TR-Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II PDF
TR-Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II PDF
TR-Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II PDF
Page No.
Basic Competencies 2 - 14
Common Competencies 15 - 30
Core Competencies 31 - 44
Building-Wiring Electrician
Residential/Commercial-Wiring Electrician
Maintenance Electrician
Building-Wiring Electrician
Residential/Commercial-Wiring Electrician
Maintenance Electrician
1. Appropriate sources 1.1. Team members
1.2. Suppliers
1.3. Trade personnel
1.4. Local government
1.5. Industry bodies
2. Medium 2.1. Memorandum
2.2. Circular
2.3. Notice
2.4. Information discussion
2.5. Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6. Face to face communication
3. Storage 3.1. Manual filing system
3.2. Computer-based filing system
4. Forms 4.1. Personnel forms, telephone message forms, safety
5. Workplace 5.1. Face to face
interactions 5.2. Telephone
5.3. Electronic and two way radio
5.4. Written including electronic, memos, instruction and
forms, non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs
and diagrams
6. Protocols 6.1. Observing meeting
6.2. Compliance with meeting decisions
6.3. Obeying meeting instructions
1. Appropriate sources 1.1. Team members
1.2. Suppliers
1.3. Trade personnel
1.4. Local government
1.5. Industry bodies
2. Medium 2.1. Memorandum
2.2. Circular
2.3. Notice
2.4. Information discussion
2.5. Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6. Face to face communication
3. Storage 3.1. Manual filing system
3.2. Computer-based filing system
4. Forms 4.1. Personnel forms, telephone message forms, safety
5. Workplace 5.1. Face to face
interactions 5.2. Telephone
5.3. Electronic and two way radio
5.4. Written including electronic, memos, instruction and
forms, non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs
and diagrams
6. Protocols 6.1. Observing meeting
6.2. Compliance with meeting decisions
6.3. Obeying meeting instructions
1. Integrate 1.1. Personal growth and work Work values and Demonstrate Intra
plans are pursued ethics (Code of and Interpersonal
personal towards improving the Conduct, Code of skills at work
objectives qualifications set for the Ethics, etc.) Demonstrate
profession Understanding personal
with personal objectives
1.2. Intra- and interpersonal commitment in
organizational relationships are Understanding work
goals maintained in the course organizational goals
of managing oneself Difference between
based on performance intra and
evaluation interpersonal
1.3. Commitment to the relationship
organization and its goal Performance
is demonstrated in the evaluation
performance of duties
2. Set and meet 2.1 Competing demands are Company policies Managing goals
prioritized to achieve Company and time
work priorities personal, team and operations, Practice economic
organizational goals and procedures and use of resources
objectives. standards and facilities
2.2 Resources are utilized Time management Setting work
efficiently and effectively Basic strategic priorities
to manage work priorities planning concepts Practice time
and commitments Resource utilization management
2.3 Practices along economic and management
use and maintenance of
equipment and facilities
are followed as per
established procedures
3. Maintain 3.1 Trainings and career Career Determining
opportunities are development personal career
professional identified and availed of opportunities development
growth and based on job Company needs
requirements recognition and Identifying career
development incentives
3.2 Recognitions are opportunities
sought/received and Information on
demonstrated as proof of relevant licenses
career advancement and or certifications
3.3 Licenses and/or
certifications relevant to
job and career are
obtained and renewed
1. Evaluation 1.1 Performance Appraisal
1.2 Psychological Profile
1.3 Aptitude Tests
1. Safety May include but are not limited to:
regulations 1.1 Clean Air Act
1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards
1.6 DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements
1.7 ECC regulations
2. Hazards/Risks May include but are not limited to:
2.1 Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure,
noise, vibration, temperature, radiation
2.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites,
mites, molds, fungi, insects
2.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke,
gasses, vapors
2.4 Ergonomics
Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive
force, awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct
pressure, varying metabolic cycles
Physiological factors – monotony, personal
relationship, work out cycle
