NP 11023
NP 11023
NP 11023
Iyanda A.A. and 2Adeniyi F.A.A.
Department of Chemical Pathology, 1College of Health Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
Osogbo. 2College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Summary: This study was carried out to compare the hepatoprotective effect of methionine on paracetamol treated rats at
both the peaks of toxicity and absorption. Female Wistar rats were divided into 17 groups consisting of eight rats per group
and treated with different doses of paracetamol/methionine (5:1). Each control rat received 5 ml of physiologic saline. The
study was terminated at two different end points –the 4th & 16th hours. Results show that rats administered with toxic doses
(1000 mg/kg; 3000 mg/kg; 5000 mg/kg BW) of paracetamol exhibited significant increases (p<0.05) in the levels of ALT,
AST, γ- GT compared with controls. These increases were much higher at the 16 th than 4th hour but serum total protein,
albumin and globulin were significantly decreased (p<0.05) by the end of the 16th hour. Histology results of rats in the
3000 & 5000 mg/kg (by the end of the 16th hour) confirmed hepatic damage; light microscopic evaluation of liver showed
remarkable centrilobular necrosis. Moreover, the presence of mononuclear cells in liver section of rats intoxicated with
APAP (5000 mg/kg) suggests a possible involvement of inflammatory process which resulted in regurgitation of bilirubin
leading to its elevated level as well as increase activity of ALP. The hepatoprotective effect of methionine, on the other
hand, was demonstrated in these rats at the 4th & 16th hours, and both results were comparable and therefore not
significantly different (p>0.05) but elevation in GGT level still persisted. In conclusion, data obtained from this study
suggest that these agents may be capable of inducing GGT, although further study is required to establish a possible
relationship between methionine and this enzyme in some other animal species.
attention on the mitochondrial permeability the experiment. On the day of the experiment,
transition. Involvement of other generated reactive paracetamol (APAP) obtained from Sigma-Aldrich
oxygen species such as nitric oxide and superoxide Chemicals (St. Louis, MO) was dissolved in
anion cannot also be discounted in paracetamol- physiologic saline obtained from Unique
induced hepatocyte death (Hinson et al., 2004). Apart Pharmaceuticals, Sango-Ota, Ogun State. Each
from the hepatocytes, Lawson et al. (2000); Gardner control rat received 5 ml of saline while each APAP-
et al. (2003); Liu et al. (1994) have suggested the treated rat or APAP/methionine treated-rat received
contribution of non- parenchymal cells such as appropriate amount of the drug dissolved in saline.
Kupffer cells, Natural killer cells, and neutrophils that The APAP or APAP/methionine (ratio of 5:1,
secrete cytokines and chemokines during according to the study of Neuvonen et al., 1985)
acetaminophen-induced liver injury. doses employed for the study were 350mg\kg
Results obtained from studies of Henderson et al. (subtoxic dose, Abraham, 2004), 1000, 3000, 5000
(2000) and Dahlin et al. (1984) have also indicated mg\kg (toxic doses, Abraham, 2004; Trumper et al.,
that liver toxicity is initiated by P450-mediated 1992, Grypioti, 2005) body weight paracetamol.
reactions that convert APAP to the reactive The experiment was terminated at two-end
electrophile, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine periods, the 4th hour, the peak of absorption (Lewis &
(NAPQI), leading to glutathione depletion and Paloucek, 1991; Albert et al., 1974; Zarro, 1987) and
covalent binding (Henderson et al., 2000). This the 16th hour, the peak of toxicity (Trumper et al.,
invariably results in mitochondria, cell membranes 1992). The peak of paracetamol toxicity has been
and nuclei damage. Disruption of cell death- and reported to be between the 16th and the 24th hours.
