Arriving at A Strategic Theory of The Firm: Steven E. Phelan and Peter Lewin
Arriving at A Strategic Theory of The Firm: Steven E. Phelan and Peter Lewin
Arriving at A Strategic Theory of The Firm: Steven E. Phelan and Peter Lewin
Steven E. Phelan
Peter Lewin
School of Management
First Draft
January, 1999
Please do not cite or quote without permission.
Comments welcome.
As many as half of all transactions in the economy are now conducted within
firms. The theory of the firm sets out to explain the nature and limitations (or boundaries)
of the firm as an economic institution. The theory of the firm can be located within the
transactions occur in markets, others in firms, and still others in hybrid structures such as
franchises, joint ventures and strategic alliances? The study of economic organization
Ronald Coase’s (1937) observation that “…firms exist because there are costs to
using the market” has been the touchstone for the study of organizations by economists.
Attempts to identify the costs of using the market have led to fruitful developments in
incomplete contracts theory (Hart, 1995), property rights and measurement costs (Barzel,
1989; Cheung, 1983) and agency theory (Alchian & Demsetz, 1972).
More recently, there has been an explosion of interest in the theory of the firm
among strategy scholars (see Foss, 1998b for a review). Their attention has been caught
by the possibility that there may be benefits to using firms rather than costs to using the
the resource-based view) are well positioned to explain these benefits. Several theories
of the firm have been proposed from a strategic perspective, using a variety of (related)
theoretical lenses, such as resources (Barney, 1996; Rumelt, 1984), knowledge (Conner
& Prahalad, 1996; Grant, 1996), competencies (Foss & Knudsen, 1996; Penrose, 1959),
capabilities (Langlois, 1992), and real options (Barney & Lee, 1998; Sanchez, 1998).
To date, there has been a tentative quality to much of the work in strategy, with
several authors characterizing their work as “moving towards” a theory of the firm rather
than forming a definitive theoretical statement. We believe that the field has evolved to
the point where we are ready to start arriving at a strategic theory of the firm by drawing
together the disparate threads of previous discussions into a single coherent theory. This
(either explicitly or implicitly) a theory of the firm. The use of outsourcing, strategic
alliances, joint ventures and franchising has grown markedly during the 1990s and has
been accompanied by an increased scrutiny of all make-or-buy decisions within the firm.
We have already alluded to the fact that the problem of where to set the boundaries of the
firm is one of the central issues in the theory of the firm. A corollary to the question,
“Why do firms exist?” is “Why are all transactions not performed by a single firm?” Any
advance in our understanding of where to draw firm boundaries must ultimately improve
A theory of the firm can also inform the entrepreneurial process because it seeks
to provide the conditions (both necessary and sufficient) for the establishment of a firm.
The decision, by an entrepreneur, to start an enterprise implicitly reflects the belief that
he or she can “beat the market” and produce a product more effectively through a firm
than via a set of market contracts. Similar considerations apply when an existing firm
decides to vertically integrate or enter a new line of business. By offering plausible
explanations for the existence and boundaries of the firm, a theory of the firm becomes
capable of offering prescriptions for both the founding of new enterprises and
Some of the motivation for developing a strategic theory of the firm also emerges
from the dissatisfaction felt by management scholars and practitioners towards existing
economic theories of the firm. As will be discussed in the next section, existing
economic theories of the firm tend to characterize firms as efficient devices for
(1991) goes so far as to say that economizing on transaction costs should be far more
explanatory power, we do not believe that they provide the whole story (or even half the
story) for the existence and organization of the firm. A definitive theory of the firm must
The set of economic theories of the firm is large ranging from neoclassical theory
to industrial organization (Seth & Thomas, 1994) and from Adam Smith to Karl Marx.
The subset of economic theories we are about to review1 currently rank among the most
influential theories of the firm. While there are clear differences between the various
theories within this set, all share a common set of assumptions about: 1) the need for
exchange arising from specialization, 2) the need for coordination and cooperation among
economic agents, and 3) the assumption of efficiency in economic organization. Each of
productivity (as Adam Smith so clearly discerned over two hundred years ago). It follows
undertakes specialized production, that is, producing for others rather than for their own
households. Firms exist because they are able to produce goods more efficiently than
households can. The alternative to the firm is not the market but the household. If firms
are less productive than households, people will become self-sufficient and produce
Specialist producers must also be able to exchange their output with others in the
economy. The emergence of money, for instance, greatly facilitated the process of
exchange because it enabled agents with disparate outputs and time preferences to
Because gains from trade can only be realized after exchange has occurred,
economists have tended to focus on the transaction – the act of negotiating, executing
Foss (1993) refers to them as contractual theories of the firm.