3. Contingency May include but are not limited to:
measures 3.1 Evacuation
3.2 Isolation
3.3 Decontamination
3.4 (Calling designed) emergency personnel
4. PPE May include but are not limited to:
4.1 Mask 4.5 Face mask/shield
4.2 Gloves 4.6 Ear muffs
4.3 Goggles 4.7 Reflectorized vest
4.4 Hard Hat 4.8 Safety shoes
4.9 Safety harness
5. Emergency-related 5.1 Fire drill
drills and training 5.2 Earthquake drill
5.3 Basic life support/CPR
5.4 First aid
5.5 Spillage control
5.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic
5.7 Disaster preparedness/management
6. OHS personal 6.1 Medical/Health records
records 6.2 Incident reports
6.3 Accident reports
6.4 OHS-related training completed
ELEMENT Italicized Bold terms are elaborated REQUIRED REQUIRED
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
1. Select 1.1. Object or component to be Category of measuring Identifying and
measuring measured is identified instruments selecting
instruments 1.2. Correct specifications are Types and uses of measuring
obtained from relevant measuring instruments instruments
source Shapes and Visualizing
1.3. Measuring tools are selected Dimensions objects and
in line with job requirements Formulas for volume, shapes
areas, perimeters of
plane and geometric
2. Carry out 2.1. Appropriate measuring Calculation & Performing
measurements instrument is selected to measurement calculation by
and calculation achieve required outcome Four fundamental addition,
2.2. Accurate measurements are operation subtraction,
obtained for job Linear measurement multiplication
2.3. Calculation needed to Dimensions and division;
complete work tasks are Unit conversion Interpreting
performed using the four Ratio and proportion formulas for
basic process of addition (+), volume, areas,
subtraction (-), multiplication perimeters of
(x), and division (/) plane and
2.4. Calculation involving geometric
fractions, percentages and figures
mixed numbers are used to Handling of
complete workplace tasks. measuring
2.5. Numerical computation is instruments
self-checked and corrected
for accuracy
2.6. Instruments are read to the
limit of accuracy of the tool.
3. Maintain 3.1. Measuring instruments are Types of measuring Handling and
measuring not dropped to avoid instruments and their maintaining
instruments damage uses measuring
3.2. Measuring instruments are Safe handling instruments
cleaned before and after procedures in using
using. measuring instruments
3.3. Proper storage of Four fundamental
instruments undertaken operation of
according to manufacturer’s mathematics
specifications and standard Formula for volume,
operating procedures. area, perimeter and
other geometric figures
1. Safety May include but are not limited to:
regulations 1.1 Clean Air Act
1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards
1.6 DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements
1.7 ECC regulations
2. Hazards/Risks May include but are not limited to:
2.1 Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure,
noise, vibration, temperature, radiation
2.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites,
mites, molds, fungi, insects
2.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke,
gasses, vapors
2.4 Ergonomics
Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive
force, awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct
pressure, varying metabolic cycles
Physiological factors – monotony, personal
relationship, work out cycle
3. Contingency May include but are not limited to:
measures 3.1 Evacuation
3.2 Isolation
3.3 Decontamination
3.4 (Calling designed) emergency personnel
4. PPE May include but are not limited to:
4.1 Mask 4.5 Face mask/shield
4.2 Gloves 4.6 Ear muffs
4.3 Goggles 4.7 Reflectorized vest
4.4 Hard Hat 4.8 Safety shoes
4.9 Safety harness
5. Emergency-related 5.1 Fire drill
drills and training 5.2 Earthquake drill
5.3 Basic life support/CPR
5.4 First aid
5.5 Spillage control
5.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic
5.7 Disaster preparedness/management
6. OHS personal 6.1 Medical/Health records
records 6.2 Incident reports
6.3 Accident reports
6.4 OHS-related training completed
ELEMENT Italicized Bold terms are elaborated REQUIRED REQUIRED SKILLS
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE
4. Store
4.1. Care and maintenance of Effective ways to Handling and
drawings are undertaken catalogue and store storing of drawings
according to company technical drawings Scanning and
procedures. Manual methods of storing drawings in
4.2. Technical drawings are handling, storing and digital form
recorded and inventory is maintaining paper Matching
prepared in accordance with drawings specification details