survival-related signalling pathways causes extensive Route of administration was by gastric gavage. At the
necrosis and apoptosis (Lauterburg and Mitchell, end of both the 4th and the 16th hours, blood was
1982). Apart from CYP2E1, the major isoform in collected by retro-orbital bleeding. The liver from
biotransformation of paracetamol, other P450s such each animal was promptly removed and preserved in
as CYP1A2, CYP2A6 and CYP3A, have been formalin. Serum was separated immediately through
identified as APAP-metabolizing enzymes. The centrifugation at 3000 r.p.m. for the determination of
involvement of generated Reactive Oxygen Species liver enzymes (alanine amino transferase, aspartate
(ROS), such as superoxide anion (O 2-•), hydrogen amino transferase, alkaline phosphatase, γ-glutamyl
peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radical (HO•), reactive transferase), bilirubin, total protein and albumin. All
nitrogen species (RNS), such as nitric oxide and experimental protocols complied with Institutional
peroxynitrite (ONOO-), and peroxidation reaction Ethical Committee guidelines as well as
products have been highlighted in mechanisms internationally accepted principles for laboratory
associated with APAP-induced hepatotoxicity (James animal use and care as found in US guidelines (NIH
et al., 2003a; James et al., 2003b; Reid et al., 2005; publication\85-23, revised in 1985).
Bessems and Vermeulen, 2001).
A number of antidotes have been suggested for the Analytical Methods
treatment of APAP-induced liver damage, one of Creatinine was estimated by the Jaffé reaction while
which is methionine. The aim of this study is to the level of urea was also measured by the diacetyl
determine the hepatoprotective effect of methionine monoxime oxidase method. Activities of alanine
on female Wistar rats concurrently administered with aminotransferase & aspartate aminotransferase (AST
toxic doses of paracetamol and methionine in the & ALT) were obtained by the method of Bergmeyer
ratio of 5: 1, using liver enzymes (AST, ALT, ALP, et al; 1978, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was
GGT); total protein, albumin and liver histology as measured by method of Mc Comb and Bowers
indices of study and to compare the effect at the peak (1972). On the other hand, bilirubin and albumin
of absorption with that of peak of toxicity. were determined using modified Jendrassik-Groff
(Koch and Doumas, 1982) and standard
MATERIALS AND METHODS bromocresol method respectively. Total proteins
were measured using Biuret’s method (Kingsley,
Animals/Experimental design 1982). Hitachi® 902 Automated machine supplied
Female Wistar rats weighing between 250-350 g by Roche Diagnostic, Germany was used for these
obtained from the animal house of the Department of estimations.
Veterinary Physiology, University of Ibadan were
utilized for this study. They were kept in cages and Tissue histology
maintained on standard diet and supplied water ad The hepatic tissues were processed using paraffin
libitum. The rats were divided into 17 groups embedding method; sections of five micron thickness
consisting of eight rats per group. A two-week were processed in a microtome. Slides were
acclimation period was allowed before initiation of examined under the microscope to detect histologic
Hepatic presentation of female rats dosed with paracetamol/methionine 152
Niger. J. Physiol. Sci. 26 (2011): Iyanda and Adeniyi
changes subsequent to staining with haematoxylin All the hepatic indices used to assess hepatic
and eosin (H & E). damage in rats administered with
paracetamol/methionine show non-significant
Statistical Analysis difference (p>0.05) at all levels of exposure and at
Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation both end-points compared with control as shown in
(SD). Level of significant difference between each of Table 3 except for 1000 mg/kg. Table 4 also shows
APAP or APAP/methionine treated group and control non-significant difference (p>0.05) between serum
was determined using Student ‘s T test, Analysis Of activities of hepatic enzymes in rats administered
Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine with paracetamol/methionine compared with control.
significant difference between the three groups The histologic presentations are shown in Figures 1-5
(APAP, APAP/methionine, control) at each exposure below. Figure 1 shows the photomicrographs of
level. SPSS package version 15 was used for this liver sections of rats exposed to paracetamol at the
purpose. The 0.05 level of probability was used as the end of the 4th hour, some of the presentations include
criterion of significance for experimental groups. periportal fatty infiltration, extensive vacuolar
degeneration and central portal congestion. Figure 2
RESULTS on the other hand shows histologic presentations of
paracetamol/methionine-administered rats also at the
Results of this study are shown in Tables 1-4 and 4th hour; with nonvisible lesion at 350 mg/kg and
Figures 1-5 below. These results revealed that rats diffuse hepatic degeneration at toxic levels. Figure 3
administered with paracetamol showed significant shows among other features hepatic necrosis and
increases (p<0.05) in the serum levels of bilirubin cellular infiltration by mononuclear cells for rats
compared with controls, especially at toxic levels of exposed to toxic doses of paracetamol whereas Figure
exposure at the two end -points i.e. 4th & 16th hours 4 shows that even at the end of the 16th hour rats
except for 1000mg/kg when bilirubin was not exposed to paracetamol/methionine manifested
significantly different (p>0.05) at the 4th hour. Total absence of necrosis but featured diffuse hepatic
protein, albumin and globulin are significantly vacuolar degeneration. The control rats on the other
decreased (p<0.05) at 3000 mg/kg and 5000 mg/kg hand, manifested non-visible lesion as shown in
by the end of the 4th and 16th hours, although total Figure 5.