This raises the question about what is actually being exchanged in a transaction.
Most economists would now agree that it is the rights to an asset (broadly defined) that
are being exchanged. Common rights that may be transacted include the rights to use,
alter, transfer, alienate, or appropriate income from, an asset. An asset in this case
Transactions and contracts are closely related (in fact, Cheung (1969) views all
closely correspond with developments in exchange mechanisms (Masten, 1988). Over the
centuries, the common law and statutes have prescribed (and proscribed) the rights that
may be transferred in a transaction. For instance, a person cannot alienate (or sell) his or
her own human capital nor is it possible to own someone else’s human capital (i.e.
slavery is per se illegal). Similarly, under common law, the master-servant principle
ensures that an employer (who has contracted the right to use someone’s human capital in
exchange for wages) is also entitled to any gains or discoveries made by the employee
One may distinguish between specific rights, that are explicit terms in a contract,
and residual rights, which are not. Common law has generally upheld the right of
individuals and firms to make almost any specific provisions they wish in a contract
provided certain basic conditions are met2. The law (i.e. society) also determines the
Such as both parties being competent when they made the contract, considerations were
Ownership can be conceived as the bundle of residual rights that remains after all
specific contractual arrangements. The most important of these residual rights are the
rights to income and control. The owners of a firm, for example, are entitled to any
surplus received after contractual obligations (including wages, rent, and debt payments)
have been met. In lieu of any specific provisions, the owners of a firm are also entitled to
use, alter, divide or sell the firm’s assets in any way they see fit. As we shall see, these
two rights are very important in determining the benefits and costs of organizing
commodity (such as wine) and trade it for another discrete commodity (such as wheat).
the inputs of a multitude of specialists and specialist services. In the case of human
capital, some of these inputs (e.g. a programmer) may be purchased in the market via a
service agreement or, alternatively, employed by the firm using a wage contract. In the
case of physical capital, such as a photocopier, a firm may choose to either hire the
services of a copy bureau, lease a copier machine, purchase the machine outright, or even
firm (or entrepreneur) must perceive a market demand for a product. Second, a bundle of
specialist inputs (or resources) must be identified that is capable of meeting the perceived
market demand. Third, a firm must ensure that the process of assembling the inputs is
undertaken and that all parts are capable of productively working together to form the
final product. Finally, a firm must determine the best form of economic organization for
The cooperation problem follows from the last point. The specialists that provide
the inputs to the final product are assumed to be maximizing their own gains from
exchange. The owner of the firm must therefore organize contractual arrangements in
such a way as to ensure the interests of the agents (specialists) are aligned with the
interest of the principal (owner). This is achieved mainly through the use of monitoring
and incentives.
cooperation costs. The correct technology to meet consumer needs would be known, and
the effort and level of cooperation of employees could be easily measured. Consumer
needs could also be easily determined. The fact that these things are not easily
determined makes the issues of coordination and cooperation important. In fact, with no
resources would be accurately priced and could be costlessly exchanged via market
The so-called choice between the firm or the market is really a choice using one firm or two as
Economic Efficiency
All of the most influential economic theories of the firm subscribe to the
hypothesis of economic efficiency which assumes that all observed forms of economic
organization are efficient (absent external effects)4. A corollary of this hypothesis is that
all opportunities for gain have been exhausted. If there was a better (i.e. more efficient)
way of organizing production then firms in the economy would have implemented it.
Thus, the task of the organizational economist is not to find ‘better’ ways of
organizing. Rather, it is to understand why certain forms appear in some contexts and not
in others. Workers in the textile industry, for example, are almost always paid on the
basis of piecework rates while college professors are hardly ever paid this way.
organizational economics.
The theory of the firm is thus a subset of the overall problem of explaining
economic organization and is focused on the tendency for some sections of the economy
to coordinate transactions within the boundaries of a firm, while others parts of the
economy choose to coordinate their transactions through the market. The goal is to
Specific Theories
theories of the firm. This will be no more than a brief overview. The goal is to gain an
in the sense of Pareto efficiency where no one can be made better off without making someone
appreciation for the reasoning involved. This will act as an aid in understanding both
how strategists have departed from economic reasoning in their theories of the firm, and
to illustrate the basis of the criticisms that economists have leveled at such theories.
