recalculated. The overall normalization N is the integral over the parameter
space: ˆ
N= P (θα ) dn θα , (6.58)

where the integral extends to the whole parameter domain. From the normalized likelihood [i.e. P (θα )/N which
we keep calling P (θα )], we can derive the regions of confidence (or belief ) for the parameters. These are defined
as regions R(α) of constant P (θα ) for which
P (θα ) dn θ = α . (6.59)

The region R(α) is the region for which the integral above evaluates to 0 < α < 1 (remember that now P is
normalized and therefore its integral over the whole domain is 1). To find R one evaluates
P̂ (pi ) dn θ = αi , (6.60)

where P̂ (pi ) = P if P > pi and 0 elsewhere (i.e. the volume lying within the curve of “height” pi , smaller than
the peak of P ). By trial and error (or by interpolating over a grid of pi ) one finds the preferred αi . The typical
choices are α = 0.683, 0.954, 0.997 (also denoted as 1, 2, 3σ, respectively), but sometimes other reference values
are also employed. The value pi that corresponds to αi is the level at which we have to cut P to find the region
R(αi ).

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