company procedures. Storing drawing in digital with existing
4.3. Proper storage of instruments forms resources
is undertaken according to o Scanner Handling of drawing
company procedures. o CAD instruments
1. Technical drawings Technical drawings include the following but not
limited to:
1.1. Schematic diagrams
1.2. Charts
1.3. Block diagrams
1.4. Lay-out plans
1.5. Location plans
1.6. Process and instrumentation diagrams
1.7. Loop diagrams
1.8. System Control Diagrams
2.1. Length
2.2. Width
2.3. Height
2.4. Diameter
2.5. Angles
2. Assess own
2.1. Documentation relative to Safety and Carry out work in
quality within the company is environmental accordance with
identified and used aspects of production OHS policies
2.2. Completed work is checked processes and procedures
against workplace standards Fault identification
relevant to the task and reporting
undertaken Workplace procedure
2.3. Faulty pieces are identified in documenting
and isolated completed work
2.4. Information on the quality Workplace Quality
and other indicators of Indicators
production performance is
recorded in accordance with
workplace procedures
2.5. In cases of deviations from
specified quality standards,
causes are documented and
reported in accordance with
the workplace’ standards
operating procedures
1. Materials/components 1.1. Materials may include but not limited to:
1.1.1. wires
1.1.2. cables, soldering lead
1.1.3. electrical tape
1.2. Components may include but not limited to:
1.2.1. ICs
1.2.2. Diodes
4. Quality standards 4.1. Quality standards may relate but not limited to the
4.1.1. materials
4.1.2. component parts
4.1.3. final product
4.1.4. production processes
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in REQUIRED REQUIRED
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
1. Plan and
1.1. Materials are checked Use of tools Reading skills
according to specifications Use of test required to
prepare for
and tasks instruments/ interpret work
1.2. Appropriate tools and equipment instruction
connection of
equipment are selected Electrical theory Checking
according to tasks Principals of AC and materials for
requirements DC conformance to
s circuits
1.3. Task is planned to ensure OH & S guidelines and specifications
OH & S guidelines and procedures Checking existing
procedures are followed Basic electrical and and new
1.4. Electrical wiring/electronic electronic devices installation site for
circuits are correctly correct location
prepared for and specification
connecting/termination in
accordance with
instructions and work site
2. Terminate/
2.1. Safety procedures in using Wiring techniques Communication
tools are observed at all OH & S principles skills
times and appropriate Use of lead-free Marking, tagging
electrical wiring/
personal protective soldering technology and labeling
equipment are used Surface mount requirements for
2.2. Work is undertaken safely soldering techniques cables, wires,
in accordance with the Specifications and conductors and
workplace and standard methods for connections
procedures terminating different Soldering
2.3. Appropriate range of materials techniques
methods in termination/ Adjusting and
connection are used fixing wiring
according to specifications, supports
requirements and safety
2.4. Correct sequence of
operation is followed
2.5. Accessories used are
adjusted, if necessary
2.6. Confirmed
termination/connection is
undertaken successfully in
accordance with job
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in REQUIRED REQUIRED
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
3. Test
3.1. Testing of all completed AC and DC power Printed circuit
termination/ connections supplies board repair and
of electric wiring/electronic Uses of diagnostic techniques
connections of
circuits is conducted for equipment Electronic
electrical wiring/
compliance with Tests for wiring and assembly
specifications and connections functional and
regulations using Wiring support quality testing
appropriate procedures techniques and Testing of wiring
and equipment alternatives and connections
3.2. Wiring and circuits are for conformance
checked using specified to specification
testing procedures
3.3. Unplanned events or
conditions are responded
to in accordance with
established procedures
1. Materials 1.1 Materials included the following but not limited to:
1.1.1 Soldering lead
1.1.2 Cables
1.1.3 Wires
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on
installing electrical metallic and non-metallic conduit, wire
ways and cable clamp, auxiliary terminal cabinet and
distribution frame panel board/safety switch and used in
roughing-in based on the required performance standards.
