MBA TRM Curriculum
MBA TRM Curriculum
MBA TRM Curriculum
1. Philosophy
To develop and maintain Assumption University Graduate School of Tourism Management in order to
provide the best supply of systematically educated and highly trained tourism professionals for Thailand and
the international community and to engage in related research.
2. Objectives
(1) Will possess adequate knowledge of the principles and practices of tourism so as to succeed as a
manager in the tourism industry.
(2) Will become a problem solver with the ability to resolve all kinds of tourism industry dilemmas.
(3) Will have leadership abilities and qualities possessed by most successful global tourism industry
(4) Will have the knowledge and ability necessary to be an entrepreneur in the tourism industry.
3. Admission Qualifications
1. Candidates are required to hold a bachelor’s degree in Tourism or other related fields from an
accredited institution. Candidate does not hold the degree as specified, he/she will be requested
to enroll in foundation courses.
2. Candidates must have earned a G.P.A. of at least 2.5 on a scale of 4.0.
3. Candidates must have earned a score of 550 or above on the TOEFL or 6.0 or above on the
IELTS test; if not , they have to take the TOEFL or IELES test and obtain the specified score
before graduation.
4. Selection Criteria
There are three criteria in selecting the candidates, which are administered by the admission committee.
This refers to:
1. The evaluation of the candidate’s applications, transcripts, and experiences;
2. he entrance examination which aims to assess two major attributes necessary for the candidates
in their postgraduate study:
-English proficiency, and
-Knowledge of Business.
3. From the results obtained in (II), the candidates will be selected for an academic interview. This
means the candidates must also obtain a satisfactory result from their academic interview in
order to be admitted into the program.
1. Trimester System
Each academic year consists of three trimesters. The teaching and learning process of each
trimester takes 12 weeks.
2. Credit values
• Theoretical course: 12 hours of lecture / discussion carries the value of 1 credit.
• Independent study: 36 hours of study carries the value of 1 credit.
• Thesis: 45 hours of study carries the value of 1 credit.
6. Duration of Study
Students must complete all the requirements for the degree within 5 academic years from the first date
of enrollment.
7. Registration
8. Evaluation Criteria
1. Grading System
Letter grades are used to show the academic standing of all students with the following meanings
and values.
2. Course Evaluation
Evaluation of student’s performance in each course is based on:
A composite of final examination at the end of the trimester, assignments, tests and quizzes,
term projects or reports, and/or presentations.
Graduation Requirements
Assumption University confers the degree of Master of Business Administration (Tourism
Management) upon students who meet all the requirements as follows:
9. Curriculum
1. Number of Credits
The total number of credits of the program is 48 credits.
2. Curriculum Structure
3. Course Codes
- Number
5000 – 5999 stands for Foundation Courses
6000 – 6999 stands for Master’s Level Courses
7000 stands for Master Thesis Courses
4. Courses
Foundation Courses
Thesis 15 Credits
TR7000 Thesis 15(0 -0-45)
5. Study Plan
First Year
First Trimester
Course Code Course Title Credits
TR5800 Professional English for Tourism Business Non-credit
TR5801 Research Method for Tourism Non-credit
TR5901 Principles of Tourism and Hospitality Non-credit
TR5700 Foundation in Business Non-credit Non-credit
Total Non-credit
Second Trimester
Course Code Course Title Credits
TR6000 Managerial Accounting, Economics and
Financial Decision Making for Tourism 3(3-0-6)
TR6001 Sustainable Tourism Development 3(3-0-6)
TR6103 Tourism Business Management and Ethics 3(3-0-6)
TR6104 Human Resources Management for
Tourism Organization 3(3-0-6)
Total 12(12-0-24)
Third Trimester
Course Code Course Title Credits
TR6107 Marketing Management for Tourism 3(3-0-6)
TR6109 International Tourism and Its Environment 3(3-0-6)
Elective Course 3(3-0-6)
Elective Course 3(3-0-6)
Total 12(12-0-24)
Second Year
First Trimester
Course Code Course Title Credits
TR6110 Tourism Policy and Public Planning 3(3-0-6)
TR6111 Information Technology and
E-Commerce for Tourism 3(3-0-6)
TR6108 Strategic and Quality Management
for Tourism and Hospitality 3(3-0-6)
TR6990 Independent Study I (Non-Thesis Option) 3(0-0-9)
TR7000 Master’s Thesis (Thesis Option) 3(0-0-9)
Total (Thesis Option) 12(9-0-27)
Total (Non-Thesis Option) 12(9-0-27)
Second Trimester
Course Code Course Title Credits
TR7000 Master’s Thesis (Thesis Option) 12(0-0-36)
TR6991 Independent Study II – Industry Project
(Non-Thesis Option) 3(0-0-9)
Three Elective Courses (Non-Thesis Option) 9(9-0-18)
Total (Thesis Option) 12(0-0-36)
Total (Non-Thesis Option) 12(9-0-27)
