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Edited by

Blaine Brownell

A c ata l o g
o f m at e r i a l s
t h at
p h ys i c a l

Princeton Architectural pres s

N e w Yo r k
To m y g r a n d pa r e n t s , B l a i n e a n d A n n e t t e B r ow n e l l

Published by Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Princeton Architectural Press Transmaterial 3 : a catalog of materials that redefine our
37 East 7th Street physical environment / edited by Blaine Brownell.
New York, New York 10003 p. cm.
Includes indexes.
For a free catalog of books, call 1-800-722-6657 ISBN 978-1-56898-893-1 (alk. paper)
Visit our website at www.papress.com 1. Materials—Technological innovations. 2. Materials—
Catalogs. I. Brownell, Blaine Erickson, 1970– II. Title:
© 2010 Princeton Architectural Press Transmaterial three.
All rights reserved TA403.6.T15 2010
Printed and bound in China 620.1’1—dc22
13 12 11 10 4 3 2 1 First edition 2009026707

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in

any manner without written permission from the publisher, Disclaimer: Princeton Architectural Press and the
except in the context of reviews. author make no warranties or representations concerning
these products or their use.
Every reasonable attempt has been made to identify
owners of copyright. Errors or omissions will be corrected
in subsequent editions.

Images on p. 224 courtesy of Katsuhisa Kida

and Jun Takagi.

Editor: Becca Casbon

Series design: Paul Wagner
Layout: Bree Anne Apperley

Special thanks to:

Nettie Aljian, Sara Bader, Nicola Bednarek,
Janet Behning, Carina Cha, Thomas Cho,
Penny (Yuen Pik) Chu, Carolyn Deuschle,
Russell Fernandez, Pete Fitzpatrick,
Wendy Fuller, Jan Haux, Clare Jacobson,
Linda Lee, Laurie Manfra, John Myers,
Katharine Myers, Dan Simon, Andrew Stepanian,
Jennifer Thompson, Joseph Weston, and
Deb Wood of Princeton Architectural Press
—Kevin C. Lippert, publisher
Ta b l e o F c o n t e n t s

I ntr o d u cti o n 6

P r o d u ct P a g e K ey 12

01: Concrete 15

02: mineral 29

0 3 : m e ta l 47

04: wood 67

05: plastic + rubber 91

06: Glass 137

0 7: pa i n t + Pap e r 155

0 8 : fa b r i c 167

09: light 197

1 0: d i g i ta l 219

D esi g ner I nde x 247

M an u fact u rer I nde x 248

P r o d u ct I nde x 250

A ckn o wled g ments 2 52

P r o d u ct pa g e key


A. name E. summary
The trademarked name of the particular A basic text description of each entry
entry being featured F. t r e n d
B. number (nº) This field assigns one of the seven trends
This nine-digit identification number is mentioned in the introduction to each
unique to each entry. The first six digits are entry: ultraperforming, multidimensional,
based on the new MasterFormat material repurposed, recombinant, intelligent,
classification system, published June 8, transformational, or interfacial.
2004, by the Construction Specifications G . t yp e
Institute. The last three digits are used to Defines each entry as a material, product,
identify each product within a serial list. or process
This numbering system is congruent with H . a d d i t i o n a l d ata
the Materials Monthly program, also The following information is also used to
published by Princeton Architectural Press. describe product entries: contents,
C. description applications, types or sizes, environmental
A brief, generic explanation of each entry benefits, industry tests or examinations,
D . c at e g o r y limitations, and manufacturer contact
Refers to the basic materiality of the information.
product, such as concrete, metal, or plastic;
it is the primary means of organization in
this book.

Cassini Blocks n ° 0 4210 0 - 0 01

K i d n e y- s h a p e d c e r a m i c b u i l d i n g b l o c k s
M u lt i d i m e n s i o n a l p r o d u c t

Designed by Neil Meredith as a new type of wall system, Cassini Blocks embrace the natural and
formal tendencies of ceramics as a starting point for design. Utilizing a single unit type shaped like
a kidney or peanut, many different stacking and opening possibilities emerge. Instead of forcing the
material into a standard brick unit, these building units are slip-cast into hollow blocks. Ceramic
building units also offer distinct performance criteria: clay is a durable and natural material, has a
high insulation capacity, absorbs and distributes water when uncoated, and can shed water once
glazed—allowing it to be used in interior and exterior applications.