1. Materials/components 1.1. Materials may include but not limited to:
1.1.1. wires
1.1.2. cables, soldering lead
1.1.3. electrical tape
1.2. Components may include but not limited to:
1.2.1. ICs
1.2.2. Diodes
4. Quality standards 4.1. Quality standards may relate but not limited to the
4.1.1. materials
4.1.2. component parts
4.1.3. final product
4.1.4. production processes
1. Metallic conduits/non- 1.1 Rigid Steel Conduits (RSC)
metallic conduit 1.2 Intermediate Metallic Conduit (IMC)
1.3 Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT)
1.4 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC)
2. Fittings 2.1 Condulets and Reducers
2.2 lock nut and bushing
2.3 Entrance cap
2.4 Nipple
2.5 Elbow
3. Accessories 2.1 Boxes
Utility Box
Junction Box
Pull box/Splice box
2.2 Conduit supports ( e.g. hangers )
2.3 Conduit Strap
2.4 Connectors (straight and angle)
4. Tools and equipment Including but not limited to:
3.1 Spirit level, hack saw, pipe cutter, plumb bob, pipe
reamer, pipe threader, pipe bender, bolt cutter,
electric drill
3.2 Electrical power tools
- Power drills
- Portable grinder
4. Installation 4.1 Electrical Metallic conduit
- Fitting/coupling/connector fully inserted and tightened
- Elbows with clamps/supports for mounting
- Conduit rigidly anchored to building structure
- Smooth field off-set bends
- Conduit bend not to exceed 90°
- Standard distance between supports
- Conduit ends reamed and without sharp edges
- Conduit cut to length requirement
4.2 Wire ways and cable tray
- Boxes plumb to ground and rigidly anchored to walls
building structure
- Conduit rigidly clamp to building structure
- Couplings fully inserted
- Ground wire bonding jumper each joint.
4.3 Auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution panel.
- Conduit ends reamed and cleaned of burrs and
rough edges
- Fitting fully inserted and applied with adhesive
- Conduit cut to length requirement
- PVC coupling with adhesive solvent
1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
of competency 1.1 Installed electrical metallic /non- metallic (PVC
1.2 Installed wire ways and cable tray
1.3 Installed auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution
1.4 Prepared for cable pulling and installation
1.5 Performed wiring and cabling lay out
1.6 Notified completion of work
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in REQUIRED REQUIRED
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
3. Test
3.1. Testing of all completed AC and DC power Printed circuit
termination/ connections supplies board repair and
of electric wiring/electronic Uses of diagnostic techniques
connections of
circuits is conducted for equipment Electronic
electrical wiring/
compliance with Tests for wiring and assembly
specifications and connections functional and
regulations using Wiring support quality testing
appropriate procedures techniques and Testing of wiring
and equipment alternatives and connections
3.2. Wiring and circuits are for conformance
checked using specified to specification
testing procedures
3.3. Unplanned events or
conditions are responded
to in accordance with
established procedures
1. Tools and equipment Tools and equipment may include but not limited
5.1 Pliers
5.2 Screwdrivers
5.3 Wrenches
5.4 Wire splicers
5.5 Electrician knives
5.6 electric drill
5.7 Ball hammer
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on
selecting and installing wiring devices, installing lighting
fixtures/switches and notifying completion of work of floor
and wall mounted outlets and auxiliary outlets.