According to Coase (1937), if all transactions are efficient then firms must exist
because there are costs to using the market (or price mechanism). Coase identified several
of these “transaction costs” including the costs of discovering prices; and searching,
negotiating and concluding contracts. Coase believed a firm could avoid these costs by
negotiating long term contracts with its employees. The fewer contracts signed over a
conditions would change in unforeseeable ways. To counter this effect, he predicted that
employers would want to leave many details of their employment contracts unspecified
so they could be free to direct employees to take different actions as conditions dictated.
For Coase, this ability for owners to (re)direct the work of their employees was the
He defended his argument by pointing out that the legal definition of a master-
employer to direct the work of the employee whereas such a power did not exist in a
principal-agent agreement.
i.e. the firm has residual rights of control over its employees.
Coase went on to provide several reasons why all transactions did not occur in
one large firm. He argued that the number, dispersion and dissimilarity of transactions
would negatively impact the ability of management to effectively allocate resources thus
costs to using the price system. Coase had always discussed transaction costs between
firms, not between firms and consumers. Cheung reasoned that in a world without firms,
products themselves by buying the individual components from specialists. This raised
Cheung suggested that all of the difficulties were due to information costs. In a
world of perfect information these difficulties would not arise. Cheung also argued that
firms did not supersede markets. Rather, one form of contract was replaced with another.
Alchian and Demsetz (1972) explicitly rejected the notion that authority provided
a justification for the firm. Either side of an employment contract could terminate an
agreement just as either side of a market contract could terminate an agreement. An
employee did not have to follow orders he or she did not like, so the firm had no special
authority over its employees. Like Cheung, they believed that the term ‘firm’ was simply
Alchian and Demsetz’s started with the observation that much of the production
specialists were required to produce an end product. While they viewed the coordination
of production as relatively unproblematic, they felt it was very difficult to monitor the
effort of individual workers in a team. Individual team members had an incentive to shirk
by reducing their effort. Shirking reduced the surplus of everyone in the team prompting
the hiring of a monitor to measure effort. But this created a new problem – monitoring
the monitor.
The solution was to award the residual income of the firm to the monitor (now
called the owner). The incentive to earn an uncapped income would motivate the monitor
to keep a close check on the team. A firm was therefore defined as team production in the
Like Cheung (1983), Williamson (1975; 1985) and Klein, Crawford and Alchian
(1978), hereafter KCA, made major contributions to Coase’s transaction cost framework,
introducing new elements and significantly expanding the explanatory power of the
theory. Whereas Coase had emphasized the ex ante costs of search and contract
negotiation, Williamson and KCA focused on ex post transaction costs arising from an
Williamson (1975) began his argument by assuming that economic agents were
boundedly rational. This ensured that any contracts written between agents were
two parties invariably created assets specific to the relationship that could not be easily
deployed to alternative uses (i.e. sunk costs). The difference in value between an initial
investment and its salvage value (or its value in its next best use) was termed quasi-rent
unforeseen contingencies, an unscrupulous party could potentially holdup its partner and
appropriate the quasi-rents. Of course, if the partner firm could foresee this risk, the deal
would not proceed in the first place. Paradoxically, unanticipated holdup never occurs in
Williamson’s world.
The alternative for a firm with substantial quasi-rents was to vertically integrate
into the activity of its partner, thus holding all specific assets itself and removing the
threat of holdup. The extent of a firm’s integration was limited at the margin by the
The property rights approach (Barzel, 1989; Hart, 1995; Hart & Moore, 1990)
has further extended the transaction cost approach. The focus of the work is on the
incomplete contracts, it is impossible to define specific rights for all contingencies. Firms
will thus spend resources trying to acquire valuable unspecified rights (Barzel, 1989).
Ownership of physical assets becomes important because ownership grants
residual rights of income and control (Grossman & Hart, 1986; Hart & Moore, 1990).
When contracts are incomplete, it is the owner that ultimately has the right to decide on
increases the value of the firm then the asset owner is also entitled to any surplus
received. This has prompted Hart (1995) to recommend that the firm with the greatest
Earlier, we saw that Alchian and Demsetz (1972) claimed that a firm has no right
of fiat (or authority) over its employees. Initially, the property rights approach would
seem to support this position as human capital cannot be owned (i.e. slavery is illegal).
This conclusion has been disputed in the property rights literature. One of the rights of
ownership is the right to exclude others from access to your asset. Many employees are
in their highest valued use only when working for a particular company – their human
directions because the firm has the power to a) appropriate their quasi-rents and b)
For example, a commercial pilot is in his or her highest valued use when working
for a commercial airline. During the Australian pilots’ strike of 1989, 85%-90% of
scheduled air services were cancelled for several weeks as pilots pushed for a 30% wage
rise. Buoyed by Federal government support, the commercial airlines simply fired all of
their pilots and hired new pilots from overseas at lower rates than before the strike. Some
of the ringleaders of the strike have never flown in Australia again and have suffered a
This power inherent in controlling access to physical assets has led property rights
theorists to define the firm in terms of the ownership of physical assets (where ownership
denotes residual rights of control and income). Unlike the nexus of contracts view, this
definition makes the boundaries of the firm relatively easy to determine (Foss, 1997). If
firm X owns, or has residual rights over, asset x then asset x lies within the boundaries of
firm X.