Contents L i m i tat i o n s

Slip-cast red earthenware Large installations may

clay require additional
engineering and testing
A p p l i cat i o n s

Interior and exterior walls

C o n tac t
Types / Sizes
Sheet Design
15 3/4 x 7 1/4" (40 x 18.4 cm)
2134 45th Road, #16
individual blocks; stacked
Long Island City, NY 11101
dimensions vary
Tel: 313-429-0615
E n v i r o n m e n ta l www.sheetd.com/loosefit
Natural material, info@sheetd.com
biodegradable and
reusable; requires no
finishing or maintenance

Ceramic Composite Material n° 068000-009

C a r b o n f i b e r – r e i n fo r c e d c e r a m i c c o m p o s i t e

R e c o m b i n a n t M at e r i a l
Brembo manufactures advanced ceramic-composite braking systems for automotive applications
and also performs general research and development for innovative materials. Originally devel-
oped for aerospace applications due to its light weight yet resilience under heavy loading condi-
tions, a combination of chopped carbon fiber and silicon carbide (SiC) matrix endows the Ceramic
Composite Material (CCM) with exceptional physical characteristics. Since the carbon fibers
are embedded in a SiC matrix, they provide elasticity and damage tolerance while the matrix pro-
vides wear- and oxidation-resistance. The properties of extreme damage tolerance, low elastic mod-
ulus, and superior wear resistance make CCM an ideal brake disc material. CCM offers benefits
with regard to weight, comfort, corrosion resistance, and long life, and may be used in dry and wet

Contents T e s t s / E x a m i n at i o n s

Silicon metal (Si), silicon Bench simulation

carbide (SiC), carbon fibers
L i m i tat i o n s

A p p l i cat i o n s Maximum operative

Braking system for high- temperature 2372°F
performance automotive (1300°C)
C o n tac t

Types / Sizes Brembo

ø 13–16.2" (33–41 cm); Viale Europa 2
thickness 1.3–1.7" (3.2– Stezzano, Bergamo I24040
4.2 cm) Italy
Tel: +39 035-605-111
E n v i r o n m e n ta l
No pollution due to
negligible wear during
lifetime, ceramic material is
completely recyclable

Eco-Essence n° 093000 - 005

N at u r a l s h e l l pa n e l s
R e p u r p o s e d M at e r i a l

Eco-Essence is a decorative surface panel, handmade from natural mother-of-pearl or Capiz shells,
available on a selection of backings for ease of installation. Its inherent opalescence and iridescent
coloring create a modern, luxurious quality that is suitable for focal walls and feature elements in
many environments. This organic material is derived from the managed harvest of shells, and nat-
ural variations in texture and color may occur. The collection is available in eighteen standard pat-
terns with custom capabilities.

Contents E n v i r o n m e n ta l

Capiz shells, mother-of- Made from the managed

pearl; backings include harvest of shells
mesh, medium-density
L i m i tat i o n s
fiberboard (MDF), ceramic,
Interior use only
and nonwoven cloth
C o n tac t
A p p l i cat i o n s
Architectural Systems, Inc.
Decorative surfacing
150 West 25th Street,
applications in all
8th Floor
commercial environments,
New York, NY 10001
including walls, ceilings,
Tel: 800-793-0224
and column enclosures
Types / Sizes sales@archsystems.com
Tiles 12 x 12" (30.5 x 30.5
cm) nominal

Electroboard n ° 0 92 9 0 0 - 0 01

E l e c t r o - c o n d u c t i v e gy p s u m wa l l b oa r d

R e c o m b i n a n t M at e r i a l
Electroboard is an interior finish material that pairs flatwire technology with a fire-resistant gyp-
sum core. It provides an electrified, low-voltage surface accessible with a proprietary connector that
one pushes into the face of the wall. As an alternative to traditional track-based lighting systems,
Electroboard offers unlimited fixture-configuration options and may be finished to blend seamlessly
with conventional gypsum wallboard surfaces.
Designed by Eric Olsen with Superficial Studio, Electroboard is economical like conventional
gypsum-based cladding and creates additional value though embedded conductivity. It offers mate-
rial and energy efficiencies as well as infrastructural flexibility. The low-voltage power supplied by
Electroboard is compatible with many technologies, like liquid crystal displays and OLED light fix-
tures, and point-of-use electrical transformers are eliminated with Electroboard—thus creating con-
siderable energy savings.