2. Install wiring
2.1 Safety procedures are Installation Applying methods
devices procedures of and techniques in
followed based on safety
regulations various wiring various type of
2.2 Correct procedures for devices wiring devices
installation of wiring DOLE Department Checking and
devices are performed in Order No. 13 s. conforming the
line with job requirements 1998 Guidelines installation based
2.3 Schedule of work is followed Governing on job
based on agreed time, Occupational Safety requirement
quality standard and and Health in the
minimum wastage Construction
2.4 Further instructions are Industry
sought if unplanned PEC requirement
events or conditions occur regarding installation
2.5 On-going checking of quality of wiring devices
of work is done in
accordance with instructions
and requirements.
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on
installing electrical metallic and non-metallic conduit, wire
ways and cable clamp, auxiliary terminal cabinet and
distribution frame panel board/safety switch and used in
roughing-in based on the required performance standards.
1. Wiring devices and 1.1 Wiring devices
consumable items 1.1.1 Floor outlet
1.1.2 Ground fault current interrupting device
1.1.3 Grounding type convenience outlet
1.1.4 Light switches
1.2 Consumable items
1.2.1 Wire nut
1.2.2 Electrical tape
1.2.3 rubber tape
2. Tools and equipment 2.1 Pliers
2.2 Screwdrivers
2.3 Wire splicers
2.4 Electrician knives
3. Personal protective May include but not limited to:
equipment (PPE) 3.1 Working gloves
3.2 Safety shoes
3.3 Hard hat
4. Safety procedures Includes Safety procedures in:
4.1 Philippine Electrical Code
4.2 Safety standards
5. Installation of wiring 5.1 Horizontally and vertically aligned
devices 5.2 No gap between plate cover and wall
5.3 Wire cut to requirement
5.4 All bolts tightened for rigid mounting
6 Installation of lighting 6.1 Lamps
fixtures/switches - Horizontally aligned against wall
- No gap between ceiling and lighting fixture
- Wiring at junction box cut to requirement as
- Lamps securely mounted
6.2 Spotlights
- Horizontally aligned against wall
- No gap between ceiling and lighting fixture
- Wiring at junction box cut to requirement as
- Floodlights/spotlights securely mounted
6.3 Track Lights
- Wiring at junction box cut to requirement as
- Track light mounted securely
6.4 Perimeter Lighting
- Perimeter lighting installed as per plan/shop
- Foundation constructed as per plan
- Fixture wired and tested
- Fixture mounted to pole
Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units
of competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized.
To this end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to
accompany their curricula.
Course Description:
To complete the course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be
3. Practice career 3.1 Integrate personal Describe performance evaluation Group 2 Hours
professionalism objectives with Oral evaluation
goals Read:
o Work values and ethics (Code of Written
Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.) examination
o Understanding personal objectives
o Understanding organizational goals
Demonstrate Intra and Interpersonal skills at
Demonstration Observation
Demonstrate personal commitment in work
3.2 Set and meet Describe company policies, operations, Group 2 Hours
work priorities procedures and standards Oral evaluation
o Time Management
o Basic strategic planning concepts Lecture
o Resource utilization and management
1.3 Use appropriate Safety requirements in using electronics hand tools and Lecture / Written/Oral 2 hours
hand tools and test equipment Demonstration examination
test equipment. Familiarizing usage of electrical/electronic hand tools for Distance Practical
adjusting, dismantling, assembling, finishing, and cutting education demonstration
Processes, Operations, Systems Film Showing
o Proper usage and care of hand tools
o Types and uses of test equipment
Identification of common faults in the use of hand tools
Applying safety handling of hand tools and test equipment
Using appropriate hand tools and test equipment for the
job requirement
1.4 Maintain hand Safety requirements in maintenance of hand tools Lecture / Written/Oral 1 hours
tools Processes, Operations, Systems Demonstration examination
o Maintenance of tools Distance Practical