Mahnke (1997) has argued that the power to control access to corporate assets
may also extend to non-physical or intangible assets, such as reputation, information and
brand names. This may explain why top accounting and consulting firms are able to hire
the best students from prestigious colleges at salaries considerably below market rates.
From the students’ perspective, they are enhancing their human capital through exposure
to a leading firm’s reputation, techniques and client base. Thus, recognition of the ability
strategic management, published in management journals, and have used concepts and
A similar example would be the air traffic controllers strike in the U.S. during the Reagan
Discussions on a strategic theory of the firm are relatively recent, dating from
Rumelt’s (1984) paper “Towards a strategic theory of the firm”. Like the economic
theories surveyed above, there are several core principles that are common to all strategic
theories of the firm. In fact, given the short period of development, these principles are
Common Principles
under administrative direction. Resources are defined as inputs into the firm's operations
that are used to produce products or services (Wernerfelt, 1984). Examples of resources
include patents, capital equipment and skilled human resources. A capability (or
competency) is the ability to perform a task or activity that involves complex patterns of
coordination and cooperation between people and other resources (Grant, 1991; Schulze,
1994). Capabilities include research & development, excellent customer service, and high
quality manufacturing.
resources and capabilities (known collectively as strategic assets) that earn rents, where a
rent is defined as a surplus of revenue over cost (Amit & Schoemaker, 1993). Strategists
seek to create, and protect, rents in order to enhance the value of their firm7. Resources
The value of a firm is the sum of its rents discounted at the relevant cost of capital.
are known to be more valuable if they are rare, difficult to imitate and non-substitutable
(Barney, 1991). However, in a competitive market, rents can only arise because of luck or
If the owner of a resource cannot envisage how a firm will use a given resource
then the price of the resource will reflect the next best use (or opportunity cost) that its
owner can find. The strategic value of a given resource is thus likely to depend on the
way a firm combines, coordinates, and deploys that resource with other firm-specific and
firm-addressable8 resources (Sanchez & Heene, 1997). It is in the interest of the firm to
use a new resource in ways that its former owner could not envisage.
Of course, not all resources can be traded. Some resources are developed within
the firm and cannot be bought or sold in factor markets (Dierickx & Cool, 1989).
how, and values. These assets may be particularly difficult for competitors to imitate
of asset stocks, asset erosion, and causal ambiguity (Dierickx & Cool, 1989).
also creates excess capacity that, although not easily traded (see non-tradable assets
above), can be utilized in new activities. Management’s inability to conceive and control
A resource that lies outside the boundaries of the firm but can nevertheless be used by the firm.
new activities places limits on the growth of the firm. This ‘cognitive limits to growth’
perspective has found considerable support in the recent strategy literature (Ginsberg,
Richardson (1972) views the economy as a set of activities each requiring a set of
capabilities (i.e. knowledge, skills, and experience). Similar activities share common
capabilities. Firms can realize gains (through economics of scale, scope and experience)
by expanding into similar activities. Complementary activities lie in the same value chain
but require dissimilar capabilities. The closer the complementarity between stages of
production, the greater the degree of cooperation required between firms. This
cooperation could include any form of joint planning between firms including strategic
As rent-seekers, firms are advised to expand only into areas where they have a
transferability of the firm’s most valuable resources (which are by definition rare and
Bounded Rationality
cannot exist (Demsetz, 1988, Demsetz, 1997). Firms are assumed to have the “blueprints”
for all production possibilities (Foss, 1998b). Economic theories of the firm do not move
far beyond their neoclassical roots. The notion that production knowledge may be
difficult to acquire receives little attention in the literature. It is assumed a priori that a
potential gain from exchange exists. Consequently, the theories focus on structuring the
transaction so that the partners to the deal can agree on the division of the expected gains.
The assumption that all production possibilities (or gains from exchange) can be
easily discovered is antithetical to strategists. At a given point in time, a firm will never
know whether its particular combination of resources is in the best possible use to
maximize rents. Nor will it know whether its choices reflect the best possible
deployment of resources to meet future contingencies (i.e. to optimize the value of the
firm over its lifetime). Strategic theories problematize the assumption that production
resource holders are boundedly rational. Managers do not have perfect knowledge of
future states of the world, of alternative actions that may be taken should such states
arise, nor of the payoffs from adopting various alternatives (Newell & Simon, 1972).