Contents T e s t s / E x a m i n at i o n s

Gypsum, flatwire film, UL listing pending

paper, electrical transformer
L i m i tat i o n s

A p p l i cat i o n s Not for use in exterior or

Dry location wall and wet location applications
ceiling surfaces where low-
C o n tac t
voltage power is needed
Superficial Studio
Types / Sizes 3163 North Beachwood
4' x 8' x 1/2" (1.2 m x 2.4 m x Drive
1.3 cm) sheet; custom sizes Hollywood, CA 90068
possible www.superficialstudio.com
E n v i r o n m e n ta l

Made from recovered

manufacturing waste and
recycled paper, low-voltage
power supply

Flexipane n ° 0 9770 0 - 0 02

F l e x i b l e , n at u r a l s h e l l - s u r fac e c ov e r i n g
R e p u r p o s e d M at e r i a l

Flexipane is a seamless surface covering made of natural Capiz shells. The shells become soft and
flexible after undergoing a special mechanical process. This surface covering can be used for archi-
tectural woodwork, furniture, interior paneling, countertops, and other interior applications in which
wood products are traditionally used. Moreover, unlike typical surface coverings made of shells that
are usually hard, Flexipane is characteristically soft and flexible—allowing easier installation on
curved or rounded surfaces.

Contents L i m i tat i o n s

Natural shells, polyester Not applicable for areas

fiber, nitocellulose laquer with direct sunlight and
with high moisture such as
A p p l i cat i o n s
the kitchen and bathroom
Interior wall coverings,
furniture C o n tac t

La Casa Deco
Types / Sizes
San Diego Street
11.8 x 11.8 x .05" (30 x 30 x
Valenzuela City,
.12 cm), 11.8 x 23.6 x .05"
Metro Manila 1443
(30 x 60 x .12 cm) panels
E n v i r o n m e n ta l Tel: +632 2771043 to 45
Widely available resource www.lacasadeco.com
(not endangered) info@lacasadeco.com

T e s t s / E x a m i n at i o n s


Fly Ash Panels n ° 0 425 0 0 - 0 01

F ly a s h b u i l d i n g c o m p o n e n t s

R e p u r p o s e d M at e r i a l
Fly ash, the waste product of burning coal, is largely composed of carbon and contains many heavy
metals. It is often combined with cement as an additive, but only up to a certain amount.
Carolyn Dry has developed a method of fabricating building panels and insulation out of nearly
100 percent fly ash in order to sequester these heavy metals so that they do not leach out and pol-
lute the environment. Essentially cooking the ash into a solid, Dry utilizes a flux that allows pro-
cessing at lower temperatures—thus using less energy and fewer chemicals. Components such
as building panels, bricks, and insulation may be produced without the need for binders such as

Contents L i m i tat i o n s

Postindustrial fly ash Caution required, as the

material contains heavy
A p p l i cat i o n s
Sandwich panels, CMU
substitution, exterior C o n tac t

insulation and finish Natural Process Design Inc.

systems (EIFS) alternative 1250 East 8th Street
Winona, MN 55987
Types / Sizes
E n v i r o n m e n ta l naturalprocessdesign@
Sequesters heavy metals, yahoo.com
reuses postindustrial waste

T e s t s / E x a m i n at i o n s

Compression, flexure, water

absorption, insulative
properties, and chemical
leaching testing and
microscope analysis

Found Space Tiles n ° 0 9 3 013 - 0 0 5

P r o f i l e d c e r a m i c wa l l t i l e s
M u lt i d i m e n s i o n a l M at e r i a l

Found Space Tiles transform the common into the uncommon. Designers Stephanie Davidson
and Georg Rafailidis developed the tiles after seeking greater possibilities within a conventional
tiled surface. Much like appropriating found objects, these tiles are made using the found spaces
between bodies and architectural surfaces, turned into positive forms. The resulting tiles are a for-
mal hybrid between two very necessary and basic architectural elements—the body and the wall.
Part body and part wall, the tiles echo the presence of a person, a posture, and literally reach out to
be touched.
Made in posture- and/or body-specific clusters, the tiles are designed in standard finished
dimensions, intended to be incorporated into inexpensive, tiled surfaces.

Contents C o n tac t

Earthenware ceramic Touchy-Feely

Ossastrasse 15
A p p l i cat i o n s
Berlin, D-12045
Wall surface finish
Types / Sizes Tel: +49 (0)3026343990
6 x 6" (15.2 x 15.2 cm) with www.touchy-feely.net
variable depth, to be info@touchy-feely.net
integrated with standard
tiles, designed in clusters of
two or more

E n v i r o n m e n ta l

Low-fired ceramic, low

maintenance, durable

OneStep Building System n ° 0 42 219 - 0 01

C o n c r e t e fo r m m a s o n ry u n i t s

Recombinant product
The OneStep Building System is a holistic, high-performance building product that addresses the
entire exterior structure of a wall. The system’s concrete form masonry units (CFMUs) allow the
shell of a building to be constructed using only one product, one trade organization, and one step
in the construction sequence. CFMU combines the texture of masonry, the strength of cast-in-place
masonry, and the energy efficiency of polystyrene insulation into a singular building product—dra-
matically simplifying the construction process.
The OneStep Building System incorporates high R-values, low conductivity, and dense thermal
mass—all of which combine to significantly reduce heating and cooling costs. The CFMU includes
a five-layer moisture-blocking system, thus preventing water leakage, condensation, and black
mold. The product is available with standard masonry finishes for both the interior and exterior
faces of the wall, allowing for a wide variety of combinations of colors and finishes. In addition, the
CFMU installs quickly and eliminates many of the products and trades commonly required in high-
performance construction.