6. Course Description
Foundation Courses
This course consists of the essentials of management including an examination of the following functions:
planning, organizing and staffing, leading, controlling, and coordinating. Also included is a concise
overview of the basic marketing concepts of product, price, promotion and distribution. The last part of
the course is devoted to the basic finance concepts which include financial management, institutions, and
Students will be prepared to possess professional and efficient English communicative skills essential for
both their studies and career in the tourism industry. Students will learn how to speak, write, read and
listen with the applications of tourism business. Essential vocabulary for hospitality/travel/tourism will
also be introduced to the students.
This course aims to prepare students to possess necessary skills in undertaking their research at a
postgraduate level. These skills are academic writing, computer literacy, and some basic research skills.
Various research studies will be presented to the students in order to familiarize them with the current
research issues and methodologies used in the tourism industry.
Several approaches are introduced to students in explaining the relevant components and the
phenomenon of the tourism industry. Historical and contemporary development of tourism are discussed.
Contemporary research on quality service and tourist/guest expectation are reviewed and examined. The
course will also include some site visits, for example famous tourist attractions in the country,
problematic resort areas, or interesting international hotel/travel/tourism organizations to familiarize
students with the current practices of the industry.
Required Courses
This course presents managerial concepts tourism industry besides discussing the demand and supply
from the tourism economics point of view, the issues of externalities, multiplier effects and forecasting
are emphasized. Issues of portfolio management, foreign direct investment (FDI), and some basic
principles of tourism financial point of view are also included.
The practices of tourism in the third world countries are studied. This will include a careful examination of
the tourism development as well as its impact to the host country in terms of ecological/environmental,
social, cultural, and economical perspective. Different approaches for understanding tourism development
and its sustainability are examined. Appropriate case studies are selected to relate students to the current
issues of sustainable tourism development in the third world countries.
This course aims to provide students with various theories of management for both the organization and
those who work in it. For organization management aspect, different organization structures and their
essential archetypes appropriate for tourism are examined. For human resources management aspect,
the social psychological foundations for understanding individual and-or group of people who work in
organization are investigated. The issues of ethics in conducting the business in the industry are also
discussed through appropriate case studies.
Students will be presented with techniques and methodologies to plan, organize and control the human
resources in the tourism organization. The practices of recruiting, training, compensation provision,
promoting, health and safety provision, and employee relations are reviewed from both domestic and
international perspective. Appropriate approaches to manage and maintain expatriate staff are discussed.
The emphasis of the course is placed on the comparison of the practices of the domestic and
international human resources management
The principles and practices of marketing in the tourism industry are presented. Besides placing the
emphasis of the course on the appropriate approach to market the tourism product, the course also
compares and contrasts the unique approach of tourism marketing to the classical marketing principles.
The course will also introduce systematic approach in undertaking marketing research for the tourism
product. Case studies are used to illustrate the applications of tourism marketing approach appropriate
for organizations in the industry at various stages-domestic, international, and global. The roles of
information technology on tourism are also investigated
The issues of formulating the organization's strategic planning are emphasized. The components of the
strategic plan for tourism and hospitality business, for example, the vision, mission, objectives, tactical
and operational goals, are examined. The principles of quality management are also introduced. Useful
international quality standards, for example, ISO standards and appropriate approaches to maintain
quality will be discussed as tools for achieving competitiveness, and cost efficient in managing the
processes of producing or maintaining the resources for the tourism industry.