protein was also significantly decreased (p<0.05) at Using ANOVA, inter-group comparisons between
1000 mg/kg by the end of the 16th hour as shown in the controls, 4th & 16th hour-groups show a marked
Table 1. In Table 2 significant increases in the difference between the degrees of hepatic damage in
activities of hepatic enzymes were noted in paracetamol-exposed group, with the 16th hour group
paracetamol administered rats at both end -points revealing a greater degree of hepatic damage than the
compared with control especially at toxic levels of 4th hour. The hepatic enzymes are significantly
exposure of 1000 mg/kg; 3000 mg/kg & 5000 mg/kg higher (p<0.05) in the 16th hour group compared with
BW levels, although at sub-toxic level, such increases the 4th hour group and control, an observation which
were also noted at the end of the 16th hour. was supported by the histology results.
Table 1:
Serum levels of hepatic indices in paracetamol - exposed Wistar rats- 4 & 16 hours post dosing.
Bilirubin Total protein Albumin Globulin
(µmol\L) (g\dl) (g\dl) (g\dl)
Controls 6.75±2.37 6.03±0.54 3.26±0.34 2.68±0.21
4 hours 7.25±1.49 5.88±0.57 3.18±0.28 2.58±0.65
16 hours 8.13±1.81 5.58±0.42 3.01±0.09 2.21±0.61
1000mg\kg (F=8.94)ǂ
4 hours 8.36±2.20 5.68±0.41 3.24±0.37 2.48±0.43
16 hours 11.11±1.90* 5.53±0.36* 3.01±0.57 2.52±0.48
3000mg\kg (F=10.58)ǂ (F = 8.63)ǂ (F = 3.31)ǂ (F = 3.16)ǂ
4 hours 10.25±2.43* 5.50±0.39* 3.08±0.35 2.41±0.31
16 hours 13.75±4.03* 5.08±0.44* 2.83±0.34* 2.35±0.29*
5000mg\kg (F = 23.21)ǂ (F = 19.31)ǂ (F = 11.15)ǂ (F = 6.48)ǂ
4 hours 11.75±4.23* 5.31±0.24* 2.93±0.27 2.36±0.34*
16 hours 18.33±2.16* 4.73±0.29* 2.47±0.33* 2.10±0.34*
Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation. *p <0.05 is significant when each exposure group is compared with
control. ǂ p <0.05 is significant at the dose level, when control, 4th and 16th hours groups are compared using ANOVA.
Table 2:
Serum activity of hepatic enzymes in paracetamol- exposed Wistar rats- 4 & 16 hours post dosing.
Controls 36.36±10.76 33.75±12.14 40.00±5.78 52.25±15 .21
350mg\kg (F = 48.62)ǂ (F = 28.98)ǂ (F = 67.53)ǂ (F = 41.44)ǂ
4 hours 49.00±9.24 37.75±7.55 42.38±9.29 71.25±1.49*
16 hours 92.38±16.34* 68.63±12.31* 68.0±12.31* 119.88±18.86*
1000mg\kg (F = 215.17)ǂ (F = 36.71)ǂ (F = 10.32)ǂ (F = 52.82)ǂ
4 hours 99.75±12.37 * 61.0±1.81* 83.75±13.29* 115.75±37.59*
16 hours 487.33±80.39* 379.78±153.92* 242.11±33.41* 358.33±101.34*
ǂ ǂ ǂ
3000mg\kg (F = 277.34) (F = 234.75) (F=168.88) (F = 204.92)ǂ
4 hours 498.75±155.40* 315.88±87.83* 211.38±32.47* 198.00±27.12*
16 hours 1872±233.68* 1506±233.86* 432.63±201.15* 743.38±120.74*
5000mg\kg (F =482.99 )ǂ (F = 188.42)ǂ (F = 680 98)ǂ (F = 663.43)ǂ
4 hours 695.0±105* 581.0±121.10* 286.25±62.78* 338.13±66.89*
16 hours 3882±450.95* 2916±539.38* 707.50±199.66* 890.50±19.77*
Data are presented as Mean ± SD, ALT-alanine aminotransferase; AST- aspartate aminotransferase; ALP- alkaline
phosphatase; GGT- γ-glutamyl transferase.*p <0.05 is significant when each exposure group is compared with control. ǂ p
<0.05 significant at the dose level, when control, 4th and 16th hours groups are compared using ANOVA.