o Storage of hand tools education demonstration
Procedures in maintaining hand tools Film Showing
Applying 5S principles in maintenance of hand tools
Assessment Nominal
Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies
Methods Duration
1. Perform roughing- 1.1 Install electrical Interpret electrical wiring diagrams and Lecture Written test or 16 hours
in, wiring and metallic /non- mechanical drawings Demonstration examination
cabling works for metallic (PVC Identify proper usage and types of Modular (self- Direct
single-phase conduit) conduits, fittings in electrical installation. paced) observation and
distribution, power, Identify technique of installation and Dualized-training questioning
lighting and bending of conduit and fitting. PowerPoint/Video
auxiliary systems Demonstration
Apply proper usage of safety harness. presentation (able to impart
Interpret plan and details drawing. knowledge and
Practice proper handling of materials, skills)
tools and equipment
Project method
Practice procedure in proper bending of
conduits Practical Lab/
Practice procedure in Installing conduits Exercises
Perform the installation economically
1.2 Install wire ways and Identify use of materials, tools and Lecture Written test or 16 hours
cable tray equipment Demonstration examination
Interpret electrical/mechanical drawing Modular (self- Direct
Determine suitability for installation and paced) observation and
used of bus way, cable tray, fittings and Dualized-training questioning
panels, conformity with the provision of the PowerPoint/Video Demonstration
PEC Code. presentation (able to impart
Practice wire way and cable tray knowledge and
installation skills)
Practice proper use of safety harness
(PPE) Project method
Interpret technical plan Practical Lab/
Use effective communication skills Exercises
(written and oral )
Practice effective use of measuring tape
Perform the installation economically
1. Wiring devices and 1.1 Wiring devices
consumable items 1.1.1 Floor outlet
1.1.2 Ground fault current interrupting device
1.1.3 Grounding type convenience outlet
1.1.4 Light switches
1.2 Consumable items
1.2.1 Wire nut
1.2.2 Electrical tape
1.2.3 rubber tape
2. Tools and equipment 2.1 Pliers
2.2 Screwdrivers
2.3 Wire splicers
2.4 Electrician knives
3. Personal protective May include but not limited to:
equipment (PPE) 3.1 Working gloves
3.2 Safety shoes
3.3 Hard hat
4. Safety procedures Includes Safety procedures in:
4.1 Philippine Electrical Code
4.2 Safety standards
5. Installation of wiring 5.1 Horizontally and vertically aligned
devices 5.2 No gap between plate cover and wall
5.3 Wire cut to requirement
5.4 All bolts tightened for rigid mounting
6 Installation of lighting 6.1 Lamps
fixtures/switches - Horizontally aligned against wall
- No gap between ceiling and lighting fixture
- Wiring at junction box cut to requirement as
- Lamps securely mounted
6.2 Spotlights
- Horizontally aligned against wall
- No gap between ceiling and lighting fixture
- Wiring at junction box cut to requirement as
- Floodlights/spotlights securely mounted
6.3 Track Lights
- Wiring at junction box cut to requirement as
- Track light mounted securely
6.4 Perimeter Lighting
- Perimeter lighting installed as per plan/shop
- Foundation constructed as per plan
- Fixture wired and tested
- Fixture mounted to pole
2.4 Notify completion of Describe Processes, Operations Systems Lecture Written test or 4 hours
work o Maintenance of tools & materials Demonstration examination
o Storage of tools Modular (self- Direct
Check and conform the installation based paced) observation and
on job requirement Dualized-training questioning
Practice good housekeeping. Group discussion Demonstration
Perform commissioning activities (able to impart
knowledge and
Practical Lab/
3.4 Notify completion of Describe Processes, Operations, Systems Lecture Written test or 4 hours
work o Maintenance of tools Demonstration examination
o Storage of tools Modular (self- Direct
Check and conform the installation based paced) observation and
on job requirement Dualized-training questioning
Practice good housekeeping Group discussion Demonstration
Perform commissioning activities (able to impart
knowledge and
Practical Lab/
1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum and guided
by the principles of competency-based TVET.