Contents T e s t s / E x a m i n at i o n s

Cement, aggregates, ASTM E72, C74O, C426,

plastic, rigid insulation C780, C1019, Ct3L4, E514

A p p l i cat i o n s L i m i tat i o n s

Exterior building shells Not suitable for lightweight

Types / Sizes

Standard masonry sizes, C o n tac t

colors, and finishes Pentstar

1100 North Shore Drive
E n v i r o n m e n ta l
Reduced waste, reduced
Orono, MN 55364
energy consumption, high
Tel: 763-566-5400
recycled content, reduced
embodied energy

PS Photo Tiles n ° 0 9 3 013 - 0 0 6

H i g h - r e s o lu t i o n p h o to g r a p h i c t i l e s
I n t e r fac i a l p r o c e s s

Sweden-based Parisima Kadh AB has developed a method for applying photographic images and
other visual content to ceramic tiles. Unlike similar processes that offer images at the size of a
tile, PS Photo Tiles allow the creation of one large, seamless image over the span of an entire tiled
wall or floor surface. Parisima will produce tiles from customer-delivered content, or designers may
select from more than five hundred stock pictures.

Contents L i m i tat i o n s

Ceramic tiles Should not be scraped with

sharp objects
A p p l i cat i o n s

Interior or exterior C o n tac t

horizontal and vertical Parisima Kadh AB

applications Garavregatan 9A
Karlstad, Värmland 652 20
Types / Sizes
From mosaic tiles up to 9.8
Tel: +46 54-10-07-60
x 15.7" (25 x 40 cm)
T e s t s / E x a m i n at i o n s pasris20@hotmail.com
Water and chemical (graffiti
cleaning) tested

Q Blocks n ° 0 42119 - 0 01

M u lt i f u n c t i o n a l c e r a m i c b u i l d i n g b l o c k s

M u lt i d i m e n s i o n a l M at e r i a l
Bricks and tiles, though materially similar, are commonly understood as discrete building materials.
Bricks are stacked to produce a solid volume, while tiles are arrayed to create a surface. Q Blocks,
designed by Neil Meredith, work as a single ceramic building unit that can perform a host of differ-
ent constructive functions. The units can stack to create walls, overlap to create roof tiles, or nest to
create irregular tiling patterns. By extruding clay through a steel die and then changing the length
of the resulting tube, a single hollow profile can be used to create a range of constructive units. This
approach allows for a number of advantages over the standard rectangular stacked units. For exam-
ple, the air cavity within the units also allows services to pass through what would typically be a
solid cross section. These bricks, pavers, and roof tiles can nest and stack in both regular and irreg-
ular patterns depending on use and installation.

Contents L i m i tat i o n s

Extruded clay Large installations may

require additional
A p p l i cat i o n s
engineering and testing
Interior and exterior walls
and roofs C o n tac t

Sheet Design
Types / Sizes
2134 45th Road, #16
2 x 4 x 8/16/32" (5.1 x 10.2 x
Long Island City, NY 11101
20.3/40.6/81.2 cm)
Tel: 313-429-0615
individual blocks
E n v i r o n m e n ta l info@sheetd.com
Biodegradable, reusable, no
finishing required

Sensitive Apertures n ° 0 8 6216 - 0 01

C e l lu l a r c e r a m i c l i g h t a p e r t u r e s
Recombinant product

Sensitive Apertures is a modular slip-cast ceramic building skin designed to admit a small quantity
of light through a refractive glass aperture. This opening redirects sunlight onto the inside surface
of the cell, projecting an even, luminous glow to the interior space. The 1 percent open apertures
admit levels of light desired for interior circulation zones as well as insulate a building from solar
heat gain and loss.

Contents C o n tac t

Ceramic, glass Ben McDonald

3833 Goldwyn Terrace
A p p l i cat i o n s
Culver City, CA 90232
Building skins
Types / Sizes ceramic.html
5" (12.7 cm) tetrahedron sensitiveapertures@gmail
E n v i r o n m e n ta l

Reduces heat gain/loss

L i m i tat i o n s

Aperture modules are not

load bearing


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