The international issues governing the tourism industry are examined. This includes the preliminary
studies of international policy, law and regulations which support or constrain the tourism business. The
course involves the study of the roles and functions of the international tourism organizations. Issues
related to transportation management, for example, the airlines industry are discussed. Principles and
practices of related laws and regulations of tourism in Thailand are also introduced.
Besides introducing students to the roles and forms of the National Tourism Organizations, and Tourism
Authority of Thailand, this course also examines the planning methodologies for tourism. Such
methodologies include study preparation, determination of objectives, survey of relevant elements,
analysis and synthesis, policy and plan formulation, and implementation and monitoring. The course
focuses on the tourism private and public planning at a local, regional and national level. The principles of
sustainable tourism development are re-examined. Case studies drawn from different countries on their
tourism planning approaches are also employed to relate students to the current issues at a national and
an international level.
Elective Courses
Interrelated issues which motivate and influence tourism to visit a destination are examined. Emphasis
will be placed on sociological and psychological factors, social groups, demographic variables, social class,
and culture on the formation of tourist attitudes, consumption and purchasing behavior. The course
Assumption University Graduate Studies
proposes several approaches, qualitative and quantitative, to both understand and examine the behavior
of the tourists.
This course elaborates one of the most important functions of human resources management
educating/training staff in the tourism organization. At the macro level, educational principles that explain
appropriate approaches and methodologies for educating adults are examined. Issues of vocational
education related to tourism business are also discussed. At the micro level, the principles of organizing
appropriate and efficient training program or learning activity for the staff's expected behavior in the
tourism organization are also included.
This course examines the components of the tourism product of Thailand through a systematic study.
This will include the examination of Thailand's geographical/ environmental, historical, and social/cultural
dimensions of tourism. The course aims to develop students to possess profound knowledge of the
tourism products of the country. Field trips are arranged for students to experience the actual products.
This course focuses on the applications of the principles of sustainable development on the tourism
industry. Students are required to select at least two tourist destinations and make an analysis to
compare and contrast the practices of sustainable tourism development. Besides the review of related
literature, first-hand information is required.
Issues on international hospitality and hotel management are discussed. The management techniques
appropriate for hospitality and hotel management are examined. This will include, for example, the
management of hotel, food and beverage operations, convention, exposition, recreation, and
entertainment. The use of yield management is investigated. The emphasis of the course is laced on the
research and management techniques for quality service. The principles of international quality standards
are also discussed in detail.
This course aims to prepare students for an academic career or further studies in business and tourism.
The course will discuss extensively on current researches in the field, and provide students with
knowledge and understanding on business and tourism research as a multidiscipline area of study.
Students will be given opportunities to apply different disciplines or perspectives in analyzing the
literature in the field. Students are also encouraged to submit their research paper for publication.
A comparative study of various approaches to developing governmental tourism policies. This includes
discussion on the economic, social and environmental impacts of national and international policies.
Tourism policy case studies of Southeast Asian country’s experience with tourism are employed to relate
students to current tourism issues at a national and international level. The course also includes field
study, for example, visits to national and international tourism policy-making organizations which allow
students to familiarize themselves with current policies in the tourism industry.
Profit maximization on scarce resources in the tourism industry requires the mastery of techniques taught
and practiced in this course and applied to published case. The techniques range from foreign exchange
risk analysis and exposure management, financial statement analysis to capital budgeting and optimizing
the enterprise's capital structure. While the first half of each class is directed toward discussion of the
underlying theory, the second half is applied to working problems in preparation of the midterm and final
Topics selected by the instructor with an overview of cultural heritage management and worldwide
perspective service issues will be discussed and examined include ethics, professional responsibility,
management of indigenous, historical sites, physical protection methods.