2.3 Community-Based:
3. Practice career 3.1 Integrate personal Describe performance evaluation Group 2 Hours
professionalism objectives with Oral evaluation
goals Read:
o Work values and ethics (Code of Written
Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.) examination
o Understanding personal objectives
o Understanding organizational goals
Demonstrate Intra and Interpersonal skills at
Demonstration Observation
Demonstrate personal commitment in work
3.2 Set and meet Describe company policies, operations, Group 2 Hours
work priorities procedures and standards Oral evaluation
o Time Management
o Basic strategic planning concepts Lecture
o Resource utilization and management
4.1.3. Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic
and common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with
the core units.
4.1.4. The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:
Graduate of formal, non-formal and informal including enterprise-
based education/training programs/courses.
Experienced workers (wage employed or self-employed)
1.3 Use appropriate Safety requirements in using electronics hand tools and Lecture / Written/Oral 2 hours
hand tools and test equipment Demonstration examination
test equipment. Familiarizing usage of electrical/electronic hand tools for Distance Practical
adjusting, dismantling, assembling, finishing, and cutting education demonstration
Processes, Operations, Systems Film Showing
o Proper usage and care of hand tools
o Types and uses of test equipment
Identification of common faults in the use of hand tools
Applying safety handling of hand tools and test equipment
Using appropriate hand tools and test equipment for the
job requirement
1.4 Maintain hand Safety requirements in maintenance of hand tools Lecture / Written/Oral 1 hours
tools Processes, Operations, Systems Demonstration examination
o Maintenance of tools Distance Practical
o Storage of hand tools education demonstration
Procedures in maintaining hand tools Film Showing
Applying 5S principles in maintenance of hand tools
Participate in
Receive and Respond to Practice basic Work in a Team Practice career
Work with Others Demonstrate work values Workplace
Workplace Communication housekeeping procedures Environment professionalism
Practice occupational Develop and Practice Guide Effective Solutions Check and Develop the Use Relevant Technologies
Lead Workplace Lead Small Working
health and safety Negotiating Skills With to Problems Arising from Use of Mathematical Applicable to Assigned
Communication Teams
procedures Team Members Work Activities Concepts & Techniques Work
Lead in Utilizing Specialized Apply Problem Solving Plan and Organize Work
Assist in Developing Collect, analyze and Promote Environmental
Communication Skills Techniques in the for Several Working
Team and Individuals organize information Protection
Workplace Teams
Prepare and Interpret Perform Computer
Use Hand Tools Perform Mensuration and Calculation Apply Quality Standards
Technical Drawing Operations
Terminate and Connect Electrical Observe Procedures, Specifications and Maintain Tools and Equipment Test Electronic Components
Wiring and Electronic Circuits Manuals of Instructions
Prepare electrical Perform roughing-in Perform installation of Perform installation Perform installation Perform installation of Perform installation Perform commissioning on low
materials and tools activities for basic wiring devices for of wiring devices of basic electrical of basic auxiliary voltage electrical systems
electrical lay-out power, lights & lighting fixtures protection systems outlets and lighting
auxiliary outlets fixtures
Perform roughing-in activities wiring and Install electrical protective devices for Install wiring devices of floor and wall
cabling works for single-phase distribution distribution of power, lighting, auxiliary mounted outlets, lighting fixtures/switches
system, power, lighting and auxiliary. and to include lightning protection and and auxiliary outlet.
grounding systems
1) Technical Terms. All technical terms are used with meanings as defined
in the latest published edition of the Philippine Electrical Code, in
applicable laws, such as R.A. 7920 (The New Electrical Engineering Law),
and current electrical engineering practice.
2) Other Terms. All other terms are used as defined in applicable TESDA
o Curriculum and Training Aids Division