Moreover, the way a manager chooses to allocate resources will be a function of that
processes, leadership in creating shared visions, imagination, and creativity thus become
important factors in explaining resource allocation decisions (Ginsberg, 1994; Prahalad &
Bettis, 1986).
they would tend to use them in different ways. The result is that, over time, a firm’s stock
of tradable and non-tradable assets will diverge from its competitors, as will its
performance. Managers in competing firms do not face the same set of choices. Rather,
they have different menus with different choices (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997).
Resources are usually assumed to be heterogeneous.
For Demsetz (1997), information costs refer to the difference between the real
fore. This effort has led to the neglect of information problems that do not
which the future is highly uncertain, and they include problems of product
Strategists are thus uncomfortable with the view that all outcomes are globally
efficient. Global efficiency implies that the future can be discerned, or a superior
economic theory and assume that the future is, to a greater or lesser degree, uncertain and
unknowable (Hayek, 1945; Nelson & Winter, 1982). Thus, no amount of expenditure on
information gathering will resolve what Knight (1921) calls ‘fundamental uncertainty’.
Firms are only relatively efficient (or inefficient) in reference to other firms. Firms adapt
but they do not optimize (or, more correctly, they never know if they have reached an
optimal position).
In the neoclassical approach, inefficient firms do not survive. They are assumed to
fail very rapidly leaving only efficient firms (Friedman, 1951). Diversity in firm
performance can only be explained using ad hoc assumptions such as information costs
always the chance that a firm will improve its performance by altering its resource
allocations. Liquidating a firm prematurely destroys, or damages, the firm’s stock of non-
tradable assets. Second, the firm may not, in fact, be under-performing. It may be
implementing a strategy with a payoff over an extended time period. In either case, it
may be rational to ‘wait and see’ if performance improves. Consequently, firms strive to
Specific theories
This section briefly discusses several strategic theories of the firm. The goal is to
capture some of the essence of the thinking around these issues. We begin with the
knowledge-based theory of the firm, move on to options-based theory and conclude with
In neoclassical economics, efficient behavior is sometimes synonymous with purposeful
(rational) behavior. This usage reduces “efficiency” to a behavioral postulate with no normative power to
adjudicate outcomes.
Knowledge theories of the firm (KTF) form the largest subset of the growing
literature on strategic theories of the firm (Conner, 1991; Conner & Prahalad, 1996;
Grant, 1996; Kogut & Zander, 1992; Liebeskind, 1996). All KTF invariably start from
the premise that knowledge is the most important strategic asset that a firm possesses.
Grant (1996) goes so far as to say that “…all human productivity is knowledge
dependent, and all machines are simply embodiments of knowledge” (p. 112). The
literature, however, makes a strong distinction between explicit knowledge in the public
Tacit knowledge cannot be easily codified and can only be learned through
observation and practice (Kogut & Zander, 1992; Grant, 1996). Riding a bicycle is an oft-
cannot be directly appropriated and attempts at imitation will be costly in terms of time
(even assuming an instructor can be found). Explicit knowledge, on the other hand, is
extremely easy to transfer and contracts protecting knowledge are difficult to enforce
(Liebeskind, 1996).
Several explanations for the existence of the firm have been offered in the KTF
literature. Liebeskind (1996) argues that the firm exists because it is more efficient at
behavior. Similarly, the threat of dismissal may also deter attempts to transfer knowledge.
Job design and division of labor within a firm ensure that employees don’t see the ‘whole
picture’. Firms can also impose exit costs on employees by deferring compensation in the
become useful. Grant (1996) argues that the continuity of association found in a firm
enables the development of common knowledge, a shared language and meaning among
the firm’s specialists. The organization’s rules and routines also assist in facilitating
coordination. Firms are therefore more efficient at integrating knowledge than the
Conner and Prahalad (1996), focus on the advantages that administrative direction
provides over market contracting. They note that a market contract needs to be re-
negotiated if requirements change whereas employees can be more easily directed to new
tasks. As Coase (1937) also noted, this gives the firm flexibility and lowers transaction
costs. Similarly, market contractors often need to be convinced of the merits of a project
before they commit to production. Integrating the activity into the firm removes the need
to educate the supplier or distributor on the merits of the project. Conner and Prahalad
dynamic transaction costs discussed by Langlois (1991) and Langlois and Robertson
The boundaries of the firm are determined entirely by the capabilities of the
firm relative to the capability of the market (Langlois & Robertson, 1995,
Dynamic transaction costs are defined as:
of not having the capabilities you need when you need them (Langlois &
Transferring knowledge to suppliers also runs the risk that the suppliers might
appropriate the gains from innovation (Langlois & Robertson, 1995; Teece, 1986).