Table 3:
Serum levels of hepatic indices in paracetamol/methionine exposed Wistar rats- 4 & 16 hours post dosing.
Bilirubin Total protein Albumin (g\dl) Globulin (g\dl)
(µmol\L) (g\dl)
Controls 6.75±2.37 6.03±0.54 3.26±0.34 2.68±0.21
4 hours 6.63±3.25 6.36±0.86 3.39±0.43 2.98±1.01
16 hours 6.25±2.38 5.85±0.58 3.14±0.29 2.58±0.33
4 hours 7.25±3.45 5.90±0.48 3.19±0.36 2.71±0.55
16 hours 7.50±4.07 5.25±0.35* 2.80±0.40* 2.44±0.33
4 hours 6.86±2.75 5.95±0.67 3.31±0.53 2.64±0.46
16 hours 7.75±3.06 5.85±0.42 3.31±0.37 2.63±0.72
4 hours 7.25±3.45 6.12±0.63 3.36±0.54 2.76±0.97
16 hours 6.88±3.94 5.89±0.58 3.10±0.28 2.69±0.46
Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation; *p <0.05 is significant when each exposure group is compared with
Table 4:
Serum levels of hepatic enzymes in paracetamol/methionine - exposed Wistar rats- 4 hours post dosing.
Controls 36.36±10.76 33.75±12.14 40.00±5.78 52.25±15 .21
350mg\kg (F = 31.31) ǂ
4 hours 32.38±17.97 29.38±13.54 40.75±8.43 52.38±14.46
6 hours 38.75±9.36 31.25±11.59 51.50±8.50* 55.63±23.14
1000mg\kg (F = 28.51) ǂ
4 hours 32.00±8.94 31.50±12.42 43.13±9.89 51.50±20.12
16 hours 33.88±11.87 29.88±17.45 59.00±14.10* 51.00±13.06
3000mg\kg (F = 22.81) ǂ
4 hours 34.25±17.52 30.25±11.79 49.13±3.40* 48.75±16.61
16 hours 32.75±13.63 30.25±10.95 67.25±14.54* 57.25±18.92
5000mg\kg (F = 18.86) ǂ
4 hours 34.25±17.52 26.13±11.96 54.75±15.52* 54.25±22.00
16 hours 37.88±12.64 29.50±12.56 71.00±14.31* 55.63±13.91
Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation, ALT-alanine aminotransferase; AST- aspartate aminotransferase;
ALP- alkaline phosphatase; GGT- γ-glutamyl transferase. *p <0.05 is significant when each exposure group is compared
with control. ǂ p <0.05 is significant at the dose level, when control, 4th and 16th hours groups are compared using
toxicity, the 16th hour post-administration than at the
4th hour, the peak of absorption.
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paracetamol (APAP) at toxic doses of 1000, 3000,
5000 mg\kg caused significant increases (p<0.05) in
The higher level of AST compared to ALT is a & Ebong, 2007; Balamurugan et al., 2008) have
confirmation of the involvement of not only the indicated that at huge doses of APAP and after many
cytosol but also of the mitochondria; AST occurs in hours of exposure, increase in ALP serum activity
both compartments. Decreased plasma membrane may occur. Rajesh & Latha (2004) have also
Ca2+-ATPase activity and impaired mitochondrial identified that ALP increase may be the result of
sequestration of Ca2+ which lead to influx of defective excretion of bile by the liver cells due to
extracellular Ca2+ has been suggested by Tsokos- hepatic injury.
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(1989). In addition, large-scale calcium cycling by serum ALT, AST, ALP and GGT in paracetamol
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