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group: are organizations dedicated to a particular political goal or to set of unified goal.
when interest groups try to influence a legislator, we say they are lobbying a bill or issue
The lobbying idea is to influence the government.

How bill becomes a law:
-The conventional process is that before a piece of legislation can become a law it must be
passed in identical form by both the house and the senate and the signed by the president.
If the president vetoes the bill, it still can be passed by vote of two-thirds in each chamber.

The supreme court reviews the actions of executive branch and legislative branch and can
declare those actions unconstitutional.
To check the other branches of government.

The supreme court is the nation’s highest court dominates the America politics.

The Court’s most important power is judicial review: the ability to strike down any state or
federal law that is unconstitutional.

The court’s power to strike down the laws passed by the congress.

Federalism: the division of powers between national government and local government
Federal system: powers divided between state and local governments.
American federalism is most clearly exemplified by the tenth amendment to the constitution

The Bill of rights (First 10 amendments to the U.S constitution) guarantees personal liberties
and limits the powers of the governments.

Separation of powers is a hallmark of democratic systems. the division of government powers
across the legislative, executive and judicial branches.
The idea of S.P was to make the three branches reasonably independent so that one branch
could not take over the others.

Checks and balances: A system in which each branch has some of the power over the others

The declaration of powers promised equality

The patriot act: after 9/11 attacks the U.S congress a law to strong the domestic security
broadens police surveillance.
protecting the Homeland

Explain the election system:

Election consist of two phases; primary election, during which the parties decided their
candidates for the general election. Before the general elections, candidates require to win
their party primaries. After the primary season had ended, both parties hold national
conventions to confirm their nominee. The remaining candidates continue to campaign for the
general election by participating in debates and advertisements.
On the final election, the winner determined not by the popular votes, but through the
Electoral college system which is affected by getting a majority of all the voters in the state.

Electoral college system was created by the farmers of the constitutions as a means of
insulating the governments from the whims of a less educated people.

The constitution as ratified in 1788 most clearly reflects the framers commitment to; the
principle of limited government.

The framers of the U.S. Constitution hoped to prevent the government from achieving the same
level of power as had the British monarchy.

The civil rights act of 1964 was passed to reinforce the fourteenth amendments

Legislators view themselves as the bureaucrat’s bosses and guardians of the public interest.

Parties serve as intermediaries between people and the government.

Capitalism is an economic system in which a country’s trade, industry,

NRA (National ruffle association) is an organization that promotes the sport of shooting rifles
and pistols in US and works tirelessly to halt any government gun regulations.
NRA are one of the most powerful public interest groups because of the intensity of their

Gun control is not the answer for violence. But it’s surely a piece of the puzzle.
Guns don’t kill people. people do.

Direct lobbying: Representatives of the interest public groups meet privately with government
officials to suggest a legislation and to present arguments supporting their positions.

The Legislative branch consists of the House of representatives + the senate = congress
Congress has the authority to enact legislation and declare war.
Congress charged with budget, creating and passing laws.

The executive branch: headed of the president plus vice president.
-conducts diplomacy with other nations.
-the power to negotiate and sign treaties.
- is supposed to execute, run the government, based on the laws that congress passes.

The judicial branch: nine judges that appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate.
They serve until their death. US SUPREME COURT

The three branches balancing and have checks of each other. For example; the executive can
veto the legislative branch, but then the legislative can override that veto. The legislative
branch control he budget, so the executive branch can’t just spend as much they want, and the
judicial branch in both cases, can be a check by interpret the law because it’s unconstitutional.

Only two U.S president have been impeached
Bill Clinton 1998 impeach him on accusations of obstruction of justice.
Impeachment: Is where the president, vice president, or other (federal judges) can be removed
of abuses power.

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