Appropriation can occur either in the form of holdup (i.e. higher input prices) or forward
integration. In either case, the firm has an incentive to transcend the market through
The options-based theory of the firm formalizes Conner & Prahalad’s (1996)
insight that flexibility is valuable to a firm (Barney & Lee, 1998; Foss, 1998b; Sanchez,
1993; Sanchez, 1998). In finance, an option is the right, but not the obligation, to trade a
security at a fixed price (the exercise price) over a given period of time11.
The right is valuable because the market price of the security may rise or fall over
the life of the option contract. The holder of a call (put) option will exercise the option if
the market price rises above (falls below) the exercise price. If the market price moves
contrary to the option holder’s expectations then the loss will only be limited to the
The right to buy a security is called a call options, the right to sell a security is known as a put
The probability that the market price will differ from the exercise price is, among
other things, a function of the volatility of the underlying security and the length of the
contract. Option pricing will reflect the market’s assessment of the likely gain from these
As we have argued earlier, the firm is a bundle of resources over which its
owners/managers have residual rights of control. The flexibility to change the allocation
of resources in the firm allows management to design new products, alter the timing of
investment projects, and vary relationships with suppliers and distributors (Phelan, 1997;
Sanchez, 1993). Options theory makes explicit the link between flexibility and value.
Firms provide their owners more flexibility and are thus more valuable (i.e. they are more
the firm:
Firms should internalize only a few inputs that 1) are exceptionally difficult to
obtain through markets and 2) are capable of generating superior options values
This statement hints at the fact that not all resources are capable of generating
options. The decision to acquire a resource must ultimately depend on a) its premium (or
acquisition price), b) its current value to the firm, and c) its ability to be recombined with
other resources to create value – the expected value of future gains represents the
resource’s option value. A commitment to learning about the ways in which resources
may be combined increases the value of options (Barney & Lee, 1998). However, unless
a difference of opinion exists between the seller and acquirer of the resource, in a
competitive market the acquisition price will tend to reflect the current and future value
than strategizing”. However, a close reading of Williamson reveals that he views strategy
the resource-based and dynamic capabilities views as the leading efficiency approaches
to business strategy but criticizes their lack of structure and focus. While Williamson
fiercely defends the vital role of transaction cost economics in explaining governance
Nicolai Foss (1996a; 1996b; 1997) has made some thoughtful criticisms of
strategic approaches to the theory of the firm. According to Foss (1997), the resource-
• When capabilities are important for economic organization and when they are not;
agents…could simply meet under the same factory roof, own their own pieces
We agree that strategists have often not discerned the need to justify the existence of the
firm in these terms. The next section addresses Foss’s central concerns.
As Demsetz (1995, 1997) has noted, the alternative to the firm is not the market
but the household. Firms exist because they are able to assemble valued goods and
services more efficiently than households can. The source of this efficiency is the
However, Demsetz’s use of the word ‘firm’ in this context is somewhat unusual.
of people and other assets, which may have legal status as a company or partnership.
Demsetz’s ‘firm’ could be a sole trader, a specialist who produces for the consumption of
others beyond the needs of his or her own household. The modern theory of the firm is
really seeking to explain the existence of the corporation (in the above sense).
degree of specialization. The creation of any consumer good requires the involvement
and coordination of countless specialists each with their own tacit knowledge domain. On
this score alone, the firm can transcend the market by reducing the costs of coordination
by, for example, lowering search costs for consumers and producers (Coase, 1937;
Barzel, 1989) or by providing a common language and set of routines (Grant, 1996).
Moreover, coordination is difficult. Resources cannot be assumed to be in their
value-maximizing use at any given point in time. The continuous stream of new
developments and innovations emerging into the public domain further complicates the
problem of finding appropriate resource combinations (Hayek, 1945; Nelson & Winter,
1982; Schumpeter, 1934; Teece, 1986; Witt, 1998). The problems of coordination ensure
Behavioral Assumptions
We assume that firms are not formed with the intention of creating social welfare
(or public efficiency). Specialists trade for their own gain or profit (private efficiency).
assume that all parties to a transaction will act to maximize private gain.
Unlike other strategists (Kogut & Zander, 1992; Conner & Prahalad, 1996) we do
strategic theory of the firm. This is not to say that altruism does not occur in corporations.