This course aims at familiarizing students with European and American cultures, and their main cultural
attractions and festivals, so that students would be able to create outbound cultural tours to countries in
Europe and America, and to gain deep understanding and appreciation of various cultures and sub-
cultures of peoples in such countries, to enable them to promote various tourism products in international
tourism markets, as well as to interact with peoples of those cultures smoothly and successfully. On-site
education by organizing field trips and conducting some parts of the course on specific chosen
destinations would be conducted to enable students to gain first-hand experiences.
This course aims at familiarizing students with cultures of countries in Latin America and Africa, and their
cultural attractions and festivals, so that students would be able to create outbound cultural tours to
such countries, and to gain deep understanding and appreciation of various cultures and sub-cultures of
peoples in such counties, to enable them to promote various tourism products in international tourism
markets, as well as to interact with peoples of those cultures smoothly and successfully. On-site
education by organizing field trips and conducting some parts of the course on specific chosen
destinations would be conducted to enable students to gain first-hand experiences.
This course emphasizes the principles and techniques of, as well as explores the opportunities in, creating
and developing new tourism products in the various sectors of the tourism industry—tourists destinations
and attractions for domestic as well as international tourism markets; new types of accommodation,
resorts, mountain chalets, jungle rafts, jungle cabins, guest houses and camping grounds; sightseeing
and cruising companies; ethic restaurants and new forms of entertainment for changing consumer
behaviors; gifts, souvenirs, and shopping complexes for tourists; other special tourism products for niche
markets, adventure tours, home stay, farm stay, agro-tourism, historical tourism, educational tourism, etc.
Project works would be assigned for students to create and develop new tourism products for domestic
and/or international tourism markets.
This course examines one of the fastest growing areas within the tourism sector. This includes how Niche
tourism represents diversity and ways of making differences. To provide integrated picture of specialty
/niche tourism as a whole, looking at both the ‘macro’ and ‘micro’ niche area and the study of
international cases to emphasize the links to practice. To cover variety of aspects of special interest
tourism, the study of tradition and culture-based tourism, activity-based tourism and the future of niche
tourism will also be emphasized. Potential and practice of niche tourism in Thai tourism context is also
This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding of crisis management, risk
communications, media relations in the context of tourism. They will examine what a crisis is, types of
crises, crisis models, anatomy of a crisis, Crisis Management Team (CMT), crisis response, and crisis
recovery. Real-life case illustrations, practical exercises and simulations will be used to give students an
interactive experience and a realistic understanding of the limitations and opportunities that arise in high-
pressure crisis management situations. Emphasis will be placed on various types of crises hospitality and
tourism managers face today. In addition they will address the causes, consequences, and stages of
tourism crises. From here they will investigate the use of crisis management teams (CMTs) (i.e., how and
why they are effective in helping organizations cope with the crisis. Students will work as a team to
develop a tourism-specific crisis management plan for analysis and discussion, and will also have the
opportunity to hone their communications skills by participating in practice media interviews during in-
class sessions.
The characteristics and appropriate management approaches for organizing hallmark events and
conferences are examined. The impact of such events are also discussed. Students taking this course are
required to organize a project which demonstrates their understanding on the principles of hallmark
event and conference management.
This course combines economic theory with the application of economic analysis. It provides the
analytical tools necessary to choose among alternatives in solving business problems with economic
decision-making in the light of recent trends. It includes business cases, discussion, questions and
This course aims at producing students with a framework of financial analysis and management. Topics
include working capital management, long-term asset management, short-term financing, long-term
financing, capital structure, dividend policy and the cost of capital. The course emphasizes major
activities of the chief financial executives.
Each student will undertake research into an approved topic in the relevant field. Supervision will be
arranged with expert faculty. Regular conferencing will be required
Independent Study
This course aims to provide students who choose the non-thesis option to undertake a research study of
their interests. The study has to be validated and reliable in terms of literature analysis, research
methodology, research findings, and recommendation. First-hand information is required besides an
extensive review of literature.