Rather, we believe that ‘planning for the worst while hoping for the best’ is the path of
least regret. Also, as Axelrod (1984) has demonstrated, it may be in one’s self-interest to
act cooperatively. Cooperation is not beyond our definition of self-interest (Langlois &
Robertson, 1995).
conception of bounded rationality goes beyond the lack of ability to detect shirking or to
coordination of production is a highly dynamic and complex task. An entrepreneur is
someone who is able to perceive that a gain can be made by recombining resources in a
novel way and seeks to profit from that perception (Schumpeter, 1931).
convention and the corporation’s own actions (Barzel, 1989). They include the rights to:
Let us start with an entrepreneur and an existing stock of rare and difficult-to-
imitate resources (land, labor and capital) that are held by other agents in the economy.
Each agent possesses bounded rationality so there is no reason to presume that the
resources are deployed in their most efficient use in some global sense. At some stage, let
combination (or asset co-specialization) that was hitherto unperceived by the other agents
in the economy. For the purposes of this analysis it does not matter how the insight arises
To make the example more concrete, assume that the resources in their new
combination are estimated to yield a capitalized present value of $100 million. The
marginal contributions from each resource being: land ($20m), labor ($40m), and capital
($40m). The resources in their current use are earning a total of $50 million – land
($10m), labor ($20m) and capital ($20m). [All values are prospective estimates.]
Once a profit opportunity has been discovered, the question then arises as to
indifferent to hiring the inputs through market contracts or forming a firm (which would
entail purchasing at least some of the physical assets and placing at least some of the
The first point to note is that any contract will be incomplete due to bounded
rationality. In effect, this means that any input owner under contract (including labor)
will have the opportunity to periodically re-negotiate the terms of their contract. Thus,
while the landlord might initially rent the land at a capitalized value slightly above $10m,
The transaction cost story (Williamson, 1985) is that relationship specific assets
(i.e. those that are generating quasi-rents or returns above their next best use) are always
buy the assets outright to protect the gain. The property rights implicit in ownership
enable the entrepreneur to alienate the residual income between the asset’s new use and
How much will the entrepreneur actually pay for the land? This is entirely
negotiable and will lie somewhere between $10m (its value in its current use) and $60m
Similarly, the dynamic transaction cost story (Langlois & Robertson, 1995) is that the
entrepreneur might not be able to convince the input holders of the value of the new idea and thus cannot
(assuming the entrepreneur is able to obtain the other inputs at their current use value).
However, given that the landlord is ignorant of the entrepreneur’s future plans, the price
could reasonably be expected to lie at the lower end of the range (although we know that
Once the entrepreneur purchases the specialized land and capital, he or she also
acquires two additional items of value. The first is a strategic option to recombine the
assets in new ways. As we described earlier, even if the input owners appropriate the full
$100m value of the initial plan, the deal would still be valuable because of the underlying
ownership). The firm will also start to build non-tradable assets like reputation, goodwill,
and a corporate culture. While these assets cannot be acquired on the market they are,
Both of these facts complement, rather than supplant, transaction cost logic (Barney &
Lee, 1998; Foss & Foss, 1998). The value of the strategic options and non-tradable assets
simply increases the quasi-rent that may potentially be appropriated and further biases the
From the entrepreneur’s viewpoint, the weak link in the arrangement is labor. At
value of $20m. If land and capital were acquired at their opportunity cost of $10m and
$20m respectively then labor has the potential to appropriate the remaining $70m in
future negotiations (and any gains from strategic options and non-tradable assets that may
also emerge). Is the firm a better vehicle for protecting the entrepreneur’s gains than the
The answer is no. Both market and employment contracts need to be re-
negotiated. Instead, it is the ownership of physical assets that gives the firm bargaining
power in both cases. Ownership carries with it the right to restrict or deny access to a
resource (Hart, 1990). If labor becomes too strident (as in the Australian airline example),
the owners can exclude their labor force and train a new group. Labor with firm-specific
skills (often built over a lifetime) is more vulnerable to holdup in these circumstances.
The ability to defer compensation also suppresses bargaining power (Liebeskind, 1996).
However, even if labor were to appropriate all gains from the relationship, there would
still be a period of adjustment between the old and new rates from which an entrepreneur
could profit (Rumelt, 1984). Finally, as with the example of professional firms, exposure
to the specialized resources of a reputable firm early in one’s career can enhance lifetime
earnings (by increasing one’s human capital). This can lead employees into a “rat-race”
where current wages are lowered for a winner-take-all prize (Rajan & Zingales, 1998).
There is also another set of reasons the firm may prefer employment contracts. First, as
Coase (1937) first noted, employment contracts provide the flexibility to direct staff into
new assignments. Firms also have the legal right to appropriate inventions and other
assets arising from employment (a residual right they don’t have with market
contracting). In both cases, the option value (and hence quasi-rent) of the firm is
employees creates shared knowledge and a common language, both non-tradable assets
Two views on the nature of transaction costs have emerged from our discussion.
The first view, attributable to Coase (1937), emphasizes the ex ante costs (in terms of
time, money, and effort) of identifying and negotiating for the exchange of valued inputs
using the price system. Strategists have identified strongly with this theme, making
(Grant, 1996) and the role of resources in determining boundaries (Penrose, 1959).
emphasizes the ex post costs of holdup when suppliers and distributors appropriate the
gains from asset specificity. Awareness of these ex post costs influences ex ante behavior.
The firm, with its common law property rights, provides a convenient mechanism for
avoiding these costs (or alternatively protecting any gains from specialization). The key
message is that the value realized from entrepreneurship, organizational learning, saving
on ex ante transaction costs, or strategic options is inconsequential if the public gain can
The antagonism between the strategic and economic theories of the firm
(Williamson, 1991; Ghoshal & Moran, 1994; Williamson, 1994; Kogut & Zander, 1996)
is thus difficult to explain. Views of the firm that focus on value creation are clearly
has used the term ‘transaction cost’ when talking about ‘appropriability’ that this
misunderstanding has occurred since strategists have long appreciated the link between
However, we disagree with the view that opportunism is either necessary of
sufficient to explain the existence of the firm (Foss, 1996a,1996b). Coase’s ex ante
in Coase’s world, simply a problem of finding information that will enable resources to
be allocated to their best use. Thus, whenever the costs of managed coordination are
lower than the costs of price coordination, firms will subsume markets (Demsetz, 1995).
Dow (1993) argues that capital providers would never lease their resources to LMFs
because of their inability to protect fixed assets (i.e. highly specific assets) from
appropriation. LMFs only arise when capital plays a small part in value creation (e.g. in
professional firms). He goes on to argue that the firm should be viewed as a nexus of
[negotiation] strategies rather than a nexus of contracts as the division of income between
labor and capital is highly negotiable. We would add that negotiating to acquire physical
The threat of appropriation of rents by buyers and suppliers has always played a
large role in the theories of Porter (1980) and Teece (1986). Curiously, the resource-
based literature has always been more concerned with imitation of key resources by
firm’s value depends as much on obtaining favorable terms from resource providers as it
necessary condition for the existence of the firm but it would be incorrect to suggest that
The Boundaries of the Firm
Strategists have generally had more success in explaining the boundaries of the
firm than they have had in explaining its existence. It was Coase (1937) who first posited
that firms exist because there are costs to using the price system. Similarly, the reason
that all production is not organized in one large firm is because the cost of planned
production will, at the margin, exceed the cost of using the price system.
For Penrose (1959), the number of resources under the firm’s control contributed
to the development of new resources and new opportunities for gain. This was offset by
the inability of management to envision new ways of combining the increasing number of
assets under their control (Coase, 1937; Prahalad & Bettis, 1986). For Coase (1937):
…the cost of losses through mistakes will increase with an increase in the
Strategists are generally well-informed about the cognitive, social and behavioral
factors that hinder resource allocation in large firms (Bower, 1986; Hoskisson & Hitt,
1994). A discussion of these factors is beyond the scope of this paper but once a limit to
the size (or resources) of a firm has been accepted, the question naturally arises about
The answer to the above question is that the firm should acquire the bundle of
resources that are expected to produce the most value for the firm. Resource-based
theorists (Amit & Schoemaker, 1993; Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993) have catalogued
• scarcity
• inimitability,
• inappropriability,
• durability, and
• flexibility.
Maximizing value entails balancing the current and future (option) value of the
firm. Resources that can be leveraged into new applications or used to develop new
resources are clearly more valuable from an options-based perspective (Sanchez, 1993).
According to Kirsten Foss (1998a), economists have tended to work from the
assumption that potential gains from exchange are known to exist and agents simply need
an incentive to realize them (typically an assurance that they will receive some or all of
the potential gains). Strategic management enriches this perspective by pointing out that
opportunities for gain are not readily known and value must be discovered.
Firms (as corporations) exist because they are better at protecting these gains after
they are discovered. Firms are also incubators (or engines) for future value creation. The
property rights associated with ownership play an essential role in creating these benefits
of incorporation. The firm is thus more than a nexus of contracts. It is also more than just
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